Which countries produce most CO 2?

Those who campaign most strongly to reduce CO 2 and other greenhouse gases always want to the UK to do more but are usually quiet about the countries that produce most and are increasing their output. The UK has halved its output per head of CO 2 since 1990 but is given no credit for this by its green critics, who will never be appeased.

Using the figures set out in the EU 2022 Report on each country, the world’s big five producers of CO 2 are China, the USA, the EU, India and Russia.  Three of these led by China are still increasing their output. They account for almost two thirds of world emissions.

Total CO 2 output 2021

China 12,466 m tonnes

USA   4,752 m tonnes

EU 2,774 m tonnes

India   2,648 m tonnes

Russia 1,942 m tonnes.

World 37.8 bn

In the next grouping down there are Japan, Iran,  South Korea and Saudi Arabia, all above  500 m tonnes.

If we look at per capita CO 2 output the UAE at 20 tonnes per person a year and Saudi at 16.6 are high, reflecting their output of oil. China, the Netherlands, Poland, Germany and Japan are all around 8 tonnes per head, the USA is at 14 and South Korea at 12. The UK is now down at 4.95.

Any analysis of these figures based on  the  wish to get the total down would mainly direct attention to the big five as they are so dominant. China in particular is a major part of the problem. China’s growth in CO 2 each year typically exceeds the UK total output.! If you also wish to take into account fairness issues attention should turn to CO 2 per head, where taking the larger countries with high figures down to the UK level would enable the world to hit the green targets.

I appreciate some readers do not wish to see CO 2 reduction pursued as a main policy. I am accepting the fact that all the main world governments do wish to limit greenhouse gases and have baked this into their global and  national policies. They should study the figures more to see which countries produce most , and they should question the advice more to avoid adopting products and policies which fail to cut world CO 2 in  the way they hope. Only when China, India and Russia curb their output will the world have a chance to go to net zero. Why don’t the campaigners concentrate more on that challenge?



  1. David Bunney
    August 14, 2023

    John, you are absolutely right to point out that the UK doesn’t even show up on the chart when it comes to anthropogenic CO2 emissions and if we stopped all activities emitting CO2 the amount of human emissions would go unchanged.

    There are a number of things to look at here.
    1) What proportion does the UK contribute to.
    2) Is the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere really controlled by human emissions (ie does it build up because of our emissions or something else)?
    3) Does CO2 really cause a large amount of detectable warming, is any measured trend from human CO2 emissions or something else?
    4) is any warming attributable to human CO2 emissions causing any harmful weather?
    5) if we stop all industry and agriculture that produces CO2 what will happen to our productivity, ability to make food, shelter, material goods, have an economy or exist as anything other than pre-industrial peasants? Do the new technologies, energy systems and manufactured goods manufactured abroad really work as well as what we are abolishing and do they really reduce consumption of finite global materials or reduce emissions on a global scale ( or merely transfer them somewhere else).

    I think you will find that there is strong data and evidence to show that this whole thing is a scam from top to bottom on the atmospheric physics/climate science front as well as the energy, manufacturing and expatriation of industry, jobs, and wealth to China and India.

    It is worth noting that the push from the UN and others driving the climate change and energy & agricultural system transition or transformation are not gentle, truthful organisations following scientific methods, or promoting western freedoms, but rather quite happy to control ‘the science’, edit data and push a strong narrative to harm the west and promote a one world government communist agenda and an end to western freedoms, liberal-capitalism and democracy. The UN seems to be a puppet organistion to the CCP!

    The sooner we scap all laws pertaining to climate and CO2 emissions targets and the sooner we weaken ties and obligations to UN Sustainable Development Goals / Agenda 21 / Agenda 2050 and the Paris Agreement, the better!

    Please stop subsidising and mandating EVs, Heat Pumps, Wind Farms, Solar Farms, use of biofuels and all that corrupt and harmful tripe and please start encouraging use of nuclear and fossil fuel technologies. Remove the ban on natural gas boilers, remove the ban on petrol and diesel cars and reintroduce the use of coal in power stations and heavy industry in the UK. If you want a vibrant and thriving civilisation and economy this is what you will do. The opposite of what the UN (CCP) are mandating.

    1. Sharon
      August 15, 2023

      David Bunney

      Very well put! An insightful analysis of where we are and why.

    2. British Patriot
      August 15, 2023

      The trouble is that the global warming fanatics won’t listen to facts and reason, because their brains (if you can use that term for the mush they have inside their heads) don’t function that way. They only understand emotion – and the main one is fear. So they have been tricked into being afraid of the supposed (but non-existing) man-made global warming, and are screaming so loudly for action that they are deaf to anything else.

      So rather than rehash the well-known arguments debunking the idea that Britain is in any way whatsoever responsible for climate change, I would like to take issue with one thing that Sir John said. He wrote: “I am accepting the fact that all the main world governments do wish to limit greenhouse gases and have baked this into their global and national policies.” NO, that’s NOT TRUE. China and India and Russia do NOT wish to limit their greenhouse gases. That’s why they are going UP, not down. They might SAY that they are, but that doesn’t mean that it’s true. Stop being so naive as to take what these foreign governments say at face value. It’s actions that reveal the truth, not the LIES that come out of their mouths. It’s ONLY THE WEST that is stupid enough to harm its economy in order to pointlessly reduce its CO2 output.

  2. Rod Evans
    August 14, 2023

    There is a false anxiety being progressed. CO2 is a net benefit to humanity and the biodiversity of the world. We do not need to reduce it, we need to educate the anxious on how advantageous more CO2 in the atmosphere has been to harvests and will continue to be advantageous going forward.
    The reduction in world population that will accelerate from 2050 onwards will naturally reduce emissions, all emissions, including CO2 unfortunately.

    1. Peter Wood
      August 15, 2023

      Yes quite so. 2 examples:
      1. 400 parts per million – OOOH, SO SCARY .
      0.04% what, …Yawn….

      2. 1.5°C above ‘pre-industrial average temperature’
      Does anyone know what that mythical figure is?

      1. KB
        August 15, 2023

        I must say it is amazing that they know the average global temperature of the planet in 1850-1900, to a precision of 0.1 degrees C. This is before there were satellites, and indeed before some of the world had even been mapped, let alone had reliable weather stations installed. Quite an achievement.

        1. Berkshire Alan
          August 15, 2023

          Indeed my thoughts entirely, with as you say many differing locations between then to now.
          I think selective so called facts are being searched to try and prove the argument !
          As I posted last week, the Met Office admitted they could only forecast 24 hours at a time for the Fastnet race in 1979, hence the disaster which unfolded.

        2. Mickey Taking
          August 15, 2023

          But that famous spreadsheet from Covid times, might have been used to add all the estimated country temperatures together to arrive at a precision to 0.1 C. Now again using that spreadsheet forward facing it can be calculated that at some point in the future it will exceed 1.5C higher.
          Q E D.

        3. Iain gill
          August 16, 2023

          Study of tree rings etc do permit us to know a lot about precise years in the past

      2. hefner
        August 15, 2023

        What about the 1850-1900 baseline?
        BTW this has been the same since the First IPCC report in 1990. It accounts for the observed variability during these 50 years based on known internal (El Nino-La Nina, AMOC, QBO, 
) and external forcings (volcanic eruptions, variability (11-year cycle) of solar insolation).

