Wokingham Post Office

I have received this letter from the Minister regarding the move of Wokingham Post Office. I will be taking up her offer of a further meeting.


  1. Cliff. Wokingham
    June 11, 2019

    Sir John
    It did seem odd to see the Post Office close down lunch time on Wednesday, only to the open on Thursday morning with new contractors
    I do not feel reassured by the minister’s reply given that there is only a fixed amount of space in WH Smith’s shop, and should the PO need to expand, which is likely, there is no room to expand into
    I wonder how the non delivered mail and parcel collection services will work. I cannot see RM keeping the whole building open just for that and I know that they won’t want the public walking around their yard again.
    I hope they won’t expect us to go to Winnersh triangle for such services.

    Thank you for your efforts Sir John

  2. Linda
    June 12, 2019

    We have a post office located in WH Smiths since February 2019. Before that it was in the Co-OP until it closed, where it worked reasonably well but the PO made all the experienced staff redundant. When opened in Smiths they could not find experienced staff consequently often only 1 or 2 of the 4 desks are open and of late I have never seen the 2 self service posts open. It seems without an independent post office life will never be the same.

  3. Alan Jutson
    June 13, 2019

    Planned with the current level of population ?
    When we know Wokingham is building another 850 houses per year for the next 15 years.
    Still keeping the old building, so no cost savings on that expense then,.
    Really, for how long before that moves or closes.
    Guess parcels will go to Winnersh Triangle where they have a depot eventually (thus more car journeys)
    They did the paperwork bit and went through a so called consultation, ignored all of the evidence, and then did what they wanted to do anyway, a familiar story.

    Thanks for trying John.

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