Airbus will need UK wings to fly

Brexit is no threat to Airbus. The UK will willingly honour its contracts to supply the wings.


  1. Mark B
    June 22, 2018

    Good morning – yet again.

    BREXIT is about governance not trade. No business should be greatly affected.

    Leaving the EU is about settling our affairs not trying to re-engineer EU 2.0 / EU-LITE.

    1. Denis Cooper
      June 22, 2018

      Brexit is about governance because the EU is about governance above all else. It is primarily a political, or rather geopolitical, project. That is why it cannot have a free market in goods, services and capital, trade, without simultaneously insisting on the free movement of persons, migration, and indeed why that market is more properly termed the EU’s “internal” market, and why there are signs at EU headquarters about “Europe” being our country, and why an organisation which some delude themselves is economic in nature needs to have its own diplomatic service and would very much like to have its own army …

    2. Stephen Priest
      June 22, 2018

      According to the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation this morning all businesses will go to China, including Airbus. They fail to point out that China, of course, doesn’t even have a trade deal with the EU.

      Good luck Airbus building part of your planes in Europe, and leaving your wings to be built in (still) Communist China. Very soon China will be building their very own version of Airbus, at a no doubt crash down price.

    3. NickC
      June 22, 2018

      Talking to my source in the banking industry, he said the banks already have multiple options in place. They all have offices in many EU countries anyway, and will just channel work to suit the final deal with the EU, if there is one.

      They are not fazed about Brexit, nor a WTO deal, and they have no need for a “transition”. They are bothered about the government dithering, because it stops them implementing their strategy, which hinders their non-Brexit work.

      1. libertarian
        June 22, 2018


        Quite right and the banks are also totally fed up with the stupid MIFID2 regulations. If the EU aren’t careful they will find themselves marginalised into a backwater of the world

        1. Richard1
          June 23, 2018

          I haven’t made up my mind about MIFID 2 other than that any set of regs with 1m paras is obviously absurd as no one can knowingly comply with it all. Have you seen any proper assessment?

          1. libertarian
            June 24, 2018


            No I haven’t seen a proper assessment as most are still too busy wading through the 12,000 pages of rules

      2. Mark B
        June 22, 2018

        Well said.

  2. Lifelogic
    June 22, 2018

    Indeed providing government and the EU does not decide to get in the way, as they so often foolishly do.

    1. Lifelogic
      June 22, 2018

      But who would want to remain ruled within the anti-democratic and essentially socialist EU by bureaucrats who clearly are not negotiating in good faith nor even in the genuine interests of the 27.

  3. Andy
    June 22, 2018

    Don’t panic Mr Mainwaring!

    The good news is that the 14,000 people who work for Airbus – and 100,000 others in the supply chain – are largely highly trained engineers.

    So when their jobs go they’ll be plenty well qualified to pick fruit, where – thanks to your Brexit – there are huge labour shortages.

    Fancy a strawberry? Oh no, sorry, wait – it’s rotting on a bush.

    1. Denis Cooper
      June 22, 2018

      Any idea how many people in the UK change their jobs in a typical year?

      “The UK labour market is incredibly dynamic, and would adapt quickly to changed relationships with the EU. Prior to the financial crisis, the UK saw on average 4 million jobs created and 3.7 million jobs lost each year – i.e. there is substantial churn of jobs at any given time. Indeed, the annual creation and destruction of jobs is almost exactly the same scale as the estimated 3-4 million jobs that are associated with exports to EU actors.”

    2. Dave Andrews
      June 22, 2018

      Airbus’s announcement betrays a lack of enterprise on the part of their management, and sounds more like a political statement rather than one based on Brexit.
      As to engineering jobs under threat, I am more worried about lower cost production overseas, where the workers can be paid less than UK workers have to pay just on their housing costs. Brexit is a minor detail.

