New Year resolutions


           At your suggestion, I am inviting your contributions for New Year resolutions. You might  like to share your own. You might also like to propose suitable resolutions for the three party leaders, Messrs Cameron, Miliband and Clegg.


  1. lifelogic
    December 28, 2010

    The government should resolve that:

    In 2011 we will ensure that as much money as possible will be left with individuals and businesses. As true Conservatives we recognise that individuals generally spend or invest funds far more wisely and efficiently than does government (who usually spend it to buy votes, on some daft fashionable or green religious agenda or to create jobs and wealth for friends or relatives).

    To this end will will back out of the half baked Irish bail out, we will abandon our silly expensive green energy policy and HS2 and other vanity projects, our silly transport policy and stop paying for propaganda to promote this nonsense. We will half the size of the state, cut regulation and cut taxes by a similar proportion. We reduce our relationship with the EU to one of free trade only and we will do it now. We did it all in Hong Kong and we can do it here.

    We will not then go ahead with the happiness index, as it will clearly be superfluous and we can all look forward to winning the next three or more general elections as all the voters see and personally benefit the tidal wave of positive results and investment that will flow in as surely day follows night.

    Still we can dream.

  2. alan jutson
    December 28, 2010

    We will cut the Deficit.
    We will lower Tax rates.
    We will simplify the Tax System
    We will undertake Welfare reform.
    We will limit total Benefit payments to the average National Wage.
    We will cut Housing Benefit.
    We will encourage the work ethic.
    We will control Immigration.
    We will give an in/out referendum on the EU.

    All promises given in the past.

    My wish:

    1. Richard
      December 28, 2010

      Brilliant and well said.

      This should be copied and sent to all coalition MP’s as they seem to have forgotten what to do.

      1. Terence CLARK
        December 28, 2010

        I concur 100%.

        Terry Clark, L’ISLE-SUR-LA-SORGUE, France.

    2. David Price
      December 29, 2010

      Good list, though as a goal I would prefer to simplify and limit total benefits for a household to well below the average national wage, otherwise what is the point of anyone working or saving for retirement? Make it less than the minimum wage, after deductions though that is still likely more than the average pension of someone who has worked all their life.

      This will require the country to find some ways to get employment growing at an unprecedented rate and to high sustained levels. This will be tricky given the predeliction of people to buy the cheapest goods, executives and politicians to give away money, strategic technologies and industries to passing foreigners and not defend UK interests against the EU etc.

      1. alan jutson
        December 29, 2010

        I agree entirely with you about having a below the average wage for a Benefit limit, and concurr with your reasoning.

        I was simply listing the promises that both Parties in the present Government have made this Year with regard to future policy initiatives, all of which seem to have got lost in all the other hype.

        Like the Big Society and the Happiness index crap.

  3. Johnny Norfolk
    December 28, 2010

    Only judge politicians on what the do. NEVER on what they say.

  4. Stuart Fairney
    December 28, 2010

    On a personal note, contributors who consider themselves over weight should diet, or not as they like. Obesity is a private health matter, not a public concern as some of the government seem to think.

    1. lifelogic
      December 28, 2010

      There is not one area of life that government and the state will not concern itself with, tax, regulate or licence with if we allow them to and if they are able to grab our money to fund it.

  5. Alte Fritz
    December 28, 2010

    For Mr Cameron, I suggest ‘to remember that PR got me into power but will not keep me there’.
    For Mr Clegg ‘to make even the dimmest Liberal activist realise that you are in politics to gain and exercise power (preferably wisley)’.
    For Mr Miliband, ‘that socialism should not be a solipsism’.

  6. Geoff not Hoon
    December 28, 2010

    Mr. Redwood, Sadly perhaps I have never believed in New Year Resolutions. If something needs to be done it should not wait until a date on the calendar to do it is my view. For our political leaders I hope they will begin to take note of the real pressures growing in society and not as Ernest Benn once said “politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedy”.
    I sold my business’s in 2000 due to sight problems. One of my voluntary roles now is as a CAB Adviser. If anyone here doubts the mess UK PLC is in join CAB and like me have your eyes opened (excuse the pun) to the extent of the problems in society in the area’s of debt, understanding benefits, unemployment, overcrowded housing etc.etc. It is far far worse than anything we see in the media and has the potential to be the simmering time bomb this government can do without. Since the 2010 ‘clear out’ we are lucky to have a handful of Conservative’s such as JR who have the experience, knowledge needed to get us out of the mess. Is it in order to ask you Mr.Redwood to put ‘keeping up the good work’ in your New Year Resolution list!!! I hope so.

    December 29, 2010

    We concur with several wishes made by the Essex Boys a couple of days ago but will avoid duplication when we contribute tomorrow as there are simply too many important things our new government is not yet doing – despite the impression of activity generated in media quarters. ‘More haste, less speed’ our old primary school teacher taught us.

    Today our suggested resolutions for the leaders:

    MR MILIBAND – Concede that Labour’s financial record was one of huge failure and immediately face up to the deficit with a firm detailed plan that achieves some financial credibility whilst you rebuild your party and provide sound opposition.
    MR CLEGG – Convince your MPs and members that events and you have provided the opportunity they would have awaited for another 80 years – the ability to govern instead of sitting on the sidelines (what else did you enter Parlaiment for?); and therefore to buckle down to the hard work rather than drifting back towards the fairies at the bottom of the garden.
    MR CAMERON – Take heed of your faltering standing with experienced backbenchers, party activists and faithfuls and ignore their opinions on the EU, immigration controls and proper financial reductions and controls at your peril. Bring in experience from the 1922 Committe and cut the PR staff and the song and dance act.

