Four of the worst junctions on my way to work in Westminster would be easy to improve. The first is the junction of Millbank with Vauxhall Bridge Road on the Embankment. The lights allow twice as much time for traffic coming from the bridge heading north at the junction as they allow for traffic passing along the Embankment. As a result there are regularly unused periods of time when the Vauxhall Bridge northbound lights are green with no traffic, whilst there are nearly always queues along the Embankment requiring vehicles often to await two changes of lights to cross. A simple retiming of lights would cut traffic waits.
The second is the junction of Lyall Street, Elizabeth Street and Eaton Place. There they placed one of those sets of cross roads lights that have all red phases for traffic. I have never seen a pedestrian cross both ways at the same time, who would be the only person needing this all red phase. There are very few pedestrians as it is not a shopping or leisure area. The all red phases should be removed.
The third is the junction of Drummond Gate with Vauxhall Bridge Road. This is one of those junctions designed to maximise the take in fines from unwary drivers, with box junctions that make it difficult for vehicles turning right into Vauxhall bridge Road to find enough road space to do so against red lights ahead. There is plenty of road space for a sensible repaint. The timings of lights at the junction of Bessborough Gardens and John Islip Street does not give enough priority to the main road, adding to the chaos and increasing the back up to the close by Drummond Gate junction.
The fourth is the junction of the A4 with Warwick Road at Earls Court. There is not enough priority given to west east Cromwell Road into London by the lights. The other main flow to turn left out of Warwick Road onto Cromwell Road westbound could also benefit a longer left filter phase with suitable lane markings on the A4.
I give these examples as a few amongst many. We all need to review the failings of our local roads and submit proposals for change to our local Highways authority. I am doing such an exercise for my Wokingham constituency.
June 21, 2022
Good morning.
Forget the phasing, fix the bloody pot holes and repaint the road markings.
June 21, 2022
To fix the pot holes, they don’t need to be filled in, the whole road needs to be rebuilt with proper foundations. Then when you’ve got your pristine road surface, the utilities all line up to dig it all up and make it as bad as it was before.
June 21, 2022
Yes, get the private sector out of these contracts.
It is not in their interests to do long-lasting, durable work.
June 21, 2022
So your solution is to do nothing ?
June 21, 2022
Phasing makes a big difference though Mark, a business estate made a free turning left lane so that you can turn left and just give way if the main road is too busy to exit into but it has freed up the flow out of the estate so much, sometimes people could wait for up to an hour to get off the estate. The problem is they did it too late and a lot of the big businesses have already left the estate because of all the previous delays and people can’t sell their buildings because of the bad reputation for getting off the estate.
June 21, 2022
Windmills today producing 0.61gw or 2% of demand. Free us from this tyranny.
That’s over 50 days this 7year when to quote Bozo, they wouldn’t pull the sk7n off a rice pudding.
June 21, 2022
Not a single off shore wind turbine spinning today on my walk alone the coast…. thats 200+ not spinning
June 21, 2022
Ian Wragg :
Thanks for continuing to mention this.
As I write at 21:04 hrs it is still below 1GW at 0.77GW or 2.53% of demand from a total installed capacity of 27GW (earlier it was 0.56GW).
So even with the installed capacity increased to 50GW by 2030 there will be just 1.4GW of power.
And yet the Net Zero Strategy begins by saying that wind energy will be “cheap and abundant”…..
June 21, 2022
Indeed Ian but to free us Bozo needs to stop taking instruction from his globalist mates.
June 21, 2022
It is difficult to imagine why there should be any road problems with the vast amount of tax collected by Johnsonâs socialist outfit. All roads, based on the tax taken, should be pristine. Johnson was more interested in giving cyclist primacy on the roads- who pay no road tax etc, eco lunatics sitting space, waste hundreds of billions on HS2 single rail journey to save half an hour from Birmingham to London, when he claims levelling up across the country!
Useless Shapps unable to stop transport from China and covid hotspots around Europe to save lives through covid when required and now incapable of keeping the railways and flights open despite UK govt help. Funny how France could stop our lorry drivers from getting food during covid or vaccines from EU but Johnson unable to stop boat people!
This is besides destroying the UK car industry and subsidiarity industries like steel, tyres, glass, components. Happy to import and be reliant on hostile countries. All policy problems lead to misfit Johnson and his useless socialist cabinet. Not one capable of independent thought.
JR and chums to blame.
