BBC bias hops across the Atlantic

       I do not take sides in another country’s election ahead of the vote.I tuned in to hear the BBC Question time special from America on the Presidential election, hoping to learn more about the policy issue divide.  Knowing they rarely allow Conservatives at home to make our case on their programmes I hoped for better abroad.

It started well. They had allowed two Republicans as well as two Democrats to form a balanced panel. At home they often choose a Conservative who is not conservative, and often weight the panel to the left. Fiona Bruce seemed to want both sides to be heard.

The programme bias was however persistent and insidious. The first question which set the tone for the whole programme was  about character.In other words the main Democrat campaign theme and issue that Trump’s past deeds and words mean he should not even be a candidate led the programme. Whilst Fiona Bruce did ask for comments on Harris no one was brought in to balance the debate. The well known issues of the Capitol riots, conduct with women and use of language were often aired against Trump. None of the Republican attack lines on Harris over dodging interviews, needing  autocues and flip flopping from previous positions, let alone her record in power were used.

Over the course of the programme Fiona Bruce did sometimes interrupt the Republicans trying to explain their candidates policies to put specific Democrat charges about Trumps past views and conduct. She never did the same to Democrats with anti Harris material.

A neutral outsider as the BBC should be could  have lifted this debate and helped us observers gain more insights into the two offers. Why no questioning of how Trump would get peace in Ukraine and Gaza? No questioning of how Biden/ Harris cannot get their allies to do as they wish, nor offer a path to peace in either conflict. No discussion of who was to blame for the big inflation in the US under Biden/Harris and how the competing economic policies might affect that. No wish to reveal that transition to net zero is on the ballot paper or to explore how Harris/Biden have got more oil and gas out despite green ambitions.Not even discussion of abortion where Democrats think they have an advantage or of how to treat foreign criminals where Republicans have strong views.

The programme did not allow explanation of Republican aims and policy changes and did not explore the policy success and failings of Harris in office because it was all consumed by the issue of Trumps  personality. The US is split 50/50 over whether to have Harris or Trump. As interested observers we need to know more about what either would do in office and leave judging their characters to those with votes in the election.


  1. Stephen Sharp
    October 12, 2024

    When Sir John was my MP I asked him if Trump was a fascist? Sir John refused to answer. I asked Sir John if Trump was a conservative and he refused to answer.

    Reply People can make their own judgement about Mr Trump . An MP does not have to opine on the personal characteristics of the leaders of our allies.

    1. Ian wragg
      October 12, 2024

      Fiona Bruce should stick to Antiques Road Show where she can do no damage.
      I don’t watch Question Time anymore or any other political debates because except for GB News they’re all infested with left wing guardinistas.

      1. Berkshire Alan
        October 12, 2024

        Agree, gave up viewing it on a regular basis years ago, tune in from time to time to see if it has changed and indeed it has, but for the worse. It is now a socialist propaganda programme, and whilst the audience we are informed are balanced, the panel certainly is not, and the questions are chosen by the BBC from those submitted by the audience.
        The BBC is now failing the Nation as an authority of presenting facts, reporting, and a non biased opinion.

        1. Mickey Taking
          October 12, 2024

          The BBC has failed to present balanced facts, and is normally obviously biased on pretty much everything, the case as long as I can remember.

      2. Lifelogic
        October 12, 2024

        Left wing Guardinistas with arts degrees and little understanding of business, science, economics, energy, climate, genders, logic…

        Rather like the Labour Ministers.

        DP World, the Dubai-based owner of P&O Ferries, has put the announcement of a reported ÂŁ1bn investment in the UK on hold after fierce criticism of the firm by ministers this week. Well done!

        Ministers described the Employment Rights Bill as the biggest boost to pay and productivity in the workplace in a generation.

        Almost every single action they take is job destroying and hugely anti-growth and anti productivity.

        One has to ask are these Ministers lying or just extremely stupid? What other explanations?

        1. Mitchel
          October 12, 2024

          DP has ,as I have mentioned before, bigger fish to fry:

,25/10/23:”Russia signs deal with DP World for developing the Arctic Sea Route.”
,7/12/23:”Rosatom and DP World to create international logistics operator.”:

          “Rosatom and DP World have signed an agreement on strategic co-operation in the global market aimed at increasing the efficiency of international trade primarily among the BRICS countries and their partners and at creating seamless sustainable global transportation and logistics supply chains.The agreement will be implemented on the basis of the backbone infrastructure of Russia(including the Northern Sea Route),Eurasia,Middle East,Africa and South America.”

          If you look at the map of where DP has port operations it is hugely complementary with the Russian landmass and the connectivity it offers – not just with the Arctic but the Baltic Sea,Black Sea,Caspian Sea and Far East.Russia’s rapidly developing alliance with Iran,particularly through the INSTC, offers a direct connection from the Arctic to DP’s original core business in the Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean.All three countries are BRICS members.