  8. ManicBeancounter
    December 29, 2010

    All politicians should re-discover a basic idealistic ambition – to serve in order to make the world a better place. The consequence is that political action should only be taken where there is a reasonable expectation of making a positive differance. With our over-extended government, to make a positive difference (if the full costs are included) means withdrawing from some activities of government, and reducing others. It also means being more critical of proposed policy initiatives, and ostracizing those who can only see policy in terms of the impact on opinion polls.

  9. StevenL
    December 29, 2010

    Me 1) Quit smoking 2) Drink less
    Cam/Clegg/Mili 1) Quit lying 2) Spin less

    December 29, 2010


    1. The PM stops his mere agonising and foot-stamping over troop deaths, the EU budget and waste, and the absurdities of the Human Rights Act and leads his government into action in accordance with our, and surely his, pre-election anticipation.

    2. William Hague regains his verve, re-thinks Britain’s overseas priorities and puts his shoulder to the wheel in helping in this effort.

    3. The government produces a simple way of informing us all regularly of the progress being made in balancing Britain’s books to justify the pain.

    4. A full and proper analysis is published of the impact of existing wind farms, the cost per energy unit and projections of those being planned. Hopefully this will lead to a complete shift in policy and full steam ahead on reliable, cheaper power sources.

    5. Similarly the dubious benefits of the ÂŁ30bn high-speed rail line are re-analysed and the project abandoned.

    6. Someone in government realises the absurdity of scrapping existing defence assets – aircraft carrier and Harrier jets – and going without useable aircraft for 10 years – before it’s too late.

    7. There is recognition that the economy booms when houses are being built and the government responds accordingly.

    8. All OK employers are encouraged to take on a job seeker for 3 months without cost while the employee continues to be paid benefits.

    9. The Chilcot Enquiry concludes that Mr Blair led Britain into the Iraq conflict with personal motives. The government gives the Enquiry an extended brief to investigate the financial details of such a conclusion and the teeth to recommend retribution.

    10. John Redwood is offered and accepts a major position at the Cabinet table.

    Now all that WOULD surely make it a very Happy New Year for most regular contributors! We ladies wish Mr Redwood and you all a terrific 2011 anyway!

  11. norman
    December 29, 2010

    My own resolution should be to try and take a more positive look at the coalition- after all I may be wrong and it may not all end in tears.

    Mr Cameron & Mr Cleggs resolution should be to convince people like me that it won’t all end in tears.

    Mr Miliband should be to convince his brother that blood is thicker than water and get him to take up some senior role for Labour. Not only would it dash leadership bid talk it would also show both of them in a positive light, and we get little enough of that from our politicians.

  12. RDM
    December 29, 2010

    Dear DC/NC, and Red ED,

    How large a proportion of the Welsh electorate voted for the WAG? How much support has it currently got? And, even if the “Red Power Base” spends our tax on buying the support it has, where is the the NO campaign? How can this be a fair Referendum if oneside is not represented, unless of course, there’s been a deal done already?

    Do you really think there are enough SME’s within Wales, who’s growth can be relied upon to provide the required (in the short term – next Election) employment growth. Not high Value Added/R&D companies! Wales desperately needs an Equity/Project/R&D Finance Bank. Without it, will Wales be able to take part in the Green investment the Coalition believes necessary? Maybe there should be two new banks? One for the North, and one for the basket case.


    A Voter.

  13. Suze Doughty
    December 29, 2010

    New year resolution for the British government and maybe for all of the EU – make it easier to employ people.

  14. James Sutherland
    December 29, 2010

    The government: to eliminate DFID entirely, using the savings to repair the defence budget fully.
    Cameron: to make fewer pledges and keep more of them.
    Clegg: to bring David Laws back in, preferably replacing Cable.
    Miliband: to choose friends more wisely.
    My local council (and most others): to spend less on “initiatives”, traffic “calming” schemes and completing the rainbow of dustbin lids, more on maintaining and clearing roads and pavements.
    Eric Pickles: to replace section 106 with a simpler and more transparent fixed price system (for example, N months of extra council tax/rates to cover the council’s typical infrastructure costs) and put some more direct democracy and accountability in place of the exploding spending and dwindling services councils deliver now.

    Personally: to move on, geographically. The UK might eventually start moving in the right direction again, but other countries have a lead I doubt the UK could ever make up for now.

  15. Tom
    December 31, 2010

    Agree with 95% of the above ideas. I would add:

    Home Secretary to get the police to use common sense, instead of knee jerk reactions, to allegations of racism, sexism, homophobia when even a child could see a remark was not meant seriously or intended to cause offence. Generalisations (eg about the Scots, Welsh, Greeks etc) should be ignored. If this needs a change in Harperson’s laws, so be it.

    Cameron to acquire more gravitas, lose some spin and spare us his domestic life.

    Geoff Huhne to be replaced by a scientist. If there aren’t any, then his department to be run by a scientist in the Lords.

    JR. Happy New Year. As a newcomer to your blog I find it, and the comments, essential reading. Thank you.

  16. brian kelly
    January 2, 2011

    On a very small point, possibly. I would like to see official bodies when referring to the public start using the formal Mr, Mrs, Miss, etc. I dislike intensely the ‘chummy’, ‘friendly’ way the public is addressed. I heard the police today [and at other times] refer to Miss Joanna Yeates as Jo. For myself I do not find this appropriate. I would much prefer a dignified formal approach together with an efficient and effective operation by public authorities

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