When Mr Cameron sits down this evening with say more than “No” to higher EU spending. He needs to explain that the UK needs a new relationship with the EU. They may not wish to control their debts and deficits by less EU spending but we do. We do not wish to contribute to a flawed and expensive regional policy, nor to a wasteful and unfriendly agricultural poloicy. We could these for ourselves more cheaply and efficiently.
          Euroland may well need to spend more and transfer more money from rich to poor. The UK has no wish to be part of this, and needs a new relationship. If they ignore this the UK will simply have to veto and veto again.
November 7, 2012
He needs to, yes. But will he? I have my doubts……
November 7, 2012
…So do I.
November 7, 2012
I am quite sure Cameron will cave in just look at his track record. There will be some anti EU spin put on it but cave in it will be.
November 7, 2012
Mr Cameron is a known Europhile and can see no time he will campaign to leave. He talks of and In/In referendum. He is totally out of kilter with public opinion on the EU and is an appalling strategic decision maker.
How could we allow ourselves to come to a position where foreign leaders dictate to us how much we should pay for membership of this undemocratic monster? ÂŁ11 billion net for a ÂŁ50 billion annual trade deficit. 3 million Eastern Europeans here already and(word left out) more to come from Bulgaria and Romania next year with 6.5 million economically inactive. You just couldn’t be as bad as our mainstream political leadership.
If we voting Lib/Lab/Con all we get is more of the same. We need to therefore vote for the ONLY remaining Conservative Party who will look after the English and it isn’t Mr Camerons party.
November 7, 2012
From City AM
“OFFICIAL auditors yesterday reported major errors in EU spending last year, amounting to billions of euros and strengthening the hands of politicians in the UK who hope to freeze spending in the budget.
The European Court of Auditors said it had found irregularities affecting four per cent of total spending during 2011, equivalent to around €5.2bn (£4.17bn).
The biggest problems were in outlays on rural development, fisheries and health, the court said in its annual report, which ran to more than 240 pages.
Most errors came from the “misapplication or misunderstanding” of the EU’s complex rules, the auditor said, while a handful of cases of suspected fraud were reported”.
It’s not like he hasn’t a reason to refuse to pay an increase. If it were me, I would refuse to pay any at all until the EU can balance it’s books for at least one year. They need to be reminded that people ACTUALLY WORK FOR A LIVING to contribute these millions that they just squander and waste.
November 7, 2012
Cameron won’t say any of those things but if he did Mrs Merkel would reply: ” My dear David, you want the UK to stay in the EU, as it is good for the UK, now be a good boy and eat your pudding.”
November 7, 2012
I guess you didn’t care for my attempt at humour.
November 8, 2012
Could I please enquire just why you have chosen not to post my comment?
November 7, 2012
And how are you going to deal with 3.5 trillion of off balance sheet debts?
November 7, 2012
Perhaps Cameron could suggest it would be easier and less expensive if Germany and France amalgamated into one country and leave the rest of the EU out of it as it would be cheaper for all concerned and much less misery and suffering for other nation states. It could provide the long lasting peace in Europe that they claim is behind the dreaded EU superstate dream- hopefully Cleggy could emigrate.
November 7, 2012
It probably would be a good idea as 40% of the EU budget is spent on CAP related spending so they could subsidise each other if they wish….
November 7, 2012
Help me out here, can Mr Cameron simply veto the EU budget and the UK contribution or is it now covered by qualified majority voting?
I simply don’t know the answer to this one.
November 7, 2012
I think that if he vetoes the EU budget, then the other countries will have to agree (by QMV) on the many individual items which would normally be covered by the EU budget agreement. So, it will make things difficult for them in the long run.
November 8, 2012
Okay thanks, if that’s right, de facto, talk of a veto is empty because the process could be as follows:
1. Everyone but the UK wants the EU budget, so Dave vetoes the thing.
2. Everyone else says “Damn, I wanted to go fishing this weekend, thanks troublesome Brits, so let’s vote on each line item by QMV” they pass said items
3. Under scenario as above, our contribution is exactly as it was before Dave vetoed it.
Rather like me saying to the Mrs “I shan’t get drunk tonight as you have vetoed it, but will personally vote on each drink”
November 8, 2012
Each annual budget has always been decided by QMV, right back to Article 203 in the original 1957 Treaty of Rome.
The longer term financial perspective, what will be the Multiannual Financial Framework as defined in the EU treaties through the new Article 312 TFEU brought in by the Treaty of Lisbon, on page 182 here:
will require unanimity.
