Firlands development, Burghfield


         I have received a large number of objections to the substantial development proposed, confirming the view I had formed  during a visit that this is an unpopular proposal with local people. I have made representations to the Council in support of constituents, who have made a case against on environmental, transport, and planning principles.

1 Comment

  1. Mr David Brewer
    April 5, 2012

    Dear Mr Redwood

    Firlands Development Burghfield.

    Should the development go ahead it would undermine/destroy the village life, local stores and small businesses.

    The proposed development would be too close to the Willink Secondary school and the increased traffic in and around would rise to dangerously unacceptable level.

    In short the village as it stands today for the majority of residence is absolutely fine as it is. Any assistance you can bring to avert this development would be very much appreciated.

    Yours sincerely

    David Brewer

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