Republicans do well

The two lead issues of the economy and illegal migration were issues where President Trump and the Republicans were on the more popular side of the argument. I have not commented on their election during its progress but am not surprised by the likely results.

The mistakes of western governments over Covid lockdown reinforced by the big errors of the Fed, the Bank of England and the European Central Bank over inflation, money and interest rates were bound to lead to bad election results for them. We have seen the governments of France, Italy and the U.K. fall, to be followed by the US and probably  Germany next year. Electors hold governments responsible for inflation as they cannot throw Central Bankers out when they get it hopelessly wrong.


  1. Wanderer
    November 6, 2024

    I still have fingers crossed, they have still to declare.
    The overall votes (rather than electoral college ones) are very close as I write. It reminds me so much of the Brexit campaign and vote. Despite the establishment attacks and lies, and wall-to-wall legacy media hostility, just enough people didn’t fall for the spin, but it was a very close run thing.
    …fingers still crossed.


    1. Lynn Atkinson
      November 6, 2024

      The % looks close but the numbers are huge. The Democrats about to concede at 9.00pm our time.

  2. Ian Wraggg
    November 6, 2024

    Trump like him or loathe him is not part of the deep state. He understands that the average Joe doesn’t want Thierry culture wiping out with mass immigration
    He knows that Net Zero is a WEF/UN scam intended to bankrupt the Anglophile world. Thousands questioned by polluters are reluctant to admit they want Donald as President. If the Republicans win it is a blow to the globalist cabal currently incharge.

  3. David Andrews
    November 6, 2024

    Exit polls report that key issues were “democracy”, the economy, abortion, migration. Source Politico.

  4. Lifelogic
    November 6, 2024

    Great news not to have to listen to Kamala for four years, great news it is too Big to Rig, great to have a climate realist (with a sensible energy policy) in the White House (assuming he can stay alive until January).

    Has the moronic and evil race-baiter Lammy gone yet?

    What a shame the idiotic Sunak stuck to his socialist, tax to death, net zero lunacy, Covid vaccines were safe dishonesty and through in the towel six month early for no sensible reason. We could perhaps even avoided two Tier Keir with an election in a few week (with a rather better (slightly) leader and better policies like Kemi or Jenrick) . What a grade one and dishonest fool he was.

    Great that the nasty and evil law-fare of the Democrats failed. The victory is annoying and upsetting all the right people both in the US and the UK. Time for Milibrain to resign too. Time for Trump to set up a sensible red team of scientist to expose & demonstrate the bogus exaggerated science of Net Zero and the destructive lunacy on the Net Zero agenda.

    As I said it would his self effacing modesty carried the day. Great to have someone pro-British for a change too.

    1. Lifelogic
      November 6, 2024

      True Trump’s economic policies with more import tariffs is not so good but this will just be used to do fairer free trade agreement in practice I predict.

      Perhaps Trump will even do deals with Musk to further protect free speech and Robert F. Kennedy Jr to investigate the evils of Big Pharma and the net harm Covid Vaccines and the appalling “regulation” of them,

    2. Lynn Atkinson
      November 6, 2024

      Lammy will be a spanner in the works. If I were Trump would never forgive him or Starmer who did not fire him after the insulting and inaccurate remarks.
      Both need to go asap.

      1. Lifelogic
        November 6, 2024

        And the appalling Mayor of London and Ed Milliband who have been as moronic as Lammy.

    3. Ed M
      November 6, 2024

      Why don’t you try and become an MP? Seriously?
      There is a serious shortage of quality Tory MPs.
      Everything depends on the quality of Tory MPs – or not.
      I’m thinking about becoming a Tory MP. Why not? I love politics. Even though there are about a million people more qualified than me. But they won’t take up the challenge. And I probably only have a 1% to 3% chance but at least I’m having a go!
      Don’t waste your words. Use them in Parliament.

      1. Lifelogic
        November 7, 2024

        I would cost me a few £2 million PA to move back to the vastly over taxed UK so the salary would not be much compensation Not would I welcome all the endless attention and hassle that MPs and their families have to suffer.

        Plus I rather like to tell the truth you get fired or voted out for that as an MP as Andrew Bridgen was by Sunak who lied to the house that the Covid Vaccines were safe. They clearly were not remotely safe. 95% of MPs wanted Net Zero and voted for Milibands climate change act so mad scientifically ignorant and deluded are they.

        They all vote for higher and higher minimum wage laws a mad law which prevents some people from working or learning how to work even if they want to and the employer want them.

