My interview with GB News

I was interviewed today by Alastair Stewart about energy policy:


  1. glen cullen
    October 9, 2021

    I welcome your sensible comments today…but you sound like a Tory and your government doesn’t, are your views really the minority in the party ?

    1. Everhopeful
      October 10, 2021


  2. paul
    October 9, 2021

    We have over 200 oil&gas field’s in the north sea yet to be taped, we are paying money to have rigs decommission and broke up, we could use these rigs to drill for more oil & gas and instead of selling it on to the open markets keep it for ourselves at cost price and open another 10 new coal fire station in the north of England and invest in the hot rocks in Cornwall, we have so much cheap energy it is unbelievable.

    1. glen cullen
      October 9, 2021

      That all sounds very sensible but doesn’t fit in with the new tory green revolution

  3. paul
    October 9, 2021

    If BJ and gov want a war with people on climate change that give him one he won’t forget.

    1. Everhopeful
      October 10, 2021

      But it is such a crazy war!
      I mean…did people resist electricity or gas because they wanted to keep getting up at 5am to heat water on a black range? I don’t think so! ( Nor spit dogs come to that).
      Going green is retrograde.
      So the battle for modernity is on!

  4. Timaction
    October 9, 2021

    All sensible stuff but you are led by a blustering fool who needs to join the Greens. All your Government is doing is transferring our manufacturing abroad who still produce the CO2. Importing coal and fuels via dirty ships is madness when we could produce our own. I cant think of more stupid than this current Government. Virtue signaling incompetent fools.

  5. agricola
    October 9, 2021

    Far too sensible for our presentt government. Ultimately the reality will leave them behind. Our leader will be reduced to earning mega bucks on the lecture circuit along with all the previous failures. If I was not seeing the situation for real, it is a tale to rival Alice in Wonderland.

  6. paul
    October 9, 2021

    We have the cheapest energy in the world, even cheaper than China and what are MPs tell us, get rid of it and pay 10 times more and shut everything down and import everything on the never never, no farms no factory’s and so on, are people on this blog including andy and co really want this because the job you have now will be toast. I have never seen so many opportunity as now, this country could be the richest in the world with bottom price enegry, auto factories, super bot highway for goods and farms instead of trains on HS2/3 and 4, roll off rail container ferries into Europe and instead of freeports, make the whole country a freeport. Change the tax system to reflect the amount of profit,s earn on minimum amount of outlay

    1. glen cullen
      October 9, 2021

      Correct Paul – and what’s on the news today…reports that this government is about to introduce a new green levy (tax) on gas….yeah couldn’t make it up

    2. Everhopeful
      October 10, 2021

      Trouble is …I think that destroying us in the way you describe is the day job now.
      That’s the agenda…not to protect and nurture us which WAS the job of government.
      The powers that should never have been are fully signed up to the agenda of ruining and replacing us.

      1. Shirley M
        October 10, 2021

        It is a super duper hidden agenda to deter illegal immigrants by making our country so expensive and unattractive that nobody wants to live here. I jest, but struggle to see why bankrupting our country while simultaneously assisting our economic competition is so appealing to the majority of politicians? Has 40+ years of EU membership made them too lazy to think logically and how to benefit our country?

  7. Lifelogic
    October 9, 2021

    Indeed all sound stuff but:-

    1. We should not be rolling out any duff/premature technology using tax payer’s subsidies. Sensible R&D subsidy is fine then (when/if it works) subsidy is not needed.
    2. CO2 plant food is clearly not a major issue anyway – it is greening the planet very nicely and shows no sign of causing any imminent climate emergency. Net beneficial infact.
    3. “Green” Hydrogen is an absurdly expensive and extremely energy wasteful technology as an energy storage method. It make no sense whatsoever other than in a tiny few specialist areas. These areas are mainly where governments have idiotically already wasted money on windfarms or solar that generate energy when it is largely not wanted and would otherwise be wasted or virtually given away. Even then it is rather marginal in economic terms.
    4. The best short term solutions are fracking, gas, oil, piles of coal, nuclear with a bit of wind and solar only when cost effective (without subsidy or market rigging that is) – the longer term ones are really just better nuclear and nuclear fusion.
    5. Put a competent physicist/engineer in charge not Carrie, Kwasi, Greta or any other deluded religious, climate alarmist priests. Let us never hear that moronic phrase “the Saudi Arabia of Wind” again.

    1. Shirley M
      October 10, 2021

      +1 LL

    2. BOF
      October 10, 2021


      1. BOF
        October 10, 2021

        Leave out the8!

  8. Nottingham Lad Himself
    October 9, 2021

    Sir John, you say that you “cannot understand” why the UK imported gas and electricity rather than develop its own capacity in these areas.

    Might it just be, that those responsible for energy supply followed your ideology to the letter, and let the market decide? That is, they found that these sources were cheaper than could be achieved by any other means at the respective times?

    Reply No, they are not cheaper!

    1. Nottingham Lad Himself
      October 9, 2021

      Well, they might not be now, certainly.

