Letter to BBC

Dear Director General

         Congratulations on your appointment. I am glad you are reviewing the extent to which the BBC delivers the impartiality and public service content Licence fee payers pay for.

        As someone who seeks to make a  contribution to the main arguments over public policy, specialising in economic and constitutional matters, I find the BBC output is often biased against discussion and thoughtful  consideration of  views and attitudes that disagree with the conventional wisdom of the large corporations, civil service and international quango establishment. As examples  I have in the past  been denied access or time to explain  the case against the ERM and features of the Euro which duly went on to do considerable economic damage, the case against so called independent central banks when they were in recession creating mode,  to consider the opportunities given to nationalisms by devolution or to make the case to rescue industrial and agricultural market share lost during our years in the EU single market. I have written and published on these and other themes extensively and wish to discuss them in a true Reithian spirit of independent enquiry. Instead I have to listen to a propaganda channel which just assumes the establishment view of Euro policy,  thinks the single market is always a net gain which we must not lose, that  Central Banks are wise and right and the errors of economic policy are all the fault of governments, and favours lop sided devolution  which must be  encouraged. There is a reverence towards so called independent experts who are often political in their judgements and sometimes not even good experts in their fields with poor track records at forecasting.

          I do not think the BBC reveal party political bias between Labour and the Conservatives. The interviewers are usually rightly tough on both parties. There is however systematic  bias against England, with many voices representing Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and liberal reporting of the devolved governments  with never any consideration of the views of England where  most Licence fee payers live.   There is  no English radio or tv channel to redress the balance, unlike the other nations in  the Union which have their own channels. No-one is ever allowed to speak for England. We are endlessly told Scotland voted to stay in  the EU but never told England voted decisively to leave. The BBC follows the EU agenda of trying to break England into regional and city area governments, whilst leaving Scotland whole despite the anti Edinburgh tensions in  places like the Shetlands and the differences between the Highlands and the main cities.  I would appreciate the opportunity to have a conversation with you about global  establishment bias throughout BBC output, which has left the BBC finding it very difficult to report sensibly on Brexit or Trump or other populist movements. I think the BBC needs to do a lot more to foster intelligent debate about these economic and constitutional matters, as it misses out on many of the conversations listeners and viewers are having on social media in frustration with their state Broadcaster.

           The bias is also reflected in the way so called populist politicians and parties in office overseas are reported. I am neutral on the US election, as UK politicians should stay out of foreign elections and be willing to work with any democratically elected government that emerges in an ally. Listening and watching BBC output it regularly frames the election as the Democrats would wish, concentrating plenty of hostile fire on Trump and  his supporters but never doing the same to Biden and his. Coverage of continental parties in government that are sceptical of EU policy is also usually more hostile in tone than coverage of pro EU parties. I look forward to meeting.

Yours sincerely

John Redwood


  1. Caterpillar
    October 31, 2020

    “I look forward to meeting” – hopefully broadcast!

    Sadly the BBC is not the only institution where an enquiry based approach is not permitted. If enquiry does not a priori support a result, it is shut down and those involved cancelled.

    1. Stephen Priest
      October 31, 2020

      Retail will be smashed forever if there’s a full lockdown in November

      Please you and you fellow MPs must stop this at ALL costs.

    2. Stephen Priest
      October 31, 2020

      What will wake the Prime Minister wake up?

      All back bench MPs threatening to resign their seats force about 100 by elections?

      Boris Johnson is just on big bloated disaster.

      Vote Conservate get Chinese Communism

      1. glen cullen
        October 31, 2020


        1. Hope
          October 31, 2020

          Time for him to be forced out. Johnson is destroying our way of life and economy.

        2. Hope
          October 31, 2020

          OT: First lockdown did NOT after three months, so moron Johnson and two dope side kicks want to do it again!

          Come on JR, oust the idiot. It has to be better to try a plan B like you asked the other day.

          People must not comply and ignore Johnson like Con Woman articles suggested this week.

      2. Mitchel
        October 31, 2020

        China pursues Leninist State Capitalism ;it’s certainly not textbook “communist”.Messrs Johnson and Cummings clearly would like to form a Leninist vanguard but their execution owes more to Harpo Marx than Karl Marx.

        1. Martin in Cardiff
          October 31, 2020

          A delight – thank you!

          Incidentally, regarding this ineptitude, I replied to one mocking Mark Drakeford’s recent actions with the words “just wait”.

          So here we are – Johnson now apes his wisers and betters, but too late – yet again.

          1. Edward2
            October 31, 2020

            It’s easy for Wales to decide to lockdown as the economic hit will be paid for by the English.

    3. Martin in Cardiff
      October 31, 2020

      What a curious last sentence – of course if enquiry, on analysis by reason alone, i.e. “a priori” will not lead to a result, then further resources will not be wasted on it.

      1. Caterpillar
        October 31, 2020

        What an amusing response.

        The use of empirical data is ignored if it contradicts a desired result of a particular theory.

        1. Martin in Cardiff
          November 1, 2020

          I see, thank you for stating your criticism intelligibly and correctly this time.

          What is your evidence for a given conclusion having been “desired” by anyone at the BBC?

  2. SM
    October 31, 2020

    Sir John, I hope you will advise us of Mr Davie’s response – even if it’s just a polite brush-off!

  3. Radar
    October 31, 2020

    An excellent diary entry!
    I cancelled my tv licence 19 months ago.

    1. BeebTax
      October 31, 2020

      I cancelled mine around that time, too. Haven’t regretted it for a moment.

    2. Peter
      October 31, 2020

      Sensible. I bet you don’t miss BBC TV either.

      All the other TV channels are free on ‘catch up’services anyway. Even some of the BBC stuff is available free elsewhere.

      Streaming services offer far better advert-free entertainment at lower cost.

    3. Barbara
      October 31, 2020

      We have been BBC-free for about fifteen years now and have not regretted it for a second. In fact, it has been a great relief and very freeing. I say that as someone who used to be a telly addict.

      1. anon
        October 31, 2020


        Yes the threats tend to wear off after the first few years, but still keep coming, money is no problem really. Proof its used as a propaganda tool.

        Don’t watch live tv.. defund the BBC.

        Claim your refund as well. Then refuse to communicate with them unless you want to waste their time.

        Why is is the BBC being allowed to borrow from the state.?

        Let it go insolvent.

  4. Lifelogic
    October 31, 2020

    Indeed. The BBC is clearly a pure propaganda channel. Worse still they are consistently wrong on almost everything. They are pro EU, pro climate alarmism, were pro the EURO and ERM, pro an ever larger state and ever higher taxes, pro expensive and unreliable renewable energy, pro ever more red tape and over regulation, anti-business, anti-landlord, pro the politics of envy and grievance, vehemently anti-Trump and pro the damaging war on plant and tree food, pro the evil identity politics and all the woke lunacy.

    Largely staffed by fairly dim, deluded art graduates with little grasp of logic and almost zero understanding of competitive business, real economics, engineering or science.

    1. Ian @Barkham
      October 31, 2020


    2. fedupsoutherner
      October 31, 2020


    3. Qubus
      October 31, 2020

      Why does the BBC persist in employing mainly third-rate Oxbridge graduates?

      1. Lifelogic
        October 31, 2020

        Well they always used to advertise in the Guardian I think. Perhaps that explains it. With all those use public sector jobs for diversity officers and the likes.

    4. ukretired123
      October 31, 2020


    5. Mike Durrans
      October 31, 2020

      + 1

    6. M Davis
      October 31, 2020


  5. Sakara Gold
    October 31, 2020

    An interesting letter. Speaking as one who does admire the BBC, I am unconvinced by allegations of bias, but I hope the new DG does give you an opportunity to put your views across.

    1. Ian Wragg
      October 31, 2020

      As a left wing remainer, obviously you don’t agree with John.

    2. turboterrier
      October 31, 2020

      Samara Gold
      Glad you admire them it is nice to know that they have got one disciple.

    3. Fred H
      October 31, 2020

      you admire but do you listen and watch BBC varied output?
      Possibly a Radio 4 and BBC 1 drama fan?

    4. Lifelogic
      October 31, 2020

      “between 2005 and 2015, only 132 (3.2 per cent) were supporters of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU! This when 52% of the public did (and this despite all this BBC propaganda dripped on them)” and sensible scientists (who are almost always climate realists though some dare not admit it for grant/job reasons) are clearly banned completely by the BBC.

      What would it take to convince you of the BBC’s appalling & endless bias?

  6. Charles
    October 31, 2020

    The politics of grievance. You’ve got your Brexit, your party has been in power for over ten years now, and still you want to revel in playing the victim. How petty. How sad.

    1. matthu
      October 31, 2020

      You mean the Brexiters achieved all of that despite the BBC? So now they should simply ignore the bias?

      1. Lifelogic
        October 31, 2020

        +1 and we still do not have a proper Brexit clean yet.

        1. Martin in Cardiff
          November 2, 2020

          There is no more such a thing as a “clean” brexit than there is a “pretty” disembowelment.

          Get used to it.

      2. Andy
        October 31, 2020

        Other than lorry parks, masses of extra bureaucracy, fewer rights, higher prices and intentional ridicule what exactly did the Brexiteers achieve?

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          November 1, 2020


      3. Mike Durrans
        October 31, 2020

        +1 thats why we are ignoring BBC output and keeping our money in our pockets

      4. Graham Wheatley
        November 1, 2020

        If it weren’t for the Brussels Fraudcasting Corporation, that percentage margin would have been a lot bigger!

    2. Sir Joe Soap
      October 31, 2020

      Their vile output has given succour to the EU in thinking that the UK regrets its decision and will now rejoin (alongside output from Sir Starmer, the Libdems and various other antidemocratic groups). D Miliband and Osborne on Any Questions still saying it was a mistake and we will regret not following their wise musings at the time. Nobody on board from the 52% to counter this.

      1. Andy
        October 31, 2020

        Most of the ‘52%’ have scarpered. Rats fleeing a sinking ship. You get the odd idiot who still defends Brexit on national TV – Bridgen, Duncan Smith and a few other oddballs – but most realise the damage they have done and keep their mouths shut.

        1. Edward2
          October 31, 2020

          Where is your data to prove your claim?

        2. Graham Wheatley
          November 1, 2020

          No we haven’t.

      2. Whichever
        October 31, 2020

        The vast number of British do regret the decision to leave but cannot do anything about it. Maybe in another generation or so we might rejoin. It was a catasthrophic mistake made because of the lies we were told and the consequences we will see in a few months time with the finish up of cross channel JIT for business and then the queues at the ports- blue passport and all the the French will screw us

        1. Graham Wheatley
          November 1, 2020

          No we don’t.

    3. ukretired123
      October 31, 2020

      Sad for you Charles that you spin this against SJR.
      You sound like the BBC – coincidence?

    4. Martin in Cardiff
      October 31, 2020

      The BBC featured Nigel Farage more than any other politician during the run-up to the referendum.

      His preposterous assertions were usually never challenged either, because he sprang them on the listener at the very end of his allotted ninety second slot or whatever, and the stopwatch rules in live broadcasting, as he and others are only too aware.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        October 31, 2020

        Nigel was the weakest Brexiteer, so naturally they featured him. Look at the old clips of the greatest generation arguing for British Sovereignty, Benn, Castle, Shore to name only the Labour Brexiteers. Read JRs books to see the strength of t argument he was never allowed to propound on the disastrous and dead-in the-water BBC.

      2. Edward2
        October 31, 2020

        Where is your proof of that claim.

        1. Graham Wheatley
          November 1, 2020


      3. Mike Durrans
        October 31, 2020

        Nigel Farage An intelligent man- knows how to play the opponents game and use it to maximum impact

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          November 1, 2020


  7. Martyn G
    October 31, 2020

    An excellent letter Sir J, which covers the main points without, very sensibly in my view, touching on the licence fee problems and the expensive and dubious enforcement processes carried out by a manifestly incompetent contractor.

    1. Fred H
      October 31, 2020

      excellent points.

    2. Lifelogic
      October 31, 2020

      What is the problem. Ban the licence fee and make them charge. Then they will have to respond to customer demand rather than bombard them with idiotic BBC think propaganda.

      1. Lifelogic
        October 31, 2020

        Daily newpaper circulation figures below. So why do the BBC have to ape the Guardian which almost nobody reads or buys? If people paid the BBC it would have to respond to their customers. This rather than dripping left wing, woke, lunacy over them every day.

        Metro 1,419,614
        The Sun 1,206,595
        Daily Mail 1,134,184
        Evening Standard 787,447
        Daily Mirror 441,934
        The Times 359,960
        Daily Telegraph 318,000
        Daily Express 289,679
        Daily Star 274,808
        i 215,932
        Financial Times 155,009
        The Guardian 126,879
        Daily Record 103,222
        City A.M. 85,738

        1. Martin in Cardiff
          October 31, 2020

          Thank you for those stats – they explain exactly why the country is in the risible and contemptible – in equal measure – position that it is.