        1. Ed M
          November 7, 2024

          Money’s great but there’s more to life than money. Lots of entrepreneurs do what they do for the sheer love of the cut and thrust of business. Money important too. But money takes care of self once you really enjoy what you do.
          But the thrill of politics is much greater than a bit of hassle. Who cares. Anyway, it’s about patriotic service too. Not just politics.
          But what’s the point telling the truth if it’s very relatively ineffective compared to telling the truth in Parliament and really putting your ideas into action (which Parliament allows you to do).
          Do you think we should just give up and close Parliament down because MPs get some hassle and your truth is challenged?
          If you love politics that much then consider becoming an MP and / or to find a way to encourage more talented people to become Tory MPs so we can actually bring about the changes that you and others want.

  5. Mike Wilson
    November 6, 2024

    I have the impression that the US government does not have the huge social security systems that we have here. We have a national health service, state pensions, maternity pay, sickness pay, universal credit, PIP etc. I don’t know what they have but over the years I have gained the impression that life there for old, sick, disabled and unemployed people is much harsher than here. If that is true. why does America have a debt which, per capita, is many times ours? What has (and does) the American government spend $30 trillion on?

  6. agricola
    November 6, 2024

    He is getting very close to winning and implementing very different internal US policies. It is also possible that he will talk turkey with Putin. I would bet on a deal maker resetting the West / Russia relationship, because it is in both areas interests.

    The big question for us is what it will do to US/ UK politics and trade. Were it a Reform government here I would be much more optimistic.

  7. Mike Wilson
    November 6, 2024

    What did Trump do in his first term that meant he didn’t get re-elected in 2020?
    What has Biden done that means that (almost certainly) Trump, rejected after one term, is about to win a second term?

    1. Narrow Shoulders
      November 6, 2024


      1. Narrow Shoulders
        November 7, 2024

        Sorry reply to post above not this one

    2. Lifelogic
      November 7, 2024

      The Covid pandemic and many errors here took him out as it did with many other leaders.

  8. Narrow Shoulders
    November 6, 2024

    I hope that this (likely) wind for President Trump gives the left pause to consider that their moral certainty may be misguided.

    Let people air their views, however distasteful and may be polls will get a more accurate view of what is going on.

    We are not allowed to say what we think for fear of the repercussions. No science is settled and certainly no self identity subjects are settled. Immigration is a burden on the state and health provided by the state is not sacrosanct.

    1. Bryan Harris
      November 6, 2024

      I hope that this (likely) wind for President Trump gives the left pause to consider that their moral certainty may be misguided.

      Unlikely – they would never admit to being wrong, but their moral compass is broken beyond repair.

  9. Christine
    November 6, 2024

    Yes, the UK fell but it was into the hands of the communist, Marxist Labour party and this was all down to the Not A Conservative Party. Let’s hope that the special relationship that Nigel Farage has with Trump can help us get through the next 4 years but I doubt it very much. I’m very pleased Trump won. Let’s hope the tide is turning on the Globalists.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      November 6, 2024

      They are underwater! Finished! Yay,🥳

  10. william1st
    November 6, 2024

    David Lammy needs to resign – or be fired.

    1. glen cullen
      November 6, 2024

      With the current climate of wokeness throughout parliament, I think he’s safe

    2. Lifelogic
      November 7, 2024

      Lammy, Mayor Kahn, Milibrain… all need to go as does Two Tier Kier and the rest of this wrong on every issue. serial lying, tax to death government.

  11. Lifelogic
    November 6, 2024

    Huge “mistakes of western governments over Covid lockdown reinforced by the big errors of the Fed, the Bank of England and the European Central Bank over inflation, money and interest rates” yes indeed. And the mistakes of net harm vaccines and the insanity of the Net Zero and idiotic energy agendas.

    “the people cannot throw Central Bankers out when they get it hopelessly wrong” Perhaps one of the reasons they do get it wrong as it make no difference to them. We cannot throw out the WHO, the Climate Change Committee, the MHRA, English Nature or any other the other dire deluded Quango’s. Alas we are stuck (thanks to Cameron, May, Boris and Sunak with the appalling Two Tier Keir and his vast Majority for 4+ years. With his mad economic agenda, his two tier justice, his anti-free speech agenda, mad rip off energy agenda, his net zero lunacy and his let’s kill growth dead and freeze some pensioners – Chancellor Reeves.

  12. Rod Evans
    November 6, 2024

    The US election will not be predicated on inflation, Sr John.
    The people of America are aware of the inadequacy of the Democrat candidate to provide any answers to the world affairs concerns and has zero credibility when it comes to home land security in the USA.
    Trump will have won because he is credible even though he is clearly an outsider and not part of the establishment’s preferred team…

  13. Nigl
    November 6, 2024

    Fantastic to see the fury of the liberal elites. I read William Hague who thinks his views are important, pile in on Trump.

