My Response to the Consultation on Aviation 2050

Response to the consultation on Aviation 2050

Dear Minister

I write about the lamentable lack of control over noise from flights into and out of Heathrow over my constituency, and the past change to routes. These did considerable damage by raising noise levels and undermining trust in the regulatory authorities. In 2014 without any consultation NATs narrowed the Compton Gate , denied there had been changes and then said we had to put up with them. The more concentrated flight paths have caused considerable nuisance to constituents. Some flights have also seemed to be lower and noisier than they should be.

I welcome any attempt to rectify this unfriendly approach to neighbours to Heathrow. I welcome various developments which could reduce noise levels in future and recommend you give them priority.

1 Eliminating stacks by slowing planes on their route to the Uk so they can land when they arrive.
2.Using higher flight paths so planes stay higher for longer
3 Regulating and managing noisy planes out of the fleets
4. Encouraging systems at airports which reward quiet flyers
5.Low power low drag systems to reduce noise
6. Minimising routes over built up areas

As you introduce Performance based navigation it is most important to us that you offer several routes to provide respite. No-one wishes to live under a newly imposed motorway in the sky always in operation.

Yours sincerely

The Rt Hon Sir John Redwood MP, D.Phil, FCSI


  1. Narrow Shoulders
    January 12, 2019

    A good speech Sir John but the dogmatic pro-EU camp in the house and elsewhere will not have listened.

    Those who believe in EU membership are zealous in the conviction and treat the alter at Brussels like a religion that can not be questioned. EU agnostics and atheists will never turn then into non believers however good the argument.

    Like Sunnis and shias, Catholics and protestants Hindus and Buddhists, never the Twain shall meet.

    Unfortunately for the non believers the zealots are in charge. Time for a Luther, Calvin or Zwingli?

    1. Narrow Shoulders
      January 12, 2019

      Responded to the wrong blog post. Sorry

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