The King’s speech

I hear the government is seeking good ideas for next year’s legislative programme. I will be setting out in a few blogs what a Conservative King’s Speech could look like. I urge the government to find things to do which will deliver more prosperity, freedom and happiness. They need to remember it is 5 million Conservative voters that the polls say they have put off in the latest surveys who they need to win back for the general election.

Let’s start with the Foreign and Home offices.

1. Stop all overseas aid to any country with a nuclear weapons programme or with a defence budget greater than 2.5% of GDP. We should not be grant aiding rearmament by the back door.
2. Allocate more of the Overseas Aid budget to meet first year set up costs of asylum seekers and economic migrants.

3.Renegotiate the Windsor Agreement so that the more important Good Friday Agreement can be restored, with Unionists returning to Stormont.

4. Tell the EU  that if they put a tariff on our cars exported to the EU for insufficient local content we will place one on their exports of cars to us.

5. Strengthen the small boats legislation by adding a notwithstanding clause to exclude further legal challenges

6 Intensify actions to arrest and prosecute people smugglers.

7 Return more foreign prisoners to their own countries.

8. Decriminalise non payment of tv licence fee

9. Raise income thresholds for economic migrants



  1. Peter Wood
    July 15, 2023

    Good morning,
    Sir J, you already have a skip full of good policies left undone.
    The problem is not finding good policies, it’s a PCP that’s too wet (socialist) to put them into action.
    Start by removing the Tory HQ selection committee, they are clearly incompetent, let the local party members select the best of them, including recalling current MP’s,and get on with the last election manifesto.

    1. Ian+wragg
      July 15, 2023

      What about reducing public spending and reducing the national debtt.
      Perhaps even let the people keep more of their own money.
      What about halving the civil Serpents as they are particularly useless.
      Plenty of low hanging fruit. Listen to Truss.

      1. Donna
        July 15, 2023

        What about halving the House of Frauds ….. as a precursor to abolition/reform. Get rid of 400 parasites.

    2. Ian B
      July 15, 2023

      @Peter Wood – That’s as if you are asking for honesty in Parliament, Government and an understanding that what you say to get elected is what you practice when you take taxpayers money as pay and enjoy the privileged of empowerment by the people .

      You did forget the removal of the HoL, it has no legitimacy or purpose in a Democracy

      1. David
        July 15, 2023

        The Lords provides one of the badly-needed ‘checks and balances’ versus the executive which has been steadily grabbing powers from parliament (the Commons) for as long as I can remember. Large amounts of legislation are passed without any say by parliament.

        (Absolute) power corrupts (absolutely).

        1. Mickey Taking
          July 15, 2023

          I think you’ll find Bills are presented and read in Commons first, then passed to the Lords ( what an antiquated term for the majority who are failed politicians, nuisancies removed, or bought peerages).
          Most ‘checks and balances’ are reviewed and sent back on a political basis, not due to a likely problem if passed as an Act.

        2. Ian B
          July 16, 2023

          @David it needs to be fully elected to have legitimacy or purpose in a Democracy. Appointed friends of friends because they cant get a proper job isn’t the same.
          Yes there should be a revising chamber but one that is supported by the People not mates from way back

    3. Peter
      July 15, 2023

      Abolishing inheritance tax is now being mentioned as a possible vote winner.

      The trouble is there will be very few now that would trust The Conservatives to actually deliver this were it to be included in their manifesto.

    4. British Patriot
      July 15, 2023

      Very true. The problem is that Sir John is just wasting his time. Sunak has NO intention of doing any of the things proposed here, despite the fact that they are actually much LESS ambitious than I would want anyway. For instance, I would eliminate ALL foreign aid, except for help with natural disasters; I would SCRAP not “renegotiate” the Windsor Framnework, so that the United Kingdomn is once again, err .. UNITED; I would stop accepting ANY refugees, on the basis that (i) they have ALL passed through safe countries, and (ii) we are FULL anyway, and GROSSLY OVERPOPULATED; and as for legal migration, yes, of course the salary threshold must be raised, but MORE IMPORTANTLY – and never mentioned – is that (i) NO family members should be allowed to come (we want the worker, what use is their family to us?) and (ii) those who come here to work should NEVER be allowed to settle (we want them to work here – once they are no longer working, what use are they to us?).

      1. Curraghlad
        July 15, 2023

        I would vote for you.

    5. iain gill
      July 15, 2023

      the last few Conservative manifestoes were ok, the problem of course being that they have done hardly any of what they said they would do.

      we are stuck with the one monoparty state, whichever of the main parties win the general election, they are all far too similar on far too many important topics.

      and of course the public sector ignore the politicians anyways and do whatever they deem fits their fashions.

      no accountability. no track record of success.

  2. Mark B
    July 15, 2023

    Good morning.

    1. Could do that now or at anytime in the last 13 years.
    2. Robbing, Peter to pay Paul will not deceive us. Must try harder.
    3. Just implement BREXIT as voted on. All these negotiations end up doing is us paying more and entangling us further into the EU.
    4. Only the consumer pays the tariff. All you will be doing is increasing inflation whilst pocketing more of our money. Either that or depress the economy. Far better to limit the number of cars they can sell into our market, especially BEV’s as they have invested heavily and will struggle to recover the costs and we do not have the infrastructure to support them. Win-win for us !
    5.We have more than enough legislation. Just implement what you have and stop mucking about !
    6. How ? They are in a foreign country and the foreign country wants rid of their illegals. These people are doing them a service and so will not face prosecution. Why not remove the charity status and government funding of all those charities (sic) that are facilitating this trade.
    7. I thought we did that anyway ? Are you saying we are not ? If not, why not ?
    8. Just tell the BBC that it can only sell its services via iPlayer. No more terrestrial TV. Simple.
    9. Why not STOP all immigration for say 5 years ? We have had more than enough over the last 30 and simply cannot cope.

    Finally. What happened to all the promises made over the last 13 years ? Not one kept.

    1. Berkshire Alan
      July 15, 2023

      Mark B
      “What happened to their promises….”
      They are perhaps thinking of resurrecting some of them again !
      I see the Times this morning are reporting that Senior Conservatives want Inheritance tax abolished, and it is under discussion and consideration to be included as a possible manifesto aim for the next Parliament !
      I seem to recall something similar said by the then Shadow Chancellor George Osbourne back in 2008, when he promised to make an allowance of £1,000,000 each if elected, 15 years later nothing has changed, other than increasing thousands of families are now paying the price, mainly due to house price inflation.
      Given so many promises have already been broken, few will hoodwinked again.
      Then we have Nursing/Care home fees, another shambles that will not go away.
      The people want action, not promises and vague double talk.