    Maybe now he will do us all a favour and go away permanently. Equally the rest of the self important, so called big beasts, who have been doing the Conservative Party such a disservice over many years.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      November 6, 2024

      +1 Rory Stewart on song as usual too 🦃
      Johnson trying to sell his unsellable book and tell us he ‘got Britain done’.
      I wonder when it will dawn on them that the people see straight through the lies, lawfare, assassination attempts (we will learn who killed JFK now). Who was on Epstein’s island …
      Can’t wait!

  14. Lifelogic
    November 6, 2024

    Trump says in his speech just now “Promises Made Promises Kept” Reform should run with that too as the Tories and Labour are proven serial liars.

    Alas we had promises/lies from Cameron, May, Boris & Sunak but they did not even attempt to deliver them for a full 14 years. Hence we have to suffer the even more appalling policies and now see and the many blatant lies of Kier Starmer and Rachael Reeves. Vast anti-growth tax grabs, frozen pensioners, university fee increases, Bus and Train far increases, pension grabs, NI increases, council tax increases… lies, lies and more lies and a mad agenda.

    Thanks to the Con-Socialist serial liars for giving us Starmer.

    1. Wanderer
      November 6, 2024

      LL I hope to goodness he gets the House majority. As Steve Bannon said this morning, “without it he is screwed”.

  15. Donna
    November 6, 2024

    Now we have a chance.

    I hope Trump refuses to meet Keir-Ching! and Lammy.

  16. Peter Wood
    November 6, 2024

    Good Morning,
    Interesting times…. Lucky we have Farage… Starmer and clique must be having kittens. Is that the sound of The Berlaymont card house falling down….

  17. Lifelogic
    November 6, 2024

    Will Trump withdraw support for Lammy’s dire Chagos deal I hope so?

    This should be reversed now Sir Kier also fire Lammy, tax to death Reeves and the deluded net zero zealot Ed Miliband.

    The US got The Donald but the UK got idiotic Donald Ducks with a huge majority.

  18. Peter Gardner
    November 6, 2024

    “Electors hold governments responsible for inflation as they cannot throw Central Bankers out when they get it hopelessly wrong.”
    There’s more to it. Who gave Central Bankers complete independence? Politicians. So why can’t they change that to get them under political control? Then there’s government borrowing to flood the public sector with money that is passed into the private sector through pay and contracts. Then there are import tariffs and duties that increase prices and reduce supply.
    Then there are crazy energy policies that increase the price of heating and running electrical equipment which work through organisations to increase the prices of the goods and services they provide. This might not be the classical definition of inflation but it still causes price rises year on year as the taxes accumulate and rates increase.

  19. Bryan Harris
    November 6, 2024

    The mistakes of western governments over Covid lockdown reinforced by the big errors of the Fed, the Bank of England and the European Central Bank over inflation, money and interest rates….

    …… were not mistakes – No society could make that amount of mistakes where decent policies were executed honestly.

    It’s not just that the policies were counter-survival, they were executed dishonestly.

    Please, let’s start calling a spade a spade.

    1. Donna
      November 7, 2024

      Correct. None of them were mistakes. They were, and are, a deliberate attempt to cause chaos and frighten people in order to impose the WEF’s Great Reset on us and create a controlled society with the appearance of democracy but with all the levers of power safely immune from democratic control .

      1. Bryan Harris
        November 7, 2024

        @Donna +99

      2. Bryan Harris
        November 7, 2024

        Donna +99

  20. MPC
    November 6, 2024

    Has David Lammy resigned yet?

  21. Stred
    November 6, 2024

    Kemi has promoted Mr O Brien, who was the biggest critic of those who were doubtful about lockdown rules and the experimental vaccines.
    The architect of IR35, Mr Stride, is to be shadow Chancellor. We are still feeling the effects of losing the self employed British tradesmen with very high labour costs of £600+ per day.
    Reform are delighted

    1. Lifelogic
      November 6, 2024


  22. MBJ
    November 6, 2024

    Actually they probably think that he can manage the USA better, despite his shortcomings.

    1. glen cullen
      November 6, 2024

      Hope its an end to all the stupid pronouns business

  23. Lifelogic
    November 6, 2024

    What proportion of current Tory MP and recent Tory MPs wanted Kamala do you think JR? Almost all the remainers and net zero nutters I imagine, certainly Rory Stuart, Willian Hague. I suspect also Cameron, May, Boris, Sunak did as all Net Zero nutters who are circa 95% of MPs.