        For a down-to-Earth account, theconversation.com, 07/06/2017 ‘What is a pre-industrial climate and why does it matter?’

        1. Martin in Bristol
          August 15, 2023

          Because Hefner, the climate warriors use this data to make ever more ridiculous claims like global boiling and global apocalypse.
          You know that is nonsense.
          Even the last IPCC report doesn’t claim that.

          1. hefner
            August 16, 2023

            One could take another 50-year period as reference, say 1800-1850 or before, for which there are few direct temperature measurements but indirect markers of temperature (tree rings, lake sediments) and the picture of an increase in global temperature in the last 100 years is roughly the same or slightly more pronounced.

            Indeed ®Global boiling’ or ‘global apocalypse’ has not be pronounced by IPCC as such.

        2. Peter Wood
          August 15, 2023

          Yes, what number is it? How many decimal places….😂?

          1. hefner
            August 16, 2023

            Integrate the 1850-1900 curve in the conversation.com site and get the answer 😉

      3. acorn
        August 15, 2023

        Prior to the Industrial Revolution, CO2 levels were consistently around 280 ppm for almost 6,000 years of human civilization. Since then, humans have generated an estimated 1.5 trillion tons of CO2, resulting in the current level of 420 ppm. The “net zero” level for a 1.5 C global temperature rise is circa 330 to 350 ppm. To achieve that will require a global per capita emissions to be reduced to 3 tonnes per year asap. The UK having de-industrialised since 1980, has resulted in the drop of UK domestically produced CO2 to 5 Tonnes per year; 7 Tonnes per year, if you include the CO2 we import in goods.

    2. Ian+wragg
      August 15, 2023

      Net Zero is a ploy to bankrupt the West in favour of the developing countries driven by the UN Agenda 21 and the WEF.
      CO2 is beneficial to the health of the planet and no amount of interference from mankind will make a blind bit of difference.

    3. BOF
      August 15, 2023

      +1 R E
      Another conspiracy theory hiding in plain sight. Population reduction.

      The question is, how much destruction of food production will it take? How many ‘pandemics’ and how much dangerous medication will it take to kill off enough people to satisfy the evil desires and demands of the perpetrators?

      1. Sharon
        August 15, 2023

        BoF Well, Stanly Johnson, on GB News, a few months ago, thought 15-20 million people would be the ideal number in Britain. So, less than half the current figure.

        1. Ian+wragg
          August 15, 2023

          Less than a third

    4. Lifelogic
      August 15, 2023

      Indeed, the war on the “net benefit”, vital for life, CO2 plant, tree, seaweed and crop food is bonkers. There is no climate emergency it is clearly just a ruse for more taxes and more control and a mad religion. The shameless & gross hypocrisy of the private jet set, King Charles, Sunak, Harry, William
 with their many homes, seaside mansions and even some pushers of space tourism and airline owners like Virgin Galactic is quite amazing to observe.

  3. John McDonald
    August 14, 2023

    CO2 will reflect radiated heat. The heat must be radiation and not just warm air. You can make lasers using CO2 gas. But you can put it in fizzy drinks and use it to put out fires.
    The other point is what is the total global CO2 and how much of this is made by Human Activity.
    The other inconvenient point and not addressed, is are we just warming up the plant and should we reduce the amount of heat energy we generate? This will disturb climate by warming the atmosphere. Replacing trees with concrete reduces nature’s ability to absorb heat and not reflect it up the the CO2 layer only to be reflected back down again (some not all).
    Politically these are not welcome questions as it it so easy to point the finger at the CO2 generated by burning fossil fuel.

    1. Lifelogic
      August 15, 2023

      Not to put out EV battery fires though!

    2. Sharon
      August 15, 2023

      So cutting down trees to build cycle lanes… ? These greenies are a bit clueless.

      1. Lifelogic
        August 15, 2023

        Well old, fully grown, trees do not still take up CO2 only younger still growing ones. So if CO2 is really your concern logic would say chop down all the mature trees, use the wood for building or bury it then plant new growing trees. Strangely governments rarely suggest this but then the Ministers prob. know that the CO2 devil gas religion is just a ruse for more taxes and control! So they hop on their private jets and ignore this. But moronically they do chop down trees in America ship them over on diesel ships and trucks, dry them & then burn them at Drax to produce far more CO2 than gas powered stations and even rather more than coal would!

      2. Mickey Taking
        August 15, 2023

        More cycles? Shouldn’t we planting more rubber trees? Just asking.

    3. Mark
      August 15, 2023

      It’s a misconception that CO2 (or water vapour as opposed to cloud) reflects radiation. It may absorb it, and then the molecule vibrates energetically. Most likely (especially closer to the ground where the atmosphere is denser) it will soon (a few nanoseconds later) have a close encounter with another molecule – probably nitrogen or oxygen, given the composition of air – and some of the energy of vibration kicks the molecule it meets like a golfer hitting a shot, and that molecule moves faster, gaining kinetic energy and warming the air locally while the CO2 loses some energy in the collision.

      CO2 molecules vibrating energetically enough can emit radiation too, and the probability of doing so rises as you go higher in the atmosphere where it is thinner and colder and the probability of collisions reducing its energy and transferring it before emission can take place drops. The direction of emission is entirely random. However, there is a tendency for upward drift because the radiation will encounter an absorbing molecule sooner if it heads downwards into the denser atmosphere than if it heads upwards into the thinner atmosphere. This allows radiation eventually to escape to space.

      1. hefner
        August 16, 2023

        Well, strictly speaking there is reflection of solar radiation by clear-sky atmosphere, it is called Rayleigh (or molecular) scattering. Otherwise, agreed, all estimations of this reflection whether by theoretical calculations, lab measurements, and satellite observations put this clear-sky reflectivity (global, annual average) at around 8% whereas cloudy-sky reflectivity is around 50%.
        Scattering of solar radiation by cloud (and aerosol) particles (ie, bigger sized scatterers) is Mie scattering.

        What is interesting is that in your small paragraph you have already put to bed the argument from Wijngaarden & Happer who only consider the flux of long wave radiation as seen from the top of the atmosphere, and not as an exchange of radiation between levels on the vertical, from the surface to the top of the atmosphere.

        1. Mark
          August 17, 2023

          It is useful to understand that Raleigh scattering is only important at visible wavelengths: it accounts for the blue colour of the sky. Its intensity is inversely proportional to the fourth power of wavelength, so for long wave infrared relevant to CO2 the effect is roughly a million times less – i.e. negligible. Mie scattering occurs when the particle size and wavelength of the radiation are similar. In the atmosphere, that applies to aerosols at visible wavelengths and particulates for IR. CO2 molecules are far too small.

          I suggest you reread Wijngaarden and Happer. They go to great lengths to point out the varying composition and conditions to be found in the atmosphere, distinguishing differing atmospheric conditions in polar, desert and mid latitudes, calculating expected profiles of the LWIR radiation after it has passed through the various layers in each case. They do not provide the full level of detail of calculation methodology that they consider prior knowledge, but there is an excellent exposition in this earlier paper by Harde

          Hermann Harde, “Radiation and Heat Transfer in the Atmosphere: A Comprehensive Approach on a Molecular Basis”, International Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 2013, Article ID 503727

  4. Lynn Atkinson
    August 14, 2023

    You have just given the evidence that ‘the main world governments’ 
 HAVE NOT ‘baked this into their global and national policies’.
    Only the idiot west has been conned into believing that there are ‘greenhouse gasses’ and that they need to be reduced’.
    Why don’t they just say, unlike the famous farmer who was training his horse to live without food, that by incrementally removing the staff of life they hope to succeed before the horse dies?
    I can’t believe you have fallen for this childish ruse.

