Vaccines harm and compensation

On Friday Parliament debated the issues surrounding vaccines and in particular the various covid vaccines. Christopher Chope  produced a private members bill to improve payments to anyone badly affected by vaccine. The Minister reminded the House that anyone can claim a one off £120,000 payment if they have proof of disability and harm from taking an NHS vaccine. This applies to any vaccine including one against covid. The government added the anti covid treatments to the list of those items covered. The Minister explained that the one off payment does not exclude benefit payments for disability and sickness which may be necessary for anyone badly affected by a vaccine as well as by other more usual  causes of disability and ill health. The one off payment is  not compensation.  The Minister argued that such incidence was unusual for covid and for other approved vaccines. It is unlikely the Bill will pass as it seems that the government and the Opposition disagree with it, thinking current arrangements to make payments are sufficient subject to admin improvements to ensure prompt payment.

The Adjournment debate is a half hour debate at the end of the day’s business when a single member can be allotted the time to make a case they think important and  hear a Minister’s reply. Andrew Bridgen secured this slot to point out  that there were too many excess deaths continuing in the UK and to argue these were related to the covid vaccination of most people.

The Minister drawing on her NHS medical  advice agreed that excess deaths were continuing at higher levels than before covid, but denied this resulted from the vaccinations. She argued that because 93.6% of the population had been vaccinated it was true most people dying were those who had the vaccine. It did not prove or mean  the  vaccine  caused those deaths. Nor did she detect a lower death rate amongst the minority who had not been vaccinated. She said there was some inconclusive  evidence that non vaccinated people suffered a higher death rate than vaccinated.  She argued that there were a  variety of  causes of continuing excess deaths, including the backlog of treatments, bad outbreaks of flu, and a range of other killers running higher.

Work on the sudden death of young people from blood clots we are told has revealed  a small number of  cases brought on by vaccines, but we are told more people die of blood clots from contracting covid.  The Opposition supported the government in the debate of the Chope Bill and made clear their belief in the efficacy and success of the vaccines administered by the  NHS.

I set this out as I know some constituents and readers are concerned about these matters. I have  no medical knowledge or evidence to challenge the NHS/Ministerial view that these vaccines like all such treatments adversely affected a small number of people per million injected but are  not the main  cause of the current continuing spate of excess deaths. I offer people the chance to debate this further but will not publish contributions that potentially libel the NHS or drug companies based on coincidence or circumstantial evidence with  no  proof of causation. It was of course open to people not to take the vaccine if they did not like what was said about possible side effects, or about the balance between possible harms and possible benefits of taking it. The authorities  always said there could be some side effects and put in place a reporting system to monitor them.  The issue for some Health staff is  different if they had to take it. Everyone was aware these vaccines were developed at pace and approved to offer some defence against the virus when understanding of it was evolving.

I followed the debate carefully but did not contribute as I do not  have any special knowledge or evidence to present to  disagree with the NHS view. The argument that excess deaths today result from the vaccine need to show strong evidence of  more excess deaths for the vaccinated than the unvaccinated and to show causes of death are clearly linked to the vaccine impact rather than resulting from higher levels of death from a range of causes from dementia to flu.



  1. Nan T
    October 22, 2023

    Thank you for opening up this topic for debate here.
    As someone who had two jabs in the first months of 2021 I was never “informed” about side effects – it was simply a case of roll your sleeve up and take it. We were deliberately misled as the jabs were not a vaccine as we had all previously understood. Now having learnt what so many have suffered, I will never have another.

    Safety trials normally take years and when adverse effects occur, as with the one for swine flu of 1 in 10000, they are withdrawn. The adverse effects for the covid vaccines is 1 in 800 and yet still they are being pushed.

    Australia was “vaccinating” their citizens and they were suffering excess deaths before Omicron even reached there. So those deaths cannot be attributed to covid. The logic being that the “mRNA vaccines” were the cause.

    It is vitally important that there is a national debate and in the meantime these “vaccines” should be suspended while thorough research is done on them.

    Big pharma were making $1000 each and every second out of this drug that had emergency authorisation only. (Individual company comments left out Ed)Follow the money.

    Now we have to all come together against the WHO International Health Regulations to prevent WHO dictating how the UK reacts to any future “global crisis”.

    1. Mary M.
      October 22, 2023

      Nan T, Andrew Bridgen continues the fight. Next Tuesday, under the Ten Minute Rule Motion procedure, he will be proposing a bill entitled Parliamentary Sovereignty (Referendums).

      As he told Dr. John Campbell in an interview last week (12 minutes into the conversation), he is hoping to ‘bring in a bill which would prevent the Government from giving away our powers and sovereignty to the WHO’.

      1. Hope
        October 22, 2023

        JR, you still have the expertise challenge dishonesty and false claims made by your govt. For example, the MRNA jab did not stop the spread of covid nor did it prevent anyone from getting it. Javid did coerce care staff to have a jab or lose their job! It took a doctor challenging Javid to change his govt’s Chinese authoritarian stance. Why has Astra Zenica jab been dropped without explanation to those, like me, who had the jab? Other countries said it was unsafe, was this proved?

        No evidence children should have had the jab, why did/ has the govt continued to jab children? Cave in to teaching unions?

        Sweden and others have had their govt review and reviewed plans. Including economic impact. Your govt review is a whitewash to cover arses. Is the useless head of NHS going to be held to account or Stevens before her? How about Hunt’s catastrophic failure as health minister to prepare our nation for a pandemic? Also his failure to have stocks of PPE equipment, why was our country not self sufficient and reliant on China! France stopped PPE equipment at its borders from coming here, what has been done? EU stopped vaccines to N.Ireland. Why is our govt not treating EU as a hostile body that it was including stopping electricity to Channel Islands? Has your govt or will it ever recognise national security issues above hostile EU?

        Can you force through at quick time Not to surrender powers to Vhinese led WHO. Follow Trump and stop funding this Chinese dominated organisation,

        1. John O'Leary
          October 22, 2023

          100+ upticks.

        2. rose
          October 22, 2023

          We were prepared for a pandemic. We were not prepared for a total shutdown as that had never happened before. As Osborne pointed out at the inquiry, we only did it because the Chinese did it. We never did it in 1968 when we had the deadly Hong Kong flu. That epidemic was not politicised at all. We either got it or we didn’t; we either died of it or we didn’t. It was nothing to do with the PM. When it went to the USA the following year it was nothing to do with the President either.

          This is what the inquiry should be focusing on, rather than trying to frame Boris as a mass murderer for not shutting the country down soon enough or for long enough or hard enough.

          1. Hope
            October 23, 2023

            Cabinet secretary Casey appears to be a bit of snake does he not with his texts about Carrie and Johnson. Not the first time he had Johnson in his sights, very u professional and totally disloyal. It strikes me he is not discreet enough for his role and should go ASAP. Inquiry needs to be stopped. It has already shown to be totally worthless. An earner for a few lawyers.

          2. Hope
            October 23, 2023

            Operation Cygnet? What was the outcome? We were not prepared because there was not sufficient equipment, no rationale plan for quickly built Nightingale hospitals and who would staff them. They turned out to be a complete waste of money. Elderly could have been put in them from hospital than care homes! No the country was not prepared and nothing, absolutely nothing, happened to Stevens (Blaire’s left wing health advisor) or Hunt. Once again high paid incompetent fools failing to take or be forced to take responsibility for their failings. Same for Hancocks disgraceful conduct. Everyone accepts people can only do their best or incompetent best. But these failed in every regard to prepare or deal with the pandemic properly or reasonably competent way. Hancock has no self awareness, instead of being a full time committed MP he is putting other TV interests first. Which sums up career politicians and mates of the same.

      2. Hope
        October 22, 2023


        You are totally wasted in your miserable excuse of a party. How you manage to remain sane amongst the overwhelming amount of dip shits is beyond me.

      3. Nan T
        October 22, 2023

        Thank you Mary.
        I was aware, but given how many times Andrew Bridgen had to request to get his debate last Friday, tragically he will yet again get little support. I do wish him every success and thankfully he is steadfast.

    2. Peter Gardner
      October 22, 2023

      You are utterly wrong about Australia and utterly wrong about the drivers of excess deaths. Omicron arrived in Dec 2021 and reached approx 100% of cases by mid Jan 2022. Covid deaths rose because restrictions were lifted progressively as vaccination levels increased (overtaking the UK in Nov 2021 and settling at approx 82% compared withthe UK’s 74%) and the greater infection rates of Omicron and the lower efficacy of vaccines against Omicron. Extensive analysis showed that the unvaccinated or those who had had only one vaccination were vastly disproportionately represented in the Covid deaths. Covid was still the primary cause of excess deaths in the first quarter of 2023 (latest data).

    3. Peter Gardner
      October 22, 2023

      2nd reply. There have been a grand total of 15 vaccine related deaths in Australia, of which 13 were attrributed to AZ (not an mRNA vacccine). That is why approval of AZ was withdrawn in Australia even though it was manufactered there. In terms of excess deaths 15 is utterly insignificant.

      1. Peter Gardner
        October 22, 2023

        PS out of 64 million vaccinations. insignificant.

    4. Wanderer
      October 22, 2023

      +1. They should never have, and should not, call it “vaccine”. I’ve no doubt this was deliberate, to make it sound safe and to ensure any sceptics are tarnished as anti- vaccination. I’m not, but I’m not going to take any mRNA pharmaceuticals and regret I had a couple of doses.

