EU agrees to buy more US beef

The EU has signed an Agreement with the USA to increase the amount of tariff free US  beef imported  into the EU from $150 m to $420 million a year.

I haven’t seen this much reported on this side of the Atlantic.

Mr Trump said “This is a tremendous victory for American farmers, ranchers and of course for European consumers because US beef is considered the best in  the world”

That’s not what I hear from Remain media in the UK. Perhaps Remain supporters might like to explain.


  1. Lifelogic
    August 7, 2019

    Indeed but is it washed in chlorine as EU supermarket salads can be or indeed as people who go to the swimming pool are?

    Radio 4 still piling on project fear again today. Let us hope Boris is not prevented from delivering by the antidemocratic Grieve, Bercow, Soames, Clarke, Gauke … all acting against the UK’S INTERESTS.

    Grieve keeps saying no deal will be ‘uniquely’ damaging. I think he means ‘very’. He is wrong, on balance it will be far better than remain and far, far, better than May’s Vassal State W/A. UNIQUELY damaging as in a positive boon perhaps?

    1. James Bertram
      August 7, 2019

      Also not reported on mainstream media today, but rumours that Grieve is being scrutinised by Government Lawyers (presumably for treason?).

      The website reports:
      “In an absolutely stunning turn of events we can exclusively reveal that there are rumours swirling around Westminster that Arch-Remainer Dominic Grieve may have broken the law as a Privy Councillor due to his interviews from France where he has been taking about bringing down the Government:”

      Ironic if it involved a European Arrest Warrant.

      1. sm
        August 7, 2019

        James, doesn’t your heart just bleed for the poor chap?

        No, mine neither!

      2. Richard1
        August 7, 2019

        Let’s try to keep the language sensible. Dominic Grieve doesn’t agree with Brexit. That doesn’t make him a traitor.

        1. Lifelogic
          August 8, 2019

          Undermining the negotiations so no sensible deal is offered by the EU and possuble bringing a Corbyn government perhaps does though.

      3. Henry Carter
        August 8, 2019

        Anyone writing such bilge doesn’t know the first thing about the British constitution. Parliament is supreme. Not the government. Mr Grieve is loyally trying to protect Parliament from a coup driven by a man, Dominic Cummings, who has been found to be in contempt of Parliament. No democrat can stand by while Cummings is loose

        1. James Bertram
          August 8, 2019

          Richard and Henry – the law is the law, and no man should be given preferential treatment just because you might agree with their political opinion.

        2. Edward2
          August 8, 2019

          I dont think you are right Henry.
          The Government is in charge.
          Unless it is defeated in a no confidence vote.
          Interesting that Mr Cummings is the new bogyman for the remainers and the left in general.

        3. Robert mcdonald
          August 8, 2019

          It’s interesting and enlightening to read how a PMs advisor is considered the devil if he is pro democracy, yet Oily Robbins, rabidly pro eu and anti UK, is somehow not considered similarly. Hypocritical .. or just typical remoanese.

  2. A.Sedgwick
    August 7, 2019

    Beggar my neighbour policy is bound to follow UK exit.

  3. Mark B
    August 7, 2019

    Good afternoon

    It looks to me that President Trump has achieved something that our PM could not do – negotiate. But then, the President was putting his country first and not some artificial political construct.

    1. Alison
      August 7, 2019

      He did offer to help Mrs May, as I remember. Just goes to show, she should have thought about accepting.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        August 7, 2019

        Poor thing – she can’t think!

  4. Lifelogic
    August 7, 2019

    Indeed but is it washed in chlorine as EU supermarket salads can be or indeed as people who go to the swimming pool are?

    Radio 4 still piling on project fear again today. Let us hope Boris is not prevented from delivering by the antidemocratic Grieve, Bercow, Soames, Clarke, Gauke … all acting against the UK’S INTERESTS.

    Grieve keeps saying no deal will be ‘uniquely damaging’. I think he means ‘very’. He is wrong, on balance it will be far better than remain and far, far, better than May’s permanent Vassal State W/A. ‘UNIQUELY damaging’ as in a positive boon perhaps?