    1. Sakara Gold
      August 15, 2023

      @ Lynn Atkinson
      What an ignorant, crass and irresponsible post. Obviously you know better than the global concensus of climate scientists, NASA and about 85% of world governments. This year the mean global temperature reached levels not exceeded in the past million years and the world is burning up. Clearly you haven’t noticed

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        August 15, 2023

        Let the climate scientists speak and then see if there is even a majority who accept ‘mm global warming’. Odds in that those who do parrot the rubbish are paid by the decadent states of the collective west.
        I certainly do know better than the shallow childish obvious lies told by this idiot generation of politicians across the west. Look at what they do, not at what they say!
        The worlds governments who represent by far the majority of the world’s populations, i.e the main governments of the world, do not swallow this childish assumption, and act accordingly.
        But if the decadent west insists on committing suicide, they are not going to stop us.

      2. Lester_Cynic
        August 15, 2023


        It’s obviously impossible to educate you

        Lynn Atkinson is absolutely correct, it is you who is wrong
        Don’t believe Al Gore and John Kerry, they have houses the size of small towns and Barack Obama has a house on the shoreline of Martha’s Vineyard, so obviously not concerned about rising sea levels

        Have you noticed any difference in the weather this year? You really shouldn’t take any notice of the weather forecasts

        Warm early summer and then pouring with rain. Pretty normal in my opinion

      3. gregory martin
        August 15, 2023

        @Sahara gold
        Look out of your window, what can you see that has changed?

      4. Original Richard
        August 15, 2023

        SG : “This year the mean global temperature reached levels not exceeded in the past million years and the world is burning up.”


        There is plenty of evidence of temperatures above our current temperature since the ending of the most recent ice age just 11,000 years ago from Greenland/Greenland ice core samples, speleothem and ancient tree lines and receding glaciers in the Alps. In fact there is evidence that the reason Hannibal was able to cross the Alps was because there was no snow and ice at the time.

        If the temperature is looked at from a longer perspective – the last 500 million years from the start of the Cambrian explosion – it is seen that we are in a very cold interglacial era and the planet was much warmer (up to 20 degrees C warmer) with ice free poles for most of the time.

        BTW, please use the correct UN terminology – the world is boiling not burning.

        1. hefner
          August 17, 2023

          But, but, but
          1/ the continents were not in the place they are now 500 million years ago,
          2/ and 500 million years ago palaeontologists talk of a mass extinction with a drop of oxygen level, particularly in the oceans, the so-called SPICE (Steptoean Positive Carbon Isotope Excursion).

          Palaeoclimatology is a real science and hardly to be used for making a quick (and potentially wrong) point.

      5. EU fan
        August 15, 2023

        Well a few tenths of a degree globally SG.
        With recording stations near runways where planes take off.

        1. hefner
          August 16, 2023

          Do you really think that meteorological and UV, shortwave and long wave radiation measurements stations at Alert, Barrow, Cape Baranova, Concordia Dome C, Eureka, Georg con Neumayer, Ny Alesund, South Pole, Syowa, Tiksi, Terra Nova Bay, all parts of the 70+ station WMO Baseline Surface Radiation Network with some at mid- and tropical latitudes (in addition of the polar latitude stations listed above) are located near airport runways?

          BTW BSRN was started in 1992 and now has 30 years of temperature and radiation data measured as far as possible from ‘runways’.

          1. Martin in Bristol
            August 16, 2023

            Gosh how clever you make yourself sound hefnerYou really belive this religion.

            The hottest uk recent day was at an airfield where red hot Tornado aircraft took off that very day.

            Mixture of satellite versus earth stations numbers have been altered.

          2. hefner
            August 17, 2023

            I wonder who’s the most ‘religious’ in their beliefs: people who try to check they get to long-term datasets of carefully calibrated observations or people relying on the latest local circumstantial info put together by any journalist wanted to get their 15 minutes of fame with a captive community?

            And what is this ‘mixture of satellite vs Earth stations numbers’ you are talking about?
            Could it be that is how you consider these reanalyses of meteorological data carried out by NASA MERRA-2, NCEP-NCAR, Japanese JRA-55, Copernicus ERA5
            (all global) or the Chinese Regional Reanalysis?

 Suum cuique 

      6. Mickey Taking
        August 15, 2023

        No. I haven’t noticed it burning up. I do notice the need for central heating for 6 months of our year though.

      7. Donna
        August 16, 2023

        There IS no consensus. Just propaganda and the silencing of senior scientists who dissent.

    2. turboterrier
      August 15, 2023

      Lyn Atkinson
      I have always had problems with people with their computer programs in that no matter how many people say they agree. the core information for the basis for debate ultimately was instigated by one or two sources. Then it’s open season for all and sundry to make of it what they will. Know one in my honest opinion can try and relate to happenings over a million years ago on information that started being recorded when? I cannot get as emotional as some people over the whole Global Warming, Climate Change especially when faceless politicians and billionaires start driving the whole process. Too many are just jumping on the bandwagon as it is the latest emotional feel-good cause and because there could be money to be made from it.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        August 15, 2023

        And of course the current ‘climatologists’ have been doctoring the factual records. So says Matt Ridley. He has the original documented and recorded temperatures and can point to the retrospective changes, which then cause our wet, warm summer to be ‘the hottest ever!’ The colours used by the MSM on their weather charts have been changed too – all burning red now to indicate higher temperatures, even though they are not.

  5. Mark B
    August 15, 2023

    Good morning.

    The UK has halved its output per head of CO 2 since 1990 . . .

    And is virtually industrialised making us an importer of goods to the enrichment of others.

    We’re being mugged.

    1. Berkshire Alan
      August 15, 2023

      Mark B

      Indeed Imported goods do not count for emissions on our account, but we do import people, and we are informed people are the real cause of Climate Change otherwise it would not be listed as Man Made, it would be called something else.
      Please ,Please, Please, STOP IMPORTING 500,000 PEOPLE a year.

      1. Timaction
        August 15, 2023

        That’s why you can’t take the Governments net zero rubbish seriously, unless these mass migrants don’t have a carbon footprint.

      2. Mickey Taking
        August 15, 2023

        Unless compulsory sterilisation is undertaken…..I’m already ducking those bricks in my direction.

  6. Lifelogic
    August 15, 2023

    Indeed but a little more CO2 (tree plant and crop food and needed to provide the 02 we all breath) is on balance a net positive anyway. Plus the tech “solutions” they push do not even reduce CO2 in the main they just export it or pretend to reduce it.

    You say “I appreciate some readers do not wish to see CO 2 reduction pursued as a main policy. I am accepting the fact that all the main world governments do wish to limit greenhouse gases and have baked this into their global and national policies.”

    The same “main world governments” that generally pushed the totally counterproductive lockdowns, performed inflationary QE, coerced the (hugely net harm) vaccines even into children and strangle their economies with ever larger government I assume?

    Some even funded or performed the gain of function experiments to create Covid19 it would seem. Not sure we should trust these deluded and even people much!

    1. Lifelogic
      August 15, 2023

      even “evil” people I meant!