          As DP’s Chairman commented back in 2021 when exploratory talks began:”What prompted us is the ice has melted.”

          The UAE is just one of a number of partners Russia has engaged to develop the Arctic-China,India,even Turkey(which has just built a floating dock for Russia’s new nuclear powered icebreakers-currently on its way to Murmansk-and is now building two LNG powered ice breakers(Russia’s shipyards are full to capacity to work) a contract which a Finnish shipyard had been hoping to get).The west is excluded from all developments.

          1. A-tracy
            October 13, 2024

            I wonder if P&O charges UK customers less than other operators from our Island? If they make personnel wages and benefits savings are they passing them on and becoming more competitive? If not why are clients choosing them and not other competitors from our ports? It is ultimately the customers that have the power over who gets our business other than in monopoly industries like railways and water.

      3. Peter
        October 12, 2024

        I wonder whether those lamenting BBC bias have ever listened to James O’Brien. He was briefly on Newsnight but now hosts phone-in broadcasts on the radio. Phone-ins are basically a chance for the host to say what they want, encourage supportive calls and cut off awkward or opposing views.

        Jobby has a very annoying, whingeing style. I occasionally hear him when I channel hop in the car.

        Anyway, I have his book ‘How they broke Britain’ from the library. He divides it into chapters attacking various media figures and politicians. Much of it is throwaway ad hominem attacks.

        Cameron is described as being unable to find a job in finance or journalism in the post university milk round. Connections find him a job as a Conservative spad. He jumps ship when Norman Lamont’s work might look bad on his CV. Then pulls strings to get into TV – his one job in the real world.

        Jobby also discusses interlinked conservative ‘think tanks’ and lack of transparency over funding. Tax Payers Alliance, IEA and others are mentioned as a shady Tufton Street alliance.

        There is no mention of Common Purpose. Quangos are not looked at critically and opposition to illegal migration is dismissed as racist. And so it goes on.

      4. Lifelogic
        October 12, 2024

        Well she might smash a Ming Vase I suppose.

        A great shame Two Tier Kier’s carry the Ming Vase and do not drop it election strategy worked so well for him. Why on earth did Sunak go six months early and make it so very easy for him with his Con-socialist, green crap, tax to death agenda?

        1. Berkshire Alan
          October 12, 2024

          Clearly it made sense to him, which just shows how little he knew of real peoples lives and thoughts.

      5. Peter Gardner
        October 12, 2024

        Ian, I do watch GB News among others but its self promotion and advertising drives me insane. It is so pointless as I am already listening or watching. Its ‘interview’ and opinion programmes alamost always turn into shouting matches. Very hard to watch more than a few minutes once or twice a week on an occasional basis.

      6. Peter
        October 12, 2024

        There is a wonderful Harry and Paul spoof of Question Time with the pair playing all roles. Enfield plays David Dimbleby.

        It’s accurate down to final light hearted question. It was produced by the BBC. So they occasionally produce worthwhile programmes.

    2. Lifelogic
      October 12, 2024

      Indeed people can decide for themselves and these words have different meanings to different people anyway.

      JR says “At home QT often choose a Conservative who is not conservative, and often weight the panel to the left.” It is nearly always four lefties plus the lefty chair to one on the right for five lefties and no one on the right. If they ever do have anyone sensible on like David Starkey, Farage, JR, Ben Habib they then have five people against them who hurl abuse and constantly interrupt them.

      When did QT or Any Questions have a climate realist on? Yet this is the correct and rational side of the argument. The bias over Brexit was blatant invariably about 80% pro remain. The audience bias is huge too as is the selection of the questions. Fiona Bruce herself a modern languages graduate is appallingly biased and seems to lack any understanding of logic, statistics, science, energy, climate, balance
 then they often include on the panel with one more BBC or ex BBC employees all lefties needless to say and usually lacking these skills too. Andrew Marr (English at Trinity Hall) or John Sergeant (PPE Oxon) types.

      1. Lifelogic
        October 12, 2024

        Trump odds circs 5/6 so slight favourite indicates about 54.5% chance with Kamala 45.45%. It is depressing enough to have to suffer the idiotic anti-growth agenda Starmer, Lammy, the deluded zealot Ed Miliband, Cooper Balls, Reeves and that Tory scum, scum, scum woman without having to suffer Kamala too! At least a Trump victory should get rid of Lammy and undermine the destructive Net Zero brained agenda of Ed Miliband.

      2. Lynn Atkinson
        October 12, 2024

        Words do NOT have different meanings.
        What kind of dystopian world are you promoting?
        People MUST understand the meaning of words and use them accordingly.

