Free parking in Wokingham Borough car parks in Wokingham Town

I am pleased Wokingham Borough Council has agreed to remove car parking charges for shoppers going into Wokingham on the three week-ends before Christmas, beginning on 9th December. They have also announced that their car parks in the town will be free after 3 each day until the end of January.

I have been encouraging them to do something to help Town traders during the period of disruption with all the building works going on. This of course only applies to Council car parks.


  1. Narrow Shoulders
    December 6, 2017

    Hillingdon has done something similar. But only for its residents which is just. A good idea but surely demonstrates the value to the high street of no charges at any time

  2. alan jutson
    December 7, 2017

    Every Little helps !

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