Flight out of Peru

Following extensive lobbying by many people the FCO has said it hopes Peru will now allow a flight to get UK citizens home who want to soon. They are trying to sort one out.


  1. Lifelogic
    March 22, 2020

    From deepest Peru. Perhaps they should show the Paddington and Paddington II movies on board to cheer people up.

    1. jerry
      March 22, 2020

      @LL; Perhaps if society was a little more like that depicted in the original Paddington stories and cartoons the govts & retailers tasks would be a lot easier…

      1. Hope
        March 22, 2020

        With thousands still entering the country from hotspots like Italy without quarantine or testing I guess HS2 would help spread the disease that much quicker in the future!

        I think Brexit now becomes very easy. Tell the EU no further negotiations because the UK has to consider many other higher priorities. Therefore better to go to WTO and make mini deals on a peace meal basis.

        All principles of EU in tatters: open borders, freedom of movement and goods (France shows everyone for themselves), shengen, financial debt restrictions 3% of GDP all thrown out the window. This has shown what a blasted flush the project is.

        Liam Fox is right that the UK will have to consider supply chains coming home in the future from places like China and India. India today not exporting paracetamol to other countries!

        Critical infrastructure must now remain in U.K. hands i.e. Hinkley, Haewei, Scunthorpe steel. Do not let China control these. Force them out of our critical infrastructure in our country before China has too much influence over our country,

  2. Martin in Cardiff
    March 22, 2020

    I’m not sure which is the greater danger, this coronavirus or the global epidemic of the travel-for-travel’s-sake mentality which has swept the planet.

    1. Edward2
      March 22, 2020

      It’s called human progress.
      A century ago a trip to the next village would have had people like you saying the same thing.

      1. Martin in Cardiff
        March 22, 2020

        Eddy old chap.

        I had to travel far and wide during my working life, but it was always for a valuable purpose, and few others could have done what had to be done.

        1. Edward2
          March 22, 2020

          I’m not sure what you mean old chap.
          So as usual with lefty compainers you mean when I travelled abroad it was vital but when anyone else travelled abroad it was not vital.
          I think this is what is known in the modern world as the Emma Thompson syndrome.

          1. Fred H
            March 23, 2020

            love it.

        2. Fred H
          March 23, 2020

          but you always returned to Cardiff?

          1. Martin in Cardiff
            March 23, 2020

            No, far from it.

    2. steve
      March 22, 2020


      Too much international travel, Martin. With it comes germ spread I’m afraid.

      These days it’s possible to arrive at Heathrow carrying some lethal disease, through passport and customs – then onto a bus straight up the M4 and M1 etc to Birmingham, Leicester or wherever.

      Progress, they call it.

      1. Fred H
        March 23, 2020

        hear hear.
        Destinations are the Cotswolds, country piles, Chelsea mansions too.

  3. Chris S
    March 22, 2020

    There have been numerous complaints that our Foreign Service has been unhelpful, slow or just not interested in helping people in trouble around the world. This is has been a frequent occurrence in recent years, not just related to the current virus problem.

    In recent weeks, we have clearly seen our citizens having to wait longer to be repatriated than those of other countries.

    Is there any information in the H of C library comparing the performance of the Embassies and Foreign Offices of comparable Countries ?

    It’s clear that Foreign Service has been found wanting in recent weeks yet we have one of the most comprehensive networks of Embassies around the world. We should therefore aim to have the best and most responsive Foreign services of any country.

    MPs should be demanding a drastic improvement in performance.

    1. British Spy
      March 22, 2020

      I’m absolutely sure they are doing their duty. They have to take orders from loonie MPs though

    2. Lifelogic
      March 22, 2020

      I imagine (and hear) that they are just like nearly everything else run by government. So mainly run for the benefit of the staff.

      1. Cheshire Girl
        March 23, 2020


        I think you should be drafted to work for a Govt. department. I don’t think you would last a day! Many government departments get a lot of abuse from their ‘clients’.