      1. glen cullen
        July 15, 2023

        They’re getting ready to talk up their promises and hood-wink us before the next election ….’immigration in the tens of thousands’ speech

    2. Lifelogic
      July 15, 2023

      Indeed who would now trust any Tory promise? Just read the last few Conservative manifestos lies, broken promises and yet more lies.

      1 Oct 2007 — George Osborne promises to raise inheritance tax threshold to £1m. Yet thirteen+ years later it is still £325k (or rather in real terms more like £200k). This promise perhaps the only good thing the appalling Osborne did, this as it made the foolish save the World Gordon Brown bottle his early election plans.

      Yet today in the Times is says IHT could be axed in bid for votes. But who but a fool would trust the Conservative con merchants to ever to deliver. They will not win power and even if they did then, at best, they would deliver it just before the election after next doubtless to be reversed after that election.

      In eight European countries all cause deaths, over the past 12 months, have actually exceeded deaths over the worse 12 months initial period (mainly before vaccines) of the Covid period. So why might this be? Not all of them have health care as badly affected as the dire NHS but all seem to have high Covid vaccines take ups.

      Not so much long Covid as long Covid vaccines perhaps?

      Reply Osborne claimed to exempt up to £1 million per couple, at £325,000 allowance each plus family home, with all transferable between a married couple.

      1. Donna
        July 15, 2023

        Reply to reply: and if you’re a single (divorced) parent like me, your children are discriminated against by Osborne’s Inheritance Tax con.

        1. a-tracy
          July 15, 2023

          Yes single parents should get £500,000 each to balance it out the same. Otherwise the children of broken marriages or the none married would get £2m tax free which would be equally discriminatory.

          1. Berkshire Alan
            July 15, 2023


            Single people who rent and have no home, or single people with a home but no children, do not get the Family home allowance, so their Inheritance tax bill starts at £325,000
            Blatant discrimination against renters and single people with no children !

        2. Lifelogic
          July 15, 2023

          Exactly Donna. The pathetic fudge to pretend the Tories gave a £1M IHT threshold was not remotely what was promised 14 years back which was £1 IHT each. The £1 Million would now have to be more like £1.35M now thanks to the Inflation largely caused by Suank’s currency debasement, the lockdowns, net zero, the vast tax increases and the endless government waste. Sensible countries have no IHT the USA has a $10 million threshold and far lower rates than 40% too.

          If of course they did ever abolish IHT then they would almost certainly just change CGT to compensate. Currently no CGT is due on death (only the rip off 40% IHT) doubtless they would change this. Remember to the CGT is now charged on gains that are not even real gains after inflation again thanks to and retained by these Con-socialists.

      2. The PrangWizard
        July 15, 2023

        The talk is only talk – it’s part of a con to get more people to vote Tory at the forthcoming by-elections. Sir John judging by his ‘reply’ is happy to go along with that. Afterwards the talk will be dropped. How can we believe any promise the current lot makes. Those in positions in government are deceivers as are all MPs who go along with it all and try then try to explain promises failures away.

        I am now alone, my house is probably worth £325,000 and I have some cash. The cash will no doubt get hit, so I am giving it away to my children.

        1. Lifelogic
          July 15, 2023

          Indeed Talk is only talk and from these Tories worthless. They are making a big thing of Kahn’s appalling ULEX expansion but Sunak could easily stop this if he wanted too. So the Tories are actually for ULEZ.

          As to IHT give it away and live seven years (you can usually life cover for this 7 years if you want to) or invest in unquoted or AIM trading companies, farm land… & then only two years of holding them is needed. Unless they have changed that recently! Every time I look at the tax rules the worse it gets!

      3. Christine
        July 15, 2023

        “claimed to exempt up to £1 million per couple, at £325,000 allowance each plus family home, with all transferable between a married couple.”

        This is only a temporary reprieve because sooner or later the remaining spouse will die. The main issue is that inheritance tax should be abolished altogether. We have already paid tax on this money, why should we pay again? The rich avoid it with their trust funds and clever accountants. The poor don’t pay it. This leaves the middle classes as usual picking up the bill. We are not all in this together, I ask, how much did the queen’s family pay in death duties?

        1. Mickey Taking
          July 15, 2023

          indeed, and previous Royal Family estates.

        2. Lifelogic
          July 16, 2023

          It seems the Queen (thanks to a deal with John Major). So in effect King Charles was exempt saving him many millions that he can than spend on private jets, helicopters, Aston Martins, quack medicine and organic farming. While lecturing us all on climate alarmism and windfarm subsidies – so as to collect even larger rents from windfarms in “his” costal sea/land.

    3. Ian B
      July 15, 2023

      @Mark B +1 Anything to get elected, then dishonesty and corruption. the electorate are just ‘serfs’

  3. Lifelogic
    July 15, 2023

    Rather better would be all the above plus:-

    My government will abandon the deluded insanity of climate alarmism and net zero with all its appalling hypocrisy of private jet flying millionaires lecturing others about EV cars, heatpumps and flying economy for a week in the sun once a year.

    My government will bring real freedom and choice to all the many areas where huge government market rigging prevents it:- energy, broadcasting, education, the NHS, transport, banking… to this end we will abolish the BBC poll tax licence and other fiscal market distorting taxes & subsidies.

    My government will ditch the Windsor Framework, have a bonfire of red tape, halve the size of the largely parasitic state sector, hugely cut and simplify taxes, cut public spending to circa 25% of GDP rather than nearly 50%.

    We will restrict immigration to legal and high quality immigration only.

    1. Cuibono
      July 15, 2023

      I’d support that 100%
      Lives are being ruined, rendered more and more pointless because nothing works and there is basically zero proper law and order.

    2. Dave Andrews
      July 15, 2023

      Shrink the bloated state is absolutely what the government should do, except they don’t have the will or the competence to do it. I can see this lot cutting front line services whilst leaving the useless bureaucracy intact.
      In the news today a suggestion they might scrap inheritance tax. That’s not a ploy to curry favour with the grey vote is it? How will that be paid for? More borrowing of course, don’t expect growth to come to their rescue.

