Costs of energy

Far from gaining the much advertised lower cost energy advantage from all the solar and wind power the U.K. has put in, the U.K. now has some of the dearest energy in the world. It lowers our living standards as we burn gas and electricity to heat our homes and to cook. It drives the closures of so many of our industrial plants, priced out of the market.

Electricity prices $ per KWhr

UK   0.47

USA 0.14

France. 0.19

India  0.13

Brazil  0.12


Gas  prices per Kwhr

U.K.   0.11

USA 0.04

Canada  0.02

Japan 0.08

These figures show the huge premium we are paying. They also show just how much dearer it is to switch from gas to electricity which government demands industry does. U.K. gas is so much dearer than US because we are closing down our own production to rely on much dearer imports.

The government needs to stop misleading us about renewables producing cheaper energy given these numbers. Government is a main cause of such dear U.K. energy. Renewables receive subsidies to install,  favourable contracts and overriding access to customers when they are generating. There are windfall taxes, double corporation tax on oil and gas, carbon taxes, controlled retail prices, constraint costs –  payments to windfarms not to generate – and expensive use of gas generation as a reserve for bad weather days.

Even the Climate Change Committee think one quarter of U.K. energy will still be oil and gas in 2050, so why is the Rosebank field not going ahead to produce more here? Why is the Jackdaw gas field discovered in 2005 still not producing?







  1. Mark B
    December 26, 2024

    Good morning.

    All very good questions, Sir John.

    Alas since our political class has been ideologically captured and that there is in my opinion a certain amount of, shall we say, ‘self interest’ ;), I do not see much change for the better over the next 4-5 years.

    One thing I would like to add that surprised me is the disparity between what the French State owned charge its home market and that of our own. Whilst I do not expect it to be exactly the same, neither do I expect it to be so extortionately high. You would think that our government might be having some serious words ? But no.

    1. Lifelogic
      December 26, 2024

      Well we are buying it only when prices are high as government policy (with May, Sunak, Boris, Cameron, Ed Miliband, Starmer and Ed Sharma proudly blowing up power stations has left us short much of the time and so they can charge us what they can get away with and do.

    2. Ian B
      December 26, 2024

      @Mark B – I think the main difference is arrived at through Political inspired (NetZero) levies and taxes applied at our end distorting the actual price to the consumer. It is a Uniparty thing punish the minions feather our own nests

      1. John Hatfield
        December 26, 2024

        It just shows how much we need to be shot of the idealogically-driven Conservative and Labour parties.
        4 years is too long to wait.

  2. Lifelogic
    December 26, 2024

    Why because Ed Miliband, Starmer, Theresa May and 90% plus of MPs seem to believe in this net mad religion. Either that or they are in league with crony capitalist. The renewables actually bring forwards CO2 emissions as you have to build amd insall them. Only after many years of production might they save a tine bit of CO2 but will they even last long enough to do this? Given storm damage etc. Plus you have the back up issues, huge grit capacity and extension issues. If we all switch to EV vehicles and heat pumps we will need about ten times more electricity in the winter months when we get almost no solar and often there is little wind. Plus the grid issues.

    Heat pumps might give you 3 times the heat for the electrical power put in but as JR shows electricity cost 4 times as much as gas. Plus the cost of upgrading the grid especially for this winter demand is huge.

    Not of course that a bit more CO2 is a problems infact a net good on balance anyway. Nor does walking, bikes, EVs, heatpumps, public transport, solar, wind any or any significant CO2.

    1. Lifelogic
      December 26, 2024

      save any or any significant CO2 (tree plant and crop food) rather.

    2. glen cullen
      December 26, 2024

      ‘Science Shock: CO2 is Good for the Planet, Peer-Reviewed Studies Suggest’

      1. Lifelogic
        December 28, 2024


  3. Lifelogic
    December 26, 2024

    Too much Rip off intermittent energy is bad for people, for jobs, for the economy, forcenergy costs, for defence, for lives and safety and will do nothing for the environment either. It will not stop floods in Spain forest fires or hurricanes, or control the world thermostat either.

    See Prof. William Happer etc. videos one of many sensible and sound physicists. Hopefully Trump will appoint some honest and sound experts to expose the cons in this area and in the Net Harm Covid Vaccine areas.