    2. BOF
      August 15, 2023

      +1 LL

    3. hefner
      August 15, 2023

      So does the O2 we all breath come from the 400ppm+ concentration of CO2 or from the 21% of O2 contained in the air around us?

      Lifelogic, could I have a confirmation from you? Which is it? It might be a revolution in atmospheric sciences.

  7. Iain gill
    August 15, 2023

    The figures quoted for India are significant under estimates, as India being one of the most corrupt countries on the planet misreports this like much else. It is complete naivity to report such figures at face value.

    1. KB
      August 15, 2023

      Reading about the history of China since the revolution, it seems all kinds of statistics used to be fiddled to make things look good. Food production was at a record whilst the people were starving etc.
      It seems that, since then, China is completely honest and transparent. Although we accept that lies were told in the past, that is over with, and their statistics are now completely beyond question.

      1. Mickey Taking
        August 15, 2023

        the N.Korean starving millions love the knowledge Dear Leader converts the food they might have produced into the wherewithall into being able to destroy most of the planet, without telling them within seconds of them hitting the big red FIRE button mass other FIRE buttons will be pressed to leave their country uninhabitable for decades if not centuries.
        Perhaps if asked they might prefer to eat.

  8. J Wilson
    August 15, 2023

    >> ” Why don’t the campaigners concentrate more on that challenge?”

    Because the campaigners are, by-and-large, left-wing extremists who like Communist China exactly the way it is.

    The “climate” protests are about attacking us as a people and replacing our liberty with controlled “people’s assemblies”. The impossible goal of cooling the planet has nothing to do with it.

  9. Wanderer
    August 15, 2023

    They know the figures. So do the activists.
    This is not about CO2.

  10. Lester_Cynic
    August 15, 2023

    CO2 isn’t a problem

    We need more of it, it’s essential for plant growth
    Zero CO2 === Zero life on planet Earth

    1. Lifelogic
      August 15, 2023


      A bit more CO2 is a net benefit on average we are in a dearth of CO2 period.
      The tech they push to save CO2 does not do so to any sig. extend anyway.
      There is no climate emergency.

      Even all of these were not true to reduce CO2 would need world cooperation (which is highly unlikely).
      Plus even if we could get this then the best way to spend ÂŁTrillions (if we had it) would be adaptation and other measures & not a war on CO2. See Bjorn Lomborg’s excellent publications and books.

      How many reasons does one need to show it is a bonkers highly damaging religion.

  11. Old Albion
    August 15, 2023

    I’ve been telling you for months. The UK contributes 1% of 0.045% of CO2 in the atmosphere. An amount so comparatively tiny as to be irrelevant.
    Yet your Gov. continues to listen to the ill-educated green zealots. It carries on with it’s lunatic headlong rush to cripple the last vestiges of UK industry, to destroy energy availability and eventually kill it’s own citizens by freezing in Winter. Just to wave it’s flag of self-righteousness at the rest of the world.

    1. Timaction
      August 15, 2023

      Indeed it is. The Climate Change Committee staffed by all parties want to destroy our industry, stop us flying and eating meat, ban our cars and gas boilers. And lots, lots more. The madness for this unproven science and huge costs is beyond stupid!!! To much invested in this net stupid to back track now. New Party on the centre right urgently needed to save our Country.

  12. Michelle
    August 15, 2023

    Everything around the net zero branch of the new religion is contradictory.
    The zealots here could not possibly point fingers at such as China and certainly not India.
    The only other option is to insist we do more.
    As in everything else, it seems the zealots see no end to the burdens we can bare on behalf of the rest of the world.

  13. Roy Grainger
    August 15, 2023

    You missed out one factor which will cause the Eco enthusiasts to entirely disregard your argument. They’ll simply say “But UK has outsourced its manufacturing to China along with its CO2 emissions”. This ignores the fact that UK is doing very well amongst developed nations even accounting for that (I think second best in the G7 ?) but you should have given the figures to counter this argument.

  14. Everhopeful
    August 15, 2023

    It’s just like slavery.
    And Concorde too.
    Absolute bullying.
    Which of course our leaders just LOVE to cave in to.
    Gives them a warm, fuzzy feeling in their wallets.

  15. Javelin
    August 15, 2023


    As I keep predicting the public patience with woke globalism is going to snap. It just has.

    Something culturally significant just happened. I suggest you search “usa itunes downloads”. You will find the top 4 songs and 12 of the top 30 songs are all from a guy called Oliver Anthony. The number one song is being called “the protest song” of a generation and “the biggest song of a life time”.

    The famous long patience of the US with globalism just snapped. This is a cultural Pearl Harbour moment. I have looked on YouTube and 100% of the reaction videos are positive are from both right and left wing and black and white content creators.

    Go listen to the song it’s called Rich Men North of Richmond.

    1. Everhopeful
      August 15, 2023

      Agree. I discovered him a couple of days ago via my son.
      The tingling spine syndrome usually means something.
      Politicians should listen!

  16. DOM
    August 15, 2023

    Environmental protection has been weaponised and politicised by those who couldn’t give a rat’s ass about the environment. It is that rank insincerity and thirst for total control over our economic life and ability to move freely without State hindrance that we object.

    Those who endorse the very idea of climate change fill me with fear and disgust for we know what the true, sinister aim of this ideology is, Communism through the backdoor

  17. turboterrier
    August 15, 2023

    So we are the leader of the pack. Big deal.
    What have we got to show for it in real terms for the people of this country?
    The only thing that has come out of it for us is that it has enabled our leaders to go around the world pontificating just how good they are as they offer their advice as if we have discovered the holy grail and the panacea to saving the world.
    They all listen and look past all the hype and see what state our country is really in. So is it any wonder they carry on with what they consider is reliable power generation to drive their economies?
    All the while highly recognised and respected climate activists are crawling out from under their rocks admitting they got it wrong. Do we listen, call for a rethink? Not a snowball in hell chance.
    Demolish all the CCC and CCA and sit down, think, plan, and come up with a totally new agenda that the people can adopt and have some faith in.

    1. Mickey Taking
      August 15, 2023

      Its great that we aspire to be the head lemming running at the cliff top.

    2. hefner
      August 16, 2023

      Can you provide a list of the ‘highly recognised and respected climate activists’ who have recently been ®crawling out from under their rocks admitting they got it wrong’. I need to further my education. Thanks in advance.

  18. Donna
    August 15, 2023

    Since the Eco Nutters will never be appeased, perhaps the Not-a-Conservative-Party should stop pandering to them with OUR money. Just a thought.

    I don’t care if “the world’s main governments” want to limit CO2. They have been subjected to the UN’s same flawed, manipulated modelling as the British one and are disseminating the same kind of propaganda to their citizens.

    The Not-a-Conservative-Government should show some global leadership and challenge the UN’s Eco Extremists.

    1. Everhopeful
      August 15, 2023

      Very much agree Donna.
      I wonder where they get all the mad ideas from? And the bare faced cheek to implement them.
      The Vikings relied on bog myrtle and magic mushrooms!
      But that was to go into battle. ( Opium, cocaine, amphetamines etc in all later non Viking conflicts)
      Maybe our leaders need a little help to wage this war against us?

  19. Narrow Shoulders
    August 15, 2023

    With the caveat that we are discussing this based on pursued policy rather than need let us not be misdirected by the low UK figures. We have outsourced much of our total carbon production as part of the halving.