      1. Lifelogic
        July 15, 2023

        More of a benefit to the people inheriting then those doing the dying. What should certainly be done is not to tax the entire estate but look at what the people actually inherit. A couple with one child and a house can pass £1m to them tax free. Someone with four children can only give each £250k before taxes bite. To give them each £1m they would have to pay £2.67m in IHT.

        You can however use exempt aim listed or unlisted trading company shares or farm land or gift while alive and live for seven years perhaps taking live cover just in case.

    3. roger frederick parkin
      July 15, 2023

      Excellent. I agree with all of that.

    4. glen cullen
      July 15, 2023

      and year on year the tories have DECREASED the salary requirements of immigrants …currently at £26k – thats not skilled labour

  4. Lifelogic
    July 15, 2023

    Still a little progress even the (daft as a brush) Grant Shapps now seems to have finally grasped that hydrogen molecules are rather small and the hydrogen revolution make zero economic or environmental sense outside perhaps a few rather specialised areas (& perhaps not even then). Green hydrogen is hugely expensive and very energy inefficient. Grey hydrogen far worse than just using the methane directly.

    Who knows perhaps soon he will even grasp that “net zero” is an insane deluded religious agenda too.

    1. Donna
      July 15, 2023

      Shapps couldn’t grasp the idea that a 4 lane motorway with no hard-shoulder was a very dangerous thing – and the potential for being killed if you broke down was far higher than one which did have a hard-shoulder.

      So I’m afraid there’s no hope for anything more difficult to understand.

    2. Nigl
      July 15, 2023

      Indeed and it is not as if hydrogen molecules have suddenly got smaller so it begs the question how does this nonsense get so far. Do Ministers ignore fact and go for the BS option hoping something will turn up or are they poorly advised?

      I see his major speech on the next steps on ‘small’ nuclear has been pulled after much publicity. With heat pumps derided because of efficiency, far more costly than they would admit and inappropriate for millions of properties, EVs more costly, damaging roads, not particularly green ‘nose to tail’ they are frankly in an utter mess.

      In the Kings speech offer us all subsidies or tax relief on solar panels. At least that would make a genuine difference.

    3. Ian+wragg
      July 15, 2023

      We have the latest whizz White Hydrogen. Apparently this is an infinite supply from within the earth’s crust but of course if it exists it won’t be extracted in Britain because it might be good for the economy and create jobs.
      I can see JSO morphing into JSH. Any excuse.

  5. Lifelogic
    July 15, 2023

    Some more progress, it seems that people are going to be actually permitted (grudgingly) to state the clear biological truth that people cannot change from being a man to become a woman or the reverse. This without fear of being arrested or talked to by deluded police officers or teachers.

    1. Cuibono
      July 15, 2023

      Oh no!
      And the brainwashing was going so well!

      1. Mark B
        July 15, 2023


    2. glen cullen
      July 15, 2023

      Not under this government nor labour nor libdem

  6. Javelin
    July 15, 2023

    All very good laws designed at stopping the migrant crisis.

  7. John McDonald
    July 15, 2023

    Dear Sir John I know you put forward these ideas in good faith, and if the King did state them they would just remain as ideas and political talk. Nothing is likely to change with any current main stream party running this country. They all put the interests of international organisations first before the interests of their own citizens.
    The only PM that puts the interests of his country and its people first is the Hungarian PM.
    The top of your list should have been free speech and opinion free from abuse and sanction if it does not fit in with the perceived group think on a subject at the time.
    It was interesting to see even our own Defence Minister may not pass adverse comment on the great showman of Ukraine. If it is true in reality or common sense it will sanctioned, normally a threat to ones job or livelihood. The current weapon of choice is to take away your bank account.
    You don’t have to be a political analyst to see that the country is now run by influences which are not controlled by the silent majority through it’s elected Government. We know live in a world were the story of the king’s new suit of cloths is very true. We need a small boy, without a job or bank account to protect, to point this out for all to see.

  8. Sakara Gold
    July 15, 2023

    A very good list, however it would attract back the many millions of ex Conservative voters who are enamoured of the Green persuasion, if it included :-

    A commitment to remove the current planning obstacles to onshore and offshore renewable energy infrastructure. It is currently taking 13 years to approve new offshore windfarms, yet only two years to build them. Ridiculous.

    A commitment to upgrade the national grid by approving the desperately needed high-tech HVDC cable network to transport Scottish renewable electricity south to where it is needed.

    A commitment to fund the 50,000 extra EV charging points that are desperately needed by the ~780,000 fully electric cars on UK roads

    A commmitment to legislate private landords to force them to insulate their properties to the standard necessary to achieve the government’s net zero target

    A commitment to end the dumping of sewage in our trout rivers and on our bathing beaches in five years, to be paid for by the water/sewage companies, by appropriate legislation.

    1. Lifelogic
      July 15, 2023

      Far better would be a commitment to ditch net zero, have cheap reliable on demand energy and let a truly free market (not a rigged one) and customers decide on energy use, which cars they want to buy, the benefits/costs of insulation in their particular circumstamces, charge points, grid improvements…

      1. glen cullen
        July 15, 2023


    2. Donna
      July 15, 2023

      Far better to admit that the Net Zero policy is based on a UN/WEF scam. The “climate crisis only exists in flawed and manipulated computer models.

      1. Lifelogic
        July 15, 2023


    3. Narrow Shoulders
      July 15, 2023

      What’s the time please? We need more Green policies because of the climate crisis!

      The list above states that it is for the FCO. But green nutters can not see the wood for the (many and proliferating) Trees

      1. Lifelogic
        July 15, 2023

        Trees that only survive and grow due to atmospheric CO2.

    4. graham1946
      July 15, 2023

      Why should the government fund EV charging points? I don’t remember them funding petrol stations. If the people want them and the firms supplying can make a profit they will be funded by the firms concerned. Do you propose the government builds them, then just hands them over to the electricity suppliers to profit from? Why, when it is clear the majority do not want electric cars and we can’t supply the electricity in any case? 780,000 electric cars on the roads is a pin prick in car use. Let the wealthy who want them fund the things including charging stations. Why should they get a free ride on the tax payers when they can obviously easily pay? They don’t pay their way already.

