BBC follows Labour’s media lead again

I might have guessed when the Today programme phoned to invite me on they were not about to do a serious peice on the credit crunch, or provide some balance to the perpetual diet of pro nationalisation comment from the Lib Dems on Northern Rock. Apparently they are readers of this site – but of course the story they wished to do was Mr Coaker’s misrepresentation of a couple of sentences on rape, not a tough interview on the series of articles on how to handle the financial crisis.

When will the BBC learn to follow big stories like the credit crunch and Northern Rock in a balanced way? I have no intention of dancing to NU Lab’s media tune just to please the Today programme.


  1. Chris H
    December 18, 2007

    I really hope that the next Conservative government will break up the BBC and distribute the license fee, if they decide to keep it, via regular separate competitive tenders for each type of service that the BBC currently provides.

  2. Tony Makara
    December 18, 2007

    The issue of rape and the punishments handed out are really best dealt with by the executive, each case being unique. The BBC really ought to be doing more to explain the credit crunch to the public. I really feel that the standard of BBC financial programming has dipped since the days of Peter Jay. The BBC seem fixated with Cable's nationalization proposal, it is the only suggestion the layman gets to hear.

  3. Brian Tomkinson
    December 18, 2007

    Your party have the rats in a corner and they are fighting for their political lives and bank balances. I warned before that they fight dirty, so be prepared for more of the same, ably assisted by their friends in the BBC and other media organisations.

  4. Geoff
    December 18, 2007

    The BBC are without shame. Privatisation, deregulation and the open market in broadcasting is the only way forward.

    I don't like it when a broadcaster takes an innocent remark and distorts it to make it sound outrageous but I am much more outraged that I'm forced to pay for them whether I watch them or not.

    Time to abolish the telly-tax and expose the BBC to fair competition and market forces.

  5. HelenSparkles
    December 19, 2007

    What you said about rape was shocking, not surprised John wanted to have a chat about it, and we really don't want to hear from you about Northern Rock thanks. You would probably just tell us where the governement have gone wrong, slating others again, instead of being positive about a solution. Do you have one then?

    reply: yes – try reading the blog, and apologise for misrepresenting what I said.

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