    1. steve
      August 7, 2019


      “Grieve keeps saying no deal will be ‘uniquely damaging’. I think he means ‘very’. He is wrong”

      No what he means is, it’ll be damaging for him personally, and as far as he’s concerned he is all that matters. The rest of the country can go to hell. It’s all about him.

      All high profile remainers have that mindset.

      1. rose
        August 7, 2019

        I liked it this evening when the man the media are lazily building up as the Svengali/ Dark Lord of Downing St told them: “The point is the PM thinks politicians don’t get to choose which votes they respect” and “Mr Grieve will find out what he is right about.”

        I was also amazed when the Channel 4 presenter last night ticked off Mr Grieve for calling the Government “extremist”. He actually said, in his Channel 4 studio, “Boris Johnson is a Conservative, and a Liberal Conservative”.

        These remainiacs are so used to abusing us that it doesn’t occur to them how much they are now turning off their own side.

  5. Johnny Dubb
    August 7, 2019

    EU allow in USA beef, Trump continues to allow in German cars?……until the next time he wants something. How easily the EU are “cowed” by the “bull” (sorry) of a good negotiator.
    you won’t hear much about it over here, even less so in France I bet!

    1. hefner
      August 7, 2019

      Quelle rigolade: it was published by Agence France-Presse on 2 August, and in La Voix du Nord, a newspaper dominant in the north of France on 3 August.
      How much were you betting?

    2. Peter Parsons
      August 8, 2019

      The EU allowed beef from the USA before this deal (which was actually announced in mid-June, so this is all old news) so long as it complied fully with EU standards, and this deal does not change those standards in any way.

      This deal is solely about guaranteeing the USA an increasing share of the existing quota of 45,000 tonnes per year.

      1. Grahame ASH
        August 8, 2019

        Dos this put the Irish beef industry under more pressure?

        With all the other problems the Irish are now realising as a consequence of Brexit occurring on 31/10 perhaps the Irish might like to consider an Exit from the EU themselves. Will resolve the border / “backstop”issues.

        1. Peter Parsons
          August 8, 2019

          In polls earlier this year in Ireland, 81% would cut economic ties with the UK rather than with the EU in the event of a no-deal Brexit, and 83% would vote to remain if a referendum on Ireland’s EU membership were held.

          I would think that the Irish solution to the border / backstop issue is most likely to push for a border poll and a united Ireland, perhaps, symbolically, in 2021 on the 100th anniversary of the partitioning.

          1. Edward2
            August 9, 2019

            Well considering how much money Ireland gets from the EU is this surprising?

          2. Peter Parsons
            August 9, 2019

            Ireland has been a net contributor since 2014.

  6. Richard1
    August 7, 2019

    i hope that post brexit we will be able to buy unlimited amounts of US farm produce, if we choose, tariff free. that will make us all richer, and will be of particular benefit to poorer people who spend more proportionally on food. those wanting to continue with trade barriers to non- EU countries, eg by staying in the customs union, are arguing to make the poor poorer.

    i hope we can also go on buying unlimited amounts of Irish beef, french chickens, Dutch salad etc, all tariff free. but that of course is up to the EU. it will require a standstill agreement under GATT article 24 pending a detailed FTA, as explained by Boris.

    1. Konrad
      August 7, 2019

      What a peculiar comment. The EU has made it clear over and over again that there will be no trade talks until the UK signs off on its debts, its responsibilities to EU residents and on the Irish/british backstop which is democratically approved by the majority in Northern Ireland. GATT 24 is irrelevant because it needs agreement, and that is not forthcom8ng from the EU until the UK stops behaving like a toddler screaming “waaaa its not fair, i want my own way”. Do let us know once you’ve had your nappy changed

      1. Butties
        August 7, 2019

        List those debts and those responsibilities please.

        The EU UK border in the the island to which you refer, has been fully investigated by the EU and ‘no hard border’ deemed necessary.

        Would you like the reference to the study?


        Hard luck, here it is;

        This was Nov 2017, please try and keep uptodate.