      As for ” It was of course open to people not to take the vaccine if they did not like what was said about possible side effects” well yes, if they didn’t need to travel overseas, keep a job etc. Some choice!

      I didn’t trust the establishment much before Covid, due to the Brexit cop-out.. Any delusion they are “on our side” evaporated after Covid. I want less government intervention and more power to the individual.

      1. Donna
        October 22, 2023

        By calling it a vaccine (which it isn’t) they could use a simplified procedure to get emergency authorisation. If they’d called a gene therapy, which is what it is, the approvals process was far longer and more demanding.

    5. Lester_Cynic
      October 22, 2023

      Nan T

      Informed consent obviously wasn’t given, that’s one of the foremost requirements!

    6. Lester_Cynic
      October 22, 2023

      Nan T

      Informed consent obviously wasn’t given, that’s one of the foremost requirements!

      And NO I’ve never said that before, there’s some wrong with your website

    7. MFD
      October 22, 2023

      Time for Sunak to put pen to paper saying NO! to the WHO about their plans , followed by a resignation of Great Britain from the organisation!

      It is not people friendly!

      1. paul cuthbertson
        October 22, 2023

        MFD – NO chance of that happening.

      2. Donna
        October 22, 2023

        Absolutely. Not only is it not people friendly, it is a surrendering of Sovereignty which will effectively give the WHO control over this country whenever it decides to …. AND the British people. It will have the power to demand “vaccination” whether people agree or not.

  2. Lifelogic
    October 22, 2023

    Well done for addressing this issue JR. You say:- “The argument that excess deaths today result from the vaccine need to show strong evidence of more excess deaths for the vaccinated than the unvaccinated and to show causes of death are clearly linked to the vaccine impact rather than resulting from higher levels of death from a range of causes from dementia to flu.”

    The evidence is overwhelming and Worldwide it cannot be hidden. It can be seen in the timing of the excess deaths that correlate with the vaccine roll out by age. In Australia esp it can be easily separated for covid infection caused issue.

    Overwhelming evidence despite the vast levels of coverup that governments are indulging in. Witness the absurd subtitles placed under Bridgen’s excellent and accurate parliamentary speech by the BBC. Death afer a period of high deaths (brought forwards deaths) should be sig. lower and indeed they are in countries and regions with lower vaccination take up.

    The size of the issue is at least 1000 times that of the contaminated blood scandal. Giving these unsafe “vaccines” & certainly to younger people and those who had had Covid already was surely criminal negligence? Especially as the “vaccines” did nothing to prevent infection spread. There was no benefit to these people (or even others) and carried large and totally pointless risks.

    Where are the police enquires into corporate manslaughter and gross negligence. Why were vaccine regulators funded largely by big Pharma?

    1. Donna
      October 22, 2023

      I watched the “debate” on Parliament TV …. I refuse to watch the Biased Broadcasting Corp. But I have seen screen captures of the BBC’s propaganda messaging whilst Bridgen was giving his speech.

      The BBC clearly broke the impartiality rules. All it was required to do was televise the debate, not produce captions contravening one opinion being given.

      I presume the Government/Ofcom will be taking action against the BBC, which blatantly broke its Charter obligations 🙂

    2. Nan T
      October 22, 2023

      It has been noticed in NZ that there are clusters of deaths subsequent to having the jab. On one day 30 people were jabbed at the same location and all died within close time of each other – which is described as “being statistically highly unlikely”. Now Liz Gunn (Leader of the NZ Loyalty Party) is calling for a full criminal investigation. The NZ government knew of every side effect before “vaccination” started as likely did our government.
      So “safe and effective” was a lie.

      1. Lifelogic
        October 22, 2023

        Indeed many batches had hugely different adverse effects. So they almost certainly had very different contents. I assumes the vaccine companies and regulators would have spotted this very quickly and taken action.

        As you say of so many deaths from the same day injections, “unlikely” is rather an understatement rather like like winning the lottery five times in a row. Unless that is the batch being injected was rather different to the others.

  3. Sakara Gold
    October 22, 2023

    At the height of the Chinese plague virus crisis in 2020 over a thousand people were dying daily. The NHS was overwhelmed. In total ~186,000 citizens of this country had “Covid” written on their death certificates, an appalling number

    We know that those over 70 had a 10,000-times greater risk of dying than those under 15 during the pandemic; this reflects the dreadful impact of the virus on care homes for the elderly, many of which suffered 100% mortality.

    The various lockdowns, opposed by those on the far right of the party for economic reasons, did break the chains of transmission and so gave the NHS time to recover. Many health professionals now acknowledge that the rapid introduction of the vaccines finaly brought the epidemic here under control.

    We should not be focusing on whether the introduction of the vaccines contributed to the appalling cost of the epidemic in terms of human life lost. Rather, we should focus on the political decisions taken without reference to the scientific advice by those in charge. And the lessons to be learned from the effect those decisions had on virus mortality. One thing is certain; another pandemic may well be just round the corner.

    1. Hat man
      October 22, 2023

      It’s time you updated your knowledge base, SG. Last year the response to a FOI request was that of 175,000 deaths with Covid on the death certificate at that time, only 10% had only Covid on the death certificate. 90% of those fatalities had serious co-morbidities which could easily have been responsible for death without Covid.

      The medical establishment position, seen in the Minister’s reply to Andrew Bridgen on Friday, is to accept a low standard of evidence for Covid-caused deaths, but to demand a much higher standard of evidence for vaccine-caused deaths. In other words, double standards.

      1. Lifelogic
        October 22, 2023

        Exactly. Then they look at excess deaths & even compare it with higher death years and also ignoring the fact that after a higher pandemic etc. death period you should normally have lower deaths for a while. They certainly need to look into the causes of the excess deaths esp. in younger people & what vaccines they had had or had not had. It is easy to get to the facts but those in charge clearly do not wish to they are trying to hide them. This as they prob. know what they will find not look very nice.

      2. Sakara Gold
        October 22, 2023

        @Hat Man
        I find your attempt to minimise the numbers of people who sadly lost their lives to the Chinese plague virus highly offensive.

        The 186,000 figure came from the BBC website, during the crisis it was updated weekly. I think doctors know what kills people better than unqualified people with an axe to grind such as yourself. Many nurses, consultants, doctors, care home staff, teachers, bar staff, students, without “co-morbidities” were among the fatalities

        1. Hat man
          October 22, 2023

          If you can’t see how you’re begging the question when you say ‘lost their lives to [Covid]’, SG, that’s a pity.

          The government’s answer to the FOI request ‘How many Covid deaths had only Covid on the death certificate?’ was 17,500. Of course Covid may have played a part in a good deal more than that, and yes, 17,500 deaths are there to say Covid was by itself enough to kill people. But to imply that Covid was responsible for over ten times that number of deaths, as I think you did, was gross misinformation which needed to be corrected.

    2. Lifelogic
      October 22, 2023

      Well just in England and Wales we have circa 600,000 deaths PA so over three years 186,000 dying within 28days of a positive test for Covid with almost anyone I’ll being tests and the infection being very common is not that surprising. It is only about 10% of the deaths. How many of these deaths were mainly or fully caused by Covid is rather different. Had they counted everyone who died within 28 days of having a runny nose or a head ache they would have had rather a large number too. The average age of a Covid death was higher than the normal average age of death too.

      1. Hope
        October 22, 2023

        Why did the govt Allow flights from China when internal flights in China were stopped!! WHO mandate controlled by
.China? Why did the govt allow flights in from covid EU hotspots without any testing or knowledge where they were going!! We were forcefully imprisoned!!

        1. rose
          October 22, 2023

          And why did they continue to allow illegal immigration across the Channel? Was the Kent variant really the Calais variant?

          1. Ed M
            October 22, 2023

            Problem is there aren’t enough workers to run our economy. So we: 1) Take in immigrants or 2) Not at all and our economy diminishes or 3) We try and redress the cultural / social problem of native people not procreating enough and not wanting to work enough. What other possibilities / solutions are there?!

            Also, when we do do immigration, we’re letting in lots of immigrants who are abusing the system. And still after the Tories in power for years (and not suggesting we don’t vote Tory but the Tories have to do something fairly radical – although not crazy either). So this too has to be addressed.

    3. Mickey Taking
      October 22, 2023

      People at age 15 have what chance of dying within 2 years?, compare that to people aged 72, 74, 76, 78 etc and you will find the older the higher risk of dying. With or without a vaccination of any kind. Pretty obvious isn’t it?

      1. Lifelogic
        October 22, 2023

        Well not so simple, the Covid virus was certainly far more dangerous for older people hardly killing any young fit people at all but this is not always the case. The many heart issues caused by the Covid vaccines sadly seem to be far worse for younger people and Spanish flu and the Black Death for examples killed many very young people.

        1. rose
          October 22, 2023

          Hong Kong flu also took many healthy young people.

    4. Donna
      October 22, 2023

      The Government downgraded Covid 19 to a Low Consequence Infectious Disease about 5 days BEFORE the first lockdown was imposed …. because it had low mortality rates. They knew that the mortality rate was around 0.2% and they knew who the most vulnerable groups were.

      There was absolutely no medical justification for the lockdowns – as Sweden demonstrated, by copying OUR Pandemic Plan which SAGE and the Quad ditched in favour of copying Communist China.

    5. Dave Andrews
      October 22, 2023

      The dreadful impact in care homes was a result of incubating the disease in hospitals and exporting it to those care homes – poor infection control.

