Meeting with Councillors from Burghfield and Mortimer

Today I attended the West Berkshire Councillor policy and training day and spoke to them about what a Conservative Council can achieve, working with a Conservative government.

I set out the aims of the affordable homes for sale policy and urged West Berkshire to be an early adopter. I explained the outlines of the Housing and Planning Bill and asked for their advice on how that Bill can be improved to achieve what we want.

I reminded Councillors of the pinch points and other schemes to help pay for necessary road improvements. Busting traffic jams, improving flows and road safety are essential priorities for a government and a Council determined to promote prosperity and growth.

I offered to take up issues for the Council with Ministers where there are problems. Immediate tasks are to work on a fair financial settlement, and to make sure Planning Inspectors reflect Ministerial and Council planning policies in their decisions.

1 Comment

  1. Iain Gill
    October 18, 2015

    Is there a copy of the “affordable homes for sale policy” the public can read?

    Reply. It was in the Manifesto. There is now a Housing Bill

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