        1. Mickey Taking
          October 12, 2024

          Lynn – all very helpful when you are being nailed to the mast and need to ease off it. Insist THAT was not want you meant when you said it!
          Alternative, common parlance and woke can be really ambiguous.

        2. Narrow Shoulders
          October 12, 2024

          Quite Lynn. Context might vary but meaning certainly doesn’t

        3. Lifelogic
          October 12, 2024

          Well of course words mean very different things to different people and have many different meaning too. Scientific meaning, artistic meaning, conceptual meanings.. try asking 100 people the difference between power and energy scientifically and what the words mean to them in general you will get huge variations. To some people infer mean means the same of imply to others it means deduce for some it mean both. Ask 100 people what “equality” or “fairness” means to them? The meaning also evolve over time.

          Some people it is true have very incorrect understandings of the meanings but if enough use that meaning it becomes valid . The meaning vary by regions – too don’t they. m’luv.

          1. Lifelogic
            October 12, 2024

            Different professions often use words very differently indeed.

        4. dixie
          October 13, 2024

          Words do have different meanings and they can change over time, eg “gay”.
          A favourite tactic of the left is to take one meaning of a word, their preferred meaning, then force that to be the only meaning that is acceptable, even under law. It is an act of control and is done to take control away from the individual and society.
          In my own professions the word “hack” has different meanings. Originally a type of horse or cutting plants, in the engineering domain it meant to solve a problem piecemeal, to “hack together” some code or a circuit. At MIT in the USA the word was used to describe practical jokes and morphed into doing something against a system or organisation. Now everyone outside, and even a large number inside, the tech industries only see the negative aspect.

    3. Clough
      October 12, 2024

      I really do not understand why anyone with any sense would want to spend even 5 minutes of their time watching the BBC. Its biases are so obvious and so predictable by now that it’s pointless to wonder how it will treat a foreign election, be it France, Germany, Russia or the USA. Eight years of anti-Trump slanted ‘reporting’ on the 45th President should have told our host what he was going to get. So should Bruce’s disgraceful attempt to ‘correct’ Reform Party chairman Zia Yusuf not long ago, on immigration figures. He was right, she was wrong and had to admit it, but she did not apologise for her behaviour. The whole point of the BBC is to make the unwary viewer believe they’re getting a balanced view of events in this country and around the world, when in fact they aren’t.

      1. Lifelogic
        October 12, 2024

        Indeed and not hugely anti-Semitic too now.

    4. Lynn Atkinson
      October 12, 2024

      Very stupid questions, no wonder JR refused to answer.

    5. Peter
      October 12, 2024

      ‘I tuned in to hear the BBC Question time special from America on the Presidential election, hoping to learn more about the policy issue divide.’

      A triumph of hope over experience then ?

      You will have been aware of the anti Trump stance of previous BBC staff like John Sopel. I am not sure why you would expect a change in outlook now.

      I do not have a TV licence. I rarely listen to BBC radio now either.

      1. Peter
        October 12, 2024

        No posts yet on the Tory leadership election and Cleverley’s exit. Polls cannot even get it right when there are barely over a hundred voters involved. Yet they are given such great importance still and can be used to actually try to sway results.

        1. Mickey Taking
          October 12, 2024

          I was interested to read, where was it ?, that speculation said some thought Cleverly home and dry so tried to use their vote to select the second place – oops.

        2. Lifelogic
          October 12, 2024

          Well people especially MPs do not tell the truth and charge their mind. The best two got through in the end Kemi is the favourite and by some margin. Can Robert Jenerick be trusted – he was a con-socialist EU enthusiast and is still mad on Net ZERO as is Kemi.

  2. agricola
    October 12, 2024

    That the BBC should export her home grown guardianista bias to the USA is of no surprise. Unfortunately the BBC no longer contains a Robin Day figure to give real substance to its political desk, nor for that matter an Alistaire Cook to unravel the politics and thinking within the USA.

    Fiona Bruce is fine as the Margot of antiques, tripping her way through peoples treasured possesions, but as a hard hitting political journalist she has little but her pleasant personality to offer. I cannot recall any political disitation she has written for our print media. However I do not blame her for fronting Question Time with little more than an intelligent pretty face, if that is what the BBC pay her to do.

    The BBC was once a great breeding ground for talent. Its now narrow left wing capture taints almost everything it outputs. The only joy is watching repeats on other channels from its great past creative period, even if they come with a health warning.

    1. Peter Wood
      October 12, 2024

      Ahh, fond memories of the eloquent, inciteful and calm of Alistair Cook and the Sunday ‘Letter from America’ report. People who have lived, learned and can educate others in the most welcoming way, a rare treasure not often found.