      2. Richard1
        August 7, 2019

        No yours is the silly comment. It is true that under the draft WA, Mrs May foolishly agreed a large payment, which legal advice suggests is not owed under the treaties, and to keep the UK effectively in the CU and SM until such time as the EU agrees to release us. It is no surprise that the EU, having achieved this remarkable victory over our own hapless ‘negotiators’, is very reluctant to re-open discussions. Fortunately however, Parliament didn’t approve the draft WA, so it’s now just so much used paper.

        All that is required for continued frictionless and tariff free trade is for both parties to agree in principle to finalise an FTA within a reasonable timetable. Of course, like all free trade deals, this is in the mutual interest of both parties. The new UK govt will doubtless propose it. It will then be up to the EU to decide whether it wishes to add a trade war with the UK to other challenges the world economy faces, such as the US-China trade war, or indeed the EU’s own burgeoning trade war on Switzerland.

        1. Ken Smith
          August 8, 2019

          As ever you Brexiters live in a fantasy universe. The EU fears a trade war with the UK like Man City fears gettibg drawn against Accrington in the Cup.

          1. Robert mcdonald
            August 8, 2019

            Probably true, the eu isn’t aware of it’s weaknesses so will be blindly confident of walking over this “small” nation … The 6th largest economy in the world. There is a wisdom in big business that found out by it’s mistakes that big is not always beautiful, but that small is flexible and innovative and necessary for the modern business world.

      3. Edward2
        August 7, 2019

        You are being very silly Konrad.
        Negotiations often build up with both sides giving firm statements, but in the end the two sides eventually come to an arrangement.
        Keep calm October 31st is a long way off.

      4. Mark B
        August 8, 2019

        Debts for what ? We pay them regularly right up until we Leave. Once we Leave the Treaties and its commitments no longer apply.

        EU Citizens will be no better or worse treated than anyone else.

        The Irish Backstop is just a means to keep the UK in the CU and SM. Failing that divide the UK.

    2. steve
      August 7, 2019


      “i hope we can also go on buying unlimited amounts of Irish beef, french chickens, ”

      Well I won’t be buying any. I stopped buying Irish produce some months ago, when they and their little Prime Minister started insulting our country.

      As for French…..not a chance, I’d rather starve.

  7. Alec
    August 7, 2019

    I question the quality of US beef since it is subject to a very lax regime on hormone injection and drugs feed to cattle. US food in general is some of the most unhealthy anywhere.

    1. Bob
      August 7, 2019


      “I question the quality of US beef”

      Brussels has passed it fit for consumption in the EU.

      1. Martin in Cardiff
        August 7, 2019

        I read that the US beef for export to the European Union will have to meet standards, which that for sale in the US does not.

        1. Henry Carter
          August 8, 2019

          Exactly! sell into the EU, meet EU standards. As the Brexiters are slowly finding out, leaving the EU doesn’t not mean leaving its orbit. You wanna sell there – and almost half of our exports go there – you have to meet their standards. In the EU we have a voice in making those standards. Outside the EU we are powerless and voiceless, a rule taker. Take back control? A cruel joke

          1. Stred
            August 8, 2019

            We sell to the US and the EU meeting their standards and will be able to set our own standards for animal welfare after we leave. This should include the housing of pigs and calves and the transportation of cattle. This will force the Dutch, Danish and German producers to improve the standards for export and the Irish to end their cruel long distance trucking of cattle to Spain.

          2. Edward2
            August 8, 2019

            Our exporting companies already meet all the varied requirements in every world market they sell into Henry.
            It is not difficult.
            We’ve been doing it for decades.

          3. Bob
            August 8, 2019

            Exporters always have to meet the standard set by their customers around the world. This is normal, why would it worry you?

    2. The Prangwizard
      August 7, 2019

      Is that true, or did you hear it on the BBC?

      1. Peter Parsons
        August 8, 2019

        The official figures show that, in the USA, about 1 person in every 7 gets food poisoning annually (source CDC). In the UK it is about 1 person in every 66 (source FSA).

        It would seem unlikely that differences in food standards do not contribute to what is a tenfold difference in the incidence of food poisoning between the two countries.

