More jobs in the UK and wages rising

The February figures show the UK economy generated another additional 179,000 jobs. Wages rose by 3.5%, usefully ahead of prices. This all occurred against a backdrop of Italy in recession and the German economy stuttering badly.
All those commentators who wrongly ascribe any bad economic news to Brexit should be rushing to thank Brexit for this good news.


  1. Alan Jutson
    April 16, 2019

    Amazing how we keep on pushing forward despite politicians project fear and the media bias.

    Just wait until we do eventually get some poor figures, and it will happen given time and economic cycles, all the defeatists will claim they were right all along.

  2. Edwardm
    April 16, 2019

    Because of Brexit prospects and despite Phil Hammond

    1. Mitchel
      April 16, 2019

      Andrew Neil’s take on the figures(via twitter):

      “Despite new record high in employment and nominal pay rising 3.5% year on year,real earnings are still lower than before 2008/9 recession (after taking inflation into account).Unprecedented after 10 years of unspectacular but consistent growth.”

      1. miami.mode
        April 16, 2019

        That would tend to suggest that in the few years prior to 2008 economics got somewhat out of control, with a dose of realism to follow. Who would have thought it with Gordon Brown in charge?

        In many parts of the country house prices are just coming back to their 2007 level.

        1. Fred H
          April 16, 2019

          Exactly. A benefits culture designed to buy future votes, economic mishandling, and a gigantic war chest found from nowhere to fight Blair’s ‘christian war’ that has bred terrorists like there is no tomorrow. We are still sorting out the issues they created.

      2. libertarian
        April 16, 2019

        I told Neil this on his twitter account

        Its the COST of employment that has gone up faster than wages, its the extra taxes and regulatory costs that has taken the money

        This Tory government has been a disaster for business, with more and more regulation, taxes, bans etc . They have systematically attacked SME’s the very people who despite this keep creating jobs

        The Tory party should never be allowed near government again

        1. Lifelogic
          April 17, 2019

          Indeed, but the alternative of Corbyn SNP is even worse.

        2. hans christian ivers
          April 17, 2019


          We are getting very excited in our old age, maybe, it is time to retire

    2. Lifelogic
      April 16, 2019

      Indeed and this despite the highest and most idiotic taxes for nearly 70 years, the expensive green crap energy, endless government waste, project fear endlessly talking the economy down, the Corbyn threat (augmented by the visionless robotic May), the second rate health service, the circa 50% of worthless degrees, the endless government incompetence, red tape and waste and May’s total and utter treachery.

  3. Peter Whipp
    April 16, 2019

    Do not hold your breath !!

  4. a-tracy
    April 16, 2019

    A headline today also said: THE UK has been named as the world’s top investment hotspot for businesses despite being in the midst of Brexit uncertainty.

    Its almost as though we’re better off with our parliament completely consumed with Brexit and leaving the people to get on with life.

    1. EUBanana
      April 16, 2019

      This will be studied, like the Woodrow Wilson recession after WW1 where he was too sick to do anything and everything miraculously recovered.

    2. Mark B
      April 16, 2019

      Shhhh ! They’re not supposed to know. !


    3. Julie Dyson
      April 16, 2019

      Another bit of news today (just not spread much here in the UK) is that Nissan are cutting jobs at their Spanish plants, on top of the 5,000 Ford have already announced are to go in Germany.

      All the fault of Brexit, no doubt, since recent car factory losses here in the UK were all down to our Leave vote… Ho hum.

      Britain is doing great. If only our politicians had the same faith in our country as the British people do… or do they perhaps lack faith in themselves? After all, whilesoever we’re tied to the EU they can always pass the buck if (or more likely, when) it all hits the fan.

      1. Lifelogic
        April 16, 2019

        The car demand problems are caused by people sitting on their hands as electric cars still do not yet have the range, charging speeds, infrastructure and flexibility and are way too expensive. But why buy a new diesel or petrol if you will shortly be banned from some places or taxes to death.

        Best to run the old banger a bit longer until the new technology works and get s cheaper.

        1. Mike Wilson
          April 16, 2019

          Surely electric cars are just more green crap.

          1. Know-Dice
            April 17, 2019

            Sarcasm ? 🙂

            Battery technology is not there yet for full roll-out to the general population. Sure electric vehicles in cities could be a good idea, if you can find some way of charging them with on-street and communal parking.

            Currently it seems like delivery of Lithium-Ion batteries is on long lead time, probably due to the automotive industry sucking them all up.

