Emmbrook views

On Saturday I joined three Emmbrook Councillors and went door knocking to talk to people in Emmbrook. The main preoccupations were with local matters. Several wanted more action to tackle vehicle congestion and improve road access to Wokingham. One person expressed concern about the impact of Town Centre redevelopment and the Station link road. There was general displeasure at the way utility companies dig up the centres of the roads and causes problems for many weeks at a time. No-one raised the EU or the UK economy as issues. Most were pleased with local services, and several thought the blue bag waste system has now settled in and is delivering lower waste charges for Council taxpayers.


  1. David Langley
    April 8, 2013

    Well I am glad the Emmbrook councillors and yourself had a good natter about local services. It is not surprising that the EU and UK economy did not get raised I imagine you did not want to stimulate discussion with them on these weighty matters on the doorstep. I wonder if they all knew how much of the carefully divided waste matter they all sort and bin each day gets thrown into one big heap and exported for sorting to foreign and probably stinkier climes. The big waste con is in the news and is a disgrace.

  2. alan jutson
    April 10, 2013

    Aware that you are aware (local Councillor informed me you were) of the continuing flooding Fiasco under the railway bridge at Emmbrook.

    Now road often closed (due to flooding) even after modest amounts of rain.

    Now road closed for 11 days to replace traffic light system at what must be a huge cost, when the original system seemed to be working well with no problems.

    Is this yet another replacement due to guarantees of lifetime run out, like the street light replacement nonesense of last year, where perfectly good lamposts were replaced because they were considered “time expired” after 25 years..

    Reply The road is the responsiblity of Wokingham Council, the Highway Authority. I have raised the flooding issues with the Borough and have intervened with Network Rail and the Environment Agency when asked to do so. There is now a regular meeting of Councillors, officers and other agencies to tackle localised flooding problems.

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