    3. Gary C
      August 7, 2019

      “I question the quality of US beef”

      It’s obviously the ten’s of millions of Americans that die through consuming beef every year that worry you?

      I somehow think you are falling for the rubbish fed to you by the snowflakey media!

    4. James1
      August 7, 2019


      If you don’t like the quality of US beef, don’t buy it. Simple. Don’t try to prevent other people from exercising their own freedom to choose.

    5. Al Monde
      August 7, 2019

      Why are you fighting for more immigration into the USA? Don’t you care? They may have particles of beef in their peanuts by mistake.

  8. Newmania
    August 7, 2019

    Not sure what you are getting at ? Its you that wants to protect the farmers. I am happy to have global food available at nil tariff and US standards are fine.
    The farmers voted for this, they can have it . We can have a “support British farmers” sign , next the the “Fair trade” sign so we all know to avoid it ”
    Sorry, we are all in the screw-Everyone-else game now, Caroline will have to give the pony back and go to Comprehensive – small pleasures ….

    1. Richard1
      August 7, 2019

      Haven’t really got a coherent response to it have you

  9. agricola
    August 7, 2019

    Explanations we get from remainers are so bizarre and bigoted in this diary as to be not worth commenting on.

    I assume that the EU has or anticipates having a shortage of beef and is happy to buy it from the USA. It is such that it might improve the attitude in Trump circles to taking EU cars. Maybe the EU think there may be a shortage of beef to import when the UK leaves the EU. In truth I do not know the thinking behind it, but anything that frees up trade cannot be all bad.

    1. steve
      August 7, 2019


      “I assume that the EU has or anticipates having a shortage of beef and is happy to buy it from the USA.”

      More like the EU intends to get pally as possible with the US so as to get leverage against any post brexit UK – US deal.

      All of a sudden, and by sheer coincidence they now like the US ? Pull the other one !

      They must be so desperate to show member states that leaving doesn’t pay.

      We need to be as self sufficient as possible.

  10. James Bertram
    August 7, 2019

    If you google this as google-France: EU imports US beef, or search by adding a foreign major newspaper (Irish Times, Der Speigel, Le Monde), you get a much wider variety of reporting and will see that it is being reported across Europe.

    The only media reporting this in the UK in the last week, from what I can see, is Politico:

    But the Financial Times did pick this up to some extent back in June (presumably the same deal):

    You are correct, Sir John. The UK media seem to be operating censorship where the facts are politically inconvenient to a Remain viewpoint.

    Of course, they would be sensible to stress:
    ‘The European Commission has stressed that any beef deal will not increase overall beef imports and that all the beef coming in would be hormone-free, in line with EU food safety rules. The deal needs European Parliament approval.’

    But it does demonstrate that it is possible to do a trade deal with the US but, importantly, still maintain your own country’s food safety rules.
    Now that’s not what the Remain media would have us believe!

    1. Martin in Cardiff
      August 7, 2019

      If you’re an economically mighty union, of four hundred and fifty million people with a GDP of umpteen trillion US dollars, then yes, that evidently is possible.

      What would you expect?

      1. James Bertram
        August 7, 2019

        Martin, what I would expect, as a matter of principle, is that the UK should accept no less, with no compromise of our food safety rules;
        just as we should not accept a FTA with the EU which has onerous conditions attached (eg Irish Backstop), particularly when other (often economically weaker) countries are offered a straight FTA without condition.
        Whether our politicians are ‘of principle’ or ‘bend with the wind’ is a different matter.
        Time will tell.

        1. Martin in Cardiff
          August 7, 2019

          James, as you state in your penultimate paragraph, the facts are not quite as newsworthy as might first be claimed, so John’s assertion that there has apparently been censorship is perhaps unfounded.

          The UK, especially in a no deal position, is going to be supplicant to all and sundry. The useless Liam Fox has already been told by the US that it would have to lower food standards for a deal with the US, even when it looked like a deal with the European Union was likely.

          Time, indeed, will tell.

          1. James Bertram
            August 8, 2019

            Agreed, Martin, not much time for Liam Fox here, either. Very weak – you can see it in his face.

