If the media wants to help us create a stronger and healthier democracy in the U.K. they should mend the ways they handle comment and define news. Of course they should ask tough questions, seek to clarify and examine views and policies. What they often prefer to do is to script one sided and often nonsensical debate between the forces of their international establishment convention seen as true and good, and the armies of those who disagree who then have to be wrongly fact checked, ridiculed, criticised or banned by their thought police.
So we had the one sided Brexit debates when the wildly pessimistic economic forecasts of Remain were accepted as truth whilst Leave was bombarded with false rebuttals and inaccurate allegations. There is the relentless green agenda where anyone who worries about security of supply, price, impact on family budgets, phasing and costs of green investments and other legitimate issues is labelled a denier.
There are the woke debates where anyone who expresses too strong a love of country or our history is told they endorse every sin and crime of the past. The U.K. both old and new is usually run down and blamed for the world’s ills and given little or no credit for all the good we do as a people and through our government.
The bad media seek not only to decide what is news but also to make it. They employ undercover people to trip people up over the rules of behaviour. They only invite MPs on that they do not support if they can caricature their views or push them into consenting to a more extreme statement which then is news. This may in their view justify demanding resignation from office. They often argue with you over what your view is, claiming to know it better than you do because they find your actual view does not fit their baddies versus goodies script.
October 18, 2021
Good morning.
I take it that this is another dig at Auntie ?
The media no longer report the news just opinion pieces on their pet interests. Those that have a mind to do so can filter out most of the nonsense they are plugging. Question Time only served to me who was in and who was not, and what narrative was being played. Both the guests and the audience rarely reflected the views of the general public which, explained the reactions on faces on the BBC commentators when the BREXIT vote was announced.
But there are now more and more forms of media outlets trying to broaden debate but this will take time to bed in and win trust. But ultimately it all down to the individual. Are they capable of thinking for themselves or, do they liked to be infantised ? Experience of this past year or so suggests the latter. Sadly.
One thing that the media do not seem to mention, is that of England and the English. Perhaps if more English MP’s were to demand that this change and stop refering to us as the
October 18, 2021
I’ve stopped subsidising the left wing ,woke pro EU organisation.
It is anti British and an alarmist organisation which preaches climate change at every opportunity.
All families are of mixed race and there are gaps portrayed on every programme.
I’m truly sick of being branded a climate denier or white supremacist because I don’t share their views.
Defund the BBC.
October 18, 2021
hear hear
October 18, 2021
October 18, 2021
“What they often prefer to do is to script one sided and often nonsensical debate between the forces of their international establishment convention seen as true and good, and the armies of those who disagree who then have to be wrongly fact checked, ridiculed, criticised or banned by their thought police.”
Well, what can any normal interviewer do when up against obscurantist mumbo-jumbo like this?
October 18, 2021
I just hope that the coming online “harms” (do they even know what a “harm” is? Considering what they have done to us in the past two years!!) bill won’t kill the emerging broadening debate stone dead!
Apparently they are working very hard on it! Hmmmmm! What an easy option to just apply gagging acts.
October 18, 2021
“Harm” was the word used by Mrs Stephen Kinnock to justify continuing the ban on President Trump. It can mean anything that is convenient to them.
October 18, 2021
England and the English is something the British establishment would rather not entertain I fear. Campaign for the English Parliament gets very little air time, and I suspect that suits Westminster and those within just fine.
The problem for alternative news sites or individuals with a different perspective is that they are bound by the very things that Sir John mentions.
We’ve had a so called Conservative Government for more than 10 years yet nothing has been done to curb this, in fact many if not all (for personal reasons of ‘getting on’ within their party) politicians are very quick to stand behind all the speech restrictions and the cultural revolution which is destroying our very essence goes on unhindered.
October 18, 2021
Michelle – We’ve had a so called Conservative Government for more than 10 years yet …………..
Look at who were the “leaders”, Cameron and May and look at who is the “leader” now, Boris. All Globalists promoting the Globalist UK Establishment agenda.
October 18, 2021
@Mark B +1. It is not about informing or the truth its about manipulating minds in their own image or religious needs. It starts with the PM doing it for his extremists anti UK views then it trickles down.
October 18, 2021
All of this is very true and to be deplored.
The media are playing another trick this week, since the assassination of Sir David, requiescat in pace.
All the things they wanted to do originally are now being wheeled out as things which must be done because of the assassination. To strengthen their case, they are wheeling out a very different assassination, rather than concentrating on the nature of this one and its similarity to other assassinations and near deadly attacks on MPs; and its similarity to deadly and near deadly attacks on the public. Our attention is being systematically deflected, away from terror and on to arguments about censorship. But what islamist terrorist, or IRA terrorist, has sent a death threat before hand? Or insulted the intended victim? They only ever own the atrocity afterwards or seconds before.
So we must resist this censorship they have in mind, including their wish to do away with noms de plume on the internet. Conservatives, unionists, Brexiteers, Jews, Christians, and a myriad of other persecuted people, need anonymity if they are to express their opinions without nasty repercussions.
This is not to say we should not also strive for a more polite and civilized political world. But a one sided censoring – or self censoring – of lawful speech is not the way to do that.
October 19, 2021
I think it is disgusting that the Home Secretary should use the death of anyone, let alone one of her colleagues, as a vehicle to promote whatever they want to promote. We do not know the reasons behind the murder of, Sir David Amess, that is a matter for the police to investigate and a court of law to decide. The best thing I think the Home Secretary or anyone can do is to pay their respects and keep silent. His family and friends are grieving.
October 18, 2021
” Both the guests and the audience rarely reflected the views of the general public which, explained the reactions on faces on the BBC commentators when the BREXIT vote was announced.”
Nonsense, the BBC was totally neutral, as anyone can see, the BBC’s overnight Referenda coverage still being available via YouTube, I seem to recall Sky also covering the result in the same way, pretty sure ITV did likewise. What did you expect, want, the MSM jumping with joy at the result?…
As for your last sentence, forgive me, are you advocating the break up of GB&NI? If our MPs are not members of the UK parliament, do not speak for all people in their individual constituencies, be they of English, Scot, Welsh or NI blood, never mind those rightfully here from our Commonwealth [1], just who do they speak for. It is not our MPs who need to change how they speak, think, about the UK, and its four nations, but people like you Mark B.
[1] nor is there any need for such people to be on the electoral register to seek representation from an MP
October 18, 2021
I’ve often argued that only the registered voters who are addressed and resident in the constituent can seek advice/support/interview with an MP
October 19, 2021
@glen cullen; What a daft notion! Are you suggesting that those beyond childhood but not yet a legal adult, those between age 16 and 18, some of whom might well have full time jobs, pay income tax, even be married, should not be allowed to seek advice/support/interview with an MP. Should a troubled Child not be allowed to seek help from their local MP. Also do remember that whilst active Peers obviously have advantageous access to govt etc via their work in the Lords your suggestion would also affect them too.
October 19, 2021
October 21, 2021
@glen cullen; You really should test (think) your arguments though. So should you be falsely imprisoned thus thus loose the right to vote, along with perhaps having your friends and family shun you, are you seriously suggesting you would be happy with your lot, or would you wish to seek redress via the help of your local MP?
PS, just to add, those 16 & 17 year old youths, those you suggest should not have a right to representation via an MP, along with perhaps paying income tax, they are old enough to join the Military or work civil protection rolls, so perhaps 16 & 17 year olds should simply be given the vote.
October 18, 2021
+1. Hear hear Mark B. John accuses the media of scripting one sided debate – talk about kettle calling the pot black. It is in the script of every UK MP especially the ones squatting in English seats to talk about anything and anywhere except the English and England. At all times the words UK or ‘the country’ must be used to substitute England. The word England must never be spoken.
October 18, 2021
as the UK?
My son refers to non-mainstream news outlets as ‘obscure’, which probably says more about him and his generation than the websites themselves.
October 20, 2021
Have a word with Gove and tell Him to get elected in His own Country, the repealing of English Votes on English Laws was not in youre Manifesto. dont take Southern England for Granted.