          1. Edward2
            October 31, 2020

            I realise this is a difficult thing for you to absorb but people have a free choice as to what newspapers to buy and this is the result.
            I expect like most on the left you would close down those newspapers you disagree with and have just one newspaper.
            Like USSR had with Pravda.
            If you took away the Guardians the BBC buy their figure would be even lower.

          2. M Davis
            October 31, 2020


  8. Lifelogic
    October 31, 2020

    Much talk of a new lockdown which would be insane. Daily new “cases” are now hardly increasing at all. The rate of increase has declined significantly already. In another week or so new “cases” are likely to be declining if you look at the trend.

    This despite the fact that they are testing hundred of thousands everyday and perhaps as many a 1/3 of the positives are false positives (the government are not giving us the true false positive figures). They are not really “cases” either as many do not even show symptoms.

    Coming back to the BBC On Any Questions and Question Time this week of the 9 guests only one seemed to be a Trump supporter and she was also the only one who remotely to the right of centre politically. Of 4,275 guests talking about the EU on BBC Radio 4’s flagship Today programme between 2005 and 2015, only 132 (3.2 per cent) were supporters of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU! This when 52% of the public did (and this despite all this BBC propaganda).

    1. Caterpillar
      October 31, 2020


      First paragraph +1.

      1. Hope
        October 31, 2020

        LL, we have not been given any accurate figures to scare the nation since March. None. Govt cannot still give accurate death figures showing people FROM Chinese Flu not WITH it. We read the fiddling is encouraged. Why? First time ever I have known death certificates not to be accurate.

        Witless and Unbalanced warned us in Sept, during their double act, of figures that did not reach even half of their prediction.

        No lock down required. Great Barrington Declaration is the way forward. Johnson is now toxic. Time to get rid of him.

        1. Lifelogic
          November 1, 2020

          He is the best we have who would you replace him with? Keep hold of nurse for fear or something far worse!

          1. Hope
            November 1, 2020

            Rishi Sunak. IDS back to welfare and pensions, JR secretary to Treasury. I would only have MPs with conservatist view.

            Raab, Gove, Hancock would be dust. I would make Lords and put them straight into cabinet rather than the current crop of crap.

    2. Ian Wragg
      October 31, 2020

      The deaths are a combination of Covid, Flu and Pneumonia.
      It’s a con to justify harsher measures.
      Look up the graph on flu deaths 2020 and you will see they have vanished.

      1. Ian Wragg
        October 31, 2020

        So Boris is considering a other ruinous loxkdown. Who else thinks this is cover for selling out on Brexit.

        1. M Davis
          October 31, 2020


        2. glen cullen
          October 31, 2020


    3. Sir Joe Soap
      October 31, 2020

      Good article in the Atlantic about the 80/20 Pareto’s rule applying to Coronavirus. Basically 20% ish of infected folk do 80%of the spreading, so finding those 20% and ignoring the 80% is a route to solving the problem. Backward tracing does more to help than forward tracing. It also means just cutting the numbers who they (or crudely anyone) can meet in those few days contributes hugely to solving the problem.

      Without data on who is catching this and where they are catching it, it is difficult to justify wholesale measures on the population.

    4. Lifelogic
      October 31, 2020

      Lockdownsceptics.org has the new “cases” adjusted by specimen date which show an even more positive message than just reported cases.

      “the reality on the ground is that daily positive tests by specimen date have not risen since October 19th, 11 days ago. Where is the “doubling”? The rolling average hasn’t doubled since the start of the month”

      What on earth are Sage and the Government on about a new lockdown for?

      1. Lifelogic
        October 31, 2020

        Excellent sense on Covid from Prof. David Livermore (UEA) today on Andrew Castle – LBC today about 12 mins in. He is spot on.

        And I thought the University and East Anglia was just a hotbed of climate alarmist lies, propaganda, lunacy and distortions. Good to see there is still some sense up in Norwich – at least in the Medical Department anyway.

    5. Bryan Harris
      October 31, 2020

      We are dying as a nation, drip drip, one bit at a time, as the lifeblood of our society is drained away with lock-downs…
      Restaurants and other outlets are closing down, and will never have the capital or incentive to start up again — Is the government so blind to the continued, irreversible effects of lock-downs?

      Are we going to get a Christmas lock-down that will totally ruin the year for many, as it’s already been a damned awful year!

      What should concern us all are other effects of a global shut-down — Like the availability of food — We managed to scrape through the last full lock-down without too many food shortages because goods were in transit…. but with so much of the world closed for business we cannot rely on food coming from abroad…. BUT are our food producers able to feed us if they are also shut.

      Damn the the lack of innovative thinking from experts – they will ruin us all.

    6. Chris Dark
      October 31, 2020

      It would be interesting to know where in the country these “hundreds of thousands” are being tested. From what I’ve seen and heard from other forums, these test centres are like ghost buildings; a few yellow-jacketed officials and very few if any people. And we are going to maybe lock down England for nothing, again, with the BBC spreading doom, gloom and propaganda. I haven’t watched a tv set since 2007 and am thankful for it. It is disgusting what the Beeb has turned into.

      1. a-tracy
        October 31, 2020

        I’d like to see these figures too Chris, how many tests per test centre how many + from those tests.

    7. a-tracy
      October 31, 2020

      The ‘New lockdown speculation’ is bizarre, we never locked-down mid-week so why is this speculation saying mid-week is it to coincide with the American election, what is about to go down in the UK that they don’t want people to meet and discuss with others. Tell us where the people in hospital caught it (lets not just discuss the number of people with positive tests I now know a couple of people that recovered in a week with hardly any symptoms in fact one didn’t know he had it, we are also testing thousands more now we don’t even know for a fact how many had it in February, March, and April its all guesstimates).

      With a new lockdown are we getting a new furlough scheme including people that were hired after March and haven’t previously been furloughed because I don’t think businesses that tried to survive the first lockdown will cope with another at the best sales time of the year without full financial support for those workers they lay off?

    8. Lynn Atkinson
      October 31, 2020

      LL when I started campaigning for Brexit, not 1 national newspaper was in agreement.

    9. Mike Durrans
      October 31, 2020

      L L

      Im not sure about the THOUSANDS tested. Here in North Devon the yellow coated testers are normally playing football

    10. Old Salt
      October 31, 2020

      +1 Third para – with respect just what did you expect with the EU funded BBC. He who pays the piper…

  9. agricola
    October 31, 2020

    Well put, lets see what he has to say on your letter. He has just defined the scope of employees political excursions effectively saying no more posting on line. Some of them have revolted publicly. It will be interesting to see if they are replaced by more Reithian seekers of truth, and where he advertises for replacements. His start at least suggests he understands the problem. I see it as a last chance saloon measure, failure of which will see the BBC working to a different financial model in the future.

  10. steve
    October 31, 2020

    Good luck with that, JR.

    I thought non – payment of the licence fee was to be decriminalised, why has this not happened ?

    1. Lifelogic
      October 31, 2020

      Why has it not been banned – not just decriminalised?

      Make they charge and see how many are prepared to pay for it. Make them compete fairly with other broadcasters.

  11. Mark B
    October 31, 2020

    Good morning, and thank you Sir John for raising a number of issues.

    The BBC will not change. It is irreversibly Left Wing and bias. The only solution is to simply defund it and leave it to wither on the vine. Yes, a lot of independents will go down too but, that is their fault for not fighting their own corner and changing to suit the way people now view their entertainment.

    Youtube, Netflix, Curiosity Stream and others are all producing good content. This morning I watched individual YT’s who produced well researched and produced content mad on their own PC’s in their own homes or, in one case, from a man who lives and travels on a narrowboat on the English Canals.

    So screw the BBC ! Keep you woke diversity and politically bias crap ! I’m watching real TV.

    1. Everhopeful
      October 31, 2020

      I would imagine the BBC is pretty safe.
      It is and always has been the propaganda machine of the govt.
      And since liblabcon is a reality the BBC has never had to change its agenda.
      Nudging us towards communism.
      Nearly there too!
      The government loves and adores it!
      And we poor saps thought it was there for us!

      1. Lifelogic
        October 31, 2020


      2. Hope
        October 31, 2020

        The BBC promotes the Tory Govts cultural Marxism despite any fake outward criticism. It is clear to everyone if the govt was serious it would have acted by now. We had promises since Cameron, nothing has changed. Perhaps, like immigration, in private they are not serious about changing the BBC.

        Like all politicians BBC does not mention England. Cameron promised to address the Lothian question years ago. Nothing of substance to date.

        1. Original Chris
          October 31, 2020

          +1, Hope.

        2. M Davis
          October 31, 2020

          Hope. you always talk sense! +1

    2. Sir Joe Soap
      October 31, 2020

      I think you’re correct.
      Our host is rather prone to encourage evolution of these organisations, when they need revolution. Exception granted is the EU, where he’s happy to walk away and wave goodbye. Several of our other organisations from the BBC to the NHS deserve a similar approach.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        October 31, 2020

        Just keep giving them rope.

    3. BeebTax
      October 31, 2020

      Well said. There’s great content out there, a lot of it is free. Since cancelling my TV licence I’ve realised I what a waste of money it was. So glad I’m not funding the BBC any more, too.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        October 31, 2020


    4. Qubus
      October 31, 2020

      There is so much news and comment available on the BBC website that I am begining to wonder why I bother to buy a newspaper every day. Until recently, and maybe this is still the case, I could even find the rules of rugby there … and much else.
      Isn’t it time that the BBC gave the dailys a break?

    5. Fishknife
      October 31, 2020

      A boy called Sue.
      We have much to thank the BBC for. By perpetuating the conduct of our political parties, in effect pissing on our heads and telling us repeatedly it is raining, they annoyed a sufficient proportion of the population out of stupor into actually voting.
      Had they stopped sneering long enough to listen, the result could well have gone the other way.

      1. Mark B
        October 31, 2020

        Yep !

  12. Lifelogic
    October 31, 2020

    Simple instruction for would be BBC reporters get a degree in English or Social Sciences or Media Studies learn no maths, physics, engineering, economics,logic or business. Be a member of some disadvantages group (as visibly as possible). Remember raw emotion wins every time over reason and logic.

    Good news is reported thus: Despite, Trump, Brexit, Farage, Populism, Climate Change, Boris, the extreme right …….. Bad news thus. Due to Trump, Brexit, Farage, Populism, Climate Change Deniers, Boris, unscrupulous Landlords and profit seeking businesses ……..

    And always remember that to the BBC the state monopoly NHS that kills competition is “the envy of the world”. This no many how many people is kills and fails or how badly it performs in international comparisons.

    1. Sir Joe Soap
      October 31, 2020

      Spot on, and now most sub-45 year olds have been fed this diet since early adolescence. Without a veritable revolution this stodge ball of an organisation combined with all the other “progressive” (double speak) organisations run by arts graduates will run us all into the ground.

  13. Martin in Cardiff
    October 31, 2020

    Translates as “BBC output is insufficiently biased in favour of right wing so-called think tank doctrine, as propagated by several obscurely-financed groups sharing an address in Tufton Street”.

    1. Nigl
      October 31, 2020

      The usual knee jerk indicating you haven’t read the letter in its entirety, maybe if you are looking for a ‘one eyed’ agenda you should look in the mirror.

      1. Bryan Harris
        October 31, 2020


      2. ukretired123
        October 31, 2020

        Nigl – excellent response to MIC or rather Martin in Denial midgit robot.

        1. Mike Durrans
          October 31, 2020


    2. Sir Joe Soap
      October 31, 2020

      Just watch their faces and the output when Trump or Biden wins and it will tell you all you need to know. You are denying the bleedin’ obvious.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        October 31, 2020

        Trump will win.

  14. PB
    October 31, 2020

    Once again I have to say, “Well Said”. I look forward to your report on your meeting with the DG.

  15. Simeon
    October 31, 2020

    Dear Director General

    We are abolishing the license fee. The BBC will have no access to public funds. We have finally realised that it is impossible for any broadcaster to be free from bias. There is therefore no legitimate rationale for a state broadcaster.

    Yours, etc.

    1. Simeon
      October 31, 2020

      Sir John, perhaps if you’d spent less time crafting a letter on an issue that is decades old you might have had time to comment on the continuation and escalation of government policy AGAINST the people it is supposed to serve. Or perhaps your silence on the matter indicates support for government policy now that the virus is (apparently, according to dodgy government data) increasingly virulent?

    2. Everhopeful
      October 31, 2020


    3. Martin in Cardiff
      October 31, 2020

      There is, however, absolutely every reason for the Establishment to control a state broadcaster, and for them to convince a large part of the public that it is reasonably impartial.

      I would disagree wholly with most of John’s followers about who the Establishment are, however.

