More police for Wokingham and Bracknell

The local Police Commander has confirmed to me they are pressing ahead with recruiting and training an additional 17 police officers for our local area, out of the total increase of 183 for Thames  Valley Police as a whole. I look forward to their arrival and wish the local force success in their work against crime.


  1. John P McDonald
    January 9, 2020

    Perhaps Sir John you could ask the Police Commander why there is no Police Station in Wokingham. The Town is expanding, and so is petty crime. Why was the small police station in the Town Centre decommissioned ? The police for Wokingham are based in Lower Early and have a cupboard sized office in St Crispin’s School for Storage.
    Good to have more Police but they do need somewhere to work from not just their cars.
    How many police for Bracknell and how many for Wokingham ? – building up local knowledge is key to good local policing.

  2. Alan Jutson
    January 11, 2020

    Its a start, but we need more than 17 officers to make a real difference given they need to be on duty 24/7

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