      1. Know-Dice
        June 22, 2018

        Agreed, I suspect we will next hear that the EU is offering Airbus cheap money to move production to Turkey…not for the first time…

      2. Bob
        June 22, 2018

        @Dave Andrews

        “sounds more like a political statement “

        that question was put to the Airbus CEO on R4 Toady program this morning, and I thought that’s a bit challenging coming from a BBC presenter! but Tom Williams didn’t miss a beat and came back with what sounded like a scripted response about being an engineer not a politician.

        It was almost as if the presenter was a stooge just setting up rehearsed questions. I reckon the Remainers are pulling out all of the stops now.

    3. Prigger
      June 22, 2018

      Highly trained engineers with mortgages, car loans, parents, siblings and grandparents in the UK with children in school with friends and exams. Who speak English!!!!
      In the EU there are of course highly trained engineers skilled in aircraft production hanging about doing nothing wishing. “If only I had a highly skilled job with a salary Ii could move the wife and kids out of this shoe box in the middle of the road sleep in a real bed and not have to eat thrown away chips.”
      Wake up Andy! It’s time to go to school!

    4. Bob
      June 22, 2018

      Why do you think there will be labour shortages?
      Have you never heard of temporary work visas?

      As usual, you’re inventing imaginary problems where none exist.

    5. onceuponatime
      June 22, 2018

      Not to worry Andy..a majority of those engineers will be offered opportunities with Airbus in France Germany etc..fruit picking will have to be left to the fruit pickers

    6. Denis Cooper
      June 22, 2018

      Seems they could keep their jobs if they were prepared to relocate to China.

      That’s China, Andy, China; not Spain or Germany or Poland or any of the other 27 EU countries; so not in the vital EU Customs Union, Andy, nor in the crucial EU Single Market; so perhaps you could explain to us why the UK having “no deal”with the EU would be so much worse than China having “no deal” with the EU.

    7. Richard1
      June 22, 2018

      Machines will pick the strawberries

      1. Denis Cooper
        June 22, 2018

        Hopefully, most likely with artificial intelligence to refine their operation. Then it will become a question of whether growers are willing and able to invest in the machines rather than relying on cheap foreign labour for hand picking.

    8. Beecee
      June 22, 2018

      Unless you are constipated, rotting on the strawberry bush is the best place to leave them!

      Other than to deer, they are Remainers!

    9. Anonymous
      June 22, 2018

      I agree. It’s all a mess.

      Why ?

      Because a Remainer got put in charge of Brexit and threw away our Ace cards, namely:

      – a parliamentary majority (lost on the offering of a socialist manifesto)

      – loss of monies up front in billions promised to the EU, unconditional to any deal and before negotiations had finished

      and now

      – the prospect of no deal off the table (walking away)

      Well done Remain ! You won.

      My only solace ? Andy and Newmania appear to be stuck here to suffer with us because their alleged talents are obviously not much in demand elsewhere.

      (I don’t buy it that you’re rich, Andy and nor does anyone else here it seems.)

    10. Lifelogic
      June 22, 2018

      Could be get a few sensible engineers into parliament and government please. Instead of all those foolish PPE graduates, lawyers and greencrap priests?

      1. David Price
        June 22, 2018

        Why would any sensible engineer wish to waste their time, energy and life dealing with such people? Engineers are not respected in this country as it is, you’d have to be a masochist to double down and be a politician as well.

    11. NickC
      June 22, 2018

      Andy, Strawberries don’t grow on bushes. Airbus has plants and suppliers from all over the world including the USA, China, and S.Korea. So clearly Airbus is not particular about buying only from the EU’s internal market. Try again, Andy.

    12. a-tracy
      June 22, 2018

      Andy, do the French really want to start a trade war with the UK, I honestly don’t think so, how to do you Citroen or Peugeot and others would fair if our jobs and economy were damaged like this. There is nothing that generates forward momentum for change and improvement when people get cornered and have to find solutions.

      Everyone in the EU keeps telling Trump don’t be stupid they should take their own advice.

      1. Andy
        June 22, 2018

        Why are you all getting cross with me?

        YOU voted for trade barriers with the EU.

        YOU voted for more red tape.