  4. Lifelogic
    December 26, 2024

    Foolishly I listened to Kemi being interviewed by Amal Rajen (English at Downing) 42 mins of total tedium. Daft questions and tedious answers. Does Kemi not realist she is, to some degree, “in show business for ugly people” not the let’s put them all to sleep industry?

  5. agricola
    December 26, 2024

    When you ask why, the question should be directed at current and past government. The answer is that they are all entranced and praying to a false god. There is no pot of energy gold at the end of their rainbow, just increasing national and personal degredation and debt.

    The real question is not where do we get cheap energy, it is beneath our feet and seas, it is how we rid ourselves of a false religion and the prophets who adhere to it. Goverment has set itself against the people. How can the people teach this government a lesson without resort to revolution. Local elections will be a first step, though rumour has it that some might be cancelled to reduce government embarasment. A local government out of their hands would be a first step in stopping national government’s march over a cliff. Beyond that, I do not care to speculate.

  6. Stred
    December 26, 2024

    Stellantis run van making factories on Italy, France and the UK. The factory in Luton makes the Stellantis vans of all types such as Citroën, Peugeot, Fiat and Vauxhall, which have the same chassis and mechanics but different badges and panels. It’s very efficient and set up for electric vans. The other continental factories are the same.
    The boss of Stellantis has resigned and the unions at Luton hoped that the decision to close the factory would be reversed. But the owner decided to keep their van and car making in Italy and the US but not the UK.
    Why should this be? Perhaps the enthusiasm of Mad Ed and the 4500 civil servants in DEZNEZ to insist on fines for not producing enough electric vehicles by 5 years earlier than the EU and pushing industrial electricity costs to the highest in the world. What’s the point of staying in the UK when the robots can be moved where it’s cheaper to run them?

    Reply. Of course Miliband wants to close ICe vehicle factories and has the policies to do so

    1. Ian Wraggg
      December 26, 2024

      Toyota has said if the government bans all ice cars by 2030 they will close. Nissan is merging with Honda who have already left UK production. Some deluded people think the spare capacity at Nissan will be utilised by Honda. Why would this be when it’s cheaper to manufacture in Japan and ship over here
      Europe and the USA are putting punitive tariffs on subsidised Chinese cars, not Britain we’re welcoming them so they destroy our own industries
      There has to be some criminal sanctions against people deliberately destroying this country and I hope Farage takes note.

      1. Sir Joe Soap
        December 26, 2024

        Promising this might be Farage’s best and only option to get these people out by them resigning when it becomes obvious that the country is being destroyed by them. One can see a successful Trump backing him up too when the numbers between UK and America increasingly diverge. Communism and poverty here aren’t in America’s interest.

        reply US/Uk are diverging apace. US 2.6% growth, U.K. zero

      2. glen cullen
        December 26, 2024

        Leaving a sinking ship ……they can manufacture in europe and still import into the UK avoiding net-zero taxes & levies

    2. Lifelogic
      December 26, 2024

      But why does the deluded Ed “tombstone” Miliband want to kill ICE vehicles? Buying a new EV produces more CO2 not less and this mainly up front too. Far shorter lifespan too. Plus we have no spare low carbon electricity to charge them with anyway! With energy costs what they are in the UK not many will be build in the UK!

      1. Ian Wraggg
        December 26, 2024

        Follow the money as usual.

    3. glen cullen
      December 26, 2024

      ”Today (24 December 2024), Transport Secretary Heidi Alexander has launched a consultation to ask views from industry on how to deliver on the manifesto commitment to restore the 2030 phase out date for new purely petrol and diesel cars and make the transition to zero emissions vehicles a success.” …..sounds like Russia under a command authority
      They could’ve asked the people, or allowed the markets & consumers decide ….no no no, the social elites will design our future

    4. MFD
      December 26, 2024

      I now have my fingers crossed, Reform uk membership is booming and their policy to scrap the world warming scam is sheduled to happen in the first year in power.
      We in North Devon have a fully operation of local members working hard to help destroy the scam.

  7. MBJ
    December 26, 2024

    And what can be done about it within the next 5years.We still need to keep warm.There isn’t any use in complaining.Nothing changed within the last government so why do people think there could be change now . Words ,titles and egos don’t change anything.In my opinion they slow down progress, but having degree training in philosophy ,I would ask ‘ what is progress ‘.
    Happy boxing day.

