Tax credits

I received a number of constituency emails urging the government not to go ahead with the planned cuts in tax credits. I spoke in favour of ensuring people were better off as a result of tax and benefit changes in the Budget debate, followed that up with conversations and blogs, and lobbied the Chancellor to drop his proposals. So did others.
I am pleased to report that he has cancelled all the cuts, so your representations have worked.


  1. Narrow Shoulders
    November 27, 2015

    Cowardice. A phased introduction would have been appropriate and less risk to future spending commitments.

    This approach will need to be reviewed when tax takings are not as high as forecast.

    Let us not ignore that tax credits subsidise many immigrant families on low wages who might otherwise not be drawn to the UK. Our tax subsidises big business and Eastern European economies

  2. Paul Robson
    November 27, 2015

    I’m afraid I think this is rank cowardice.

    Some people are very obviously gaming the system. (Gives e.g.s alleging people gaming the system to qualify for tax credits ed)
    no definition of the word is this “hard working”. It is pretending to work to get tax credits.

    Tax credits encourage people to “work” up to a certain level, at which point they are far better off not working. These are not “hard working people”.

    I was also infuriated by the lies told by lefties (don’t know why I should be surprised by this) who repeatedly misquoted DC quite blatantly.

    The mistake George Osborne made was not fading them in. It is like the max two children child benefit argument ; it is an excellent idea, but it isn’t reasonable to apply it retrospectively.

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