        Its easy to criticise from, what I assume to be, your comfortable lifestyle. You should try, going without your annual break, or having it deferred until the Winter, being under endless pressure to hit targets ie: Universal Credit, being understaffed etc. I could go on.
        It is far from the cushy lifestyle you try to portray. Give it a rest, will you!

        1. ChrisS
          March 23, 2020

          But in return, the pay is absolutely guaranteed, in sickness and in health, wages are comparable with the private sector, yet on top, pension benefits worth anything from 25% to 40% of salary are accrued.

    3. Mark
      March 22, 2020

      Time was when embassies had consular sections that handled all the local visa applications as well as the cases of Brits in difficulty, which allowed staff to be repurposed in the event of a more major local catastrophe. Now the visa applications are handled elsewhere and staff are cut. Other cuts include the commercial sections that became the competence of the EU’s EEAS. They also provided a reserve of people who could handle consular issues in a crisis.

      Perhaps we will go back to having better levels of staffing post Brexit.

    4. acorn
      March 22, 2020

      I hope, but I very much doubt, that you leave voting muppets, will wake up and smell the blanket damage that a decade of Conservative government austerity has done. In just one of many similar instances:

      The number of British Foreign Office staff overseas has fallen by more than 1,000 since 1989 due to a succession of cuts that have left core diplomatic funding at its lowest for 20 years, according to a report backed by prominent diplomats and former foreign secretaries. Staff numbers in London have been cut by a similar number, the report says.

      Nearly a third of the diplomatic staff in Commonwealth embassies were cut in the four years to 2016, with cuts of similar levels in Asia. In one of its key findings, the report says that since the UK joined the EEC in 1973 core diplomatic spending has fallen from 0.5% of public sector current expenditure to 0.1%.

      1. Fred H
        March 23, 2020

        cutting so many jaunt and jollies masquerading as important careers has been good.

    5. Mark
      March 22, 2020

      Headline in Spanish paper

      La Embajada española en PerĂș no da respuestas a los españoles atrapados en el paĂ­s por el coronavirus

      You might have thought that with their embassy being larger than the UK’s they would be doing better, but they had no answers to offer Spaniards trapped in Peru either. You have to persuade the Peruvian government and perhaps provincial governors as well to waive their border and other lockdowns, perhaps to travel back to Lima from Cuzco in some cases. I saw reports that Raab had spoken personally to the Peruvian FM, something that would have been arranged by our Ambassador. I think he’s done a good job in competition with 100+ other embassies in Lima.

    6. Iain Moore
      March 23, 2020

      “There have been numerous complaints that our Foreign Service has been unhelpful,”

      Not much change then from 50 years ago when my parents sought advice from them and were told to go away because they were ‘in trade’ , meanwhile other embassies sent vehicles to pick up their nationalities.

  4. Lifelogic
    March 22, 2020

    No one who has seen and read about what is going on in Italy would think the UK is hugely under reacting., We are just
    two weeks or perhaps less away from this. Please get Boris and his experts to talk to the Italian medics and their experts now.

    The deaths so far in Wales have just more than doubled in one day!

    1. Ed M
      March 22, 2020


      I agree.

      I also think, at same time, we need to work out a strategy for how to continue the economy going as best as possible, in the medium to long-term (until we get a vaccination etc) as possible whilst remaining as safe as possible. The Chinese, so far, seem to be the experts on this second point, using far more common sense and technology than us in the West.

      1. Anonymous
        March 22, 2020

        They also have an obedient people – we don’t.

      2. Tidalman
        March 23, 2020

        Our economy and the economies of the West if weakened will kill millions in this world by the ripple effect over time. We must get back to work now. The ripple effect is really a wave. If the poorest in the world become poorer ….second wave of viruses will hit us.
        We must return to work now.

      3. steve
        March 23, 2020

        Ed M

        “The Chinese, so far, seem to be the experts on this second point, using far more common sense”

        I strongly disagree, Sir.

        If they had any common sense this would not be the fourth disaster they would have inflicted on the rest of the world.