    1. Lifelogic
      December 26, 2024

      Well unless you have the money you have to warm the people not the house or just one room, jumpers, thermals, electric blankets. Or collect wood to dry and burn the wood you collect & chop yourself warms you twice. But it does mean you eat more human food energy then which is even more expensive – unless you live off porridge.

    2. Lynn Atkinson
      December 26, 2024

      Progress is NOT reverting to the Stone Age.

      1. MBJ
        December 30, 2024

        Or unduly exaggerating.

  8. javelin
    December 26, 2024

    My original training was as a psychologist before becoming an investment banker.

    What you need to understand is that “green energy” is a psychological state not a reasonable one. It’s driven by social desires to appear god like, virtuous and benevolent rather than the real science which basically shows we are coming out of an ice age and warm and cold periods happen due to astronomical and biological cycles and random events like volcanoes.

    When I call people green crazies. I literally mean they are green crazies.

    1. Mickey Taking
      December 26, 2024

      If only it were true that the only motive for full steam ahead on green only energy was justified in that it could supply all our needs. In reality it needs to be recognised by the electorate that the current (note that word) electrical supply is totally dependant on weather factors, and that policy to close down energy sources is dedication to bringing down living standards in the UK. So we are in the hands of economic destruction campaigners.

      1. agricola
        December 26, 2024

        It is ironic, that to achieve net zero and respond to climate change, we make ourselves totally dependent on weather, while living in a temperate zone where neither wind nor sun can be relied upon. Rasputin is a gold plated idiot. The only plus is that he will sink this toytown government sooner than two tier realises.

        1. Lifelogic
          December 26, 2024

          We cannot and will not achieve net zero and even if we ever did no weather or real environmental benefits would arise – indeed quite the reverse huge economic and environmental harms. A bit more CO2 plant food is actually a net good.

    2. Cliff.. Wokingham.
      December 26, 2024

      I fear you are correct. As people have turned away from convent religion, they’ve needed to find an alternative to fill the void, hence the enthusiasm for the new false religion of climate change and net zero. Their priests have white coats, the scriptures have been replaced with biased so called scientific scripts, heretics are label deniers and every hill and coastal bay must have rotating crosses…. It has taken on the feel of a religion.

  9. formula57
    December 26, 2024

    At those exhorbitant prices it is no wonder the retail bank complaints manager considered that she could no longer afford pensioners’ Winter Fuel Allowance.

    1. Lifelogic
      December 26, 2024

      Well it saves on long term care costs by freezing a few of them to death I suppose.

      I see Cooper Ball got told some home truths while handing out cheap Mince Pies in her constituency. Are Labour not against fatty, sugary, highly processed and salty junk food anyway? Did they not even get a glass of wine?

  10. MPC
    December 26, 2024

    I am in Ibiza for Christmas and Ed Miliband and his family were on our flight here. We know he is blasé about his mission to destroy our way of life through expensive energy and Net Zero. He must also be blasé about his family’s carbon footprint.

    1. Mickey Taking
      December 26, 2024

      I imagine Ed wanted to ensure his family were warm over Christmas? Two fingers to the rest of UK population.

    2. Dave Andrews
      December 26, 2024

      You are allowed to burn fossil fuels provided you also spew sanctimony about others who do. Call it sanctimony credits.

      1. Lifelogic
        December 26, 2024

        Do as I say not as I do. Just the same with King Charles, Sunak, Starmer, Emma Thompson and all the rest of these hypocrites. Private jets or 1st class often too – which uses 2-50 times more fuel per passenger mile!

    3. glen cullen
      December 26, 2024

      Do as I say …not do as I do !

    4. Donna
      December 27, 2024

      YOU will have your living standard reduced. YOU will own nothing.

      That doesn’t apply to the “Elite.” They are Prize Pigs of the Animal Farm variety.

  11. Philip P.
    December 26, 2024

    Sir John, the countries you mention in your price comparison have signed up to a succession of UN climate ‘goals’ over the last 30 years or so. The why-questions you ask therefore have to be tweaked slightly: why have they not damaged their economy with such exorbitant energy prices, whereas we have? The answer is surely because we have imposed interim targets before the UN’s Net Zero target year of 2050, whereas they haven’t. The Climate Change ACt of 2008, under a Labour government, and the 2020 NDC under a Tory government, have imposed more stringent requirements on us than other countries have adopted.

