The President elect’s Acceptance Speech looks forward to a substantial investment programme in US infrastructure, and better foreign relations. I look forward to learning more of what he promises for the world economy, and how he intends to alter US foreign policy towards the Middle East and other areas of stress and conflict. I will write about it at greater length when more material is available concerning his plans.
Comments are closed.
November 9, 2016
Trump, Farage and also Redwood are all straight talkers.Nearly all common people can read straight talkers.
November 9, 2016
Having taken an interest in Mr Trump,following the intensely biased MSM reporting about his beliefs and antics, together with the accusations concerning Mrs Clinton, I woke early to watch him succeed against the odds. In fact, I was very pleased to see this.
The Wikileaks emails available on youtube appeared to confirm what I had suspected and read in other articles. That she had been the driving force behind the transformational diplomacy in Libya and Syria, with disastrous results for the population and causing mass migration in Europe. Cameron had assisted enthusiastically. The EU and US under her foreign policy had also worked together in Ukraine, with equally disastrous results, resulting in sanctions and dangerous confrontations with Russia.The stories about contributions to her foundation (were unhelpful to her ed)
Trump’s ideas on reversing the globalisation of jobs and sorting out the inner cities also appealed, looking at it from the American point of view. Rebuilding their run down infrastructure also looked good. As to the accusations of womanising, I thought this was pretty average for US presidents. Who cares if the policies work.
And so when my better half came down and saw a smile on my face after she said “Oh no. What a disaster. How can they vote for a man like that”, it was advised that I should keep quiet about my views. Later, when my teacher and lecturer- trained son came down and learned about the news, he said “No you’re joking, he’s going to damage the Earth”. This was a reference to his wish to withdraw from the Paris get together. I pointed out that the things he wanted to withdraw from didn’t work anyway.
In the car, I heard a Democrat US journalist say that Trump wanted to withdraw from NATO. I thought he said it was redundant and should be redirected and that other countries should pay more. Pretty fair from the USpoint of view, and why should it go along with Eural’s expansion plans? Later, the LBC windbag explained that Trump’s racism should be fought and that when he said ” You’ve got your country back” what he meant was that the original population should get it back minus the various immigrants. The idea that it was about government and globalization by an elite appears not to have occurred to him.
No wonder my family think he will be a disaster. Probably many US men and women of all races will have to keep quiet about who they supported too.
November 9, 2016
As someone who has been happy to be included amongst “the basket of deplorables” I congratulate Mr Trump on his election victory.
I am also delighted that the Clintons can now prepare for political oblivion.
November 9, 2016
From Brussels with love. Blackwell’s emailed cant supply. Anyone got a copy for me ?
November 9, 2016
I think that a another win for the people with more to come brothers and sisters, the neo con are on the run now, he trump is really a independent and has always has been, it was clinton who choose him to run against because she thought she would win more easier for the neo cons, parties of today are all full of neo con like parliament with at least over 500 neo cons in it, today in voting you do not by the party but the person you are voting for.
November 9, 2016
In the meantime Germany is outlawing the internal combustion engine from 2030, what a difference to US (google forbes germany bans internal combustion engine).
November 11, 2016
Umm – and is the rest of the EU doing likewise? The single market already decides how powerful your vacuum cleaner motor can be. Or is there now no single market left, so we won’t need to worry about remaining a member?
November 9, 2016
Trump put money into running as independent and republicans sign him up to run for the republicans and he beat all of there runners with his own money which is where things went wrong for the republicans, they try to right him off but he beat them, the independent was then number one in the republicans party for president which was a knock out blow for them with clinton fighting to get trump number one for the republicans because she thought he would be a walk over, trump got next to nothing from republican party for his campaign and used mostly his own money which was not a lot while the other party put massive amount of money behind clinton and lost.
One of greatest wins of all time on a shoe string, they might call him a republican but hes a independent for the people, neo con being crushed under the peoples feet for freedom.