    4. Les
      April 16, 2019

      I hope that you will allow this slightly off-topic comment.
      Against the background of how truly serious the national government issues are now … I had a little chuckle, hearing of the potential demise of the 2 party balance, is the greasy pole which boris has been trying to climb being removed? 🙂

    5. Iain Moore
      April 17, 2019

      Yes I came to conclusion recently as well, which means if we want Brexit we need to find something to occupy our politicians time, they do like their holidays so may be we should send them off on a long long holiday, like two years, and then place Brexit in the hands of some private sector negotiators.

  5. Polly
    April 16, 2019

    Globalism: No more frontiers. These are the voyages of the Starship Globalize. Its globalist mission: to abolish European countries into EU rule. To seek out independent civilizations and bring all within UN power. To boldly control the world for multi billion dollar profits as it has never been controlled before !

    1. NickC
      April 16, 2019

      Beware the Klingons!! May klings on to power here, whilst Juncker, Selmayr and all the other self-appointed eurocrats kling on to power there. We need to boldly go out of the EU.

      1. Billy Elliot
        April 16, 2019

        “Self-appointed Juncker”. Lol. NickC Seriously. He was voted by EU council and approved by the European Parlament. Btw Cameron was a candidate as well but lost 26-2 to Juncker. Wonder what would the situation be if Cameron would have won?

  6. agricola
    April 16, 2019

    If only the majority of parliamentarians were half as competent as the job creators we would not be where we are. MPs should prove their abilities inthe real world before being allowed anywhere near decion making re the nations future.

  7. Merlin
    April 16, 2019

    I agree. The U.K economy is doing well because we are still in the European Union.

    1. Julie Dyson
      April 16, 2019

      And the fact that much of the rest of the EU is doing terribly in comparison is because…?

      1. Merlin
        April 16, 2019

        And the fact that much of the E.U is doing better than us by comparison is …?

        In truth, it is because the E.U contains two dozen odd countries which are very different – so I’m not sure these general statements are helpful.

        1. Narrow Shoulders
          April 17, 2019

          That really is trying to have it both ways Merlin

    2. Mike Wilson
      April 16, 2019

      Let’s try leaving to prove your theory.

  8. Richard1
    April 16, 2019

    Perhaps businesses are anticipating a new PM, new impetus for free market pro-business policies, general election, lifting of the threat of Marxism?

    Certainly there needs to be a public enquiry into the various iterations of project fear, with institutions of the public sector employed to manipulate public opinion on the basis of falsehoods.

  9. Lucas
    April 16, 2019

    No need to thank Brexit for anything because it’s not going to happen the way you would like..the people who know about these things have a lot more sense.

    1. Mike Wilson
      April 16, 2019

      The people who know about these things ….

      That made me laugh out loud.

  10. hans christian ivers
    April 16, 2019

    Sir JR.

    Interesting perspective but note very valid , but we are of course all happy for good economic news

  11. Nicholas Murphy
    April 16, 2019

    More proof that our economy is strong enough to absorb any short-term, post-Brexit shocks.

  12. Ian
    April 16, 2019

    Well said Agricola

  13. Ian wragg
    April 16, 2019

    And May continues to cling on to power.
    Someone branded her an outlaw. Very apt.

  14. Dominic
    April 16, 2019

    Of course the startling dichotomy is that we’re still members of the EU which then begs the following question. Are current economic circumstances politically manufactured or are we seeing genuine apolitical economic growth as a result of productivity and a culture that encourages entrepreneurial drive? Very odd considering we’re constantly being told uncertainties caused by faux Brexit is damaging growth.

    Nothing is real any more and it’s almost impossible to distinguish between fact or fiction due to suffocating Europhile and left wing political propaganda

  15. Peter VAN LEEUWEN
    April 16, 2019

    Congratulations on your economic performance (almost as good as the Netherlands 🙂 )

    Off-topic: I was surprised by the overwhelming and continuous attention for the Notre Dame in the UK media! It appears that Britain is part of European culture and heritage after all. So, when you’ll return to the EU in 20 years from now (with a reinvented democratic system) you’ll be very welcome indeed. 🙂

    1. Ed Mahony
      April 16, 2019


      Sorry, but this is a silly comment.

      It is NOT an either OR argument (it is NOT we either have strong relations with Europe or not at all).