      1. Mickey Taking
        October 22, 2023

        no testing prior to sending out to Care Homes – you mean don’t you?

      2. Lifelogic
        October 22, 2023

        Without even any testing in many cases.

      3. rose
        October 22, 2023

        Apparently not. It was carried in mostly by staff, and on the continent too. Scotland had the highest deathrate in nursing homes in Europe.

    6. MFD
      October 22, 2023

      I remind SG that at that time on Hancock’s orders one would have had covid as the reason of death by covid written on the death certificate if one died falling out of a tree! By one doctor not witnessed by a second doctor.

    7. Mike Austin
      October 22, 2023

      ONS statistics show that, in England and Wales for the whole of 2020/2021 show:
      1) 156,924 ‘covid’ deaths with 28 days of a positive covid test but including pre-existing conditions and comorbidities
      2) 18,939 ‘covid’ deaths with comorbidities and no pre-existing conditions
      3) 6,183 ‘covid’ deaths with only covid on deaths certificate
      The average age of death was 77.8 – the same as all-cause mortality in 2021!
      Less than 20% of the victims were under 65.
      The total covid-only deaths in school children aged 5-15 was 1 in a population of 8 million.
      If we express lives lost due to covid alone as life years, i.e. total years from an average 77.8 lifespen divided by 77.8, we have a total number of just 467.
      Covid never was, of itself, any more serious than flu. Remedies from re-purposed drugs were available – such as ivermection with a 75% success rate. There was no basis for any experimental injection – but plenty of reasons to stop it due to death and injury in the first few months.
      The excess deaths in children aged 10-19 since the begininnng of this year are 18% above the average of 2010-2019. That is 150 excess deaths. MHRA report 17 deaths on Yellow Card Reports from the jab.

    8. paul cuthbertson
      October 22, 2023

      Sakara Gold – If you jumped out of an aircraft at high altitude without a parachute your death was attributed to covid. If you died in a motor cycle accident your death was attributed to covid. etc. etc.The list goes on and on.
      In the USA ,hospitals were paid $13000 for a covid diagnosis using a fake test and $39000 if death was attributed to covid. Follow the money.

    9. Ian L
      October 22, 2023

      These are adulterated stats based on a bizzare 28 day temporal association between positive test and eventual death, of whatever causes. Fraudulent. Garbage in, garbage out.

  4. Lifelogic
    October 22, 2023

    “What’s the use of a Tory party that isn’t tough on crime?”
    Asks Simon Heffer today.

    Indeed or one that increases taxes to the highest levels for 70+ year while delivering very poor and declining public service.

    One that runs open door low skilled immigration are very high levels.

    One that blocks the roads, attacks landlords (and thus tenants), attacks the self employed, small businesses, road users

    One that debases the currency with vast QE and so delivers very high inflation.

    One that follows the mad, net zero religion and delivers ever higher energy prices.

    On that wastes billions on HS2, pointless degrees, test and trace and kills and injures hundreds of thousands of people with net harm poorly tested Covid Vaccines that most people never remotely even needed.

    Led by Sunak, who makes five promised but will only perhaps hit the inflation one. Inflation he caused as Chancellor.

    1. Lifelogic
      October 22, 2023

      A party that also failed to deliver a real and clean Brexit despite an 80 seat majority, failed to take real advantage of Brexit and they botched Covid in almost every respect too. Did (abandon ship) Cameron, (Fake Brexit & Net zero) May, (Green crap, dangeous “vaccine” and lockdown pushing) Boris through to (Currency debasing & tax to death) Sunak get anything right at all in 14 years so far?

      Well I agreed with May’s opt out organ donations I suppose.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        October 22, 2023

        I don’t! It should have been an opt-in! We don’t want a ‘market in human organs’! Look at the disaster of this in Ukraine.

        1. Lifelogic
          October 22, 2023

          You would prefer dead people’s organs to rot and go to waste and let other people in desperate need of them die?

  5. Linda Brown
    October 22, 2023

    I personally would not even entertain the idea of going down the compensation road as this would take years to prove. I have had all the jabs and am a little worried about what they are doing to my body as I have had extreme tiredness which I did not get before. This is perhaps down to age which could be used against a claim? However, there are genuine doubts about how a vaccine could be made available in such a short length of time when years are usually allocated for such prevention jabs. It is a personal choice to have it or not to have it and people have to take personal responsibility for themselves on this issue.

    1. R.Grange
      October 22, 2023

      Yes, it should be a free personal choice. But for a lot of people it wasn’t. 2020-21 was when the authorities crossed a red line, bodily autonomy.

      1. Mickey Taking
        October 22, 2023

        You refer to the steps to try to ensure workers at close quarters looking after the very infirm have every precaution as to what they may be taking into the environment. Is that laudable, or unreasonable?

        1. R.Grange
          October 22, 2023

          I refer to a) an obligation that was placed on British care home workers to take a medical product tested only for emergency use that rapidly turned out to be neither safe nor effective, and b) an obligation placed on people wishing to do normal things like flying abroad and going to nightclubs to take the same medical products. Those running those institutions may have had good intentions, but they overstepped the mark. As I hope at least some of them now realise, and won’t be taken in by a government fear campaign again.

        2. Narrow Shoulders
          October 23, 2023

          As being vaccinated didn’t stop anyone breathing the virus in or out it is unreasonable

      2. Lifelogic
        October 22, 2023

        A personal & a fully and honestly informed or risks and benefits choice! For anyone who was youngish or had had Covid already the benefits were surely virtually zero or zero and the risks (just of the minor heart damage alone) was circa 2.8% it seems.

        Rather clear cut I would say – do not take them.

        1. Hope
          October 22, 2023


          The law makes clear in a lot of areas there has to be a true informed consent not mere acquiescence. The NHS and govt coerced the nation. It knew it was doing this by the employment of the nudge unit and deliberate frightening messages without knowing whether the MRNA jab was safe or not because it was rushed through on emergency grounds. Once the emergency was over there should have been a cessation of all vaccinations.

          Two key players in the scaring of the nation, Handcock and Ferguson, were blatantly disregarding their own apocalyptic warnings to the whole nation.

          1. Sulis
            October 23, 2023

            Hello Hope,
            I think Mr Gove deserves a mention too, least we forget his assertion that people were selfish if they refused the vaccine. I refused and if I wait in vain for an apology that’s OK because the Conservative party will soon be in the same position waiting to form a Govt. again.

      3. Dave
        October 22, 2023

        Yes, they did. I have a friend (unmarried, 61, lots of friends but no family) who says that his social life was ruined unless he succumbed to a needle and a small amount of a secret substance, then did it again. It was coercion. He’s now suffering from mild/moderate depression and neurological symptoms (mainly an unsteady gait) which he didn’t have before.

        The fear now is that Starmer will obey the WHO and seek to implement a rough repeat of this. If he does what I fear, his predecessors who are still in parliament will be unable to criticise him, i.e. because they approved the same approach and they also tried it on (in defiance of our common law rights … but they behaved as though might is right).

        Thanks to the few MPs (on both sides of the house, incl JR) who *have* supported individual liberty.

        1. a-tracy
          October 22, 2023

          i think more research should be done about new neurological symptoms, people falling over, muscular and nerve pain from neck and back never experienced before, twitching eyes, heart problems in young men.

    2. Walt
      October 22, 2023


    3. Lynn Atkinson
      October 22, 2023

      One woman in Surrey urgently requiring a caesarean was not allowed to be admitted to the hospital until she accepted the CV19 jab. If that is not coercion I don’t know what is.

      1. Lifelogic
        October 22, 2023

        +1 an outrage.

      2. Mickey Taking
        October 22, 2023

        and has she sued the NHS Trust?

    4. Mike Austin
      October 22, 2023

      Detoxify! Everyone who has taken these jabs should detoxify. The spike protein is produced constanty and nobody knows hw long for. The World Council for Health website ( contains really useful information on how best to do this.

  6. Lifelogic
    October 22, 2023

    You say “The Minister drawing on her NHS medical advice agreed that excess deaths were continuing at higher levels than before covid, but denied this resulted from the vaccinations.”

    It was only the junior Minister who deigned to turn up & in denying that this resulted from the vaccines she showed either that she simply had not remotely understood the vast and very clear statistical and medical evidence for this link or she was just a tax payer paid liar/advocate for the government and the state. Her response (that was even cut short) was either totally pathetic and incompetent or more likely just pure blatant lies.

    At the very least a proper investigate of this matter is urgency needed and more clearly broken down figure are needed from the NHS and the ONS. That we have no such investigation or criminal investigations indicated that the government know there is a huge problem to hide. There is surely a huge cover up underway. (Examine share prices Ed)The market already recognises reality. Huge legal actions are inevitable worldwide. Well done India in sensibly keeping most of these MRNA vaccines out of the country.

  7. Lifelogic
    October 22, 2023

    A good interview with the excellent Ben Habib of Reform just now on Talk TV. It starts about 6.25.

    October 22, 2023

    ‘The one off payment is not compensation’. Of course it isn’t but then when blame and criminal responsibility becomes an issue riddling out of those tricky situations is what politicians and bureaucrats best

    Stick cash down their gullets and hope they remain silent. No doubt gagging orders have also been imposed. We see this type of vile tactic when the NHS harms innocent people.