He also won the bottom house and the top house in the USA for the republicans but will he get any help from them because he is not a neo con lib.
November 11, 2016
Crucially he will appoint Supreme Court Judges – one vacancy straight away – who will interpret law according to the Constitution, as was originally intended, instead of liberal left agendas, which is apparently what has been happening.
November 9, 2016
I said recently that the UK’s little people, post referendum, may start looking for a Messiah to lead them out of the grasp of the 1%, that is Corporate Metropolis Westminster. It appears that blue collar America, has found their Messiah in a blue collar republican, with a large bank balance. The latter, meaning it will be difficult for transnational corporations to buy him off.
So where is the Brexit Messiah? Where is the UK’s Donald Trump? Surely, it has got to be Nigel?
“Nigel Farage Warns Brits To Prepare For More ‘Political Shocks’ After Brexit And Trump Victory”, says a Huff headline. “Today, the establishment is in deep shock. Even more so than after Brexit. What we are witnessing is the end of a period of big business and big politics controlling our lives. ” he says.
I wish him luck, up to a point. But; cutting out the cancer of “neo-liberal conservatism for the 1%”, will take more than a few thousand little people on the streets, for more than a couple of Supreme Court sitting days.
In the US, it is difficult for the “executive” to dominate the “legislature”. Even when one party has a majority in both. In the, two centuries out of date UK, the executive always dominates the legislature, because it is not separate from the legislature. This renders the HoC as a very expensive talking shop; and, the HoL as the best elderly day care centre on the planet.
Republic UK anyone???
November 11, 2016
Just replace the House of Unelected Cronies with a Senate of 200 non- political experts, elected every 5 years half way through the GE. In the recent debate, the SNP were all for abolition and many Conservatives put forward helpful proposals. Everyone agreed that the large number of Libdum Lords was a ridiculous when the party had only a few MPs and that the cost was out of control. A quick bill would be a popular relief from the Brexit saga and gain approval from both sides of the Commons. Mrs May might even gain popularity for been decisive and supporting her little people against the arrogant false elite.
November 12, 2016
Not a bad idea
November 9, 2016
A US-led coalition air strike killed at least 20 civilians in a village north of Raqqa. When will this modern madness stop?
November 9, 2016
Trump’s Agenda:
Destroy Obama’s array of Executive Orders
Appoint a SCOTUS Justice
Make nice with Russia and China
Build a more impenetrable system of border barriers
Back away from regime change in Syria
Re-negotiate all trade deals.
Remove barriers to energy production
Start rounding up illegals who are actual felons.
Trump’s visible cabinet choices:
Gingrich at State
Flynn at Defense or Nat Security Advisor
Giuliani as AG
Great day for conservatives everywhere, a great day for this country, we have a true friend in the White House. The GE, Brexit and now this! Fantastic.
November 11, 2016
And the most powerful politician in the UK is now . . . . Nigel Farage!
Not only has his political judgement been proved right yet again – but he’s also managed to leap-frog the entire British establishment and their media yes-men.
Trump is known to value loyalty – expect big things from our Nige.
November 9, 2016
The election of President Trump is above all a backlash against political correctness and the ‘one world borderless world view’ exemplified by the Clinton’s. To the Clintons, Trump supporters or ‘disreputables’ were considered beyond the pale because they refused to respect the diktats of PC.
It is a notice by the US people that there is more to life than GDP growth or having the cheapest possible trainers.
The BBC and the rest of the mainstream media including the majority of mp’s have taken one heck of a beating lately and I for one rejoice – it’s been a long long time coming.
It should sound a warning to those that preach that PC is just ‘all about being polite’…..depite all of this the Uk parliament remains dripping with PC thinkers and virtue signallers.
November 9, 2016
He promised getting coalminers and steel workers back to work. A tough call given world prices. Somehow he will honour those two. Obamacare is a mess so the health service and pharmaceuticals are in for a boost.
Of course he is only one man. Much depends on his Party. I can almost name much of his “Cabinet”. There’ll be the skilled politicians and a generous helping of high profile business people.
