Drill baby, drill

It is best if senior politicians avoid comments that are derogatory about their counterparts abroad in case they end up in government. The old rule of do not interfere in the politics of a foreign country usually is wise, unless in government you need to respond in our national interest to actions or statements of a foreign country.

The UK government is led by senior Ministers who ignored these rules when in Opposition. They welcomed President Obamaā€™s endlessly cited intervention in the Brexit referendum for Remain, which turned out to be a clumsy mistake that backfired. They went on to make nasty personal attacks on President Trump which have now come back to haunt them.

President Trump did not intervene in our General election despite their provocations. He has not made personal attacks on them .He is now as an ally and trade partner criticising their energy and industrial policies. This poses a further problem for the government . They had hardly complain about him commenting given their track record.

When President Trump points out US companies are pulling out of North Sea oil and gas investment owing to penal taxes he is stating a fact. When he says a strong economy needs to use more of its own oil and gas rather than importing he is again stating an obvious truth.

Why canā€™t Ā the government see its energy policy of relying on imports which increase world CO 2 is bad for jobs, for energy security and the environment? Giving away all that potential tax on home produced energy stretches budgets and means the Uk can afford less defence to contribute to NATO where the US assumes a large burden to help us and Europe.


  1. James1
    January 5, 2025

    ā€œWhy canā€™t the government see its energy policy of relying on imports which increase world CO 2 is bad for jobs, for energy security and the environment? ā€œ

    Could it possibly be that we are being given every indication that we unfortunately have a bunch of wishful thinking knuckle heads in charge for the next four years.

    1. Peter Wood
      January 5, 2025

      Pure dogma, based on false data and politically led ‘science’. Tory AND Labour and Lib/dems ALL signed up to this madness.
      Look at the PM’s since Gore’s science fiction movie, not one of them commissioned a detailed analysis of the data or methodology, or listened to the counter arguments. Why….. follow the money.

      1. Wanderer
        January 5, 2025

        @Peter Wood +1. “The Science” and willing capture of our political establishment on this issue has been played out with covid, too. As you say, follow the money.

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          January 5, 2025

          And the Asylum Scam. Letā€™s list all the scams they have foisted on us in recent times at huge expense and name them as such.

      2. Lifelogic
        January 5, 2025

        Indeed and SNP, Plaidā€¦ all mad.

        A. Reducing CO2 achieves nothing positive a bit more plant, tree and crop food is a net good on balance.
        B. All the things they push:- EVs, public transport, exporting jobs and energy intensive industries, cycling, walking, heat pumps, solar, wind, road blocking, burning wood (young coal) at Draxā€¦ do not even save any or any significant CO2.

      3. glen cullen
        January 5, 2025

        Spot-on Peter

      4. MFD
        January 5, 2025

        +1 Well said Peter

    2. David Andrews
      January 5, 2025

      They are worse than wishful thinking knuckleheads. They are intent on destroying the oil and gas industry and with it low cost energy on which the rest of industrial and business activity depends. In turn this will destroy the way of life which the rest of us enjoy because it will no longer be affordable for the majority and will, already has, destroy countless jobs.

      1. Christine
        January 5, 2025

        We have to get this message across to people. Net Zero will take away their cars, holidays, food, warmth, and jobs and vastly reduce their living standards. Trying to do the impossible will result in a much poorer Britain. Many people haven’t woken up to this fact yet, and when they do, I fear it will be too late.

        1. glen cullen
          January 5, 2025

          Correct – the first thing they do to is remove choice ….then they remove products …… then they remove democracy (for your own good)

          1. glen cullen
            January 5, 2025

            They’re already talking about ‘postponing’ local elections 2025 …..slippery slope

        2. Lynn Atkinson
          January 5, 2025

          Power cuts. No voice is loud enough to cut through, but Power cuts canā€™t be denied. They cause people inconvenience. Mr Cold will not be able to get to the shops. Snow over his solar panels, car battery been drained of stored energy to keep a light in elsewhere by the National grid.
          Sky full of Chickens!

        3. Sharon
          January 5, 2025


          Absolutely! So true!

      2. Magelec
        January 5, 2025

        Their plan is to make the majority of the population subject to their control. Only the very rich will escape their control. Deep down the government are communists and are actively creating a socialist state. North Korea here we come.

        1. Sharon
          January 5, 2025


    3. Donna
      January 5, 2025

      No, they’re not all knuckle heads. They’re either Eco zealots or they expect to benefit personally from the scam – and that applies to the so-called Official Opposition who are just as culpable for the destruction of our coal, oil and gas industries as Labour – and for the same reason.

      Fortunately, it appears that the scam is starting to collapse but so much damage has been done that it will be a long time before OUR situation improves.

      1. Ed M
        January 5, 2025

        But that’s kind of the argument the gas-guzzling motor heads said in the USA. You don’t want them directing our economy / country.

        1. Chris S
          January 5, 2025

          Are you happy that Minibrain and his bunch of climate zealots are in charge of our future.?
          Because I’m not !!!
          I would take the pro-growth business lobby anytime – as long as mass migration is ruled out.

