The Rt Hon John Redwood MP has released his Christmas Message for 2011:
“We need some mid winter magic this year. There is a warming familiarity as the tinsel and the trees, the holly and the baubles appear in shops and homes. For children there is instant wonder as they see these things for the first time, or join in the festivities in a new way. For us adults there is the joy at watching youngsters captivated by the sights and sounds of Christmas as they await the day of presents with an excited impatience.
In Wokingham there are the usual pleasures of the carols in the Market Place and the massed choirs of our primary schools in Loddon Valley Hall, the giving trees and the fund raising to ensure there are gifts and treats for those who might otherwise be neglected. Wokingham is a community that cares, and is capable of many countless acts of kindness and collective good works.
I would like to thank the many people who serve our borough tirelessly and selflessly over the year. Christmas is a time to say a special thank you to postman and shopkeeper, to nurse and teacher, to stall holder and many others. It is a time to catch up with old and new friends and relatives, to send cards and arrange visits. It gives us the chance of more time to talk to neighbours and to bring the lonely into our celebrations.
I have made my Christmas puddings but have not yet found time for the cake. I look forward to hanging high the cards and adorning the tree, to welcome home friends and family. I wish you and yours every joy and
happiness this Christmas. This may be an austere time, but it is still a time when little acts of kindness, or something home made, can say so much more and be so much better valued. That is the true spirit of Christmas.”
December 15, 2011
Dear John,
Your seasonal greetings are returned. A Happy and Joyous Christmas to you and your family.
Reply: Thank you
December 15, 2011
You know, I nearly almost trusted you…….
December 15, 2011
What you really need to ask yourselves now is: Do you want to go down in history as accomplices to the Eutopian Dream or do you want to be seen as political heroes?
The EU has managed to cause misery to thousands, hundreds of thousands of Europeans. One by one, Europeans are losing their livelihoods and their homes. It’s not only in the UK. Hard working families all over Europe don’t deserve this. This is all for their Eutopian Dictatorship, saving the Euro and the project at the expense of everyone concerned.
You need to re-assess your moral compasses.
History will not forget or forgive.