I have made five speeches in the last two days and had a very busy schedule, so I have not been able to keep up with all these postings. Some bloggers are posting ten times a day, and some are writing very long essays. If you want to be moderated promptly keep down the volume and length.
Comments are closed.
February 1, 2018
A symptom of your own blogs success.
Problem is similar to service in the NHS, if you make it free at the point of use you have to add delay and waits to give any service, is that the scheduling challenge you have? lol. When there is a large demand for the political class to listen to ordinary people, and small avenues like this open up then sure people will use them.
Maybe you should just give the blog to lifelogic and you add a few comments now and again? He does after all generally write more copy for the blog than you.
Anyways good luck! Love, life and peace!
Just trying to make you smile…
February 1, 2018
And I still think you should return to covering intra company transfer visas, and their abuse, the lack of progress on the manifesto immigration promises, and generally speak honestly about a key issue with the electorate which the political class avoids talking about and routinely imposes the complete opposite of what the voters want, etc.
February 1, 2018
Astonished as ever by your industry, I hope you will not have to resort to barring all comments in future as a means of coping with the undue frequency and prolixity.
February 1, 2018
Agree wholeheartedly . Responders should be limited to one per day per blog .
February 2, 2018
@Bert Young; That would simply encourage long rants, perhaps even more off topic, rather than allowing debate.
The real answer to our hosts problem is either to change moderation, unlikely, or for our host to simply delete all off-topic branch forming comments, even more so from those who use this his site as their own personal (daily) Blog.
February 2, 2018
Just to add regarding off-topic posts, sorry John but excuses such as long comment length become gruelling to accept when (in the NHS article for example) a perfectly on-topic but perhaps politically uncomfortable comment of 382 words is still as yet unpublished (or deleted…) but a few comments down there is a totally off-topic comment of 583 words that has been published.
Workload or censorship, I know which one looks the more likely…
February 3, 2018
jerry: “sorry John but excuses such as long comment length become gruelling to accept .. ”
You don’t seem to understand how things are run around here.
You don’t have to accept ‘jack’, jerry. Just go some place else and flatulate.
Redwood, according to his account. Pays the cost of this web site himself, he doesn’t make excuses on his own web site, he makes rules.
February 3, 2018
@APL; It is you who doesn’t seem to understand how things are run around here, if our host wishes to ask me to stop posting he has my emaill address, or here can simply delete my comments, on the other hand if you do not like me posting comments here -tough.
February 3, 2018
jerry: ” if our host wishes to ask me to stop posting he has my emaill address, ”
So Redwood writes a general post to everyone>/b> that his workload is such that some responses to his posts may take longer to moderate.
That’s fine for everyone, but you. You need a personal email from Redwood.
You are precious, jerry.
February 4, 2018
@APL; Mr “Redwood writes a general post to everyone that his workload is such that some responses to his posts may take longer to moderate”, so you decided to troll me with personal abuse, thus adding to our hosts workload – talk about double standards!
February 4, 2018
jerry: “so you decided to troll me with personal abuse,”
That’s your speciality, jerry.
Stop projecting.
February 4, 2018
@APL; I’m not projecting at all, nor trolling, on the other hand the evidence against you is all in your own words and posts, such as in #comment-916702 (your “mummy” comment) further down of this URL – as I said, you love your double standards, trying to call me out for wasting our hosts time yet doing the same yourself.
February 1, 2018
Sorry and thanks
Best wishes.
February 1, 2018
I had assumed someone in your office did the moderating. I don’t know how you fit it in but thank you for giving myself the opportunity to express views.
February 2, 2018
Why don’ you put a limit of say six lines?
February 2, 2018
I bet a typical case of “extreme right-wing extremism.” Have their smart phones been inspected for links to British people? Do they “Follow” anyone born in the UK on Twitter?
“Five migrants shot in huge Calais brawl”.” Around 100 Eritreans and some 30 Afghans were caught up in the violence. It started when an Afghan fired shots, AFP said.”
February 2, 2018
Some dissertations are only 20,000 words. You could have BSc Hons in the science of bloggery.
February 2, 2018
Mr Redwood, the solution to this is in your own hands. I enjoy reading your posts but some of the respondents post lectures and rants. How you plough through all of this garbage defies belief . I no longer bother with the comments.
If a respondent cannot make an informative, coherent post in five lines then scrap it.
February 2, 2018
Hard doing succinct when Labour and SNP would respond with genuine conviction “W’a’ y’u mean by tha’?” Suck what?”
February 2, 2018
Could you introduce a rule that posts containg complaints about moderation time do not get published?
The pomposity of these contributors becomes less amusing by the post.
February 2, 2018
Give us 50 words per day – that’d be a great exercise in precis! It would certainly cool a rant if each word has to be assessed!
Thank you for yours – always a pleasure.
February 2, 2018
Sorry, will try to me more brief. Keep up the good work.
February 2, 2018
JR, the practical problem is that when any carefully researched and developed argument is compressed to a few lines then it may become a mere unsubstantiated assertion. If you only want short unsubstantiated assertions, with gratuitous insults thrown in, then of course you can have them by the score from the trolls who infest the comments on this blog.
February 3, 2018
lighten up Dennis , this is not like you .You always give a good read, but so does John and it must take a lot of his time. Remember there is always someone trying to out power another by bringing them down. This is the only defence they have. Don’t join them.
Reply I do give Dennis huge space, and accept that some of his pieces are well researched and useful. Dennis needs to remember this is my website, not his
February 2, 2018
Perhaps don’t blog everyday if you’re so busy.
Reply I have enough time to write my own contributions!
February 2, 2018
@JR reply; Indeed, but does every post need to ask for comments, indeed did this post in all reality, you were stating a fact, not an opinion!
February 2, 2018
Now that we know the ‘Steel dossier’ was the sole basis for the allegations and investigation into the alleged ( we can now say fabricated ) accusations of ‘collusion with Russia’, to what extent do you think this scandal may have damaged our relationship with the USA administration?
I note you declined to publish my previous and similar question.
February 3, 2018
@APL; Allegations about allegations about some other allegations….
What is there to comment on, other than to ask were to find a darkened room to lie down in for an hour or two!
February 3, 2018
“were to find a darkened room to lie down in for an hour or two!”
Jerry, your darkened room is where it’s always been, in your mum’s basement, don’t forget to ask her to make you a hottie water bottle, when she brings you your newly pressed PJs.
February 3, 2018
@APL; Those sorts of comments always say far more about the writer than it does the recipient or anyone else.
February 3, 2018
jerry: “Those sorts of comments always say far more about the writer”
Your lack of self awareness is magnificent, jerry.
February 4, 2018
@APL; What ever, unlike you I do read the daily mirror.
February 4, 2018
jerry: “unlike you I do read the daily mirror.”
And that, explains everything.
You should move on from the ‘Dick and Dora’ of newspapers to something with words of more than two syllables. Try the Guardian.
February 3, 2018
I hope you have found the time to study Dr North’s the Efta/EEA solution to Brexit. May I remind you as a supporter of yours over many years that the window of opportunity is fast vanishing to formulate a strategy that bridges the gap between playing politics and reality. Are you sure your Brexit strategy is correct?. Are you sure?. Are you really sure your assumptions are correct?. Have you overestimated the scope of the WTO option? If you have made a wrong turn its never too late to turn back ?.
For if you have called this wrong and the government falls and Mr Corbyn takes charge history will judge you harshly …that would be far worse than losing a small amount of face and admitting that North might have a point and tempering your position accordingly.
February 10, 2018
The scope of the WTO option? everyone outside the EU bubble seems to be trading
quite satisfactorily under WTO rules…