            I voted Brexit because I am strongly in favour of us being an independent nation. But too, I am aware that once we have achieved Brexit then the fight has only just begun as to running the country as to what we want. (And, from my past posts, you will see my central passions are animal welfare, nature and 3rd World Development – so there will be many battles to be fought post-Brexit). But I’d rather fight for what I want in a small pool than having policy dictated by a compromise/committee of 28 EU states – far more possibility of getting things right and winning if less players. Small is beautiful. Be bold, be determined.
            This is the opposite of your ‘strength in numbers’ theory of compromised principles – but still, I have great faith in this country being able to run itself as we want.
            – As long as our politicians don’t, once again, betray us.

          2. Robert mcdonald
            August 8, 2019

            By being “supplicant” you must mean that we must meet the standards required by the purchaser, as we have to do now to trade with the eu, at an annual cost of c20 billion a year, and how we currently export to non eu nations. Yet we export considerably more to non eu nations than we do to the eu .. so clearly that approach to trade is not really a no go problem is it ?

    2. Al Monde
      August 7, 2019

      I reported the beef deal some days ago but it wasn’t published on this blog. I get lots information given to me well in advance of the average bear.
      The EU took it upon themselves some time ago to buy much more soya beans from the USA.

  11. MarkW
    August 7, 2019

    Yeah its all factored in – the Texas farmers will have to ensure that this beef coming from the US comply’s with EU standards – meaning it will be steroid and otherwise frèe of hormone growth enhancements etc. It’s a pilot programme.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      August 7, 2019

      Considering the fact that our beef and sheep were poisoned by OPs mixed in oil (for quick absorption) run down their spines, which caused the Burning of our herd, I don’t think ten EU can claim to have safe standards at all. In fact OPs, which of course are nerve agents, are sprayed on tomatoes in the EU as well as other produce. Ever wondered where all the ME and other nerve problems came from?

    2. Al Monde
      August 7, 2019

      We must warn Ex-PM candidate Labour MP Miliband and his Labour Party brother based in the USA about US food. Also are Mr Lammy’s kids still living and studying in the USA. Did they pack sandwiches? What did Mr Lammy eat when he was over there studying and the MP for Normanton’s husband? How did he survive making that documentary and other work in the USA? He does look rather slim. Mail Order and Delivery from Tesco UK?

  12. Bryan Harris
    August 7, 2019

    What did the EU get in exchange – they never give anything away free?

  13. Ken Smith
    August 7, 2019

    Explain what? That the EU is good at doing trade deals? Not news to Remainers. Meanwhile Mr Raab is in Canada being told, as was Mr Fox before him, that the Canada/EU trade deal will not be rolled over to the UK after Brexit. Also not news to Remainers. Every day, a new Brexit catastrophe

    1. Robert mcdonald
      August 7, 2019

      It’s certainly good with its trade deal with the UK. The eu pretends it operates a single customs market that provides free trade.. that we pay 20 billion a year for the privilege. More than we would pay through tariffs. I nearly forgot, the eu provides loans and funds for causes it wishes to promote … our money of course but not necessarily our priorities.

    2. James1
      August 7, 2019


      We haven’t left yet

    3. Al Monde
      August 7, 2019

      They can get their aeroplane factory out of N. Ireland then. We can build Boeing instead.

    4. Christine
      August 7, 2019

      Francophile Trudeau will be out by October. Just in time for the new government to roll over any trade agreements.

  14. Bill
    August 7, 2019

    Is it chlorine washed?

    Will it be fed on genetically modified feed?

  15. Martin in Cardiff
    August 7, 2019

    I haven’t as yet heard anyone from the pro-European Union movement say anything about this particular measure, John.

    There were general concerns about hormone use, but that is all, as I recall.

    1. Al Monde
      August 7, 2019

      We have been eating US beef for quite some time now. I shall not mention the companies importing it. Also chlorine washed chicken not from the USA but another place. Some of the company owned by Germany concerns. So that’s okay isn’t it.