      It certainly does not include the Labour Party, Greens, SNP, Sinn Fein, the Co-Operative Society, mutuals, and even a handful of lawyers and judges these days.

      It does very much include John’s party, however.

    4. Ian @Barkham
      October 31, 2020


    5. turboterrier
      October 31, 2020

      Well said ..second that

    6. Lifelogic
      October 31, 2020

      No legitimate rational and worse it is unfair competition to other providers to have this tax payer subsidised propaganda outfit that has no need to respond to its listeners/watchers/customers. Indeed it treats them with compete contempt. Rather like much of the NHS in many ways and for the same reasons. They have your money already anyway.

    7. glen cullen
      October 31, 2020

      That would get my vote

  16. Ian Wilson
    October 31, 2020

    Coverage of Covid 19 seems perpetually gloom-laden with emphasis on dire predictions from Sage and Neil Ferguson (why does anyone still listen to him?) Rarely do we hear the more optimistic voices of Professors Sunetra Gupta and Carl Heneghan.

    On climate the BBC are disgracefully one-sided. In 2019 I heard not one mention on news bulletins of the 500 (now 800) scientists who signed a statement that there is no climate emergency whereas a month later they ran as lead story a declaration by self-proclaimed “scientists” including Professor Micky Mouse and experts on snake preservation, whatever that means, who issues the usual unscientific predictions that we are about to fry.

    1. Simeon
      October 31, 2020

      With regard to your first point, it looks like the government has preferred scientists that tell them what they want to hear. It is interesting that rather than predicting 500,000 deaths, they are now predicting ‘only’ 85,000 deaths. Yet this is enough to justify another national lockdown. Poor Ferguson didn’t realise there was no need to exaggerate the threat to provide cover for a government-led lockdown. If in the first place he’d said 50,000 would die, government would have happily locked down anyway, with the same broad support from the public.

      Incidentally, if it is a ‘national’ measure, MPs will get a vote. I wonder how many rebels there will be?

    2. turboterrier
      October 31, 2020

      Ian Wilson


    3. Lifelogic
      October 31, 2020

      And that is only the 800 who are prepared to sign not the millions of others who feel they had better keep their head down (for grant, job or personal reasons).

    4. Ian Wilson
      October 31, 2020

      Stop press – I have just read an excellent piece by Professor Gupta in the Daily Mail outlining the hostility and censorship she is facing. Inter alia she relates how she was invited to give a radio interview (I must point out she doesn’t actually name the BBC) but was told minutes before she would be forbidden from mentioning the Great Barrington Declaration due to orders from senior level. Who is pulling the strings here in this lamentable killing of free speech and proper scientific practice?

      1. Lifelogic
        October 31, 2020

        Who indeed it is even worse with climate alarmism. The BBC just ban sensible climate realists completely!

  17. Lifelogic
    October 31, 2020

    Tim Davie read English at Selwyn – Better slightly than PPE I suppose but does not inspire much confidence. He almost certainly will not be able to grasp the Climate Alarmist lunacy of the BBC, it’s political bias or to address the huge, bloated inefficiency of the organisation. He is essentially a sales and marketing man given his business experience.

    The BBC, on top of being a blatant propaganda outfit, unfair competition and very poor value for money – has policies that actively and blatantly discriminate against people who do not belong to certain “disadvantaged” groups. This with their evil quota agenda. They judge not by your character or ability but by your skin colour, accent, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, sex, wokeness or (preferably visible or audible) disability.

    1. Nigl
      October 31, 2020

      I guess you applied for another top job being the most qualified but were not selected. Easier to sit at home repeating the same stuff endlessly rather than being out there making a difference?

      1. Lifelogic
        October 31, 2020

        The last time I applied for a job was when I was about 19 and I got it. I have worked for myself since I was about 24.

        1. Peter
          October 31, 2020


          Either precocious or not a graduate…..

          1. Peter
            October 31, 2020

            For transparency, not posted by me.

          2. Lifelogic
            November 1, 2020

            This employer kindly sponsored me (with extra grant money) though Cambridge Uni and then Manchester and employed me over the holidays (on quite a good salary). Plus you got a full grant in those days. I was thus able to save a few thousands to set up my first business (initially in electronics). Later I even got the the Enterprise Allowance Scheme set up under Thatcher (which gave a guaranteed income of £40 per week to unemployed people who set up their own business).

    2. Fred H
      October 31, 2020

      LL – exactly – – they must have statisticians that categorise all people in the UK. Then ensure all are present in the job groups. End result being a ridiculous majority of minorities rather than true representations of the population.

    3. Lifelogic
      October 31, 2020

      A sort of flower arranging for the TV screen. The trouble is that they then end up with far less able people (as they have not been chosen on ability) so this totally backfires. People then start to think x and y are idiots and conclude they are clearly only there for “diversity” reasons not ability.

    4. Peter
      October 31, 2020

      ‘Tim Davie read English at Selwyn – Better slightly than PPE I suppose but does not inspire much confidence. ’

      People have all sorts of hobbies. Cataloguing the universities attended and courses studied by various people in the news is one of which I had not previously heard.

      You are in danger of becoming the pub bore.

      A four ball at the nineteenth hole :-
      ‘Oh no that Logic chap is standing at the bar!’

      ‘Better take our drinks and sit outside then’.

  18. Nigl
    October 31, 2020

    Ps. Many of the license payers would like to know why you feel the need to pay eye watering salaries, beyond their wildest dreams, to people like Mr Lineker for doing not much more than reading an autocue and confirmation that the people responsible for the Cliff Richard and others scandal and subsequent payment of damages and costs, again paid for by the public, are not now employed.

    If they remain with the Corporation, the public deserve to know why.

    1. Andy
      October 31, 2020

      Around 7m people watch Match of the Day.

      That means, on a £1m salary, Gary Linekar costs around 14.5p per viewer.

      An MP earns just under £82,000.

      There are 365 Conservative MPs.

      82,000 x 365 = just under £30,000,000.

      Reply MPs represent all their constituents, all who voted for other candidates and all who did not vote.

      Just over 13m people voted Conservative meaning Conservative MPs cost around £2.30 for each person that voted for them.

      £2.30 per voter vs 14p per viewer.

      I know who is the real waste of money.

      1. Edward2
        October 31, 2020

        Check out the ratio of salaries of quangocrats, charity bosses and union bosses and NHS bosses to minimum wage earner enjoy and get back to us

      2. Graham Wheatley
        November 1, 2020

        Now add in all the other over-rated and over-paid presenters….

      3. Lynn Atkinson
        November 1, 2020

        So on pay-per-view – no problem. Let’s abolish the TV license.

    2. Qubus
      October 31, 2020

      It beggars belief why this man should be paid ca. £1.8 million pa. I really don’t know what he does, apart from chairing the occasional discusion between a panel of ex-footballers.

      1. Lifelogic
        October 31, 2020

        £1.8 million must be about 18,000 old peoples licences every year (after collection, NI, admin costs and the likes). Just for one employee! I home they can still afford to keep warm while they are watching!

      2. Mike Wilson
        October 31, 2020

        He’s a STAR. They’re all STARS! They are all absolutely fabulous and deserve every penny of their huge salaries, pensions, sick pay and expenses. You can’t discuss anything without a nice lunch with taxis there and back. Funnily enough, in business you can’t claim expenses like that.

    3. a-tracy
      October 31, 2020

      I agree perhaps the BBC could answer why they pay people like Mr Lineker such eye watering salaries to discuss football (is his salary covered by the Football league?), and the same for news readers, Martin Bell made a good point last week that it never used to be the case, the BBC isn’t in competition with the self-funding channels and news sites so it doesn’t have to be competitive. I’d have thought that having BBC trained artists/presenters move around into the commercial sector would be a win win all around? They could also spread the jobs around wider and create more work for more people instead of just a small clique getting every job.

  19. Everhopeful
    October 31, 2020

    Very good letter as ever.
    I do hope these letters are actually sent? Do the recipients take much notice?
    Well they can’t can they or things would have changed.
    I seem to remember much sabre rattling re BBC when Johnson slithered into number 10.
    Nothing much has come of that!

    Yet the rapid response gang have apparently decreed another immediate lockdown…what a field day the BBC will have with that today. 🤮

    Reply Of course they are sent!

    1. Everhopeful
      October 31, 2020

      Reply to reply.
      Oh good. I thought we could trust JR.
      Well they are excellent letters, requiring a lot of hard work no doubt and I hope they hit home!!

  20. Sharon
    October 31, 2020

    I would add that Talk Radio is a channel that is willing to hear and discuss both sides of a discussion. It is speaking up for both Brexit and challenging ministers and Sages’ decisions about the virus.

    And they allow the public an opinion,

    1. a-tracy
      October 31, 2020

      Have you ever been asked on Talk Radio John?

      Reply Yes, quite often

      1. a-tracy
        October 31, 2020

        You should put a link to the talk radio posts when you’re on I’d never heard of it.

    2. Kenneth
      October 31, 2020

      Yes, I am increasingly listening to Talk Radio. It’s very good

    3. beresford
      October 31, 2020

      Looking forward to the new non-woke TV news channel which is due to launch soon (unless it is ‘cancelled’ by Ofcom). If they need programming suggestions, I would suggest periodic one-hour slots for those whose articles or papers have been denied public airing by SJWs. Also a unslanted history of slavery, perhaps presented by the American academic Thomas Sowell.

  21. Martin in Cardiff
    October 31, 2020

    John, are you personally acquainted with DG Tim Davie, from his time as deputy Chair of the Hammersmith and Fulham Conservative Party in the 1990s?

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      October 31, 2020

      What is a ‘deputy chair’?

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        October 31, 2020

        Ah – sorry, obviously a chair for a deputy!

  22. RichardM
    October 31, 2020

    Not sure why anyone would want a radio or tv station for England. We already have regional radio at a decent level of granularity, i.e radio Berkshire covering topics of local interest.
    The BBC license fee is also excellent value for money with superior entertainment programs compared with the likes of Sky which we had for years at many times the cost of BBC but have now cancelled.
    Both left and right see bias. Bias against Trump is imagined though. He is presented as he is, an incoherent petulant narcissist.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      October 31, 2020

      I totally disagree.

    2. Yossarion
      October 31, 2020

      It could be quite educational to a lot of immigrants as to the geographical Country called England, then again also a lot of the news readers and their producers who mistakenly say Briton when talking about solely English matters.

    3. Mike Wilson
      October 31, 2020

      If the BBC licence is such excellent value for money, people will pay it. I don’t think it is value for money so I don’t pay it. I do pay for Netflix and Amazon Prime. If the BBC is so great, surely they could compete.

  23. Sea_Warrior
    October 31, 2020

    Would you please write to the Channel For Filth too.

  24. Richard1
    October 31, 2020

    Fully agreed. I’ve more or less given up with the BBC including even Radio 4. There’s much better and more informative broadcasting available through podcasts and other sources these days.

  25. Ian Wragg
    October 31, 2020

    The BBC suffers from acute Brexit and Trump derangement syndrome. Only this week we have a second rate Eastenders actor telling us how wrong we all are, then we have jug ears the crisp man openly slagging us off.
    I don’t subscribe to the Marxist organisation and I believe millions of others have taken the same position.
    It’s time it was a subscription channel then we would see how popular it really is.

  26. turboterrier
    October 31, 2020

    Sir john

    Brilliant. But (always a but) will they take notice. Hopefully a new brush will sweep clean but nobody will be holding their breath.

  27. Ian @Barkham
    October 31, 2020

    A good review as always.

    Which ever way it is framed the BBC is taxpayer funded, but the taxpayer has no ability to challenge, have changed, reviewed or remove their Political views, Wokeness and Cancel Culture. The People have no voice, a selective view starting from bias is not a voice. The BBC clearly has an agenda and will use their unique taxpayer funded advantage over all other views to push it. That surely cant be allowed in a free democracy – then again the have shown they are against that as well.

    1. Ian @Barkham
      October 31, 2020

      MsM today quote – Lord Hall said: “The thing you can’t get away from is that if you want to have something good, a public service available to all – then it has to be funded by all not by subscription or behind some paywall.”

      How on earth is the BBC good or a public service! When it only caters and panders to the minority

  28. Sharon
    October 31, 2020

    Off topic

    Just seen Boris is to announce a national lockdown to maybe start as soon as Wednesday!

    I’m not going to say anything more such is my fury and frustration at the total idiocy of the situation!

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      October 31, 2020

      I have had to go and lie down!

    2. Original Chris
      October 31, 2020

      Sharon, I tried to post on this topic, but the simple questions I posed have not passed moderation apparently. Over the target?

    3. Martin in Cardiff
      October 31, 2020

      It’s less silly than the UK’s brexit position, but so would be the entire nation standing upside down in buckets of fish guttings.

      1. Edward2
        October 31, 2020

        Brexit Derangement Syndrome writ large

    4. Mark B
      October 31, 2020


      As someone once said:

      “Those the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.”