    The taxpayer is once more abused to finance repulsive behaviour by political leaders, parties and snake bureaucrats

    I only ask one question. Have these vaccines been put through full phase 1, 2, and 3 FDA trials? Erm, no. I’ll leave it at that and let others arrive at their own conclusions

    Denier this, racist that, misogynist this, bigot that, far-right this, extremist that and on and on those Stalinist denunciations tactics used again and again to demonise and destroy decent people. The Tories should feel ashamed that they have participated with left-wing slime to create such a vile culture

    1. Lifelogic
      October 22, 2023

      Well to get the payment you have to have be killed or “very severely disable indeed” by the “vaccines” if you actually look at the rules. It seems the Dept. organising these payment have increased their staffing by about 20 times. You would be unlikely to get anything if the vaccines have just given a teenager a lifelong heart arrhythmia problems that might well kill him in a 15 years time and damage his quality of life sig or given Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome. This is not even close the the payment threshold it would seems. I know directly four people given arrhythmias shortly after taking the vaccines two needed serious and risky ablation operations to correct them.

    2. Jim+Whitehead
      October 22, 2023

      DOMINIC, +++++++++++
      I am utterly disgusted by the contempt of the House of Commons to the only man of integrity in the whole establishment, viz. Andrew Bridgen.
      Absence from the House was a tacit dismissal of Bridgen’s contribution, and it is a tacit contempt for the public. The gallery was, I believe, well stocked with the latter.
      I have never voted for a socialist party and I never will but I am profoundly delighted at the red face of the tories, and somewhat puzzled by how they managed to get any votes at all.
      Reform for me.

    3. Paula
      October 22, 2023

      Dom – Don’t worry. The Tories are going to get payback in spades.

      They think the recent by-elections were a bluff.

      Har har har har !!!

  9. Richard II
    October 22, 2023

    It appears from your post, SJR, that you had the decency to attend this important debate, whereas the vast majority of your parliamentary colleagues did not. This at a time when excess deaths are at a level that roughly equals deaths from/with Covid, which three years ago caused a national emergency. Even the BBC has shown concern over excess deaths. Yet our elected representatives mostly didn’t care to show up, whereas the House of Commons public gallery was full. A worrying disconnect there between lawmakers and the electorate in what is supposed to be a democratic country.

    1. Ian+wrag
      October 22, 2023

      It’s not called the clot shot for nothing.

      1. Mickey Taking
        October 22, 2023

        there are hundreds of thousands of people walking about unaware that they ought to be taking a blood thinner – low dose aspirin, or more serious cases a proper thinner. Only on admission to A&E etc are they likely to be treated for it.

        1. David
          October 23, 2023

          Anecdotally, the ones dying from jab after-effects may be predominantly those who aren’t on blood thinners. I predict it’ll never be fully investigated for at least 45 years. Careers, power, status and fortunes are all at stake.

          On BBC R4 earlier today (just after 09.00 h) there seemed to be a discussion of the contaminated blood scandal. It’s still rumbling on after about 50 years. Good grief.

          Most senior people with a liability for bad decisions on that one are now dead. But of course that’s the point of enormous delays. Maybe people in 2070 will be deploring the fact that all UK ministers in post in 2020 and -21 – plus crucial advisers – are long gone and can’t be held to account.

    2. BOF
      October 22, 2023

      +1 Richard

    3. Lifelogic
      October 22, 2023

      Indeed but the excess deaths are higher than you suggest in reality. This as after a period of higher than normal deaths of mainly older people (brought forwards by Covid) one should expect a period of lower deaths (as you can only die once). Many Countries with lower vaccination levels do indeed have these lower all cause death levels. So using an adjustment for this it is perhaps more like double the level you suggest.

      1. Mickey Taking
        October 22, 2023

        But you forget while Covid was raging normal health giving exercise didn’t happen, especially for the older ones, now people are fitter with the freedom to walk and meet etc.

    4. Lynn Atkinson
      October 22, 2023

      Many MPs snatch debates on TV if they don’t intend to contribute, so the attendance in the Hous eis no longer as indicative of interest as it was pre-TV broadcasting.

  10. Mark B
    October 22, 2023

    Good morning.

    If this has not happened already, will those people who refused to take the vaccine and lost their jobs as a result also be compensated ?

    1. Mickey Taking
      October 22, 2023

      and will the relatives of the infirm in care homes who died as a result of introduction of Covid by staff be compensated?

      1. Donna
        October 22, 2023

        How do you intend proving that they died as a result of Covid introduction by staff? Many got the infection in hospital and were sent back, untested, to their Care Homes by Handcock.

        And many were given a cocktail of drugs, including Midazolam, which suppressed their ability to breathe.

        1. Mickey Taking
          October 22, 2023

          There were many staff, often agency that moved from site to site infecting.
          ‘Many given a cocktail of drugs’ – evidence – percentage of Homes, patients?
          Every drug given (under Dr direction) should be on the Home’s register – did you do a survey to allege this?

      2. Lifelogic
        October 22, 2023

        Well we know the vaccines did nothing to stop the spread of Covid despite all the don’t kill Granny propaganda.

        1. Mickey Taking
          October 22, 2023

          Are you saying all the jabbed caught it anyway? The great majority of jabbed DIDN’T catch it! I can’t believe you wrote such nonsense LL.

  11. John McDonald
    October 22, 2023

    “I offer people the chance to debate this further but will not publish contributions that potentially libel the NHS or drug companies based on coincidence or circumstantial evidence with no proof of causation.”
    So much for free speech on the subject Sir John. How do you decide what is libel? Maybe how the Conservative Government responded to Covid in the actions it took is another reason for the Labour wins?

    Reply I take a cautious approach to possible libel to help contributors. The approach to vaccines was bi partisan and has not been an issue on doorsteps this year in my experience. If you do not like my site go elsewhere.

    1. Lifelogic
      October 22, 2023

      To reply:- understandable the UK libel laws and legal costs are absurdly over the top and hugely restrict free speech. They urgently need changing. They have over protected all sorts of wealthy crooks etc. and over very many years doing huge damage – Robert Maxwell, Jimmy Saville

    2. John McDonald
      October 22, 2023

      Sir John I did not say I did not like your site, far from it. To my best of my recollection you have never given a libel warning before about a topic so why in connection with the NHS and the manufacturers of vaccine’s ? Was this to deter comment/reduce comment on the NHS and vaccines which the Conservative Government had/have a Political responsibility for ? So why ask for comment in the first place?
      Just because the Labour Party does not object to what the Government implements does not mean it is the best cause of Action for the tax payer and their health. Far from it.
      Was my comment near the political motive and hence your rather harsh retort ” If you do not like my site go elsewhere.”

      Reply I give a permanent libel warning when people want to write about named people or companies. I am not trying to shield government. I do not wish to publish allegations against named individuals and protect Labour MPs as well as Conservative ones as I do not have time and resource to check out the accuracy of accusations.

  12. Donna
    October 22, 2023

    When the Government and SAGE were busily coercing people to take these poorly tested gene therapies (they’re NOT vaccines) did they explain to the population that the products had no medium to long-term safety data?

    Did they explain that the trials had been conducted in haste on very small groups of people – and the product which was eventually authorised wasn’t produced in the same way as the product which was tested?

    Did they warn people in February 2021 (which is when I first learned of it) that the Israelis were experiencing increased levels of myocarditis in the jabbed – particularly in young men? I remember finding that out in February 2021 because I emailed my sons (then in their late ’20s) to warn them.

    Did they explain that the products didn’t stop you getting or transmitting Covid. All they did was make a very slight difference to the chances of getting severe illness and dying. Oh, and you’d need multiple boosters because their efficacy only lasted a few months?

    I resisted the coercion because I knew I was at no risk of the virus. Many people effectively had no choice if they wanted to keep their jobs – including those working in the Care Sector. The whole episode was an absolute disgrace and in my opinion the Government broke the Nuremberg Code since CONSENT can only be given if people were properly informed of the risk/benefit for them personally ….. and they weren’t.

    As for the NHS / Public Health Bureaucrats – perhaps if the Government stopped the revolving door between Big Pharma and “Public Service” people would be more inclined to trust them. I never will.

    1. Lifelogic
      October 22, 2023

      I agree and well done for wisely resisting the coercion this came in the form of travel, jobs amd many other restrictions and government lies, scares and nudge tactics.

      Take the jab to save Gran was one a huge lie. A young person circa 21 I know was given jabs when she had already had Covid & without any issues the later jabs gave her a heart Arrhythmia. Needless to say she could not get any proper and timely NHS care for this condition. A condition the NHS had caused.

      Why on earth were they coercing these “vaccines” to 21 year old’s who were at no risk anyway and even had already had Covid? Criminal surely?

    2. Lifelogic
      October 22, 2023

      Massive differences in adverse reactions reported by batch numbers too. So some batches were clearly very different and far more dangerous than others.

      1. Hope
        October 22, 2023

        Therefore was it true informed consent or acquiescence through fear. I submit it was the latter because the govt actively engaged with tech companies to smear experts and commentators who went against the govt. narrative. It was made clear Handcock wanted to scare people. Hence no true consent.

      2. BOF
        October 22, 2023

        I did see that research on batches in Denmark found that about 30% of batches were little more than placebos. Is that not a reasonable percentage for a control group in a clinical trial?

    3. Mickey Taking
      October 22, 2023

      I don’t know where to start about all that, so I shan’t.

    4. BOF
      October 22, 2023

      Very good comment Donna.

    5. Jim+Whitehead
      October 22, 2023

      Donna, +++++++, and to LL also

    6. Mark B
      October 22, 2023

      Hear hear.