June 21, 2022
June 21, 2022
All the cycle lanes theyâve introduced over the recent years have fallen into rack and ruin due to zero use and zero maintenance from councils
June 21, 2022
Cyclists pay no road tax – true. But there again no one pays road tax because there’s no such thing, just vehicle excise duty, another way for the government to mug the motorist.
Vehicle excise duty and road fuel duty might be hypothecated to pay for motorways and trunk roads, but most roads are maintained by the council out of council tax. So the cyclist pays just the same as the motorist if they both are council tax payers.
June 21, 2022
The boat people are encouraged, I believe, to satisfy Boris’ globalist mates who want to destroy life as we know (knew?) it for their own evil ends. Time for him to act on out behalf, not theirs. Sadly there are too many of our own who take pity on the so-called “refugees” (by definition they aren’t) without considering the damage being done to our country.
June 21, 2022
They’re designed to annoy you. We live in a nation in which the bureaucratic class have become to all intents and purposes, evil. I see it on my television every night of the week
June 21, 2022
Dom You say that ⊠I was just about to say, I have often wondered if itâs been done deliberately! But itâs such a stupid thing to do deliberately!
June 21, 2022
Indeed the roads are being deliberately blocked using the absurd excuse of the climate alarmism and CO2 devil gas religion. They even build some bus stops out into the road in London (rather than a bus stopping layby so one man buses could hold all the cars up every 200 yards for 5 minutes. They are not trying to make the roads free flowing or efficient at all. Quite the reverse.
June 21, 2022
June 21, 2022
June 21, 2022
When the power went down in London occasionally and all the traffic light failed the traffic flowed far better than usual. Giving 60% of the road space to buses, bike and taxis when they are only ~ 10% of the users make no sense either. Taxis are just less efficient cars anyway as they travel empty much of the time and need a professional driver so what is the logic here for giving them preferential road space and why just Black Cabs? Is it just that MPs and Civil Servants use them on expenses?
June 21, 2022
As Dom says, the toad situation is designed to frustrate. The morons believe that will succeed in less personal transport but it will have exactly the opposite.
Things like rail strikes , unreliable bus services etc have a greater influence than the road traffic situation.
Also the morons designing this seem to never expect the opposite like , like stubborn people like me.
Difficult times just make me fight more and I am sure Iâm not alone!
June 21, 2022
DOM – agree plus it is also meant to deter the use of the car. However turn off or dispose of the television, your life will improve without one.
June 21, 2022
Your comments made me remember the ‘outer limits’ 60s TV show ”Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission”
June 21, 2022
Supposedly ‘smart’ traffic lights on the A40 on the north of Oxford City have the same bad phasing
June 21, 2022
Off topic, I have a plan for better EU checks in Northern Ireland but nobody in government is interested.
This is the concluding line of a letter that I have sent to a newspaper there:
“Boris Johnson is not stupid, so it is hard to understand why he insists on this glaring stupidity of checking imports when he must know that it is the exports that matter, whether produced locally or elsewhere in the UK, and I can only suppose that it was part of the price for his near worthless “Canada style” free trade deal.”
Frustrating, isn’t it.
June 21, 2022
All drivers cross the paths of others. Minimising those occurrences eases flow. Red lights enforce rigid stops. Roundabouts are traffic signals too, but enable drivers to cross othersâ paths with discretion.
One way systems inside towns risk tearing the heart out of the community. Heavy through routes are like a herd of vandals climbing over your garden as a short cut to the pub beyond.
The loveliest villages need no traffic furniture or calming devices beyond cows or ducks on the move.
Too many people living too close together get in each otherâs way too much. The UK is too overcrowded. Freedom needs space. Imprisonment in jams is a sticky existence.
June 21, 2022
âŠ.and on a completely empty road you will be fined for turning left, going though a red light and going beyond the speed limitâŠat night when the streets are completely empty
June 21, 2022
You don’t have to go further than your Wokingham constituency…
Winnersh Triangle – 3:30am Monday morning (thanks to British Airways) had to wait at 3 sets of lights even though there was absolute no other traffic at the time. Why are there so many sets of lights at this location in any case?
Then Winnersh cross roads, used to be a medium sized roundabout when Hewlett Packard were there, now a nightmare of lights and filters with Sainsbury supermarket…
Oh, did I mention Shinfield (I guess that’s the anti-car brigade at Reading Council) Since the two roundabouts have been replaced with traffic lights, there are always queues, maybe somebody should tell Reading Council that stop/start driving causes pollution…
Reply Those are on my list already
June 21, 2022
There has NEVER been a roundabout at Winnersh crossroads – even when Crimpy Crisps were where HP eventually arrived – now Sainsburys.