    5. Graham Wheatley
      November 1, 2020

      …and I note, that he is preventing Pubs from remaining solvent by disallowing off-sales of alcohol. Thet is probably the one single thing that prevented many publicans from going out of business during the first lockdown.

      In Wales, Drakeford prevented supermarkets from selling goods that were available from the forcibly closed businesses ‘in the interests of fairness’.

      Preventing pub off-sales (which usually ceased at 7pm anyway) now FORCES people to make their purchases FROM the supermarkets. How is that ‘fair’ Boris? It’s almost as if you WANT publicans to go out of business. At this rate 50% of Pubs will be closed PERMANENTLY by the Spring.

      Sir John, when Parliament gets to debate and vote on these latest measures, I would hope that there will be calls for this sneakily inserted restriction to be removed. Perhaps you might seek to table that? Many Publicans will thank you for it.

      And…. seriously….. Nov 5th? It’s almost as if the serfs’ noses are being rubbed in it.


  29. RichardM
    October 31, 2020

    OT Once again we will probably be entering a National lockdown far too late, all because the science is ignored and covidiots, many on here, spout nonsense about the current low death rate so why should we lockdown, completely oblivious that deaths will inevitably follow on weeks after rising infection rates and hospital admissions. We have more likely already locked in more deaths than the first wave as a consequence of muddled policy and dilly dally.
    When are we going to get a working track and trace system let alone the world beating one this government promised us back in March ? Where is the accountability for the billions given to the private companies to deliver this ?

  30. Lynn Atkinson
    October 31, 2020

    Excellent summary of the disease with which the BBC is riddled. As an aside, they also fail to use grammatical English. However I’m afraid it’s all too late, the people have lost faith, we no longer want to pay or listen. Had the Government acted more promptly, they could have saved the national broadcaster, but as ever dither and indecision leads to disaster.

    1. Martin in Cardiff
      October 31, 2020

      Lynn, your first “sentence” does not contain an active verb.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        October 31, 2020

        This is a passive passive sentence, the thing being acted upon is the subject of the sentence i.e. the BBC.
        i.e. means ‘that is’.

        1. Martin in Cardiff
          November 1, 2020

          Yes, it’s off topic, and I don’t want to spend long over this, but “the disease with which the BBC is riddled” just functions as a noun.

          In a properly-constructed sentence, that would relate to a main verb, as subject or object, but you do not use one.

          Yes, that’s reasonably OK – Tony Blair used such structures all the time in his speeches for instance – but it is a solecism, and if I were to criticise the BBC’s grammar, then I’d avoid that in the same comment.

          1. graham1946
            November 1, 2020

            Better to be slightly out on grammar than to continually get facts wrong like you do, supplied by the Guardian. I suggest you pay more attention to substance than pedantic comments.

          2. Lynn Atkinson
            November 1, 2020

            I could give you some good advice Martin, ‘for free’.

          3. Lynn Atkinson
            November 1, 2020

            Are you ‘stood there’ Martin? Or ‘were you sat’?
            Anyway. ‘Listen up’.

      2. Edward2
        October 31, 2020

        Lynn, take no notice of the very pedantic Martin.
        You post was well written and easily understandable.

        1. Martin in Cardiff
          November 1, 2020

          What a hoot!

          1. Edward2
            November 1, 2020

            You need to go back to school and learn some grammar.

      3. Mike Wilson
        October 31, 2020

        The verb ‘to be’ is one of the five verbs of incomplete predication. They are helpfully remembered using the mnemonic BLABS. To be, look, appear, become and seem.

        I am here.

        No ‘active verb’ in that sentence either. Perfectly grammatically correct.

  31. James1
    October 31, 2020

    Hallelujah Sir John, you said what needed saying. The BBC has morphed into an Orwellian construct quite unrecognisable from the useful services that it previously provided. A ‘state’ broadcaster is no longer needed, if it ever was. In particular we should be free to choose which (if any) broadcasting services we wish to watch or listen to, and not forced to pay for one that spouts biased nonsense with which we profoundly disagree.

    1. forthurst
      October 31, 2020

      The BBC has always been a broadcaster of state propaganda. The BBC is the Ministry of Truth and newspeak has always been its language.

  32. Everhopeful
    October 31, 2020

    There once was a British Prime Minister,
    Who contracted a virus most sinister.
    It addled his brain and drove him insane…
    So he made all the UK his prisoner!

    For ever!

    1. zorro
      October 31, 2020

      That is actually very good


      1. Lynn Atkinson
        November 1, 2020

        And sadly true.

  33. Fred H
    October 31, 2020

    Urge action on instead of praising the NHS as if due a sainthood why not draw attention to :-
    “Cancer survival in Britain the WORST in Europe,” The Daily Telegraph reports.
    This and many other similar headlines are prompted by a major new study on cancer survival rates in Europe from 1997 to 2007.

    While survival rates have tended to improve, cancer survival still varies widely between European countries. The lowest survival rates for most cancers were found in eastern Europe. The study also found that the UK and Ireland has LOWER survival rates than the European average for many cancers, particularly of the colon, ovary, kidney, stomach and lung. The lung cancer survival rate in particular was FAR LOWER than for other regions. The UK has about average survival rates for cancer of the rectum, breast, prostate, melanoma of the skin and lymphomas.
    Researchers say the main reason for low survival rates in the UK seems to be DELAYED diagnosis, UNDERUSE of successful treatments and UNEQUAL access to treatment, particularly among elderly people.
    However, patient factors are not accounted for, such as the level of smoking, alcohol misuse and poor diet in the UK.

    1. Fred H
      October 31, 2020

      I’d have thought UK treatment of cancers or lack of would be more important than Covid right now!

  34. Bryan Harris
    October 31, 2020

    …………….. Nicely put — Do please keep us informed of any response.

    I would still say there is little hope of the BBC reforming, and should be closed down.

  35. Dave Andrews
    October 31, 2020

    My observation of their “Points of View” programme is that the BBC is not open for criticism. Should the presenter of that programme actually interview a responsible BBC official, she offers no challenge to their view. More often that not, she just reads a statement of denial that the group prepare.
    I recall the programme used to be better, when members of the public could skewer an editor, but now they just hide behind their defensive wall.
    It’s so irritating, I only watch it by accident.

  36. Everhopeful
    October 31, 2020

    Wooo! 11,000 comments re Lockdown proposal in DM.
    Readers not happy. Not remotely happy!
    What are the ( anti commie coup) Tory backbenchers going to do about this?
    There will be a vote on it I hope?

    1. glen cullen
      October 31, 2020


    2. Barbara
      October 31, 2020

      I see that the London Ambulance Service tweeted out a couple of days ago that suicides they deal with are up by over 50%. I hope the government are proud of themselves, with the result of these silly games they are playing with the public’s lives.

      1. Robert Mcdonald
        October 31, 2020

        I think I can safely confirm that covid has contributed towards the current crisis, far more than our government. China’s however have a lot to answer for.

    3. Bill B.
      October 31, 2020

      A vote? You jest.

    4. Original Chris
      October 31, 2020

      Constituents must write, and write again, short and focused letters/emails to their MPs. Even although some MPs seem incapable of exercising wisdom, integrity, common sense and judgement (let alone have a sound understanding of the science and basic economics – they should heed Prof Heneghan, Michael Yeadon, Ivor Cummins, the Barrington Declaration scientists), they will take note of the volume of letters/mail on a particular topic.

      As Johnson shamelessly seems to base policy on newspaper polls and focus groups, clock in with the D Express polls regularly and make your views known.

    5. Lynn Atkinson
      October 31, 2020

      The men in grey suits need to act.

  37. Roger W Carradice
    October 31, 2020

    Sir John
    You are wasting your time.

    1. Mark B
      October 31, 2020

      Agreed. That is why I advocate defunding the BBC. It is time that ‘we’ the people took matters into our own hands and peacefully and lawfully effected change.

    2. Alan Jutson
      October 31, 2020


      I hope you are wrong, but fear you are right.

      Please post the response JR

  38. William Long
    October 31, 2020

    I very much hope that the proposed meeting actually takes place. The big question is whether the new Director General understands the need for change and reform, and if so, whether he has the character and determination to make it happen. He will be up against a colossal vested interest in maintaining the staus quo.

  39. rose
    October 31, 2020

    Not before time, and thank you for your voice of sweet reason this morning.

    Are we to understand, did you understand, that these “documents” were shown to the broadcasters before the PM?

  40. fedupsoutherner
    October 31, 2020

    Brilliant letter John. Let’s hope you at least get an interview. Many of my elderly friends are not paying the licence fee now and instead have opted for Netflix and firesticks. We are considering going the same way as we are fed up financing BBC luvvies to go on luxury jaunts around the world whilst sending back biased reporting and having to listen to the likes of Linekar who along with others are paid a ridiculous salary.

  41. Harry
    October 31, 2020

    Biased and marxist the BBC certainly are and yet they are supporting the same totalitarian anti human agenda being pursued by your government Mr Redwood. It makes me think that all the grandstanding and posturing over BBC bias, Brexit, BLM etc is merely a stage show and that the ruling class are our real enemy and always have been.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      October 31, 2020

      JR the problem with Harry’s comment is that the actions of Mad Boris make it impossible to refute.

  42. Qubus
    October 31, 2020

    Off topic, but nevertheless of concern:

    According to a report quoted in today’s Daily Telegraph, our friend the Archbishop of Canterbury and his fellow clerics claim that 31% of children in England today are living below the breadline. Can we really believe this in this country today? Do they mean living in relative poverty? Even that stretches my credulity. Are we really no better than third-world country or has England’s top cleric, not for the first time, got his facts wrong?

    1. Alan Jutson
      October 31, 2020


      You can make statistics read what you want if you try hard enough, I think the Archbishop has tried very hard.

      Who sets the breadline, and what does that actually mean ?

    2. Mike Wilson
      October 31, 2020

      I don’t know if that figure is right. I do know, because I grew up there, there are a lot of areas in towns and cities where you would not want to live. If you don’t live in one of those areas – and no-one in politics or the media lives there – you will never visit them by choice.

  43. Iain Moore
    October 31, 2020

    Well said Sir, there is a BBC Scotland, a BBC Northern Ireland, a BBC Wales, there is even a ….. BBC Asian Network, but there is no BBC England , England doesn’t deserve an identity or voice on the BBC

    1. rose
      October 31, 2020

      90% of tax payers live in England, don’t they?

    2. JoolsB
      October 31, 2020

      “ England doesn’t deserve an identity or voice on the BBC“

      Or within a UK Tory Government either it would seem.

      1. Mark B
        October 31, 2020


  44. Newmania
    October 31, 2020

    I see no reason for the State to provide us Pop music, dancing competitions or soft pornography . The market will do that (sadly ). The BBC sucks the life out of a free media. Combined with a closed shop democratic system we end up with the fetid public life in which Sir John Redwood thrives.
    A small BBC would suit me nicely . Sir John is welcome to appear between the stair lift adverts on channel 350 if they will have him.

    1. No longer Anonymous
      October 31, 2020

      God !


  45. Jim Whitehead
    October 31, 2020

    Sir John, like many of your readers, I open my online information search each morning by making your Diary my first stop.
    Once more your cogent contribution shows why this is so.
    Even when it is clear that you are fired up by an issue the calm exposition of your considered opinion and analysis is never over ridden by ill-judged or intemperate language or expression. You add greatly to the quality of debate by this fact alone.
    The quality of your reason deserves a wider airing which the BBC should take pride in providing.

  46. Norman
    October 31, 2020

    Excellent letter. Thankyou Sir John, for being valiant for the truth, even though some will ask: ‘Can a leopard change its spots?’

  47. James Bertram
    October 31, 2020

    Dr Mike Yeadon (previous Head of Research into respiratory diseases at Pfizer) has watched the BBC for 41 years and, after their coverage of coronavirus, will never watch the BBC again.
    This video is essential viewing. The pandemic ended in June. Excess mortality is the same for any other year. There is no ‘second wave’. The government, advisers and the media are lying to the public. – and that is coming from the industry equivalent of Sir Patrick Vallance.

  48. ukretired123
    October 31, 2020

    Basic common sense Sir John as you explain it so well as usual modestly and sincerely. Britain owes you a great debt on your valuable contributions over decades steering us away from hidden dangers that few give a second thought to.
    You deserve so much better from the arrogant ignorant propaganda robotic machine so-called “national broadcaster” outputting spin 24/7 365.

  49. Nigl
    October 31, 2020

    Ps off topic but even more important. A Dr Mike Yeadon shreds The SAGE lockdown advice in the Mail on Line accusing Hancock, who we know has no scientific background, of being totally in hock to an incompetent small group who systemically ignore wider and different views.