        Spitting is as fashionable as breathing over there, even in food markets.

        1. Ed M
          March 23, 2020

          @Steve, I agree with you 100% over how the virus started (and the responsibility of the Chinese for this).

          However, although the Chinese started it (through the way they treated bat meat in the open market or whatever the precise reason was and spreading it via spitting etc) they are ironically best placed to deal with containing this virus from the medium to long-term because they have all this special technology in place and very strict rules about social distancing – but which at same times enables the economy to run as effectively as possible under such conditions.

          A Japanese journalist living in China did a popular documentary on this subject (I got all my information from him).

          So I think we’re both right. The Chinese how they started it. But also how the Chinese are ironically best placed to contain it.

          1. Ed M
            March 23, 2020

            And we in the UK are doing things right as well in other ways. I just think it’s a case of looking around and seeing whose doing what right and learning from.

            My main concern is to minimise health risks in the short-term, whilst focusing on keeping our economy running as smoothly as possible in the medium to long-term until the vaccination is ready.

            I am an optimistic, and strongly believe we can get out of this just fine (/ as best as possible), as long as we learn the lessons of what people are doing well around the world now (and they can learn from what we’re doing right now as well) and act promptly with a proper strategy in place.

            (And I really do think we have some important lessons to learn about everyday Chinese technology and social-distancing techniques to contain the virus whilst allowing the economy to run as smoothly as possible under the conditions. That’s all I’m saying really)

    2. Martin in Cardiff
      March 22, 2020

      What concerns me is this.

      I wonder if there is more thought going into how to divert the blame for disaster than into averting disaster.

      With leaving the European Union, you could always blame the people for voting for it, in the end.

      I wonder how this will play out?

      1. steve
        March 22, 2020


        “I wonder if there is more thought going into how to divert the blame for disaster than into averting disaster.”

        It’s a fact this came from China, if you wish to consider blame. How?…dirty conditions, basically. H5N1, H1N1, SARS…..now this.

        I think the west should review it’s trading status with China, if this is the price to pay, and for the fourth time in a row. Not worth it in my opinion.

        They need to be told to clean up their act or they don’t get trade.

        1. Martin in Cardiff
          March 22, 2020

          They have banned the sale and consumption of all wild animals except for fish and seafood, I read.

          Yes, I agree.

          My point related to a probable failure in this country to save lives when others. e.g. the S. Koreans and Singaporeans have saved them, never mind the Chinese.

      2. Edward2
        March 22, 2020

        It depends on the individual mind set.
        You have spent the last three years railing against the vote to leave telling us how this is madness.
        You then have spent time railing against the election of President Trump telling us his dreadful this us.
        Then you then have spent time railing against the election of a Conservative Government with a huge majority.
        Telling us how wrong we were to vote the way we did.
        Now your conspiracy theories are starting telling us that the dark state is trying to divert blame for the epidemic.
        I dont suppose you might think, in a quiet moment of serious reflection that you might be wrong?

      3. Martin in Cardiff
        March 22, 2020

        Judging by today’s briefing it’s a little clearer.

        If the recipients of those letters catch the virus, then it will obviously have been their own faults for not isolating themselves effectively enough.

        No thought of making the world safe enough for them to live something like normal lives then.

        This will not be over in twelve weeks. All these people are condemned to lengthy house arrest.

        We can only guess at how the rest of the populace will behave, but the signs so far are not encouraging.

        Some people will, I hope, be held to account in due course.

        1. Edward2
          March 22, 2020

          Tell us what your solutions are then Martin.
          Or are you desperately trying to make political capital out of this unique epidemic.
          You will be saying just in few weeks after any action by the government, that you would have done something different.
          So tell us now, so we can record just how really clever you are.
          In real time.

          1. Martin in Cardiff
            March 23, 2020

            Simply as advised by WHO, and at the time that they advised it, weeks ago.

          2. steve
            March 23, 2020

            Edward 2

            “Or are you [Martin] desperately trying to make political capital out of this unique epidemic.”