June 22, 2022
I think Shinfield is part of the Wokingham authority not of the Reading one.
Reply The offending obstacles to traffic lie on the Reading side of the boundary. WBC has improved the north Shinfield road capacity with a bypass and new bridge
June 21, 2022
I too share those frustrations often taking the route M4 into London, across the same bridge into 20 mph land going some miles south , and returning along the Embankment. It never fails to puzzle me as to why nobody tweaks the systems to improve things – but then that is transport these days.
Why is there an excessive delay before train drivers open the doors after arriving at platforms?
Why is the Winnersh Park & Ride taking years to redevelop – it is becoming a site of ancient interest.
June 21, 2022
Delay for doors opening by train drivers.
The new Hitachi 800s one presumes. This is because the onboard computer (TMS) jumps a station for some reason and the driver has to re-edit the screen so that the train is told actually where it is so that the doors open correctly and (in worst cases) not off the platform.
June 21, 2022
Regarding items 1, 3 and 4, quite obviously the timings are set to significantly reduce global C02 emissions (in some way or another), but item 2, which is strongly biased in favour of just one colour, is certainly in urgent need of attention by the relevant Council’s Diversity Officer.
There – sorted it for you, Sir John!
June 21, 2022
John, if normal people interfere with council planning, make complaints or even suggestions (even when they ask you in the consultations they hope people don’t respond to) they punish you personally near your home for interfering to stop you.
June 21, 2022
Are the phasing of traffic lights there to assist the flow of traffic, as they used to be, or like everything else there to obstruct the flow of traffic, make drivers life a misery, and force them off the roads?
June 21, 2022
This rewilding lark is a joke too. There are so many junctions onto other main roads and off roundabouts where the verges have been left to grow that it’s difficult to see oncoming traffic especially motorbikes which I hasten to add are often travelling well over the speed limit. Many rural roads have limits of 60 mph. Our road has no pavements at all and is a single track road. There are two hamlets along it and another cluster of houses and the speed some motorists think is acceptable is insane. Small rural roads are used as rat runs very often and the speed limit needs reducing to 30mph.
June 21, 2022
20mph in narrow residential streets with parking down both sides.
June 21, 2022
âŠ.and I believe the motorway speed should be increased to 80 mphâŠas thatâs what most motorway users drive at and its wrong that governments introduce laws that make us all break
June 21, 2022
June 21, 2022
I think that comes bottom of the things that need fixing in this country but itâs obviously important for you!
How about ditching the Climate Change act for starters, getting the NHS working properly, sorting out the rail strike, ensuring food and energy security and preventing a war with Russia
And Iâm sure that there are plenty more
And I bet this doesnât make it past moderation
June 21, 2022
+ many.
June 21, 2022
And in other news the government will have known about the strength of the unions for years, the Teachers spring to mind over exams/Covid etc and equally that they were getting more militant.
Yet they sat on their hands frightened of any kind of confrontation, Borisâs running away approach plus the usual few empty threats.
Allegedly Shapps is considering bringing in new laws but claiming they take time.
Why were they not brought in years ago (actually we know why) ?
As we now see in the North Sea with the ridiculous windfall tax, continuing failure to be brave on fracking, your government is doing far more harm than good. In fact are you doing any good, currently?
June 21, 2022
Indeed. One thing empowering the rail unions is the war on the ‘motorist’. Relent on that and London tube drivers wouldn’t have half the power they do.
June 21, 2022
My local council phase the lights at one junction so that at busy times you are forced to enter and wait in the box junction otherwise you canât move at all. It is one of their biggest income generators from fines. They have no incentive to phase the lights more sensibly.
June 21, 2022
Joined up thinking doesn’t exist in authorities. They charge humongous high street rents and rates and then drive customers away from town centres with high parking charges, and that’s if your lucky enough to find a parking space as most have been removed and pedestrianised. They drive people to out of town shopping centres and online shopping, and then wonder why shops are empty and car park income reduced. Their answer is to charge double council tax on empty premises that are unwanted as they virtually guarantee any business will fail due to the costs and punish the motorist even more. The consequences of their own actions beggars belief but they carry on regardless.
June 21, 2022
And in further news some NHS chief is claiming many people would prefer remote GP appointments to reduce the emissions caused by travel to the surgery.