      Rather, it’s a question of each country enjoying its own Sovereignty (outside Single Market and Customs Union) for both ETHICAL and PRACTICAL reasons and as European countries have enjoyed for hundreds of years ….

      … AND AT THE SAME TIME, it’s about European countries having excellent relations with each other (BUT OUTSIDE a Single Market and Customs Union) in terms of Trade, Security and Culture (and even Military if you like where we train together and share resources, to a degree, BUT always as Sovereign Nations with Separate Armies) …

      Educated, cultured, wise and open-minded Europeans throughout the history of Europe – when each country was Sovereign – have had close relations in terms of Trade, Security / Military and Culture in some shape or form and in different ways at different times in history. It is NOT something new. It can be done again. Just as Sovereignty for each nation can be achieved …

      … Saying all that, it’s one matter to have the GOAL of Sovereignty (which I believe makes the most Ethical and Practical sense). It’s another matter how this goal is achieved. And this must be done in the right way. Firstly, out of respect to the solemnity and sacredness of Sovereignty. And Secondly, for practical reasons (because the Ends do NOT justify the Means – and not just in an ethical sense but also in a practical sense – bad practises or taking short cuts can work – to a degree – in the short-term but they often back-fire but practices or taking short-cuts ALWAYS back-fire in the long-term, whether that be a few years or decades or generations – therefore Brexit MUST be built on strong structure – concrete – in terms of planning and vision – not on sand).

      1. Peter VAN LEEUWEN
        April 16, 2019

        These sovereign countries kept having wars with each other. Only with the construction of the EU a long 70y period of peace proved possible between those inside the EU.
        You may leave, but you cannot prescribe to us (EU27) that we should not have our Single market, custom union etc. They have served us well.

        Reply What about the EU’s interventions in the Balkans and Ukraine? Those were nasty wars

        1. David Price
          April 17, 2019

          I do not wish us to dictate how you organise your affairs, if only you euphilics showed the same respect for us.

          Howver, if you adopt anti-competitive and discriminatory practices then don’t be surprised if they are reciprocated.

        2. Ed Mahony
          April 17, 2019


          ‘These sovereign countries kept having wars with each other. Only with the construction of the EU a long 70y period of peace proved possible between those inside the EU.’

          – This is an over-simplistic argument i think.

          Countries in the old days had wars for a variety of reasons – often powerful individuals, such as Napoleon, exerting their power over others which is near impossible to do now in modern democracy except – God forbid – our continent fell into a serious economic depression and then anything is possible. But I fail to see how the EU would necessarily mitigate that (the existence of the EU depends on a certain level of prosperity and stability in our continental and world economy.

          Again, I am NOT criticising close relations with Europe (but as long as we are outside the single market and customs union). All I am standing up for is that Sovereignty in itself is ethical and practical (and yes people can manipulate it – just as anyone can manipulate any system including the EU). Which is one reason I take so seriously the importance of Divine Law. That unless people follow it, then chaos follows – at every level of society – from government down to those being governed. But that’s my personal opinion and I do not want to impose that on others.

          Lastly, I’m also arguing that in order to gain Sovereignty, we must do so in the right way (the ends do not justify the means – that is an equally important argument – a chaotic departure from the EU could end with real unintended consequences – which is why proper planning and vision is paramount – just like a big project in business, science or the military).

        3. Peter VAN LEEUWEN
          April 17, 2019

          Reply to reply: Not to mention the intervention in Iraq, which you voted for. What you mention wre no EU interventions (the EU doesn’t even have an army) and none of these countries, Iraq, Balkans, Ukraine were inside the EU.

          1. Edward2
            April 17, 2019

            That’s not correct.
            European nations has troops involved and under UN colours too.

    2. Ed Mahony
      April 16, 2019

      Also Notre Dame is a great symbol of what is great about Sovereignty / Europe:

      – Sovereignty – Notre Dame was built by Sovereign Kings and existed mainly under Sovereign rulers.

      – European – Notre Dame was built by craftsmen from all over Europe.

      Also, Notre Dame was where Joan of Arc was beatified. Joan of Arc representing so well sense of Patriotism that goes with Sovereignty

      And Notre Dame is very much tied up with Saint King Louis IX of France. Europe – whether within the EU or outside it – ALWAYS needs good, honest and noble-in-spirit political leaders like Saint King Louis IX of France to work well – both as a Geographical Area and Independent Sovereign Nations.

      And let’s not forget Notre Dame was built on a solid structure and vision ..