      1. Lifelogic
        July 15, 2023


    5. Christine
      July 15, 2023

      “A commitment to legislate private landlords to force them to insulate their properties to the standard necessary to achieve the government’s net zero target”

      All this will do is push up rents and increase the number of landlords selling up. We already have a crisis in the house rental market why make things even worse? The Government’s net zero targets need to be scrapped before they bankrupt this country. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Getting to a level C or above EPC rating is cost prohibitive for the majority of older properties and often causes mold and condensation.

      1. John Hatfield
        July 15, 2023

        “The Government’s net zero targets need to be scrapped before they bankrupt this country.”

    6. Fedupsouthener
      July 16, 2023

      What absolute tosh as ever.

  9. Geoffrey Berg
    July 15, 2023

    It is better to ‘Stop foreign aid to any country which lacks freedom of speech, including freedom to criticise religion.’ There may be valid reasons for even a poor country to have a defence budget of over 2.5% of GDP (there would for instance be if one bordered Russia or China) but there is no excuse for any country to sentence to death or imprison anybody criticising or dishonouring the local myth (religion). It is an absolute disgrace that the country that receives more foreign aid from us (Pakistan) than any other country is sentencing to death or imprisoning those criticising or dishonouring Islam.

    1. Narrow Shoulders
      July 15, 2023

      A good point and the clause could also stipulate that the aid must be spent of British goods and services and should only be given to economies under a certain size.

  10. Old Albion
    July 15, 2023

    Good morning.
    1) Almost! Stop all routine overseas aid. Use it only when natural disasters occur.
    2) No ! Stop all immigration.
    3) Tell the EU to naff orf! N.I. is part of the UK.
    4) Indeed.
    5) Lefty lawyers always find a way around your laws. Concentrate on getting the Rwanda scheme under way.
    6) This is a job for the French authorities. They aren’t doing it, they don’t wish to do it. In fact they are facilitating the crossings.
    7) Why are we not?
    8) Close! scrap the TV tax.
    9) No more immigration at all. A Ten year moratorium is needed.

    1. Lifelogic
      July 15, 2023

      India now wasting hundred of £millions on a pointless trip to the moon. What but pathetic PR for politicians will this achieve.

      1. forthurst
        July 15, 2023

        Considering India is one of the few Asian countries than haven’t been bombed under the rules-based world order, their GDP per capita is rather modest, in fact, lower than Laos which was bombed back to the stone age including with cluster munitions which are still causing injuries to non-combatants (ie the whole population) which the US intends to deploy in Ukraine. Rules are rules.

    2. Narrow Shoulders
      July 15, 2023

      5. Set up a refugee camp in Libya or other African country that wants our money and set up a tented camp there.

      Process all illegal immigrants through this camp and depot to here in order to do it on arrival.

  11. Cuibono
    July 15, 2023

    Nothing very “back door” about the way the govt. has helped to turn Ukraine (2021 3.2%?) into Flanders Fields!

    1. Mickey Taking
      July 15, 2023

      you missed out the word Putin!

      1. Cuibono
        July 15, 2023

        I don’t tend to include the names of those I am not discussing…might get a tad lengthy.
        Ben Wallace is apparently stepping down before the next election…
        You didn’t mention him…or Churchill, or Julius Caesar……

      2. Hat man
        July 16, 2023

        Putin wanted a peace agreement in April 2022 and nearly succeeded. Johnson and NATO didn’t, and stopped Ukraine from signing. Since then, hundreds of thousands maimed or killed, now in the mainly open fields of South Ukraine, where there’s very little cover, like in Flanders. A whole generation are being slaughtered, for no achievable outcome. Cuibono called our government’s role just about right, in my view.

        1. Adrian Maddock
          July 16, 2023

          WW1 all over again!
          Utter disgrace.

  12. formula57
    July 15, 2023

    These good ideas that are sought supplement or distract from the no worthwhile progress on the five pledges?

  13. Bloke
    July 15, 2023

    All nine points on the list have merit yet are barely enough. This government has been doing so much so badly for so long that voters want to abandon it for something far superior.
    The Reform Party presents a good option. Many expect Reform cannot gain power in one election. Unexpected things happen because they are unexpected.

  14. DOM
    July 15, 2023

    And it’s arrived in the UK

  15. Robert Thomas
    July 15, 2023

    You have missed housing. Local authorities must be incentivised to speed up planning procedures and increase land available for affor

    1. a-tracy
      July 15, 2023

      I think I must live in the only place that has been building lots of affordable housing, it was already a Town with multiple areas of social deprivation is that why we, alone it seems with everyone expecting more, are getting hundreds if not over one thousand new affordable homes in the last ten years?

      Why is nothing expected of Housing Associations, they took ownership of thousands of homes, often at less than £8000 per home, they have been collecting good rents for 20 years, yet haven’t expanded their homes, in fact they have lost homes, you don’t see them expanding homes to add on more rooms for bigger families as private landlords and private home owners do. What scrutiny is there for them?

    2. Ian+wragg
      July 15, 2023


  16. Nigl
    July 15, 2023

    No chance. Wet one nation Tories and the Treasury who has Hunt in their pockets need migrants to keep the economy going, making up for the vast number of people who can afford not to work because your benefit system is so lax and generous, indeed you have lost control if it.

  17. Stred
    July 15, 2023

    My government will legislate to prevent banks closing accounts for political or spurious financial reasons.

    My government will ensure that the King will refrain from involving himself in political matters and continual wrong climate forecasting and that if he refuses, then he will have to abdicate and let someone else do the job.

    My government will abolish the mayor of London and return decision making to the boroughs.

  18. Donna
    July 15, 2023

    Sunak was (effectively) appointed Prime Minister by a faction of the Not-a-Conservative-Party, who carried out a coup against the Leader elected by the Party Membership following Johnson’s resignation.

    He has no personal mandate. We were told that he would deliver the policies contained in the 2019 General Election Manifesto.

    So he should not be seeking “good ideas” for legislation this side of a General Election.

    1. Mark B
      July 15, 2023


  19. James1
    July 15, 2023

    The government could certainly “deliver more prosperity freedom and happiness”. It would make a good start if they just stopped doing the opposite.

  20. Mike Wilson
    July 15, 2023

    Stop all immigration? What?! You’d have no doctors or dentists.

    1. Lifelogic
      July 15, 2023

      Well not many as the native ones are leaving for Australia, New Zealand, Canada…or just going into law or the city as they are badly underpaid here.