  16. Peter van LEEUWEN
    August 7, 2019

    Most Dutch media reported it on 2 August.
    (Of course we’d like Trump to think of it as a big victory)

    The caveats mentioned I’ll just put through google-translate:
    The European Commission has previously emphasized that the total beef import will not be increased. The meat that comes in must also comply with European guidelines, for example in the field of hormone use. An agreement must also be approved by the European Parliament.

    1. Sir Joe Soap
      August 7, 2019

      So the EU are prepared to accept a situation where the US can produce beef for their internal market (or other markets) that doesn’t meet EU rules? Whatever happened to that demand for regulatory alignment?

      1. Peter van LEEUWEN
        August 8, 2019

        @Sir Joe Soap: You’re not very good in google translate apparently – it is the very opposite of what you write – this meat would have to meet all EU standards.

    2. Richard1
      August 7, 2019

      Yes I’m sure the EU will continue to protect the producer interest. But that isn’t in the interest of (poorer) EU consumers. Think, eg, of the c 35% young unemployed in Greece who would welcome cheaper nutritious food.

      1. Peter van LEEUWEN
        August 8, 2019

        @Richard1: Making continetal farmers even poorer is not our policy of choice. The young unemployed Greeks would be best helped by investments in Greece. As you care so much, why doesn’t the UK invest a lot in the Greek economy, e.g. in Greek tourism or in solar energy? I’m sure this would provide employment for the young Greeks. Why leave it all to the EU? You are an economic world power after all, aren’t you? 🙂

        1. Woody
          August 9, 2019

          The continental farmers you refer to are already well protected and indeed cossetted by the eu’s agriculture policies e.g the butter and milk and meat mountains the eu created to keep french farm prices high .. so at least the french farmers are well protected. And having watched a recent documentary about how spanish green house owners abuse the migrant labour they employ and throw used plastic away with a total disregard for the environment with no sanctions from the eurocracy, it is clear they look after their own just not the uks farmers or fishers.
          With regards to your arrogant attempt at mockery about the UK being an economic power, we were the 3rd largest world economy when we were joined to the eu .. we are now 6th largest .. thanks eu. And of course as soon as we can keep our 20 billion a year then we could more easily afford to use some of our generous foreign aid, more generous than any other eu state, to support the disregarded nations of the eu as well as the world … not a theme that the self serving eurocracy considers appropriate.

  17. Dominic
    August 7, 2019

    All inter-nation trade policy is based on the basic principle of quid pro quo unless of course you’re a British PM in which case you simply capitulate to every German-Franco demand placed on the table and issued with a modicum of threat

    The UK’s become a wretched slave on his knees continually begging for forgiveness.

    And this is what British leaders have done to this nation. They have ripped out its soul and threw it into the fire and they’ve done it with a smile on their face

    1. Sir Joe Soap
      August 7, 2019

      Until now we hope.

    2. Ken Smith
      August 8, 2019

      Quid pro quo in talks between China, the US and the EU. For other countries, like the UK after Brexit, you’re on the menu. Its what you voted for, Brexiters!

  18. rose
    August 7, 2019

    I would explain it in the same way I explained the sudden conclusion of a tariff free deal for Japanese cars: it wouldn’t normally happen, or not for decades, but the new imperative is to wage economic warfare against the UK.

    1. Gary C
      August 7, 2019

      I think you could have a point there.

    2. steve
      August 7, 2019


      “the new imperative is to wage economic warfare against the UK.”

      Yep, that’s what the EU will do after brexit. Which is fine by me, if the ungrateful Europeans want to get nasty then so can we.

      Flood the Channel Tunnel. No European fishing in our waters. Ban tourism to the EU. Ban imports of German and French cars…..Ban everything from the EU.

      1. Bob
        August 8, 2019

        I can take my holiday money elsewhere if it’s not welcome in the EU.

    3. Shirley
      August 8, 2019

      Agreed. The EU are ‘suddenly’ agreeing new trade deals after decades of stagnation. It’s good news for EU citizens, and less good for the ‘protected’ markets.