          1. Ed M
            January 5, 2025

            Are you?! (your comment completely irrelevant to what I said. Straw man .. )

        2. Original Richard
          January 5, 2025

          Ed M :

          Gas guzzling motor heads are increasing the planetā€™s CO2 which is entirely beneficial to life. Both temperature and CO2 are at historically low levels and 9 times over the last 800,000 years CO2 has dropped so low as to be just 30 ppm above the minimum level required for plants, and hence all life on Earth, to survive. We need to increase atmospheric CO2 to ensure we survive the next ice age.

          There is no CAGW crisis caused by burning hydrocarbon fuels it is just an excuse to implement Net Zero and destroy western economies and democracies. As evidenced by the climate activists having no issues with Chinaā€™s emissions and refusing to use the only low CO2 emitting energy which is both affordable and reliable, nuclear.

          1. Ed M
            January 5, 2025

            But consumers in the USA disagree with you and now buying efficient European / German / Japanese cars like never before! (And making their own energy efficient cars too). I worked branding / advertising. You got to study the market and what consumers want! You’re doing the opposite. I would trust you as the account planner in charge of Guinness ads ..

          2. Original Richard
            January 6, 2025

            Ed M :

            I would suggst that US consumers buying more fuel efficient cars is to save their wallets not the planet.

      2. Lifelogic
        January 5, 2025


      3. Lynn Atkinson
        January 5, 2025

        We in Northumberland have just had a power cut! Reality canā€™t be bullied away.
        Keep your house warm and everything fully charged, so that you start a power cut in good order. And eat hot when you can.

        1. Donna
          January 5, 2025

          Keep an eye on Power Track. They will inform you about PLANNED power cuts as well as the unplanned ones, generally caused by bad weather and the consequences for our unreliable intermittent energy system called “renewable.”
          I’ve added to my personal resilience with the purchase of a 4-charge power pack. Every little helps.

    4. Ian wragg
      January 5, 2025

      James 2TK and his clowns are just doubling down on the last governments policies
      They are being driven by the WEF and the UN which wants to destroy western economies in favour of the BRIC s
      Trump is going to expose the shampoo and leave people like May and Milibrain looking stupid
      Thier response will be to double down on the lunacy to try and save face.
      Fortunately we have Farage who is close to Donald and he will lead the baton charge for us.
      Times are going to be interesting.

      1. Ian wragg
        January 5, 2025

        Scam not shampoo.

      2. Lifelogic
        January 5, 2025

        Indeed they keep talking about it taking time to turn the ship around but they are full steam ahead with the foot to the floor. Same as (the Covid Vaccines are safe – sure thing) Sunak but even worse.

      3. Lifelogic
        January 5, 2025

        May, Miliband already look very stupid as does Sunak, Cameron, Boris, Coutino, Kemiā€¦still pushing net zero and indeed the very dangerous net harm Covid Vaccines in the main and failing to deal with the people who failed to deal with the rape gangs.

        Trump will hopefully expose the net zero lunacy, the net harm done by the Covid ā€œVaccinesā€ and Musk their appalling failures over the rape gangs. So get off the fence Kemi!

      4. glen cullen
        January 5, 2025

        I’ve no doubt that this year we’ll see the introduction of (1) pay-per-mile, (2) enforced heat-pumps and (3) compulsory smart-meters

    5. Narrow Shoulders
      January 5, 2025

      More wishful thinking knuckle heads, following on from the previous administration.

    6. Mike Wilson
      January 5, 2025

      And for at least the last 27 years.

    7. Lynn Atkinson
      January 5, 2025

      Itā€™s called ā€˜manifestationā€™ (aka wishful thinking). Itā€™s a critical pillar of WOKE.
      You state what you want – commit publicly. So if what you have committed to is within your own power eg ā€˜Iā€™m going to lose 20lbsā€™ it could work because the humiliation of not achieving your goal is worse than the starvation you have to suffer to achieve it.
      The problem has occurred because politicians have committed OTHER people to achieving IMPOSSIBLE goals in their own ā€˜Manifestitionsā€™ (aka Manifestosā€™).
      They have said ā€˜we will be oil and gas free by 20??ā€™. They expect some British person to create nuclear fusion or something else to avoid our Government looking like fools worldwide. They need miracles and they are very angry with us for refusing to do said miracles out of spite. That spite is evidence of ā€˜the societal black holeā€™.
      In short, these people are insane. Mentally ill. Mad. We need more places in Asylums!

    8. MFD
      January 5, 2025

      Knuckle heads!! Thats being kind,I would be more direct but Sir John would scratch it,

  2. David Paterson
    January 5, 2025

    One has the impression that the senior members of the current Government, inc in particular Miliband, Lamy and Reeves and of course Neil Starmer, are intent on destroying the UK’s chances of a revival.

    1. Donna
      January 5, 2025

      All part of their ambition to drag us back under the control of the EU.

  3. agricola
    January 5, 2025

    DBD is a waste of time in rhe UK because the business plan for energy, which is tax tax tax, still makes the result for us the most expensive in the World.

    From the discovery of North Sea energy it was seen, by UK mindless politicians, as a cash cow to fund Domes and the likes of HS2. They equated with one of those early lottery winners whose attitude was Spend Spend Spend. Norway on the other hand created a national social fund that ensures they do not have the problems we discussed yesterday.

