It was a pleasure to meet Holly Mackinnon, Wokingham’s Youth MP on Monday. She visited the House of Commons and called in for a discussion about current issues affecting constituents and the work of an MP. The Youth Parliament is highlighting cost of living issues in line with the major preoccupation of many families in the country. I told her all that I have been doing to press for lower taxes, for financial support with high fuel bills and action to abate inflation. So far the Government has agreed to reverse the rise in National Insurance and provide substantial reductions to fuel bills as I and others wished. We talked about the need to raise benefits to reflect cost of living pressures, and to assist more people into jobs. There are plenty of vacancies locally where opportunities present for people to earn more.
Holly raised the issue of young people’s mental health. I explained the way the Government is seeking to widen and improve mental health services and how recovery from Covid lockdowns should help.
November 10, 2022
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