Meeting with Roads Minister over M 25

The UK government is commencing a consultation over how to deal with the lack of road capacity on the western and south western section of the M25.
I attended a meeting with the Roads Minister, Andrew Jones, and his officials in the Commons to discuss the issues and hear the plans for the consultation. They will draw up a project to resolve the lack of transport capacity in the area. Only 2 MPs attended, so I had plenty of opportunity to explore matters with the Minister.

The Minister’s officials confirmed that the Statutory consultees will include local MPs and principal Councils. I sought and received an assurance that Wokingham Borough will be one of the consultees, as the study is considering places beyond the M 25 as well as places within the M 25 affected by it and related roads.

I pointed out that we are short of peak hours railway capacity as well as short of road capacity. I reminded them that the western part of the M25 has many junctions in a short distance which adds to congestion, and has to handle the ever growing traffic volumes for Heathrow. The road takes a lot of long haul traffic seeking to get round London by the west, as well as local traffic going just one or two junctions as part of a journey that may straddle the motorway.

The Minister agreed that the study needs to consider the wider issues of the routes of the A 329M, A 322 and A 404. I raised again the question of bridge capacity over the Thames. The Minister reminded me that they were also considering cross country links not entailing using the M25.

I would be happy to hear views on the possible solutions. I will write in with a formal submission later in the process.


  1. bigneil
    January 27, 2016

    A combination of yet more roads ( taking up vast areas of land surface ) and mass importation of people wanting housing ( yet more land surface gone ) should increase the problems with flooding. The rain will simply have nowhere to go.

  2. alan jutson
    February 1, 2016

    Many thanks John.

    Certainly we need another bridge over the Thames which has the capability to carry more than 7.5 tonnes.

    At the moment all bridges between Reading and the Marlow by pass have some sort of weight control, as do all bridges between the Marlow by pass and Slough.

    Thus only the Marlow by pass, between Reading and Slough is suitable for real heavy goods vehicles. as Maidenhead Bridge is rather restricted on width.

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