  24. Ian B
    November 6, 2024

    Remove Democratic control from entities reliant on Taxpayer funding and you lose accountability and responsibility. Personal ego of those that run these entities becomes self feeding corruption.

    All those mentioned that face these challenges are those that put unaccountable bureaucrats front and foremost in ruining people lives. They desired to circumvent democracy having a place in ‘their’ modern World. Then these appointed people get to run their own political empires, as the are using personal politics to push agendas.

    Handing democracy away has been a trait of the UK’s Political Class (WEF has taught them that) for some time now, it has been salami sliced away to ‘fight the people’. That’s how we finished up in the UK with the UniParty, they gave our democracy away and continue to give it away. We now have 3 political parties at least in Parliament all contriving to pull the UK down so that they can meld back into the control of foreign unaccountable bureaucrats, because they themselves refuse to manage the economy and defend freedoms and democracy. Each individual in Parliament seems to be striving and manipulating the position where they themselves become the next high paid unaccountable bureaucrat – none of them see serving the electorate, their constituencies, the Country as part of the job

  25. Sir Joe Soap
    November 6, 2024

    We need Trump to do well to pave the way for Reform with similar policies backed by Trump-still there -in 2029. Go Nigel!

    1. Wanderer
      November 6, 2024

      +1 Sir JS. If he pulls it off over there, Reform have a real chance.

    2. Lynn Atkinson
      November 6, 2024

      Nigel is no Trump. But I do agree – Go Nigel!
      Let’s have Ben Habib.

      1. Lifelogic
        November 6, 2024

        I have not heart Ben Habib ever say anything I disagree with – other than that he approved of the removal of the citizenship of Shamima Begum. As did our many courts. She is British, was a girl when she went and is clearly our problem. But as a politician I suppose you have to take this line.

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          November 7, 2024

          She is a Pakistani citizen. Always has been.

    3. Ed M
      November 6, 2024

      That analogy doesn’t work.
      Trump is part of the Republican Party which is the equivalent of the Conservative Party.
      He is not part of some new right-wing party which Reform is.
      The Americans are smarter than us to think you can get into power by creating a totally new right-wing party to challenge your existing one whilst taking votes from this existing party as well (and having to do battle with them and not just other parties to reach power).
      The Reform Party has some very good ideas for sure but overall its status as a rival party to the Conservative one is DAFT (and people who support it are in self-indulgent, fantasy land). Also, Reform is too right wing to get into power anyway (not what I think but what voters think. The UK has always been moderate, overall, in politics. It doesn’t like extremism. It’s the ‘muddle on’ approach that is in the bones of the people of this country.

      1. Donna
        November 7, 2024

        Trump “took over” the hollow shell of the Republican Party.

        Thanks to Major, Hague, Cameron, May, Johnson and Sunak (plus all the other dripping wet LibCONs) the Not-a-Conservative-Party is now a hollow shell.

        Self-indulgent fantasy land eh?

        We’ll see.

        1. Ed M
          November 7, 2024

          But what do you propose?
          Everything I say is about trying to change the Tory Party so that it becomes more effective.
          You’re just complaining. That’s not constructive. And there’s like a culture of complaining in the Tory Party but without people actually doing something constructive (for starters, more people wanting to become Tory MPs).

          1. Donna
            November 7, 2024

            I can assure you I’m not just complaining.

  26. Ian B
    November 6, 2024

    Can you imagine Starmer supported by just 20% of the UK’s electorate, the inventor of 2 tier justice and a 2 tier Country having to congratulate the new President of the Worlds biggest if not only remaining democracy, on their win. I guess he will choke on even the thought.

    His only consolation is that POTUS does not have the same powers to wreak and wreak havoc peoples lives as he does – the US is a Democracy. In comparison the UK PM is a Dictator

    1. Ian B
      November 6, 2024

      The 6th November at 10:30 am Trump has support the of 41% of all those that had the right to Vote. Starmer still has only around 20% of those entitled to vote – yet Starmer has more power to wreak and destroy peoples lives.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        November 6, 2024

        You mean 51%.

        1. Mike Wilson
          November 6, 2024

          He meant what he said – 40% of those that had the right to vote. Not 40% of those that voted.

          1. Ian B
            November 6, 2024

            @Mike Wilson – Thank you.

        2. Ian B
          November 6, 2024

          Now at 10:30PM Trump is at 44%. or 72 million from the 161 million that had the right to vote. The UK has 48million registered voters, labour was supported by just 9.7million(just 20%) To complete the picture the faux Conservatives could only manage 6.8million votes, Liberal Democrats 3.5million and Reform 4.1million. The ‘none of the above’ was at 19 million

    2. Ed M
      November 6, 2024

      Who cares about Starmer. The only thing now is: how do the Tories get back into power.
      Any realistic ideas?