  13. BOF
    October 22, 2023

    Of course the government denies the ‘vaccines’ cause harm, but evidence from laboratories around the world is telling a different story. I read the reports but do not record the sources so cannot quote the references.

    Many highly qualified doctors and scientists know the jabs are killing and maiming people. They speak out but are ignored and vilified but the evidence they accrue will put the culprits in court. The sooner the better.

    I personally knew two people that died, ‘vaccine’ related’, and several others harmed, and have been told of others. I witnessed as I lay in hospital, victims coming in and out of the ward. Patients talk to each other.

    But of course, I should not believe my lying eyes.

    1. Lifelogic
      October 22, 2023

      A Basel University study showed slight but certainly detectable damage to heart muscle cells in almost 3% of the cases after MNRA boosters.

      1. Lifelogic
        October 22, 2023

        Why give a 3% chance of heart damage to someone young & never at any risk from Covid anyway? What sort of moronic experts or Ministers thought this was a good plan? Or was it just follow the money again?

    2. Donna
      October 22, 2023

      I know the following, post jabs:

      5 people who have had strokes – 3 now dead
      1 man – sudden heart attack
      1 man – two heart attacks and a blood clot in his leg (forced to take early retirement)
      2 women who have had blood clots and are now on medication
      4 people with aggressive cancers – one dead, two terminal, one receiving treatment and may survive
      many jabbed people who are constantly getting “bugs” and feeling ill and tired

      All just “anecdotal” of course. But I wonder how many other people have similar anecdotes. It is extremely difficult to prove that the gene therapies are responsible – and in order to claim the piddling ÂŁ120,000 compensation you have to prove that the jab is the cause and you have been 65% disabled by it.

      1. Mickey Taking
        October 22, 2023

        Entertaining anecdotes – all read on social media?

        1. Donna
          October 22, 2023

          No …. friends and neighbours. All of them.

      2. Hope
        October 22, 2023

        The govt cannot financially afford the wrong outcome from the enquiry. So it will fudge, introduce tangential rubbish to divert away from true outcome and find lessons to be learnt BS.

      3. Everhopeful
        October 22, 2023

        1 stroke
        1 Bell’s Palsy
        1 heart attack
        2 very frighteningly ill just hours after jab but recovered
        1 constant headache and walking difficulties immediately after
        Two weeks ago “sudden death” of young cousin.

        The powers that be acted with great determination to “keep us safe” with lock downs and jabs. Surely the merest suggestion that the jabs are injurious should have triggered a similar swift response?
        If not
.why not?

      4. BOF
        October 22, 2023

        Yes Donna, this equates to my experience of people I know and mostly, although not young, in good health. One very old friend whose mind was was always good is now so muddle headed that it is difficult to converse. Tragic.

        1. Mickey Taking
          October 22, 2023

          a very old friend muddled? very unusual.

  14. Matthu
    October 22, 2023

    “ It was of course open to people not to take the vaccine if they did not like what was said about possible side effects, or about the balance between possible harms and possible benefits of taking it.”

    People were coerced and bullied by government into taking the vaccine. They were put at risk if losing their jobs and livelihood. Many were not terribly open to refusing the jab!

    1. Everhopeful
      October 22, 2023

      Did we ever see a list of MPs who were jabbed?
      Was it mandatory for them?
      THEIR privacy respected?

    2. Lifelogic
      October 22, 2023

      They were lied to that they were safe and effective and would protect Granny. This when they were not remotely safe nor even of any benefit for most people.

  15. Peter Gardner
    October 22, 2023

    It is right that if there were evidence of undue harms from vaccines there should be a debate. But there is not. What is happening is that the issues surrounding Covid have been hijacked by identity politics – the anti-lockdown and anti-vax brigades.
    I am more familiar with the Australian experience although I have followed the UK – as a disaster to avoid, which Australia happily did.
    In terms of vaccine safety the incidence of serious side-effects arising in Australia would be similar to that in the UK. Every reported serious side-effect is investigated. The grand total of deaths from the vaccines in Australia is 14 out of more than 69 million vaccinations in people aged 21-81 years old. There have been no deaths in children or adolescents determined to be linked to COVID-19 vaccination. This gives the lie to the scaremongering still persistent in the UK.
    AZ was manufactured in Melbourne but approval was later withdrawn as other vaccines became available, because the serious side effects were even less likely with the other vaccines (13 out of the 14 deaths). There have been no vaccine related deaths in 2023.
    Excess deaths are deaths from all causes but have been deliberately taken by the desperate anti-lockdown and anti-vax brigades as a proxy for deaths caused by lockdowns or vaccinations or both. They fail to disaggregate the various causes of deaths. EuroMOMO, using the same data as the UK’s NHS and ONS is authoritative and shows that the UK is not suffering persistently high excess deaths. Apart from a substantial level in December 2022, the level has departed little from normal variation since late 2021 and has been at or below expectation throughout 2023. Other countries, such as Italy, Germany and Spain have experienced more significant numbers of excess deaths than the UK at times since the pandemic. Nevertheless EuroMOMO published a warning about the accuracy of the data following the pandemic until recently since the baseline was somewhat distorted by the pandemic.
    The Covid enquiry should address these questions and resolve this unnecessary debate once and for all. But of course these same scaremngering people immediately attacked the credibility of the enquiry the miniute it was set up and attacked the integrity of witnesses whom they feared might produce evidence that contradicts their misguided anti-lockdown and anti-vax mantras.

  16. Mike Stanley
    October 22, 2023

    You say “The authorities always said there could be some side effects and put in place a reporting system to monitor them.” I do not recall any significant warnings but accept your word that these were given.
    However, if I had heard such a warning I would probably have assumed it referred to side effects comparable to those from flu injections, such as slight soreness in the site of the injection or flu-like symptoms for a few days. If I had heard that the injection would cause even healthy young people to drop dead within days of having the injection I doubt that I would have been so willing to accept this experimental treatment!

  17. beresford
    October 22, 2023

    I remember that at the peak of the panic the jabbists were advocating that those who defied the coercion to take it should be denied NHS treatment. Is it right now that we should be expected to pay them compensation for the damage they may have done to their bodies?

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      October 22, 2023

      No it’s not. They made the decision, hell I even know Doctors who signed the Consent forms. One Dr I know had her 6 week old baby jabbed. Why should they be compensated? Of course if you were coerced and can prove it, that’s a different story and you should be compensated by the Medical Insurance companies and not by the taxpayer.

  18. agricola
    October 22, 2023

    I have a view that vaccines offered by the NHS have been 99.9% effectve in reducing symptoms or acting as an effective block against those things out to get us.
    The outstanding black mark can be lodged against Thalidomide and imported blood. And then repeated against the NHS and government , neither of whom showed due diligence, an acceptance that they were culpable, or to this day an unacceptable reluctance and tardiness in compensating those they wantonly afflicted. Parallel episodes that show UK government and its institutions at its worst.
    The data relating to Covid vaccination is probably not reliable. I equate it with the already terminally ill falling from a seventh floor balcony. Covid and such a fall were too readily attributed as a cause of death with the effect of the vaccine getting lost in the scrabble for a cause. How many deaths were attributable to not having the vaccine. My amateur conclusion on the spike in deaths during Covid and post Covid is that the NHS, under missguided government direction, put so much effort into containing Covid that the ball was dropped on all the other killers they normally deal with.
    What was done good or bad cannot be reversed, but it should be carefully analysed so that we retain the good and never repeat the bad.

    1. Paula
      October 22, 2023

      That is the point ! SAGE did not take a holistic view on lockdown.

  19. Magelec
    October 22, 2023

    I had the first two jabs and consequently contracted myocarditis. Been under cardiology ever since. Never again!

  20. davews
    October 22, 2023

    Thankyou for bringing this to our attention, which is more than the mainstream media are doing. I did watch Andrew’s speech on Friday, at pity there were not more in the chamber to hear it. I was very disappointed in the terse reply from the deputy minister though that was just as expected.
    I had my two Astra Zenecca injections in 2021 and even then the issues were being raised. I have resisted all the boosters and never had covid to my knowledge. But I have suffered issues with hives and now heart arrythmia which could well be due to vaccine side effects.
    It annoys me that despite the huge amount of data including from the government’s own yellow card scheme that there are real issues with the covid vaccines they are adamant that they are ‘safe and effective’ when they are neither. Nobody is prepared to acknowledge this or launch an enquire to investigate. All the time while excess deaths continue to exceed the norm and I personally know quite a few who have died, possibly as a result.

  21. Chris Dark
    October 22, 2023

    93.6% of the population has been vaccinated? really? as high as that? I’m not so sure. The fact that so few turned up for Andrew Bridgen’s debate shows exactly what politicians really think of it all. You’d think excessive deaths in a country would trigger concern, but it’s totally clear that very few people give a jot.
    The coercion to get jabbed was hideous. The lack of information for people to consent to it, or not, was also hideous. The country was bullied, steamrollered, terrified into it. I went through weeks of abuse from neighbours and “friends” for not having the treatment. I don’t care about that now, the truth is coming out that the world’s people were experimented on for nefarious purposes using a “vaccine” that was seemingly rushed through the laboratories and presented to a nation that was terrified it was going to be wiped out by another Black Death-style disease.
    The as yet fully unanswered question is; why was it done? a precursor to digital id? a test of the nation’s willingness to obey without question? there are other theories too.