Do these people live in the real world. I guess not, they are employed as Managers in the NHS. I recently had cause to visit my GP. Obviously it started with an on line diagnosis, then a phone call, then photos sent, so probably four people involved. The outcome I had to visit the surgery, a 10 minute face to face, problem solved.
A cost/benefit professional would have had a melt down.
June 21, 2022
Does Sir John have anything to say on the recent revising of the Highway Code, which basically gives cyclists (who pay nothing towards maintenance of the roads or provision of cycle lanes) the right to dominate our roads – effectively preventing motorised traffic from overtaking by riding mid-lane and/or double abreast – thereby causing huge tailbacks, delays and (God forbid) more pollution?
The area I used to live in (Surrey Hills) has been blighted by legions of weekend lycra-clad cyclists since the 2012 Olympics, bunched in their pelatons along country lanes which already made them virtually impossible to get past. Now, if you have to allow a minimum of a 4ft space when overtaking, it IS impossible.
Traffic lights are not always the solve-all answer to junction management. I recently had the misfortune to visit Yeovil, where a great deal of development is going on to the west of the town (and, I understand, a new satellite town is eventually going to be built north of the A303). There are two junctions on the Yeovil ring road, about 400 yards apart which are now “controlled” by a system of traffic lights. One of the Highway Engineers obviously got a “job-lot” of traffic lights since there are now about 100 in place to control these two junctions, which previously operated quite satisfactorily with roundabouts. One of the roundabouts even has traffic lights at the entrance to the roundabout and a further set halfway round. It’s confusing; causes massive tailbacks and the amount of infrastructure is an environmental blight. How on earth it got through the design stage, including traffic flow modelling, is beyond me.
June 21, 2022
I do loads of driving.
I get the occasional inconvenience from a cyclist now and then, but it is a very minor problem.
As a pedestrian, however, I suffer rather more from them I’d say, and this does need address.
June 22, 2022
I suspect you are not driving along country lanes in the Surrey Hills at the weekend, which is the area I was specifically referring to. There are few genuinely A class roads in that area: even a journey from Dorking to Guildford (the two main towns) is effectively along a country lane. The cycling pelatons block the roads with queues of motorised traffic crawling behind.
Whilst I understand that Johnson is a keen cyclist, the roads in that area (or any other come to that) should not be prioritised for middle-class cyclists indulging their hobby on the public highway and inconveniencing (or, when the lanes are closed for the Ride London Event) preventing other people from going about their business.
June 22, 2022
your activities should be reduced, oh…and less driving too.
June 21, 2022
Cyclists do pay for the maintenance of the roads – through their council tax, as do motorists, pedestrians and people who never leave their house. They don’t pay for motorways (that they aren’t allowed to use anyway) or trunk roads (which they seldom use) if you suppose a portion of motoring taxes only are hypothecated for that purpose.
June 22, 2022
Yes indeed.
June 21, 2022
I would also add the annoyance of 20mph zones and ridiculous speed limits on roads that don’t make sense.
Two such examples is the whole of King Street/Chiswick High Road in West London, once 30mph all the way, now 20mph.
Secondly is the A219 from Putney into Wimbledon village. Past the A3 junction, one side of the road is woodland! Yet TfL/Sadiq Khan have this road should now be 20mph
The A40 Westway was once 50mph, then reduced to 40mph. Now reduced further, to a ridiculous 30mph – enforced with average speed cameras.
Closer the home, fortunately Wokingham Borough Council hasn’t gone down the ridiculousness if 20mph limits everywhere. However, the same can’t be said for neighbouring Reading Borough Council, where an increasing number of 20mph limits can be found.
As for the congestion zone and ULEZ in Central London. All it has achieved is make the roads less busy for those that can afford to pay. Those that can’t spend an increased amount of time skirting the boundaries in heavier traffic – causing more pollution that they would of done otherwise.
June 21, 2022
June 21, 2022
I have long maintained that one reason MPs are held in low public esteem, and that turnout for elections is falling, is that all backbench MPs can do is whine impotently; they have no real POWER. I believe MPs should be able to FORCE government agencies and subsidised bodies to do what they want where their constituency, or constituents, are concerned. From getting National Highways to sort out junctions in their constituency to making the CAA fine airlines that delay their constituents. MPs need to have REAL POWER. Make that your demand of Boris Johnson, and you will then be able to resolve so many other problems.