        YOU voted for job losses.

        That is what Brexit means.

        I’m sorry if none of your realised that.

        But that’s your fault, not mine.

        Perhaps it was written on the other side of the bus?

        1. a-tracy
          June 22, 2018

          I’m not cross at all? What makes you think I’m cross? You’re the one that is cross all the time.

          I’m just pointing out that I read the EU warning Trump against starting trade wars yet they want to start one with the UK.

          It’s a good thing we maintained good sensible relations with Ireland when they went independent from the UK. We came to their rescue even though we aren’t in the Euro with 7bn bailout on low interest and no repayment terms, we allowed them free movement and didn’t play childish games.

        2. Anonymous
          June 22, 2018

          I explain my position at 11.54.

          What I didn’t vote for was trade barriers and a continuation of EU rule.

        3. NickC
          June 22, 2018

          Andy, Why are you so cross with us?

          YOU voted for more trade barriers with the rest of the world.

          YOU voted for more red tape from the EU.

          YOU voted for more impoverishment due to EU corruption, inefficiency and protectionism.

          YOU voted for the UK to continue as a vassal of the EU.

          YOU voted for your children to serve and die in the EU military.

          YOU voted to make voting meaningless.

          That’s what Remain means.

          I’m sorry you missed it. Perhaps it was written on the other side of the Remain pamphlet assuring us we got ÂŁ10 back for every ÂŁ1 we put into the EU?

          1. hans christian ivers
            June 24, 2018


            Are you sure you know what a vasal state really is?

          2. NickC
            June 24, 2018

            Hans, Yes I know what a vassal state is. I have no idea what a vasal state is though. Thank you.

        4. Woody
          June 22, 2018

          I stopped reading and started laughing at your suggestion that leaving the eurocracy would result in more red tape.

          1. Andy
            June 24, 2018

            Yet every suggestion the Brexiteers have come up with, for every problem their Brexit creates, requires more bureaucracy – not less


          2. Edward2
            June 24, 2018

            Like tariff free trade and no borders.
            You do write some nonsense Andy

    13. libertarian
      June 22, 2018

      Dont panic Andy they won’t take your fruit picking job, BAE systems are recruiting highly skilled engineers and there are 27,157 other engineering jobs being advertised as vacant today

      You wont keep your picking job for long though Andy as more soft fruit picking is done by robots and apples are vacuumed off trees.

      You really have been living in a cave for the last few years haven’t you. Do you really not have any clue whats going on around you?

      By the way Boeing has just opened its very first overseas plant…. In Sheffield so I guess , the Airbus engineers could work there . Airbus might come under a bit of pressure dont you think from the increased competition

      Lets recap Andy’s arguments

      We will lose 100,000’s jobs due to Brexit

      There will be massive labour shortages due to Brexit

      Andy thinks strawberries grow on bushes ( they dont ) so he couldn’t even qualify for a job picking them

      Oh my word…..

      1. APL
        June 24, 2018

        Libertarian: “Andy thinks strawberries grow on bushes .. ”

        Now that, was just cruel.

    14. rose
      June 24, 2018

      Strawberries grow on forbs, not bushes. Have you never noticed?

  4. Caterpillar
    June 22, 2018

    Following on from the CBI’s generic comments about industry and the CU, the Airbus ‘threat’ to leave is just another confirmation that the EU customs union is about trade diversion and not about free trade creation.

    1. Robert Branch
      June 22, 2018

      Brexit is no threat to Airbus? Not what the company’s executives say but then again this country doesn’t listen to experts any more. Plenty more manufacturing jobs to go I suspect but don’t worry we’ll dream up something other than Brexit to blame. Bank of England probably.

      1. Denis Cooper
        June 22, 2018

        According to their risk assessment, any change at all could potentially be a threat to Airbus:

        “Any change in customs procedures, logistics and environmental standards would have major industrial and cost impact.”

        Taking that literally, it could be argued that they may have gone too far in the optimisation of their operations for the existing situation and have left themselves with too little flexibility to deal with changes.

