I attended All Saints Church this morning for the ecumenical Good Friday service. The congregation then walked to Market Place to hear the Easter production.
This year’s play was a well crafted reminder of the life and work of Jesus, and the significance of his death on the cross. The play stressed the Christian values of including everyone, rich and poor, successful and unsuccessful, fit and sick, and of showing sympathy and tolerance to all. It was a powerful piece drawing on some of the best lines from the New Testament. The Sermon on the Mount was a central text, and memories of some of the miracles performed reinforced the idea that people should extend love and understanding to each other.
It was a timely message , with a decent seized audience there to appreciate it.
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April 20, 2019
It’s always good to hear when our elected representatives value our Christian heritage. It is needed more than ever now in these days when Mammon is worshipped on every side. Christianity should be at the heart of Conservatism, not dismissed. If only all our politicians would live by its moral guidance – frankly we would not have half the problems we have today, especially over Brexit. Thank you, John Redwood, for this heartening entry on your diary.