      1. Lifelogic
        October 12, 2024

        Indeed and all available on BBC sounds. Though even he seemed a bit of a lefty to me, though he hid it fairly well and he lacked much of a grasp of science etc. Blackpool Grammar then English at Jesus Cambridge, he tended to avoid those topics a bit.

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          October 12, 2024

          Once you are a grown up and have continued your education you formal education takes a backseat. It was the foundation and of course, nothing to be ashamed of, but too many Oxbridge graduated think that once they have their Masters they have achieved all they need to do in life. They stop. They are then overtaken by those who are inquisitive about the world and who keep learning until the very end of the road.

          1. Lifelogic
            October 12, 2024

            Yes but the sort of person that aspires to read physics, maths, science, energy, engineering… is usually a very different sort of person/brain to one who aspires to English, Languages, Humanities. Some people are.were very good at both like Jacob Bronowski but not many.

            Most MPs currently in parliament have not got a clue about the above. Very few people who dropped maths and science at 16 every really get a good understanding of these things. If they were not interested at 16 they are not usually interested later. Even very simple concepts can be beyond them. Like measuring bus/train average occupancy for example.

          2. Lifelogic
            October 12, 2024

            A degree in say English, French, Italian or PPE is hardly much of a foundation for Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Engineering… and they were probably not very interest in these subject anyway even at 16.

  3. Geoffrey Berg
    October 12, 2024

    The bias against the American Republicans, especially Trump, by not only the BBC but also by just about all the British establishment and the media is absolutely extreme. They have been emphasising for a year first Trump was not going to get the nomination and since then that he wasn’t going to, couldn’t, win. They are full of so-called Republicans who won’t for Trump without mentioning that Trump is doing so well in the opinion polls because many who usually vote Democrat will be voting for Trump and Trump is running well ahead of the Republican Senate candidates in all the competitive states. Nor do they even acknowledge, let alone attempt any fair analysis of Trump’s political genius that enables him to do so well and get such fervent support and personally take over most of the Republican Party despite his many personal shortcomings, get the votes of the strongly religious despite not being very religious himself and attract the votes of the poor and underprivileged despite being very rich and privileged himself and having spent his life in business in catering successfully almost exclusively to the well off. I predict Trump is going to win this election and I want him to win mainly because he is the pro-Capitalism candidate who understands business and will be much better for the American economy and indeed for America generally whereas Harris like Starmer is a left-wing dope.

    1. Lifelogic
      October 12, 2024

      Just the fact that Trump is a climate realist is surely sufficient reason to vote for him Net Zero is an appalling, evil and destructive Chairman Mao type of agenda it will kill millions if done seriously. That and Trump’s general & self effacing modesty.

      1. Mike Wilson
        October 12, 2024

        That and Trump’s general & self effacing modesty.

        You know what they say about sarcasm.

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          October 12, 2024

          You are unaware of his achievements, obviously.
          And I’m speaking from the heart.

      2. Original Richard
        October 12, 2024

        LL :


        When the Marxists talk of Net Zero creating millions of “green jobs” they have in mind millions of forced manual labour jobs in the fields as happened with Pol Pot.

        1. Mickey Taking
          October 12, 2024

          nearer the truth than you realise? The day might come when we are loaned farmer’s strips of land to manually plough due to no oil for tractors! Anybody got a strong horse for the job?

    2. Peter
      October 12, 2024

      ‘left-wing dope’ seems the sort of phrase Lifelogic might use. Others wax lyrical about weasels, snakes and vermin – often in the same sentence.

  4. David Andrews
    October 12, 2024

    The BBC has been captured by a self perpetuating oligarchy that promotes its left wing propaganda. Every programme from gardening to actual politics through drama and comedy is designed to achieve this objective. The method is strict editorial control of subjects covered, narrative advanced, people selected to appear and speak. If your face and thoughts don’t fit you are cancelled. Alternative thoughts and the appearance of those that hold them, such as our host, are carefully controlled. The only solution is to transition BBC funding to a subscription model.

  5. Wanderer
    October 12, 2024

    It shows how utterly, dangerously deluded our ruling classes are. Trump is some sort of devil in their mind; Harris therefore is some kind of Saint. Anything is acceptable to stop Trump (2 attemptson his life so far), and his supporters are dangerous too: anything from lawfare to character assassination is OK there.

    We are not safe when the leadership class and their institutions (like the BBC) think this way.

    1. Mickey Taking
      October 12, 2024

      The chance of an American President with no questionable past, sound relatives, intelligence obvious and unnecessary autocue are long gone.

  6. Paul Freedman
    October 12, 2024

    We pay the BBC to be impartial. It costs us GBP 169.50 per year to be so. The BBC should take its responsibilities seriously as this is not an insignificant sum to anyone and for many people it is a lot which they have to sacrifice to pay.
    Question Time is at its best and most interesting when it is discussing the big issues which need solving and thrashing out the panel’s solutions to them.
    Getting personal over Trump is trite and only proves that Democrat policies are flawed and they (and the partial BBC) don’t want that to be revealed.