Putin will seize the opportunity of a listening Trump. They are both businessmen essentially and though some will doubt it in Putin’s case, both are populist politicians with no time for pc and what Putin criticises the EU for: “talking round in circles for all eternity”
I believe there will be startlingly quick results. A bit too easy, compared, for Mrs May in regard to post-Brexit trade deals.Its going to make her look good. One or two of those could feature, surprisingly Russia and China.
November 9, 2016
What should be of concern over here is President Trump’s stance on NATO. He seems to take the view that European governments have taken advantage of America’s willingness to prop up the alliance by cutting their own defence spending to the bone. Who can say he’s wrong? But if the US adopts an increasingly isolationist foreign policy in the future what price Europe’s (and the UK’s) security? Would the US withdraw from Europe too quickly for the Europeans to plug the gap by rebuilding their own defences? And would European governments even respond by doing so after years of frittering away countless billions on their infantile obsessions with CO2? They show very little inclination to engage with reality, the cold unforbidding world beyond their borders.
November 11, 2016
The EU is intent on having its own army, it would appear, so this will be a real spur to their project.
November 9, 2016
He has indicated that he will tackle the problem of huge amounts of cash being stored offshore by multinational companies. Hopefully he will have some success, as it needs a determined effort by the US, by far the most important force in global finance, to provide a solution because this practice is precisely the sort of thing that the political elite allow and the electorate despise.
Additionally there is the abhorrent practice of ‘transfer pricing’ which often deprives third world countries of much-needed revenue with the consequence that first world countries then have to provide financial aid. A cynic would say that it would be easier to ensure the original countries received the proper revenues and a bung was given to the multinationals, thus cutting out all the middlemen.
November 10, 2016
It was such fun winning the referendum. Then watching the votes come flooding in for Trump. The Remainers shouldn’t be left out. It’s not fair. They should be able to win something. Only a few days ago I persuaded one of them to enrol on a real winner: A Tesco Bank Account. I hope he’s having fun like us.
November 10, 2016
Probably better than telling them to have bought Tesco Shares a short while back, with their “interesting” accounting methods.
I just heard Hillary Clinton (on the sexist but hilarious Woman’s hour) just now saying something like:- you will have painful setbacks in your careers but fighting for what is right should always continue.
Just a shame H Clinton and her types are always fighting for what is wrong, damaging and evil. The politics of envy, greencrap lunacy, “discrimination”, ever bigger government, magic money tree economics, entitlement and all the shall have prizes regardless of merit (or having to work) approach.
It does not work Hillary surely you can see that, just grow up and get real.
November 10, 2016
‘It was such fun winning the referendum. Then watching the votes come flooding in for Trump’
– Trump doesn’t care about you. He doesn’t care about the Republicans. Nor about ‘ordinary people’ or the ‘people’ or really about the US. He knows nothing about the nitty-gritty of government. He’s just a glorified salesman (with lots of money from his Daddy to set him up in business, and which he also did a good job in losing). He’s just in it for the power.
President Bush (Sr) on the other hand, was a good President. He was a realist/pragmatist not just an ideologist. Until Conservatives both in the US and the UK return more to the centre/moderate right-wing ground, these countries are going to run into all sorts of problems over the next few years.
(Plus Present Bush (Sr) had the decency and honour not to pretend his main goal was to deliver working class people from all their negative experiences of globalisation – unlike many behind Trump and Brexit who’ve made these promises but with no intention of keeping them – rather, they’re just using this political agenda to try and implement their hard right-wing agenda – this can work in the short-term but not the long-term, and there will be real long-term negative consequences to this kind – plus, and more importantly, there’s no honour it, it’s completely pointless).
November 11, 2016
Well we shall see he might well be better than you thing and surely is better than Obama, or the Clintons. He will I am sure take good advice. He has at least worked out that Climate alarmism is a con so he is not that daft.
November 10, 2016
I agree – absolutely stunning.