      1. R.Grange
        November 7, 2024

        Give Badenoch 45 days, then select Farage as leader.
        Yes, I know it won’t happen.
        That’s why the Tories probably won’t get back into power in our lifetimes.

        1. Ed M
          November 7, 2024

          This is just fantasy. Reality is for Tories to discuss at their Conference as main subject: how do we attract higher quality MPs into Parl with proper business experience (instead of so many PR gurus, lawyers, journalists etc). Not easy to find a solution (I agree) but got to start somewhere!

  27. a-tracy
    November 6, 2024

    I’m going to enjoy the melt down over the next few days. I can’t help it. They’re just so righteous and insulting to the right of politics. I just hope Starmer and Labour haven’t ruined the UK’s chances of a useful relationship.

    I laughed when Starmer said, “We stand shoulder to shoulder”, more like shoulder to head and his choice of foreign secretary in 2017 said “he is a racist KKK and Nazi sympathiser”, said in 2021 “Good riddance Donald, the world is relieved to see the back of you”. Oh dear!

    1. Ed M
      November 6, 2024

      We’re not that important to the USA either way.
      Trump doesn’t really care about us – except having tea with the queen.
      Trump’s real focus is on how to make the USA great again. I think he genuinely wants to achieve that. He would eat us for lunch if it meant it supported his interests.

      1. a-tracy
        November 7, 2024

        Trump is half Scottish; he has his family businesses in Scotland, Biden certainly did enough for Ireland in his time in office, do you remember all his words about not caring for the UK?

        I prefer to be aligned with the USA than the EU; even when the democrats run the country, it’s not as controlling nor wanting to silence people with a fear of prison for misspeaking; only politicians are allowed to do that.

        1. Ed M
          November 7, 2024

          What do you mean ‘aligned’? And why either / or?
          I don’t want to be aligned to either but I do want to have good trading and security cooperation with both.

  28. formula57
    November 6, 2024

    A remarkable triumph for Mr. Trump.

    The British Embassy in Washington might not have repeated its grotesque error of 2016 and held a party last night to celebrate the election of the first woman to the presidency: let us hope so.

  29. halfway
    November 6, 2024

    As far as illegal immigration goes they have never been able to stem the flow on the American continents North or South and four years on from “build that wall” we can see it hasn’t worked yet.

    As regards the economy if he’s going to raise the drawbridge it will only set things back even further – the mighty US also needs trade to prosper and grow.

    However knowing Trump’s form it doesn’t look great for US/ UK relations as there will be too much uncertainty about and with both governments sitting at opposite ends of the political spectrum? – although when push comes to shove it might work for the larger EU – but we’ll know soon enough.

    1. Ed M
      November 6, 2024

      I think we should stop being over-focused on Trump. He doesn’t really care about us. Let’s just get on with improving the Tory Party.

      1. Ian B
        November 6, 2024

        @Ed M – without sounding to cynical what Tory Party, The Conservatives deserted it, and left it to the WET’s, The One Nationists, the Liberal Democrats. They need to be honest and merge with Ed Davy. Continuity Candidates with a history of 14years of failure, that want to return to being the party that failed(Labour never won) …ain’t going to find much support anywhere. The have embarrassed middle England, deserted and disenfranchised the mainstream of the UK, by fully adopting the discipline of WEF Socialism, they are still net Zero loons, They advocate and support high energy costs, high taxation and high borrowing, prolific uncontrolled spending, they have ‘proven’ themselves to be Labour in all but name. That is why they are unable to offer any real opposition they are fellow travellers.

        1. Ed M
          November 7, 2024

          The real problem as Farage rightly says is cultural (people don’t want to work at every level in society relatively speaking). But also we don’t have enough quality MPs with business experience. And that our economy is unbalanced – too focused on financial services and consumer at cost of high tech. Not just leading to boom and bust but also high tech leads to jobs that make people more productive with high exports etc. And lastly that we have a relative economic and social wasteland in the North of England that is a huge burden on the tax payer.
          What we can all certainly agree on – or try hard to work towards – is drastic reduction in immigration. But what I discuss above will deal with that to an important degree (more productive UK citizens leads to less of a need for foreign workers). Although we certainly need far tighter restrictions on immigration in general).
          I’m offering something positive and concrete. But sorry you’re just moaning which doesn’t help.

    2. IanT
      November 6, 2024

      The “Larger” EU is busy shrinking….