    2. Mark B
      July 15, 2023

      Then we will have to train our own, which should not be hard out of a population of over 60 million and rising.

  21. Mike Wilson
    July 15, 2023

    Mr. Redwood – stop wasting your time. You will not be an MP after the next election. Nothing you say makes any difference. The government has set a course to electoral oblivion.

    Relax – you’ve a massive pension coming. Time to step back and look back and ask yourself ‘what was the point of all that?’ You’ve been a part of a government that has destroyed the culture of this country, that at every turn favours foreigners over us and which has plunged us into appalling debt.

    1. Christine
      July 15, 2023

      Well said

    2. MPC
      July 15, 2023

      Mr Redwood has not been part of the government, and some of us are glad that’s been the case.

      1. Mike Wilson
        July 16, 2023

        Mr Redwood has not been part of the government,

        Of course he has. The government is not just the PM and cabinet. They need the votes of their MPs to get legislation passed. Mr. Redwood may have abstained a few times – how many times has he voted against?

        If you’ve been a Tory MP since 1987, you can’t absolve yourself from responsibility for this country going down the pan. The obsession with imports, the destruction of our culture, the massive debt, the high levels of immigration, the net zero obsession – if you truly oppose the government’s position, you should resign and either stand as an independent or join another party.

        The argument that you can have more influence inside the party than out is not borne out by the actions of the Tory Party for the last 36 years.

    3. Mark B
      July 15, 2023


    4. Timaction
      July 15, 2023

      Agreed. No one believes a word they say. English majority to the back of the queue for everything except taxes.

  22. Sea_Warrior
    July 15, 2023

    (1) The government needs to take a look at the WEF’s agenda, and make a clean break from it. And then go through the same process with the UN’s.
    (2) I do not support decriminalising non-payment of the Licence Fee. Why? Because people like me will pay it, while scum-bags don’t. What I want is for the Licence Fee to be abolished. And I want the BBC to be slimmed-down. Last time I checked, it had some 50 channels. And I want the Channel 4 Filth sold off.

    1. Donna
      July 15, 2023

      Well said. Have a +1 from me.

      At my BtL, which is currently empty and unfurnished, I have received 4 letters from the Biased Broadcasting Corp’s bullying Poll Tax Enforcement Organisation ….. demanding I pay the TV Tax or contact them to explain why I haven’t. I’m ignoring them: the property doesn’t need a licence and I am not legally obliged to explain why. I hope they do waste their time and money coming to knock on the door in the hope they can bully and intimidate a poor and possibly elderly woman.

    2. Christine
      July 15, 2023

      The UN is about to announce a plan to secure global emergency powers, for a “common agenda” for all nations.

      The scam is accelerating and our Government is part of it. The only solution is to get rid of all the main parties in our country whilst we still can.

      1. Timaction
        July 15, 2023

        Indeed. Most of us have already come to the same conclusion, a decade ago. A former Tory voter, waiting for a Conservative option.

  23. Know-Dice
    July 15, 2023

    Can you add abolish inheritance tax to your list?

    Reply This is just Home Office/ FCO. treasury comes later

  24. Pud
    July 15, 2023

    The TV licence should be abolished and the BBC funded like any other abroadcaster. They keep telling us they have to be like their commercial competitors to justify the massive payments to presenters (e.g. £1,350,000 or 8,500 licence fees to Gary Lineker). If, by their own admission, they are acting like a commercial broadcaster they should be funded like one.

    Decriminalisation of licence fee non-payment doesn’t address the underlying blatant unfairness of being forced to pay for a service you are not using. The TV licence is equivalent to having to purchase a yearly subscription to The Guardian if you want to buy one copy of The Telegraph. Also, I am concerned that because burden of proof is lower for civil actions, more people could be penalised for not having a licence than currently.

    Other suggestions for funding the BBC out of general taxation, a broadband tax etc. also fail the fairness test of being compelled to pay for a service you’re not interested in.

    1. fishknife
      July 15, 2023

      Split the BBC into three sections:
      World Service and UK News – paid for from general taxation
      Education – from the education budget
      The rest – commercially, subscription / adverts

    2. glen cullen
      July 15, 2023

      The BBC keep telling me today about a heatwave across europe, have they looked out of the window …its more like April than July

  25. Berkshire Alan
    July 15, 2023

    John the problem with your list is the fact that for the last 13 years, the Government has failed to make any legislation work sensibly, because it is all too confusing, too complicated, and is linked to other agreements, the Human Rights Act for example.
    Then we have the un-costed Net Zero fiasco.
    Illegal Immigration is yet another farce, good grief we are an Island surrounded by sea, so security of entry should be a doddle compared to a land border, but no, we actually send out boats to collect illegals to make their Journey/entry easier, and then look after them for months and years when they have deliberately destroyed all records of who they really are. !
    Last but not least, Brexit, the Government has now negotiated, at great expense, the worst of both Worlds.
    The only way Sunak will win, is if enough people think all the other alternatives will be worse.
    What a state the majority of politicians in all Party’s have got us in !

  26. Mike Wilson
    July 15, 2023

    If we had a load of people on the South Coast desperate to cross to France, GoFundMe pages would raise the money to buy the boats and help them launch.

    The idea that the French are doing anything to try to prevent the crossings is risible. Why would they? They can’t wait to move the issue over to us.

    Put boats in the Channel with a pontoon or net between them, put up drones and intercept the boats on a day when the sea is calm – and tell them they will not be allowed to land illegally. You’d only have to do it ONCE.

  27. Denis+Cooper
    July 15, 2023

    Are we giving aid to India, which has just launched another moon shot?

    I don’t mean contributions to collaborative projects for mutual benefit.

    Oh, and I note that we would be a net contributor to the EU’s Horizon:

    “The UK government said it expects “to make a contribution to Horizon that exceeds receipts to UK entities”, adding, “under Pioneer, all our funding would go to UK scientists and innovators”.”

    1. Donna
      July 15, 2023

      The lunatics in Government are also giving aid to China. £50 million a year!

    2. Hat man
      July 15, 2023

      Denis, a recent report by the Independent Commission for Aid Impact found that the British taxpayer shelled out £2.3 billion to India between 2016 and 2021. It also found that the money was poorly linked to alleviating poverty, to growth or to democracy and human rights.

      I don’t suppose our British prime minister sees any reason to change that, do you?