            ……to be fair Edward, no I don’t think he is.

        2. Anonymous
          March 22, 2020

          We’re not allowed to mention ‘Chinese’.

          If you want to point fingers.

        3. Catch 22
          March 23, 2020

          It may not be healthy to entomb people in their homes. Also not healthy to have those most in contact with proven virus cases to visit them or prepare the box of their food.
          One can be killed by those close to disease.
          Pragmatic reasons make medical staff and social staff and carers dangerous in themselves to all who are not.Catch 22.

    3. a-tracy
      March 22, 2020

      But Wales explained these deaths didn’t happen in one day, they wanted to let family know, no-one is saying how many of the people dying were admitted with CV19 or were they long term ill in the hospital.

      What are business owners supposed to do, we have orders but if staff don’t turn up because they think they’ll get 80% of their pay covered anyway things are going to go south very quickly and your supermarkets won’t get deliveries, petrol stations won’t stay open, waterworks, electric boards etc. The government need urgently to clarify today, are people supposed to go to work or not tomorrow?

      1. Narrow Shoulders
        March 23, 2020

        The wages guarantee is only for businesses who would otherwise have had to lay staff off. They furlough them without pay (paid 80% up to ÂŁ2,500 by government from end April) and then take them on again when things pick up

        Those who resign or don’t run up aren’t covered, it is actually quite a good instrument in the short term.

    4. Anonymous
      March 22, 2020

      And what are people doing during lock down ? Going up ladders, using skill saws and taking to the roads on racer bikes.

      The message that also needs to get out is DO NOT INJURE YOURSELF AT THIS TIME YOU WILL NOT BE TREATED

  5. Lifelogic
    March 22, 2020

    Sadiq Khan totally deluded on Marr just now. He still does not get it nor does Andy Burnham. It seems Dominic Cummings now finally does get it (after getting it wrong at first such are these History graduates). But still, even now, they are dithering and hugely under reacting. Get locked down now and get the NHS ready – four week late but better late than never!

    1. a-tracy
      March 22, 2020

      Lifelogic do you think all staff should stop work tomorrow, supermarkets, delivery drivers, water boards, petrol stations, sanitation, drain maintenance, boiler repairs everything, this isn’t like a Christmas blimin holiday where you can afford to take a couple of weeks off so you’re alright Jack.

      1. Lifelogic
        March 22, 2020

        No we should have a system similar to that of Italy currently.

        What the UK experts and government seem to have got wrong is that the way you manage an epidemic when you have a health service with a chronic lack of ICU capacity is very different from how you might do it where this isn’t the case. Delay, delay, delay and flatten the peak as well (but later after you have raised the capacity of the NHS to cope in the extra times available). The Italian death rate is now increasing at just under 20% the UK one at over 30%.

        1. a-tracy
          March 23, 2020

          So you just expect these workers to work and take the risks whilst everyone else sits at home “paid and “safe”?

          1. Martin in Cardiff
            March 23, 2020

            So what do you want?

            UK, population 60,000,000, dead 500,000.

            China, population, 1,400,000,000, dead 3,200.

            Try explaining that discrepancy to the millions of bereaved?

          2. Edward2
            March 23, 2020

            Currently under 350 deaths in the UK.

  6. Ed M
    March 22, 2020

    And for religious believers out there, let’s pray – for people to remain healthy and cheerful etc but also so that our leaders and people in general act with the maximum amount of prudence and common sense as possible – in health (in particular thinking about the old and sick and most vulnerable) but also over our economy (our economy is also very important as this time – if our economy sinks, then this could cause all sorts of problems leading to more deaths, perhaps, as well as economic and social chaos from one degree to another, affecting our young for years to come).

    1. Brigham
      March 22, 2020

      I should think that ther number of believers is miniscule, now that this plague has been visited upon us. If I believed in a god, I would be shouting for him to get his act together, as he is meant to be omnipotent, as he/she/or it is responsible.

