Grown ups in office

I read the spin that Rishi Sunak is a grown up. The Establishment use that phrase to write off anyone they disagree with as not part of their grown up club. Their idea of a grown up is one who just does and says what they want them to.

So it was Grown ups who pushed the U.K. into the Exchange Rate mechanism . Those of us who warned it would lead to a boom/bust were told we were not grown ups. We were, however, right.

It was more Grown ups who told us between 2005 and 2007 that the huge multiples of debt and derivatives produced by the global banking system were fine as they had found  new ways of managing risk. The many of us who warned it would be inflationary were dismissed.

Once the grown ups accepted they had triggered a debt laden inflation they switched to blaming the banks, draining markets of cash and forcing some banks into bankruptcy. Again we few who said make the adjustment slower and manageable were dismissed.

In recent years the grown ups told us money did not matter. They said they could create billions of it and keep interest rates at zero with no inflation. Anyone who said the opposite was dismissed.

Now they recognise they do have an inflationary problem in the U.K. the so called grown ups want to create a needless recession to tackle the inflation. They do not see the big monetary tightening belatedly undertaken will bring inflation down next  year.

How much more damage do these grown ups want to do? Why are they addicted to boom/ bust policies. Why are they so bad at reading the cycle?


  1. Iain gill
    July 26, 2022

    Actually John I am firmly of the view that they knew they were creating inflation, the obvious evidence being that they stopped national savings from selling any more index linked bonds. They did not want the public to have a way of protecting themselves from the inflation they were creating.

    1. Sir Joe Soap
      July 26, 2022

      They knew it was coming, for sure. Whether it was intentionally created with test and trace, furlough and all the other p-ssed up the wall money is an open question. I suspect they thought it would be 5% and acceptable, not 10%, and it got out of control. Either way the mistake was the money creation in the UK, pure and simple. Switzerland held it to 2-3% by being more careful.

      1. Iain gill
        July 26, 2022

        Eat out to help out is the obvious example of complete waste of public money, which is firmly rishi’s mistake.

        1. Hope
          July 27, 2022

          The Govt. knew. Johnson told us it would not be a problem, then it was transitory! He knew by his remarks. That means Sunak and Truss knew as well. Sunak wants to give us morWEF punishment Truss wants it but at a slower pace for election purposes in 2024 hence why she gave the date.

        2. Hope
          July 27, 2022

          Will JR get a job in cabinet? A good test to see if there is any conservatism left in his socialist party. The govt needs someone who understands economics, the two candidates clearly do not.

    2. Peter Wood
      July 26, 2022

      Yes, of course they new they were creating inflation, it’s been done many times before. We are now going to have inflation followed by recession. Worse, our western leaders appear to be no match for the dictators in the East. Without strong economies we are weak, those dictators who feel lucky will try to bring us down. We need a government that puts OUR nation and people first, second and third.

      1. Lifelogic
        July 26, 2022


      2. turboterrier
        July 27, 2022

        Peter Wood
        Nation, first,second and third?
        Too bleeding radical for our lot.
        To think outsidethe box you have to be in it in the first place.

    3. rose
      July 26, 2022

      I fear you may be right. It cancels their debts.

    4. hefner
      July 26, 2022

      NS&I stopping the emission of inflation-indexed bonds happened in September 2011.

  2. Sir Joe Soap
    July 26, 2022

    It’s Groupthink.
    Groupthink says HMG had to support people in a novel virus panic by chucking replacement wages at them regardless of age or need, but leave the poorest wage earners last winter and this winter struggling with the consequent inflation, higher NI/PAYE and horrendous energy price increases.
    Groupthink pushed us into the EU, ERM and resisted push-back until an N Farage came along and stirred things up.
    There was initial concern when the QE button was pushed in 2008, but Groupthink over ruled the worries and continued to print.
    We have to hope Truss challenges this enormous inertia, and 2 years will be enough for early evidence to show yes or no. For sure Sunak is a follower, not a challenger, so the jury is already decided there.

    1. Shirley M
      July 27, 2022

      The horrendous energy price increases being self inflicted through a refusal to mine/drill/frack for our own energy resources. I believe Boris has now approved some licences to drill. Is this because he now wants to help the EU with energy? It wouldn’t surprise me. I also wonder if the imported gas is sold to the EU at a lower price than that paid. That again wouldn’t surprise me. EDF does own a lot of our essential services and can manipulate costs to help France, instead of the UK.