  28. agricola
    July 15, 2023

    KILL NETT ZERO and then,
    10. Remove inheritance tax entirely.
    11. Reduce the tax book from 7 books to 1 book.
    12. Remove investment tax entirely, it being a tax on invested money that has already been taxed as income.
    13. Remove VAT from all home improvements, extensions, and work related to energy saving.
    14. Cancel stamp duty on property below £1m.
    15. Cancel university fees for medics, engineers and scientists, in exchange for contractual obligations up to 10 years.
    16. Make the public sector buy their own pensions.
    17. Make arriving in the UK illegally much more tedious and penal than staying in France.
    18. Restrict overseas aid to natural disaster support., and £5B pa.
    19. Remove VAT obligations on the self employed up to a threshold of £1m.
    20. Double our defence spending.
    21. Cancel HS2.
    22. Announce a 1 year consultation on all aspects of the NHS, Social Care, and Dentistry to arrive at a 25 year plan for ifs future.

    I am sure given time I could come up with many more CONSERVATIVE changes that would be of benefit and electorate persuading, but why bother when nobody in your party is listening. They prefer to see society undermined and destroyed by focus groups and activists.

    1. agricola
      July 15, 2023

      This must happen before the election, manifesto promises are worthless.

      1. Lifelogic
        July 15, 2023

        Tory & Labour promises are certainly worthless just read all their manifestos for the past 50 years!

        1. glen cullen
          July 15, 2023


    2. IanT
      July 15, 2023

      I would vote for all of those things AG.

      Perhaps Mr Hunt could also apply Fiscal Drag to Overseas Aid, as well as banning any country with either a Space Programme and/or Nuclear Weapons. As for Civil Service Final Salary (Index-Linked) Pensions, they should have been abolished years ago, at least for all new staff. The days when the CS were paid less than the private sector and received gold plated pensions to balance the offer are long past. These days they are often better paid than their private sector equivelents, who can only dream of having a Final Salary pension underwritten by the state.

      However, your list is (of course) just wishful thinking. The ‘Cons’ are rumoured to be considering scrapping IHT but I’m sure we’ve heard this before (from Mr Osbourne)? Unfortunately, I don’t see any attractive alternatives in any forth coming elections. The choices available are all pretty dire in reality.

    3. Timaction
      July 15, 2023

      Good comment. How about review welfare and make it time limited based on contributions. Eliminate the generations of spongers who have NEVER worked or paid taxes. Deport illegal immigrants within days not years. We the 46% cannot afford the feckless, reckless chancers crossing the Channel and idle.

  29. Denis+Cooper
    July 15, 2023

    A sensible plan to fully restore Northern Ireland to its proper place in the UK:

    “To be a good neighbour and protect the EU’s Single Market my government will ensure that we continue to fulfill our present commitments under the Northern Ireland Protocol/Windsor Framework, but in parallel it will introduce legislation to establish a system of export controls for goods being carried overland into the Irish Republic. Once we have put that alternative system in place and it has proved efficient and effective we will propose renegotiation of the present unsustainable arrangements for the province, to fully restore its position within the UK.”

    1. Matt
      July 15, 2023

      Denis for ROI read EU. When goods are being sent over the irish border they are being sent into the EU not ROI so presumably any new legislation on export controls we apply will have to be made for Dover Calais exports as well. So agreed once we have the new legislation in place we can see if they will negotiate on it and on what basis?

      1. Denis+Cooper
        July 15, 2023

        There are French customs controls on imports from the UK.

  30. beresford
    July 15, 2023

    How about dismissal of civil servants and teachers who promote critical race theory and transgenderism?

  31. Original Richard
    July 15, 2023

    John McDonald :

    “The top of your list should have been free speech and opinion free from abuse and sanction if it does not fit in with the perceived group think on a subject at the time.”

    100% correct.

    1. fishknife
      July 15, 2023

      I believe all speech should be “Free”, provided it is accompanied by name and address.

      1. Original Richard
        July 15, 2023

        fishknife :

        Such as naming yourself “fishknife”?

  32. Jude
    July 15, 2023

    Good start, Jacob. But can you add: To restore the training grants that Blair destroyed. So all business sectors can match these payments to restore their training programmes.

  33. Raymond
    July 15, 2023

    There are 30 countries in NATO and Ben Wallace thinks he sould be the next secretary general – so where does this OTT sense of entitlement come from I would love to know – also we now hear he’s talking about leaving government why? just like a child

    1. Ian B
      July 15, 2023



      How can a man that is presiding over massive UK Defence decline even suggest he should have any defence related job anywhere.
      Nato is needed by the UK as it has no defence capability of its own.
      The total Army projected numbers couldn’t fill Wembley Stadium, the RAF only employs based on diversity targets(what happened to the best of the best) but is doesn’t matter they have no planes.
      The Navy has Aircraft Carriers that when the are not broken down have a limited range and can only fly one type of short combat range plane. They at best can only have air defence for themselves no ability to projetc.
      A Defence Minister that has failed the UK, guess why NATO doesn’t want him

  34. Original Richard
    July 15, 2023

    The King’s speech :

    1) A bill to enshrine free speech and prevent job sackings or cancellation of a bank account for expressing an opinion. This measure alone would stop much of the nonsense on biology and would eventually kill off climate alarmism and Net Zero. To speed this up :
    2) Cancel Net Zero. The co-winner of the 2022 Nobel Physics prize, Dr. John Clauser, has described the climate emergency narrative, as a “dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people”.
    3) Implement net zero immigration and immediately tow back into French waters any illegal immigrants who attempt to enter the UK without ID. No genuine asylum seeker would throw away their ID as they would want to prove they are genuinely fleeing persecution.
    4) Restrict foreign aid to disaster relief.
    5) Implement reciprocity with other countries. For instance, if China does not allow us to own a Chinese company then they are not allowed to own UK companies.
    6) Remove the 120,000 Chinese “students” from our universities stealing our IP and curbing freedom of speech within universities.
    7) Ensure our state broadcaster, the BBC, allows alternative views to be expressed in all their programmes.
    8) Ensure meritocracy is always ahead of diversity.

  35. William Long
    July 15, 2023

    This is a very sensible list. Many would put lower taxation in there, but the cold fact is that the people whose numbers will sway the election do not pay much tax and are far more concerned with other things, in particular flooding of the labour market at the bottom end and undeserving countries getting something for nothing.
    Sadly the chances of getting any of this from the present incumbents is virtually zero, because they seem incapable of realising what makes their potential supporters tick.