    Realism must take over at some point and “campaigners” need to insist on measure to reduce carbon output and not to increase it while making the figures look better. We need fossil fuels, we need electricity, we need gas. Let’s produce them in this country.

  20. Des
    August 15, 2023

    Literally the only good thing about China. If the present levels of Co2 halved all plant life would start to die. The world needs more plant food not less. Sadly their economy is on the brink of collapse so their valuable contribution will soon drop substantially. Meanwhile our ridiculous ruling class enacts policies to cause starvation and economic ruin.

    1. hefner
      August 16, 2023

      Who on this blog thinks that Net Zero means Zero CO2 in the atmosphere?

      Who thinks it means Zero Net Growth of CO2? In which case what is your estimate of the CO2 atmospheric concentration after ‘Net Zero’ has been achieved?

      1. Berkshire Alan
        August 17, 2023

        Perhaps that excellent question is the one that should be put before the politicians, as I think many of them misunderstand Net Zero, and are totally and utterly confused.
        Indeed one Climate scientist did exactly that to the American politicians who sat on their Climate change Committee. He simply asked them one by one how much Co2 did they think was present already in the atmosphere. Their answers ranged from 4% to 8%, he then gave them the correct answer of less than 0.04% and added the rider that at 0.02% plants would die.
        How bloody embarrassing and shameful for those “so called political experts” on the committee, who were making the rules for everyone else
        Unfortunately cannot remember the link, but a google search my find it.

  21. MPC
    August 15, 2023

    The campaigners won’t concentrate on ‘the challenge’ of the main emitters because they would fail, and their failure would open up discussion about the whole CO2 and net zero insanities. The last thing they want is to open up informed debate because they know they would lose the arguments. The EU referendum showed the threat to the status quo brought about by rational argument, a mistake the environmental campaigners, and the mainstream media, will not repeat.

  22. Bloke
    August 15, 2023

    China generates most, partly because its many people who previously lived frugally are becoming high consumers, like us. They have also turned into the factory of the world. If China bought more western products and we bought less of theirs the figures might be more balanced.

  23. formula57
    August 15, 2023

    President Xi said last October (quoted by Time.com) that “We will work actively and prudently toward the goals of reaching peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality. Based on China’s energy and resource endowments, we will advance initiatives to reach peak carbon emissions in a well-planned and phased way, in line with the principle of getting the new before discarding the old”.

    Why can’t our leaders adopt a similar “well-planned and phased way”? (I acknowledge it is what Mrs. Braverman is doing about the boat invasion.)

  24. Dave Andrews
    August 15, 2023

    The attention to CO2 is mis-direction. If we want to save the planet the areas to focus on are pollution and de-forestation.
    We can do our bit in the UK by adopting a net zero policy – not of CO2 but of immigration. Plant trees not houses and reinstate our temperate rainforests.

  25. Brian Tomkinson
    August 15, 2023

    Man-made climate change is a giant scam. It and Net zero are designed to control and impoverish the majority for the benefit of the already wealthy minority.

  26. Donna
    August 15, 2023

    Perhaps Sir John could inform the Climate Change Committe Eco Zealots of the following:

    “One of the giants of modern science, Dr. John Clauser, has signed the World Climate Declaration (WCD) that states there is no climate emergency. Dr. Clauser is last year’s joint winner of the Nobel physics prize, and he recently sent shock waves through the climate industry by stating the popular climate narrative “reflects a dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy, and the well-being of billions of people”.


    Why is the Not-a-Conservative-Government pursuing a policy which is threatening the well-being of billions of pepole, including the 80 million+ currently living in the UK?

  27. Sharon
    August 15, 2023

    CO2 rises and falls naturally according to the climate. It’s slightly higher now because we’ve been through a period of global warming. We are now due a period of global cooling.

    There are numerous scientists’ websites who explain all this. The GWPF is one.

    CO2 reduction is merely a political decision. It’s being used to change the way we live our lives.

  28. agricola
    August 15, 2023

    4.95 Tonnes per capita and the UK citizen is getting poorer by the hour. Poverty and covert control, until government gets found out, but freedom for the law breakers are the watchwords of consocialism. We get incesant talk, but want action. You try your best SJR but nobody is listening, they are praying to a false god called CO2.

  29. Berkshire Alan
    August 15, 2023

    The reason the protesters will not go to Russia and China, is that they will be locked up, simples !

    We allow them to almost do as they like here, even if it means inconveniencing thousands of people and costs ÂŁ millions, all done under the guise of so called Free Speech and Human Rights, but the majority do not seem to have that same luxury if they take action against them.
    Yet another farce, with the Police just standing by and doing nothing in many cases.

    1. agricola
      August 15, 2023

      Freedom of speech and movement are fundamental to life in the UK . The limit to that individual freedom should be where it conflicts with the freedom of another being. Beyond that point it should be sanctioned by the law and supported by government and the instruments of the law.

      1. Berkshire Alan
        August 15, 2023



  30. Ian B
    August 15, 2023

    I think those figures are a given. The bit missing is the UK contribution to China’s and the EU’s emissions.

    This Conservative Governments actions and seemingly policy is to cancel UK Production and just Import. To cancel UK car production and focus on Chinese derived BEV’s. Cancel the UK economy and make the Country poorer so we cant afford the Imports and are left with no UK owned facilities that can then provide a future.

    So in those terms after 13 years of Conservative miss-rule they are achieving the malicious removal of the UK’s future. There can be no other analysis.

    UK taxpayer money goes straight to the pockets of the Worlds Greatest polluters, does the Conservative Government give a damn – like hell they don’t. If they had shown one once of interest in the UK economy as they do as just ‘giving’ money to fill foreign coffers, the UK would be in a better place to face the future. They have kicked that notion down the line with their fingers crossed behind their backs.

    1. hefner
      August 18, 2023

      ourworldindata.org ‘CO2 emissions’
      It can produce the emissions by country from 1750/1850 to 2021.
      Lower down in the document it can plot the cumulative emissions since 1750.

  31. wes
    August 15, 2023

    Rod Evans +100%

    you understand the science so well

  32. glen cullen
    August 15, 2023

    You can’t sit on the fence on this one
    You either believe 100% the UN IPCC reports or you don’t
    You either believe 100% in the policies of ‘Net-Zero’ or you don’t

    Only politicians, funded scientists and climate crusaders believe in net-zero, agenda-21 and social-engineering 
.the people DON’T

    1. Timaction
      August 15, 2023

      That’s why its time they campaigned on their net zero, car banning, gas boiler banning, meat reduction, public transport etc and see how many people vote for this. A bit like their mass immigration and refusal to stop and deport illegals. We need change. We need REFORM”!

      1. glen cullen
        August 15, 2023

        Agree, they’ve been taking us for mugs for too long ….net-zero was half a sentence in the 2019 manifesto, and now its the be-all & end-all, its net-zero or bust

  33. Donna
    August 15, 2023

    Meanwhile the person pulling the strings of the Westminster Uni-Party, Klaus Schwab, has announced that
    “we have to get used to a total erosion of privacy; everything we do/say must be transparent. It will become part of our personality. And if we have nothing to hide, we shouldn’t be afraid of it. ”

    That’s what Digital ID is really about.

    And another WEF acolyte in the Netherlands says we must all have individual Carbon Wallets so that the wealthy Elite can buy Carbon Indulgences from “the peasants” (who won’t be able to afford to pollute), so they can continue living their privileged lives and generating their extreme levels of pollution.