    1. Jim+Whitehead
      October 22, 2023

      CD, Your account is a true reflection on what happened, with many outspoken ‘personalities’ and well known political commentators adding their vile abuse and intolerant opinions to the unseemly pressures on those of us who could see the utter wickedness of passing off an experimental drug as ‘safe and effective’ and ‘tried and tested’.
      I have rejected all calls to take tests or injections. I am a health professional and I deplore the decisions by others to dole out the drugs (including 

. without true informed consent. Knowledge of medicine or a degree in medicine is not required or essential to consider the issue of contravention of the Nuremberg principles.
      The ‘previous’ by the pharma firms should have been subject to far less trusting analyses.

      1. Jim+Whitehead
        October 22, 2023

        Two days ago I was informed that a good friend had had the booster in mid week and was now feeling most unwell and confined to her home, unable to attend an event. Her husband was also afflicted but less so and was able to attend the event. By chance, the lady beside me mentioned that she was due her booster in the coming week. She has already had covid 4 times . . . . . . .
        These are ‘anecdotal’, but they are true and from thoroughly reliable (and perplexed in their misled and uninformed ignorance) sources, but I have no confidence that their experiences will be recorded in MHRA’s Yellow Card system, the complexity of which is a deterrent to the busy practitioner who probably will not even be informed of the significant side effects.

    2. Lynn Atkinson
      October 22, 2023

      +1. The Government has said at other times that 66% have had at least 1 ‘vaccination’.

  22. Sharon
    October 22, 2023

    In Australia it was made illegal for doctors to speak out against the Covid vaccine at risk of them losing their jobs, and two doctors did lose their jobs!

    There most definitely is an approach worldwide for there to be no sensible conversation or criticism about the jabs. I find that odd!

    Only last week, a friend who works in a care home, vows never to have any further Covid jabs, was all set to book her annual flu jab ….a whole corridor of elderly folk had both flu and Covid jabs, the next day everyone of them was poorly.

    This person decided she’d give the flu jab a miss from now on too!

    There’s too many people with too many first hand experiences and growing data worldwide, for the harms to be coincidental.

    1. Sharon
      October 22, 2023

      Ps – in the US this year, only 2% of people took up a Covid booster. Seems they too are sceptical!

      1. Mickey Taking
        October 22, 2023

        or Covid almost unheard of now?

  23. Everhopeful
    October 22, 2023

    Whatever the truth or not regarding the virus the govt. had absolutely no right to use the narrative in the way it did.
    Shutting down our world was not necessary.
    Nor was turning it into a divisive issue ( as with Ukraine and the Middle East )
    It had no right to set up some to act as fascist plants. Supermarket workers. Surgery receptionists.
    It had no right to use the police in the way it did.
    A dignified, kind, humane and voluntary vaccination programme at the GP surgery would have sufficed.
    Do they yet know what percentage they imagine they need for covid herd immunity? Certainly they terrified people to such a degree that a large % must have been reached.
    Surely a virus known about since the 1960s should have a safe and effective vaccine by now?
    First do no harm!

  24. Denis Cooper
    October 22, 2023

    At the start of lockdown the message was:

    “Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives”

    It was explained that unless we stopped the spread of the disease the NHS would be overwhelmed:

    Perhaps the early vaccines did protect the NHS, by reducing the number of new cases and/or their severity, even if that was at the cost of some lives from side effects which may have been picked up in normal trials.

    1. Mickey Taking
      October 22, 2023

      the trials were’ normal, but time accelerated with no choice. The sample numbers had to be lower than ideal of course. It was that or face deaths and incapacitation a multiple of what happened.

    2. Mark B
      October 22, 2023

      Now the NHS is overwhelmed with cases that could have been treated earlier.

      The NHS was created to protect us from harm, not the other way round.

  25. oldwulf
    October 22, 2023

    “She said there was some inconclusive evidence that non vaccinated people suffered a higher death rate than vaccinated.”

    “Inconclusive evidence” = no evidence.

    1. Mickey Taking
      October 22, 2023

      ha ha!

  26. jerry
    October 22, 2023

    “..//.. a private members bill to improve payments to anyone badly affected by vaccine.”

    Great! A private members Bill to give compensation for a vaccine no one was ever forced to have, but no right to compensation for all those who caught Covid 19 and have suffered long term effects, often due to government dillydallying (such as delaying the first Lockdown), inappropriate Bounce-back measures (Eat out to help out for example) or being required by government and/or their employers to carry on working on-site, despite some employers or work situations being unable to impose suitable social distancing and/or PPE.

    “a one off ÂŁ120,000 payment if they have proof of disability and harm from taking an NHS vaccine”

    Will having, or having had, a Comorbidity, if only suspected, affect eligibility to such a claim?

    1. jerry
      October 22, 2023

      “Andrew Bridgen secured [an Adjournment debate] to point out that there were too many excess deaths continuing in the UK and to argue these were related to the covid vaccination of most people.”

      Or of course the excess deaths could simply be down to an absence of any booster vaccine and appropriate personal behavior, along with the common belief that a vaccine gave immunity, in this case Covid 19, after all the reported affects of CV19 are many, just as with these excess deaths.

      The Minister is correct, anything can be claimed when so many have had the vaccine. Mr Bridgen nor the Minister appears to have given any insight into the number of excess deaths involving the 6.4% who have *not* had the CV19 vaccine, a far more powerful argument.

      As for blood clots, it should be remembered that a sedentary lifestyle can cause DVT. If otherwise active farmers can develop DVT due to sitting in automated tractor cabs for extended periods so could people sitting playing video games, worse, watching daytime TV or gorging on streamed boxed sets.

  27. Maylor
    October 22, 2023

    Why is debate on this subject stifled by both govt and the establishment ?

    If they have nothing to fear from the facts, why do they not take on critics like Andrew Bridgen ?

    The more that we are kept in the dark and fobbed off, the more suspicious I become.

    1. jerry
      October 22, 2023

      @Maylor; It is for Mr Bridgen to put his case, not the Govt!

      The more you do not hear what you want to hear, the more suspicious you become; and the more suspicious people such as my self become, that some political activists have no other arguments left, other than conspiracy theory that involve hearsay and not medical science.

    2. Everhopeful
      October 22, 2023

      I wonder if it is because they are committed ( and intend to get more so) to a vast campaign of vaccination? Including all for variants and the boosters etc.
      Already they are vigorously pushing the shingles jab.
      In global speak there was supposed to be “A decade of Vaccines” starting in 2010
but did that falter?
      Anyway our leaders are so cravenly signed up to just about every diktat most folk will prob end up like pin cushions.
      Nobody stops to remember the disasters that have been caused by overweening confidence in science.

    3. Lifelogic
      October 22, 2023

      They clearly know that Andrew Bridgen is essentially correct. This is surely rather clear from the pathetic weasel words of Maria Caulfield, the very junior person they sent to reply to Bridgen. This as non of the three more senior people in the Health Dept. Barclay, Whateley or Quince could not be bothered or did not dare to attend. They know they have no rational & supported by statistics & data arguments to put.

      It seems they have even kicked Bridgen out of his office & into a smaller windowless one to try to shut him up.

      1. jerry
        October 22, 2023

        @LL; But there is no science to prove that Bridgen is correct, for one thing his sample size is to great, with a 93.4% sample one could prove almost anything, has anyone checked if only right-handed people have been affected?!…

        Also do you honestly think all doctors are betraying their Hippocratic Oath – Primum non nocere (“First do no harm”), we are hardly living in the pre-Thalidomide era, that scandal smashed not only the glass ceiling but the walls and floor to, with regards damage and death caused by vaccine or drug , someone would have blown the whistle by now.

    4. Mark B
      October 22, 2023

      Because they openly lied.

      1. jerry
        October 22, 2023

        @Mark B; Yes that is the problem with conspiracy theories … or non.

  28. Everhopeful
    October 22, 2023

    Observed often when “Reset” work was being done outside our house during The Great Imprisonment.

    Workmen digging up the road
    Not a mask in sight
    Chatting close
no six foot gap
    Had THEY got it right?

    In all probability 

    1. jerry
      October 22, 2023

      @EH; So you know for sure those workmen were *not* taking Covid tests twice daily, not working in fixed groups, the groups were not made up of people living either alone or in a socially isolated household, that they did not wear masks nor practice social distancing away from the worksite? It was always accepted, within the Covid emergency legislation, that some types of work could not be protected by PPE or distance, thus pother less obvious measures were put in place.

      Take a snapshot of life and you can claim any number of lifestyles from those caught in the photo, the chances of being correct are 50/50 at best.

  29. Derek
    October 22, 2023

    In 2021 I tested positive for Covid and spent near 2 weeks in bed, lost 15 lbs in weight (great!) and suffered little more than the standard flu symptoms but recovered without any medical treatments, apart from OTC “Night Nurse”. My own immune system beat it.
    At the time, I wondered why I was then advised medically to take the vaccine treatments AFTER my body had cured itself. What was their point?
    I cannot imagine a vaccine being better than than my own proven auto-immune system, having itself created anti-bodies to successfully kill off the Covid invaders and feel it was just another panic measure promoted by the DHSC or NICE just to be seen to be ‘doing something’, to demonstrate they were on the job.
    My opinions of those who authorised such measures on everyone (one size fits all) have never improved. Always let the true scientist and experts do their job and take special heed of their advice and recommendations. Never ever, think ‘you know best’!! You do not!