October 18, 2021
At least Farage tries on his TV slot to try and get across two sides of the argument. We pay far to much money to have the same message sent out no matter what the subject may be. The BBC has set the standard and nearly all the other companies sadly have followed.
October 18, 2021
@turboterrier; Indeed, that is what Mr Farage wants you to believe, what GB News wants you to believe, it’s called soft propaganda, yet you object when others play by the same rules… By the way, it is Govt via the DCMS and Ofcom who make the rules, not the BBC, the MSM would be a far better place if Lord Rieth was still making the rules!
October 18, 2021
Nope…its the BBC that makes the rules
October 19, 2021
@glen cullen; Nonsense, the BBC is subject to Ofcom regulation, they are subject to the broadcast code like any other broadcaster, additionally they are both governed & regulated by their charter, approved by govt.
October 19, 2021
On paper you’re correct but in practise the BBC rule
October 21, 2021
@glen cullen; All you achieve by constantly posting such facts-less nonsense is prove own political bias, not show the bias of others.
October 19, 2021
Jerry. I’d call what Farage has to say common sense.
October 19, 2021
@FUS; That’s your right, doesn’t mean Mr Farage is correct though, just a skilled “Wordsmith”!
October 18, 2021
Like the BBC promoting the Royals charity ‘royal foundation’ (earthshot prise) giving a million pounds internationally to the best climate change invention…follow the money – follow the politics – follow the manipulation
October 18, 2021
October 18, 2021
”Goto Energy becomes 13th supplier to quit troubled energy market” GB News today
We need a nation debate about the boris green revolution
October 18, 2021
revolution or balls-up?
October 19, 2021
@glen cullen; So obviously you do not agree with the price cap then, after all it is not the green taxes per se that is causing these companies to fail but the world wholesale price just to get the product into the UK. If you want the Labour party elected by 2024, if not fuel poverty riots on the streets, carry on…
October 18, 2021
Turboterrier, +1,
Nigel Farage and the other interviewers on GB News do give their interviewees plenty of time to talk and to explain their positions and motives. Interrupting the interviewee is not the standard way for GB News, and one would have thought that this was creditworthy. Courtesy is displayed even when interviewee opinions are challenged.
Back in the days of Jimmy Young we could hear the views of Conservative, Labour, and Liberal, as well as Trade Unionists at considerable length. Considered opinions were expounded and the listener could form a considered judgement on those expressed opinions.
The tragic attack on David Amess is revealing in its demonstration of the animus and unreason that is fostered by the demand for ‘Headlines” and aggressive ‘Gotcha’ interviewing.
Incidentally, I have long been sickened by Question Time and NewsNight and have not watched them for over ten years.
October 18, 2021
“They often argue with you over what your view is, claiming to know it better than you do because they find your actual view does not fit their baddies versus goodies script.”
I hear ya ! Boy, do I hear ya !
(Immigration the most frequently abused. We only ever wanted a points system like many respected countries have.)
October 18, 2021
The UK has always had a points-based system, and still does.
October 18, 2021
Odd, I never realised the EU had a points based system for Freedom of Movement
October 19, 2021
Our fellow Europeans are not and were not immigrants.
October 19, 2021
They were before freedom of movement.
October 18, 2021
Instead we get daily flotilla loads of (mostly) economic migrants who are prepared to pay cruise ship prices to cross the channel! Points system? That was just electioneering.
October 18, 2021
”We only ever wanted a points system” even more basic ”no visa no entry”
October 18, 2021
I see it is being reported that Germany is now looking at using a points system for immigration from anyone outside the EU.
How times change.
October 18, 2021
Yes Glen, time Boris started to do as he is told or Boom! He will be out of no 10 on his backside.
October 18, 2021
October 19, 2021
October 18, 2021
NLA. Yes, funny how Poland is going to take a strong stand against immigrants coming in from Turkey and being part of the EU nobody seems to mind but anything we do is wrong and ruled against. Sickening.
October 18, 2021
Thank goodness we now have GBNews where we can watch fair debates. Unfortunately, most people are still watching and reading the main stream media, where they are being brainwashed over climate change, Brexit and trans issues. We have become like an old communist country where propaganda is constantly forced upon us and we aren’t allowed to hear the other side of the argument.
October 18, 2021
You are literally the ones being brainwashed. It is really quite sad to see.
October 18, 2021
Literally you are wrong young andy.
October 18, 2021
there’s that literally again…Ever thought about finding other words? Brexitist was almost acceptable, try again.
October 19, 2021
Either that, or pretending to believe a tissue of self-evident lies makes a wonderful excuse for some pretty dark intentions, Andy.
We’ve seen that before.
October 19, 2021
Which GB news presenter is brainwashing people Andy? Do you even watch?
October 18, 2021
Even GBNews and Talk Radio are a bit too “BBC think” for me. No real and honest discussions on the NHS failures, no desire for fair competition between state and private in healthcare, housing or education, energy … little pointing out how worthless so many degree are or the unscientific and economic insanity of the net zero agenda. They too sometimes pay the gender pay gap lunacy BBC style. They never point out they building a new EV increases CO2 production for not the reverse compared to keeping you old car..
October 18, 2021
The murder of Sir David Amis is very sad indeed. But to put the extra risk to MPs (from the average) of being murdered into some numerical perspective someone who cycles about 3 miles a day in a city (or walks about 5) has about the same risk of death from this activity. Activities that are actively encouraged by this government.
It seems Sunak is going ahead with an online sales tax – to all to all his other tax grabs and increase inflation even further.
October 18, 2021
@Christine; “Thank goodness we now have GBNews where we can watch fair debates”
Oh dear, non so blind as those who choose not to see I guess…
Tell me, has Kinnock, Miliband, Corbyn or SKS; Cameron, Clarke, Hammond or May; Clegg, Cable, Swinson or Davey; Salmond or Sturgeon; Barroso or von der Leyen; ever been interviewed -or invited- by GB News, and if so how long was the said interview (and how many times were they interrupted). Or were their views simply given a 10 second paragraph in the script, read out like a post-script, the same as you complain other broadcasters do?
QT and AQ, sans the audience, is the closest the UK media gets to having ‘fair debate’ outside of election periods.
October 18, 2021
Tell me Jerry..have any of them refused to appear?
October 19, 2021
Peter2; Stop trying to troll, not only does it waste our hosts time but you make yourself look silly, did you not read my comment (probably not…), I asked Christine the very same question!
October 19, 2021
You react like a child to a simple question.
Wind your neck in Jerry
October 19, 2021
@Peter2; Do stop trolling for pity sake.
How can I answer your question when it is much the same question I asked in the first place.
October 19, 2021
I repeat Jerry, think for just one moment that your very distinctive opinions on everything might be wrong.
Accept for one moment that others have valid yet different opinions.
And stop getting so aggressive towards other people.
October 20, 2021
@Peter2; Stop trolling!
Mine was not an opinion, I asked a questions, as you accept in your reply to a-tracy…
October 20, 2021
I asked you a simple polite question Jerry.
Just running away and shouting troll shows the paucity of your argument.
October 21, 2021
@Peter2; Stop trolling. You did not ask a simple polite question, as you try and suggest, you (intentionally?) asked a very hostile ‘complex question’, based upon the rhetorical question I had asked Christine just hours before….
October 19, 2021
Peter2, GB News seem to have an open e-mail/twitter to ask questions of the hosts – ask them if any on Jerry’s list have refused to appear, I’d guess Christine doesn’t work for them and can’t answer.
October 19, 2021
Thanks Tracy.
Jerry is on a current campaign against GB News as you can see to his aggressive response to a post by Christine.
I just see it as one more choice.
Watch it if you want to.
Don’t watch it if you don’t like it.
October 20, 2021
@a-tracy; Indeed, but unless asked by a select committee or Ofcom it is 50/50 whether an answer will be a/. given b/. correct.
@peter2. No I have no axe to grind, I’m just stating a few home truths (and they obviously sting), it is you and others who are on the war path, against all other MSM broadcasters, whilst believing the sun shines out of GB News. Yours is not exactly an unbiased position.