      1. glen cullen
        March 22, 2020

        sorry what plague…we only have 45 cases across our borough county of 1.4m people, thats not a plague

      2. Ed M
        March 22, 2020

        That’s the toughest question, perhaps, to answer about religion. I do have some answers, but won’t attempt here as i don’t think it would be appropriate. Saying that, I also believe in prayer – I was cured of debilitating arthritis in a flash of a moment about 5 mins from High St Ken, London, which to me now is a magical place for me! I also experienced two other miracles in London and one in the countryside in England. All profoundly joyful and extraordinary experiences. Don’t want to push my views on others. Was just encouraging others to say a prayer.

        Lastly, I also try to emphasise that patriotism (love of country and people) is a really important virtue.

        Best to you.

        1. Ed M
          March 22, 2020

          How I love London now (and the English countryside) like William Blake:

          ‘Earth has not any thing to show more fair:
          Dull would he be of soul who could pass by
          A sight so touching in its majesty:
          This City now doth, like a garment, wear
          The beauty of the morning; silent, bare,
          Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie
          Open unto the fields, and to the sky;
          All bright and glittering in the smokeless air.
          Never did sun more beautifully steep
          In his first splendour, valley, rock, or hill;
          Ne’er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep!
          The river glideth at his own sweet will:
          Dear God! the very houses seem asleep;
          And all that mighty heart is lying still!’

          1. Ed M
            March 22, 2020

            (apologies – but we have to stay hopeful and inspired – all the best).

          2. Cheshire Girl
            March 23, 2020

            I learned that poem at school many years ago. I found it very inspiring then, and I do now.

          3. SM
            March 23, 2020

            That poem is not by Blake, it’s by Wordsworth.

      3. Ed M
        March 23, 2020

        I’m quite rightly not allowed to talk about religion here (and apologies in the past for doing so).

        However, to try and answer your question through Shakespeare – that isn’t religion (nor non religious or anti religious either) – King Lear is wiser as a result of his suffering (terrible as that suffering is).

  7. Backhandedcompliment
    March 22, 2020

    I’ve mentioned to JR before, unpublished , that my nicknames at school first then in workplaces, the most seemly ones were
    Prof, at school, in coalmines Engine and Poet, in an office, Mr Data.
    JR I’m certain knows that the latter is of some embarrassment.
    Not me, I’m busy, but JR would be the best leader for the UK. Stone cold clinical, is necessary when all about you lose their human heads.

    1. steve
      March 22, 2020

      “Stone cold clinical, is necessary when all about you lose their human heads.”

      I’d say moral compass is more important, and a good heart is righteous….but a cold mind isn’t.

  8. steve
    March 22, 2020


    “Please get Boris and his experts to talk to the Italian medics and their experts now.”

    LL, do you think these ‘experts’ are to be trusted ?

    Personally I don’t ned an expert to tell me to wash my hands regularly and after visiting the Lavatory. I don’t need an ‘expert’ to ask me to buy in a manner respectful of others needs during a crisis such as this.

    I have to say, I get the impression some of these so-called experts are after glory. Each behaving as if they’re set for hero status when this crisis is over.

    1. Martin in Cardiff
      March 22, 2020

      Not each of them – some are dying as we write.

      1. Fred H
        March 23, 2020

        please supply a list.

        1. Martin in Cardiff
          March 23, 2020

          We have lost a nurse in her thirties and a fifty-two year old ENT consultant is fighting for his life. Others are ill.

          What a truly lamentable post.

    2. Lifelogic
      March 22, 2020

      I trust the experts (who agree with me) and who think it through rationally and independently with no axe to grind. The problem is that if they mix with too many bureaucrat and politicians they tend to start to suffer from their usually mad group think.

      1. Rick
        March 23, 2020

        The headline in The Daily Mirror has it

  9. Lifelogic
    March 22, 2020


    This Italian Professor is exactly right. Stop all the dithering and half measures and act now for goodness sake Boris. Further delays will cost very many live. Also get someone to explain the situation to the London Mayor. Worse still the people needing the limited ICU care need 14 days of it it seems on average!