  36. Ian B
    July 15, 2023

    “I hear the government is seeking good ideas for next year’s legislative programme” surely they are just waiting for their instruction from the now none existent collective ‘Blob’ and the masters they have signed up to that run ‘WEF’

    In all cases they as shown over the last 13 years will tell the electorate what it wants to hear to get elected, then immediately revert to form and kowtow to those that are unelected and accountable.

  37. Ian B
    July 15, 2023

    “4. Tell the EU  that if they put a tariff on our cars exported to the EU for insufficient local content we will place one on their exports of cars to us.”

    Sir John, I think your thoughts here are misplaced. If the UK can not manufacture at least 45%(soon to be 65%) of the content our cars in the UK – it effects EV’s manufactured and distributed from the most polluting parts of the World. It is not the EU at fault it is this Conservative Government destroying UK manufacture and its economy that is the problem. This Conservative Government then rubs salt into the wounds of the Taxpayer by forcing them to subsidies foreign manufacture – but cant bring themselves to use the same subsidy on UK manufacturer.

    Then again the EU has no mandate or legitimacy to tell the UK how it operates inside its own territory.

    1. Timaction
      July 15, 2023

      This Government is actively supporting the export of our manufacturing, for the same goods to be manufactured in the far East and imported back here on the alter of net zero. Total madness. Let us pray instead for fracking. Import coal when we have our own. The lunatics are in charge and want us to vote for more of the same and mass immigration. Nuts.

  38. Kenneth
    July 15, 2023

    No government will last long whlie it elevates minority interests and overseas interests over the will of the majority.

    Politicians should remember that, in a democracy, that the majority wins.

    1. Clough
      July 15, 2023

      Not if the majority is fragmented by woke identity issues, Kenneth, stirred up to set people against each other so the powerful can divide and rule. Nor if the majority is so brassed off it can’t be bothered to vote any more. I believe places like Hull, Barnsley, Doncaster, and Sunderland had below 60% turnout in the last general election.

  39. Ian B
    July 15, 2023

    In a left field view but related. This Conservative Government basically forced through a deal to sell off Cobham a major UK Defence Company a couple of years back. Now in the last week or so we learn the Purchaser of this important strategic part of the UK’s Defence infrastructure, has moved out of the UK, has all UK assets stripped, then closed all Cobham’s UK facilities. Not only a great security issue, a loss of capability and hundreds of industry jobs lost. That was Government Policy!

    The Conservative Government of 13 years has systematic stripped the UK of its industrial base, deterred startup’s, caused continuos now becoming irreversible economic decline on the Country, and now we are to suggest ideas? This Conservative Government has made it impossible to object to their Socialist WEF Doctrine, as to suggest anything positive for the UK we know they will do the opposite. You could reason the question is what to block and deter next.

    Sir John even you now seem to have succumbed, maybe unintentionally, but you are suggesting that Car manufactured content that is 55% manufactured outside of the UK or the EU it is continued to be subsidised by the UK Taxpayer and encouraged by the State. As that is what the 45% local content concern means. At this moment in time and for the forceable future we are talking the highly subsidised EV’s that full into this net. How can what’s left of car production survive, let alone grow when we have a policy of subsidising imports.

    1. paul cuthbertson
      July 15, 2023

      Ian B – Spot on

  40. Bryan Harris
    July 15, 2023

    They need to do more than make false promises – Even when we hear they are looking to change things positively we never reap any benefit.

    Despite being puppets, HMG have some leeway, and if they actually delivered some prosperity, freedom and happiness, they might get away with having been the worst government in known history – causing some people to vote for them.
    Unfortunately democracy is broken, and it wouldn’t matter which of the big 3 parties got in. Things would only get worse.

    It’s impossible for us to be expect much from them, because they have all too often turned on the people to make them subject to petty rules, grinding taxation, immoral decisions, oppression and many other foul things a government should never do to it’s own people.

  41. Bert+Young
    July 15, 2023

    I would support all of Sir J’s recommendations . The one thing he seems to have overlooked is the continuing recognition of the private education sector . The State system would be inadequate to accommodate an influx of extra pupils if the Private sector was impacted by a threatened tax system so keeping it alive is important .

  42. Ian B
    July 15, 2023

    “Renegotiate the Windsor Agreement” there would be no need if this Conservative Government did as they promised the electorate and just left the EU instead of becoming its slave colony

    1. Donna
      July 15, 2023

      + 1

  43. Ian B
    July 15, 2023

    The more you look at the state of UK Politics, the more you realise that it is for the most part it has become a cesspit of dishonesty and corruption. Then add in the HoL and it gets confirmed. Very few MP’s serve the commitments they made to get elected.
    It is only called a Democracy as a fudge to hide the real meaning of it being a Dictatorship. In the last 13 years how many Conservative MP’s stood up for the promises they made to get on the gravy train. We all know Labour would be worse, but really how worse? This Socialist WEF lead Conservative Government would shame a labour Government with their left wing globalist anti UK directions. At the very least it mirrors Labours tax, tax, and tax some more then spend doctrine. As with all good Socialists there is never any suggest of ‘cutting ones cloth’ good house keeping and budgetary control.

    No, it is not a Kings Speech that is required, it is a new meaningful pact with the electorate, a new ‘Magna Carta’ to rebalance the corruption that has become the Uk Political scene

    1. paul cuthbertson
      July 15, 2023

      Ian B – Succinctly put. We need something akin to the US Constitution although at this time the ‘US Deep State ” are totally ignoring it. However until our WHOLE system of government is changed nothing will happen. But CHANGE is coming, mark my words.

  44. glen cullen
    July 15, 2023

    SirJ I welcome & support all your (tory) ideas

    1. glen cullen
      July 15, 2023

      With the caveat to leave the European Council ECHRs

  45. Mark+Thomas
    July 15, 2023

    Sir John,
    8. Decriminalise non payment of tv license fee

    Sky tv is paid for by a voluntary subscription service.
    They are now streaming their channels over WiFi.
    Sky News and Sky Arts are available for all on Freeview.

    The BBC should offer the same.

    1. Mark B
      July 16, 2023

      Agreed. But there is only one slight catch. For the BBC to do this it would mean a loss of a guaranteed income. Can’t see it myself.

