I would like to thank all Councillors who stood for re election but who lost their seats yesterday. I am grateful to you for all the hard work you put into your roles and for your service to the local community.
Many electors wanted change, both national and local. Much of the criticism of the Conservative party was about the failure to resolve the Brexit issue in a timely way. The government was criticised by both Leave and Remain voters for their draft Agreement and for the failure to secure a deal more could accept. Labour too suffered from criticism of its changed stance on Brexit compared to the General election and its role in the current impasse in Parliament.
There were also a number of important local concerns. Many relate to congestion, the disruption of our streets by utility works and the construction of new homes, and to the cumulative impact of substantial development on services and facilities. I am willing to work with the Council to help shape a new Plan for the future based around lower housing targets, and to help the Council resist extra development over current plans. I am also keen for the Council to do more to improve junctions, upgrade our road network, help provide more school places and surgery capacity for the NHS and promote the new Town Centre in Wokingham.
I also congratulate all the new Councillors elected and look forward to working with them in the interests of our shared constituents. There is an important role for an informed opposition to criticise where things can be improved and to support where common cause is in the interests of our community.
May 3, 2019
Yes hit by a double whammy.
Both National and local chaos (certainly in Wokingham), with opposition Parties not helping with any other sensible and constructive alternative.
Will anyone learn from this…. Doubtful !
Would be interesting to see what the eventual turn out was, as I am aware many stayed at home and did not bother to vote.
No alternative locally other than Conservative, Labour or Libdems which is a shame as an independent may have done rather well.
May 11, 2019
I think the vote was influenced by Brexit, the building in Wokingham but also the fact we are not creating enough affordable (really affordable) homes. Wokingham employed cannot afford the high prices the commuting Londoners can.