    Does anybody remember electing the WEF to rule over us. Because I certainly don’t.

  34. Sakara Gold
    August 15, 2023

    There are now several powerful factions within the USA (Churchill called them “the cabal”) supporting a global move to dump the dollar and dethrone it as king of reserve currencies. The reason why is because they wish to create an environment that facilitates the introduction of a central bank digital currency.

    The whole world, led by the USA, is facing unsustainable debt levels (now at ~350% of global GDP) and there are only a few ways to fix this — you can inflate, you can default, or you can find a villain to blame. The American cabal and the UK anti-net zero brigade will blame the green revolution and renewable energy for dethroning the petrodollar.

    How else does the world pay off this humungous debt? As global interest rates rise, debt accumulation is increasing at a pace that the world has never seen. At what point do world governments realize that there is no way to pay it off?

    Many economists believe that rather that opt for the dangerous restrictions on individual liberty, privacy and frightening state control that the introduction of a central bank digital currency would entail, world governments will opt for hyperinflation, which will end in the mother of all depressions. The UK Treasury guarantees ÂŁ85,000 of individual savings. What to we do when the ÂŁ85,000 only buys six eggs and a loaf of bread?

    Those who hold gold bullion will preserve their wealth and survive the coming cataclysm. Those without…..?

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      August 15, 2023

      Russia has debt of 15% of GDP. And that towards the end of a war against NATO.
      If these progressive western environmentalist extremists really gave a toss about ‘the planet’ they would NOT provoke war and especially not nuclear war ‘with the biggest nuclear power on earth, which can shoot down our western nukes (we can’t shoot down theirs)’ Robert F Kennedy.

    2. formula57
      August 15, 2023

      @ Sakara Gold “Those who hold gold bullion….” – typically do so in the form of “paper gold”, i.e. a chit representing a claim on some or other institution’s gold ledger. They will have nothing of worth to have confiscated, rather only those few holding actual bullion whose security arrangements are likely very inadequate.

  35. Keith from Leeds
    August 15, 2023

    These are very helpful figures, thank you, & I do agree. Why are not Just Stop Oil & the other Eco nuts protesting outside the Embassies of these countries? But equally, why are the majority of our MPs happy to pursue policies that damage the UK? Why are MPs not shouting from the rooftops about how much we have done to reduce CO2 compared to these major polluters?
    We need a PM & Chancellor who abandon Net Zero, or push it 20 or 30 years into the future, abandon the ban on Petrol/Diesel powered cars, abandon heat pumps, throw out the ban on gas boilers & start putting the UK first.
    We need less government & lower taxes, less dictatorial attitudes from the Government with proper respect for the people of the UK. All get Stonewall out of the NHS!

    1. Timaction
      August 15, 2023

      We also need less welfare payments and the books balanced as they have promised to do for the last 13 years. A bit like their promise to reduce immigration that impacts everything. Our quality of life, our culture, our heritage, health provision, education, is being destroyed by the Tory’s with zero mandate. They should be ashamed and they’ve had long enough to sort out the woke/pc/cancel culture that has spread throughout our institutions, education and all public services. No root and branch reform as the Tory are the problem NOT the solution.

  36. glen cullen
    August 15, 2023

    Don’t worry the eruption of Mount Etna in Sicily Italy yesterday doesn’t effect net-zero co2 output figures, as its not man-made (woke human-made)

    1. Timaction
      August 15, 2023

      Don’t worry the Tory’s will spend billions on its carbon capture and claim victory in its mission to save the world from volcanoes and our oceans that produce far more than any man made contribution.

      1. hefñer
        August 17, 2023

        Unfortunately for your ‘narrative’, the oceans are a net sink of atmospheric CO2 (as you have already been told a couple of times).

        04/09/2020, Nature.com ‘Revised estimates of atmosphere-ocean CO2 flux are consistent with ocean carbon inventory’.

        earthobservatory.nasa.gov 01/07/2008 ‘The ocean carbon balance’

        ‘The oceans are absorbing more carbon than previously thought’, 01/10/2020 weforum.org (this one specially for the WEF lovers).

  37. Ian B
    August 15, 2023

    To cope with the UK’s 70 year high in taxes and high interest rate brought to you by this Conservative Governments 13 years of rule, the media is reporting – “Pay is rising at the fastest pace since records began in 2001” Figures from the ONS.

    It is the Conservative Government that has created the situation we all face and will have to pay for. You could suggest it was mismanagement but all indications are it has been the refusal to manage that is bringing the Country to its knees. A Socialist Policy. It is putting tax hikes before the economy that has kick started the current round of inflation. Then those departments under the Conservative Governments management, the State, the Quango’s the BOE, the FCA and so on played to the Governments lead of ‘ego’ before job.

    Over the years, Cameron, May, Johnson and now Sunak have all dismissed the ideals of being Conservatives and have instead focused on the sound-bite and speeches to stroke their very personal esteems and ego. ‘Look-at-me-Leaders’ all tied into playing to the tune of the Socialist WEF’s style leadership found elsewhere, the unelected, unaccountable are their ‘gods’, they are/have been its disciples. Service to the Country the electorate, just doing what they had/have been empowered and paid to do just doesn’t come into it. Thank you, the Conservative Party you have destroyed Conservativism.

    Just don’t let any of them turn around and say it wasn’t me, it was and is, the buck stops at the top they failed in their duty and job.

    1. Ian B
      August 15, 2023

      @Ian B –
      Silly season from the Media and the BoE

      From the Daily Telegraph – ‘The shock rise will fuel fears at the Bank of England that Britain is entering a wage-price spiral, where climbing pay awards drive inflation.’ Why the shock it is the result of incompetence

      Late to the situation, the BoE hard on the heals of our 2 Chancellors Sunak/Hunt cant understand the maths that if you increase costs people will want more money to stay afloat. So who caused the inflation? it is certainly not those that are forced to pay for this incompetence.

      ‘Its the economy stupid’

      1. Timaction
        August 15, 2023

        Printing billions of pounds of our currency was a choice by Sounout and the direct consequence of the inflation we now have.

  38. Original Richard
    August 15, 2023

    “I am accepting the fact that all the main world governments do wish to limit greenhouse gases and have baked this into their global and national policies.”

only the democratic western democracies have fallen for the communist controlled UN’s false narrative that we have global boiling. The major communist countries are not following Net Zero and in fact when President Biden’s climate envoy, John Kerry, recently spent 3 days in Beijing to persuade China to join the Net Zero club he was told to get lost. All the other “signed up” countries have been bribed with promises of money to “combat” the climate “emergency” or believe they can sue to get reparations.

    Reply Xi has set out a 30/60 policy to get to net zero and the Central Bank talks of a 100 tn yuan investment programme

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      August 15, 2023

      Reply to reply – was his announcement in English – it may as well have been, it was directed at the white world as you can demonstrate above in your table. He has not implemented any of his announcement in China, although because of the one child policy China is going through a contraction.
      The politicking is called ‘lying’ in order to trap the opponent, we are trapped.

    2. Original Richard
      August 15, 2023

      Reply to REPLY :

      Sorry, but I don’t believe President Xi’s promises, and anyway, even if they do intend to reduce the use of fossil fuels for energy to give them greater energy security you can be certain they will be using nuclear and not useless renwables.