    Reply Two main reasons. Uk has tougher interim targets and U.K. takes it more seriously than most other countries where it is not a legal requirement

    1. Philip P.
      December 26, 2024

      And the constant is not the party in government, it’s the civil service and all the NGOs etc lobbying whoever the ministers happen to be.

  12. Donna
    December 26, 2024

    The Eco Lunacy is similar to the Covid Tyranny, when the Big Pharma “captured” institutions/individuals and (to be generous) cowardly politicians implemented and continued with an economy-wrecking policy for institutional and (in many cases) personal gain.

    The UN has admitted that “the climate agenda” has nothing to do with the climate and everything to do with wealth redistribution and changing the global economic model. Agenda 2030/Agenda 21 is a mission to level down the west. The propaganda we have been subjected to for several decades is funded by billionaires who have been and are “interfering in our politics” far more than Musk would be IF he made a sizeable donation to the Reform Party. Isn’t it strange how even the talk of a sizeable donation has the Establishment planning to change rules regarding donations whilst the House of Frauds has been stuffed with donors and the likes of Gates and Fink can walk into No.10, regardless of the PM in Office, and blatantly interfere in our politics whenever they like.

    When it looks like a scam; smells like a scam and has all the hallmarks of a scam it is best to assume that it IS a scam. Every time a senior politician opens his/her mouth to blather on about Net Zero, they are participating in the SCAM.

    1. Lifelogic
      December 26, 2024

      Correct – either that or they are deluded useful idiots!

      1. MFD
        December 26, 2024

        They certainly are not deluded useful idiots, crafty- corrupt- crooks would describe them better, along with a few words I know Sir John will not tolerate

  13. Bloke
    December 26, 2024

    Government increases the heavy weight of energy’s cost burden needlessly. It drags industry down harder through every level of production, distribution, consumption and eventual disposal.
    It results in an obese nation that cannot lift its own weight to move forward to better.
    Our people need a light touch efficient government in control, not this inept bunch of incompetents bloating the nation with reckless restrictions and the stench of stagnant waste that lingers wherever they go.

  14. Rod Evans
    December 26, 2024

    The reason the price for energy is so much higher in the UK is because government of all past persuasion Tory Lib Dem and Labour consider it preferable to conform to international priorities rather than domestic ones.
    Until we have a government in office that is focused on the needs and wishes of the UK electorate, the deterioration of our economy with loss of manufacturing and then loss of service industries will continue.
    Elected government are there to serve the needs of the nation, not to serve the desires of the international interests.
    There is no logic or reason to import energy, when we posses more than sufficient energy resource under our own territories. The Net Zero fixation will destroy the UK economy, with our competitors happy to applaud as we do so.
    As Napoleon remarked, “never interrupt your opponent when they are making a mistake”.

    1. Donna
      December 26, 2024

      Correct. “Our” Establishment is delivering the Globalist Agenda.

      1. Lifelogic
        December 26, 2024

        +1 and a very evil agenda too!

  15. Lifelogic
    December 26, 2024

    “Even the Climate Change Committee think one quarter of U.K. energy will still be oil and gas in 2050.”

    Well it is currently about 90% so to drop it to 25% in 25 years is a mad agenda. In fact if you include overseas energy used to manufacture products for the UK and shipping to the UK plus the absurd burning of young coal (imported wood on diesel ships as logically you should) it is more like 96%. Worldwide energy from Solar and Wind is currently circa 2%. But loads of fossil fuels are used to generate and store even that 2%.

    Perhaps that daft classic graduate lass at the Climate Committee is not very numerate and has no grasp of energy, physics, engineering, entropy, energy storage on intermittency grid issues. Perhaps not covered in classics or I assume in her chosen A levels? So why would she have? A great choice for CEO of the Climate Committee Ed and two tier Kier!

    1. Lifelogic
      December 26, 2024

      7 Nov 2018 — The Prince of Wales sought to quell concerns that he would be a “meddling” or politically activist king, saying “I’m not that stupid”.
      also “Capitalism and consumerism have brought the world to the brink of economic and environmental collapse, the Prince of Wales has warned in a grandstand speech which set out his concerns for the future of the planet.

      The heir to the throne told an audience of industrialists and environmentalists at St James’s Palace July 2009 that he had calculated that we have just 96 months left to save the world.” Calculated using his duff French and History A levels skills no doubt.