      2. libertarian
        June 24, 2018

        Robert Branch

        Its not Brexit thats a threat to Airbus… Its more likely the threat posed by Boeing who are opening a manufacturing plant, making components for wings…. In Sheffield.

    2. hans christian ivers
      June 22, 2018

      interesting observation but fundamentally faulty

      1. Caterpillar
        June 22, 2018

        Hans, how is it fundamentally faulty, if you don’t wish to look at data, just look at the countries that lost trade with the UK as it disappeared behind the CU. Also look at the general global fall in barriers … which POTUS challenged the G7 to take further and the G7 didn’t support, and finally look at the how much the barriers against UK services haven’t fallen.

        Please clarify your faulty.

    3. Lifelogic
      June 22, 2018

      Indeed the EU is certainly not about free trade nor any real democracy that is clear.

  5. ChrisS
    June 22, 2018

    My disgust with every facet of the European establishment grows by the day.
    This naked threat from Airbus is nothing more than a political statement from a deeply political organisation.

    If Airbus decide to move wing production from the UK, they will be doing it to save money by moving it to somewhere like China which, last time I looked, was also outside the Single Market and Customs Union and isn’t going to apply to join anytime soon.

    Politically Airbus couldn’t get away with transferring production of parts from France to China to save money but the UK is now fair game and a move would probably even be encouraged from Berlin and Paris. But if it happens, let’s be sure, it would be purely about money and nothing to do with any supply problems caused by Brexit.

  6. Pragmatist
    June 22, 2018

    Any accommodation with the USA and China regarding their arguments in trade ..which is bound to happen, will inevitably mean more bought Boeings and less bought Airbus. The latter company may need our state support in order to continue flying over the storm. It should shut its exhaust pipe. We hear too much from it.

  7. Denis Cooper
    June 22, 2018

    Airbus is one the 6% of UK businesses which export about 12% of UK GDP to the rest of the EU, which successive eurocentric UK governments have awarded a privileged position vis-a-vis the rest of the country, economy and population.

    At present we all have to obey EU laws for the convenience of that small minority of companies, and obviously most of them want to protect their vested interests.

    Last month I mentioned this report:

    “Brexit: Customs and Regulatory Arrangements in the Future Partnership Agreement”

    and noted on page 15:

    “businesses who export to the EU tell us that it is strongly in their interest to have a single set of regulatory standards that mean they can sell into the UK and EU markets.”

    There in a nutshell is the fundamental philosophical fallacy which has underlain our mistaken involvement with the EU’s politically driven “single market” model right from the start, that it is perfectly in order for a 12% tail to wag the whole UK dog.

    And now the government’s even sillier idea is that a 0.1% tail, the goods crossing the land border into the Irish Republic, should be allowed to wag the whole UK dog.

    1. Jason wells
      June 22, 2018

      Denis regards the Irish reap what you sew

      1. Cynic
        June 23, 2018

        It certainly is a stitch up.

  8. Sir Joe Soap
    June 22, 2018

    Airbus sales. 22% in Europe, 78% outside Europe.

    So they manage to sell far more outside the EU than within it but suddenly get scared when their suppliers want to leave the cabal. Sounds like a political regime rather than a business.

    Try Global sourcing, Airbus, to match your Global sales!

  9. Steve N
    June 22, 2018

    Some facts:

    The UK CAA stated from Day 1 that UK will remain part of the European Aviation Safety Agency after Brexit so Airbus’s regulation will not change.
    EASA was created primarily for Airbus to standardize regulation across EASA member states.

    EASA includes Switzerland that is not a member of the EU.

    Commercial aircraft parts have historically been free of UK customs tarifs.

    So Airbus’s problem is????

    1. Denis Cooper
      June 22, 2018

      Airbus, and others in a similar position, have gradually got it all nicely sorted out and they don’t want the trouble of making changes to adapt to a new legal and practical environment. Call it vested interests, call it innate conservatism, but the other side of the coin is that about 94% of UK businesses do not export to the EU and yet they have all been made subject to EU regulations. Which inevitably has a cost to our economy, which some suggest could be comparable to the 1% of GDP we are said to have gained by the creation of the EU Single Market.