The response from the bought-and-paid-for media is wonderful too – non-stop whinging – hilarious.
The establishment is absolutely terrified – you can almost hear the sound of the shredders starting up – they’re scurrying around trying to cover their tracks.
It’s payback time.
November 10, 2016
The sensible upgrading of the countries infrastructure would be a good investment, for jobs and efficientcy.
I will be surprised if he allows any contracts to be completed with foreign steel once he is in charge.
It will certainly be interesting to see what happens with NATO member contributions, and existing poor trade deals.
Very interesting times ahead given the republicans have the control of both houses.
November 10, 2016
He has also promised to radically reduce the number of H1B visas issued, their equivalent of our intra company transfer visas. He has recognised that mass import of cheap labour from mainly India in the information tech workforce to decimate the local workforce is not good for anyone except big business wanting cheap labour. Shame our own political class cannot see it.
November 10, 2016
Why do left leaning activists only accept the results of democratic elections when they win?
Surely the way forward is to demonstrate and campaign against the policies they disagree with rather than denouncing the result.
Interesting that two states; California and New York gave Hillary the larger share of the popular vote. Just shows our EUphiles the dangers of a federal system.
November 10, 2016
I quite liked what he said about putting an Admiral in charge of going after the Somali pirates and wiping them out. Nice clear simple terms of engagement for a obvious military target that we should not have been pussy footing about for so long.
November 10, 2016
Any admirals by the name of Pompeii in the American navy? Seems like a job that would suit a man of a similar character. Problem is the US senate is not the Roman senate of the Pompeian period. Nor are the people. Also the Roman empire was on the way up not like the USA on the way down. Is Trump’s election a Marcus Aurelius moment a momentary curtailment of Rome’s decline? His one in the USA’s decline. As Margaret Thatcher’s election was probably a blip in the UK’s decline although she may have actually stopped the rot and now the British people with Brexit are cementing it.
November 10, 2016
I despair at this country and the world. Brexit , for all its claims to the contrary by a tiny group of apologists , worked by fermenting bigotry and spreading lies . Trump promised undeliverable nonsense and demonised minorities. Brexit has destroyed the Conservative Party and the responsible Internationalist Republican Party I admired is smoke and ashes
Le Pen is threatening in France and each and every one of them is sucking up to Putin and burring into the Western alliance that has been our safety and civilisation
For this country and the people I know Brexit will be much more harmful and as the consequences of the false promises come into view you fear for the fabric of society itself
What have you done John Redwood , what have you done !!!?
November 11, 2016
It is the “Western alliance” in the oppressive form of the EU and NATO that has sucked the life and spirit out of European states since the end of the Soviet Union.
Eventually you become the thing you hate or so the old saying goes.
November 11, 2016
Glad to learn that you now fear for the fabric of society. The 52% “tiny minority” have been watching the fabric of their society steadily destroyed for at least a quarter of a century. You are at last joining the majority.
November 11, 2016
See what you are responsible now John? You have finally flipped Newmania over the edge ?….. I am sure that his Mystic Meg predictions are as accurate as the pollsters!
Newmania, a lot of specious nonsense about the boogeyman Putin and spreading lies!
November 11, 2016
Lord Haw-Haw without the superficial charm – although he does have a certain amusement value.
November 10, 2016
What happened to all of yesterday’s comments John?
November 10, 2016
Obama led us to understand that he was going to spend $12 TRILLION on “Shovel-ready” jobs for infrastructure repairs and improvements. He spent the money alright, but nobody can point at anything he spent it on. Let’s hope that Mr Trump is able to get better value from the borrowed money that he is going to spend.