October 20, 2021
I have no particular opinion on GB News other than what I have stated above.
You on the other hand have responded to nearly every post on here that says they like GB News with increasing aggression.
Your ” home truths” are just your opinions.
October 21, 2021
@Peter2; Come off it, you give every impression of being smitten with GB News, that is clear by the why you are never critical of them in the same way as you (and others) are of the BBC etc. Unlike you I treat the entire MSM industry with the same miss trust, even disdain, be they CNN or Fox/Max in the US; ABC or Sky News in Australia or the BBC, Ch4 or GB News here in the UK etc.
“Your “home truths” are just your opinions.”
Indeed, but based on FACTS or at least knowledge of how the MSM industry works, not the rumour mill of half-truths, even lies, your opinions are so often based on.
October 19, 2021
I assume you are being satirical I suspect some have been on and others are too cowardly to do so. We hear endlessly from these generally dire people on the BBC and elsewhere we know exactly the lefty, pro EU, climate alarmist drivel they will come out with. Many of them were also clearly guilty of blatant treachery.
October 19, 2021
@LL; I admit to asking a rhetorical question, not expecting for a moment any of our hosts usual commenter’s would be foolish enough to try and answer for GB News!
“I suspect some have been on and others are too cowardly to do so.”
So you do not actually know. As for why someone might have turned down an invite, assuming they were actually invited, prior booking perhaps, strings attached by GB News who wanted to talk about a subject outside their knowledge, who knows….
October 18, 2021
I think GB News should have copied MSM News to carry over as many viewers from MSM as possible. They could then start changing the format of the news. Most of the public dont understand the inherit threats and dangers posed to them by the subtleties of globalist propaganda and political posturing on MSM.
October 19, 2021
@Javelin; Oh they do Javelin, they do… That is why GB News has such low viewing figures, they understand the inherit threats and dangers posed to them by the subtleties of globalist propaganda and political posturing of the hard right all to well, nor are they taken in by token moderate or centrist presenters – give GB News a year, see who from the channels start up list of presenters and reporters remain, some have already gone.
I also expect GB News will be bought by, or absorbed in to, a larger multinational media company in due course, perhaps one that was also planning to launch here in the UK this year but has sine scaled back their intent upon hearing that GB News was to launch.
October 18, 2021
GB News certainly explore issues from a different perspective than the BBC.
October 18, 2021
I’m with you on that Christine. Mind you, we know a few people that used to hate Farage – mainly because of what they heard about him from the biased and unfair media – but absolutley love him as his debates are fair and full of common sense. More in keeping with Conservative values and expectations of many.
October 19, 2021
“If you set off in any direction and travel in a straight line then you will never come to the same place twice” is “common sense” to someone who believes that the Earth is flat.
That is akin to Farage’s thralls assessment of his words. He knows the premise on which you will base that judgement.
And he must be inwardly laughing off his socks.
October 19, 2021
Dodgy logic MiC
October 18, 2021
October 18, 2021
Christine, +1
October 19, 2021
As I said above, it is going to take time and trust. Once people realise Auntie cannot be trusted it is curtains for the organisation.
October 18, 2021
I don’t see that the government helps in all this.
It always seems very keen to ban “wrong-speak” ie anything that disagrees with the official narrative.
Criminalise an opinion!
Look at the Home Sec’s immediate reaction to the recent tragedy.
Make people on social media use their own names!!
No wonder we no longer have borders.
October 18, 2021
@EH; “It always seems very keen to ban “wrong-speak” ie anything that disagrees with the official narrative. Criminalise an opinion!”
Were do you live in the world, Russia, neither the govts of the USA or UK, nor those of the EU27 etc. have done any such thing, what they have done is restrict how someone might say something, for example those who objected to CV19 restrictions or to the vaccines are quite free to object, they just need to argue the facts, not the conspiracy theories.
“No wonder we no longer have borders.”
But in the age of the internet, as far as opinion is concerned, we do not have borders, do all the people who post to this site live in the UK, have UK allocated IP numbers?
October 18, 2021
When David Davis argued with facts he was censored. Your claim does not hold up – that is just one recent example.
October 19, 2021
@Mark; When was David Davis censored. If you are referring to a YT video, has it not since been reinstated?
October 18, 2021
The real question is…where do you live?
October 19, 2021
@EH; Unlike you, no, nor do I suffer selective blindness eithrer!
October 18, 2021
I think you get what you pay for. Since March 2020 the media have received massive government subsidies to compensate for advertising revenue lost thanks to lockdowns. It can’t then come as a surprise that only the official narrative is tolerated in the media.
The way to restore free and fair debates is to have media outlets that are funded by consumers making their own choice about what they want to see, hear and read. I used to be a strong supporter of having a national broadcaster in the shape of the BBC, giving a platform to a wide range of cultural production that couldn’t be supported otherwise, and appealing to all sorts of tastes. Now I think online possibilities can cater better for particular markets, and in any case the BBC’s coverage in terms of permitted themes and approaches seems to me to have narrowed a lot. As we see all too clearly in the political sphere, and as our good host recently experienced.
October 18, 2021
Everhopeful, Do you have a problem with using your own name on social media and if so what is it? I use a sobriquet here, because it appears to be the custom; but there are some sites where I use my full name and I have noticed that the tenor of comment on those sites often is less strident than when the writers are veiled by aliases. I had not thought of it before, but perhaps mandatory use of own names is a good idea.
October 18, 2021
If you are trying to say that one is more restrained when using one’s own name then you rather prove my point for me!
October 19, 2021
The internet is full of people who you really want to keep your distance from. I am happy for our kind host to know my personal details and email address as he is responsible for what is written here. One can gather much information from people by knowing their name and using it for bad purposes. That is why I always never put my full name.
October 18, 2021
@Everhopeful – ‘own names?’ that is a throw away seemingly passive gesture. No one would ever know. The UK Government in its passion to track and monitor the people in the UK have created an open door. All data collected and collated from the UK is kept outside of the UK Governments Jurisdiction – it is kept use and manipulated in foreign countries. To a high degree this data is made available to foreign security services for their own internal reasons.
October 18, 2021
October 18, 2021
Make people on social media use their own names!!
That’s easier said than done, without a “Universal” Identity Card.
However each device has a unique address, websites could publish that instead of an anonomous ‘nom de plume’.
October 18, 2021
There are doubtless may hundreds if not thousands of (specified names Ed. )They retain a cloak of anonymity denied to those with less common names. I do not see that making it easier for random individuals to identify particular people they do not like and then perhaps pursue them unpleasantly in real life helps matters: it just makes it all easier for the nutcases. I know of several cases where extreme harrassment has taken place, including arson that probably had intent to kill, on the back of online identification. It is not just those who are prominent in public life who are at risk in the modern world where so many so easily take extreme offence for the most bizarre reasons.
October 18, 2021
Maybe they are aiming at a Universal ( global!) ID card?
October 18, 2021
October 19, 2021
That isn’t true for many ISPs. The IP address tends to be “sticky”. You might have to switch off your router for some weeks to change it.
October 19, 2021
This is what happens on other websites where, the last four digits or so are shown. However, one can use a VPN to mask ones tracks if needed.
I think the Home Secretary is more interested in getting rid of VPN Providers as they and their activity cannot be tracked. The issue I have is, as I mentioned to, rose above, is that she is using the death to promote it, something I find utterly disgusting.
October 19, 2021
I fully agree with your last sentence.
We may find other untoward things introduced on that pretext too, I’d suggest.
October 18, 2021
>>Look at the Home Sec’s immediate reaction to the recent tragedy.
Make people on social media use their own names!! << The presenter on GB News ' The Briefing' this morning tackled this very point & more, challenging that narrative, and I thought his words were frank & realistic & basically he told it like it really is & what many seek to avoid saying.
October 18, 2021
October 18, 2021
The media has discredited itself to the point where too often it is trusted no more, rather disbelieved and ridiculed. So we now have “Is that true – or did you hear it on the BBC?” as a meme.