    I have no idea in who is correct but I, and the people I know, have zero trust in what SAGE is saying branding it at best panicky and risk averse and Hancock’s responses, spin and BS.

    Please contact MrHancock and ask him to specifically comment on and rebut the points made. We deserve and the ultimate solution demands empirical based decision making.

    Much is made of unconscious bias in racism. I don’t think it is even unconscious against the Government within the medical community.

  50. bigneil(newercomp)
    October 31, 2020

    “Licence fee payers pay for.” – – HAVE TO pay for – even if they don’t watch the BBC.

    1. Nigl
      October 31, 2020

      Yes. Another question from Sir JR. ‘When will you introduce a license fee opt out for the people that do not want your services?’

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        October 31, 2020

        Nigl just stop reading and posting on this blog. You will have ‘opted-out’ free of charge.

    2. Andy
      October 31, 2020

      I HAVE TO pay for your pension. Even though it is zero benefit to me.

      1. Roy Grainger
        October 31, 2020

        That’s not true Andy – as a participant paying into in the scheme the benefit is you will be able to draw from it in due course. Surprised that didn’t occur to you.

        1. ukretired123
          October 31, 2020


        2. Robert Mcdonald
          October 31, 2020

          I have paid for my pension, and that of others. You are paying for the same benefits in the future.

      2. Fred H
        October 31, 2020

        When we worked and paid our taxes we could have taken the same view as you, that we were paying for our parents’ generation State Pension.
        But we didn’t. Why? Well we were reasonable, knew full well they had worked all their lives and were in effect paying into the saving scheme which is the Pension. That is why we can happily accept the Pension now, but for most of us learning that we should also make provision for additional finance when our turn came to retire. That is what you should be doing – understanding that we paid for everything when you were a crying baby in nappies. Nothing much has changed.

      3. Lynn Atkinson
        October 31, 2020

        WE HAD TO PAY FOR YOUR EDUCATION – although as you know nothing it was patently a waste of money.

      4. Edward2
        October 31, 2020

        Wrong you only have to pay National Insurance.
        And that helps to pay for the NHS, the State Pension, unemployment benefit, maternity pay, sickness pay, disability allowances, and bereavement support payments.
        You told us you were an employer, yet you continue to reveal how little you understand about how a company payroll is run.

        1. a-tracy
          November 1, 2020

          Not sickness pay, Edward self-certificated sickness pay for 28 weeks plus sickness holiday pay is now paid by the employers including tiny employers.

          1. Edward2
            November 1, 2020

            Ah, its changed since I was directly involved.
            Thanks for the info.

      5. Fedupsoutherner
        October 31, 2020

        Andy yet another short sighted stupid comment from you. Are you saying you won’t be drawing your pension when you reach our age?

      6. Mike Wilson
        October 31, 2020

        No doubt you will refuse the state pension assuming you live long enough to get it. I imagine, given how angry and fed up you are about everything that, your health will suffer in the long run. When I was working I was quite happy to pay taxes and NI so that older people could have an income in their retirement. Don’t be so selfish and begrudging.

      7. anon
        November 1, 2020

        Pensions paid in the UK are very low and are often topped up with benefits?

        Honest recipients of benefits, have very limited means and all income is spent buying goods & services. Some may not approve of the choices made , but the money is spent probably with a better vfm record than present HMG.

  51. ChrisS
    October 31, 2020

    An excellent precis of the situation with one or two exceptions :

    The Today Programme is most certainly guilty of bias in its interview technique.

    Conservative ministers and MPs are frequently and aggressively interupted while Labour figures, particularly women, are given a very easy time. Husain is by far the worst culprit as was Sarah Montague before she took her dark talents to the World at One.

    Much has been said about Newsnight which, since Jeremy Paxman left, has become an hotbed of anti-Conservativism and Brexit by staff both in front and behind the cameras. Emily Maitlis has been heavily criticised and rightly so.

    1. Nigl
      October 31, 2020

      Interestingly feedback suggests the Left feel that they get the rough end and that the Beeb is right wing. It shows that politicos at both ends are not interested in listening, especially to alternative views from their own.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        October 31, 2020

        Obvious solution is to close it down then. We are unanimous.

  52. JoolsB
    October 31, 2020

    “There is however systematic bias against England, with many voices representing Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and liberal reporting of the devolved governments with never any consideration of the views of England.. No-one is ever allowed to speak for England. The BBC follows the EU agenda of trying to break England into regional and city area governments, whilst leaving Scotland whole despite the anti Edinburgh tensions in places like the Shetlands and the differences between the Highlands and the main cities.”

    As someone who purports to speak for England John, perhaps you could address these very same points to your own Government who are equally guilty of the above.

  53. harvey
    October 31, 2020

    It’s this silly self righteous nonsense that has us in the predicament we are in with the EU talks- also have you ever thought why they won’t give you or your other ERG friends the access you would like? maybe they, the BBC editorial staff, maybe they consider you to be a crank- a little OTT?

    Then for instance what does it matter what our home grown BBC pundits commentators say about the US elections? whatever difference will it make to the result?

    1. Barbara
      October 31, 2020

      How rude. Your first paragraph is just a series of insults. Have you ever considered a job with the BBC?

      As to your second, it matters because the BBC’ s charter says it has a duty to be impartial. Propaganda always ‘matters’ .

      1. steve
        October 31, 2020


        Well said.

        Clearly the BBC is in breach of it’s charter, therefore, gov’t has a duty to revoke it’s licence to broadcast.

        Problem is Johnson would need to grow some, as it were. Despite him promising to abolish the licence fee. You cannot trust anything he says, he’s a circus act not a leader of the nation.

      2. Herebefore
        October 31, 2020

        Yes rude- and you can stick it up your jumper – and as far as the second point nobody outside of England gives two figs about the BBC charter.

    2. forthurst
      October 31, 2020

      What a stupid comment. People expect unbiased commentary on foreign affairs; why does the BBC have to have a point of view about a matter which you also concede is none of its business?

    3. Martin in Cardiff
      October 31, 2020

      Maybe it’s just because as MPs the ERG only represent a fairly small minority of the constituencies in the UK?

    4. Lynn Atkinson
      October 31, 2020

      For certain millions of British license payers consider the BBC editorial staff to be very cranky and definitely way OTT!

  54. Kenneth
    October 31, 2020

    Sir John, that is an excellent letter.

    Please let us know the response.

    I gave up complaining years ago both the to BBC and OfCom so I hope you have more luck.

    1. Aden
      October 31, 2020

      The BBC have threated to ignore all my complaints. I posted a complaint for each negative article about Trump. I couldn’t find any about Biden.
      Then they come out with they are trusted, reflect society.
      They don’t. What we have is large number of people, and I suspect you fall, like me, into the category that the BBC ignore. They can’t have people who dissent against their world view. After all the BBC is theirs to use for their own ends.
      What they discover is that people don’t want them. The defund the BBC is getting worse and worse. People are turning off. Couple that with their repeats because they aren’t making new programs and its over.

  55. a-tracy
    October 31, 2020

    It’s not just political bias John. Why aren’t BBC reporters asking the pertinent questions about what will happen if the lockdown is enacted this Wednesday – is there a new close down furlough? Will companies be able to furlough people not previously furloughed because it is needed? If Sage think companies can keep coming in and out of business for unknown weeks at a time then they’ve never worked in industry and commerce – all those new staff hired because business people are optimistic people and wanted to push on coming out of a four month long furlough, that didn’t work the first time and hasn’t been working in Leicester, Blackburn, Liverpool we are told, some business people will not survive another month long closedown without work.

  56. glen cullen
    October 31, 2020

    Would my life change if the BBC was privatised, and sold off like british gas etc….NO

    1. Martin in Cardiff
      October 31, 2020

      It has already been privatised and sold off.

      Almost everything practical, and a large part of programme-making production, is now outsourced.

      There is virtually nothing left to sell.

      1. Edward2
        October 31, 2020

        And the parts sold now have greater value.

        1. Martin in Cardiff
          November 1, 2020

          Hardly – for instance the BBC’s Outside Broadcast facility was sold off in 2008 – to the gambling industry – who fairly quickly realised that they didn’t know what to do with it, and so closed it down and pulled out of the market.

          Give some evidence for your out-of-thin-air, silly claim, please.

          1. Edward2
            November 1, 2020

            That was because of the speed of technical change.
            Outside broadcasting can be done more cheaply and using equipment that is smaller and lighter.

            Allow the BBC to become a independent company.
            Let it compete in the media marketplace.
            I think it could do very well.

          2. Edward2
            November 1, 2020

            Have you noticed that the BBC still does outside broadcasts?

  57. A.Sedgwick
    October 31, 2020

    A reason given for not making BBC TV a subscription service is Freeview does not have the technology to remove unwanted channels. This falls into “the dog ate my homework” category. Even if the difficulties are equivalent to a Mars landing then tough on Freeview dissenters why should the rest of us have to pay for an unwanted service.

  58. TROD
    October 31, 2020

    Sir John, Well said!

  59. glen cullen
    October 31, 2020

    Balance – If there’s a black history month, shouldn’t there be an asia history month, a white history month ?

    1. steve
      October 31, 2020

      glen cullen

      “white history month ?”

      Nope, that would be racist, that would.

  60. glen cullen
    October 31, 2020

    A second national lockdown – has this government and your fellow MPs completely lost the plot

    1. Martin in Cardiff
      October 31, 2020

      Even with that, a further 85,000 deaths over winter are being contemplated.

      1. Edward2
        October 31, 2020

        Contemplated like the 500,000 deaths they completed in March

  61. J Inds
    October 31, 2020

    Beyond balanced journalism, there is an urgent need for the Cabinet and Alexander Johnson to urgently:
    a) disband SAGE. Instead use a comprehensive team of real world advisors (not modellers) Everyone I know has grave concerns about SAGE yet the BBC keeps using them and Neil Ferguson and allows no dissenting viewpoints
    b) cease Pillar 2 PCR (community) testing until the false positives and dubious lab practices can be resolved
    c) improve Pillar 1 PCR (hospital) testing and stop counting repeatedly tested patients as separate ‘cases’
    d) stop lockdowns and expansion of tiers as these are based on the current inaccurate testing and modelling.

  62. Roy Grainger
    October 31, 2020

    The government are punishing the BBC by only briefing lockdown details to a bunch of newspapers instead. By-passing Parliament, their own MPs, you John, and in defiance of the Speaker’s warning last time. If now a national lockdown is government policy then Starmer was right wasn’t he ?

    1. steve
      October 31, 2020

      Roy Grainger

      “The government are punishing the BBC by only briefing lockdown details to a bunch of newspapers instead.”

      Wow ! Biased left wing Institutions must be terrified of Boris Johnson. A man not to be messed with, eh.

      The best way to punish the BBC is to decriminalise non – payment of the licence fee, which Johnson said he would do, but hasn’t. I think he doesn’t have the balls and was lying.

  63. Barbara
    October 31, 2020

    For those who don’t know, the websites ‘Biased BBC’ and ‘News-Watch’ quantify this.

  64. IanT
    October 31, 2020

    I used to watch Andrew Neil on ‘This Week’ and always felt that I was getting a critical but broadly balanced view of events. The BBC didn’t seem to appreciate Andrew Neil quite as much as me though and he was gradually side-lined.

    At one time that would have been that. However, thanks to the internet and YouTube, I can now watch ‘The Week in 60 Minutes’ with Andrew Neil at the Spectator


    So fortunately the BBC is no longer the only available source of news and debate…

  65. No longer Anonymous
    October 31, 2020

    Sweden is never mentioned by the BBC and every street interview is a person happy with masks and who wants lock down.

    The BBC is bent.

    1. Dave Andrews
      October 31, 2020

      I really think the BBC just interview a bunch of people on a particular topic, then select the ones that suit their preconceived agenda for broadcast. If there is any balance it’s only because they have decided to allow it.

      1. glen cullen
        October 31, 2020

        Have you notice half of the interviewees are teenagers or school children

      2. Lifelogic
        November 1, 2020

        +1 and if they want to have someone from the non “BBC think” side of the argument (a Trump, Brexit or Climate Realists for example) they make sure they choose someone who seems a bit mad or odd rather than one of the millions of sensible ones). To make their point even further.

        See you got balance but look how mad these non “BBC think” people are!

    2. Fred H
      November 1, 2020

      freudian slip?

  66. Original Richard
    October 31, 2020

    The BBC receives licence payers money from both Remainers and Leavers.

    I would have no issue with the BBC broadcasting, as it does incessantly, Remainer biased programmes if it also broadcast Leaver biased programmes.

    At least then it would be using its income more fairly and thus better fulfilling its remit to be the public service broadcaster.

    The same applies of course to many other issues, such as energy generation or immigration, where the BBC constantly pushes just one point of view and totally lacks any diversity of opinion despite being funded by a majority of the UK population many of whom are not in agreement and whose opinions are not represented

  67. DavidJ
    October 31, 2020

    Thank you sir John for an excellent article. Just don’t expect the BBC to listen whilst they are funded by a compulsory licence fee which we pay whether we want to hear their views or not.