      Boris cares sod all for the UK and still appeases the EU even though they treat us like **** on their shoes! Boris is no Churchill! Boris is a one man demolition outfit dedicated to the destruction of the UK, be it through sheer incompetence or deliberate design.

  3. Narrow Shoulders
    July 26, 2022

    Grown up – phobic – denier – hater – language used to control what can be said.

    Although how one is scared of something just because one disagrees with it has often stumped me.

    1. Lifelogic
      July 26, 2022

      Indeed. Deniers of climate change for example – who on earth denies that the climate changes. Always has and always will.

      Boris was certainly a climate realist only a few years back, the evidence is quite clear and many people have confirmed this too (see the excellent Mark Stein show on GBnews just now). So what converted him? Carrie, the globalist agenda, some brain washing, Covid? Or does he still think it is B/S but actually thought it was politically popular. The excellent Dr. Clare Craig was on too well worth watching.

      1. Bloke
        July 26, 2022

        The essence of Existence is difference. Reflection creates motion.
        Climate changes because the Earth wobbles at about 23.5 degrees.
        Send climate fanatics to the North Pole to try to hold it at their Net Zero.

  4. a-tracy
    July 26, 2022

    It’s the difference between woke parents who want to be their child’s best friend, wanting ‘grown up’ discussions with three year olds with everything to be discussed from gender identity and pronouns to food preferences, veganism, whereas old school parents use their collective experience to apply a set of strong morals and direction and firmly say ‘no’ when ‘no’ needs to be said.

    It seems strange that all the ideals and election promises disappear when power comes their way, almost as though they realise for the first time they’re not really in charge after all and we’re following G7, and other world agreements.

    If I was Liz Truss I’d keep Boris close if I could, offer him Culture Media and Sport and let him thoroughly enjoy his two years promoting the UK in all of these enterprises all over the world, expand, grow and find a way to connect to the public that other MPs can’t seem to achieve.

    1. Hope
      July 27, 2022

      +1 except Boris. He has gone woke as you described in first few sentences. His wife changed him and his thoughts through his zipper. Unless a new conservative wife is in the offing


      1. a-tracy
        July 31, 2022

        Hope, then he is perfect for culture, media and sport a woke leader and supporter who can get excited about their endeavours, not condemn working class people for enjoying high art like the Deputy PM did recently to Rayner. If anyone can promote UK media and culture abroad and get sales up it will be Boris. I really believe he is more suited to this role than a management role where he seemed to just want to be everyone’s friend and certainly not firm enough to be held responsible for the pit that is Downing Street.

  5. X-Tory
    July 26, 2022

    The dismissive denigration of anyone who departs from the approved, establishment groupthink viewpoint as either not ‘grown up’, or engaging in ‘fairytales’, or even ‘extremism’ is offensive and counterproductive as it alienates people even more. The establishment policies have led us where we are now – into a stagnating economy with out of control immigration, rising crime, rampant inflation, an NHS in crisis and energy rationing in prospect. We need a completely NEW set of political policies!

    1. Hope
      July 27, 2022

      Establishment did not bother Thatcher thoughts. Look what she did with unions, economy, way of life. She had a back bone and strength of character, not perfect but better than most. Not elected by Tory quota system in operation.

      The two candidates not statistically representative of MP pool which they were chosen from.

  6. Barbara
    July 26, 2022

    ‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the d—d fools said would happen has come to pass’
    Lord Melbourne

  7. Bill brown
    July 26, 2022

    Sir JR

    This is probably one of the thinnest arguments you have presented for a very long time

    Reply Clearly too strong for you to think up a criticism!

    1. Geoffrey Berg
      July 26, 2022

      It is a thin argument, Sir John. Let me provide the criticisms.
      For a start a politician, especially one like you (and in a much more modest way myself) who is an outrider for unorthodox ideas, needs a thick skin. Some of us, and certainly you can point to personal achievements that exceed those of most critics.
      Anyhow it is the substance and not the insults nor denigrations that really matter.
      Furthermore ‘grown ups’ is very much an in-house term among Parliamentarians and maybe among the establishment but it has just about no currency beyond such circles. Anyhow we can call ourselves ‘enfants terrible’ and be proud of that!

    2. Bill brown
      July 27, 2022

      Sir JR

      If it had real content and made real sense it would be worth praising or criticising

      1. Peter2
        July 27, 2022

        Gosh bill you really have a cheek coming on and posting this twaddle.
        Is this a site that is worth being on if you hate it so much?