Any national debate would be of better quality if we leave the media out of it, relying instead upon ways of direct engagement between participants that are conferred by modern technology. This Diary is of course a prime example of what may be done to very good effect.
October 19, 2021
The BBC – very conveniently for the Government – keeps rather quiet about the fact that Italy, say, has fewer than one twentieth of the daily covid19 cases that the UK does, has overtaken its vaccine take up, and has only about one tenth of the UK’s daily deaths. Unlike the UK, they have not recently added any new variants of note to the virus’s armoury to spread across the world either.
This is typical of the rest of the main European Union countries, and yet we have heard little about it since the UK media parroted almost as a single voice the Government’s claim that the UK people were lucky to have left.
Reply you never mention the much higher death rates in several EU countries, or the higher case rates.
October 19, 2021
You refer to totals to date, not to current daily rates, I assume, Sir John. Anyway, those former are not “much” higher, and are well within the range of spread expected by different counting methods anyway.
Current daily deaths – the crucial thing now – are *by far* the worst in western Europe in the UK at present, as are daily cases.
As I say, fortunately for the Government, the BBC and the media generally keep rather quiet about this.
Reply Look at the high rates in the Balkans, Hungary etc
October 20, 2021
Yes, in parts of eastern Europe things are starkly different and similar to the UK.
Does that make it OK then?
October 18, 2021
Obvious facts and matters of common sense have been squeezed out of the Overton Window on the bullying say so of the left who constantly tighten the noose of political correctness.
How they laugh when they see the desperate-to-please, scaredy cats in government sacrificing all in order to avoid being called the name they so fear!
Why can’t the few remaining sensible MPs see that?
Tell the truth and shame the devil.
Keep lying and lives are lost!
October 18, 2021
Quite frankly Sir John, your comment seems to me to be just a list of caricatures, but of ones which are not actually made very often, and certainly not by anyone in responsible positions.
These are accompanied by the now very tired, habitual claims of victimhood on those grounds.
It doesn’t represent anything like reality, therefore.
In other words it gets us absolutely nowhere.
October 18, 2021
Yet NLH you found it interesting enough to post your 30th post today.
October 18, 2021
JR: “If the media wants to help us create a stronger and healthier democracy in the U.K.”
They don’t want to help in that way – they seem intent on destroying democracy and many act as present day William Joyces. Most MPs are working to the same agenda. Our democracy is under attack from those meant to uphold it.
October 18, 2021
October 18, 2021
If Govt wants to further regulate the MSM then that is their right, I would very much welcome a return to more “Reithian” values of fairness etc..
But that is not going to change how people who post to and read unsocial media act, and that is were the problem lies, even on our hosts own site, were it is common for some to use words such as “Traitor”, to call people “Communists” simply because they do not share the posters own personal views, ir to demean others by calling them “Feckless” etc.
I’m not suggesting a love-in, far from it, but people do not need to be routinely & gratuitously rude all the time either. Remember, what may be harmless banter, or a throw away insult, to one might be the final straw that breaks another’s mind.
We need a debate about social media, not the MSM.
October 18, 2021
@ jerry – how come the MSM is to get a free pass just because social media is objectionable too?
Moreover, does not a goodly portion of the MSM offer social media platforms too though routinely permitting readers’ comments?
October 19, 2021
@formula57; If you read my first sentence again I am most certainly not suggesting the MSM get a “free pass”! Assuming you know what is meant by “Reithian” values.
The MSM, at least the broadcasters, are already highly regulated, that is why I separate them out from social media. Stop trying to suggest that somehow the MSM is responsible for what you, I and others write on the internet, even text messages sent from one mobile phone to others.
As for your second point, indeed, but the MSM can be divided into three; 1/. those companies who have removed the social media element from their websites, 2/. those who have put in place their own active moderation systems 3/. those who have third party (often token) moderation policies in place, basically so they can say “Nothing to do with us Judge” when the walls start getting messy.
So yes, the problem is with social media, not the MSM.
October 18, 2021
Control, not debate, is the objective. This applies to governments, much of the media and those who run and/or own its main players. The main tech platforms are a recent addition to their ranks. I do not see or expect to see much debate among the principal players only an aim to control what you read or see or hear. Censorship of opposing views is common by no platforming, setting critics up (as you describe), fixing the algorithms on what the search bar can display and so on.
October 18, 2021
You failed to mention the one form of ‘media’ that is now the source that many people turn to for news, information and comment. Namely Facebook. Thousands and thousands of toxic pages and groups full of one-sided and nonsensical debate. Absolutely vile and toxic comment on matters of the day. With headlines being grabbed and misinterpreted. That is where the brainwashing happens. I question whether the vast majority of our population even watch the main news programmes on TV, or listen on Radio. The bear pit of social media is preferable for today’s mob.
October 18, 2021
Watching a drama on ITV last night followed by their news was like being subject to soviet style propaganda: adverts at every commercial break for new electric cars that nobody wants; Prince William and his climate awards; David Attenborough saying humans are destroying the planet. It’s your party in government that’s helping feed this unending bias through its policies of coercion and its general haplessness Mr Redwood, with BBC and ITV its useful idiots. It will surely be not long now before the Tories water down commitment to economic growth as one of their key principles. That may even happen at the dreaded Glasgow Climate summit by Alok Sharma. The government is now talking about further restricting car manufacturing to artificially reduce the volume of non electric ones even before 2030. No doubt so that the price is artificially increased, thereby bringing forward further redundancies in the sector. Where did all the post Brexit aspirations for freedom and prosperity go? In the interests of this PM’s ego.
October 18, 2021
Time also for some politicians and other commentators to consider their language. Hopefully the foolish Angela Rayner feels shame and disgrace for her reported outburst in which she described all Tories as “scum”. There are others who use this kind of language, including one leftist commentator on this blog (but fortunately only one).
The problem seems to be that on the left of politics you score points by being as personally denigrating about your opponents as you can – always impugning motives and character, rather than addressing views and arguments using facts, data and logic.
Well at least they keep losing elections.
October 18, 2021
They may keep losing elections but their policies are the ones being carried.
October 19, 2021
If they felt shame they wouldn’t be Socialists. Mao, Stalin, Pol-pot. All Socialists and all slept very well a nights, unlike many of their countrymen
October 20, 2021
Nah, Pol Pot was someone who very much had “had enough of experts” – he’s the closest thing to brexiters and to Trumpists ideal that you can name there.
October 18, 2021
Perhaps it is simply the case that news now fills such a huge time space in any media programme, they are having to stretch it out to fill the time allocated with endless opinions, instead of simply reporting the facts.
Rarely do you hear any good news, because it is not sensational enough.
Even the news tells you the same stuff three times.
They tell you what they are going to tell you as an intro, then they tell you what THEY want you to know, then at the end of the programme they tell you what they have told you, just for good measure.
With opinionated interviewers it is often too many complicated questions, too many interruptions, not enough time for answers, not aided or helped by people (usually politicians) who refuse to answer the actual questions/statements which are put to them.
Time for a national debate, certainly, but let us keep the very vocal minority woke views to the right percentage of the time allocated, instead of including them as mainstream thoughts..
October 18, 2021
Couldn’t agree more, JR.
Thankfully, people are fighting back against cancel culture, the wokerati etc. But as you say, the media have a lot to answer for.
GB News has tried to address a lot of issues, which is highlighting some of the mis-representations and exaggerations.
I suppose some of the problem is 24hr TV. There’s a lot of hours to fill with ‘news’!
October 18, 2021
Sharon – The problem IS the TV. Thankfully I have not had one for 11 Years.
October 18, 2021
I stopped watching terrestrial TV (and listening to radio 4) around the time of the Brexit vote, as it became clear that the “serious” mainstream media had finally and completely lost any semblance of balance, or desire for genuine enquiry. Since then it has got even worse. The damage this has done to our democracy is far reaching.
One hopes more people switch to alternative sources of information, rather than switch off and disengage from public life. All one can do is urge friends and acquaintances to change their listening and viewing habits.