    1. Mike Wilson
      October 31, 2020

      I don’t pay it so I don’t hear their views.

  68. Derek Henry
    October 31, 2020

    It’s not just the BBC John the mainstream media are no better.

    Everyone want to win an arguement using tools that have been proven to be useless/ losing tools. Brexit which will be the best thing that has happened to this country in a long time amplified these issurs. Negative interest rates another crazy example.

    Let me try and explain John.

    Any budgeting that hasn’t been offset with taxes needs to be borrowed. True to make the choices available as taxing, borrowing or defaulting. That story is completely wrong nothing more than a myth from the gold standard era.

    They ignore the fact that govt actually issue the money. If there is always an option to finance the spending commitments with another instrument then saying the amount of debt the govt has restricted the Govt some way is farcical. Saying they can’t do anything with tax due to the deficit or can’t borrow due to the debt then in effect they are saying they can’t spend. Due to their ignorance of monetary operations have lost the argument. With Brexit we need to win that arguement.

    They need to stop thinking about it as money and debt. There are many different instruments that can be used. Those different instruments have different properties.

    Some you can use at a vending machine, Some you can use to make a transaction in the financial markets. Some pay interest some don’t, but are decentralised and some are anonymous erc, etc All of these are different types of govt liabilities. All of which are guaranteed by the govt at nominal face value.

    Which one of the instruments you choose to issue is like comparing how many 10p you want to issue compared with £20 notes. That’s what you concentrate on what type of instrument am I going to issue and what do I want to achieve after we leave the EU.

    You can make the argument about what instrument pays interest and what doesn’t. If interest payments as a % of GDP become so large and private sector spending is such that there is less non-inflationary room available for other discretionary spending then that is what tax is for. Tax – to reduce private spending and/or the government can reduces its own spending. But before that happens the current account, tax revenue (from higher activity) and saving will be taking up a significant part of the adjustment. Make it clear That government net spending is limited by the available real resources in the economy left by non-government sector saving desires. That the budget constraint needs to be replaced by an inflation constraint.

    Saying Reserves that pay interest are debt and reserves that don’t pay interest are money leads you to a bizarre situation that if you are paying zero interest on reserves at the central bank that’s money. If you pay .25% interest on reserves that’s debt.Wether debt pays interest or it doesn’t is the wrong distinction to make. It’s a safe investment, a store of wealth, promised nominal value they are just different instruments that are being used.

    If interest rates were zero what’s the difference between a 3 month treasury bill which they will roll over forever and a coin ? Nothing they are just a different instrument. Some say you can’t spend a treasury Bill in a vending machine.Well try spending what’s in your ISA or in your fixed rate bond you can’t spend that in a vending machine either. You have to change it to another instrument first cash. You have to transfer it into your current account. It’s just a different type of debt instrument. We don’t call our savings a different type of money.

    Consolidation between the central bank and treasury helps to explain the govt balance sheets clearly.The amount of treasury debt in circulation at any time. Is a decision made by the Treasury and CB together. Central bank independence is a sham.

    The Treasury has discretion ex anti

    The Central bank has discretion ex post

    What the Treasury starts the central bank finishes.

    If the central bank decides they want more 30 year bonds in circulation it has two options. To sell bonds it owns or asks the treasury to issue more.

    If the Treasury only issued 30 year bonds and didn’t issue anything else.

    The Central bank the day after decided to replace half of them with cash.

    That’s exactly the same as if the Treasury issued only cash then the CB replaced half with 30 year bonds.This shows it doesn’t really matter what instruments the Treasury issued to finance the spending. What really matters is the instruments the CB chooses to leave in circulation at the end of the process.If the CB wants more bonds less reserves, less bonds more reserves it will do whatever it takes.

    The question how many bonds are in the economy is a question the CB is analysing at all times. The CB can set the curve to anything it wants. Instruct the Treasury not to issue 30 year bonds anymore and just to issue 10 year. Or issue 100 year bonds and create a new market if it chooses to do so. It sets the rate not bond vigilantes.


    The treasury has been monitoring its spending for the month and needs £20 billion next month so it’s account doesn’t hit zero Treasury says to the CB we are going to issue more bonds next month.

    The CB says we have a nice mix of reserves and bonds our balance sheet looks great. If we do nothing because we like our mix at the moment. That will take £20 billion reserves from the private sector. As the private sector will swap their reserves for the bonds you are going to issue. So an hour before your treasury auction we are going to buy up £20 billion of bonds that are already in circulation. This will create an extra £20 billion of reserve balances. We might not do it as a permanent transaction we probably do it as a REPO.

    The CB does the REPO with a little sugar in top. Now the private sector has £20 billion extra in reserve balances. The treasury now carry out the auction and sell their bonds. The private sector have spent their £20 billion reserves balances have their bonds and the Treasury now has the £20 billion they needed.

    The CB bought £20 billion worth of bonds The private sector reserve balance is back where it started with a little sweetener from the REPO. The treasury has £20 billion of new funds in its treasury account. The CB has monetised that debt through the back door.The CB has used the primary dealers to do it. The CB provided the funds that the primary dealers then used to purchase the bonds from the treasury.Now the Treasury spends that £20 billion into the economy by crediting the reserve accounts.

    The CB now says hey that’s upset our mix. We are going to reverse the REPO we did earlier.
    The CB reverses the REPO. Takes £20 billion out of the private sector reserve balances and puts it back into bonds The CB has unmonetised what it did previously and now the private sector are holding more bonds than they did earlier. The CB is holding less bonds and reserves.

    At the end of all that. You would say the Treasury has Borrowed £20 billion from the private sector and the private sector are holding a bunch of bonds. You wouldn’t even know the CB was involved and monetised anything.Yet, the truth is the CB and treasury work hand in glove. The CB at each step are in the middle making sure the mix is right between reserves( settlement balances) and bonds. Created the balance sheet it wants.
    It doesn’t matter if you fund the deficit by issuing coins or bonds.

    The CB has the tools to distribute the different instruments and will continue to do so. Calling the CB independent misses the whole point. Fiscal progressives / conservatives miss all of it by not understanding any of it and the mainstream media are clueless so lie about it. Say it works like a household budget.

    Actually the CB should just issue it’s own bonds. It’s cleaner more effective. Just as safe as treasury securities if not safer. Create its own account that has nothing to do with the budgeting process.

    Problem solved. Solves the problem fiscal progressives / conservatives can’t even see. This needs to be fully understood when we move out of the Brexit transition period. It is both vital and crucial to make brexit a success and the mainstream media are all clueless about it.

  69. Original Chris
    October 31, 2020

    Why is Laura Kuenssburg privy to the details of the lockdown going to be imposed by Johnson, and not MPs? Where is the Parliamentary scrutiny? Where is the accountability to Parliament? Why is Johnson able to behave like a dictator, and not a single MP challenge him? Why are MPs not marshalling key scientific and economics experts to present government with measures based on proper science? In short, why are Tory MPs permitting this wilful destruction of our economy, lives, and livelihoods to go ahead?

    Perhaps MPs should just give up and go and be journalists, and wait for crumbs to be dropped as and when by the Downing Street cabal? Kuenssburg et al seem far better informed about policy than Tory MPs.

  70. DOM
    October 31, 2020

    BBC Newsreaders not wearing poppies. Why? And this is the Marxist organisation you seek to preserve.

    The Tories are utterly without morality that they should seek to pander to such vileness and offensive neh deliberate provocation

    I am sure that tens of millions of becoming p-ssed off with your party’s refusal to do what we know to be right and proper…ie crushing Labour’s racist client state

    Just do it and we will back you to the hilt. Refuse to do it and you’ll drag this nation into the mire

    Oh and I bet Channel 5 doesn’t replace Henry VIII with a black actor as they have with the actress to play Anne Boleyn. The poison of feminism to slander white heterosexual male borders on the criminal

    I give up with your party. What can we do except expose you all to the necessary cross examination and to expose your hypocrisy and selfishness in sacrificing our nation to protect yourselves

    1. Martin in Cardiff
      November 1, 2020

      “Virtue signalling is nauseating, says man wearing huge poppy weeks before Remembrance”

      1. Fred H
        November 1, 2020

        ever thought they just might want to be remembering their dead grandfathers (like mine) killed by German machine guns in Northern France? My mother only had a vague memory (?) of her father going off to war at 4 years old, but also the very late telegram at the end of 1918 reporting his death Sept 21st. I don’t have to wear the poppy early, but totally understand those that do. Perhaps your thoughtless snide remarks show your general contempt for all things English? I suppose you are to be pitied.

        1. Martin in Cardiff
          November 2, 2020

          My grandfather was killed in WWI.

          My father saw some of the bloodiest fighting in WWII.

          That was for the freedom to point out all manner of things, including silly, pious nonsense, like that above.

          He thought that the European Union was marvellous on that basis too.

  71. Lindsay McDougall
    October 31, 2020

    You are so right. But is it enough to hope for a change or heart or do we (a) have to cleanse the Augean stables or (b) change the way in which the BBC is financed, with no licence fee?

    Just to give one example: In the interminable run up to Brexit, you were interviewed several times by Andrew Marr, who never allowed you to develop your lucid arguments for Leave, but constantly and rudely interrupted you. It was clearly a strategy devised with malice aforethought. How I longed for you to say “Shut up, you silly little man. Your viewers want to hear me, not you”.

    Now you know why I could never be a politician.

    The BBC and whole establishment is in favour of organised religions, particularly alien ones. This is in spite of the fact that the majority of people in this country – particularly the indigenous population – are atheists, agnostics or of no organised religion. This attitude is not confined to the BBC. The various branches of the God squad are over represented in parliament. The Queen’s Easter message gave good wishes to people of all faiths and all denominations but not to the irreligeous majority. Prince Charles, the heir to the throne, sees himself as Defender of Faith. The entire establishment is the problem.

    I want the Conservative Party to be defenders of the Kingdom, of capitalism and liberty. At the moment that seems far off. The Monarchy is convenient because it avoids us having an Executive President but it is not essential. We could have a ceremonial President like Germany. It would help immensely if the Church of England were to be disestablished. That would liberate the Monarchy.

  72. Everhopeful
    October 31, 2020

    What Johnson is doing bears a good comparison to the draining of the Aral Sea.
    I bet the scientists said that the “science was settled” about that!
    Communism never ends well and always in total disaster!

  73. beresford
    October 31, 2020

    It is being widely reported that next week Boris will place healthy people under house arrest again for up to four weeks, destroying more businesses and costing tens of thousands of jobs. But the places where we know the virus spreads, schools and workplaces, will remain open and so there may be negligible effect on the infection rate. In which case how are we going to get out of lockdown? Also, is there any truth in the rumour that the Government are deliberately inflating the covid stats by including deaths due to pneumonia and seasonal flu?

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      October 31, 2020

      Announcement in 5 min as I write. This lockdown apparently for 4 weeks the first was for 3 weeks. Does business get the grants again? More furlough?
      Yes they speak now of ‘corona virus’ which includes pneunomia and flu’.

      1. Fred H
        November 1, 2020

        includes suicides and cancer deaths for the following shutdown in February.

  74. Jack Falstaff
    October 31, 2020

    H0w dare the BBC run that advertisement about how they don’t wish to steer viewers one way or the other regarding the US elections?
    I would frankly feel less insulted if one of the presenters stepped out of the TV and hit me full in the face, which would at least be more honest!
    A huge thank you to our host for sending this letter to them on our behalf.

    1. Sharon
      October 31, 2020

      When I was still working in my school (primary) there were two short BBC videos. One was Donald Trump and the other, Hillary Clinton.

      Trump – long list of faults; Hillary – long list of praise!

      Totally biased – great for year 5, 10 year olds eh?

    2. glen cullen
      October 31, 2020


  75. Grant
    October 31, 2020

    Don’t know why you are all complaining about the BBC I think it a well run institution with good balanced news and editorial content. That and the daily read of Guardian newspaper keeps me going.

    1. Edward2
      October 31, 2020

      The BBC and the Guardian…two peas in a pod.

    2. Lynn Atkinson
      October 31, 2020

      You are South African? The Beeb and the Guardian very mild in comparison with the full blown South African Communism – presumably that’s why you are in the UK?

    3. margaret howard
      October 31, 2020


      Me too!

      1. Fedupsoutherner
        October 31, 2020

        MH no surprise there.

    4. steve
      October 31, 2020

      Yes, the BBC is a well run institution – for those who are not English and for those who would like to see the country sold out to the ungrateful EU.

      1. Fred H
        November 1, 2020

        a special sort of Job Centre.