    1. Mike Wilson
      October 12, 2024

      The BBC costs me nothing. I don’t watch live television.
      Question Time is really not the forum, or the format, to discuss how we deal with the challenges of running the country. 5 all expenses paid publicity seekers, airing their ill considered, unchallenged and unverified views, really does not advance any serious consideration of things.

      1. Paul Freedman
        October 12, 2024

        I do agree that the quality of Question Time has deteriorated substantially over the last 10 years especially. In fact because of this I have only watched it a handful of times in the last 10 years or so.
        When I wrote my comment though I was really referring to the 1990s when QT was fantastic. Would you agree it was fantastic in the 1990s?

        1. Mike Wilson
          October 12, 2024

          I agree it was better in the past – when Robin Day presented it. I feel the audience has always been hand picked for bias. I have applied a few times, they never let me in.

      2. Lifelogic
        October 12, 2024

        The BBC have already started harassing my third child at university to buy a licence. But as I have one she does not need one – even if she watches live TV or the BBC providing it is done on a laptop or tablet (and it is not plugged in to the mains (or aerial) at the time (how would they know)! The main home licence covers them if you have one.

    2. Bill B.
      October 12, 2024

      Do we pay the BBC to be impartial, Paul? I pay the BBC just to stay out of jail. That’s because there are a few programmes, none related to politics, which I still want to watch.

      1. Mickey Taking
        October 12, 2024

        It will be a couple of years of fine. I doubt they want publicity of punters like you being banged up over no licence.

      2. Ian wragg
        October 12, 2024

        Stopped funding the Marxist entity that is the BBC. Their coverage of Brexit was criminal.

    3. Donna
      October 12, 2024

      It doesn’t cost me anything. I never watch it …. I don’t pay for it.

      Ignore the MSM and use streaming services and you don’t have to pay the Telly Propaganda Tax.

  7. Cliff.. Wokingham.
    October 12, 2024

    Sir John,
    It is strange watching much of our media’s political coverage. One might be mistaken for thinking that we in the UK actually have a vote in the American elections. The BBC and Sky are very biased in their American political coverage,it boils down to, the Democrats can do no wrong, the Republicans can do no right but, if the do, ignore it or poo poo it, often with a roll of the eyes.
    Their coverage of the Middle East conflict is very bias too against Israel.
    I have also noticed how the State’s Broadcaster, Al JaBeeba, manage to push the new false religion of climate change in almost every programme. I don’t know who they are trying to convince:- We the viewers or themselves?
    Interesting how a mouthy minister’s outburst can potentially cost a billion pounds of foreign investment.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      October 12, 2024

      They show the same bias against Russia. They are nothing if not consistent.

  8. Sharon
    October 12, 2024

    During the first Trump candidacy in 2016, I was still working in a primary school with 10year olds. The teacher put on screen, a BBC bite sized, cartoon type mini campaign video. Oh my goodness was it biased! I gasped in shock! As I did so, one of the kids muttered,”oh my goodness, this is so biased!”

    It was soo… bad and obvious! So no change!

  9. Lifelogic
    October 12, 2024

    You say “Over the course of the programme Fiona Bruce did sometimes interrupt the Republicans trying to explain their candidates policies to put specific Democrat charges about Trumps past views and conduct. She never did the same to Democrats with anti Harris material.”

    It is this that always give away the view of the presenter or of an interviewer this and the choice if questions. All BBC interviewers and presenters, almost without exception, are left wing, climate alarmists, pro EU, pro big government art graduates. Unless you have those views and ignorances it is not worth applying.

  10. Sir Joe Soap
    October 12, 2024

    Presumably also no questions comparing or contrasting the level of world peace under Biden versus Trump?
    Not sure why the BBC is even dabbling in this.

    Presumably it’s Job Done now in the UK so somebody’s decided to mess with other countries” democratic processes.

  11. Old Albion
    October 12, 2024

    Frankly, how anyone in America ever thought Trump was a suitable man to become president, astounds me. When they did vote against him (apparently) they elected Biden. A man who clearly was suffering from the ravages of old age.
    Now Harris, about whom i know nothing, She does have two qualifying features though ………………….

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      October 12, 2024

      You’ve been listening to the Beeb! đŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł

      1. Old Albion
        October 12, 2024

        No, I expressed MY opinion.

        1. Mike Wilson
          October 12, 2024

          No, I expressed MY opinion.