    3. Fred H
      April 16, 2019

      Peter. How on earth could you be surprised. What a shallow snide remark.

    4. Anonymous
      April 16, 2019

      Another Remain supporter who does not know the difference between the EU and Europe.

      1. Peter VAN LEEUWEN
        April 16, 2019

        @Anonymous: I’m not a remain supported (rather agnostic about it but leaning towards you leaving) and I do know the difference of course. But the EU has already very become rather synonym to Europe.

        1. Ed Mahony
          April 17, 2019


          ‘has already very become rather synonym to Europe’

          – There are good aspects of the EU – but if those aspects didn’t involve a single market and customs union.

          For me, ‘synonym to Europe’ is things like Notre Dame which was built by craftsmen from all over Europe, or Oxford that throughout its history and in particular during its early history had scholars teaching from all over Europe, or the swapping of ideas within Europe during the Renaissance, or when countries came together to defeat Napoleon and Hitler, and things like the Hanseatic League.

          Basically, if Europe had leaders like Saint King Louis IX of France (famously associated with Notre Dame Cathedral), then Europe would be completely at peace and amazing – and sovereign! It’s ultimately down to the individuals not the systems in place – except that Sovereignty itself makes more ethical and practical sense than not.

    5. Lifelogic
      April 16, 2019

      We love Europe just hate the anti-democratic EU and what the EU is doing to Europe. As indeed do most sensible people in France, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain and many other EU countries.

      1. Peter VAN LEEUWEN
        April 16, 2019

        @Lifelogic: The Eu is far away but not antidemocratic.

        1. Know-Dice
          April 17, 2019

          It’s undemocratic from the top i.e. the EU Commissioners & Presidents who voted for them – certainly not the general population?

          Only the chickens in the EU Parliament have been elected.

          But, also in the UK we are undemocratic in that only the people of Maidenhead & some Conservative MPs voted for Mrs May 🙁

    6. Mike Wilson
      April 16, 2019

      At last you realise we are anti EU, not anti Europe and not anti our friends and neighbours.

    7. Norman
      April 16, 2019

      Some empathy is justified, but the extent is due to the culturally sentimental bias of the UK media – AGAIN!

  16. Colonialist
    April 16, 2019

    I was short on words when I thought how God could have allowed the burning by the fires of hell the Cathedral of the French.
    Then our media stated Joan of Arc was beatificated there as they thought she needed it.
    For fighting we English!
    Now I have achieved Heavenly Eng-lighten-ment from God who will for ever be as English as Yorkshire pudding and fried… fish. when we can get it.

    1. Colonialist
      April 16, 2019

      In 1909 .Yes in 1909

    2. Ed Mahony
      April 16, 2019

      ‘Joan [of Arc] was a being so uplifted from the ordinary run of mankind that she finds no equal in a thousand years.’ – Winston Churchill (History of the English-Speaking People)

      1. Colonialist
        April 16, 2019

        Yes but what did he mean exactly by that? He was a writer!

        1. Ed Mahony
          April 16, 2019

          Churchill was also a soldier! (4th Queen’s Own Hussars)

  17. KZB
    April 16, 2019

    Are we simply better at fiddling the figures than other EU countries? All the shops and pubs are closing down !
    We don’t see any of this economic boom up north. Oh, and a local A & E had patients queuing into the car park recently. It’s more third-world than economic success story I’m afraid.

    1. margaret howard
      April 16, 2019


      “Are we simply better at fiddling the figures than other EU countries?”

      Yes, I believe we are. Especially employment/unemployment ones where I believe a person has to do just 1 hour paid work a week to be registered as employed.

      We don’t see any boom here in East Anglia either with people desperate for ‘proper’ work and not just a few hours stocking shelves at the local supermarket.

    2. Richard416
      April 16, 2019

      I don’t suppose it has anything to do with massive immigration? It stimulates the economy, but does not make most of us any richer.

  18. margaret howard
    April 16, 2019


    “and the German economy stuttering badly.”

    “German economic growth to drop to 1 percent”

    Only 1 percent growth is forecast for Germany this year, according to Economy Minister Peter Altmaier, who attributed the risks to Brexit and global trade rows. Previously, Berlin had reckoned on 1.8 percent.

    “The German economy is on course for growth this year as well, the 10th year in a row,” said Altmaier. “This is the longest upswing phase since 1966.”