  30. Lifelogic
    November 6, 2024

    So a person appointed just because she has a slightly dark skin, is female, has no policies, a funny laugh, but at least is not senile… is not enough to be elected President – the US voters are rather brighter than that. Though not William Hague, not Alistair Campbell, Rory Stuart and most UK MPs past and present it seems.

    The Democrats would have been even less popular still if energy were the price it is in the UK thanks to Miliband’s mad religion – about 3x what it is in the US currently.

    1. Lifelogic
      November 6, 2024

      Life RAF pilots and NHS staff are appointed – great plan.

    2. Mike Wilson
      November 6, 2024

      To be fair, Miliband hasn’t had a chance to get our bills up. You can thank your precious Tory Party for that.

  31. Mark B
    November 6, 2024

    An VERY good morning.

    . . . the big errors of the Fed, the Bank of England and the European Central Bank over inflation, money and interest rates . . .

    With respect Sir John I do not believe them to be errors, but a deliberate policy to impoverish us.

    Sir John you have indeed, for many a year, been predicting the fall of governments to fail to heed the disquiet from the electorate on many of the issues you have raised. We here on this guestbook have looked on in absolute puzzlement and despair at our own governments failure to heed said warnings with ultimately predictable results. The pendulum seems to be swinging but, we do not have a party ready to grasp the nettle and make the changes needed. Not even when they are quiet literally staring down the obis of electoral destruction they cannot change course. I hold out no hope of any major reform before the next GE and, only hope that something along the lines of intervention from the IMF will force much needed reforms.

    Congratulations to President Trump. And god bless The United States of America and its people.

  32. Iago
    November 6, 2024


  33. Wanderer
    November 6, 2024

    The Don did it!

    I hope he can push forward his radical reforms and show voters and politicians in the West, that a return to conservative principles can produce a better life for most of us.

    However you feel about his personality, you simply have to admire his determination. They tried smears, arrest, jail threats, media manipulation. He kept going. Then there were 2 assassination attempts. He kept going.

    He’s not in the oval office yet, but one hopes he lives to get there and uses Elon, Kennedy and others to show the world what can be done.

  34. Bryan Harris
    November 6, 2024

    Not wishing to count any chickens, but with a Trump win, we should be able to look forward to a little sanity coming into play in America, as well as the rest of the world.
    Let’s see how soon:
    – peace comes to conflicts around the globe;
    – the Ukraine war is wound up;
    – the American deep state is dismantled;
    – regeneration of the American economy;
    – UN defunded, including WHO.

    Trump will need all the luck and perseverance he can get to make headway against all of these. I wish him well.

  35. Roy Grainger
    November 6, 2024

    William Hague, a former Conservative leader, told us that a vote for Trump was very dangerous and that Harris MUST win. That’s the problem Kemi has, at least 50% of her Parliamentary party are left-wing liberals, look at them all skulking on the back benches, refusing to join the Shadow Cabinet, waiting to attack and replace her … Cleverly, Dowden, Hunt ….

  36. glen cullen
    November 6, 2024

    263 criminals arrived in the UK yesterday from the safe country of France ….What would Trump do ?

    1. Mike Wilson
      November 6, 2024

      Build a wall half way across the channel.

  37. forthurst
    November 6, 2024

    Will Trump be able to govern this time? Has he learnt from his past mistakes like appointing John Bolton as National security Advisor? Will his policies on the Middle East be even more extreme than those of Biden?
    Will the USA continue to live well beyond its means and still be able to sell government bonds to its elective adversaries to cover its warmongering expenditure? How will his victory affect the USA’s relations with the UK, the EU and Eastern Europe?

  38. Derek
    November 6, 2024

    Being independent, the BoE cannot be held responsible by the citizens of this country. Therefore, we have to reply upon the PM and Chancellor to protect our interests. The BoE have failed us for too long yet no one has had to pay, only us overburdened taxpayers.
    The government now has no choice but take back full control of the BoE using their input as advisory only, if we actually want to grow our economy.

  39. Keith from Leeds
    November 6, 2024

    Let us hope that Kemi Badenock learns the lesson from the recent UK GE and the American one.
    Ultimately, you cannot govern by ignoring what the voters want.
    The Conservative manifestos of 2010, 2015. 2017 & 2019 all promised action to reduce immigration and then made no honest, genuine attempt to do so!
    We were also promised a low-tax government, but they did the exact opposite!
    Kemi Badenock needs to get back to conservative values and policies to win the next GE and then be ruthless in dismantling the Civil Service, Quangos and the NHS in its current form.

    1. Ian B
      November 6, 2024

      @Keith from Leeds – It is not just Kemi, she has selected a team that don’t believe in the UK, a team of remainers that are more akin to Starmer. Then again with such a small pool of candidates, with all the Conservatives having deserted the Party what more could she do.