    Once the madmen currently in power are replaced by Reform we can plan recovery from the insanities being inflicted upon us daily.

    1. MWB
      January 5, 2025

      Yes, and it was Thatcher who decided not to set up a soverign weatlh fund here, choosing instead to waste the money.

      Reply No. Conservative, Labour and Lib Lab governments of the 1970s pre Thatcher presided over big growth of North Sea oil. None of them set up a wealth fund because the state was borrowing money so it made sense to cut borrowings with the extra tax. Per head revenue from North Sea much larger in Norway.

      1. agricola
        January 5, 2025

        That decision was a very typical short term UK politicians reaction to the gift of North Sea oil. If they wanted to cut borrowings they should have reduced spending. They did not, look at borrowings today.

        Per capita benefits from NSO are greater in Norway for the simple fact that there are far fewer Norwegians to share in their wealth fund. The benefit of NSO to Brits is zero because no politician had the wisdom to allow a wealth fund to be set up for the benefit of our ever increasing population. The only beneficiary of NSO has been HMG who only understand spend spend spend.

  4. Peter Gardner
    January 5, 2025

    Drat. I can spell! Typo/spell checker. I would not bank on there being a general election ….

    1. agricola
      January 5, 2025

      Nor would I Peter. They are already rumoured to be planning the cancellation of the May local elections. I suspect they will not last until a 2029 GE.

      1. Diane
        January 5, 2025

        No general election but 3.015.633 last time I looked, expressing their desire for one or at least giving an opinion of what we think of it so far, on the petition to parliament number 700143 – which according to the UKG Petitions website is to be debated tomorrow – January 6th.

        1. rose
          January 6, 2025

          They must be rattled because these petitions are usually allowed to gather signatures for six months.

          The question is, will we be allowed one when the time comes? Or will they declare a state of emergency (food and energy shortages, job shortages, not enough homes, huge debt, under IMF etc) and cancel again?

  5. Mark B
    January 5, 2025

    Good morning.

    Why should President Trump or any other foreign government care if those we elect choose to destroy our economy ? It is a bit like someone in another town choosing to demolish their home. It does not affect me, so why bother ?

    The current UK Government was elected due to the previous one being bad. The next one will be elected once enough people realize just how bad this one is. We’ve still some way to go.

    The problems to UK has go far deeper than not drilling or digging our own fossil fuels. They lay with the New Labour revolution and the changes to the way we are governed. Changes that the last umpteen governments since and built upon.

    Before we can move forward we must first face up to our mistakes. The USA has a system of government that can do this, we just have ‘Continuity Stupid’.

    1. Donna
      January 5, 2025

      “Continuity Stupid” …. although personally I prefer “Continuity Treacherous” since I don’t think they’re stupid …. is starting to get seriously worried about Farage and Reform.

    2. Sharon
      January 5, 2025

      I think a lot of Americans consider Great Britain to be the mother of the western countries…. if we go down, or the US goes down, there’s likely to be domino affect!

      Plus, there are organisations such as the Free Speech Union who have sister groups in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc

      People are working cross country to try and save the western democracies!

  6. Stephen Reay
    January 5, 2025

    Our gases fields are nearly exploited ,and our oil production is mostly exported via the energy markets. The Uk doesn’t get a special price deal from our oil or gas produces, Fact.

    Reply Domestic production brings in large tax revenues and creates well paid jobs. If companies were allowed to explore for more we would find more gas.

    1. Dave Andrews
      January 5, 2025

      If UK sourced oil and gas are traded on the open market, why are UK energy prices so much higher than say US?

      1. Stephen Reay
        January 5, 2025

        One reason and there are many. The U.K. adds green tariffs to our bills i.e. for onshore and offshore wind turbines, and other green investments such as carbon capture projects, we don’t get it for nothing. America doesn’t add any of these tariffs to to Americans bills.

        1. Sam
          January 5, 2025

          I thought UK renewables were much cheaper than energy generated from fossil fuels Stephen.
          At least this is what I keep being told.

          USA also has solar and wind sites, yet their electricity is 3 to 4 times cheaper than the UK.

          1. Original Richard
            January 5, 2025

            Sam :

            Renewables are the most expensive electricity even before taking into account their low energy density, chaotic intermittency and inability to store energy. Even with the carbon taxes added the hydrocarbon fuels are cheaper. And if renewables were cheaper they wouldnā€™t need subsidies would they? I would suggest you read David Turverā€™s Eigen Values Substack.

          2. glen cullen
            January 5, 2025

            Someone is telling us porky’s about the real costs of net-zero

          3. Sam
            January 5, 2025

            I agree with you Richard.
            I was being mischievous towards Stephen Reay.

          4. hefner
            January 5, 2025

            OR, Interestingly what David Turver presents in the Substack that you quote are somewhat different from what Sir John told us on 26/12 regarding the comparisons of UK and European prices of gas, electricity, both for industry and households.
            And not surprisingly Mr Turverā€™s figures correspond to what I know of the prices in France and the UK.

          5. Sam
            January 6, 2025

            We were discussing USA prices versus UK prices hefner.

      2. Bloke
        January 5, 2025

        Margaret Thatcher once responded to a similar question, stating that UK oil was of higher quality which added to its price.
        However, the higher prices charged to UK consumers now are probably the consequence of a current idiotic or hostile government imposing its own ideological decisions, causing harm.