    3. Timaction
      August 15, 2023

      Net zero was probably invented and supported by China and Russia and our Western politicos bought it hook line and sinker!

  39. Original Richard
    August 15, 2023

    “Only when China, India and Russia curb their output will the world have a chance to go to net zero. Why don’t the campaigners concentrate more on that challenge?”

    Because there is no climate emergency. It is only a way to impoverish, weaken and control the populations of the western democracies through the implementation of economy destroying net zero using electrification and transitioning from cheap, abundant fossil fuels and nuclear to meagre supplies of expensive and intermittent energy from Chinese supplied renewables.

  40. Original Richard
    August 15, 2023

    Because increasing CO2 is not a problem. The western democracies have been persuaded by the communist activists to close down not only their fossil fuel generated power but also nuclear, the only low CO2 emitting energy source which is affordable, reliable and abundant. Meanwhile China and Russia burn fossil fuels and are investing in nuclear for the future.

    1. Original Richard
      August 15, 2023

      PS : This comment was a second reply to :

      “Only when China, India and Russia curb their output will the world have a chance to go to net zero. Why don’t the campaigners concentrate more on that challenge?”

  41. Madge
    August 15, 2023

    The figures are interesting but perhaps disingenuous, along the lines of “lies dam*ed lies and statistics”. I use electricity at home, possibly from Drax using imported wood chips or the continental interconnectors, and gas possibly from the Middle East. I drive a Toyota Yaris petrol hybrid, mainly made in Japan and assembled in France, achieving over 65 mpg of imported oil/petrol in the warmer weather. As John has said many times, we import steel, cement, glass, etc from other countries rather than make it here. Of “my”4.95 tonnes, how much would it be if my imported carbon consumption was included and China’s etc output to the world as exports were excluded from their totals?

  42. glen cullen
    August 15, 2023

    This Tory government talks big to the media in helping the average Joe, however Sunak hasn’t reversed his policies on, fracking shale gas, ULEZ, helping the motorist, 15-min cities, 20mph, banning ICE, banning gas boilers etc
..well he just hasn’t reversed any net-zero policy, the madness continues

    1. Timaction
      August 15, 2023

      It’s already baked in with the Climate change Act and the cross party consensus Climate Change Committee. All the action are coming unless we rid ourselves of these CO2 bogy gas (plant food) clowns.

  43. glen cullen
    August 15, 2023

    The French interconnector is at 17.5% as at 10:00hrs ….thats a big co2 savings (maybe the plan is to import all energy …zero co2)

  44. glen cullen
    August 15, 2023

    Illegal Immigrants yesterday 111 in 2 boats
    …and thats with all the media focused on the french coast and the channel

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      August 15, 2023

      The EU has announced it will not accept anybody returned from the U.K.
      why don’t we announce that we will not accept anybody arriving from the EU?

      1. Mike Wilson
        August 15, 2023

        why don’t we announce that we will not accept anybody arriving from the EU?

        Because our politicians are spineless and useless. It’s easier not to act. It doesn’t affect them with their nice salary, expenses and pensions. Why bother when you know you’ll be out of office in a year. They really, literally don’t give a **** about anything. They have the cushiest life imaginable (after the Royals). Inflation’s up! So what! Debt is out of control? What do you expect me, a lowly MP, to do about it? Immigration is out of control! Doesn’t affect me – I live in a nice area and couldn’t care less. NHS is a shambles! I can’t hear you! I’ve got private health care. Where are all the police these days? There’s plenty around the Palace of Westminster – what are you on about?

        Etc. Etc.

    2. Berkshire Alan
      August 15, 2023

      At that rate we will need 2 more Barges a week !
      Problem we have is that the fools actually think that is a solution !

      1. Timaction
        August 15, 2023

        A day. It’s a total farce. 500 per barge is less than a days worth on a bad day! Only when they grow some balls and tell, not ask, the French that we are returning their illegals safely via the tunnel the same day, will it stop. Then the Home Office needs to pull its finger out and deport them. Not years, days at most. No papers must assume no right to remain. No agreement to have their citizens, no foreign aid. Simples. We, the 46% can’t afford the Governments gross incompetence. EU no deal, no fish!

        1. glen cullen
          August 16, 2023

          Like it ….’No deal No fish’

    3. Everhopeful
      August 15, 2023

      I heard this morning that apparently/allegedly the newcomers are actually PICKED UP from France and brought here. ( I had always suspected that 
I mean even Caesar had probs with the Channel and those dinghies are very little.)

  45. Bert+Young
    August 15, 2023

    Compared to other countries we are but a drop in the ocean . Our priorities must put the state of our economy first . Survival has many ingredients including clean air but we have several hurdles to jump before the race is won .

  46. Bert+Young
    August 15, 2023

    Compared to other countries we are but a drop in the ocean . Our priorities must put the state of our economy first .

  47. David Cooper
    August 15, 2023

    “Only when China, India and Russia curb their output will the world have a chance to go to net zero. Why don’t the campaigners concentrate more on that challenge?”
    Sentence 1 response: “They won’t, so it’s all futile.”
    Sentence 2 response: “Because those countries won’t, and the campaigners know that concentrating on that challenge would be futile. Alternatively, they don’t care either way, because their real goal is to see the UK returned to the Dark Ages via a unilateral Great Leap Backward.”

  48. Kenneth
    August 15, 2023

    The CO2 arguments are mainly driven by the powerful non-elected sector and I believe it is less to do with the environment and more of a Trojan horse to bring in more Marxism/Communism.

    Global warming is an issue based on projections (which have proved to be innacurate so far).

    The problem with this media-led campaign is that it obscures real environmental issues such as the depletion of insects in recent years and rubbish in the oiceans which are based on actual data and not predictions.

  49. Diane
    August 15, 2023

    We are often told we (UK) have been reducing our emissions at a faster rate than many and that we must lead the way… The figures today on the Facts4eu.org site give some comparisons for 2021 – tonnes of C02 per capita so it would seem as far as some EU countries are concerned they have some catching up to do.

    1. glen cullen
      August 15, 2023

      But there’s no success target or criteria, the pursuit & movement to net-zero is never-ending

    2. Mike Wilson
      August 15, 2023

      The figures today on the Facts4eu.org site give some comparisons for 2021

      Do those figures allow for all the outsourced gas? Buying something Made in Chain means the CO2 goes on their account but, one, as the consumer, is responsible for that CO2.

  50. Ed
    August 15, 2023

    To really cut down on carbon dioxide emissions why doesn’t this utterly incompetent government pass a law banning volcanic eruptions?

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      August 15, 2023


    2. glen cullen
      August 15, 2023

      +many …I bet its under consideration …maybe they should ban all foreign aid, as developed countries produce more co2 …madness

  51. Ed
    August 15, 2023

    Also, today at 3pm, our vast investment in wind power was producing 1.25 GW.
    About 4 per cent of demand.

    1. glen cullen
      August 15, 2023

      At 2 times today we where importing more electricity via the europe interconnectors than producing electricity via wind-turbines ……and France controls the switch

  52. Barbara
    August 15, 2023

    ‘I am accepting the fact that all the main world governments do wish to limit greenhouse gases and have baked this into their global and national policies.‘

    I do see that this is the case – but as my father used to say, “And if everyone else were to jump off a cliff, would you jump too?”

    By the way – the biggest contributor to the greenhouse effect, by a long way, is water vapour. You (plural) will have to limit water vapour all over the world if you wish to ‘limit greenhouse gases’ – and that will be an impossible, pointless exercise. As is the whole thing.