      1. Lifelogic
        June 23, 2018

        Exactly. Airbus should be lobbying the EU not the UK government. It is they who seem to want to put obstacles in the way after all.

    2. Andy
      June 22, 2018

      It’s not about tariffs – and never has been.

      It’s about non-tariff barriers.

      Margaret Thatcher understood the damage these did when she created the single market.

      Those claiming to act in her name still haven’t figured it out.

      You voted out of the EU rules and regulations which facilitate seemless trade.

      You voted for trade barriers.

      It’s not anyone else’s fault if you did not understand this.

      1. Edward2
        June 24, 2018

        Youve never exported into Europe have you andy?
        Because I can tell you it not “seemless” nor simple.
        My experience is that it is easier to export to America or the Far East or Australia.
        Who voted for trade barriers?
        Answer no one did.

      2. libertarian
        June 24, 2018


        Try selling some services into Germany then get back to me about non tariff barriers

        I sell a particular service into Brazil , Spain & Japan … Of the 3 Spain is by far the hardest

        You’ve never exported have you Andy , in fact I dont believe you even have a business

        1. hans christian ivers
          June 26, 2018


          Happy to help you in Germany have never had any problems selling services in Germany

          1. libertarian
            June 27, 2018


            Well first you’d have to come up with the money to buy a licence to operate in Germany for my service, a licence that German companies dont have to have or pay for . Then you’d have to price in the extra regulations that I have to comply with that German companies dont. Baring in mind you also haven’t got a clue about hi tech services , thanks for the offer , but I’ll turn it down…

            The issue isn’t if its a problem… there are always things to be overcome in trading , its the lie that there is a seamless, internal , “free market”. There isn’t and never has been

      3. NickC
        June 24, 2018

        Andy, You have been repeatedly told that Margaret Thatcher did not “create[d] the single market”, but you never seem to learn. She wanted the EU’s single market to be based on mutual recognition; and she absolutely rejected the centralisation inherent in the EU’s internal market plan. See her memoirs and her 1988 Bruges speech – which set in motion her downfall by europhiles within the Tory party – for proof.

  10. Ken Moore
    June 22, 2018

    Unfortunately there are no WTO rules that force the Eu to recognise CAA certificates. Pretending that Brexit is no threat to Airbus is just wishful thinking.

    What Jon Redwood should have done is support membership of the EEA allowing the Uk time to leave the EU in a meaningful way. He’s now painted himself into a corner regarding a no deal solution that is completely unworkable.

    1. NickC
      June 22, 2018

      Ken Moore, Actually signing the EEA agreement doesn’t force the EU to recognise CAA certificates either. EASA and CAA are quite separate from “threats to Airbus” (presumably you mean Airbus UK, not Airbus SE). Airbus as a group operates in, buys from, and sells to, multiple countries. It is therefore quite used to different border, customs and aviation regimes.

    2. Denis Cooper
      June 22, 2018

      And you would have us stuck in the EEA forever. If the absence of any means to force the EU to recognise CAA certificates is a fatal problem now, why would it cease to be a fatal problem some years down the line when we decided that we wanted to move on from the EEA? It would just be kicking that can down the road: then we would have Airbus warning that leaving the EEA would be a serious problem, rather than as now when they are warning that leaving the EU will be a serious problem, but they would still be resisting the change as a threat to their business.

    3. Mark B
      June 22, 2018

      I agree.

  11. stred
    June 22, 2018

    The threat to the aviation and motor and space industry is that our so-called friends will remove manufacturing equipment to the EU and offer skilled workers jobs there. If there is a threat that this will be the case, as they are clearly threatening in the case of the satellite makers- by still not allowing tenders on the grounds of security, then the government should step in and nationalise these factories. In the case of satellites, they should put a security order on staff not to work for a foreign power which is developing its forces and withdraw our unconditional offer to participate. Work with the US and Canada instead and put a 40% tariff on Airbus.

