Letter to the Aviation Minister on aircraft noise

I have sent the enclosed letter to the Aviation Minister on the subject of aircraft noise, following my recent meeting with NATS:

Mr Robert Goodwill MP
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State
Department for Transport
Great Minister House, 33 Horseferry Road
London SW1P 4DR

9 December 2015

Dear Robert

Yesterday, I had a meeting with Jane Johnston, Head of Corporate Affairs at NATS to discuss the impact of aircraft noise from Heathrow Airport. I understand you also had a meeting with her.

NATS is currently obligated to consult on airspace changes but not on procedural changes to routes under their current terms of reference.

As you are aware, NATS previously decided to narrow the Compton gate from 13 miles to 8 miles which has led to a higher concentration of flights through the Compton route, many of which pass through my constituency. Many of my constituents feel aggrieved that they were not consulted about this change.

The main issues of substance which we discussed to resolve the problem of increased noise were:

1. Instruct arriving panes to slow down so they arrive for a slot time and do not need to join a stack
2. Require planes to take off to reach a greater height sooner
3. Require planes landing to descend at a greater angle so they stay higher for longer
4. Resume dispersal of planes on easterly operations to avoid the new motorways in the sky phenomenon.

I would be grateful if you could reinforce these messages to NATS.

Yours ever