  9. Fedupsoutherner
    October 9, 2021

    Brilliant interview John abd thank you. It’s unacceptable that other countries can hold us to ransom over a variety of policies using energy as the weapon. We must be self sufficient.

    1. formula57
      October 10, 2021

      + 1 – and it is unacceptable that the Government creates the conditions where ransom can be demanded.

      I ask again, what do they do over at the BEIS?

  10. Peter
    October 9, 2021

    Sensible points which Sir John Redwood was given time to make without interruption.

    The energy crisis has been spoken about for years and talk of Third World style blackouts in the UK has often been mentioned before.

    The self sufficiency point is important, but unfortunately too many politicians fail to look to the national interest but are very biddable. So a fundamental change of outlook(and probably politicians too) is required.

    Levelling up is what used to happen in earlier decades when a good education gave youngsters from ordinary backgrounds a step up the ladder. There were plenty of decently paid jobs too and lots of British companies who paid a decent wage and looked after their workers. Now we have a race to the bottom to cut costs and chief executives take bloated salaries and bonuses for delivering this, regardless of the impact lower down the company.

    1. No Longer Anonymous
      October 9, 2021

      Except no-one of importance listens to this news channel.

  11. Sapien
    October 9, 2021

    11 years Tory rule = disaster !

  12. alan jutson
    October 9, 2021

    Common-sense Questions ,Common-sense answers, but clearly no one in Government listening.

    We have oil and gas in the ground near our shores, available to us immediately via an existing pipeline, but no, we would sooner allow it to go abroad.
    Are there any restrictions or penalties in the Licences that would not allow more than a certain percentage to be piped into the UK. JR
    We have masses of Coal under the ground in the UK, can we not put filters on our coal fired power stations to make emissions cleaner.
    We have the possibility of fracking, that now seems to be dead in the water so to speak.
    We have Nuclear power plants now made in the UK, but none producing electricity, have any actually been ordered ?
    Instead we purchase expensive energy from abroad.!

    Why do our Politicians find this remotely sensible.

  13. ChrisS
    October 9, 2021

    What an immensely sensible interview, unlike the BBC efforts with Boris last week on Marr and Today.
    Everything you said is emminently sensible and affordable but Government and Civil Serviants just aren’t listening.

    If unchecked, the present energy policy supported by all political parties in the UK, is going to lead to protests in the streets, not just by the poor, but by ordinary middle class people whose lifestyles are going to be badly disrupted by the financial burden that is being imposed by the Green Crap Agenda.

    It will have to be stopped but by whom ?

    1. Everhopeful
      October 10, 2021

      They are working on stopping protests ( via public despair over XR and Insulate) for the moment you speak of, when fuel is unaffordable and probably when they swipe all our money too.
      Agree that the Boris interview was ridiculous in the extreme. Blusters because he knows nothing and has been SO successful at fooling people with complete rubbish that he believes he can continue doing so.

    2. Oldwulf
      October 10, 2021

      Sadly Mr J seems to have lost the plot and is losing the people. Hopefully the Conservative Party is moving much closer to a leadership challenge.

  14. No Longer Anonymous
    October 9, 2021

    Perhaps you should do an interview with the BBC.

    According to the BBC the Royal Navy is a murderous bunch of oafs and 1950s Britain was rife with Nazis.

  15. Everhopeful
    October 10, 2021

    Are we seeing a “green revolution” that has failed or a catalogue of miscalculations?

    1. dixie
      October 10, 2021

      .. or a catalogue of misdirections and a strategy by our “betters” that is succeeding?

  16. George Brooks.
    October 10, 2021

    An excellent interview and I totally agree with what was said as it all makes a lot of sense.

    One thing I fail to understand and please will someone give me a well reasoned answer. Why is Hydro and tidal streams being totally ignored as it is infinitely more reliable than wind and solar?

  17. Everhopeful
    October 10, 2021

    Can a politician ( JR) apply for a regular slot/appearance on GB News?
    Something like JRM’s vids from his study. Do they do outside broadcasts? I have seen JR interviewed in his garden I think? A nice weekly, newsy chat maybe?
    Too much work though probably…on top of everything else.
    But it would be good….

    reply Happy to do it. Not offered.

  18. William Long
    October 10, 2021

    I just wish this had gone to a wider audience. Surely we are entitled to hear views from this side of the spectrum from our ‘Public service’ broadcaster?

    Reply The BBC does not want my views on energy or greenery. Help circulate my views by sending on this blog. We do not have to use the BBC to get out an alternative view. It is well known that the BBC hates diversity of opinions.

  19. Helen Smith
    October 10, 2021

    I live in the SE, certainly don’t want to hog all the housing, you can’t move for new housing estates here, literally can’t move as the roads are clogged up with all the increased traffic.

  20. George Brooks.
    October 10, 2021

    This is the third time of asking Sir john and I would be grateful to receive an answer either from you or anyone else as to why tidal streams and hydro are not used to generate electricity. They run 24/7 and are not effected by cloud.

    Reply There is some hydro. I and others in Parliament have proposed more tidal and hydro only to be rebuffed by a wind dominated Energy department.

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