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          January 5, 2025

          Yes I remember. Petrol is a by-product of refining oil, and because our product needs less refining we produce less petrol. But she said it was a good deal because we got so much more for our heavy, high grade oil.
          Mrs T knew what she was talking about technically, her first job in Manningtree was under my husbandā€™s uncle who was a physicist and a few years older than Mrs T. He said she was a ā€˜first classā€™ scientist.

          1. Bloke
            January 5, 2025

            Neat recall and linkage Lynn.

      3. glen cullen
        January 5, 2025

        Only the designationed nation surplus need go to the world trade markets …its all down to the will of the government

    2. Lifelogic
      January 5, 2025

      To reply:- indeed we still have excellent fracking resources, oil, gas and coal. Natural gas in the US often 1/3 of the price. Transportation of liquified gas to the UK pushes this up 3 time, increases CO2 and the rip off price strangles the economy.

      1. glen cullen
        January 5, 2025


    3. Ed M
      January 5, 2025

      If people want more Green Energy / Tech then I think this is going to be a lot harder without making the most out of our possible oil / gas reserves whilst helping the oil / gas industry in other ways, too (to produce and sell oil / gas and to give them time and opportunity to invest in Green Energy / Tech).
      We can have our cake (strong economy and environment) and eat it but careful balancing act!
      And our economy / country has potentially great future but need more hope, realism and keeping a cool head ..

      1. glen cullen
        January 5, 2025

        ”If people want more Green Energy / Tech”
        People (and industry) just want CHEAP energy

        1. Ed M
          January 5, 2025

          But they can’t always get what they want!
          They have to work within the parameters of reality – otherwise more people will just lurch to the left / greenies in defiance. Do you want that (unintended consequence ..).

          1. Donna
            January 6, 2025

            The Climate Change SCAM is not reality.

            You are advocating going along with the SCAM but taking small steps to reduce the immediate impact.

          2. Clough
            January 6, 2025

            Ed, you say ‘reality’. You mean policies created by political ideologues, who are closing down fossil fuel exploration and subsidising alternative energy sources. Their policies set the parameters, and they can and should be challenged on them.

    4. Mike Wilson
      January 5, 2025

      Yes. This begs the question- who owns the oil and gas under our land (and seas)? If I had a load of oil beneath my land (and I had permission), surely I could pay someone to extract it and the profit on sale would be mine. Surely the oil and gas below the North Sea belongs to all of us collectively – and the state is supposed to be the embodiment of us all. Why were oil companies allowed to extract OUR oil and sell it on the world market. Why didnā€™t WE (the state> pay them to extract OUR oil and sell it to US at ā€˜our pricesā€™.

      Reply You cannot extract from under your land with state permits. The state imposed high taxes and royalties on oil taken under permit. The state could easily let us buy more affordable energy if it cut the extremely high taxes on oil and gas extraction, on sales and on profits. As we import and export oil it makes sense to do it at world market prices to avoid rackets and resale of lower priced domestic at higher prices

  7. R.Grange
    January 5, 2025

    If the US wants Europe to support its foreign wars it should offer lower LNG prices, otherwise Europe will not be able to afford to pay more for defence. At the moment European economies are being crippled by having had to refuse cheap Russian gas, and buy very expensive LNG, especially from the US.

    1. Ian wragg
      January 5, 2025

      Why should they offer cheaper lng. Holland is sitting on the biggest gas reserves in Europe and the government has banned extractions
      We have large deposits of scale but extraction is banned
      Self destruction is the name of the game.

      1. Donna
        January 5, 2025

        You can’t “Build Back Better” unless you have first destroyed what is already there.

      2. Lifelogic
        January 5, 2025

        Drill, mine, frack, better nuclear, wind and solar only where it makes sense (without subsidies or market rigging) & abandon the total absurdities of carbon capture and burning imported wood at Drax. In the medium terms we will get to practical and cost effective fusion and with this almost limitless electricity. Electricity and energy which can then also be used to manufacture synthetic fossil fuels as needed. EV are largely a dead end other than for small city cars without a significant jump in battery technology, weight, volume, charge times, cost, longer life, far less flammableā€¦

        1. MWB
          January 5, 2025

          “In the medium terms we will get to practical and cost effective fusion and with this almost limitless electricity.”
          Don’t hold your breath.

          1. hefner
            January 5, 2025

            Indeed the recent record in nuclear fusion was 69.29 mega-joules over 6 seconds, enough to heat up five hot baths.
            It was obtained in a UK lab (JET Culham, Oxon), which closed in December 2023.

            Most efforts are now going to the international ITER in South France (mid-2030s).

            There might be a follow-up to these efforts from a new nuclear fusion centre (part of the international DEMO programme) in Nottinghamshire to open in the 2040s.

          2. Lifelogic
            January 5, 2025

            Well within 30 years I suspect, perhaps a bit too late for me but we have well over two hundred years of fossil fuels to keep us going.

      3. glen cullen
        January 5, 2025

        Holland also want to ban farming …utter madness

        1. Mickey Taking
          January 5, 2025

          some cut-flowers can be eaten…and CO2 can be piped into their greenhouses.
          Tasty? yuk!