      Really you meddle in politics endlessly and always on the wrong side of the argument. 96 months? far too late now then Charlie!


      1. Donna
        December 27, 2024

        96 months = 8 years.

        Has anyone asked His Hypocritical Majesty of Windsor why the world didn’t come to an end in 2017?

    2. glen cullen
      December 26, 2024

      “Even the Climate Change Committee think one quarter of U.K. energy will still be oil and gas in 2050.”
      Thats IMPORTED oil & gas

  16. Wanderer
    December 26, 2024

    “The government needs to stop misleading us about renewables producing cheaper energy given these numbers.”

    They won’t do this, nor will the Conservatives. We ourselves need to counter their misleading claims whenever and wherever we can. With family, acquaintances, contacts, workmates etc.

    Of course you can’t bore them silly until their eyes glaze over, but one or two facts thrown into a discussion now and again to introduce seeds of doubt and question, and normalise the challenging of the green orthodoxy.

    I also hope Reform can do a better job of communicating this to the people. Next to immigration, energy costs (rising cost of living) are one of the biggest issues. Perhaps Elon’s money will help them, alongside whatever the Trump administration does to counter the green agenda?

    Incidentally, re: Elon, the faux outrage here that a rich person might donate money to a political Party in order to “buy influence” is hilarious. Hypocrisy knows no bounds.

    Reply I have been making this case for sometime. As a result both the government (denying it ) and the Official Opposition (warning about it) are talking about U.K. deindustrialisation

    1. glen cullen
      December 26, 2024

      Agree – without taxpayer subsidy there isn’t any ‘return on investment (roi)’ on renewables

  17. Nick
    December 26, 2024

    No accident that “power” means both the capacity of governments to get stuff done, and that which comes out of a socket or makes a car move. They are exactly the same thing.

    A country with ample cheap power is, well, powerful, but one without is weak and contemptible, as poor Britain is even now finding out.

    Expensive power is the second silliest policy any government can pursue. Only driving out the indigenous rich and replacing them with foreign paupers beats it.

  18. Brian Tomkinson
    December 26, 2024

    It is time that those perpetuating the net zero scam were rigorously investigated for potential corruption and personal gain. The problem is to find people willing and able to conduct such a task.

  19. William Long
    December 26, 2024

    These numbers are stark, and a major reason why Governments is able to persist in them must be that very few members of the public are aware of them. Of course we cannot expect the Conservatives to do anything about them, because they were largely responsible for them in the first place, but why is no one else shouting them from the rooftops? I should have thought it was a natural for Farage or GB News.

  20. Bryan Harris
    December 26, 2024

    Yes, we do bear extreme costs for energy, but didn’t the nice government explain all of this in great detail when they spoke of the need to get us all using clean energy?
    Sorry – What a joke. Of course the didn’t!

    HMG have deceived us from the start about the true cost of netzero to us, and they are still not telling us how many of us will have to die from the cold to meet their targets or what our country will be like when we reach netzero and we have been completely deindustrialised. They won’t describe their planned future in any detail, and nor will it be shown on the BBC.

    Those driving this insanity have already set up ‘camps’ in most countries to hold any survivors of this coming apocalypse. Those that follow them blindly just have some potty ideas that Mother Earth will be saved from nasty humans and all creatures will live in some kind of utopia. Ha!
    That should tell us everything we need to know about the viability of netzero.

    The only extrapolation we can make is that the endgame will see those in power with more than adequate energy for themselves and their private jets, with all the cows, pigs and sheep they need to provide themselves with fresh meat. The rest of us will become serfs, picking up whatever scraps are left.

  21. Sakara Gold
    December 26, 2024

    A savage war of survival is taking place in Ukraine. The war criminal Putin kicked it off in 2012 when he invaded and annexed Crimea; the Democratic POTUS Barrack Obama failed to respond militarily. Putin followed this up with a full scale Russian assault three years ago. Again, a Democratic POTUS – Biden – failed to prevent the invasion, failed to reinforce NATO and merely applied ineffective “sanctions”

    Putin, the war criminal, has prosecuted his “special military operation” with a barbarism unseen since WW2. Thousands of Ukraine civilians have been killed by Russian bombing of kindergartens, air-raid shelters, residential apartment blocks, markets, train stations, hospitals, blood transfusion centres, schools, infrastructure etc. However, any Ukraine retaliation on Russia is “terrorism” and “escalatory”

    Putin is ex-KGB. So, knowing this, why are western media reporting Russian crap about the war (“Russian air defences shot down 100% of Ukraine terrorist drones overnight) as if it is the truth? One realises that attempts are being made to be impartial, but Putin’s objective is clear – to convince the world that the invasion of Ukraine was justified, that Russia is winning, (it is not) to reduce the flow of Western weaponry to Ukraine and frighten Biden into believing a nuclear war is inevitable unless the weapon deliveries stop.