    1. hefner
      June 22, 2018

      Only thinly related: I cannot help but find funny those people becoming apoplectic about the announcements by Airbus and Galileo but who would otherwise have been rightly satisfied with the Five Eyes intelligence sharing between US and CANZUK.

      1. stred
        June 24, 2018

        The latter are trustworty.

  12. Edward2
    June 22, 2018

    Ive read the Chaiman of Airbus’ recent speeches.
    He is worried about the possibilities of increased customs paperwork and possibilities of reduced worker mobility.
    He wants clarity.
    Well I suggest he talks to the EU Commission because the UK have already said they do not want any non tariff barriers nor any restrictions on European company employees moving to and from the UK.
    It is the EU that are delaying sorting these issues.

    1. backofanenvelope
      June 22, 2018

      He should be talking to the French government, not the UK one. They could try reining the Frenchman Barnier.

  13. Peter VAN LEEUWEN
    June 22, 2018

    No wings better than bad wings? 🙂
    It could get worse if another third country (even South Korea) were considered a more stable wing-supplier than a so much politically disunited UK. Maybe this no-deal is not a path to be endeavoured by the purist Brexiteers.

    1. mancunius
      June 22, 2018

      As Verhofstadt made clear in his HoC hearing this week, it is the outcome the EU fears will most harm the EU economy.
      A no-deal will be the result of continued purblind intransigence by the EU negotiators. They’re the ones you ought to be talking to, if the matter interests you and your own country at all.

      1. Peter VAN LEEUWEN
        June 22, 2018

        @mancunius: I’m afraid you lack understanding about the single markets and the four freedoms. The Dutch would never put those in danger for the sake of some export to the UK. Actually, neither would Verhofstadt or Ireland or Belgium or Germany. Intransigence almost sounds like “disobedience”, but the days of the B.E. are long past. The UK decides to leave and become a third country, like Canada. Then please stick to that.

        1. Roy Grainger
          June 22, 2018

          A carefully chosen list of countries. Why didn’t you mention Hungary, Poland, Austria ?

        2. NickC
          June 22, 2018

          PvL, The EU is an artificial political entity based on merely an ideology. It has no roots in people or nations. You put your political construct above ordinary day to day life and trade. Intransigence of course sounds nothing like disobedience, that is a quirk of your psychology. But we do stand amazed at your perseverance in the face of previous ideological disasters on the continent.

          1. Peter VAN LEEUWEN
            June 23, 2018

            @NickC: in order to understand better, you might try and read a good continental book about Europe, e.g. ‘Passage to Europe’ and you’ll find out that the the whole process has been far more complex than usually imagined.

        3. mancunius
          June 23, 2018

          ‘Intransigence almost sounds like “disobedience”’
          Nowhere near, I’m afraid. You should buy a dictionary.

    2. NickC
      June 22, 2018

      PvL, With endemic corruption, bad banks, hidden subsidies, up to around 40% youth unemployment, and a currently unworkable EMU, the rest of the world may be considering whether buying from the unstable and politically disunited EU is sensible either.

      1. hans christian ivers
        June 24, 2018


        I would follow Peter’s recommendations if I were in your shoes

        1. NickC
          June 24, 2018

          Hans, The difference is I don’t really care if you follow a corrupt undemocratic ideology, odd though it seems; but you seem incensed that we have the temerity to pursue our independence. If you want to know why we are doing this, I would follow John Redwwood’s recommendations if I were in your shoes. Otherwise mind your own business.

          1. hans christian ivers
            June 26, 2018

            you are so full of compliments thank you so much

  14. Ken Moore
    June 22, 2018

    Why are we handing a blank cheque to the NHS. Waste is still rife.

    And how is miniscule GDP growth which is probably attributable to nothing more than the spending of borrowed money going to pay for it. Real incomes and prosperity are in decline so raising taxes is just going to make the situation worse.
    What a mess…time to resign and fight them as an independent ?.