    1. hefner
      August 16, 2023

      Water vapour is certainly the biggest greenhouse warming gas: but with evaporation from water surfaces, condensation in clouds and precipitation from them, its typical atmospheric lifetime is about five days (the average time a molecule of H2O goes through this hydrological cycle). Which makes it insignificant to the greenhouse warming question. The only sizeable effect is that at fixed relative humidity, a 1C increase in temperature corresponds to a 7% increase in absolute humidity, with potential impact on the so-called Lorenz’s energy cycle:

      ‘The Lorenz energy cycle: Trends and the impact of modes of climate variability’, Q.Ma et al., 2021, Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 73, 1, 1-15. tandfonline.com

  53. MikeP
    August 15, 2023

    Although I hold no hope of this ever happening under this Conservative Government or a future under Labour, it would seem entirely reasonable for UK to say we remain fully committed to lowering our CO2 emissions but it must be done at a pace where the costs to our economy are no greater in relative terms to China, India, Russia and other large CO2 emitters.
    Rishi Sunak needs to grow a pair to make such a principled stand but Western nations seem to consider economic suicide a great VIRTUE while the majority of their citizens see it as an act of gross STUPIDITY.

  54. glen cullen
    August 15, 2023

    Net-Zero & Climate Change is a game changer for UK democracy
    Parliament allows us to believe that we’re in control, we’re the ones with the power to vote, and that our majority opinion is sacrosanct; we the people shape our parliament & government

    Not so, our parliament and government want to control, shape and social engineer the people into a conforming socialist state 
.it just so happens that net-zero is a convenient tool implement its totalitarian plan – mark my words

  55. Mike Wilson
    August 15, 2023

    IF people, including those pretending to be our government, were serious about reducing CO2, they would ban trade with the worst polluters – China and the USA. I’m doing my bit – as far as I can.

    Why doesn’t the government encourage UK manufacturing? Can you buy an oven or hob made here? A computer made here with components from here? A mobile phone?

    1. John Waugh
      August 15, 2023

      Mike- I was pleased to replace a washing machine which had been made in Britain with ,as far as i know,the only British made one at present.
      It is a quality product with a 7 year guarantee made by Ebac based in County Durham .

  56. outsider
    August 15, 2023

    Dear Sir John,
    Thank you for these statistics, particularly on carbon emissions per head.
    Net zero has become a slogan to which all manner of campaigners can attach attach their agendas, some of which actually increase carbon emissions, especially in the short to medium term, while others are essentially malevolent.
    Your analysis suggests a practical and ethical policy for the UK: that does not rely on “setting an example” that others would not be daft enough to follow and might attract a broad measure of support.

    As you say, UK emissions per head are relatively modest for an advanced economy. On my simplistic calculation, our 4.95 tonnes is still slightly above the world average of 4.65 tonnes. Regardless of what others do, we could set ourselves a target of being below the world average within the time for which current politicians have some responsibility and pledge ourselves to remain below that average for as long as it takes.

    We can do this without destroying our way of life, as some campaigners want to do. Hence these are targets that we can set ourselves rather than having them forced upon us without any democratic alternative. They recognise that there is nothing the UK alone can do that would have a measurable effect on climate. They set a good example to others that is realistic enough for some of them to follow. They also allow and demand sensible logistical planning as suggested by President Xi in formula57’s quote above.

  57. forthurst
    August 15, 2023

    USA, China, India, Russia, Japan, Germany are the largest economies measured by GPD (PPP) which is the real measure. Only Germany is capable of being bullied by green freaks and the crime syndicate in Washington. Japan may still be occupied by the Washington crooks but they do not permit them to meddle in their economy or enforce mass third world immigration on them. Germany’s economy will continue to decline relative to the others as will ours for similar reasons.
    An advanced economy is bound to produce CO2. Net Tory Arts graduates is lethal for our economy as their windmills and solar panels provide subsidies for their friends but saddle us with expensive and unreliable electricity and furthermore are incapable of driving heavy industry.

  58. Barbara
    August 15, 2023

    I thought it might be useful to remind ourselves of what Mrs T – one of the most popular PMs we have ever had, who aimed to add Con MPs to parliament instead of reducing them – said in her autobiography, Statecraft.

    ‘By the end of my time as Prime Minister I was also becoming seriously concerned about the anti-capitalist arguments which the campaigners against global warming were deploying 

    So in a speech to scientists in 1990 I observed: whatever international action we agree upon to deal with environmental problems, we must enable all our economies to grow and develop because without growth you cannot generate the wealth required to pay for the protection of the environment.”

    “The doomsters’ favourite subject today is climate change,” she wrote. “Clearly no plan to alter climate could be considered on anything but a global scale, it provides a marvellous excuse for worldwide, supra-national socialism.”

    She attacked former US vice president Al Gore directly and argued that “Kyoto was an anti-growth, anti-capitalist, anti-American project which no American leader alert to his country’s national interests could have supported.”

    Apparently the current leader does support it 
 draw your own conclusions.

  59. glen cullen
    August 15, 2023

    Subject – YES/NO – Result
    Wind turbine energy – NO – Higher electricity costs
    Solar energy – NO – Higher electricity costs
    Biomass energy – NO – Higher electricity costs
    Reduced Coal energy – NO – Higher electricity costs
    Reduced Gas energy – NO – Higher electricity costs
    Europe Interconnectors energy – NO – Higher electricity costs
    Imported LPG /Shale Gas energy – NO – Higher electricity costs
    Tax on Plastic Bags – NO – Higher shopping costs
    Smart Meters – NO – Poorer people are colder
    Ban ICE cars – NO – Higher purchase costs, lack of choice, lack of freedom
    Ban Gas Boilers – NO – Higher purchase costs, lack of choice, lack of freedom
    ULEZ/LTN/20mph – NO – Higher travel costs, lack of choice, lack of freedom

    The list continues 
..and nothing we do in the UK will make the slightest bit of difference to global co2

    1. glen cullen
      August 15, 2023

      ESG Banking Cancel Fossil Fuel Investments – NO – Higher electricity costs

    2. glen cullen
      August 15, 2023

      E10 fuel – NO – Higher petrol costs
      Low Energy Light Bulbs – NO – Higher electricity costs

    3. glen cullen
      August 15, 2023

      Carbon Capture – NO – Higher taxation
      Net-Zero Employed Officer x1000s – NO – Higher taxation
      UN COP Conference – NO – Higher electricity costs, lack of democracy

    4. glen cullen
      August 16, 2023

      ”has it made any difference YES/NO”

  60. glen cullen
    August 15, 2023

    Off-shore wind turbine ownership around the UK coast are 99% foreign owned
    Basically the same as importing electricity 
.How is that beneficial to the taxpayer and energy security (one of the companies is China Resources)

  61. hefner
    August 16, 2023

    And the Crown Estate got ÂŁ193 m from these companies since 2013, on which it obviously does not pay tax. Given the increase in wind energy within the UK continental shell in the next 10 years an additional ÂŁ9 bn windfall is expected from the offshore wind leases.
    What’s not to like?

    Prospect, Summer 2023, ‘Ruling the waves’, p.13-17.

    Will the King give the £1 bn a year ®windfall’ from the latest auction of ®our’ seabed to a Commons Capital Fund that Parliament could monitor and possibly use?

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