October 18, 2021
There is a certain Conservative MP who believes in universal healthcare, state education and is opposed to discrimination based on race. Yet the media have him down as right wing. I don’t think so, he seems quite balanced to me.
October 19, 2021
The term ‘right wing’ is used as slur. The Left and their friends in the media have very carefully put into peoples minds two things, and kept one out. The two things are, that the German National Socialist Party of the 1930’s to 1940’s was somehow right wing and, all the atrocities under it are somehow linked to that fact. The thing that they do not talk about, is the horrors committed under Socialist Left Wing governments were far worse and more numerous. Funny that
October 18, 2021
“Leave was bombarded with false rebuttals and inaccurate allegations.” Do you such as the “350 million a week” on the side of a red bus? Which was actually £140 million a week.
October 18, 2021
Which has been exceeded in NHS funding since 2016
October 18, 2021
@ acorn -Yet fullfact.org states “£350 million is roughly what we would send to the EU budget if it wasn’t for the UK’s budget rebate. The rebate is effectively a discount on what we would otherwise be liable for. This rebate was negotiated by Margaret Thatcher in 1984 and the way it is calculated can’t be changed in future without the UK’s agreement. ….
The UK actually pays around £250 million a week.”
Recall the Thatcher rebate was surrendered in part by Blair in exchange for some never met promises of reform.
October 19, 2021
Have a look at the ONS explanation at https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/governmentpublicsectorandtaxes/publicsectorfinance/articles/theukcontributiontotheeubudget/2017-10-31
Data miners and number crunchers use the EU version which contains all the payments including those to the private sector that are not included in government sector accounts. https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/default/files/about_the_european_commission/eu_budget/2021-06-15_spending_and_revenue_ord_retroactive.xlsx
October 19, 2021
If those who wanted us to join the EEC back in the 1970’s had been honest right from the start and had given us a vote on membership rather than join without one then there would have been no need to put anything on a side of a bus in 2016.
I KNEW what the EEC / EU was and did not need to listen to any side. I had made up my mind despite the result costing me personally.
October 18, 2021
Sir JR,
I think you are raising some very good and relevant points, the media needs to be much more diverse and well informed.
However, giving a right-wing channel like GB news a lot of time as you have might not necessary advance a more enlightened debate either.
October 18, 2021
Choices Hans
Watch it if you want
October 18, 2021
How many times are you registered to vote under different names?
October 18, 2021
You saying Project Fear was a list of truths acorn?
October 18, 2021
Sir JR,
I think you are raising some very good and relevant points, the media needs to be much more diverse and well informed.
However, giving a right-wing channel like GB news a lot of time as you have might not necessary advance a more enlightened debate either.
October 18, 2021
Bill Smith provides a character perfect copy of hans christain iversen. Not one and the same person, surely?
October 18, 2021
How strange.
Your friend hans christian iversen just said exactly the same thing.
October 18, 2021
I agree; National debate has become infantile. An atomised work force cannot tell the authority of one, “opinion”, from another. This has left many easily swayed by the low browed Press with its almost comically pro Brexit bias. The BBC, threatened with de-funding by a State intent on Brexit-ification, has failed to hold the bumblers misruling us to account. Useless.
John Redwood has a point on the idle acceptance of ( for example ) a leftish dislike of Empire. I would appreciate a real debate in which the place of Africans in the slave trade was examined . Perhaps, instead of comparing 18th century Britain to the editorial team of the Guardian, compare it to Spain, at that time. Lets open it up for debate without fear.
Lets have a free market in ideas, an element of proportionality to our representation , a radically smaller Public Service Broadcaster leaving space for a high quality News Station the State could not threaten. John Redwood is welcome to his Fox UK where he may be interviewed by Nigel Farrage between adverts for stair lifts to his heart’s content.
So does Sir John have any of his own ideas as to how to improve things …or is he just saying ..” why can’t you all agree with me“ ?
October 18, 2021
In this New World of soundbites, headline grabbing along with social media and the PM’s obsession’s with the ‘grandstanding’ ‘virtue signal’ we have a society that is constantly bombarded with a part truth, part meaning and frankly untruth. There is the problem, some are doing for profit – so don’t care, some are doing it to influence – so distortion is better than truth.
What this leads to is a sharp short throw-away sentence that rather than a reasoned position or point of view being expressed, which in turn finishes up creating just bitterness and hatred in some. That cannot even remotely be fashioned as debate. Its about stirring up passion, religion at both ends of the spectrum.
Through the PM, then the MsM, they are creating the dangers in society, putting people in danger, creating the fear that causes the over reaction in a very small but damaging minority.
This Government by not using a ‘brain’ any brain is creating extremism, because they are also extremists on an evangelical mission to lead the World at the expense of the UK economy and its people.
October 18, 2021
Yes, we all know this. But unfortunately, after a decade of “Conservative” Government (albeit the first 5 with the ridiculously-named LibDems) what has the Government done about it?
The answer to that is zilch; nada; nothing. Despite giving a clear indication at the 2019 General Election that non-payment of the BBC’s Poll Tax would be decriminalised, this cowardly Government has backed down.
And in return the BBC, Sky, ITV, C4 have learned that they are immune from action. Hence Tim Davie’s £75,000 pay increase ….. he knows he is untouchable.
However, this is a distraction from the real issues following the tragic murder of David Amess. He wasn’t killed by BBC bias; or politicians from an opposing party making rude slurs; or people on social media writing nasty, even threatening, messages.
The media, and our Politicians, seem desperate to divert discussion away from the facts (as we currently know them) of Mr Amess’ murder: who has been arrested in connection with it; his cultural and religious background and why he allegedly carried out the act..
October 18, 2021
Donna, +1, and well expressed.
October 19, 2021
I agree. Much like what they did with the late, Lee Rigby (RIP). But as to the rest we should allow due process.
October 18, 2021
This post gets to the crux of the matter on where the media has, in my opinion, poisoned various national debates. Hopefully, it will wake more people up to its insidious role over the last 18 months during the ongoing ‘COVID 19’ crisis, and more latterly in stoking up the ‘petrol crisis’ which has miraculously disappeared.
A dreadful weekend after Sir David’s murder. I sincerely hope that those behind his murder pay for it. Particularly upsetting to hear that a priest (confirmed by a tweet by the priest) was not allowed to administer to Sir David, a devout Catholic, allegedly on the grounds that it was a crime scene.
His family have been very dignified following this horrendous incident. The ‘media’ have helpfully published words of wisdom from Anjem Choudry as doubtless a potential lead in the investigation along with the fact that Sir David was involved with Qatar. Well, Sir David had a few causes in which he was interested. I’m not sure if they have concentrated on his opposition to Covid policy, and the fact that he had oversaw the much needed, but shamefully curtailed, parliamentary debate on vaccine passports where MPs were given the opportunity to express their discontent. Something which would not have necessarily happened otherwise, but there you go…..
Let us hope that a thorough investigation uncovers the truth and justice prevails.
October 18, 2021
Sir John, It appears that much of the media do not have the objective that you described in the first sentence of your post this morning.
October 18, 2021
Look at who owns and controls the MSmedia.
October 18, 2021
The BBC Charter is quite clear about their clear remit for impartiality, so why haven’t your government taken them to task over the last few years?
The BBC’s whole Brexit coverage, especially up to the Exit, was hugely appalling in terms of Remain bias, frankly the only news sources to contain a balanced view were this site – your diary, order-order, some youtubers and the odd article in the Daily Telegraph and Express.
Nothing has really changed, the EU grip on the narrative/news channels is insidious.
October 18, 2021
and pervasive
October 18, 2021
You could have no bigger contrast than the interview this morning on the Today programme with Dominic Raab and the one with Boris during the party conference. Both were conducted by Nick Robinson, who is normally their best and most balanced interviewer.
Raab was given a completely free run without interuption during expansive answers or aggressive questioning, even when he was not talking about the tragic murder of Sir David Amess. Boris, on the other hand, subject to a very hostile series of questions and was mercilessly interupted, at one point being asked to stop talking !