    1. Lifelogic
      June 23, 2018

      “Waste”? It is rather worse than that, mass industrial “life shortening” as they euphemistically call it.

  15. Newmania
    June 22, 2018

    I have no idea what that remark is supposed to mean , does anyone know ?

    It isn`t just air bus going of course, that has long been foreseen , it is motor manufacturing Banking Insurance Pharmaceuticals, High Tech and then we get into the real question which is economies of scale and the “tipping point”.
    We can already see the UK will be structurally weaker and poorer form this point ( whatever else we do), that is the benign result . If I take the example of Insurance , no-one can now set up in the UL if they are a Europe facing business. That will create a new center but that new center will create its own energy and the process becomes self reinforcing.

    What Politicians like Mr Redwood do not understand is that we are in competition . It is no good having an environment that is not that much worse . You have to be the best
    For John Redwood life is about talking and narratives , for us it is about results customers and competition and when you lose you cannot talk your way out of it

    Reply As always you cannot avoid the false personal insults. I have led manufacturing companies here in the Uk and been able to trade with the rest of the world just fine despite the EU Customs Union, so clearly can trade with them once out of the Customs Union.

    1. NickC
      June 22, 2018

      Newmania, So, consequential on your guesses about the future behaviour of all businesses, your opinion is either that we cannot leave the EU, or that we dare not leave the EU? How do you account for the rest of the world that is not in the EU, then? Or is the UK unique in being unable to prosper without the grip of Nurse?

    2. libertarian
      June 22, 2018


      Just making stuff up and posting it doesn’t form a coherent debate.

      No motor manufacturer has left the UK , No pharma company has left the UK, No banking company has left the UK ( indeed Goldman Sachs & Bloomberg who were both big remain supporters ) are both building brand new HQ buildings…. In London

      City of London jobs have RISEN 13% since the referendum, there are 749,000 unfilled jobs in the UK .

      London is the NUMBER ONE High Tech city in the World. The UK is a world leader in Digital and tech no other EU country is even on the same page .

      The EU meanwhile being run by a bunch of out of touch failed politicians hasnt a clue about High tech. Not content with shooting itself in one foot with the GDPR regulations , it’s got to blow off both feet.

      It’s banning memes and taxing links to content.( A13) Really.

      Well that worked well in Spain didn’t it….not

      This is why you don’t let organisations like the EU that can’t do Internet regulate the Internet.

    3. Anonymous
      June 22, 2018

      It is no good being rich if we are obliged to take in limitless numbers of the EU’s poor.

      Many in our population (mainly young) are finding themselves poor and are being indoctrinated to hate their parents for it.

  16. Sakara Gold
    June 22, 2018

    This is just another instance of the EU threatening to pinch highly skilled and lucrative manufacturing supply jobs from us.

    Who is this chap Barnier anyway? Who is pulling his strings? He reminds me of an MoD ex-civil servant of my aquaintance, who always had a reason why his department just could not implement efficiency reforms, saving waste and taxpayers money – rather than negotiating a compromise acceptable to both parties.

  17. Richard1
    June 22, 2018

    The largest owners of this company are the French and German governments. I assume this antic is therefore a well choreographed element in the pre-negotiation pressure. The right response is to smile politely and make clear there is a perfectly good walk away option.

    I continue to think a Swiss style EFTA arrangement would be best, especially now it seems there is pressure building up within the EU for modification of free movement. It ought to be possible to get an agreement which satisfies the requirements of Brexit and keeps remainers happy enough once they’ve seen there is no practical difference in the way lives are lived.

    1. mancunius
      June 22, 2018

      Efta is not at all what it was when we were members of it, before we joined the EEC. The EU has subsumed Efta as an integral part of the EEA – it not only guarantees free movement area as a ‘core right’ throughout the ’31 EEA countries’, but also enforces mutual recognition of professional qualifications, and enforces the access of any migrant to *all* social security benefits without further payment in the country they move to.
      In other words, it is the EU but without a membership vote. The Swiss are in a constant battle against their own pro-EU politicians to defend themselves against the anti-social effects of their EU agreement.
      We have to understand the EU once and for all. It is a crypto-superstate bent on dominating any country within reach of its tentacles.