  19. steadyeddie
    August 7, 2019

    EU and USA are each other’s biggest trading partners. This is a relatively small deal in the scheme of things but shows EU is willing and able to expand trade while Brexiteers whinge about the EU being protectionist. Remainers like free trade part. with our closest neighbours.

    1. Martin in Cardiff
      August 7, 2019

      Both unions’ home markets are enormous, however, and they each dwarf the trade between the two.

      The UK’s government have decided to remove it from that of the European Union, it appears.

      1. Edward2
        August 8, 2019

        Why do you think trade will stop between us and the EU Martin?
        There have been no queues of EU goods entering America nor queues of goods from America entering the EU for decades, despite this trade deal only now being signed.

    2. Robert mcdonald
      August 7, 2019

      But it’s not free trade is it. We pay c 20 billion a year for this so called trade privilege.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        August 7, 2019

        Exactly! And even then it’s not ‘frictionless’.

      2. Ken Smith
        August 8, 2019

        It is unrestricted trade. We pay for the rules and institutions that keep it unrestricted

    3. Alison
      August 7, 2019

      The EU’s second largest trading partner is the UK (the UK ahead of China).

    4. Al Monde
      August 7, 2019

      Remainers don’t have close neighbours. Even ones next door to them

  20. Billy Elliot
    August 7, 2019

    What is the news in this? EU increased its beef buying from USA?
    Well that has been going on quite some time. Sum is 270 milj USD. In propoation not very big (EU trade surplus with rest of the world is 420 mrd USD ).
    They buy many things in EU – an sell as well.

  21. acorn
    August 7, 2019

    In July 2018, Commission President Juncker reached a political agreement with President Trump to avoid further escalation on the tariff front. The Joint EU-US Statement adopted upon President Juncker’s visit to the White House stated that the EU and US agree:

    To work together toward zero tariffs, zero non-tariff barriers, and zero subsidies on non-auto industrial goods, as well as to reduce barriers and increase trade in services, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, medical products, as well as soybeans.

    To strengthen strategic cooperation with respect to energy. The EU wants to import more liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the US to diversify its energy supply; to launch a close dialogue on standards in order to ease trade, reduce bureaucratic obstacles, and slash costs.

    To join forces to protect American and European companies better from unfair global trade practices, to reform the WTO and to address unfair trading practices.

    In January 2019, the European Commission published two draft negotiating directives partially implementing the first point of the Joint Statement. The Commission requested the opening of negotiations with the USA.

    A trade agreement strictly focused on the removal of tariffs on industrial goods, excluding agricultural products. An agreement on conformity assessment, that would help address the objective of removing non-tariff barriers, by making it easier for companies to prove their products meet technical requirements of both the EU and US.

    Out here in the real economy, the HoC is displaying a large contingent of backbench, lobby fodder MPs, who are way past their sell-by dates; clueless about what is happening outside the Westminster bubble; but are still allowed to pick-up the £160 – 200k a year for zero value added.

  22. Nigl
    August 7, 2019

    We will have to see how the French react. Their farmers are already up in arms re a South American deal forcing Macron to set up a committee (every governments way out!) to investigate its effects on their agriculture so with their support necessary, it is by no means certain either will be agreed.

  23. steve
    August 7, 2019

    LMAO @ remainers

    ‘Franken – Foods’ I think is the term they used.

    1. Gary C
      August 7, 2019

      It is without doubt laughable.

  24. hefner
    August 7, 2019

    I think it would enormously help the readers of this blog if they were to add to their preferred search engine the name of countries about which they want to get info. Because Google for example has UK by default in this country, which tends to filter most messages coming from (in descending order of importance) 1/ UK countries, 2/ non-UK English-speaking countries, 3/ information in English from non-English-speaking countries, 4/ non-English-speaking countries in local languages. Having the default option (UK) could make people on this blog think that what they read in the English press/on UK websites is what is also available to the rest of the non-English-speaking world. Well that is not the case, and for a non-negligible number of topics, the info available elsewhere is richer than what is available by default in the UK.
    Obviously the result of keeping the default option might be that it could encourage people to think they are at the centre of the world … but is it a ‘good’ thing in the present circumstances?