I wonder why the government have given in to the BBC and agreed to put up ministers to go on the programme again.
October 18, 2021
We are not a society that can be honest with itself. Expecting the MSM and the establishment to give up their biased views is something of a pipe dream.
Before we can be honest we have to move off the bottom of the political scale from dogmatic socialism towards freedom of thought. A socialist state, which is what we are close to being, can never be honest, on any account.
A national debate would be useful if we can rise above wokism and every other -ism…. There are many things that need fixing, including a system of government that allows itself to become a ruler rather than an administration.
October 19, 2021
+1 Especially your first paragraph.
October 18, 2021
I don’t wish to appear rude Sir John, but is this something that is supposed to be news to us down here at street level?
We’ve known all this for a very long time.
This isn’t just coming from the media though is it, it is now ingrained within politics too so that many are seeing the Conservatives just pedalling as hard as they can to follow and keep up with Labour/Libs/Greens in all things relating to diversity (except of opinion and speech) climate change etc. etc.
Your government hasn’t allowed much open debate or input from those well qualified to do so over covid and all that’s befallen us with that, because they don’t share the opinions of those chosen to make ‘the rules’.
Is there much difference in the mainstream political parties and mainstream media? I don’t think so, in fact I think you’d be hard pressed to be able to squeeze a Rizla paper between the two.
October 18, 2021
Michelle, +1, well said.
October 19, 2021
The Tories (Wets) have abandoned Mrs.T’s policies and have gone all Blairite. It is alleged those like Michael Gove MP have even gone as far to refer to him as, The Master. Although in what context I am unsure. To some it may mean something positive and respectful, to other, like me, something more sinister (The Master in Doctor Who is an evil villain), who knows. But one thing is for sure, they have lurched as Far Left as they can go.
October 18, 2021
I deeply resent funding the propaganda arm of the Labour Party. It is beyond redemption and the Socialist idea of paying for a TV channel needs to be scrapped. Merely having it on in the house makes my skin crawl.
Why it has never been prosecuted for aiding and abetting the likes of Savile and Bashir is beyond me.
October 19, 2021
You also fund the Labour Party via your government taxes – Short Money. The NHS and other highly unionised government departments and so on. At least with the TV Tax you get a choice whether to pay and watch it. There are alternatives where you can legally watch content without paying the BBC and not be indoctrinated.
October 18, 2021
So why is there silence in the HOC regarding that poor professor in Sussex university being vilified by the mob. Where is her support. All those students need to be rounded up and thrown out. If you don’t like it go elsewhere for your Micky mouse degree. It’s only those on GB News that call them what they are. A mob. Have you noticed how the mobs in the UK are changing our very language unchallenged. Who is running the country I wonder.
October 18, 2021
As we control the financing of the BBC this ought not to be beyond the wit of government to resolve, at least for the national broadcaster. A shift away from ratings chasing dross, which the commercial sector provides aplenty, to more and balanced debate would seem appropriate.
October 19, 2021
The ‘we’ is the license / TV Tax payer not the government. If you want change then you are going to have to stop paying.
October 19, 2021
Oh, and watching !
October 18, 2021
Not to mention the ‘vaccine’ narrative, where even after a claim has been discredited it is still repeated. As I travel by bus or train there are regular announcements that I should wear a ‘face covering’ to ‘avoid infecting others’. The ludicrous ‘vaccine passport’ introduced in Scotland and Wales supposedly prevents the spread of the virus, despite ‘vaxxed’ people catching, carrying, and transmitting the disease. Boris Johnson described them as ‘lifesaving’, as if the virus can be blocked by a QR code. It was Doctor Goebbels who said that if you repeat a lie often enough people believe it.
October 18, 2021
Beresford – As I have repeatedly stated on this site, the real conspiracy theorists believe their government cares about them, the media would never mislead or lie to them and the pharmaceutical industry that makes billions from sickness wants to cure you.
Some how, SO very many believe the opposite and unfortunately the UK is in a coma.
Just what the UK Establishment knew would happen.
October 19, 2021
There are three types of people.
1) Sheep.
2) Goats.
3) Cats.
Sheep follow. Goats lead. And Cats don’t give a **** !
October 19, 2021
and fat cats tend to get fatter.
October 18, 2021
There has never been a better time for a national debate on the return of capital punishment. Followed by a referendum. It won’t happen because Parliament has no spine.
October 18, 2021
BW – plus Corporal Punishment.
October 19, 2021
agreed, and its been punishing enough watching and now experiencing the antics and repercusions of Government.
October 18, 2021
Agreed, but where is the reverse lever to counter what has crept upon us for the last sixty years and continues apace. We need to vigorously fight this insidious counter and cancel culture. Allow humour the freedom to destroy it, just for starters.
October 18, 2021
Its also time that this government instructed all government funded institutions that they cannot ban any words in the oxford dictionary, books that are in our librarys nor remove any statue without an order from the home secretary
October 18, 2021
Follow the money. People who run the media, advertising, sport, corporates, politicians, universities or NGOs who benefit from international activity tend to live in urban areas and frame the debate for their benefit.
These globalists are like the three monkeys who ignore the rest of the country. The political risk is that a party who represents the nationalists will hold the political balance of power. So politicians go against that at their peril.
October 18, 2021
What the BBC and other like-minded media outlets have done is to get personal.
The method can be encapsulated in their unstated – but obvious – intent which is: “we, the unelected, have a set of doctrines that are absolute and beyond debate and beyond democracy. Anybody who disagrees with or even questions the doctrines is a bad person”.
Since they usually lose the argument in debate, through proper fact checking and at the ballot box, they tackle the person rather then the argument.
It is a very effective measure and has certainly cowered much of our present government.
The problem is that this fascism is dangerous since it could lead to people being personally – or even physically – abused.
October 19, 2021
October 18, 2021
O/T So Rishi is now going to add a 2% surcharge on on-line purchases and spin it like Amazon and others will pay it. NO THEY WON’T, it’s us again. Its another Tory wheeze to squeeze more out of us. When will they look at cuts instead? So much waste everywhere in Government, Health, Council’s and other public services, particularly in backroom functions. DVLA refusing to go back to work, so what are they doing for their money? Working from home cutting the grass and walking the dog as they have done for 18 months. Covid is good cover for them.
October 18, 2021
The majority of the MSM are part of the pro-EU and communist fifth column which exists in the UK.
They push for every kind of diversity except diversity of opinion.
A common trick is to interview activists they know and who express the views they wish to promote whilst pretending they are interviewing just a random person they have found in the street.
During Brexit they would group interview several EU supporters to a single Brexit supporter. Or, to pretend they were even handed, would invite Brexit supporters onto the programme to discuss anything else but Brexit.
I notice that whilst we get discussions on politics between politicians, health and Covid matters between doctors, epidemiologists, virologists and behavioural “scientists”, the law between lawyers, we never have discussions between engineers as to how best to achieve net zero.
October 18, 2021
Sure and I want to see someone speak out against the cruelty of religious animal slaughter, in the same way as the MP who was murdered did. We need to at the very least have that side of the debate represented. I see no reason why at the very least the animals could not be stunned first before being killed in this way, as they are in New Zealand, which is accepted by majority of the appropriate religious people as fine.
I want to see teachers who are in hiding, having being threatened by religious nutcases, represented, and somebody in politics actively telling their side of the story.
You see when we avoid subjects like this, and to be frank the elephant in the room of immigration, or the politicians just lie about it, then we slide into ever more trouble.
The cancel culture is wrong, we need proper free speech, we need compromise agreements making invalid, we need a stop to super injunctions, we need family court cases heard in open, etc.
October 18, 2021
Well, you could ask why the UK opted out of the European Union-wide ban on such slaughter methods, couldn’t you?
October 18, 2021
Spot On Iain
October 19, 2021
October 18, 2021
Excellent comment today Sir John.
Have now spent a year in hospital and just learning to use my hands again so have endured endless hours of radio 4!