    Reply The German economy contracted in Q3 2018 and went sideways Q4

    1. Fred H
      April 16, 2019

      Margaret. And worse to come with the EU’s Japan free trade deal, USA flexing anti-EU muscles and UK trade backlash when we wake up to stop buying German cars etc.

      1. margaret howard
        April 16, 2019

        The US isn’t just flexing anti-EU muscles because in a speech at the London School of Economics the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi warns there will be no U.S.-U.K. trade deal if Brexit harms the Irish peace accord.

        As for a boycott on German cars, that will surely harm the UK as much or even more than it will Germany. They will find new markets while we don’t even make any cars any more.

        1. David Price
          April 17, 2019

          What new markets – exports of German cars via the US to China alone dropped 37% (Reuters) and China will likely take up increasing market share with internal production (Made in China 2025). It has been suggested (Reuters) that revised US tariffs will halve German vehicle exports to the US.

          Despite this the German politicians have decided it is a good idea to punish the country which represents a significant market for them.

          And then there are the French, Italian and Spanish car manufacturers ..

          1. margaret howard
            April 17, 2019

            David Price

            How have German politicians punished this country?

            On the contrary I would suggest that Brexit voters have punished all EU countries who trade with us just as much as our own businesses have been punished by the vote to leave. Nor will the Irish, Scots, Londoners etc and all those who voted overwhelmingly Remain go unpunished.

            But I suppose it is more convenient to put the blame on the Germans.

          2. David Price
            April 18, 2019

            @M Howard: You chose the topic of German auto manufacturers. I cannot believe that you are that ignorant of how the EU works that you seem to think that the German establishment is not the major driver behind EU actions and policies along with France.

            The EU had the option from the very beginning to adopt a constructive and cooperative approach. Instead the EU decided to adopt a punitive and aggressive approach so any messy outcome will be solely down to them and the remainers.

        2. miami.mode
          April 17, 2019

          margaret, I think you’ll find that most prepared speeches are given to please the audience with what they want to hear.

        3. Fred H
          April 17, 2019

          Margaret. Buyers of new Mercs, BMWs, Porsches trust their quality cars to run for years. The question is how will buyers react to a sudden 20% tarriff (?) added. Even a 1 year postponement of buying will clobber Germany.

  19. acorn
    April 16, 2019

    This is the Brexit inventory building storm before the post Brexit lull. Reading the whole of the ONS document would be more enlightening. “Labour market economic commentary: April 2019”.

    If you want a clue to how a no-deal Brexit will go, you should study what happened in Czechoslovakia after it left the Soviet bloc in 1989. Keep in mind that the Czechs voted overwhelmingly for “Czexit”, unlike the Brits voting for “Brexit”.

    1. Edward2
      April 16, 2019

      You don’t need lots of extra staff just to buy more stock.
      There have been real and large increases in employment.

      And silly to compare the Czech economy after their patron the USSR collapsed with the economy of the UK in 2019

  20. Paul Johanssen
    April 16, 2019

    But Brexit has not happened. So this good news is clearly the consequence of EU membership. As Owen Paterson said, only a madman would want to leave the single market. Mrs Thatcher would certainly have said the same, and did say the same to Nissan, Toyota etc

    1. Dominic
      April 16, 2019

      How many of the world’s sovereign nations are not members of Germany’s economic empire?

      Greece. Bankrupt
      Italy. Bankrupt
      Portugal. Bankrupt
      Spain. Bankrupt
      and on and on and on…and all members of Germany’s export market scam

      A sovereign UK will thrive outside of this fake contrivance that some called the single market. A nation’s economic success depends on its peoples productivity, ingenuity and guile not because they’re a member of the single market

      1. Fred H
        April 16, 2019

        Dominic. Well, it is a sort of single market. You all buy from Germany, like it or not. If you want credit you can have it if Germany’s interests are clear.

      2. Ed Mahony
        April 17, 2019


        I totally agree with you EXCEPT that I think you’re merging two different arguments together: 1. Being out of the EU and 2. Getting out of the EU.

        Unless you address Point 2 properly, then you could just make Point 1 worse or more unachievable.

        For me there is something solemn and sacred about Sovereignty – really. And we must use the most noble means possible to achieve that, supported by a well-thought out plan and vision – for the long-term future of our country – and history will judge us on that (the noble way – or not – we tried to achieve Sovereignty / achieved Sovereignty).