  46. George Sheard
    July 15, 2023

    Sir John
    Sound great but giving aid to countries with atomic bombs or even space projects
    Should be stopped now like India.
    Charity starts at home

  47. Lucas
    July 15, 2023

    We should add in a ban also on inviting despots and other murderers with blood on their hands like the Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman. Now that we have taken back control we should show an independent face to the world without sucking up to people just because they have wealth. Same rules should apply to all who we let in here or who we invite in.

  48. Ian B
    July 15, 2023

    ‘Conservative King’s Speech’ – ‘Prime Minister Rishi Sunak outlines his top five priorities in a speech’

    Speeches will solve everything! yes we need more Virtue Signalling, promises to break as there is nothing else that matters

    Comments in the Media, highlighting what everyone knows

    Cutting the obscene levels of public spending is the only way to get inflation down and enjoy future tax cuts.

    Not a sigle mention of slashing spending, just about borrowing more and more as the tax take falls due to their deliberate destruction of the economy.

    Useless, complacent, fake Tories. They’ve had over a decade to enact actual Conservative policies. Instead they have waited far too late, until defeat is nearly upon them.

    We should believe in a state that provides decent services and lives within its’ means.

    Why can Hunt not see that you can have tax cuts, reduce inflation and cut the deficit. All that is needed is to cut state expenditure. As Matthew Lynn pointed out elsewhere the quangos in the UK cost £256bn a year. That looks like a target somewhat bigger than a barn door.

    Why vote Tory when all you get is tax increases, everyone knew that is what you get with Labour. There is now no difference.

    Definition of a manifesto pledge: a promise that encourages voters to opt for a political party, but which can be easily abandoned due to unforeseen circumstances/unexpected events/changing priorities if said party is elected.

  49. R.Grange
    July 15, 2023

    So the government is seeking good ideas for next year’s legislative programme. Really, Sir John? Then how about just looking back at your last few manifestoes, maybe some good ideas there that your government never acted on?

    1. glen cullen
      July 15, 2023

      Spot On

  50. agricola
    July 15, 2023

    In essence politicians in power must learn to govern for the people. Having ascertained what the people want via comprehensive market research. Cease being led by interest groups, lobby groups, the EU, the WEF or very dubious people like Biden. We are the customers, start responding to the market. It is not very commplex.

    1. Ian B
      July 15, 2023

      @agricola +1

    2. paul cuthbertson
      July 15, 2023

      Agricola – FOLLOW THE MONEY. You are irrelevant.

  51. James 4
    July 15, 2023

    Vested interests have this country screwed – yes that’s it ‘vested interests’ have this country screwed – it includes all political shenanigans and circles within circles – it’s screwed so much that it urged us like sheep to vote for a disastrous brexit that kicked off most of our present day problems and now our seemingly inability to do anything about them. Just look at the points listed today and ask could things have been different or bettet or not there at all had we remained in the EU.

  52. Wanderer
    July 15, 2023

    It’s well meant by our host, but in reality it’s just rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic. Dwindlingly few people believe Tory manifesto promises, or anything much Tory politicians promise. We’ve been had too many times before. Many think Labour might be more honest (laughable, but there you are). The Tories won’t have any power in a year or so. The question is, will they be any good in opposition?

  53. Rhoddas
    July 15, 2023

    Thanks you Sir J and please add:

    a) Lower energy bills, remove all the peurile levies and VAT, which will also lower inflation, hence interest rates can come down sooner for everyone incl Govt debt servicing.
    b) Stimulate growth by repealing much of IR35 legislation and increase VAT thresholds for SMEs
    c) reinstate CPI increases to tax allowances, reinstate Capital Gains Tax allowances (shoudn’t need stating).

    I am sure your regular sage contributors will add further recommendations …

  54. Roy Grainger
    July 15, 2023

    Not a single one of those suggestions will be in the speech. You know it and we know it.

    1. glen cullen
      July 15, 2023

      You’re not wrong

      1. Mark B
        July 16, 2023

        I agree.

  55. glen cullen
    July 15, 2023

    Home Office data as at 14th July 2023
    Illegal Immigrants – 56
    Small boats – 1
    We’ll need another RAF camp soon …whatever happened to the Army Naiper Barracks ?

    1. Donna
      July 16, 2023

      You could fit a large number of criminal migrants in Buck Palace; Sandringham; Balmoral and Highgrove.

      The King should be told he’s restricted to Windsor Castle for the foreseeable future ….. the rest have been commandeered for the invaders.

      Since he persists in breaking his Coronation Oath and our Constitution by interfering in political issues, I expect he would very quickly interfere in the policy of importing foreign criminals.

  56. R.Grange
    July 15, 2023

    May 2023: IMF’s Deputy Leader Gita Gopinath tells BBC Newsnight that with high inflation there are benefits to immigration. June 2023: Ex-Tory ex-chancellor Hammond says relaxing immigration rules would help control inflation. That’s the real policy on migration. The government itself doesn’t want to come out and admit it, though. Not with an election coming up.

  57. glen cullen
    July 15, 2023

    ‘Ben Wallace to Resign as Defence Secretary at Reshuffle, Standing Down at Election’ order-order
    There goes the last real brexiteer in the cabinet

  58. XY
    July 15, 2023

    Why bother?

    With a track record of reneging on all manifesto commitments (except the nutty net zero nonsense) NO-ONE WILL BELIEVE YOU.

    The modern Conservative Party cannot be trusted to deliver anything it says.

  59. Sea_Warrior
    July 16, 2023

    I see some chatter suggesting that the government might abolish IHT. Good – but that’s not the priority for the next budget. I would suugest that it’s tackling ‘fiscal drag’ – and that should be done by lifting the thresholds for the 20% and 40% rates of income-tax. Once that’s done, the next priority should be to start moving the 40% rate towards 35%. (The 20% rate is low enough already.) Even at that level, once VAT and NI are taken into account, the state would still be taking more than half of every pound earned over the threshold. The Conservatives have one last chance to avoid being wiped-out at the general election.
    P.S. Because of the existing IHT rates, I have had to park a six-figure sum to meet a tax-demand decades – I hope! – in the future. Without IHT, I would put some, or all, of that money to use now, giving the Treasury SDLT and VAT receipts immediately.

  60. margaret campbell-white
    July 16, 2023


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