    Trump has boasted that he will “end the war in a day”. Putin, who is clearly losing the war, has made his usual unrealistic maximalist demands. Whatever ceasefire agreement that may eventually be struck, it must be with the full agreement of the Ukrainians, without coercion. And they must join NATO, once hostilities stop.

    Reply The Russian annexation of Crimea was 2014

    1. R.Grange
      December 26, 2024

      Meanwhile on this planet, Ukraine is losing badly despite Biden and his EU vassals pumping in billions in financial aid and weapons to prop up the regime. Western media endlessly report Ukrainian ‘crap about the war’, for people who want to believe propaganda, and Macron is reportedly trying for a ceasefire agreement *without* Ukraine. Ukraine doesn’t report casualty figures – oh and Biden has just announced another lot of weapons for Kiev. Apart from those few minor points, SG, what you say might perhaps be right.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        December 26, 2024

        $340 Billion in total (so far).
        Extraordinarily small number of civilians killed because the aiming of weapons is spectacularly accurate. I have just seen a film from a Russia drone attacking a (Ukrainian) humvee, it filmed a civilian woman taking her rubbish out, hovered until she returned to the house and then blew up the humvee.
        Ukraine has used schools, hospitals ambulances etc to house and move troops. All I can say is that Russia has proved support within Ukraine because it information is up to the minute and dead accurate. It blew up hotels housing western fighters for instance, within 30 minutes Macron was on TV spitting nails.
        Mr Cold is as informed about the war giants the Globalists as he is about ‘climate change’.

    2. Lynn Atkinson
      December 26, 2024

      Putin has just answered a question from the International Press at the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council in Moscow. (Remember that they use the Gregorian calendar so have not reached 25th December yet). He was asked about the possibility of resolving the conflict in Ukraine in 2025.
      🇷🇺 “I believe in God, and God is with us”
      This is not a Communist speaking to a Communist country, Mr Cold. Ukraine cut off the water supply to the 1 million people in Crimea. That is a war crime. Russia had to ship water in – they are Russians in Crimea after all.
      You should listen to Mr Holland and Mrs Merkel about the peace treaties signed by Russia and guaranteed by them.

    3. Original Richard
      December 26, 2024

      Reply : “The Russian annexation of Crimea was 2014”

      Yes, and a year after PM Cameron made a speech on behalf of the EU in Kazakhstan sayng that the EU should expand further into the former USSR and reach from the Atlantic to the Urals.

    4. Donna
      December 27, 2024

      If you deliberately poke a bear and when it growls a warning, poke it again then don’t be surprised if it reacts according to its nature.

      Those who poked the bear over and over again knew exactly what they were doing.

  22. hefner
    December 26, 2024

    I am a bit surprised by the figure you quote for France.
    This December 2024 (prices are regulated and change every month) for a household
    electricity is €0.252 kWh, gas for heating is €0.113 and gas for cooking/heating is €0.142 kWh.
    Those prices include VAT.
    The price for the annual subscription (fixed) is €114.3 for gas and €146 for electricity.

    I used good sources

    1. Ian B
      December 26, 2024

      @hefner – it is the UK Taxpayer that is funding Frances lower prices – which one of the main points.

    2. hefner
      December 26, 2024

      I may be nit picking but the electricity tariffs in France are quite complex (as they certainly are in the UK). French households are with the Blue tariff (for power lower than 36 kVA). ‘Petites et Moyennes Entreprises et Industries’ (SMEs) requiring power between 37 and 250 kVA are on the so-called Yellow tariff whereas larger companies with power above 250 kVA are on the Green tariff (nothing to do with green electricity).
      The Blue tariff is between €0.195 and €0.252 per kWh. Even the Green tariff has multiple subgroups of prices (tariff A5 <3000 kVA, A6 <10000 kVA, B 40000 kVA). Only the Green C tariff is €0.145 per kWh, which more or less could translate to your $0.19 for France.