November 7, 2012
I really do hope they mean tell the truth to each other. Unfortunately , the EU. Is the castle of lies…….?
November 7, 2012
You are in the wrong Party John . You know Dave will huff and puff and then claim that defeat is victory . Strike a blow for the British people and a renewal of democracy. Resign from the ex Con Party .
November 7, 2012
And as Ladbrokes are offering evens on any MP defecting to UKIP before the next election perhaps you could give us the ‘heads up’ before you do!
November 7, 2012
You should be there at the feast as well.
November 7, 2012
Whats on the menu for dinner? Another slice of roast beef i think.
We should get out of the EU allowing them to proceed to full union and or collapse. We are not helping our European friends if this is what they want. Lets arrange our financial exit and minimize or end our hidden liabilities.
Didn’t the Bruge group hit a number at risk of over ÂŁ150bn?
November 7, 2012
No just another slice of humble pie.
November 7, 2012
Why would Merkel agree?
The various treaties we have signed all preamble with us agreeing to “ever closer union”. Re-negotiating this and that is not ever closer union, it is ever less union.
I suspect the Germans have noticed this even if the British electorate have not…
You cannot blame the Germans for being a little bit upset about all this.
November 7, 2012
When Cameron sits down tonight he is likely to be tired and jet lagged, and in no condition at all to fight for British interests with Merkel. For rather than getting back here, making sure he is rested and well briefed, he instead has chosen to stay in Jordan handing out British tax payers money in Aid.
November 7, 2012
Same old language: fight for British interests etc. Its not Dunkirk – some of us have moved on.
Cameron and other tories and Merkel have a lot in common. Ask Douglas Carswell who is an admirer of Merkel as I am.
November 8, 2012
I am an admirer of Angela Merkel myself .
Still don’t think the leadership should be able to impose their will on the masses particularly since the Dutch and French said non to a Federal Europe and nobody else except the Irish have been given a chance to have their say .
November 7, 2012
Cameron will do whatever Merkel tells him to and he will obey. The final result though will be spun to make it appear that Cameron has been successful in his discussions.Cameron has and always will be a europhile.
November 7, 2012
Spot on.
November 7, 2012
“We do not wish to contribute to a flawed and expensive regional policy, nor to a wasteful and unfriendly agricultural policy.” indeed not, but Cameron, the Libdems and half the Tory party clearly do.
Has Cameron told us why he does not want to be a great Switzerland yet? Clearly he likes being only half as rich almost, having worse education, crime, family breakdown and health figures. He also, one assumes, likes having a weak currency and a huge deficit.
Perhaps he is just no good at languages? Could someone explain to him that we could just be an English speaking, greater Switzerland or Norway and we do not have to have the languages, cuckoo clocks nor all those fondues. Or could he tell us from where his Swiss phobia stems?
November 7, 2012
He doesn’t want to be a Greater Switzerland because then he won’t be able to commit lots of British taxpayer lolly to support Eurofarmers, and keep his influence around that table……Oh how well that cherished place has served us NOT over the last 40 years……
November 7, 2012
I suspect Cameron is ware that he will be out in 2015. The leader of the opposition who could not win an election in the midst of the worst recession in 80yrs, against the worst PM since the War, against a Labour Party that polled the worst vote since the 1930s and against an incumbent Govt that was riddled with incompetence, cronyism and corruption. He will be gone by 2016. He must be thinking about future employment prospcts. I hear the EU pays very well.
Also, are Berkshire Tories worried about the forthcoming local elections, following the defeat in Maidenhead – a direct result of UKIP standing? In the SE, UKIP only have to put up a paper candidate to take 10% of the vote. With so many disillusioned Conservative voters, that lets in the LDs and Labour.
November 7, 2012
Mr Cameron is only in 10 Downing St. to serve Mrs Merkel canapes.
November 7, 2012
Spot on. However, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.
November 7, 2012
Mrs Merkel has achieved what her most notorious predecessor failed to achieve in the 1930s and she has done so without a single shot being fired.
Reply: Mrs Merkel’s approach to European unification is v ery different – it is not based on genocide for starters.
November 8, 2012
Europe is dominated by Germany and Germanic influence. Genocide has nothing to do with it.
November 8, 2012
Well Germany is the only country in the EU with a strong economy and no deficit.
November 8, 2012
well said John. Who are these idiots? offensive trash.