  10. Iain Gill
    March 22, 2020

    well thoughts on Boris and friends tonight

    1 the NHS model of one person to one house is going to be exposed as a lot of nonsense. the problem with them writing to the people they think need help will be that a lot of them are simply not at that address. my mother for instance is self isolating at the friends house where she happened to be when this kicked off, and not the address the GP has. really years ago the NHS should have adapted its model to the reality that people spend part of the year in one place, and part of the year in another etc. so thats all going to have to be fixed manually now on a case by case basis, when really it should have been fixed years ago in the NHS systems.

    2 this virus is not just spread by air it is also spread by touch, the virus CAN live on surfaces for a long time possibly a day and a half. people should not just be being told to stay 2 metres apart, they should also be told to sanitise their hands after they have used a park gate handle, or a fuel pump, or a PIN machine at the supermarket. people need to be super careful with cleaning their hands after they touch something.

    3 kids in playground is clearly the wrong decision, just close the playgrounds. keeping kids 2 metres apart will be impossible and as above touching surfaces is dangerous if you dont immediately wash yourself afterwards.

    4 the army is not that big really to cover the whole country, and they only have 20000 troops lined up to do this. probably not enough.

    5 much stricter rules are being enforced in some countries, like masks outside bin them on return home, must go straight in shower and clothes in the wash when you return home and dont touch family until after you have done that. probably those are the right things to say, and we are being far too gentle with the public.

    6 its clearly a tough job, I just worry have we really got the best people helping those at the top.

    7 no news for the many people not helped by the Perm staff and already long term unemployed packages… many still worrying

  11. acorn
    March 22, 2020

    It’s an ill virus that does nobody any good. The EU is suspending its idiotic Euro Stability and Growth Pack. Member States’ Treasuries can now freely fiscally inject, life saving Euro currency into their economies that the ECB is obliged to fund. Let’s hope this becomes a permanent feature that leads to the restoration of sovereign currencies in all EU States and the demise of the ECB.

    1. Martin in Cardiff
      March 22, 2020

      The euro has risen from about 83p to 95p in just a few weeks.

      It’s at about 92p just now.

      Acorn, how many lives would those developments for which you hope save?

  12. glen cullen
    March 22, 2020

    Okay this flu coronavirus is a pandemic….I get that

    But I want to know what the numbers are in my region/city

    Is it getting worst or better in my region/city

    What are the recovery rates in my region/city

    Is what the BBC and SKY showing all the time about Italy and Spain a true reflection of my region/city

    Whats the breakdown of deaths by age, prior medical condition and by region/city

    There are 45 cases across my whole borough county (maybe half at home. maybe half in recovery) and they are telling/describing that the NHS is in meltdown

    Something doesn’t gel here

    1. na
      March 23, 2020

      But I want to know what the numbers are in my region/city

      It mainly effects soap stars, celebrities, politicians and communists.

  13. Iain Gill
    March 22, 2020


    Senior docs think this makes sense, but dont know how to get it in front of decision makers…

    are you able to make sure its considered?



  14. Iain Moore
    March 23, 2020

    Keep hearing people flying into the UK without any checks, this lackadaisical attitude doesn’t inspire you with much confidence that the Government has a grip on matters. I wonder if they still think it was a good idea to allow 3,000 Real Madrid supporters to fly into support their team.

  15. David
    March 23, 2020

    My 21 year old daughter was in a flat in northern Peru with one other girl when the lockdown began. She has been working for an NGO since before the outbreak. Obviously we were very concerned that she was in a vulnerable situation. It was impossible to contact the embassy and they replied to our emailed attempts to pass on her contact details with a generic email giving “if you are concerned about coronavirus …” type links.
    There have been various estimates of UK nationals in Peru but somewhere between 400 and 1000. If they cannot process that number of cases on a personal basis they are utterly useless and should be sacked forthwith in my opinion.

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