Remembrance Sunday

Today we remember all those who gave their lives so we could live in freedom in a democratic country.

I delivered my wreath to Wokingham Town Hall last week to be placed on the War Memorial in the Town Hall. I was told we could not present them today in a ceremony as it is inside.

I recorded a reading for the Wokingham Service at 2.45pm this afternoon, and will watch the service on the link supplied by the All Saints Church website. I am grateful to those who have organised this memorial Service.

The best way we can show our appreciation for the suffering and loss of those who were killed or injured in conflict is to uphold and use the freedoms they fought to defend.


  1. Narrow Shoulders
    November 8, 2020

    I happened to find myself outside a church at 10.57 this morning. It had glass doors and I was able to see a burglar playing the last post the sound of which mournfully escaped to the outside.

    One person in attendance because of ill thought out regulation.

    Shocking leadership.

  2. John Halom
    November 8, 2020

    To celebrate the day we get to see Met police asaulting veterans and attacking protesters whilst the main stream propaganda channels ignore everything which doesn’t follow the fear agenda. All that is great because this whole year has been about people and institutions showing their true colours and waking tens of millions of people up to the world we live in.

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