November 10, 2016
I don’t know much about American politics and I’m relieved it’s all over because their campaigns are so long. I really fear for democracy in the West, because when the majority of people choose what they want in their vote boxes, some people are being encouraged to not respect that, or to at least wait a while to see what happens next and immediately engage in dangerous protests because the vote didn’t go their way, so dangerous that we hear on the tv news this morning that wagons have had to be filled with sand to stop potential car bombers outside Trump Towers, I’ve seen large paper heads burnt in newspaper headlines within a crowd. I’ve heard people say he’s asked for it running a vile campaign but the people now on the ‘hate’ campaign are the democrats, when I looked up the word democrat here is the definition:
1. an advocate or supporter of democracy.
“as a democrat, I accepted the outcome of the referendum”
2.(in the US) a member of the Democratic Party.
Also when the polls say his supporters are of a certain type, intelligence level, age group, sex, etc the only way the news has this information is from polls and I think more than anything we’ve learned these aren’t accurate.
November 10, 2016
I really hope Mrs May and certain members of her government are realising that if you trample on the big sleeping giant for too long he’ll wake up and bite you hard on the backside.
Thought she might have realized that after the Brexit vote, and yet she continues to mock us with her delaying. We won’t be mocked for much longer.
November 10, 2016
… perhaps he will get the Paris climate agreement and the underlying science reviewed by some folk who are not riding the climate change gravy train …
November 10, 2016
I think he is a breath of fresh air in comparison to the usual politico’s like the Clinton’s.
He understands the alienation felt by areas of the US where industry has been wiped out – the so called ‘Rust Belt’ – leaving generations struggling. The parallel’s with Brexit and large parts of the UK population in the midlands and north, which are essentially the UK’s rust belt – are there for all to see. The result of both elections should be a warning to politicians that the white working class have had a rough deal in both countries and been overlooked or ignored for decades.
Will he follow through on some of his promises ? Who knows, but good luck to him.
November 10, 2016
And what happens when he reneges on the Great Wall of Mexico? Doesn’t he then betray those voters who put him there? Won’t his claims of “my hands are tied by Congress” reek of an ‘establishment’ stitch-up? Won’t he then just be another establishment pawn, and won’t the then disenfranchised voters come to the conclusion that democracy is dead, leading to them taking matters into their own hands?
NB I’m not in favour of such a policy of a wall, or the rhetoric that surrounded it, but in rolling back on promises he made to the electorate, he becomes that which the anti-establishment movement wishes to be rid. I think the Brexit and Trump ‘earthquakes’ mean we want less market-tested, fake-virtue, closed-minded politicians and organisations who betray the people who give them their power. My gut feeling is that this won’t change with Trump.
November 11, 2016
You realise there is already a wall for part of the border anyway?
November 11, 2016
And that Obama has boasted of deporting 2million illegals?
November 10, 2016
Looking at some of the papers this morning it looks like a lot of our remoaners have emigrated to the good ole US ofA
November 10, 2016
I’m glad that you are waiting to see what he intends to do. Unlike much of the media, including the BBC, which seems to know in advance and are busy predicting the dire consequences.
November 10, 2016
It is clear that Donald Trump is not a cuckservative; the policies of waging democraphic and economic warfare against the real American people is likely to cease; clearly Trump does not believe, unlike George Soros, that flooding Western countries with low skilled economic culturally incompatible migrants is a good idea or that free trade deals like NAFTA which involve outsourcing American jobs to low wage cost countries , benefiting corporations, is also benefical to the people or financial health of the economy.
Those people who are scrambling to negotiate free trade deals post-Brexit with third world countries like India need to take note; they must also take a much togher line on those who are trying to enter our country by deception when the consequence of their presence here would be deeply negative both culturally and economically. Keeping out undesirables should be much much easier when it doesn’t require a wall to achieve.
November 10, 2016
My sister who lives in Oregon has been confident he would win from start to finish. Of course much of the rhetoric was distasteful but underneath it is a great deal of what we need to get things motoring again, particularly with regard to tax. I thought the contrast between o the views of our former ambassador and Jonathon Powell on radio four yesterday were most interesting; the latter was warning of apocalypse now!
November 10, 2016
Come the revolution?
This IS the revolution.