    5. gregory martin
      October 31, 2020

      don’t you sometimes wonder why you don’t learn of real events in the World?
      Do you not feel that the rosy glow from those significant entities may be less than the whole truth. Go on, just think for yourself. It may change your life entirely.

    6. Mike Wilson
      October 31, 2020

      Even if you think that, they could provide news content for a fraction of the money it costs to run. It is a gravy train.

    7. zorro
      October 31, 2020



    8. IanT
      October 31, 2020

      Could it be that Grant was just being ironic? 😉

  76. Sarah Tun
    October 31, 2020


  77. Bryan Harris
    October 31, 2020


    . The odds are on Boris Johnson, in his address to the nation at 5pm tonight, pushing England into a Full Lock-down

    Time to replace SAGE scientists with someone that can actually achieve something.

    We no longer have any faith in the alleged experts that are ruining our economy…!

    1. Caterpillar
      October 31, 2020

      Yes. Please isolate me from SAGE, the CMO, a DCMO, the CSA, the Health Secretary, the Chancellor. The threats to our survival are clear and visible and the PM should tackle them.

    2. beresford
      October 31, 2020

      Apart from ruining our economy and stripping some of their livelihoods, they are blighting the lives of the rest of us. The proposed terms of the lockdown are not very different from those of a convicted criminal released on license from prison with an electronic ankle tag.

    3. steve
      October 31, 2020

      Bryan Harris

      Well, Johnson has done it. National lockdown but schools and universities remain open, pubs to close.

      So is it lockdown or is it not ?

      The only thing he’s achieved is by the use of the term ‘lockdown’ to cause another round of greed buying. Could have just simply said; ‘pubs to close’

      Causing widespread greed buying, cowering away from the BBC, lying about ending EU negotiations on 15th Oct, refusing to send illegal immigrants back to France,

      Johnson has to go, we’re done with the con merchant……and he can take his SAGE cronies with him on the way out.

  78. Remington Norman
    October 31, 2020

    A good letter John,

    It may interest you to know that I complained to the BBC about its biased stance on climate change – it has long believed that global warming is happening and that it is largely man made. I pointed out that this view was not shared by many reputable climate scientists – including Nobel laureates – and moreover that impartiality required that both sides of the debate be heard. I received the following reply from Fran Unsworth’s assistant, Malcom Balen – Head of Editorial Standards:

    “The BBC does not ban anyone from its airwaves, but it does exercise its editorial judgment over who it should invite.

    The BBC’s position is that man-made climate change exists and that the best science on the issue is set out by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

    Although there are those who disagree with the IPCC’s position, very few of them now go so far as to deny that climate change is happening.

    Our journalists are therefore asked to be aware of ‘false balance’: as the mainstream scientific consensus is that climate change is accepted as happening, we do not need someone who argues the opposite to balance the debate.

    We do not, however, rule out including proponents of such views in BBC coverage and there are occasions where they should be included.”

    If the BBC believes in AGW, it should encourage open debate instead of stifling dissent. ON several occasions it has had to apologise for inaccurate climate reporting. At present, it is ignoring the multiple instances of early snow and low temperature records, especially in the USA. This is nowhere near balanced coverage.

    Please publish the reply to your letter.

  79. Polly
    October 31, 2020

    It’s looking good in swing states for Donald J Trump who almost certainly will be re-elected President of the United States !


    1. margaret2
      October 31, 2020

      Don’t tempt Providence !

    2. Martin in Cardiff
      October 31, 2020

      It’s quite possible.

      His voters don’t like having their manners set for them, by the kind of people whom they used to bully when they were in class with them at school.

      The trouble is, they depend upon those self-same people for any kind of material quality of life.

      Leave voters here have to learn the same uncomfortable – for them – fact.

      1. steve
        October 31, 2020


        So you were bullied at school then. Blame your left wing teachers for ignoring your plight, not those of us who voted for freedom.

        1. Martin in Cardiff
          November 1, 2020

          No, I was reasonably popular at my old grammar school, noted for practical jokes at teachers’ expense.

          However, the quieter, more seriously studious pupils, who went on to be outstanding perhaps had a lonelier time.

          1. Fred H
            November 1, 2020

            Martin practical-jokes? oxymoron!

          2. Martin in Cardiff
            November 1, 2020

            We had a teacher who used to nip into the staff toilet during his double maths to take a cigarette. It had a door spring with a pull handle on the inside. I removed the handle. The next double maths turned out out be single maths for some reason.

    3. Andy
      October 31, 2020

      You were on Radio 4 this morning Mr Redwood – right after the expert who knew what he was talking about.

    4. Mark B
      October 31, 2020

      Never second guess the electorate, Polly. But here’s hoping 😉

    5. Fedupsoutherner
      October 31, 2020

      Poll I do bloody well hope you are right

    6. Sea_Warrior
      October 31, 2020

      I wonder if we’re in for one of those (rare) elections where the polls were completely wrong and the likely result was always obvious to anyone counting the hundreds and thousands at a Trump rally while Biden and Harris were drawing tens of supporters?

    7. Edward2
      October 31, 2020

      Fingers crossed Polly.

    8. Harmon
      October 31, 2020

      No Polly sorry to burst your bubble and have absolutely no idea why you would want somebody with shameful character like Trump to be re-elected it’s just not going to happen- After four years America has had enough of this clown

      1. IanT
        October 31, 2020

        I don’t think either of the candidates are anything to write home about Harmon – and it seems quite likely that a vote for Biden will result in the first black female President before too long. She also happens to be some way to the Left of what most Americans might desire. We’ll see.

        Got enough to worry about at home without wondering these two candidates are the best a nation of 330 million can produce. But then we are only about 68 million – and we managed to produce Corbyn & Boris 🙂

      2. Paul Cuthbertson
        November 1, 2020

        Donald Trump will win in a landslide and save the free world.

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          November 1, 2020


        2. Fred H
          November 1, 2020

          define Free World?
          Do you feel free in England right now?

  80. XYXY
    October 31, 2020

    Good letter – let’s see if he meets you. But meeting someone to listen politely and offer platitudes is different to actually doing something.

    My views on the BBC:

    1. Not paying the licence fee would cease to be an issue if the BBC did what other providers of paid-for content do: put it behind a login (presumably licence number and password).

    2. Their news /current affairs is the only part of their service that could in any sense be regarded as “core” for a State broadcaster. The fact that they proliferate radio music channels actually works against the commercial operators in this space, making it more difficult for them to survive, as the BBC TV channels do for companies such as ITV (it is ridiculous that people must subscribe to BBC in order to watch ITV).

    3. The BBC projects liberal socialist “woke” doctrine in many ways. I recently cancelled my TV licence because we had already stopped watching anything they produce. Even the drama series in which they have been world leaders for many years has seen quality nose-dive, with characters often projecting attitudes and values in period dramas that simply would not have been true in those times.

    This is a form of indoctrination of less experienced minds into the mindset of the authors.

    4. The entrenched lefty/woke attitudes in the BBC are unlikely to change any time soon, even if it is pared back to its core operations. The fact that the job titles of “editor” are now occupied by journalists, who don’t seem to actually edit anything, seems to be using the title to overpay journalists. They claim that they have “an editorial policy” without ever saying how that is policed, by whom, or how it is looked at across all output of one individual, team or the BBC as a whole.

    I could go on, but enough said.

    The alternative to putting the BBC behind a login is to allow it to show adverts. This option is rarely discussed.

  81. margaret2
    October 31, 2020

    And why does the BBC never discuss the following :

    At present there are powers of arbitrary arrest by any EU prosecutor of anyone in Britain, and lengthy imprisonment showing no evidence, under the European Arrest Warrant.
    Does Government want to keep it that way after 31/12/20, with an extension or a replica arrangement, as was the openly declared policy of Rudd and May?
    Or will they stand firm and demand that a British court, faced with an extradition request, must regain the right to see and assess the evidence of wrongdoing already collected by the requesting state? And the power to refuse the request if it sees fit?
    If not, EU prosecutors will be empowered to arrest and transport anyone they don’t like, on spurious and defamatory accusations, for undeclared political reasons.
    Our independence can then be snuffed out at their pleasure.
    The public really does need to know the intentions of HMG in this regard. Why are the media not asking the government to come clean, and tell us?
    Our friends and partners in Europe can play very rough, when it suits them – just look back over recent history. When Scots demanded independence, the UK said “OK, have a referendum”. When Catalans asked for the same, they were told “OK, have 25 years in prison”, and their referendum voters were physically assaulted by Spanish riot police. Brussels agreed that this was within the “rule of law”.
    The EU institutions have appointed a supremo European Public Prosecutor, Ms Laura Kovesi, from the Rumanian Prosecution service, which is notorious for using judicial powers of arrest and accusation with imprisonment “pending investigation”, as a political battering-ram against political adversaries. They are also accused of working closely with the Securitate, the not-so-ex secret police from Ceausescu’s day. Mr Dan Adamescu, a Rumanian opposition newspaper owner, was arrested and imprisoned, and he died in prison. What does this tell us about the sort of European State that the Eurocrats mean to build?
    If this is not addressed, the British people risk finding themselves landed with a nasty and dangerous fait accompli.

  82. margaret2
    October 31, 2020

    PS re EU Arrest Warrant. The danger is that in a Brexit Security Deal, Government sign us up to a continuation of this appalling arrangement.

  83. methinks
    October 31, 2020

    Am so looking forward to a Biden win in the hope that it might restore some normalcy and decency to the US and the world. Think of all the good things that might follow a Biden victory Vs four more years of the same or worse- I think BBC is on the side of decency

    1. Paul Cuthbertson
      November 1, 2020

      If Trump does not win it is the end of the free world.

    2. Lynn Atkinson
      November 1, 2020

      ‘Normalcy’ is Trump. The burning of America is Biden.

  84. Christine
    October 31, 2020

    I agree. Who are these people who are getting tested? If I was feeling poorly I’d just take myself off to bed and quarantine myself. The last thing I would do is get a test, especially when it can’t be relied upon anyway. I can’t believe most young people would get tested.

    There’s something very suspicious going on.

    1. glen cullen
      October 31, 2020

      A valid and reasoned argument – which I agree with

  85. George Brooks.
    October 31, 2020

    BBC Breakfast has turned into a ”soap” being a mixture of Casualty, Holby City, and Call the Midwife. It champions mental health and does everything to ensure that you start the day utterly depressed.

    The have taken the word ‘News’ off the title. At least that is honest as there is none!!!!!!!

    I hope you get a reply Sir John

  86. Original Chris
    October 31, 2020

    Why does Robert Peston know what the measures are going to be when Johnson announces lockdown details? What about MPs, and Parliamentary scrutiny?

    1. steve
      October 31, 2020

      Original Chris

      “What about MPs, and Parliamentary scrutiny?”

      The EU lover Johnson obviously rides roughshod over such things.

      I think we should now ignore anything this con merchant says, and have him removed from office.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        November 1, 2020


  87. Dee
    October 31, 2020

    Well put John. I look forward to your confrontation with the DG. let’s hope he is genuine and is not just a front man.

  88. Narrow Shoulders
    October 31, 2020

    Worth putting a shot across the new man’s bows I feel but your letter would possibly have more impact if it had concentrated just on the one sided nature of BBC coverage without the opportunity for full discussion and representation from opposing arguments. Very little is ever settled.

    By adding what you wish to discuss I think you reveal your own prevailing outlook and values, and you are in effect saying I am right and the BBC was wrong when you really are just asking for balance and then leave it up to the listener.

  89. John Hatfield
    October 31, 2020

    Well said John. My wife thinks Donald Trump is a terrible person for no particular reason other than watching the BBC.
    She doesn’t want to listen when I try to point out the good things that Donald has done because, unlike the BBC, I’m not an authority.

  90. No Longer Anonymous
    October 31, 2020

    Sweden 9 deaths yesterday to our 274.

    No lockdown.

    I know Martin disparages Tory voters for breaching lockdown but it really isn’t us. Students do not vote Tory and nor do BLM etc.

    Even if Martin is right this lockdown will fail for that reason.

    The Tories have just pulled the plug on the economy. Boris is held prisoner by the mistaken Sage group and various others – possibly his wife too.

    You will be out of office by insurrection before the summer. Never before have I felt that violence and disobedience should be justified against our own government. I shan’t be joining it but I will fully understand it.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      November 1, 2020


  91. No Longer Anonymous
    October 31, 2020

    Why is CV-19 not called a syndemic ?

    It is not a pandemic. It kills (by a large proportion) people already ill with known illnesses. Shield those.

    This isn’t even a proper lockdown. Universities (the hotbeds of CV transmission) are still open.

    1. steve
      October 31, 2020


      “Why is CV-19 not called a syndemic ?”

      It is syndemic. Read the BMA assessment in the Lancet, they identify it as such.

      If Johnson and his SAGE cronies admitted the virus targets the morbidly obese and those who’ve abused their bodies, they wouldn’t get away with this ‘pandemic’ con trick.