  8. Mickey Taking
    July 26, 2022

    Why? quite simply incompetence. How on earth do these people get moved on to positions of creating such damage?

  9. Nottingham Lad Himself
    July 26, 2022

    “Grown ups” is just as woolly a term as “Establishment” is when used by such as Sir John.

    It means whatever fantasists want it to mean to support their imaginings.

    Reply Grown ups is the self promoting phrase used by your side in these arguments

    1. Nottingham Lad Himself
      July 26, 2022

      Some might – I’ve never used it.

    2. Mickey Taking
      July 26, 2022

      so MARTIN, you have no idea what is meant by Establishment? Really?

      1. Nottingham Lad Himself
        July 27, 2022

        Properly used, it means the landowning/military/intelligence/financial/press controllers etc.

        But that is not what you and John mean at all, is it?

        1. Mickey Taking
          July 27, 2022

          you don’t mention judiciary, MPs and Lords, senior Civil Servants.

    3. Bill brown
      July 27, 2022

      Sir JR

      ” Use by your side in these arguments”
      So there is them and us?
      What a pathetic argument, grow up

      1. Peter2
        July 27, 2022

        Gosh bill do you ever have think before writing such dreadful posts?

        1. bill brown
          July 27, 2022

          Peter 2

          Coming from you that is amazing?

          1. Peter2
            July 27, 2022

            You abuse our host in a fit of pique and don’t have the decency to apologise or climb down billy.
            Time to grow up or take a bit more tonic with it.

  10. Rhoddas
    July 26, 2022

    Inflating away the West’s national debts….. it’s quite deliberate imvho US/EU/UK ….. excessive QE for too long.
    Or the conspiracy theories may well include subtle adoption of WEF policies?

    Anyhow now is the time to reduce the cost of our civil service and local government….. what should be a normal a Tory approach, matched with sensible personal and business tax cuts a la Laffer Curve.

    Where is the bonfire of EU regulations 3 years on, where is the real action on illegal immigration, not just words/tweets/soundbites. No more Rwishi Washi socialist tax/spend policies please!

    I want a Singapore (New York) on Thames, entrepreneurial UK, “proper” Freeports (not interered with by the Treasury), fantastic innovation, using ALL our own energy, exporting to the world, trading freely. For our young people, give them the opportunities, infectious enthusiasm, better jobs and career paths that flow from growth via dynamic & next generation industries, products and services.

    Companies like Ineos, JCB, AZ, RR, Airbus UK, Fintechs, Biotechs are all incredible world leaders, please help them lead our UK growth & nuture the startups and unicorns to deliver for the future.

  11. rose
    July 26, 2022

    I have long wanted someone to write a little piece on the grownups.

  12. margaret
    July 26, 2022

    We are all used to these para derogatory phrases which some see as an insult . I rather feel that the implication that others don’t have a sensible footing on problems is outworn and silly. We are a growing nation of thinkers as well as doers. We don’t rely on the expensively educated to come up with sole solutions , but listen to a variety of views .We see multiculturalism and understand that the views many hold derive from their native countries .For instance Rishi’s family didn’t make it in this country with all the blocks and competition which this country faces. The success was time and country dependent.
    I can see he made covid a priority and managed it well but we have to look at other population problems. For example our hearts went out to the Ukraine’s and many found host homes for those who fled to this country. It is only when the reality strikes of coping with other nationalities, from our own perspective ,that we see that they cannot act in a British way ( the phrase which is archaic but still socially followed) Many Ukraine’s are now homeless. Before action takes place the ramifications and consequences of these actions must be considered.
    I deal with many non English speaking people every day. Do others realise when the population of patients (non English) is 90 % and telephone consultations, to avoid Covid transmission, takes daily place for hours , it is impossible for any practitioner to get a safe and thorough breakdown of symptoms. This is in my small life, but it is infusing every aspect of our lives.

    1. Mickey Taking
      July 26, 2022

      Stop the 90% telephone and hold the consultation in the surgery. They can arrange a translator just like we would have to do in a place where English was not understood.

      1. margaret
        July 27, 2022

        Do you know how much a translator is for every patient .? Do you think that a 10 min consultation is suitable for this process? Do you think it is wise to bring everybody in with infections which could potentially cause chaos and heartbreak? How many interpreters do you think a practice would need for the many different languages. Consider waiting times, Consider finances . An interpreter for a patient say in Swahili takes on average 45 mins!!