November 10, 2016
I thought Brendan O’Neill in the Spectator summed up rather well the utter frustration and anger that those who supported Trump feel with those Clinton enthusiasts and others who criticised and sneered at the result.
There are indeed parallels with the Brexit vote and aftermath.
November 10, 2016
O T but very useful;
This is a response to recent figures showing a slight rise in the trade deficit;
In economics, the ‘J curve’ refers to the trend of a country’s trade balance following a devaluation or depreciation under a certain set of assumptions. A devalued currency means imports are more expensive, and on the assumption that the volume of imports and exports change little immediately, this causes a depreciation of the current account (a bigger deficit or smaller surplus). After some time, though, the volume of exports may start to rise because of their lower more competitive prices to foreign buyers, and domestic consumers may buy fewer of the costlier imports. Eventually, if this happens, the trade balance should improve
Over the longer term a depreciation in the exchange rate can have the desired effect of improving the current account balance
November 10, 2016
I thought this was an interesting comment on the internet about the US election result:
“Dems in existential crisis because they sold out the interests of working people in favor of the billionaire-funded environmental movement.”
November 11, 2016
Sounds like a copy cat scenario that has drowned Labour. Can’t wait for the Republican/Conservative fight back. I hope the UK side transition from the Cameron “wets” into Thatcher fighters and start work on building the Anglosphere we have no time to waste.
November 10, 2016
Although I couldn’t support either candidate for various reasons, congratulations to Trump on winning the Presidential election. I thought his victory speech was excellent: conciliatory, measured, embracing. I think it hit the right notes for moving forward.
Amused greatly by the media yet again. All of them “shocked” by the result. Really? What have they been doing for the past god knows how long? The interesting break-down of where Trump’s votes came from (and where Hillary’s didn’t) were totally misread by the talking heads, and the figures that don’t fit their narrative being expertly glossed over. For all those that are still confused as to “how?” and “need to learn lessons”: if they haven’t got it by now, they never will.
Also interesting (and not unusual) seeing the marches, the rage, the setting on fire of people’s businesses (again, expertly glossed over by the media) that the left have always tried to pass themselves off as caring, sharing, and understanding – setting up camp on the moral high ground. Right up until reality intervenes. Then they parade their thinly disguised hatred of everyone and anyone who doesn’t agree with them.
An excellent result for the direction of Brexit also.
November 10, 2016
I understand Nigel Farage wouldn’t be adverse to joining Trump’s team as UK/USA Ambassador to the EU. That’s about the best news I’ve heard since BREXIT and think he would probably do it for free for the first 100 days…
November 11, 2016
Wasn’t that just Farage banter?
November 10, 2016
“…and how he intends to alter US foreign policy towards the Middle East…”
It will be interesting to see whether or not he begins to resist the charms of Neoconservatism.
There’s an illuminating Wiki article about this doctrinaire policy; perhaps his phrase, “We’re going to put America first, again” may have a less obvious implication.
November 10, 2016
I bet Trump (nor anyone else including JR) is not going to tell us what the source is from which the energy consumption of the USA needs and what this means.
November 10, 2016
These comments by Tom Leonard, from the Mail print edition report 10 November on the Trump Quake are highly significant and should be heeded by our political class in the UK:
” Exit polls showed that ….Clinton failed to appeal to key voting blocs that had been expected to support her. They included Hispanics, African-Americans, young people, the poor and even fellow women. In each case she fared significantly worse than Obama in 2012. Even after a string of women accused him of groping them…..more white women voted for Mr Trump than did for Mrs Clinton. And despite being condemned as a racist…(Trump) picked up a greater proportion of the Hispanic vote than his predecessor, Mitt Romney, achieved in 2012…
One of his senior aides acknowledged the enormous influence of the Brexit campaign….Steve Bannon, Chief Executive of Mr Trump’s presidential campaign, said the Brexit vote had resounded (sic) with many of their supporters. “Nigel Farage is a hero to these people”, he told Breitbart News yesterday. He said the Brexit referendum had provided a “crucial omen” of how the vote would go on Tuesday as voters in rural areas and industrial towns opted for Mr Trump and told exit polls of their yearning for “real” political change….