    2. Lifelogic
      November 1, 2020

      Indeed all six of the people in my daughters university flat tested positive. None had serious symptoms at all. The more young people given a free vaccine in this way the better for all.

  92. Fedupsoutherner
    October 31, 2020

    Just waiting to hear about the lockdown. My son has just bought his first house with his girlfrind. She has just left a well paid job on a super yaght to be home with him. She has a job now as manageress of spa and beauty salon in a prestigious hotel in the new forest. My son is selling solar panels and was doing well. How the hell they are going to manage this lockdown now is beyond me. We can help out a bit but not finance them completely. I despair.

  93. No Longer Anonymous
    October 31, 2020

    Boris says if we don’t lock down the NHS will have to choose between Covid and Non Covid patients…

    B…b… but….

    That’s EXACTLY what the NHS has done. TWO of my friends have died of cancer and avoidable heart attacks in the last lock down !!!

    Vile government. Utterly vile.

    1. steve
      October 31, 2020


      “Vile government. Utterly vile.”

      ……comparable to that which can be seen floating on used dishwater, without using the actual word.

    2. Lifelogic
      November 1, 2020

      It seems over 80s were often not given care and nearly 20% caught the infection in hospital. Only about 10K of extra deaths were in Hospital and 60K extra deaths were in care homes and at home largely untreated.

      Protect the NHS, pay for it all your life and when you need it go and die elsewhere please.

    3. Mark B
      November 1, 2020

      Sorry to hear that mate.

      Totally narrow minded. The government is treating this like some military campaign.

    4. Lynn Atkinson
      November 1, 2020

      +1 lucky I was sitting down when he said that. Is he in the same country as the rest of us?

  94. Richard416
    October 31, 2020

    Dear Sir John, if only there were more politicians speaking up for ordinary common sense, as you do, whether it is leaving the e.u., dealing with an epidemic, or the BBC.

  95. Sharon
    October 31, 2020

    If there is a second national lockdown, I cannot support it this time. No-one likes being lied to, but what we have experienced is full frontal assault! We have been treated with dis-respect and contempt!

    We’ve been treated like infantile idiots and the assault has been relentless!

    Lord Sumption is correct – we now have an authoritarian government.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      November 1, 2020


  96. Addanc Monster
    October 31, 2020

    If this conservative party does not grow a spine and vote down this lock down then as far as I am concerned it is unfit to govern!

    Some interesting stats in Dr Mike Yeadon article in the mail; over 44,000 scientists, public health experts and clinicians have now signed the Great Barrington Declaration; how many SAGE idiots 60-70? Out of the last 27 years, 2020 ranks only 8th for mortality.

    It’s a bad winter flu following a winter flu trajectory.

    1. beresford
      October 31, 2020

      And there is no exit strategy. At the start of December IF the lockdown isn’t extended they will arbitrarily place districts back in tiers which might be tantamount to a full local lockdown. I wonder how many pubs, restaurants and breweries will bother to re-open, having poured thousands of gallons of beer down the drain for a second time and knowing that lockdown 3 will be on the horizon early next year? How many leisure centres will recall instructors who have had to find alternative jobs again? Furthermore I still suspect we are being neutralised ready for a Brexit betrayal.

  97. Narrow Shoulders
    October 31, 2020

    Will you be voting with the government and opposition on Wednesday?

    I assume the SNP DUP and Plaid will not be in the chamber

  98. Iain Gill
    October 31, 2020

    thanks for talking sense on TV today John.

    watched the TV show of Boris and his poor quality scientific advisors.

    there for us all to see was a first class display of how low quality our ruling classes are.

    the Conservative party now has no chance of winning another election, you are all dead in the water. there are going to be a lot of very good people with time on their hands, its inevitable a new party will emerge and beat all of the clowns currently in parliament.

    this cannot go on.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      November 1, 2020

      Boris needs to be replaced pronto, with a lifelong Brexiteer!

  99. Yossarion
    October 31, 2020

    Could you right a letter to the FA Sir John asking why the football strip for the first time in over twenty years in the last three games have had no George cross on the strip.

    1. steve
      October 31, 2020


      Because the FA are cowards.

    2. Mike Wilson
      November 1, 2020

      The George Cross is no doubt perceived as a reactionary, right-wing symbol bordering on pseudo fascism.

  100. ChrisS
    October 31, 2020

    I know this subject is off-topic but, today of all days, it is highly topical :

    In today’s Times there is the heartbreaking story of a brave woman in the most desperate of circumstances trying to mitigate the worst effects of terminal cancer by ending her life at the Dignitas Clinic in Switzerland in the middle of this pandemic.

    I would hope that, having read this story, our host will take up the cause and campaign for people in such desperate circumstances to be treated more humanely so that they can end their lives with dignity and without pain, surrounded by family and friends at home


    1. ChrisS
      October 31, 2020

      Perhaps, Sir John, you might consider posting your views on this topic and sound out the opinions of your loyal contributors ?

  101. Mike Wilson
    October 31, 2020

    I no longer contribute the the BBC’s coffers and never will again until they start paying their ‘stars’ the wages they deserve. Talking between records for 3 hours a day, 5 days a week with, no doubt, at least 6 weeks ‘holiday’ is not worth £1.3 million of anyone’s money. And she is most definitely not getting any from me.

    1. No Longer Anonymous
      November 1, 2020

      What I’d give to have Alec Leicester back on very early morning radio.

      One who was sacrificed in the name of PC so that Zoe Ball could turn later morning drive time into a childish version of woman’s hour.

      BBC do not understand how isolated we twilight workers are and that we need to hear live, gentle human voices at that ungodly hour… not a repeat of Saturday afternoon’s nostalgia radio with completely the wrong tone and energy about it.

      I don’t want to jig and boogy at 2am and I certainly don’t want to be taken back to the years where I could have taken a different career path and not ended up being on the road at 2am in the frickin’ morning in my fifties.

  102. Jacque
    October 31, 2020

    Looks like now that EU is disappearing from the scene and cannot be blamed ànymore the English disgruntled are switching their venom onto the BBC… as always somebody else is to blame..the old English sickness

    1. Mike Wilson
      November 1, 2020

      Not at all. I have been anti BBC since Blair got into Downing Street. I am not blaming the BBC for anything. I just don’t like the bias and the stupid amount of what used to be my money they pay their staff and presenters.

      Why the hell I should have to pay the BBC to watch Sky News I have no idea. Can you justify it?

    2. Lynn Atkinson
      November 1, 2020

      Jacques the BBC was the local ‘arm’ of the EU. We wish to be rid of both.

  103. glen cullen
    October 31, 2020


  104. steve
    October 31, 2020


    “the English disgruntled are switching their venom onto the BBC”

    …and with good reason.

  105. gregory martin
    November 1, 2020

    Having wasted a evening ,missing two rugby internationals and F1 qualifying to make sure that the previously trailed lockdown was actually to be announced, imagine my total horror of missing the chapter in Johnsons’ address which explained exactly what changes to NHS and PHE planning, training, staff re-assignment back to medicine from administration management, reassurance that adequate PPE was now to hand and that not only the previously constructed Nightingale hospitals were fully staffed, and ready but that significantly more capacity increases were now available in all Departments to resolve the backlog of critical care and necessary services such as chiropidary and audiology etc.
    It seems not to be on the BBC bulletins or website either. Can anybody put up this information for us all. Surely the summer has not been totally wasted?

    1. No Longer Anonymous
      November 1, 2020

      The Nightingales aren’t equipped to deal with the comorbidities that usually come with a CV-19 patient. And ventilators have been shown to be the wrong way to treat.

      They are being used for political effect only.

    2. Fred H
      November 1, 2020

      There are no changes – just stay at home, meet nobody essentially, queue at food shops causing mass shortages, plan how you will live with no income for the next year or more.

    3. Lynn Atkinson
      November 1, 2020

      Gregory I assumed that all of that was so obviously achieved that it need not be mentioned. Surely no government would ask for more sacrifice and death-at-home-alone without have implemented the basics?

  106. Paul Cuthbertson
    November 1, 2020

    Nobody should get congratulations until they have proved themselves however NOTHING will change. The BBC will continue with their left wing liberal indoctrination of the populace.
    Defund the BBC and follow alteranative media which is far more truthful. Regarding your last paragraph, Donald Trump will win in a landslide therby saving the free world from Tyranny.

    1. Paul Cuthbertson
      November 1, 2020


  107. Mike Wilson
    November 1, 2020

    Letter to the government:

    Dear government

    I have a pint after a dog walk at the beach a few times a week. Before you go in you are told to wear a mask and wait to be seated. When you enter someone greets you, makes sure you use the sanitiser and that you either scan the code or provide your contact details. You are shown to a seat and your order taken. The drinks are delivered to your table and you pay using a card. I have noticed as people leave, the table is cleared at once and sterilised. It is a rather soulless experience but at least the pub is open and, hopefully, the landlord is staying solvent.

    Now, despite everything he and thousands of other publicans, restauranteurs and cafe owners have done – the money they have spent putting up screens etc. – you have decided to take away their living despite their being no evidence that the virus is spread in the sterile conditions I have described.

    There is no evidence that the hospitality industry is spreading the virus.

    Also shops have put one way systems in place, put up plastic screens, limited the number of customers in the shop, insisted on masks, provided hand sanitiser and generally done everything they can to stop the spread of the virus – and now you are again taking away their ability and right to earn a living. For heaven’s sake, WHY??? The virus is not being spread in shops that are doing the right thing.

    Cinemas that have stayed open have restricted the numbers and insisted on social distancing etc. Now, they too, will lose the ability to make a living.

    Meanwhile people come and go at airports with no testing or restrictions of any sort. Demonstrations – depending on what is being demonstrated against – where thousands stand side by side are allowed with no fines and no interference.

    The world-beating ‘track and trace’ system is a farce whose only purposes seems to be to waste billions of pounds as quickly as possible on companies who are not performing and whose contracts allow them to get away with it.

    Nightingale hospitals were built and not used.

    The data available seems to be useless. I am regularly exhorted to ‘find out about the virus in your area’. It says ‘enter your full postcode’. I duly enter my full postcode and see the results for the whole of Dorset. Surely the result could be narrowed down to my local area? A small number of people in Bournemouth and Poole have the virus – that’s an hour’s drive from where I live in Dorset. The virus is virtually unknown in West Dorset. Yet, we will be locked down too.

    It makes no sense. The handling of this is being undertaken by people who do not feel the consequences of their actions. You don’t lose any of your wages – nor does anyone advising the government. It would be interesting to see what advice would be offered if the people offering it knew they were going to lose their wages for 3 months – or be on 80% for 6 months – or, even, lose their jobs. But, of course, no-one employed by the government feels any pain at all. It is left to the private sector to create the wealth and take the pain.

    I could go on and on. I think it is high time you selected someone competent to deal with this crisis.

    1. Fred H
      November 1, 2020

      And yet the labour party and many many Conservative MPs will support this latest farcical will-he-won’t-he agree with tweedle-tweedledum and shutdown England into obscurity (unless you travel in and out of the country with no checks whatsoever since February).
      The poor man lost what reasoning he might have had when Covid struck him.
      He must be deposed urgently.

    2. a-tracy
      November 1, 2020

      Shhh Mike or they’ll send Dorset a dose.

    3. Mark B
      November 1, 2020


  108. Graham Wheatley
    November 1, 2020

    If were to find myself in the very fortunate position of being appointed the Minister for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, I would revoke the BBC’s broadcasting licence within 5 nano-seconds of my bum-cheeks settling onto the office chair.

    They should be barred from using the word ‘British’ to describe themselves.
    Their radio frequencies should be given over to another – patriotic – national broadcaster, with a 24/7 national News channel.

    The only way the ‘BBC’ would get their licence back is if they made an undertaking NOT to broadcast any News or Current Affairs content until each and every one of their directors, producers, presenters and broadcasters had undergone anti-bias training.

    Andrew Marr, Evan Davis, Mark Mardell, and the utterly, utterly appalling Anita Annand (the worst presenter the BBC have, IMO) would all get their P.45s.

  109. Lionel
    November 1, 2020

    Nothing will change John, the BBC is our Pravda.

  110. lojolondon
    November 1, 2020

    Good for you, John –

    My personal belief is that the Biased BBC is way past saving – I do not believe that any person would be employed there or get promoted or put in a position of responsibility if they were an openly Conservative supporter. The Labour message is the only one they have and the message is always the same, reinforced by the selection of guests on panels to the reporting of any situation, from a protest to a traffic accident.

    The entire organisation is rotten to the core. We must stop pussyfooting around, the Charter should be revoked, and the funds stopped entirely.
    In 2020, with the fantastic video and online publishing capabilities available to anyone with a laptop and internet connection, there is absolutely no justification for the British taxpayer to be funding such an archaic and anarchist organisation.

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