    2. Wanderer
      January 5, 2025

      @R.Grange. Interesting suggestion, but I think they had their eyes on selling us their gas when they they engineered the coup in Ukraine. Quite why we and most of Europe played along, is difficult to fathom. It certainly involved a collection of interests that weren’t concerned about the good of ordinary people. Silence over the Nordstream sabotage showed they could get away with anything.

      The one bright element in this, is the gas policy is weakening the EU via high energy prices and internal rifts. Ukraine’s stopping of piped Russian gas supplies to Slovakia from 1st Jan is accelerating the split between those countries who need and want cheaper gas, and those whose citizens are still prepared to take the financial hit (though their resentment is rising, too).

      1. R.Grange
        January 6, 2025

        On the contrary, I find it quite easy to fathom why we and most of Europe have played along with US wishes, Wanderer. As members of NATO, we and they did what we were told. It may be that the eye-watering costs of importing US LNG forces some European countries to wake up from the net zero madness and return to fossil fuels. I hope so, but they haven’t so far shown signs of independent thinking. This country certainly won’t, with the present government in office.

    3. Mitchel
      January 6, 2025

      Europe is also buying record amounts of Russian LNG at market prices(FT,20/12/24:EU imports record quantities of Russian LNG in 2024).In fact the larger part of Russia’s LNG exports is now going to Europe rather than Asia-Asia,particularly China, is benefiting from the cheap gas exported via Russia’s expanded-and expanding- pipeline network in the east.

  8. MPC
    January 5, 2025

    In answer to your question I would suggest that the government can see the consequences of its energy policy, but it sees itself as having an historic mission to change our country and our way of life irredeemably. Itā€™s going to be scorched earth within 5 years, such that there will be hardly any home grown engineering skills by 2029 that can be drawn upon to restore implementation of a sane, evidence based energy policy. The new school curriculum will also create future generations brain washed about The Climate Crisis and Britainā€™s role in creating it.

    Prospects of a Great Reform Act following the next general election look remote indeed. Where are the politicians in sufficient numbers brave enough to take that on. We have to batten down our hatches as best we can. Thatā€™s all we can do.

    1. Wanderer
      January 5, 2025

      @MPC. I do sometimes despair that you are exactly right. Recently though I hope that the US under Trump will expose how foolish and damaging our policies are, to the extent that our voters wake up. If enough voters wake up, then politicians will emerge that offer real change. Whether they deliver it is quite another matter, as Brexit demonstrated. Still, there’s always a chance!

  9. Michael Staples
    January 5, 2025

    The Labour Party, and Ed Miliband in particular, are fervent supporters of the new green religion, Net Zero. Being in thrall to the green Goddess Greta means that they cannot think or behave rationally. The Conservatives are beginning to realise that Greta is a false goddess but are fearful to admit their apostasy.

  10. Donna
    January 5, 2025

    It looks like Trump is politely giving “our political class” …. because the so-called Official Opposition is just as culpable for the destruction of our coal, oil and gas industries as Labour ….. an opportunity to do a handbrake turn on the Net Zero lunacy as gracefully as they possibly can before he brings the entire SCAM down.

    They’d do well to take it.

    Meanwhile, Musk has ensured that the Grooming/Rape Gang scandal, carried out by mainly ethnic-Pakistani men for decades, has finally got the attention it deserves. Again, the Uni-Party had closed ranks for years to suppress the information and protect the Establishment from the consequences of their obsession with creating a multi-cultural state and the claim that it is a marvellous success …. with tens of thousands of vulnerable young white girls gang-raped for years by vicious predators treated as collateral damage for their State Dogma of Multiculturalism.

    We don’t need a Public Inquiry which would be carefully set up to run for years and absolve the guilty men/women (like the Covid Inquiry). We need a Royal Commission and then those senior “Public Servants” who failed to do their duty should be charged with Misconduct in Public Office.

    1. Ed M
      January 5, 2025

      Musk a brilliant high-tech entrepreneur but terrible – to the tune of billions – in investing in social media companies – his rant on Twitter is just a bonkers rant (even though some truth to his argument) but is really just trying to find a way to justify his disastrous take over of Twitter .. (projecting his gripe onto Labour etc – let’s challenge Labour but not like this ..)

      1. Original Richard
        January 5, 2025

        Ed M :

        Muskā€™s takeover of Twitter was never intended to be ā€œan investmentā€ but a brilliant and brave move to preserve free speech.

    2. Wanderer
      January 5, 2025

      @Donna. Is there a significant difference between Public Inquiries and Royal commissions? You raise an interesting point. I took a look at https://consoc.org.uk/royal-commissions-part-one/
      but it didn’t really help me on the issue. Is a RC less prone to narrow focus, whitewash approach?

      Apparently Harold Wilson said they “take minutes but waste years”, which amused me.

      1. rose
        January 5, 2025

        The problem with the one Mrs May commissioned (Jay) was that it was far too widely drawn so these particular outrages were more or less buried. It needed Musk to blow the lid off it all.

    3. MFD
      January 5, 2025

      Donna, I second that proposal. these people must be brought to court to pay for their traitorous actions

  11. Ed M
    January 5, 2025

    Perhaps Tories should listen more to Elon Musk on this topic for fear of falling into the trap of ideology (which normally arises from the press – and others – to sell newspapers etc – but have no or little entrepreneurial experience!)