In his victory, Mr Trump crushed not only the hopes of the Clinton dynasty to return to the White House but also Washington’s traditional two-party establishment. Many senior Republicans had openly disowned him and even said they were voting for Hillary but it barely seemed to matter to his supporters, who appeared equally alienated from both parties….”
November 11, 2016
One of the Republicans disowning Donald Trump is William Cohen. He was given a long interview with Ch 4’s Matt Frei on LBC last week explaining Donald’s unsuitability. Looking him up to find out why, it appears he has worked as Defence Sec for Bill Clinton more than working for the Republicans. He even started to negotiate with Russia when Boris Yeltsin was keen to join Nato. (1/2 waydown wiki). The defence industry would have lost out if that had gone ahead. Thank goodness we now have a re-armed Russia to confront when they threaten the new Nato countries. No wonder he voted for the moderate peacemonger, his friend Mrs Clinton.
November 10, 2016
A word from Rasmussen Reports, a key US political commentary site, apologising for their polling. These individuals will learn from their errors and from not listening to input from the voters. Hopefully the losers who refuse to accept reality will too.
Mea culpa, mea culpa” Rasmussen Reports
“Well, what can we say — we blew it.
We thought the signs pointed to Hillary Clinton winning the White House. We thought that even if she lost Florida, North Carolina, and Ohio, her Midwestern “firewall” of states that not only had voted for Barack Obama twice, but hadn’t voted for a Republican since the 1980s, would hold for her. It didn’t — Trump blew a hole in what we dubbed “Fortress Obama.”….
We heard for months from many of you, saying that we were underestimating the size of a potential hidden Trump vote and his ability to win. We didn’t believe it, and
WE WERE WRONG. The Crystal Ball is shattered. We’ll pick up the pieces starting next week as we try to unpack what happened in this election, where there was so much dramatic change from just four years ago.
We have a lot to learn, and we must make sure the Crystal Ball never has another year like this. This team expects more of itself, and we apologize to our readers for our errors”.
November 10, 2016
There’s even less reason for anyone to renege on Brexit now.
November 10, 2016
Simpsons writer says President Trump episode was ‘warning to US’
Writer of Bart to the Future episode, aired almost exactly 16 years ago, says idea was consistent with vision of US ‘going insane’
November 11, 2016
Meant as a warning, turned out to be a blueprint. A bit like 1984, New Speak now being the universal language. I doubt the Guardianista will learn the lesson though.
November 11, 2016
So now you’re cheering infrastructure spending even though you opposed HS2? If infrastructure spending pays in the US why haven’t private investors funded and organised such projects?
November 11, 2016
Nothing wrong with sensible infrastructure spending. A new Thames Crossing bridge would save thousands of man and vehicle hours. HS2 achieves little at great cost. The payback sums are baloney. US rail tracks and speeds are antiquated. Just new track and fast trains would be sensible.
November 11, 2016
Is there no end to Juncker’s stupidity ?
The BBC is reporting that he told a student audience in Luxembourg “We will need to teach the president-elect what Europe is and how it works,” .
He also said
“Intercontinental relations may be affected “in their foundation and in their structure.”
“If I understand properly, he thinks Belgium is a village somewhere on our continent”…
“My honest opinion? With Mr Trump, we are going to waste two years while he tours a world he doesn’t know.”
How on earth can leaders of the 27 continue to put up with this idiot in charge ? The EU needs the US and British defence unbrella more than ever with a rampant Putin knocking on the door to the East.
Perhaps Generalisimo Juncker is deliberately trying to get President Trump to withdraw military protection in order to enable his dream of commanding an EU army ?
Insulting the new leader of the free world would be a good way to go about it.
November 11, 2016
John, I have just watched BBC Newsnight. The BBC just do not get it. They MUST be made to disband. This nonsense cannot continue.