June 22, 2022
in other words abandon whips?
June 21, 2022
In the meantime USA is coming to terms with petrol spiking at $5 per gallon, up $2 a gallon last ! – 4.5 litres for 80p!
Taxed to death UK motorist.
June 21, 2022
Last year $3 per gallon.
June 21, 2022
I am sure there are quite a few Americans regretting their vote for the current President.
June 21, 2022
A US gallon is only about 3.8 litres and is therefore currently around ÂŁ1.07 per litre.
June 22, 2022
Still half-price!
June 21, 2022
I think we need to go much further. Modern traffic computing is capable of extensive analysis of how to optimise flows to speed flows and minimise pollution. The less stop-start the lower the pollution: that applies to EVs as well, since tyre and road wear increases under acceleration and braking. Traffic control needs vary according to the time of day. When traffic is light, lights can be set to promote a largely uninterrupted flow on main routes, and yet accommodate cross flow with limited or even zero delay. Inbound and outbound volumes vary between morning and evening. Indeed, in the US HOV lanes reverse direction as appropriate for rush hours.
Every major town and city should be required to have their traffic flows professionally analysed with a view to optimisation, with the results published. Councils could then be held accountable for moving towards the optimum.
June 21, 2022
Sir John,
I personally work within my motto.
Tough times do NOT last
Tough people DO!
Our PM is too weak to break that!
June 21, 2022
The simplest, cheapest, improvement would be to allow left turns on red at every junction.
Also, increase speeds in motorway roadworks to 60mph as has been promised and, above all, make sure that every section is being worked by a lot more than two men and a dog !! On my way to the Dover ferry last week, there were tens of miles of roadworks with almost nobody working.
No queues for the ferry, either, by the way !
The cost of these three measures would be peanuts
June 21, 2022
Indeed Chris, free left turns are the norm elsewhere in my experience and work well.
June 21, 2022
Spot on about box junctions being for money grabbing, via fines.
Ban box junctions!
Bus lanes operate in a very similar fashion.
I’m not at all sure they are necessary.
June 21, 2022
Liverpool council got rid of bus lanes over 4 years, with no reduction in the bus timetable but increased traffic flow – Success
June 21, 2022
Its not a good look to televise the cabinet meeting with Boris playing up to the camerasâŠif Boris wants to host a televised news conference let him; but donât pretend that your holding a real cabinet meetingâŠ.what a farce; what a woke government; what a bunch of coward cabinet members and weak backbenches
June 21, 2022
Germanyâs government will not support the EUâs plans to effectively ban the sale of new combustion engine cars from 2035, the German Finance Minister has said.
We on the other hand are going ahead with decimating its car industry in less than 8 years
June 21, 2022
We probably wonât have any use for junctions, crossroads or whatever fairly soon.
No one will be travelling!
And no one will be voting if this govt. doesnât do something about the extreme far Left who once again are barring legitimate political candidates from the hustings.
Canât any MP see where this is heading for Goodness Sake?
NO ONE will be safe from the Marxist bullies if they are not controlled.
June 21, 2022
Correct â the direction of travel is a single party (starting with all partyâs having the same policies)
June 22, 2022
June 21, 2022
I see your ‘leader’ has taken another trip to Ukraine ( at the UK tax payers expense ) to visit his chum Zelensky.
Now Johnson has had a number of interviews with Zelensky, should we not be told when he is going to accept the job?
Johnson obviously would prefer to work in Kiev rather than London, which is hardly surprising given that the cost of living in London has skyrocketed recently – thanks to the obscene quantitive easing conducted by this wrecking ball of an administration.
Please, Mr Redwood, please encourage Johnson to take the job and let a competent candidate take on the role of UK prime minister.
Thank you.
June 21, 2022
‘I see your âleaderâ has taken another trip to Ukraine’ – so somebody loves him.
June 21, 2022
Tomorrows topic can be ‘mahogany gas pipes’
June 21, 2022
You never know â it could be the potential outcome of the forthcoming Wakefield bi-election
June 21, 2022
You’re saying, Sir John, that road layouts in London need to be improved for motor traffic. But for the Mayor of London they’ve been improved. The more motorists are ‘frustrated out of London’, to quote one of his predecessors, the better: that’s the improvement.
And do we really suppose that the blond bouffant Prime Minister of Ukraine cares about traffic in our capital city?
