Lady Thatcher’s Funeral Service

I have been asked to write a few words about the funeral of Margaret Thatcher.

The service was Christian, emotional and beautifully executed. The hymns were well known and sung with enthusiasm. The readings were well done by her granddaughter and the Prime Minister. The Bishop of London gave a great address, as he sought to square the dead lady’s wishes for no eulogies with the need of all watching to hear something of Margaret’s life and personality.

For me the greatest pleasure came from the support of so many who turned out to line the streets, and who clapped and spoke of her life and work.
I found it a profoundly moving experience. There in the cathedral were friends and opponents, contemporaries and people who never worked with her or knew her, united in a common wish to recognise her achievement as the first woman Prime Minister, the three times election winner, the valiant warrior for freedom who helped create the conditions for the liberation of Eastern Europe.


  1. Bernard JUBY
    April 19, 2013

    We watched the service on computer. It was good to see so many out in the streets quietly applauding as the gun-carriage passed by.
    The Bishop’s address was particularly well-judged.
    All in all very moving and done in a style that the British do so well. We were very moved.
    P.S. We looked for you in the congregation but couldn’t find you – although we did spot several Margaret back-stabbers there!

    Reply I was there

  2. Christopher Ekstrom
    April 20, 2013

    A nice summary. England showed its love & appreciation. The misfits (opponents-ed) were drowned out by the wonderful cheers & clapping. Our magnificent Christian heritage & stout military were on display. Lady Thatcher’s granddaughter did well & read a passage from Esphasians that spoke to any fool damning the Iron Lady; a few traitorous fools in attendance. Just politicians, you say. No: snakes who will face their Final Judgment; smiles wiped from faces…RIP Lady Thatcher. Job well done!!!

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