        1. margaret
          July 27, 2022

          Ok I will put it this way . I invite you in for routine work and you can sit between Tommy with bacterial tonsillitis, Fred with omicron , Susan with chicken pox , Ethel with shingles, and poor David vomiting with a fever in the other corner . In the middle of this our Swahili interpreter is in a line number 5 in telephone calls and the reception and English accent is poor when after 30 mins you finally get through. After an hour of interpretation you realise that the patient doesn’t have a basic understanding of health and medical issues and the consultation is not fruitful, yet all the others in the waiting room are enjoying the mix of various pathogens to their ill selves.

          1. Sir Joe Soap
            July 27, 2022

            Agreed you probably need a separate situation for non-English speakers without English speaking interpreters whom they can bring along, where initial telephone conversations need to take place via interpreters. It shouldn’t mean that infection-free English speakers can’t see you face to face in the usual way. It’s a question of you having it organised efficiently without taking account of all the equality and diversity baloney.

        2. Mickey Taking
          July 27, 2022

          I’m saying the patient brings a translator. Doctors used to see patients to diagnose, and refer if uncertain. You seem to be suggesting telephone is the way forward, I’d rather have an almost free diagnostic software delivered by PC or telephone. We get almost nothing from our GPs.

    2. Bill brown
      July 27, 2022

      Sir JR

      ” Use by your side in these arguments”
      So there is them and us?
      What a pathetic argument, grow up

      1. Peter2
        July 27, 2022

        Gosh bill
        How rude.

  13. glen cullen
    July 26, 2022

    The French have just scraped their TV licence fee, have lots of nuclear energy, export illegal immigrants and tells the EU what to do
    The UK are maintaining the TV licence fee, have almost zero nuclear energy, import illegal immigrants and acquiesces to the EU
    The French have a moderate liberal government and we have a conservative government; but the French have a backbone and we have wokeness
    What ever happened to the conservative party…the new leader has a job of work just stopping the conservative party becoming new labour

    1. MWB
      July 27, 2022

      Too late. Vote Conservative and get New Labour. Why isn’t Blair on the list on candidates for the leadership ?

      1. glen cullen
        July 27, 2022

        Because Blair might just win

  14. Mark Thomas
    July 26, 2022

    Sir John,
    There was a time when MPs had lived in the real world and had experience of life before politics. They were not generally considered career politicians, but had entered politics out of a sense of duty. Sadly that generation has mostly departed and we are left with what seem like children. This became apparent in 2017-2019 with the outrageous behaviour of the then Speaker and his allies, too many of whom still sit in the Commons and the other place.
    Rishi Sunak is a rich young man who has had all the advantages in life, and is now desperately trying to prove himself. His overbearing behaviour in the debate shows that he has never really had to grow up.

    1. Mickey Taking
      July 26, 2022

      His experience of life tells him he can shout people down,

    2. am
      July 27, 2022

      Although at the last election Hammond, Clarke and a few others were removed, many of the same mind remained and a few worse were brought in.
      The clean out was not enough.

  15. Wanderer
    July 26, 2022

    That use of a term or phrase to disparage, dismiss and ultimately dominate those who dare to think differently the Establishment is used over and over again. Go for the man, not the argument.

    Plenty of us see through the ploy, but it’s still nauseating to watch the MSM dutifully trot out these catchphrases for their masters.

    1. Nottingham Lad Himself
      July 26, 2022

      What, like “Establishment”, you mean?

  16. glen cullen
    July 26, 2022

    Would the ‘grown-ups’ in office please give us, the plebs, a referendum every time you wish to weaken our democratic sovereignty by accepting instructing from non-elected international bodies, the UN and all its constructs, the EU and all its institutions and the G7/G20, and other secretive economic organisations including the Bilderberg
    We elect you to mange our country, its people and its affairs
.not to sell its authority, culture, sovereignty and democracy to the highest international bidder

    1. glen cullen
      July 26, 2022

      I’d like it law that no MP or Lord, apart from the Foreign Minister, can travel abroad at the taxpayers expense or indeed represent the UK abroad in any official capacity – you’re paid to work for and in the UK…stop the jollies

    2. Peter2
      July 26, 2022

      Totally agree Glen

    3. Shirley M
      July 27, 2022

      + one million – too often our politicians give away what is NOT theirs to give. That’s how we ended up in the EEC.