June 21, 2022
How would MPs know anyway, they don’t use the roads they travel in the back of taxpayer funded taxi’s
Reply In London I usually walk or go by tube. I did use a taxi yesterday at my own expense as there was no tube. The taxi I used did go on the roads. MP expenses for travel which I do not claim require low cost options to be used.
June 22, 2022
SirJ when I refer to âMPsâ I donât and wouldnât include your good self with that tribe of sycophantic deadbeats
June 21, 2022
Years ago, coming out of London on the Marylebone Road, from Kings Cross to the Westway, the numerous traffic lights were phased to turn progressively green. If you caught them right you might get from, say, Regentâs Park to the Westway without stopping.
Them some half wit decided the traffic needed to be slowed down to teach it a lesson – and the phasing was removed. The result was miles of stationary, idling traffic and appalling air quality.
Mr. Redwood – you are in government. Why doesnât Grant Shapps call in whoever is responsible for this madness and TELL them to change it. But, I guess that, like everything (immigration, the NHS, the railways, power generation etc.) you appear to be helpless. What is the point of your government?
June 21, 2022
I remember that. Then they gave minorities precedent and the system went to pot.
The whole traffic system is designed to make us more inefficient these days.
June 22, 2022
Mike Wilson: “Why doesnât Grant Shapps call in whoever is responsible for this madness and TELL them to change it”
You are rather assuming it is the Tory administration that can give instructions. I propose that the Tory administration ( Labour too after the next election ) that is taking instructions from the WEF, who have admitted they have placed their candidates into positions of power.
Redwood is in the dishonest position of accepting remuneration for representing his constituents. UK government is just a ‘Potemkin village’.
Take for example ‘ESG’, where does that come from?? Where is it enshrined in UK law that ESG takes precedence over the duty of the officials of a company to return shareholder value.
Yet ESG is now in every boardroom like a nasty rash.
That is a serious question for Redwood, when did Parliament debate Environmental and Social governance and give it legal force?
Most MPs back it, and it is legally enforced through a variety of Statutes and regulations
June 22, 2022
JR: “Most MPs back it,”
Tory administration, with a Tory majority for the last decade, and they pass this communistic measure. There you are, if anyone ever needed an illustration, how useless the Tory party is!
June 21, 2022
Itâs just the same down here in a small town in the West Country. âImprovementsâ were made to the look of the town with millennium funding 20 years ago, when benches and sculptures on a raised bit of pavement were added. This year they have been taken away and replaced by new âimprovementsâ. They include more extensive pavements, some at such a jaunty angle that itâs impossible to walk upon, and so far out into the High Street, the A30, that itâs hard for two large lorries to pass.
Parking spaces on the street have been removed to accommodate these unusable pavements.
The post office car park has been built on, so the post office vans use another car park, leaving even fewer parking spaces.
A large, established garden was destroyed to make way for another car park, but itâs only accessible by driving down two, now narrower, one way streets.
The list goes on.
The original plan was for more people to come to this dying town by attracting more shops; but the most convenient place to park is now at the two supermarkets, slightly out of town.
One suspects a âgreen agendaâ is behind this but, if that is so, why make it impossible to find a local parking spot outside a shop and, instead, make people drive round and round looking for a car park?
When one digs down a bit it appears it was the District Councilâs decision, not the Town Councilâs. Apparently there were consultations, and yet now the decision has been made thereâs no going back.
The upshot is in 20 years it will probably be all changed again on our behalf.
June 21, 2022
The road congestion problem will be solved by the Net Zero Strategy.
The electrical energy will be expensive and intermittent with volatile pricing, not helped by 90% of wind turbine components and 100% of solar panels coming from China.
The local grid will lack sufficient capacity for other than a few vehicles in the road to be charged, especially if the gas has been cut off and domestic heating is now only from heat pumps.
Since the raw materials for the batteries and motors will be controlled by China they will be very expensive and in short supply
June 22, 2022
State bodies aim to create as much congestion as possible. It’s the only logical explanation for their actions.
They are doing it on purpose.
June 22, 2022
How blessed we are to have London, the most beautiful / interesting city in the world! And then if you have a vintage camper van, to drive in from London down the 303, past Stonehenge, and then arrive at the magical beaches of Cornwall, take your surfboard off the top of the camper van, and go surfing, as the orange sun goes down over the sea, and then on the beach, eating a Cornish pasty, strawberries and cream, cream tea … and drinking tea and ice-cold, Cornish cider!
Thank God
June 22, 2022
Why don’t you go by train?