          And it is the same opinion of everyone I know – some of them are quite staunch Tories – but they all are bemused by Trump. If you listen to any Trump supporter being interviewed, it makes you cringe and wonder about how sensible it is to allow everyone to vote.
          A question for LifeLogic – what university did Trump go to? Harvard? Yale? MIT? Stanford? What did he study? Physics? Engineering? You seem to place great importance to politicians’ university and subject.
          Don’t tell me – he learnt business at his father’s knee and was astute enough to turn his father’s money into nothing.

          1. Lifelogic
            October 13, 2024

            Bachelor of Science in economics from the University of Pennsylvania. He was one of three children who inherited a decent sum, but not a vast sum.

  12. Richard1
    October 12, 2024

    Question time is a dreadful programme, I gave up watching it years ago. I’ve given up the R4 equivalents as well now, Inc Today, as they’ve become similarly ghastly with a constant leftist bias. The last really good BBC output on politics was the Andrew Neil / Michael Portillo the week in politics. Leftists got plenty of airtime on it, including obviously the preposterous Diane Abbott. But they were constantly flattened, in a very polite and civilised way, by Neil and Portillo. Presumably that’s why the bbc did away with it.

  13. Paul W
    October 12, 2024

    Impartiality and fairness should be key to any public interview or debate held by the BBC and so often it isn’t.
    Candidates personality and past misdeameanours have nothing to do with who will make the best PM or President and yet discussions about what they have or haven’t done in their personal lives so often colours people’s judgement enough sometimes to swing the voting one way or another.
    And this is where we’ve gone wrong in the past picking, characters like Blair and Johnson over capability; we seem unable to discern who will be a good or bad PM or party leader;it’s not easy because the choice we are given is not exactly world class.
    Trump has capability to run a country properly, make good decisions, has a successsful career in business,is well known and gives confidence that problems in America and across the world are more likely to be sorted out under him;
    Does anyone know anything about Kamala Harris who hasn’t been heard of during the 4 years Biden has been in office and since she became vice President.

    1. Bill B.
      October 12, 2024

      What do we know about Kamala Harris? She giggles, and dries up without an autocue. That’s about it.

      1. hefner
        October 12, 2024

        There is an extensive item on K.Harris in the 11/10/2024 FT ‘How San Francisco’s brutal politics shaped Kamala Harris’.

  14. Rodney Needs
    October 12, 2024

    I did not watch not interested to me why waste licence payers money. I think we are all aware of the British Biases Corporation.

  15. Donna
    October 12, 2024

    The definition of insanity, attributed to Einstein, is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

    Watching the BBC’s Question Time and hoping for a balanced, bias-free, debate is a rather worrying sign, Sir John.

    The viewing public aren’t supposed to worry their little heads about the Democrats’ policies; Harris’ failures as VP; her inability to explain any policies let alone “talk normally;” and they really shouldn’t concern themselves with who’s really running the country, since Biden clearly isn’t capable and it most definitely isn’t Harris.

    “Orange Man is Bad” is all they’re supposed to think. It’s brainwashing. The BBC is an Establishment propagandist organisation, but not as effective as it used to be since the bias is now so unrelenting and blatant.

  16. Narrow Shoulders
    October 12, 2024

    What is a fascist Stephen? Other than anobsession for agitators.

  17. Narrow Shoulders
    October 12, 2024

    I have no problem with the BBC and others pointing out President Trump’s many flaws. He is an odious person, as are most seekers of high office (our own two tier zealot for instance).

    Where I do find fault, as you write Sir John, is that any opponent to President Trump gets a free ride and the policies aren’t debated. President Trump talks very differently to how he delivers and America prospered under his Presidency . That can not be said for Harris / Biden

    1. IanT
      October 12, 2024

      Trump or Harris, what a dismal choice for American voters. I’ve watched a few of Trump’s speeches and he does seem to have a limited vocabularly I’m afraid (everything is “Good” apparently). Of course the Democrats do seem to be keeping Ms Harris off the airwaves, presumably for a very good reason.

      I’d vote Trump if I had to make the hard choice but it wouldn’t be with any great enthusiasm and his ‘America First’ policies will not be very much help to us over here. But wouldn’t it be nice to see a few ‘Britain First’ policies enacted by our political leadership?

      By comparison, I was watching Ron DeSantis in the aftermath of the hurricane and he certainly came across as someone in control of the situation and capable of giving clear leadership. What a pity that neither the Republicans nor the Democrats really got a chance to choose better candidates.

      1. Mickey Taking
        October 12, 2024

        I think Trump knows to keep his message as simple as possible, he is aware of what the level of voter is capable of assessing.

      2. Donna
        October 12, 2024

        I’d vote for Trump because of JD Vance and Robert Kennedy Junior.

    2. Mike Wilson
      October 12, 2024

      That can not be said for Harris / Biden

      How so? I keep reading on here that America is cracking on – with better growth and jobs etc

      1. Narrow Shoulders
        October 13, 2024

        Standard of living Mike. Quality of life, just like here.