    1. Mark B
      October 22, 2023

      Right from the beginning it was known that there were three main risk groups.
      1) The old (usually above 70)
      2) The obese.
      3) Those with serious underlying medical conditions.

      If you did not fall into any of those categories you were at very low risk. There would of course be some exceptions but they would be very few and in no way warranted the action taken by this government who ignored their own rules because they new the risks and did not share that with the populace.

      Someone wanted to play the role of the next Winston Churchill and by golly he was going to get his 5 minutes of infamy.

    2. Mickey Taking
      October 22, 2023

      If the body detected certain threats, Covid included, the immune system was nudged into rapidly building natural defences that otherwise might not have been sufficient. So if you had Covid already that activity was being done anyway, hopefully successfully, having the jab during that time could have unwisely supercharged the defences.

    3. jerry
      October 22, 2023

      @Derek: You are perhaps looking at this from the point of hindsight, as someone who has recovered from one mutation of Covid and as someone who has not had a bad reaction to Covid since, those making decisions back in 2021/22 did not have that luxury.

      “Always let the true scientist and experts do their job”

      Yet you think you know better than the virologists who worked on Covid, and worked on the vaccines, your expert scientific qualifications are what exactly?… 🙄

      1. Derek
        October 23, 2023

        Who said it was the virologists who told me to get vaccinated? And perhaps now you can name those ‘virologists’ who think a vaccine, post natural cure, is of definite benefit. I’d want to know what good an anti-covid vaccine would do for me, after my own auto-immune system had done its job. If fact, I suggest it would harm me as this new vaccine could be “seen” as a new virus by my auto-immune system and disrupt it.
        I suggest you research the failings of some the vaccines that have come to light since that dire period in our lives. Our own Government had to underwrite the Pharmas producing the vaccines as they, as responsible manufacturers, wanted years of testing before launch, as is the scientific standard.
        Furthermore, I could not understand why we did not consult with nor follow the procedures of Taiwan to defeat the pandemic. They had solid practical experiences of SARS in 2003 of which Covid is a strain and knew more of the problems than any of our experts. That would have been an excellent way to follow the science.

        1. jerry
          October 24, 2023

          @Derek; “Who said it was the virologists who told me to get vaccinated?”

          So unless you are telling us that Ventriloquists invented the Vaccine(s), not Virologists – stop clutching at straws!

          You said “Always let the true scientist and experts do their job”; I ask again, what are your expert scientific qualifications, exactly? Of course the private Pharmas are going to accept a govt underwriting, they would have been made not to, that in its self is proof of nothing other than sound thinking from both the finance and legal departments.

          You ask about why you were advised to have the CV19 vaccine, even after your own “auto-immune system had done its job”. Have you ever wondered why people can catch Flu twice or more, even twice in a single Flu season? Yet you claim to have researched vaccines…

          As for Taiwan, what works in one society does not necessarily work in another, for example many objected to wearing masks here in the UK and imposition of such measures was delayed, in Taiwan masks are commonly worn since 2003. But point taken, and on that logic, as China, in early 2020, had widest practical experiences dealing with Covid 19 … and people think the UK Lockdown was bad. 😼

  30. Bloke
    October 22, 2023

    The Covid Inquiry is expected to last until about 2027. New findings are bound to emerge. Anyone being expected to accept a one-off payment beforehand risks being cheated from what they may properly be entitled to.

    Stating that “The one off payment is not compensation” is odd. Compensation is defined as “Something, typically money, awarded to someone in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury”. Money cannot make up for the value of what a disabled person has lost, but money is still defined as compensation.

    1. jerry
      October 24, 2023

      @Bloke; Indeed but on the flip side, given the possibility of new evidence between now and 2027, those accepting a one-off payment now might be ÂŁ120k quids in by then, as I doubt this Bill has any claw-back provisions….

      Your second paragraph surely contradicts your first? If the payment set out in this Bill is in effect Ex gratia.

      1. Bloke
        October 25, 2023

        Eventually, if truth emerges, hindsight will reveal what any payment was worth. Personal loss, such as permanent physical disability remains beyond what money can remedy.

  31. Christine
    October 22, 2023

    “It was of course open to people not to take the vaccine”

    The pressure on people to take the so-called vaccine (it is not a vaccine) was immense from propaganda like “don’t kill granny”, the threat of losing your job, restricted travel, and downright lies like it will prevent you from catching and transmitting Covid.

    Why the silence from the Government? Why the demonising and cancelling of people questioning the vaccine? Just look at what your party did to Andrew Bridgen because he dared to ask for an inquiry.

    The evidence that the vaccine caused harm will not be found unless we look for it. If the Government is so sure the vaccine is safe why are they being so obstructive about an investigation? The whole thing stinks. If it’s not from the vaccine we need to understand why excess deaths in the younger age group are 10% higher than the 5-year average. We owe this to our people. There seems to be a worldwide consensus to bury this alarming statistic.

  32. Ian B
    October 22, 2023

    Off Topic, but demonstrates the mess caused by the them and us Collective Blob

    Today in the MsM Andrew Bailey says wages rising too fast to meet inflation target

    Rising interest rates, which push up mortgage repayments and feed through to higher rents, are dragging down purchases in the shops – and he infers that’s nothing to do with him or the BoE. Where is the Conservative Government the management of this fiasco?

    Then we get – The Bank of England paid out ÂŁ25m in bonuses to staff over the past year, is that for their failures as it clearly wasn’t a success bonus.

    One set of standards for the collective ‘Blob’(that includes the BoE) and one for everyone else

  33. Lynn Atkinson
    October 22, 2023

    It would be helpful if the Government defined what a ‘cv19 vaccinated’ person was and what an ‘unvaccinated’ person is.
    They change the description to gerrymander the statistics. For instance for the calculation of ‘COVID deaths’ anybody who had not had the full number of recommended vaccinations is considered to be ‘unvaccinated’.
    The government have also admitted in other reports that 33% of the population did not have a single recommended covid ‘vaccination’. So it seems that with these fluctuating statistics, the government can claim anything they like, which is cause for me to ascribe bad faith to the Government and it’s advisors.
    It is interesting to see what our experts, those who were silenced, predicted would be the outcome of these vaccinations before they were administered. Many of those predictions are being born out – turbo-cancer; heart failure in all age groups etc.

    1. Lifelogic
      October 22, 2023


  34. Bert+Young
    October 22, 2023

    I’ve never had Covid and have received all the jabs ( 6 ) ; the last time was a few days ago with the flu injection at the same time . Some people – including my next door neighbour complained of headache and pain for a few days – I experienced nothing . “Prevention is always better than cure ” – a motto I have followed for most of my long life and I consider the health advice to be worthwhile and sensible ; there are some risks but minimal ones .

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      October 22, 2023

      These ‘vaccinations’ had a variance of ingredients up to 50%. Certain batches have proven to be literally lethal. Others less so.
      Seems you have led a charmed life – Russian Roulette 6 times and got away with it!

  35. Ralph Corderoy
    October 22, 2023

    ‘Work on the sudden death of young people from blood clots we are told has revealed a small number of cases brought on by vaccines, but we are told more people die of blood clots from contracting covid.’

    But do more *young* people die of blood clots from contracting Covid than the ‘small number of cases brought on by vaccines’? Lives have different value. It was accepted then that young lives suffered far less from Covid symptoms. The ‘vaccine’ lessened the symptoms. The young didn’t benefit much from that.

    ‘It was of course open to people not to take the vaccine if they did not like what was said about possible side effects, or about the balance between possible harms and possible benefits of taking it.’

    It was open to them, but they were hearing deliberate ‘nudges’ from the Government coercing them, e.g. that a vaccine passport would be required for supermarket entry. This doesn’t need enacting to have an effect. Too many of us shop for dependants so would have to get jabbed despite our personal preference. This came about after Michael Gove visited Israel and saw they were requiring a vaccine passport for restaurants. It was telling restaurants found the requirement wasn’t enforced; it was just to increase vaccine take-up. A lesson learnt by the UK Government.

  36. Iain gill
    October 22, 2023

    Personally I want some compensation for the serious harm I have suffered due to out of control immigration the state has imposed on me.

    1. Ed M
      October 22, 2023

      Problem is that our native population is NOT procreating enough. Plus when we do procreate, so many of our offspring don’t want to work. So the problem is ultimately cultural / social NOT political. So we have to address these two issues first if we want to greatly reduce immigration.

      (Also – and now there are large numbers of young people not getting married at all let alone procreating – and s-x in general is greatly on the decline. The young men finding the young women overly masculine, and the young women finding the young men overly feminine).

  37. NickC
    October 22, 2023

    The Minister said that “because 93.6% of the population had been vaccinated.

    That figure is clearly wrong on a number of counts. Firstly the government does not know how big the population is. Secondly the age range covered makes a difference to the figures. Thirdly we know that take up has declined so that more took one jab, fewer the second, fewer still the third and so on. It is disinformation to quote only the take up for the first jab, even if all the other factors are correct. Full “vaccination” status is usually defined by the government as 3 or more jabs, and the ONS states that definition covers only about 70% of the population, not 93.6%.

    1. Mickey Taking
      October 22, 2023

      I would imagine they have to base stats on those with an NHS number?
      Possibly hides a large population who avoid ‘the system’ for certain reasons.

  38. BOF
    October 22, 2023

    Don’t you find it odd, Sir John, that the Minister’s statement is at complete odds with the official statistics from the Yellow Card Reports? If the Minister has made a truthful and accurate statement, then the Yellow Card reports must be wrong.