    2. Donna
      November 7, 2024

      Badenoch is supported by precisely the people in the Not-a-Conservative-Party who really, really DON’T want to do any of that.

  40. Ed M
    November 6, 2024

    The Psychology behind politics has a lot to do with Father Figure and Mother Figure.
    Most people seek fatherly strength and leadership as well as motherly care and nurturing spirit.
    This is reflected in politics. We see fatherly strength and leadership in moderate-right politics and motherly care and nurturing spirit in moderate-left politics.
    But with Biden and Democrats it was too much Mother Figure (and not in a good way either).
    That’s why politics can never be too extreme for most people. Extremism is either seen as tyrannical in far right and woke / marxist in far left.
    There is also the tension of order (structure / traditions) and chaos (creativity / progress in philosophical sense. This can be reflected in Chinese philosophy too reflected in politics: Confucianism and Taoism.
    Philosophical Order / Confucianism is reflected in moderate-right wing politics and Chaos / Taoism is reflected in moderate left wing politics.
    Another reason why extremism in politics is unpopular and never works long term.
    But problem with Western Culture (and Chinese) is that we’re drifting more and more from healthy Father Figure / Mother Figure and healthy Order / Chaos and healthy Confucianism / Taoism into secular extremes separated from The Divine that keeps everything balanced, strong and healthy/

  41. outsider
    November 6, 2024

    Dear Sir John,
    The outcome was certainly a relief, if hardly a cause for joy. If the American polity permits Mr Trump to do his work unmolested, the seemingly terminal decline of American power and leadership might at least be arrested for four years. On can only hope that, over the next three, both US parties can find candidates who can command respect at home and abroad.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      November 6, 2024

      JD Vance is a very good man, and young!

  42. Ukretired123
    November 6, 2024

    It’s great to see our Labour Party govt and MSM hyperventilating and fawning before Trump sets his sights on their previous nasty barbs on social media and elsewhere. None of them could match his resilience and are now in a well painted corner shocked why the Democrats failed to win by following their own tactics of saying very little about their future policies and zero vision.
    Ordinary folk worry about surviving their financial situation and not how the elite in Washington and Hollywood think.
    Better the devil you know than ….
    Trump has shown that he is a survivor and lucky too.
    No one knows who Harris really is, avoiding interviews, unlike Trump.
    So many things backfired trying to “Bring Joy” when the streets showed otherwise.

  43. Geoffrey Berg
    November 6, 2024

    I don’t really agree with Sir. John’s analysis here, certainly not as the most important factor. I think the political ability (‘quality’ in the analysis of Senator McConnell) of the leaders has more to do here with the American election results than the issues. Despite everything the national ‘establishment’, the very prejudiced, patronising, remote and out of touch ‘establishment’ (including most of the legal ‘profession’, the commentariat, most mass media and above all ‘the unintelligent intelligentsia’)did by fair means and foul to stop it, Trump triumphed.
    The main difference between Britain and America is that the British Conservatives did not back but overthrew their wayward political genius, Boris Johnson and consequently got hammered at the subsequent general election. By contrast the American Republican Party by and large stood by their even more wayward and even more embarrassing political genius, Donald Trump and despite being edged out by Covid, they ultimately won.
    Quality, even very wayward political quality, really counts electorally when very occasionally it comes along.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      November 6, 2024

      I was with you until ‘Boris Johnson’. He is a comprehensive failure, shallow (buy my book, I’m showing m6 book and there is nothing you can do about it).
      He is the reason we are in such trouble.

      1. Geoffrey Berg
        November 7, 2024

        I am sure if Boris Johnson had still been Leader in 2024 the Conservative Party would have got at the very least 30% of the vote and possibly 40% of the vote. A considerable minority of the electorate (10% or more) were great fans of Boris and would have spread the word to vote for him in addition to which he was humorous and likeable and understood people’s political outlook and therefore voters would have been far more indulgent to him than to Sunak or anybody else.
        Boris inherited many needless surrenders in EU ‘negotiations’ from May and had to deal with a fifth column of Euro-fanatics (siding with the EU and not Britain within his own Party) and within that he did practically as well as could then be done. Then he was ousted for appointing Chris Pincher to the very same position May had previously appointed him to. The House of Commons had outrageously expelled Pincher for misbehaviour that took place outside the House of Commons and therefore beyond its jurisdiction. In other words it was a travesty of justice engineered by idiotic Conservative M.P.s bent on destroying both Boris and consequently their own political careers.
        Finally, I don’t blame Boris for making fortunes out of his books ,articles and speeches _ I and most of us would also do so if only we could!