      Sorry, I don’t doubt that you have good sources but there is a sizeable difference between a household and a major industry, and the prices you were quoting are likely representative of major electricity-relying industries, except for your UK $0.41 per kWh that looks very much like combining the average household price of 24.5p per kWh and the average annual standing charge of £220.
      Is there a simple way to know the standing charges in various countries?

      Reply I have used the figures published by the Energy Information Admin in the US and by the EU.

  23. Narrow Shoulders
    December 26, 2024

    Follow the money (Labour donors?)

    1. Ian B
      December 26, 2024

      @Narrow Shoulders – must be the same people that maintain that Nuclear should not be a option for the UK.
      Some of these outfits wouldn’t exist without direct funding by the UK’s Taxpayer, yet they get to sit at the table saying what’s best for ‘You’ and if you don’t like it you should leave (the Country that is). 2 tier government?

  24. glen cullen
    December 26, 2024

    It was the tories that brought in net-zero and its labour that will continue it ….the cost of UK energy isn’t to do with the markets or competition; its political policy

    1. Donna
      December 27, 2024

      Correct. But not national policy. When every branch of the Westminster Uni-Party promotes the same policy its because it is a Globalist one and they are delivering an Agenda which has been created by an International Quango, safely immune from democratic control.

      In this case, the UN and WEF.

  25. glen cullen
    December 26, 2024

    350 criminals arrived in the UK yesterday Christmas Day, from the safe country of France …forewarned and reported by GB-News on Christmas Eve …and nobody did anything to stop them

    1. Diane
      December 26, 2024

      Update GC: Final reporting shows total 451 / 11 boats. So another hotel’s worth, more or less, on top of the 351. Of course ‘they’ knew. Ready and waiting. It must have needed careful, planned and manned coordination.

    2. MFD
      December 26, 2024

      Did you expect any of those in the grip of WEF to take any action against the Army being installed by their WEF masters?

      No! money buys anything when corruption is involved!

    3. glen cullen
      December 26, 2024

      Home Office update – revised up to 451 illegals yesterday

      1. Mickey Taking
        December 26, 2024

        How many are of our citizens are homeless, shivering in doorways, how many are veterans scraping a living, how many are living in squalor conditions while military husbands are overseas on political nonsense flag waving?

  26. Ian B
    December 26, 2024

    You should also factor in the cost of using foreign as opposed to UK energy. One is sending much needed UK funding/earnings/taxpayer money abroad in some cases to prop up other failing governments – the majority. While the other would be funding a resurgent UK able to cope with what ever the future throws at us.

    Also to be factored in is the loss of industries, those they could have paid as the UK is to expensive as well as being a nasty place to survive in business. UK steel must now be up there with the Worlds dearest, particularly with the move to electric, while the UK Taxpayer funds these despot foreign companies to rip us off. Recycled steel from the UK will never be able to compete with similar from the imported – the irony here those in receipt of UK Taxpayer funded are the very same that are the manufacturers and importers of the steel we import.

  27. Martin Griffiths
    December 26, 2024

    The wise development for us all would be for Parliament to move to the Highlands of Scotland. Somewhere at least 10 miles from a power supply and with no mobile signal. They could then live their Net Zero dream and the rest of the UK could get on with their lives unencumbered by their idiocies.

    1. MFD
      December 26, 2024


  28. Old Albion
    December 26, 2024

    QUOTE Even the Climate Change Committee think one quarter of U.K. energy will still be oil and gas in 2050, so why is the Rosebank field not going ahead to produce more here? Why is the Jackdaw gas field discovered in 2005 still not producing? UNQUOTE
    Because Greta, she say no!

  29. JohnK
    December 26, 2024

    The move to “decarbonize” our power sources by 2030 can best be seen as a Five Year Plan. Miliband is aping the worst type of Soviet central planning. It is like the forced collectivization of Soviet agriculture. True, output collapsed and millions of peasants died, but that was not the point. The point was that the Plan had to be achieved. Miliband has this same Soviet mindset. Our industries will collapse, our landscape will be despoiled, but none of that matters so long as the Plan is achieved.

    I honestly believe he is the most dangerous and destructive man there has ever been in British politics.