  18. William Long
    October 12, 2024

    I have never watched a similar American TV interview, if indeed they have them, but should be very interested to know if they would be subject to the same bias. If any Americans have the misfortune to watch ours, they will be likely to realise how lucky they are to have a candidate like Trump who is well capable of speaking his own mind in the face of any media opposition. I wish we could say the same; Farage is all we have in that respect at the moment.

  19. halfway
    October 12, 2024

    Why should we know more about what either would do in office – we’ll know soon enough.
    As an aside have no idea how, after Trumps attempt to overthrow the results of the presidential election four years ago, how anyone would even think of putting someone like that in charge again – certainly I don’t think I would be able to write a character reference for him. Lastly by way of mitigation and thankfully if Trump does get in it will be for four years only so the rest of the world can just hunker down ride it out while he visits his pals in North Korea and Moscow – none of our business stuff anyway.

    1. R.Grange
      October 12, 2024

      Halfway, ou’ve obviously never heard of ballot harvesting. Unfortunately, neither had a lot of Republicans until it was too late. Let’s hope this time it won’t be “Fool me twice…”

  20. JayCee
    October 12, 2024

    You don’t surprise me. We don’t watch or listen to BBC News.
    They occupy the same parallel universe as the Guardian, New York Times and National Trust. They consider it their role to inform the rest of us (the Ignorant Masses) why they are right and only they should make decisions or run the country. Their non-jobs are far more important than creating wealth.
    That is why we are ending up with a country which adds less and less economic value and is thus getting poorer.
    And it still hasn’t dawned on their political party that it cannot go on.

  21. Lynn Atkinson
    October 12, 2024

    So the ‘personality’ of the BBC was revealed for the world to see.
    If it was not the British State Broadcaster I would not care.
    It must cease to be funded by order of the British Government and sink or swim by its own lights.

    1. Lifelogic
      October 12, 2024

      I get value for the licence but what annoys me is they as so left wing, totally deluded on net zero and climate, hugely anti-landlord, very poor on science, anti-Semitic, were pro lockdowns, pro duff and dangerous Covid vaccines for all, and the vaccine origins … and are still lying on all these topics.

  22. Bryan Harris
    October 12, 2024

    Just what you’d expect of the BBC.

    If they can’t hide facts they will use innuendo to stifle debate.

    We’ve been promised too many times by HMG that something would be done about BBC misrepresentation and bias, but they have proven too useful to successive governments to let go. As the BBC are masters of propaganda they can do whatever they want, without risk of being cancelled, as long as they continue to please the government of the day.

    The BBC has crossed the line too many times now. Considered unfit for purpose by many, but it looks like we are stuck with them until Hells gates open.

    1. Mike Wilson
      October 12, 2024

      It is interesting that people of the left regard the BBC as biased to the right – and vice versa. Maybe we all see what we want to see.

      1. dixie
        October 13, 2024

        The left “say” the BBC is biassed to the right because they consider it is not totally biassed to the left.
        They do not want any consideration of a topic to be anything but their opinion.

  23. Roy Grainger
    October 12, 2024

    Why even have a special QT on USA elections ? They didn’t have one on German or French elections despite being big fans of the EU.

  24. Dave Andrews
    October 12, 2024

    Well John, that’s one wasted hour of your life you won’t get back again. Question Time starts after I’ve gone to bed, and I’m certainly not going to watch it on catchup.
    I expect everyone in the US has already made up their mind which way they are going to vote, and further publicity isn’t going to sway them one way or the other. As in the UK, the electorate will vote for whoever offers the sweetest lies.

  25. George Sheard
    October 12, 2024

    Hi sir John
    Not interested in American politics
    I have no control what happens
    America is like the EU they only want the uk when they need something or to fight a war
    We have our own problems with 14 years of waste chances by the conservatives and
    now the labour party who are against white English people
    starmer and co are protecting their freebies he said he will protect muslims and mosque
    Thank you

  26. Glenn Vaughan
    October 12, 2024

    We’ve never had a political analyst in this country to match the quality of the late, great Charles Krauthammer. An intellectual giant and the most eloquent, articulate voice for American Conservatism.

  27. Ian B
    October 12, 2024

    “A neutral outsider as the BBC should be could have lifted this debate” it is incapable of being neutral at any level, even drama or light entertainment programs wish to highlight left wing bias, pushing the BBC personal agendas at every chance

  28. Kenneth
    October 12, 2024

    The BBC is pretty useless for getting any decent information.

    I only consume the BBC for fun. I put on any channel and see how long it takes before the far-left propaganda appears. It’s usually less than 60 seconds.