November 7, 2012
There appears to be no reverse gear in the EU so the best thing really must be to prepare for an IN/OUT referendum.
November 7, 2012
The design never included a reverse gear, just an ever closer union…..
November 7, 2012
While i agree with most of your points I take strong exception to your view that the UK should not be participating in transfering more money from the rich to the poor.
The need is for he UK to ensure that this transfer actually takes place. In particular farm subsidies must go in this direction rather than to making the rich farmers richer. We need to make sure that EU funds are directed at those living at subsistence level or below rather than pet projects of politicians at various levels that do little more than enhance their images.
November 7, 2012
We should be applauding the French proposal to increase VAT and divert the money to reduce business taxes thus increasing employment and stimulating the economy. We need to see the UK government taking similar actions.
Mr Camerons attitude to our EU contributions needs to reflect similar views. If the EU had plans that would seriously stimulate the EU economies including ours, then we should be taking part preferably by diverting existing contributions but if necessary by increasing our contributions.
November 7, 2012
We don’t need “to veto and veto again”. We should just get out and leave the EU to sort out it’s own mess.
November 7, 2012
Indeed, continuing to veto and annoy them serves little purpose. It’s far better to separate amicably yet remain friends…..
November 7, 2012
The Forth Richt will march onwards and downwards.
November 7, 2012
What you say is so true, but the fact is, will Cameron deliver the answer we want? There is within the Conservative party now some MPs who are willing to stand up to his wavering and demand he listen and act. He is destoying any chance of getting a win at the next election by his actions, and we all know what that might mean, another Labour goverment. We cannot wait till 2015 to make this decision, in 2014 there are new laws coming into effect that will bind us ever closer to the EU and make our extration even more difficult. We need to be able to make the right decisions well before then, decisivly and via the people, not politicans. Are we going to see another speech telling us its to late now we’re signed up to these new laws, therefore a referendum and our repatration of powers now not possible? This nation will not be deceived again.
I sincerely hope Mr C does say NO to Merkel, and mean what he says, and does extract us from the EU and we have a trade agreement only, but somehow I can’t see that happening and Merkel won’t want to concede one bit. She has elections coming up in 2013 and will look weak if she allows that. Cameron’s position is therefore, is weak, and it will need all his patience and will to get what he wants. Now we will see his mettle, and if he fails, what then? He should then go to he people and let us decide once and for all. Another big ? mark that is.
November 7, 2012
My first question for DC to ask Mrs. Merkel would be :
What is the creditability of an organisation where its auditors have refused to approve the accounts for the eighteenth year in a row?
November 7, 2012
credibility as well…..
November 7, 2012
EU/US trade treaty. no protectionism. bring it on.
Only one problem: got to be in the club to benefit
Single European sky: bring it on
Only one problem: got to be in the club to benefit
November 7, 2012
Just saw you on the news. You rightly cite the CAP and social chapter as things to bring back, but what about trade policy? The biggest damage the EU does is in the trade it prohibits because of forced tariffs with the rest of the world. We need to have a more open trade agreement, where we have trade with the EU, but can sign trade deals elsewhere.
November 7, 2012
Don’t expect the EU to give the UK a special relationship that only benefits the UK. The UK is either in the EU and contributing to it, half in the EU and half contributing to it, or outside the EU and subject to tariffs. There is no other viable option.
November 7, 2012
How about Dave asks (very nicely) Barry if we can join NAFTA and that NAFTA reaches a free trade agreement with the EU?
November 7, 2012
For once I agree with uanime5. And since tariffs are now so low after multiple rounds of GATT and the cost of EU membership is so high, the only logical thing to do is to get out.
The EU isn’t really a free trade zone. It is a customs union. We will be richer, freer and more democratic if we get out.
November 8, 2012
You’d be surprised how high these tariffs are, even with developed countries such as the USA. Let’s face it even a small tariff can be the difference between a company that can compete and one that cannot.
November 7, 2012
We had what we wanted when the Single European Act reached the Statute Book on 1st January 1987. Why can’t we simply go back to that by repealing the Maastricht, Nice, Amsterdam and Lisbon Treaty Acts of Accession? There is no need for a referendum because we didn’t have referendums before signing up. And the beauty of it is that by including Maastricht in the repeal list, the Euro becomes in British law a de facto currency, not a de jure one.
November 8, 2012
The Single European Act was a disaster.
November 8, 2012
That option is no longer available. You either obey EU law and have unrestricted access to EU markets, or you’re outside the EU and have restricted access to the EU markets.
