It was a pleasure to attend the annual Burghfield Royal British Legion lunch today as their guest and to say a few words to them. I thanked all involved in the work of the Legion who do so much for veterans and their families, and keep alive the story of the wars so we can learn from it. I explained why remembrance is so important. The two world wars of the last century, with 750,000 and 400,000 UK dead afflicted every family and changed our country. The victory of two young generations of service personnel upheld democracy and self government, and ended a brutal genocide. We are right to remember the ultimate sacrifice of those who died, and the sacrifice of those who returned from fear and privation to lead more normal lives.
I also spoke about next week’s events to commemorate the launch of Operation Overlord 75 years ago to liberate the European continent from German Nazi tyranny. On my main blog I am writing about our relationship with the USA and NATO, our main defence partner. I also raised this in my speech.
I would like to thank the organisers of the lunch for a most enjoyable occasion.
June 3, 2019
Hear, hear. Their enormous sacrifice to protect our freedoms and our democracy from tyranny will always be cherished and remembered.
35 Dakotas will be flying over to Normandy this week dropping 260 paratroopers. It should prove an emotional sight indeed.
And to say, the term is National Socialism not Nazi