    4. rose
      July 27, 2022

      “not to sell its authority, culture, sovereignty and democracy to the highest international bidder”

      But we aren’t even being paid: we have to pay these supra national bodies.

  17. mancunius
    July 26, 2022

    Sir John has an excellent point – so many dud political moves have been pushed by politicians being airily patronising about what they pretended ‘needed’ to be done, such as Major (ERM, Maastricht signed up to without the referendum Brussels asked for, the euro), Clarke (the Euro, the Lisbon Constitution), Blair (immigration from Eastern Europe, the euro, Invasion of Iraq) Brown (taxpayer- and saver-funded bailout of the banks) Cameron (EU membership), Johnson (unaffordable net zero as a religion) and now Sunak (higher taxes to pay for his mistakes).
    And MPs have sat there and said almost nothing about it. The Opposition merely plots to replace the government, not to overturn their policies.
    We’ve had enough. We’ve seen through it. The next ‘leader’ who tries that on will face an insurrection.

  18. JayGee
    July 26, 2022

    There is absolutely no competence being displayed by all these fantasy Grown Ups, especially the final 2 in the running to become leader/PM. Incompetence abounds. It is beginning to resemble uncontrollable incontinence within the In-Crowd. Desperately sad to watch.

  19. ignoramus
    July 26, 2022

    Just read a really interesting article about Woking in the Economist.

    I didn’t realise it has moved from a majority commuter area to a majority work-from-home area as a result of the change in working patterns after Covid.

    I imagine Mr Rees-Mogg’s attacks on stay at home working must be going down a treat.

    In general. all this radical talk and attacking traditional institutions does not seem patriotic or conservative to traditional southern Conservatives such as myself. I feel that the Conservative party has forgotten members like me and will vote accordingly.

  20. hefner
    July 26, 2022

    On 12 July Rishi Sunak asked for a ‘grown-up conversation’, on 26 July Sir John writes ‘I read the spin that Rishi Sunak is a grown-up’. To me, it is rather different and I wonder who is doing the spinning in this particular instance. So is ‘grown-up’ going to replace ‘establishment’ in Sir John’s daily contributions? You know, the type of ‘dog whistle’ to please his fan club.

    1. Mickey Taking
      July 27, 2022

      A grown-up verdict on Sunak is he generously spent ÂŁbillions on all manner of wasteful things and mates. Complied with the PM and never showed dissent which years later led to him wielding the knife in his back, when his personal ambition beckoned.Took part in Cabinet shambles leading to Government meltdown, which he now blames and wants to sort out! Offers a pathetic story about rising through immigrant family (who could buy a chemist business to marrying into a ÂŁbillionaire family avoiding taxation in UK and send him to Winchester school) after giving up on USA.

  21. DOM
    July 26, 2022

    Poor Sunak. He looks and acts like a child. If Truss goes full uber Thatcher she can crush him and Labour, woke and the unions at the next GE

    The people are crying out for freedom, liberty and an escape from the vile, totalitarian woke extremists that now control our lives and it seems the State

    Yes, focus on the economy but Truss must put freedom at the heart of her politics ie freedom FROM THE STATE, freedom from propaganda, freedom from lies and the destruction of what is real and what we know to be true

  22. Bloke
    July 26, 2022

    Any Establishment that is so wrong should be abolished.
    Dump them out of office and ignore their nonsense.
    Then they can grow used to realising their worthlessness.

  23. Peter2
    July 26, 2022

    An excellent post Sir John.
    I agree with every word.

  24. Donna
    July 27, 2022

    Well Sunak didn’t appear to be a grown up on Monday. He looked and sounded like an arrogant, public schoolboy who had just joined the Debating Society and didn’t understand that “debate” means you listen to the alternative argument being put forward and try to rebut it …… not continually interrupt the other speaker so only one point of view can be heard.

    If he is an example of the Grown Ups who want to continue with the economy-wrecking “business as usual” policies we’ve had inflicted on us for the past 20 years the sooner they are made redundant or compulsorily retired, the better.

    1. Mickey Taking
      July 27, 2022

      playground shouter….

  25. Ralph Corderoy
    July 27, 2022

    ‘Why are they addicted to boom/bust policies?’

