The Conservative campaign

Some voters have asked me when they will be getting more leaflets from us. We spent the first two weeks hand delivering a personalised letter from me to all postal voters, who also received a letter from the Conservative leader, as well as canvassing and delivering a short leaflet as we went.

Each two person household will be receiving two different leaflets by free post, and each one person household one leaflet. We will be hand delivering a large four page leaflet with a more detailed statement on what I have been doing for Wokingham and to influence national policy, and what I would like to do for the constituency if re elected.

I also make extensive information available on this website. It has a good Search facility enabling those interested to see what I think and what I am doing about a wide range of issues. If there are things you want to know more about please contact this website or use Ask John on my Facebook page or send me an email

There are rightly strict limits on spending by candidates in an election. Our campaign is designed to be comfortably within those limits, and depends on the free post and volunteer deliverers to avoid paid for delivery service costs.

1 Comment

  1. zorro
    November 30, 2019

    I see that a former colleague, Sarah Woolaston is sending out letters to (all?) constituents asking them to vote Lib Dem, as well as several from Dr PL. Apparently, according to the letter… ‘if Remainers come together, we can combat the hatred and division at the extremes of the Conservative and Labour parties. We can build a brighter future’.

    I wonder if that means ignoring the majority of votes cast in the 2016 referendum? I guess so… that’s bound to combat ‘hatred and division’….


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