  25. Newmania
    August 7, 2019

    One aspect of our future relationship with the US is that the EU/US deal is already a long way down the road, although as we know it had to be abandoned for now .
    You may not be aware that major trade deals contain clauses requiring agreement to further deals that may have an impact on Deal 1 so to speak .
    In other words any deal with the US may take a long time and may be subject to agreement by the EU .
    in fact in negotiating with the US we are at such a disadvantage ( as a smaller and very open economy ) , we are probably better off wait for the EU deal and trying to grab onto its coat tails .
    The \EU are likely to veto that

    Not so simple is it

  26. Iain Gill
    August 7, 2019

    Don’t worry about that John you are going to get arrested anyway…

    “They [the Tories] are social criminals and one day, I warn you, we will try them.”

    Iain Dale: “But ‘try them’? Under what law?”

    “I might want to invent it.”

  27. Norman
    August 7, 2019

    Two points:
    1. British beef excels – sorry Donald!
    2. Politics abound in trade deals. With British beef farmers already reeling from trendy Climate Alarmist and vegan pressure, the EU might just be deliberately adding to the pressure.
    Btw, for the record, the ruminant stomach is a wonderful system for breaking down plant cellulose, using maceration and microbiol fermentation processes, which release some methane during chewing of the cud. We cannot live off grass, but ruminants can. I doubt we should be at all worried about ruminant methane – its impact would be tiny, in the scale of things, e.g. compared to volcanism. Rather, we should be thankful : ‘He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth.’ Psalm 104:14

  28. Christine
    August 7, 2019

    Should the Irish be worried? Argentinian beef and now USA beef. Plus tariffs on beef imports into the UK. Not to mention the Remainers fear of massive queues at Dover that will hold up Irish exports to the continent. Perhaps Leo should wind his neck in and start being a bit nicer to his closest friend and neighbour.

  29. margaret howard
    August 7, 2019

    Am I glad my family are vegetarian.

    Salmonella in chicken

    Mad Cow Disease in 1993 leading to the cull of 4.4m cows and killing 177 people

    and still people are happy eating the flesh of fellow mammals.

    Anything of between 8lb to 20lb of grain has been estimated is needed to produce 1lb of beef.

    Why not eat the grain and spare the lives of millions of animals?

    And save money because being vegetarian is so much more cost effective.

    No doubt future generations will look in disgust at our meat eating habits and the way we treat animals.

    Meat is murder.

    1. Christine
      August 8, 2019

      Botulism from eating fruit and veg has killed far more people than Mad Cow Disease.

      1. margaret howard
        August 8, 2019


        “The largest recorded outbreak of foodborne botulism in the United Kingdom occurred in June 1989. A total of 27 patients were affected; one patient died. Twenty-five of the patients had eaten one brand of hazelnut yogurt in the week before the onset of symptoms”

  30. David Taylor
    August 8, 2019

    Importing increased quantities of beef into the EU from the USA , I have noticed , I am sure others have , that the majority of farm fields in the UK are empty of livestock of all types , this was not the case in my youth , agricultural policies should encourage homegrown beef , in Britain as well as the EU , don’t you think ?

    1. Martin in Cardiff
      August 8, 2019

      Indeed, David, most of the fields near me are now just hay meadows.

      Farmers seem to be making plenty of their money from the clandestine sales of land to adjoining residential properties at building land prices. The purchasers then rely on a Limitation Period to render them immune from planning enforcement, it appears.

  31. Edwardm
    August 8, 2019

    Good for EU consumers, but were the Irish beef farmers consulted ?
    Makes me think that the EU cannot be really concerned about the effect of Brexit on their farming industry, and so are quite happy with no-deal. Up to them – but Remoaners against no-deal please take note that your beloved EU isn’t bothered.

  32. Dennis
    August 8, 2019

    On the US food front

    War Crime?

    Food Shipment Destined For Venezuela Seized Due to US Blockade

    And the US is our best ally.

    1. Edward2
      August 9, 2019

      Yet earlier in the year Dennis, the Venezuelan government blockaded bridges to stop humanitarian aid coming in from Columbia saying “we are not beggars”

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