    Because it’s a natural consequence of interfering with the price of money by setting interest rates through a central bank rather than letting the market decide the price. This in turn is done so the Government gains the seigniorage and can erode its debt through inflation, claiming inflation should be a target whereas mild deflation has been historically fine during some of our most prosperous periods. Knowing debt will erode, politicians over-promise before elections to compete for votes, leading to an ever-growing state and more beneficiaries of the state whether they want the hand-out or not.

  26. Ed M
    July 27, 2022

    If Labour don’t ‘grow up’ and properly ditch socialism then they’re toast. The average voter isn’t stupid and realises we now can’t carry on down the path of spend. Labour is the party of spend (and some Tories to a degree). It’s important Labour get their act together so that the Tories have a strong opposition and held to account. This is how healthy British democracy works. I’m a Conservative but I still want the Tories challenged (someone from the Tory party needs to have a word with Labour and explain all this for the sake of the Labour Party, the Tory Party and British Democracy).

    1. Ed M
      July 27, 2022

      I know this topic is about printing money / inflation. But that’s connected to the topic of spending too.

  27. Ed M
    July 27, 2022

    Picking a Tory leader at moment is like picking least worst school food (when school food was pretty awful back in the day).
    Where are the Heston Blumenthals in the Tory Leadership race today?

    1. Ed M
      July 27, 2022

      Liz Truss doesn’t come across has having a powerful, convincing vision for the future – nor the passion to achieve it.
      Sunak comes across as if he’s trying to fulfil a life-time of ambition that his family and others expect of him. But that his heart doesn’t really seem in it for some reason. And / or there just seems to be a lack of depth to his leadership.
      (Mind you the same can be said for vast majority of other Western countries. How do we attract the highest calibre leader to run our country – the most important leadership role in the country).

      1. Geoffrey Berg
        July 27, 2022

        To some extent getting a high calibre leader is a matter of chance but it might help if the Conservative Party didn’t sack its most outstanding leaders, Margaret Thatcher and Boris Johnson.

        1. Ed M
          July 27, 2022

          Also, Mrs Thatcher wasn’t as right-wing as some make her out to be. She was a Methodist / C of E Christian (and I think would want to be remembered as this too – a Christian woman like other big iconic British female figures such as Queen Elizabeth and Jane Austen) – not Genghis Khan as some try and make her out to be. She wasn’t perfect either but still a great leader.

          I think Boris Johnson is the best Tory leader since Mrs Thatcher. He needed to be put over the coals to make him grow up – but not sacked. I think he could be back soonish, and having learned a few lessons / grown up more, an even much better leader than last three years.

          1. Ed M
            July 27, 2022

            Queen Elizabeth I I meant (although the current Queen is religious as well)

    2. Mickey Taking
      July 27, 2022

      Bullshitting politics, bullshitting food.

  28. Bryan Harris
    July 27, 2022

    Why are they so bad at reading the cycle?

    Many would say it is a deliberate destructive act against the people of the UK

  29. John Miller
    July 27, 2022

    Sir John
    May I first apologise for my repetition, but the USA provides us with a crystal ball that shows the future with 100% certainty. Joe Biden had the same tag of “grown up” attached to him. What a disaster that is turning out to be, not only because he is a senile old man but one who was stupid long before he was senile. The world has to survive another three years with billions of fingers crossed that the woefully inept party in charge doesn’t trigger the ultimate catastrophe.
    I’m glad to see Liz Truss doing so well. I would not offer you any advice because you are the only politician I trust but I hope she appoints you to her cabinet if she does win. Any position would be fine with me (sorry, that sounds incredibly presumptious!!) but I think a Conservative Cabinet would need your advice desperately to negotiate the perils of the next election. I have no personal misgivings about Starmer but the example of the USA has left me terrified of Left Wing “progressives” getting anywhere near the reins of power.

  30. Atlas
    July 27, 2022

    Indeed so, Sir John.
    Maynard Kaynes commented thus:

    “The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones.”

    In this case the old idea is actually that of Kaynes’s economics! – the post-war (1939-45) orthodoxy that is now so beloved by the Treasury. Hayek had a better view of political economy in my humble opinion.

  31. The Prangwizard
    July 27, 2022

    I’m hoping that we get Liz Truss and believe that she and Sir John have close ideas. I hope she does and can act in the way she says she will.

    We will continue to be ruined if the elitists and priviledged are not removed rapidly from positions of authority. Sunak for example has no idea what it is like for ordinary English people and can never. His origins and upbringing are remote from our lives.

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