November 9, 2012
Or unanme5, the UK could simply set identical restrictions, barriers and tarrifs for the EU nations to import their goods into us, and then sit back and watch what happens.
For every action there is a reaction don’t forget.
November 10, 2012
A few more countries in the EU Richard and what makes you so cavalier about your job? If you work that is? Can you understand this post or is going over your head like cardboard over Paris?
November 7, 2012
And when he gets back, he will jump in front of a TV camera, and do another Neville Chamberlain job:- “My good friends, this is the second time in our history that there has come back from Germany to Downing Street peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. And now I recommend you to go home and sleep quietly in your beds.”
November 7, 2012
Here is the agreement paper. Peace in our time!!!
November 7, 2012
November 7, 2012
I’m just working with a company that is looking to slash its overheads by 15% to 20% and its not easy.
Is it too much to ask the EU to save a few percent on its huge budget?
Accounts that the auditor’s won’t sign off.
November 7, 2012
It seems Merkel is not going to stick to a previous agreement of a real terms freeze and wants a rise above that. That suggests to me she has her eyes on indirect funding of the Eurozone states by non Eurozone countries.
I do see a positive here. Assuming within the next several years there is a vote then the voting masses with limited knowledge of the EU need to be reached. A year on year increase to their affluent budget can help to sell the eurosceptic vote to them.
Would a eurosceptic really want the EU to cut its budget and act sensibly prior to a possible vote in a few years? I don’t think thats on Mr Cameron’s mind but it is on mine.
Here the resistance of the opponent will be measured in the polling booths in the UK. Let the EU fight part of the battle for us.
November 7, 2012
He needs to explain that the UK needs a new relationship with the EU.
But do we expect Cameron to do anything other than try to drag us further in, kicking and screaming?
November 7, 2012
I just want a Government that is prepared to Govern this Country according to its Constitution. Is that REALLY too much to ask for?
November 8, 2012
We don’t have one. remember?
November 9, 2012
Only an ignoramus would declare that we don’t have a Constitution. We do and it is an unwritten Constitution.
It seems the production line of idiocy from our education system remains unchecked.
November 7, 2012
The Germans know that the only practical option is to wind up the entire rotten institution of the EU and return to the Mark. They would pull the plug on it quicker than you could squirt mustard on bratwurst given the chance. The problem is that they are up to their necks in war-time guilt and would rather not suffer the Fawltyesque abuse that the Greeks and others would hurl at them if the free hand-outs stopped.
November 7, 2012
Mr Redwood, this should be all about “give and take”. I didn’t read anything about the “givc” in the above. Nobody is waiting for a sulking child, and vetos simply don’t cut it in EU cooperation. Why not think of real constructive things to offer in order to achieve this á la carte fresh-start relationship in or with the EU? Germany nor the chancellor is responsible for your (the UK’s) misery.
November 8, 2012
If I may be bold and offer a suggestion: “Mrs Merkel, the UK wants to be you ally in finally, finally getting this Single Market completed, especially in the service sector. Mrs Merkel, the UK admires fiscal discipline and structural reforms, especially in the labor market, and wants to join Germany in pleading for good fiscal discipline across the EU. We want to join Germany in making structural funds more effective and efficient, not pumping around money via Brussels if this can be avoided and we want to join Germany to take new initiatives in reducing regulatory burdens and over-regulating in certain aspects. Faced with austerity back home we however have to limit the contribution we can make to a European budget. The best way to do this would be by having a smaller EU budget as such, with a re-allocation of funds to meet the highest priorities. We are sure that you can understand this”
Doesn’t that sound a lot more constructive and positive? It doesn’t mean that the UK is to give in on any of its points at this stage.
November 8, 2012
Do stop your wheedling, Peter.
November 8, 2012
Denis, I don’t want to harm your “career” in euroskeptic advocacy, but I simply wouldn’t want Britain to make another 1955 mistake (Russell Bretherton leaving the ECSC talks and UK became the outsider) which I sincerely believe may be made again. Maybe that decades will have to pass before the UK realises, but if it were to leave the EU altogether, that is my prediction. (please remind me in 20 years from now)
November 8, 2012
In the EU, “cooperation” means doing what you are told.
November 8, 2012
@Chris: That not how I experience it, following the media.
November 8, 2012
Vote again Ireland, until we get the answer we want….
November 8, 2012
Ireland only voted again because they needed an EU bailout. had they run their economy better the EU would have had to redraft the treaty so it was acceptable to the Irish.