  29. Donna
    October 12, 2024

    The puppeticians in Parliament have selected a 37 yr old Classics Graduate, previously UK World Wildlife Fund’s Head of Climate, as the new Chief Executive of the Climate Change Committee.

    She knows the square root of diddly squat about Physics or Energy Production, but is able to spout the Climate Faith’s doctrine and most importantly, looks good on the telly.

    It won’t be necessary for the last sensible person to leave the UK to turn out the lights. There won’t be any.

    1. Original Richard
      October 12, 2024

      Donna :

      She has been selected to be the CEO of the CCC precisely BECAUSE she knows nothing about physics or energy.

      Nothing can be more dangerous to a society based upon science and technology than to give power to those who know nothing about science and technology.

      This is all part of the topsy-turvy world that the fifth column communists are developing.

  30. Keith from Leeds
    October 12, 2024

    The only surprise is that you appear surprised! But the Conservatives did nothing to rein in the BBC in 14 years in Government. The BBC has been biased for years against conservative values, the two-parent family, anyone who speaks out against immigration or climate change, or anyone who believes in and defends the UK and its past.
    The bias against Trump has also been there for years; the American/UK media has constantly denounced him and built up his opponents.
    The only way to change the BBC is to cut its funding, and you did not even do that.
    Now we have the final two potential leaders of the Conservative Party who should we vote for? You must know both of them better than us.

    Reply I support Jenrick. Badenoch let us down badly over EU laws repeal and deregulation.

    1. Mike Wilson
      October 12, 2024

      Can a leopard change its spots?Fool me once 

  31. Peter Gardner
    October 12, 2024

    The Harris-Trump debate on US ABC on 10 Sep was blatantly biassed against Trump. The BBC is indeed biassed to the Left, as we all know, but its US election coverage on 10 Oct was following an already established trend.
    Sadly what it means for those campaigning for the end of the BBC Licence fee is that alternatives to a state funded broadcaster do not guarantee unbiassed coverage.

  32. William
    October 12, 2024

    The BBC is not just biased it feeds fake news.
    Rick Prior the Police Federation Rep is suspended for giving an interview to GB News and Talk TV in which he stated that Officers were very apprehensive about approaching those of ethnicity for fear of being reported as racist. The suspension of such a Representative and the reason behind that suspension are not considered news worthy by the BBC as it was never mentioned. The BBC mirrors many of the TV Stations in America, they are anti Trump and therefore give the idiotic, inept and juvenile Harris a free ride. Can you imagine what the world would be like if she succeeds. We have the corrupt lying Starmer destroying the U.K. we don’t need this pathetic woman ruining the already fragile USA, together they will destroy NATO & the West, we will all be ruled by the Islamists and controlled by China.

  33. Original Richard
    October 12, 2024

    “I tuned in to hear the BBC Question time special from America on the Presidential election, hoping to learn more about the policy issue divide.”

    How odd, and what’s the real purpose of this exercise? Does it presage a new BBC’s policy for QT to hold “specials” in those countries that our “communities” feel they really belong?

  34. Ian B
    October 12, 2024

    On reflection, the choice of Leader in the US is just as dire as here in the UK. The big difference is that POTUS has less power than the UK PM to screw with peoples lives. Also the US Senate doesn’t assume – it seeks confirmation from the electorate every 2 years. That alone suggests they are less afraid of Democracy and seek to empower it – rather than fight the people at every turn.
    The US is still run on the principles of ‘English Law’ something our corrupt shower threw out years ago.

  35. forthurst
    October 12, 2024

    Were there any questions about Mayorkas, Director of Homeland Security, facilitating the establishment of encampments in Central America for South Americans and Africans to enter the USA and then bussing them into Republican areas? It’s also noteworthy that FEMA, an Agency of the DHS has failed to help the victims of Hurricane Milton who are mostly white=Republican whilst those who volunteered their time and resources to help were characterised by the Daily Telegraph as white supremacists, presumably copied and pasted off some vile pro-Democrat rag (practically all of them).

  36. Roy Grainger
    October 12, 2024

    Since the election it seems to me the BBC have become more openly biased because they know no one in the government will do anything about it. On Trump, in his previous presidential term what did he actually DO that was bad ? He did some notably good things in foreign policy, like his meeting with North Korea to deescalate that situation, and Putin didn’t invade anywhere under his watch, unlike under Obama and Biden.

  37. K
    October 13, 2024

    Most people know that the BBC is biased.

  38. MBJ
    October 13, 2024

    As usual bashing everyone else and not looking within.The bloggers here really need to address the fact that they encourage personality politics and furthermore they themselves are obsessed with their own petty pasts. Believe.. you are not important
    People voting left desire harmony and peace,but it doesn’t seem to get through to the aggressors.
    Cruel is as cruel does.


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