Written Answers from the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero – carbon tax

Thus fails to reveal the impact of high carbon taxes in UK


Department for Energy Security and Net Zero provided the following answer to your written parliamentary question (187013):

To ask the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, what comparative estimate he has made of the costs of carbon tax and emissions trading on steel production in (a) the UK, (b) Germany and (c) China. (187013)

Tabled on: 02 June 2023

Graham Stuart:

UK Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) industrial participants, such as those in the steel sector, receive free allocations limiting their exposure to the carbon price and mitigating the risk of carbon leakage.

Steel production in Germany is subject to the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) which operates under similar rules and with a similar market price to the UK ETS. Carbon costs are comparable, although will be impacted by the performance of individual steel installations relative to benchmarks. The EU ETS price has been operating at a premium to the UK ETS price for several months.

China’s National Emissions Trading Scheme currently only applies to the power sector and does not directly cover industrial installations such as steel.

The answer was submitted on 12 Jun 2023 at 14:45.


  1. Stred
    June 15, 2023

    It looks like the thousands of 500 ft steel poles for the doubling of offshore wind turbines will all be made in China.

  2. Bloke
    June 15, 2023

    Taxes discourage. Govt should encourage what does need doing, then their unwanted things would be less attractive, with less need to punish as discouragement.

  3. Robert Thomas
    June 15, 2023

    Perhaps you could also ask what was the cost of power to steel producers in the EU and China compared to the UK ?

  4. Bella
    June 15, 2023

    Awful to see this stuff about Boris makes me think we were used and horribly lied to all the time including over the brexit thing. Don’t know who to believe anymore – nothing else to say

    1. Original Richard
      June 16, 2023

      Bella :

      Forget all the nonsense as to whether or not Boris lied about eating cake and having a party.

      Far more serious was his massive push on Net Zero which will destroy our economy, starting with our car industry where Boris brought forward the date for the ending of the sales of new ices from 2035 to 2030, far ahead of the EU and the USA.

      Furthermore, the biggest lie ever concerning the decarbonisation of our electricity by 2035 with the publishing on P19 of the Net Zero Strategy – Build Back Greener :

      “Our power system will consist of abundant, cheap British renewables, cutting edge new nuclear power stations, and be underpinned by flexibility including storage, gas with CCS, hydrogen and ensure reliable power is always there at the flick of a switch.”

      1. Original Richard
        June 16, 2023

        As I write (16/06/2023 14:54) the 28GW of installed wind power is providing just 0.89GW, 2.86% of demand.

        Anyone who believes renewables will provide “abundant, cheap…..and reliable power always there at the flick of a switch” is completely deluded.

        This is just one result of our elected representatives in Parliament following the EU and allowing our unelected and un-removable bureaucrats, namely the Civil Service, the quangos and institutions, to run our country.

  5. XY
    June 15, 2023

    “fails to reveal the impact of high carbon taxes in UK”

    Yeah, but you didn’t ask for that. The phrasing of the question needs to both specific and limited to avoid wriggle-room for slippery answers.

  6. Original Richard
    June 16, 2023

    Please ask the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero why they consider a carbon tax and the planned CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) to be necessary when the UK is to become the “Saudi Arabia of wind” coupled with their belief that energy from renewables is now 9 times cheaper than energy generated by fossil fuels.

    Our high energy industries, such as steel, using our renewables, should have enormous price advantages over the coal-fired Chinese.

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