  12. Sir Joe Soap
    January 5, 2025

    Trump will be planning as to how he discredit the daft ideologues in power here. We’re not critical to the US, but we’re a useful defence and business partner and the last thing Trump needs is for us to end up as some rogue state.

    We can all play our part in heaping opprobrium onto this government and pushing to get rid through shaming them and their policies.

  13. Old Albion
    January 5, 2025

    It’s not just the current (hopeless) government is it. Succesive governments have swallowed the ‘climate change’ nonsense. They’re in so deep now backing off and admitting it’s a load of tosh would be a huge embarrasment.
    The only way out of it is to vote for a government that will end the whole scam. In four years (possibly less) we’ll have an opportunity.

  14. Sakara Gold
    January 5, 2025

    Kemi Badenoch, the new Leader, has made a call for yet another inquiry into the UK’s rape gangs scandal. Surely the lady must know that there have been no less than seven inquiries already?

    The Independent Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse, which published its final report in 2022, knitted several of these inquiries together alongside its own investigations. Professor Alexis Jay, who led the inquiry, said in November she felt “frustrated” that NONE of its 20 recommendations to tackle abuse had been implemented – more than two years later.

    The culprits are overwhelmingly men of Pakistani heritage who were abusing underage vulnerable white girls, some as young as 11 years old. The truth is that thousands of such men were active in the abuse, right across the country.
    To it’s credit, this weekend a national newspaper – which had access to court transcripts – described the men involved as “rape torture gangs, perpetrating the most heinous sexual crimes imaginable on an industrial scale”

    As with Windrush, the contaminated blood scandal, Hillsborough, the postmasters and Grenfell, the British state has gone to immense lengths to cover it up. Starmer was director of public prosecutions between 2008 and 2013 when all this was going on. At the least, the girls deserve an explanation from him – and an apology.

    1. Donna
      January 5, 2025

      They weren’t “abusing” the girls ….. they were gang-raping them; systematically and repeatedly. In many cases, it appears “torture” is a more appropriate expression.

      There has never been a proper Inquiry into the Rape Gangs. (Other descriptors left out ed) As Farage said the other day, the fish rots from the head. And it appears that senior members of the National Establishment (not just local authorities/police) were, at best, complicit in the suppression of the abuse so that the State enforced Dogma of Multiculturalism wasn’t challenged.

      However, a Public Inquiry would be as rigged as the Covid Inquiry has been ….. to drag on for years and absolve the guilty men/women or report when they are long gone. What we need is a Royal Commission.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        January 5, 2025

        We need criminal prosecutions of those Police and political which refused to uphold our law. Quick, public and the victims get compensation – I have no idea how we compensate people whose bodies and minds have been destroyed!
        But the Public Prosecutor needs to stand in Court and count for his actions. He was an enabler.

      2. rose
        January 5, 2025

        The other scandals – PO, Windrush, Grenfell, Hillsborough – pale beside this one which has rocked the world. No country, no city, no town, no village, anywhere in the world, should allow its underage girls to be systematically raped, tortured, and sometimes killed over 4-5 decades, and then shoot the messengers, over and over again. The coverup alone needs an inquiry, nationwide.

        1. rose
          January 5, 2025

          PS the numbers being given are nowhere near what has been calculated in serious studies. Lord Pearson gave the figure of 250,000 girls in the House of Lords some years ago and it is still going on.

          1. rose
            January 5, 2025

            PS When Lord Pearson gave the figure, no peer or peeress demurred. But when he went on to say who was doing it, they were furious – with him, for saying it.

    2. Original Richard
      January 5, 2025

      SG :

      You have forgotten to include the CAGW/Net Zero scandal to bring the conversation back to the original subject even if the words ā€œnet zeroā€ should never be mentioned.

  15. Roy Grainger
    January 5, 2025

    Trumpā€™s comments have been very restrained given that Labour sent 100 of their UK members to literally campaign against him in the USA election.

  16. David+L
    January 5, 2025

    As mentioned here many times before by many contributors, science is about debate and the constant testing of hypotheses. As with the covid event, any dissenters from the official narrative, however highly qualified, are described as “Deniers” and “Conspiracy Theorists”, but any rational scientific engagement with others regarding climate issues cannot be tolerated. Surely this indicates something is seriously wrong or corrupt in our governance.

  17. iain gill
    January 5, 2025

    personally I am enjoying Elon shaking up the British political laziness

    the main parties and media trying to ignore him is hilarious and bound to fail

    its embarrassing being part of a country which is so easily demolished by any reasonable critical review

    Elon does not get everything correct, but its a badly needed wake up call

    1. Wanderer
      January 5, 2025

      Iain Gill +1. He is also taking aim at Germany, and causing uproar amongst the establishment there. He’s having a video conference on X with AW [female co-leader of the German opposition Party] on 9th Jan, which has led the former EU censorship chief Thierry Breton to “remind” Ms W that by having access to Elons’ 210m followers worldwide she might breach “our [EU] democratic rules against illegal or misbehaviour in election times.”

      p.s. If I put AWs name into the post, it doesn’t go to moderation and disappears.