        God bless England / The UK

      3. margaret howard
        April 17, 2019


        “A nation’s economic success depends on its peoples productivity, ingenuity and guile not because they’re a member of the single market”

        So what in heavens name compelled my generation to beg the EU to accept us as a member despite de Gaulle’s repeated ‘Nons’?

        We were known as the ‘Sick man of Europe’. Industry was collapsing, interest rates were spiralling and inflation was rampant. We had food, fuel and power shortages and a steadily growing balance of payments deficit.

        The common market had to pump in 25% of its regional development funds to stabilise the nation, the highest ever figure.

        And don’t say I am making it up because I was there and along with over 67% of the nation voted to become members, not the measly half who voted Brexit this time.

        What I find particularly galling is that some contributors here try to blame the Germans for our plight when it was in fact them who backed our membership against the French.

        1. Edward2
          April 17, 2019

          You keep cutting and pasting this nonsense Margaret
          A ridiculous rewriting of history.
          We voted to join a common market.
          Just that.
          Not a United States of Europe
          And the UK has been a net contributor in each of its 40 plus years of membership bar one.
          The three day week lasted a short time when extremist left wing union leaders tried to bring down the elected government.
          It was three terms of a great leader PM that turned round this country.
          Not the EU

        2. David Price
          April 18, 2019

          Get your facts straight. It was only 31% of the population that voted to remain in the CM/EEC – 67% of the voter turnout yet only 47% of registered voters.

          I am of the same generation and I did not vote to stay in the Common Market/EEC much less beg. We had no say in our application and admission in the first place, only on remaining in.

          I voted no to remaining then and again voted leave in 2016 so don’t pretend to speak for me and mine.

  21. margaret
    April 16, 2019

    tittle tattle , but we could manage well managing our own affairs and there lies the real problem of letting us go . We are better economic managers if we are left alone .I hope no one tries to disprove this as we have not been completely left alone.

  22. Brigham
    April 16, 2019

    Does May know that she has, single handidly, destroyed the Tory party?

    1. Nicholas Murphy
      April 16, 2019

      And does she even care?
      My spoiled ballot paper went in today.

    2. Fred H
      April 16, 2019

      Brigham. That will shortly be revealed. The real Tories failed to stand up and be counted where and when it mattered. The rest are just like appeasers of rather long ago.

  23. Lucas
    April 16, 2019

    We havn’t left yet

  24. Gareth Warren
    April 16, 2019

    And the Italian debts are around 134% of GDP and rising, one of the largest holders of those debts is France, the EU really is a poor prospect for growth.

    I hear there are finally some conservative chairmen getting together to force a vote of no confidence, with a brexiteer PM and todays trade reality I would not put it past a deal being struck for free trade after leaving on WTO terms.

    But I am quite happy if that does not happen, where I work EU trade is a small amount (~25%) and most of that is dominated by international firms with offices in Japan and USA. A free trade deal with the USA would be a real game changer though.

  25. Peter Thompson
    April 16, 2019

    It is now two weeks since the UK should have left the EU and to be honest the item is dropping off the news . I think the newspaper editors are only reflecting the interest of their readers and most seem to be bored by it. There is no mass public movement in support of Brexit and opinion polls for the Euro elections if they are held indicate that Labour will win seats and UKIP will share their seats with the Brexit party.
    How do you think you can reinvigorate the campaign ?

  26. Mike Wilson
    April 16, 2019

    We need to grow the economy by having high levels of immigration. More people means a bigger economy which means more jobs. Keep public spending under control and, voila!, tax receipts rise and borrowing will go down.

    Oh, hold on, that’s what has been going on for the last 15 years.

    1. Edward2
      April 17, 2019

      But in the longer term we have to build more new towns, more roads more railways, hospitals and schools to cope with the higher population, which means up goes public spending again.
      It is a slow running Ponzi scheme.

      1. Mike Wilson
        April 17, 2019

        That was my point, really. What they would do if people stopped coming here I have no idea. Despite how awful Remainers think this country is, filled as it is with Leavers, half the world would like to live here.

        1. Edward2
          April 17, 2019

          It just needs a proper controlled and managed immigration system that doesn’t discriminate between applications wherever they come from.
          Open borders which results in hundreds of thousands of new arrivals every year is not a sustainable situation.

  27. Simon Coleman
    April 22, 2019

    Economic good news can’t be down to Brexit, because Brexit hasn’t happened! However, commentators have legitimately argued that more than two years of complete uncertainly over Brexit has caused a lack of investment which has certainly impacted on the economy.

Comments are closed.