        1. Mickey Taking
          November 7, 2024

          Hopefully we’ll never vote in another chancer, bullshitter.

        2. Lynn Atkinson
          November 7, 2024

          Boris is not selling his book. He bankrupted us – we will be paying for Boris for generations.
          And he wants to. Give A TRILLION to Zelensky (for the washing machine).
          I thin’ the Tory vote would have halved had Johnson remained – eating cake and birthday toasts at a ‘work event’ while children died in hospitals alone – their parents unable to comfort them.

    2. Iago
      November 6, 2024

      wayward political genius?!…aah, the chap who gave so many well-paid speeches after leaving.

    3. Mike Wilson
      November 6, 2024

      What did Trump achieve last time? Nothing of note. If he had he would have won convincingly 2020. Same as Johnson. All talk, no real action. Get Brexit Done? Don’t make me laugh. Still crying over that complete capitulation. Nobody seems to have the balls to take on the blob.

      1. Richard II
        November 7, 2024

        You’re overlooking the fact that Congress was Democrat-controlled, and also the persistent efforts of the ‘intelligence’ agencies, in collaboration with the Democrats, to undermine Trump. These began even before he took office. You also overlook the effect on his presidency of the 2020 crisis engineered by the media, the pharmaceutical companies and the medical establishment. This slammed the brakes on the economic growth and rising prosperity that many ordinary Americans were starting to feel in their pay packets. Strangely, the head of the US National Institutes of Health was somehow able to foresee in 2017 that Trump’s presidency might be challenged by the impact of a pandemic. What extraordinary foresight that man had!

  44. Lynn Atkinson
    November 6, 2024

    The ruble and stock indices in Russia rose after reports of Trump’s victory.
    The dollar fell below 96 rubles, Gazprom rose by 5%, the Moscow Exchange index rose to 2680 points.
    Trump = Hope!

    1. hefner
      November 7, 2024

      The FTSE100 moved from 8200 to 8300, the CAC40 from 7410 to 7570, the S&P500 from 5770 to 5900, the NASDAQ from 18400 to 18900, … so there was a reaction on the markets.
      Trump might be hope, but Lynn can you tell us why you have such an interest on the Russian market (that BTW’s gone down today to 2638).
      Are you one of those who is waiting with bated breath the crumbling of the World Order?
      Don’t forget to breath in and out.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        November 7, 2024

        The Globalists said the Russian economy was in tatters.
        They have been proved wrong on both sides of the balance sheet. In addition the Globalists have manoeuvred western economies into massive trouble. The USA has almost USD 36 trillion debt.
        They overestimate their power in every sphere and of course east and west we believe that Trump will stop this war, he just has to stop the funding.
        That hope has boosted all markets, including Russia’s.

  45. MFD
    November 6, 2024

    I hope we are seeing the death of WOKE! evil.

  46. Fran
    November 6, 2024

    Trump for four more years – the rest of us will just have to sit it out.

  47. Ukretired123
    November 6, 2024

    The writings on the wall for Labour – ignore us at your peril.

    1. Mike Wilson
      November 6, 2024

      The writings on the wall for Labour – ignore us at your peril.

      They must be trembling in their boots. The Tories ignored us for 14 years before they were sacked. Labour only need 20% of the electorate to vote for them – easy with the ‘right wing’ vote split.

      1. Ukretired123
        November 7, 2024

        Us = Taxpayers!

  48. agricola
    November 6, 2024

    Sanity takes root in the USA. Lets hope it is infectious.

  49. Graham
    November 6, 2024

    Next US presidential election and our GE could happen the same time?
    It’s written in the stars

  50. Mickey Taking
    November 6, 2024

    Off Topic. from BBC News.
    Germany’s governing coalition is in crisis after Chancellor Olaf Scholz fired a key minister and said he would call a vote of confidence in his government early next year. Scholz said he had no trust in Finance Minister Christian Lindner, who leads a rival party that has been part of the coalition along with Scholz’s Social Democrats and the Greens. For Chancellor Scholz and his Green partners, the answer to the crisis is to loosen constitutional rules on public debt to allow more spending. But that is something which the free-market FDP are strongly opposed to.

    Instead, Lindner wants to get the economy going by cutting taxes, paid for by slashing welfare and social budgets and pushing back environmental targets.

  51. mancunius
    November 7, 2024

    How prescient you were, Sir John, in extending your predictions to the fall of the German government. Its shaky coalition fell today, when Scholz sacked Finanzminister Lindner.
    The curious thing is that new elections will not apparently take place until next March. I suppose their civil service – like ours – governs according to their own convictions, regardless of who is theoretically in government.

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