I can assure our host that it works propaganda into almost every programme with an endless stream of the woke brigade abusing the English language with regular use of, kind of, sort of, etc. The BBC staff do it as well, often twice in a sentence. Almost no alternative views to be heard.
October 18, 2021
I am confused, we have a Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) Select Committee that moderates the media industry, we have half the MPs employed by the media and the other half with their hands up
This government could slap down the woke charities, universities and the media today if they really wanted…..maybe MPs are just worried about ruffling feathers upon their secondary or indeed next job
We don’t need a debate we need MPs to do their job
October 18, 2021
SJR: There are media that want to have better-balanced debate and ‘clarify and examine views’, as you say, but they are not the traditional media. I have watched online two debates recently on various aspects of the government’s Covid policy, in which both sides made good points. Neither was covered by the BBC or any other of the legacy media. I would welcome balanced debate on energy policy but I know I’m not going to see that on the mainstream media outlets. Those of us who see the ‘international establishment’s’ agenda being implemented, and want to keep what’s best in our country’s heritage, have to look elsewhere.
October 18, 2021
And then there’s this in the unionist Belfast News Letter:
“EU vows to protect Ireland if negotiations on protocol fail”
“Europe will not allow Ireland to be singled out in the fallout if negotiations on the Northern Ireland Protocol end in failure, an EU commissioner has insisted.”
Whereas of course Boris Johnson was perfectly happy to single out Northern Ireland to be left behind under EU economic rule when the rest of the UK escaped from the orbit of EU law.
It may now be asked whether the province is de facto an EU-UK condominium, or an EU protectorate:
October 18, 2021
“Whereas of course Boris Johnson was perfectly happy to single out Northern Ireland to be left behind under EU economic rule when the rest of the UK escaped from the orbit of EU law.”
Of course he wasn’t happy, and he didn’t “single out N Ireland”. He had inherited Mrs May’s arrangements which left us all in the EU but without a say. The Benn-Burt Surrender Act prevented him from negotiating us out of that. The beset he could do, and it was extremely upsetting, was to leave N Ireland behind temporarily, and hope to get her out when a majority had been won. The IMB was the first manifestation of this, but it was sabotaged in Parliament. Lord Frost’s negotiations now are perhaps the negotiations we would have seen had it not been for the Surrender Act. Ulster is being taken back. Meanwhile, the EU and its many mouthpieces here are pretending this wrangling over sovereignty is just about sausages and pills.
October 18, 2021
You can answer your own question by asking what would happen if the Government invoked Article 16 and suspended the NIP. Would the EU officials go home, or would mighty German armies descend on Belfast?
Let’s stick to what’s practical and not be too melodramatic.
October 18, 2021
Obviously it would expose us to even more global ridicule and execration if we invoked Article 16, or better still unilaterally abrogated parts of the protocol, as suggested by Daniel Hannan:
“Could Britain simply annul parts of the Protocol, as Ireland did with the 1921 treaty? Yes – and it should.”
But while I care about our international reputation – as you should, because it does matter – I would prefer that temporary national disgrace to the present perpetual national humiliation.
October 18, 2021
Around April 2020 there was an announcement from newmedia uk (on their website) that ”government partners with newspaper industry on covid19 ad campaign” – supposedly just in the short term. They’ve continued with this ever since, it seems. I don’t think we can expect anything else now but collaboration with the government’s own narrative, let alone ”debate”.
October 18, 2021
Nails hit firmly on the head. More and more people say they can not watch the BBC. Nigel Farage is often ahead of the media on some important issues and also has very interesting guests.
October 18, 2021
The new Puritans are running the show. Disagree at your peril.
You’ve always been able to think what you like but it’s also always been the case that if you hold deeply unpopular views you have to choose carefully when to air them..
October 18, 2021
Priti Patel orders review of MPs’ security after David Amess’s death
Well these these people are surely not just a danger to MPs? They are a danger to young girls at pop concerts and almost everyone else. If you protect MPs surgeries they will just move their attacks to other people or other places. Your job Priti, the courts, social services and the police’s job is to protect all of us from these mad people.
Yet still we have nothing but hot air from you. Loads of violent crimes are committed by people well know to the police to be very dangerous and often having mental health issues but they still seem to want them to be loose on the streets until another person is attacked.
October 18, 2021
I’d ban the BBC.
October 18, 2021
Mike Wilson
Me three
October 18, 2021
The BBC does huge damage with their endless, deluded and often evil propaganda that we are all forces to pay for.
October 18, 2021
October 18, 2021
LL, t t, MW, I fully agree with you.
October 19, 2021
You are only compelled by force of law if you are watching broadcast TV. If you are watching a service that does not come under that heading then you do not have to pay the BBC and the government (not all the TV Tax goes to the BBC) a penny.
The choice, as always, is YOURS !!!
October 18, 2021
Example of the media today vs nation debate
”The eastern leg of HS2 rail is set to finally hit the buffers next week.
The rapid route, linking Birmingham with Nottingham, Sheffield and Leeds will be axed to save £40billion, as previously reported by the Sunday Mirror”
October 18, 2021
What a staggering amount to squander, especially on top of what has already been spent.
October 18, 2021
True, though at least we would end up with a railway rather than some malfunctioning software with obsolete purpose.
October 19, 2021
a railway serving who, and from where to where with what locations served in between?
October 18, 2021
40 years ago I debated with the Fabian Society, and they told us that they were going into the media and education. “In 40 years time” they said “we will control this country – and we are not gentlemen, so you will never get it back.”
October 18, 2021
Oh gosh!
You saw it at the very beginning then.
And certainly they are NOT gentlemen and so many have not woken up to that truth!
October 18, 2021
You’ve pushed all my buttons. If you stand for leader next time around it would make it worth my while sticking around in the Party to vote for you. True Conservatives appear to be more fully represented by Reform UK (apart from yourself and a few courageous individuals). I now pay the bare minimum. A few years I probably contributed ten times what I pay now. Pass it on to those upstairs…
October 18, 2021
October 18, 2021
Mary Lowrey
If you stand for leader
It is not a question of if. For the future of this country and its people it has to be “You Will Stand” We have had enough of the young wizz kids, they have more than enough chances to get it right.
SJR ticks all the boxes, he for me and a lot of people is the only one capable to stop the backward slide we find ourselves in. It cannot come soon enough.
October 18, 2021
Too bloody right Turbo
October 18, 2021
I support your comments
October 18, 2021
October 18, 2021
All true. The question is how to change it.
The media are not going to read this piece and say “Fair cop, we’ll stop it”. They seem to double down – or the left accuse the media of being right-wing, or pro-remain etc. Basically the old trick of repeating your accusation in reverse – since few have watched every BBC programme over time and even then a subjective judgement is called for.
So – we all know the problem. What we need now is answers.
If we were to start with removing the BBC licence/fee and selling off Ch4. Is that enough?
October 18, 2021
If the govt is at all bothered it should scrutinise the funding of MSM.
And so maybe disallow the blatant purchase of indulgences.
October 18, 2021
I have been listening to Dominic Raab talking this morning about security for MP’s. I feel that although many MP’s may not want security and indeed Raab said he wouldn’t, it isn’t just about MP’s. If they are to be targetted then what about constituents that are also present in the building? Maybe some member so of the public would be glad to see security after all, many of these terrorists haven’t stopped at stabbing one person to death and I would say the other members of the public present when Amess was killed were fortunate not to have been targetted too. Having security outside the surgery would not worry me, in fact it would be reassuring.
On another subject, defibrilators are to be put in all football stadiums in the future. Well, I am suprised they aren’t there already and indeed in many other sports venues too.
October 18, 2021
Its is right that we pay tribute to an MP who was killed by terrorism
Its wrong to make a city due to a death of an MP….its virtue signalling at best and Marxist at worst
The divide just gets bigger
October 18, 2021
The way to get round your objection is to build a cathedral there in Sir David’s memory, dedicated to his favourite saint. A city must have a cathedral and a cathedral must have a cathedra, so Her Majesty could perhaps graciously create a new bishopric.