    1. Lifelogic
      October 22, 2023

      Well she was very unspecific the idea was to confuse, delay, distract and complicate the issue without saying anything very specific. They government know full well that the vaccines have done far more harm than good. It very clear for the stats we have and they have far better and clearer stats to work with!

  39. mongoose
    October 22, 2023

    There never has been – in the entire history of the universe – and there never can be in the future an effective vaccine against an mRNA coronavirus. (Unless one changes the definition of “vaccine”, that is.) This is because a single-strand mRNA virus mutates rapidly and readily across the respiratory disease periods. Put simply, next year’s flu jab is based on past years’ flus. It’s a statistical thing. What will we likely face next winter? Let’s get a jab together which offers vulnerable people (old people, the comorbid, the immuno-compromised) some protection from viulent disease. That’s what a flu jab is and it’s really all that the covid jabs offered. No protection from infection or transmission – beyond a reduction in the coughs and sneezes which spread diseases – just amelioration of symptoms.

    The above is one paragraph and is therfore necessarily a summary but it is true in every letter. This was not the protection desscribed by the government when the world was shut down and millions of people were coerced and tricked into submission. Shame on them.

    1. Lester_Cynic
      October 22, 2023


      And no image of the virus has ever been produced, only a football with spikes projecting from it
      Surely someone would have managed to produce an image of the virus by now?

      1. hefner
        October 23, 2023

        13/02/2020 ‘New images of novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 now available’.
        Please note February 2020.

  40. Barbara
    October 22, 2023

    Interesting that the minister’s reply to Bridgen said the top three causes of death were still dementia, heart disease and respiratory conditions, which were chronic diseases the patients would have had for many years.

    It never seemed to occur to her to wonder if the jabs could have exacerbated existing conditions.

    She also blamed flu – either she didn’t know or didn’t care that flu disappeared out of the official figures during covid, and it has only just reappeared. Now they’re blaming the thing they themselves took out of the figures and then reintroduced for the figures going up.

    1. Mickey Taking
      October 22, 2023

      Flu basically disappeared a) during summer months when it has less transmission b) in winter months we were largely confined to indoors and had very little close interaction. That is roughly why flu rates were very low, unless you think the Covid jab killed it off?

      1. Barbara
        October 22, 2023

        On the contrary, many scientific outlets (eg Scientific American) reported flu disappeared in multiple countries **for over a year**. They put this down to masks and social distancing, which we know have no effect. Even if they had had an effect on viruses, which we know they don’t, why then didn’t they also stop coronaviruses?

    2. Lifelogic
      October 22, 2023

      indeed, though some respiratory conditions can kill very quickly indeed.

  41. Lester_Cynic
    October 22, 2023

    The 25 year old partially sighted disabled son of a friend died within hours of having his covid booster, he looked fine when I saw him the previous week, no symptoms, he just keeled over

    I was contacted by the surgery and asked to book my appointment, I replied that under no circumstances would I have a covid “vaccine” shot

  42. Barbara
    October 22, 2023

    The BBC, of course, showed this factual speech, full of data, with their own contradictory comments underneath on a rolling banner.
    They can never again claim to be ‘impartial’.

    1. Lifelogic
      October 22, 2023

      This was appalling even by the BBC’s low standards.

  43. Lindsay+McDougall
    October 22, 2023

    Could it possibly be that excess deaths are mainly caused by the NHS’s enormous waiting lists?

    Here are a few suggestions for getting the waiting lists down without increasing overall NHS costs:
    – Pay doctors and nurses 15% more in order to recruit and retain them
    – Sack all of the Equality & Diversity Officers and end the box ticking
    – Insist that doctors delegate some of their tasks to degree qualified nurses and to pharmacies
    – Reduce the number of Senior Managers (gaffers) in the NHS to 20 % of the number of managers
    – Reduce the number of NHS policy making Quangos
    – Reduce the proportion of non-clinical NHS staff from the current 48%
    – Stop prescribing for free expensive drugs that extend the fag end of life by a few months

    And (horror of horrors), when public opinion is ready to listen, admit that the free-at-the-point-of-consumption die-on-the-waiting-list NHS system does not work, never has worked and never will work.

  44. paul cuthbertson
    October 22, 2023

    As I have said here many times before, the REAL conspiracy theorists believe their government cares about them, the media would never mislead or lie to them and the pharmaceutical /medical industry that makes billions from sickness wants to cure them.

    AND To all who have made comments here today, just pray Donald J. Trump is rightfully re-installed as the PRESIDENT of the US as only then will change happen.
    If not we shall all be slaves.

  45. Paula
    October 22, 2023

    How much scope for Lockdown and vaccine deaths and injury ?

    What about the closure of public swimming pools and the deaths among a population that has never been taught how to swim ?

    The maniacs at SAGE (after the first lockdown) were only ever looking at one side of the issue.

    The Left saw the health crisis as their chance to crush conservatism and capitalism.

    The Tory party was right royally shafted and has been destroyed by it .

  46. APL
    October 22, 2023

    JR: “I followed the debate carefully but did not contribute as I do not have any special knowledge or evidence to present to disagree with the NHS view.”

    Do you often vote on topics that you have no special knowledge ?
    Are you not an alumni of Oxford university?
    Isn’t a first class education supposed to give you the ability to read up on a topic and quickly bring your self up to speed on a subject?

    The government you support has recently put forward that smoking will be gradually abolished. During the long history of anti smoking legislation, did you ever take some time to read up on the subject?

    It is law in the UK, that every motor car driver should wear a seat belt. Did you take any time to read up on the statistics of road deaths before you mindlessly trotted through the lobby ?

    People die of smoking related conditions, people die in road accidents. The UK government took a position on both those topics and passed legislation to reduce the number of deaths.

    What is it about the correlation between elevated excess deaths after the anti COVID vaccinations, that the government and ( judging by the empty chamber during debates ) MPs do not want to expose ?

    Reply There was no vote

    1. APL
      October 22, 2023

      JR: “There was no vote”

      Yes, but of all people, Mr Redwood, you should not claim no special knowledge of a topic. You’ve been a minister in previous Parliaments, taken on seven different portfolios, in and out of government. I suppose when you took on a ministerial portfolio, you started with no special knowledge, but read up on the subject ?

    2. Jim+Whitehead
      October 23, 2023

      The departure from the Chamber was not a passive act. It was clearly meant to carry a message to the public as well as to Mr. Bridgen.
      That message has been received, loud and clear, and it is a repulsive message. The sense of revulsion is unworthy of the House and the verdict thus far is a just one.

      reply MPs rarely stay for the Adjournment debate and many do not attend on Fridays when they have constituency matters to attend to .The Adjournment debate does not lead to a vote or decision.

  47. gyges
    October 23, 2023

    I think you’ve missed your chance, John. We feel you’ve turned your back on us.

    There are a number of points in your post that are misguided but I don’t think the current UK Parliament is worth the investment of writing a more detailed note. The clearest indication of the health of western democracy was the recent standing ovation given by the Canadian Parliament. It was indicative of ignorance, a lack of independent thinking, and simply following some authority figures in their parties. I think the same is true of the currently constituted Westminster Parliament.

    As a last word, I’m quite shocked that you claim to have no knowledge of what’s been happening over the last year or so; I’m shocked that you appear only to be informed by a number of limited sources, and that you lack the discernment and critical ability to stray from those sources.

    As a post script: I’m more upset to write this note to you than you most probably are to read it (assuming you read it and take it to heart).

    Reply I need to concentrate on today’s arguments where I have a different view to the establishment I am confident about. Fighting old battles about vaccines does not help.

  48. APL
    October 24, 2023

    JR: “Fighting old battles about vaccines does not help.”

    Many people were not allowed to visit their parents or grandparents as they lay dying. They were locked out of the homes and I saw one instance where a lady tried to take her mother home to be cared for by herself and her family but the police were called and the old lady kidnapped and returned to the home.

    I well understand why you’d like to forget the horrors you and your ilk visited on the British, but you should not expect us to so easily dismiss it.

  49. James Morley
    October 25, 2023

    I speak as one who was vaccinated October and recently returned home following a mild stroke and most excellent care received at the Royal Berkshire Hospital. The country cannot possibly afford to compensate for illnesses or accidental damage incurred by vaccines and we should NOT create the precedent.

  50. APL
    October 25, 2023

    ” .. vaccines ..”

    It’s now been reported that some of the vaccines included so called ‘SV40’ DNA ( not RNA) sequence to encode the spike protein in the vaccines.

    I’ll leave it to interested readers to look up what SV40 is.

    But when it was included in one of the anti Polio vaccine in the ’50s it was highly correlated with increased cancer risk, and was thus discouraged in such applications.

    So, when the government and John Redwood, claim ( because he can’t be bothered to look into the topic ) that there is no likely-hood that the increased cancer rates we are seeing in 2023 are connected to the anti-covid-19 ‘vaccines’, it would be helpful to know, why if it were thought a risk identified in the Polio vaccine in 1955, and ‘SV40’s use discouraged then, he now thinks the use of ‘SV40’ DNA sequences injected into the patient, are no longer a concern in 2023 ?

    Why does the government, dismiss the idea that the increase in cancers may be related to the anti COVID-19 vaccine ( which include ‘SV40’ sequence ) today, when ‘SV40’ sequence was identified as a cause of increased cancer rates in 1963 ?

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