Meeting with West Berkshire Health CCG


           I had a meeting to get up to date with the progress in introducing the new Clinical Commissioning Group for West Berkshire. The people in charge of it will have a £690m budget next year to pay for the health care the people within the West Berkshire health area need. The CCG includes Wokingham and West Berkshire Council areas.

           We discussed the need for timely and high quality care and treatment, the provision of services in the community for those discharged from hospital, care for the elderly, service to help those with long term chronic conditions, relationships with local Councils and their Social Service departments and the use and control of pharmaceuticals.

           We considered the aftermath of the Staffordshire Inquiry findings, how NHS management can ensure good quality care, record keeping and technology, and the patient experience. I explained that I would wish to refer any  complaints to the relevant surgery or hospital, as I have done in the past, to hear the other side of the case. There needs to be a fair and independent way of enquiring into disputed matters under the new regime.