October 19, 2021
October 18, 2021
Dear Sir John,
I am a little weary of Conservative politicians bemoaning the BBC. That is, I agree with them, and have long advocated pruning the BBC (why cant it be self-financing, like everything else?). At the very least, however, we should remove criminal enforcement of the Licence Fee – it should be a civil matter. (I don’t see why poor people should anyway be forced to pay for a service they don’t use, but at least they should’nt be threatened with criminal prosecution.)
The Magistrates Association has long asked for BBC licence prosecutions to be removed from their jurisdiction and made a civil matter.
My tiredness and irritation with Tory plaints is that, with a majority of 80, if you cant at least remove fear of jail from poor families then please dont complain. I commented similarly to articles by Lord Botham. And wasnt this a manifesto promise?
A private members bill? Or a tiny amount of Government time would be all that is needed.
October 18, 2021
Sir JR,
You are absolutely right we nee a more varied and better informed media in particular as you have pointed out more news on our neighbours as well.
However, giving many interviews to the GB channel does not assist in this variety as they are far too right-wing in their coverage and views? Or we could call it the UKIP channel.
October 18, 2021
You say you really like choice bill
Then you refuse to accept what other people like.
Don’t watch it if you don’t like it.
October 18, 2021
To be a successful nation, we will need self-confidence, a healthy, intellectually bright population, cheap energy, freedom of movement, ease of communication and freedom of thought.
We have a long way to go, to get there.
October 18, 2021
Fluoride lowers intelligence and insulin resistance is the cause of most diseases of old age. The Department of Health wants all water supplies to be fluoridated, and encourages the consumption of carbohydrates, the cause insulin resistance. Mass media seeks to tell us what to think, and mass surveillance both on and off -line ensures conformity. It will be interesting to see how the investigation of the effects of our weakening magnetosphere and pole shift steels the limelight from human released carbon dioxide. The ‘mia culpa’ lot will to find other sack cloths and ashes to flagellate themselves with. What a world we live in . . .
October 19, 2021
I challenge ‘Fluoride lowers intelligence ‘ and contest that television lowers intelligence more, in fact I’m told daytime television is a degree worse than evening content.
October 18, 2021
and freedom of choice
October 18, 2021
A popular newspaper on Saturday showed queues outside a well-known wholesaler it didn’t say if those queues were formed before the store opened or which day and at what time of day the photo was taken, it led with ‘supermarkets to ration festive food’. I was on my way to the store in a nearby location and expected the worst, it wasn’t busy, shelves were fully stocked, and furthermore, even the queues at the tills were unusually quiet for a Saturday no more than one deep. If they carry on they’ll be left with shelves full of turkeys and toys this Christmas as people make alternative decisions.
October 18, 2021
There is no chance of a better national debate. The voters keep buying tabloid newspapers that reprogram their little grey cells every day, Pavlovian conditioning style, particularly at election time. The lower the level of their education, the more likely they are to buy right-wing tabloids; and, believe every word in them. The tabloids are the de-facto official opposition to Downing Street. Parliament is a very expensive irrelevance. Why does the UK have 650 MP for 67 million population yet the US House has 435 for 330 million?
Then came social media, the very last thing the UK needed. A technology that will ultimately do far more socio-economic damage than Covid. We need a sign that reads. “In case of total lack of trust in the political machine and its self serving operatives, pull the chain and follow the fast-track exit signs to Terminal Decline.”
October 18, 2021
There is a choice of tabloid newspapers selling different views. So, um…
October 18, 2021
Absolute hilarious and classic lefty idea that the masses are thick and cannot be trusted cos they can be taken in by media opinions.
Which actually translates into we know best.
Followed by do as you are told.
Followed by, off on the train to the re-education gulag.
October 18, 2021
You are forgetting that every US State also has its own legislature that sets large swathes of local law.
October 18, 2021
It’s not just the content.
It’s also crucially the way that the BBC’s prejudices influence the topics that they cover and how they delineate the scope of the debate.
For example, where is the public debate about the Council of Europe’s Resolution 2048, including:
– enshrine gender identity as a protected characteristic in anti-discrimination legislation and policies;
– allow legal gender recognition on the basis of self-determination, and
– “make these procedures available for all people who seek to use them, irrespective of age” (meaning children are included);
– pay for gender reassignment treatment and make that treatment accessible to adults and children alike and
– re-educate society.
In January this could be embedded in UK law. But the BBC has not mentioned it once
The silence is deafening
October 18, 2021
The BBC, besides being past its sell-by date, has become the propaganda machine of the globalists. Scrap the licence fee with any other subsidies it receives and let them pay for it.
October 18, 2021
We need debate.
Debate that can accept that others have firmly held alternative views.
Even on here there are those that immediately descend into dreadful personal comments attacking senior citizens or people who hold different views.
Criticism of the argument is fine.
Personal criticism is not.
October 18, 2021
I was mindful to read hansard Monday 3rd June 2013 the PM statement about the killing of Fusilier Drummer Lee Rigby and come across a intervention from SirJ to the PMs energy policy –
‘’ I welcome the Prime Minister’s efforts to get us cheaper energy through shale gas, but did the EU recognise that its regulations and energy policies are making us completely uncompetitive in world markets, destroying jobs and giving us energy that our elderly cannot afford?’’
October 18, 2021
Yes, that last line is rather comical with hindsight, isn’t it?
October 18, 2021
When you complain about the media, you are basically complaining about people you don’t have to watch or read, but you do, otherwise there would be no problem.
October 18, 2021
Sometimes reading the media can be a pure joy. This morning rte.ie reported that if Irish retailers import Christmas Crackers from the UK this year, they, the retailers, will have to add additional labelling identifying the importer’s name, trademark and business address, to each cracker. This is because Christmas Crackers are “pyrotechnics”.
October 18, 2021
You don’t get it the Irish in their time have gone through so much.. say no more
October 18, 2021
Sir John,
The BBC are at it again. This evening they’re showing a programme about the Climategate scandal at the University of East Anglia. It’s called a fact-based drama. My recollection may be a little hazy, but the way it’s described in my TV guide doesn’t sound like anything I remember. After twelve years people do lose interest, but not the BBC. They’re just tying up a few loose ends before the COP virtue-signalling jamboree.
October 18, 2021
No it’s a religious celebration not jamboree. Halaluja. Let us pray.
October 18, 2021
I read a fact based account from Willis Eschenbach, who was involved in making FoI requests of UEA on their climate data before and after the scandal broke. I would trust his account over anything from the BBC. I do note that it was reported that BBC Radio managed to produce a surprisingly balanced account some years ago (about 2013). Perhaps they should simply re-run it.
October 19, 2021
Do you remember “Plebgate”?
One of the witnesses against the accused was found to be false.
However, that did not defeat the case, because the other witnesses were not. However, the highly partial media tried – groundlessly and rightly without success – to make out that because one witness was false they all were.
The UEA instance is analogous -it’s old news and is now irrelevant.
October 18, 2021
As you quite succinctly observe Sir John the media are more interested in promoting themselves (and of course their ratings as they are competing for juicy stories) for an exclusive rather than the more noble normal behaviour of being professional and vocational.
The self-promoting one’s ego on social media by MSM reporters means a conflict of interest prevents many objectively reporting the news as recent events show.
October 18, 2021
Tonights BBC programme ‘The Trick’ the professor who cheated and manipulated climate change data was portrayed as the victim
Than a BBC FOUR special on ‘climategate’ and why nobody should question their science
Is this propaganda in advance of cop26
October 18, 2021
BBC reporting tonight
‘’Homeowners in England and Wales will be offered subsidies of £5,000 from April to help them replace old gas boilers with low-carbon heat pumps’’
Q1, Who going to pay for the balance of £10,000 installation and the additional annual running costs of £5,000
October 18, 2021
I heard Nigel Farage tonight talking on Irish tv he is so far out.. he thinks the Irish are going to fold up and rejoin Uk.. amazing stuff.. couldn’t be any further away.. not in a million years