November 8, 2012
Ireland decided to have another referendum after securing some changes.
November 9, 2012
unamine5 and Peter
The main reason there was an unstable boom in Ireland that led to them needing the bailout you talk about, was because being in the Euro meant their interest rates, set effectively by Germany, were wrong for Ireland for many years.
Dont blame Irealnd, blame the disasterous effects of the Euro
One size plainly doesn’t suit all
November 8, 2012
You forget that we’ve just given you a radical EU treaty change to help you Save the Euro, and got nothing substantive in exchange:
“European Union (Approval of Treaty Amendment Decision) Act 2012”
November 8, 2012
You’re right Denis, and it would be smart to use that in a pleasant way in any negotiations. “Remember how we helped you, now, this time we could use some help from you. Look at all my buldog backbenchers!”
I was out yesterday but I heard Mrs. Merkel say some thing like: that all of them had to get a deal with which they could face public opinion back home.
November 9, 2012
Its quite simple really Peter, why is the EU be increasing its budget at a time all the EU member nations are trying to reduce overspending, deficits and borrowings.
The EU should be setting an example and getting more efficient and reducing its budget not demanding increases.
November 10, 2012
@Richard: OK, efficiency is needed, but you seem to forget that when you give an institution extra tasks and duties you have to provide the financing for it as well. Otherwise you make a mockery of the agreements you have signed (as a country) and thus of your signature.
November 8, 2012
Cameron is too young and out of his depth to stand up to anyone in the EU unless he has some very angry backbenchers standing behind him ! He is so incompetent and child-like that the sooner he goes back to sucking his dummy the better.
November 8, 2012
Lets not veto and veto again. We must stop whining and just get out. Most EU project leaders want us in because they want the money. They do not like us agree with us or want us to interfere with their crazy EU Federal project. They are ostrich like throwing good money after bad and will lemming like throw themselves off a cliff. We on the other hand will be free to do our own thing which history has shown can be magnificent.
Merkel should be politely shown the door and told like any nice double glazing salesman would be told , “No thanks we dont want it”.
November 8, 2012
John, some time ago you ran us through the routine for Greece to leave the Euro, we examined the reasons and then you identified the phases of withdrawal and the risks and concerns to be taken into account through the process of the orderly departure from the Eurozone. This is going to be a mammoth exercise for us and we need to identify the clear procedure and risks involved for us. Clearly there will be a shout of horror and despair from the Europhiles who see themselves being prevented from a possible future EU sinecure. It will be good to identify the malcontents and throw them overboard so they cannot interfere with our new and exciting resurgence as an independent world economy, part of Europe but not part of the Federal construct.
There will be claims of doom and poverty that we will suffer outside the warm and cozy embrace of the Eurocrats who want to do all our thinking and finance for us. The Churchill salute will suffice for them.
November 8, 2012
Denis has just posted some highly significant comments on Conshome website with regard to the future of the EU. David Cameron should have made clear to Merkel last night that we will not be a part of it. I hope, Denis, you do not mind me quoting you from the following link to Conshome:
“EU to be federalised in the long run, Merkel says”
“The EU commission will eventually become a government, the council of member states an “upper chamber” and the European Parliament more powerful, but fixing the eurozone problems is more urgent for now, German Chancellor Angela Merkel told MEPs on Wednesday (7 November).”
“Of course the European Commission will one day become a government, the EU council a second chamber and the European Parliament will have more powers. But for now, we have to focus on the euro and give people a little bit of time to come along,” she said.”
November 8, 2012
Indeed he needs to explain we need a new relationship with the EU – one based on trade and co-operation not political union. In other words, we leave this pointless and corrupt club. Will he do that? Of course not. He’s a europhile and couldn’t be less suited to the job of PM.
November 10, 2012
I have been a Conservative voter not as a routine, but after considered thought. This for around 60 years.My soldiers and myself voted for the European Common Market-not for a European superstate.We discussed the ‘no more European wars’ as the lynch pin of the EEC, and supported that concept. ( Angela Merkel is in that camp). Our political class seems to be supportive of the EU state as a link to the EU as potential state employees with golden salarys and platinum pension pots.I wonder if there is a Stalking Horse to change the direction of the EU leaning Blairite-Cameronite Conservative party.
November 10, 2012
Presumably my comment Posted November 10, 2012 at 11:30 am has been moderated by this time.I hope it is not too rich for you John!!