      Reply Posting depends on what you say about the people you mention.

    2. glen cullen
      January 5, 2025

      Correct – we need the likes of Musk to counter whats being traught in schools ….this new gerenation don’t even know why we’re doing ‘net-zero’ ….no one any longer questions the WHY

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        January 5, 2025

        Not questioning the why is critical to the scam . I heard a radio discussion about HOW to become vegan – nothing to question why anybody should want or need to become vegan.

    3. rose
      January 6, 2025

      Musk does get things correct. He isn’t stupid. Our establishment, including Farage and Montgomerie, is erecting straw men in order to counter him. They look more foolish and unprincipled by the day.

  18. Ian B
    January 5, 2025

    Sir John
    No one running, or trying to run a balanced budget, in home life, a business or government would take to buying a major commodity that essential you already have ā€˜to handā€™ in stock and available at less cost. Then add in to acquire the commodity from alternative sources you have to send your wealth, your wealth creation to others, for it to circulate elsewhere, never to return.

    Letā€™s suppose just for a moment we need to change direction, a massive change in direction, that is also an infinitely expensive change, do you remove your income stream, your earnings, essentially your future. When all the while you are sitting on a massive well priced commodity that everyone is screaming out for and will pay good prices for. You then get to earn and bank the wealth needed for a future.

    There is in the UK Parliament a seeming death wish on themselves, for the people and for the country

    1. Ian B
      January 5, 2025

      2022 Co2 emissions tons
      China 12,667,428,430 32.88%(of the worlds production)
      Germany 673,595,260 1.75%(of the worlds production)
      United Kingdom 340,610,260 0.88%(of the worlds production)

      UK now is half of its 1990 CO2 figure. However, since Boris Johnson expelled UK manufacture and change the UK into a import only country the UKā€™s actual impact on the world is twice the stated figure of emissions (moving it elsewhere doesnā€™t solve what some see as a world problem).

      The real impact on the UK it is now poorer and no longer has an income stream to respond to events being thrown at it.

      We have a Parliament, a government and a political class unable to think! A lot of punishment dished out, long term damage that will be hard to come back from all for what? to achieve nil difference.

  19. Ed M
    January 5, 2025

    The UK has 3 years of gas reserves and 20 of oil. This is relatively a lot. And could help give a boost to our economy. Seems a bit crazy / not entrepreneurial to try make most of .. Companies often have to do similar things in lean times to help keep the institution on the road and to help it thrive. Seems like bad business sense not to try (obviously there will be environmental issues to but at least we can try and negotiate – get a fair deal for all – win-win!)

    1. glen cullen
      January 5, 2025

      UK industry profit margins on come down the the cost of energy ….international contracts are lost due to the UK cost of energy

    2. Ian B
      January 5, 2025

      Then you get field gas finds such under Dunsfold (top gear track) said to be one of the UK’s largest, that the local MP Jeremy Hunt(opportunist, stupid or hates the UK) has fought against being developed. Similar there is gas under Gatwick and oil under Windlesham. As the say look for it and you will find it.

      Red Ed says you cant look for it(gas and oil) in the same way he says there is no place for Nuclear in the UK

      1. Ed M
        January 5, 2025

        I’m the most Conservative and Capitalistic on this site – by far!
        But I’m entrepreneurial in my approach. I try and work things out on their own merit. Not prey to what cliche and soundbite dictate (not saying about people on this website but in media in general).
        Sir Lawrence Arabia was great cause he took his own unique, authentic course (not comparing myself to Lawrence but he’s an inspiration!).
        Same for Winston when most Tories hated him in the 30s cause he took his own stand (not to be different but because he was just being his authentic self!).

      2. Ed M
        January 5, 2025

        Also, our modern world is awash with people pleasers!
        A people pleaser is someone who goes with the crowd for example in order to be ‘popular’ cause they lack the confidence to be themeless and going against the crowd!
        I’d rather be ‘hated’ than be a people pleaser (yuck). People flattering each other and slapping each other on the back – instead of challenging each other (and agreeing of course where there is agreement).

    3. Lynn Atkinson
      January 5, 2025

      Currently. There is a lot more of course.

  20. William Long
    January 5, 2025

    I wish we could hear something from the new Conservative leader on this, or indeed, on any other topic.

    1. Donna
      January 5, 2025

      She’s too distracted watching the Reform Party membership counter tick up. Almost 174,000 now.

    2. glen cullen
      January 5, 2025

      I agree, however I haven’t see anything that alters the tory net-zero policy ….remember that the tories introduced most of the current net-zero (anti drilling) policies

      Reply Conservatives propose both exploration and development drilling to get out more oil and gas in the UK.They oppose ban new diesel and petrol cars in 2030.

      1. glen cullen
        January 5, 2025

        They banned fracking shale gas, they closed gas fired power stations and closed gas storage …..

        1. Donna
          January 6, 2025

          And blew up two of our three remaining coal fired power stations ….. cheering as they destroyed our energy security!

    3. Original Richard
      January 5, 2025

      WL :

      The new Conservative leader believes in CAGW and consequently Net Zero.