    1. Original Richard
      December 26, 2024

      JohnK : It’s a close run thing but I think PM May deserves this title.

      1. JohnK
        December 27, 2024

        Miliband still has time to do more damage!

    2. Mark B
      December 27, 2024

      “I honestly believe he is the most dangerous and destructive man there has ever been in British politics.”

      I have said this myself many, many times. I am glad I am now not alone.

      1. JohnK
        December 27, 2024

        The numbers can only grow.

  30. glen cullen
    December 26, 2024

    UK energy dashboard as at 12.00hrs 26th Dec

    Fossil Fuels 44.7%
    Renewable 13.8%
    Nuclear 22.5%
    Imported Interconnectors 17.6%

    And that’s the cost and our future

    1. Ian Wraggg
      December 26, 2024

      Glen, the 17.5% we are Importing is at £120 per mwh which we can generate at £40 per mwh without the plethora of government imposed taxes.
      The problem is because there’s no wind or sunshine today our CCGT plants and nuclear won’t be able to cope and it’s quiet public holiday
      The same situation in a month’s time would mean rolling blackouts for us all.
      Welcome to he 21st century.

      1. Stred
        December 26, 2024

        Currently at 17.24.
        Low carbon. 0.6%
        Wind and solar 3.6%.
        Re My Grid gb

  31. Alan Paul Joyce
    December 26, 2024

    Dear Mr, Redwood,

    In answer to the questions you pose in your last paragraph and at this festive time of the year, would it be uncharitable to say we have people in charge of the running of our country who are simply not up to the job? After all, many of them have a proven track record of failure.

    In life, for most people, there are penalties for being useless or bent at one’s job. Seemingly not for our political retreads who having departed in disgrace for one reason or another are suddenly catapulted back into positions of great power and responsibility. And then, in reward for a lifetime of non-achievement they are required to bend the knee at Buckingham Palace to receive one undeserved award or another.

    Just why are our politicians so useless? They are driven by ideology and dogma. They are hopelessly out of touch with the voters who elect them. They have no understanding of people’s hopes and fears and when confronted by them, resort to calling them bigots, racists and far-right thugs. They love to strut the international stage preening themselves on their self-righteous understanding of global issues that the ordinary man in the street could never hope to grasp. We are thus to be led by the nose because we do not know what is best for us.

    They dismiss the politics of populism as just easy answers in a last desperate attempt to maintain their cosy little uni-party status quo. Well, it is my fondest wish for 2025 and beyond that the whole useless cabal that inhabits Westminster is swept away for good in an avalanche of populism that puts the United Kingdom first and not the rest of the world.

    I apologise for the length of my submission today and I feel much better now.

    Merry Christmas everybody!

  32. Ed
    December 26, 2024

    Virtue signalling B.S. is going to meet reality sooner or later.
    Whether the country survives this catastrophe will soon be seen.

  33. Roy Grainger
    December 26, 2024

    Happy Xmas John !

    You know if I was presented with one of your posts from the 6 months before the election and the 6 months after the election I would probably be unable to distinguish between them – the same criticisms of the BoE and government economic policy and the same criticisms of Net Zero and energy policy. And the proverbial visiting alien might be unable to guess whether you were a Conservative or Labour member !

    Reply I am an independent commentator these days.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      December 26, 2024

      The Conservative Party has left most of us. Indeed, perhaps all of us!

  34. Ukret123
    December 26, 2024

    On today ‘s topic of expensive energy acquisition led by non technical naive enterprise-averse PPE government of shallow thinking.
    If this was a Third World country you could well understand why this ridiculous situation would be a tragedy for them and many jokes would ensue. Corruption is the main cause in the undeveloped world from my professional experience and done in plain sight.
    When you realise it is Great Britain we are talking about it is most serious.
    The fact that politicians in charge refuse to enter discussions on energy costs and just expect us stay dumb and just suck it up while they invoke Omerta is similar to ensuring no one dare mention immigration not that long ago for fear of being branded racist.
    So sad they are getting away with this grand scam.

  35. J+M
    December 27, 2024

    Further question:
    When you have decarbonised our electricity generation what are you going to do on days like today when there is no wind or sun?

  36. glen cullen
    December 27, 2024

    Renewables only providing 11.3% (max out) of national grid energy today as at 10:00hrs ……thank the lord for fossil fuels providing 53.1% energy keeping us safe & warm

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