  21. murphy
    January 5, 2025

    Was going to give some advice but instead I’ll keep it in my pocket – am just watching in awe
    as how a once rich and prestigious country can tear itself down and it cound get much worse if it allows Farage Tice free rein – wow talk about 1930’s Europe? Murphy Dublin

    1. Martin in Bristol
      January 5, 2025

      When you rely on comparing the policies and views of politicians you dislike with 1930s Europe…and we all know what your cryptic reference actually is talking about..then you have completely failed.

    2. Mickey Taking
      January 5, 2025

      Please suggest how you would stop ‘watching in awe’ dismissing Farage Tice as you put it?

  22. Bryan Harris
    January 5, 2025

    Why canā€™t the government see its energy policy of relying on imports which increase world CO 2

    I don’t think that matters to them….

    Their target is to reduce the Co2 levels that can be attributed to the UK – They are not concerned with what happens elsewhere.

    That attitude simply demonstrates the absurdity of the policies being followed by the UK government, given that in total the UK produces just a fraction of world wide Co2 levels.

    HMG is immune to criticism, especially from those that it cannot punish for daring to offer a different viewpoint. So I can’t see Trump’s words changing anything.

    The further we proceed with netzero the more insane it proves to be, and that says everything about those shoving it down our throats.

  23. glen cullen
    January 5, 2025

    Why did Noah build the ark, when he couldā€™ve simply just paid more taxes to stop climate change and the rising sea level?

  24. Original Richard
    January 5, 2025

    ā€œWhy canā€™t the government see its energy policy of relying on imports which increase world CO 2 is bad for jobs, for energy security and the environment?ā€

    Cā€™mon, itā€™s easy! We need to de-industrialise, de-growth, reduce living standards and hence consumption in order to meet our Net Zero carbon budgets and save the planet.

    Unless our existing Parliament wakes up to the fact that increasing CO2 is beneficial to life on the planet because it is essential plant food and does not cause an increase in temperature let alone worsening weather then our unilateral attempt to rid the planetā€™s atmosphere of CO2 will bankrupt us. This unfortunately will not happen with our existing Uniparty in control of Parliament.

    As Mark Twain is reported to have said : It’s easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.ā€

    And they have been fooled by the incessant repetition of the biggest lie there has ever been.

  25. Rod Evans
    January 5, 2025

    The environmental religion does not listed to logic or science it is driven on by simple belief.
    The Climate Alarmists want to destroy capitalism, that is their stated objective, destroying access to reliable low cost energy is their preferred route. That was the stated position of the UN and has not altered over the years since.

    1. Ukret123
      January 5, 2025

      I found this revealing :
      He worked behind the scenes with the U.N. and China and is likened to the Wizard of Oz “only to find that what we suspected all along ā€” the Wizard has been telling us fibs. But who exactly is the Wizard? And where did this seeming-madness all begin”.

  26. Alan Paul Joyce
    January 5, 2025

    Dear Mr. Redwood,

  27. Linda Brown
    January 5, 2025

    One of the reasons for the short sighted lot we have in power now is that none of them appear to have had a job which entailed working for the good of the country (as I call it). They have all been taken out of the pram and looked after by the nanny state all the way. The Tories have been opportunists instead of looking after the country (excluding Dear John and a few others who have been overwhelmed by the greedy ones). Where do we find people like the Cadbury Brothers who looked after their factories/trade and workers and other such firms in the country of the 19thC/20thC(some part of it anyhow)? I despair of what has become of this beautiful country. My Father said to me when I was young to put my money in the land as that was the only thing that mattered. Wish I had as he had served in the 2nd World War and seen the destruction humans do to the land and themselves.

  28. mancunius
    January 5, 2025

    Why canā€™t the government see its energy policy…is bad for jobs, for energy security and the environment?
    Because President Trump has pointed it out.
    Yes, the PM and current government really are that childish.

  29. glen cullen
    January 5, 2025

    61 criminals arrived in the UK yesterday; from the safe country of France ā€¦

  30. Ed M
    January 5, 2025

    The main prob with West / UK is as Nietzsche says, modern man has killed off God. He’s not talking about a literal god but the traditional values of Christianity for a culture, economy, country and civilisation to thrive. Trump and Nigel and Musk etc all much ado about nothing if you don’t have the underlying material to work with.

    Solution: Tory Party has to try to work closer with those in the churches, education, media and arts to promote healthy Consevatives that Edmund Burke and millions of other Tories just took for granted. They’d be shocked with how the world has killed off God.

    1. mancunius
      January 5, 2025

      Ed, if you mean the present-day Anglican and Roman Catholic hierarchy, the educational mafia, the MSM and the theatrical, music and museum personnel, you’d be wasting your time. You’ll not find a flicker of interest in traditional Christian culture there: with very few exceptions they are all signed up to heretical modernist liberalism.

  31. glen cullen
    January 5, 2025

    ‘October 2024 saw the lowest daily production rate for UK onshore oil since the oil leak at Wytch Farm 18 months earlier. ‘
    According to the charts …the UK doesn’t really drill onshore

  32. Malcolm Edward
    January 6, 2025

    Trump is right – if you believe in a strong independent UK.
    As it is, all going to plan for Starmer and Labour, reduce self reliance and economic activity at home, create more dependence on foreign suppliers, paying for it creates more cash outflow – how else does one run-down the UK.

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