      From the Efta website on how new laws are introduced:
      “Decision shaping is the phase of preparatory work undertaken by the European Commission to draw up new legislative proposals. The EEA Agreement contains provisions for input from the EEA EFTA side at various stages before new legislation is adopted.” (And jolly good luck with that!)

      1. libertarian
        June 23, 2018


        Personally if it was up to me I would negotiate an FTA with NAFTA then ask individual European countries who would like to join us in an FTA, just blank the EU.

    2. Denis Cooper
      June 22, 2018

      Apart from the objections we may have, the EU hates the Swiss arrangements and is very unlikely to agree to anything similar for the UK.

  18. NigelR
    June 22, 2018

    Airbus can have any wings they like so long as they are made somewhere else..we voted to leave and if airbus doesn’t like it then well- too bad

  19. George Brooks
    June 22, 2018

    What a twisted report by the BBC on the Airbus today. For starters, who for heaven’s sake has been delaying the trade talks? Airbus say they have been talking to the government. Hasn’t it dawned on them that they might get better results by talking to Barnier and getting him and his team to pull their finger out and stop delaying the whole Brexit process.

    1. Lenin
      June 22, 2018

      They know that. These people are extremely intelligent. Whether they deserve UK trade is another matter after Brexit. They should think about their future. Book their flights, buy accommodation abroad, re-school their children in an appropriate school in Hungary, or Austria, Poland…Cyprus, Slovenia, Albania

  20. English Pensioner
    June 22, 2018

    I remember that quite a number of companies announced that they would be leaving the UK if we didn’t join the Euro.
    Is there a list of those who actually left for that reason?

  21. Simon
    June 22, 2018

    The UK does not manufacture Airbus wings or anything else. The UK is not a manufacturer.

    Reply How do you explain two large factories with thousands of employees working on Airbus wings in the UK then?

    1. libertarian
      June 22, 2018


      Oh dear…. You better letter the UK manufacturing Society know this… They will be shocked to find out that according to the expert Simon we aren’t the Worlds 8th largest manufacturing nation… apparently we dont make anything…

      1. Simon
        June 22, 2018

        The UK is a country. It produces nothing. Production is carried out by businesses. JR’s statement is complete nonsense. The UK has no contract to deliver airbus wings or anything else.

        1. Edward2
          June 22, 2018

          I do love a good old eccentric.
          Very UK.

        2. libertarian
          June 23, 2018


          Ah OK , I see where you’re coming from. Agree

  22. Peter Wood
    June 22, 2018

    Good Morning,

    As an aside to the aviation issue, the scaremongering that ‘airlines will be grounded after Brexit date’; it might be interesting for those worried just to look at the North Atlantic airways between Europe and North America, and see how many go through Sovereign British airspace…. Don’t be fooled by those crying wolf.

    1. hefner
      June 22, 2018

      FlightRadar24 would make your point much better.

  23. Nig l
    June 22, 2018

    Airbus regularly supported Project Fear with comments that turned out to be baseless. This is just an intervention timed to help TM and PH in their quest to stay beholden to the EU.

  24. CharlesV
    June 22, 2018

    A two sentence post which completely misses the point being made by the company concerned.

    It is a threat to airbus if there is no deal. As is the case to all sorts of industries and businesses.

    Brexit will be reversed and we will be back in the EU in no time if the detail is got wrong or not agreed.

    Pretending none of the detail matters destroys your credibility.

    1. Sir Joe Soap
      June 22, 2018

      It’s the big picture and the long-term picture which is important, not just “will overseas company x which has political prejudices employ y workers in the UK after Brexit?”

      Look at the big picture, for goodness sake. Most of the world isn’t in the EU. The UK will be around as a sovereign entity long after the EU is dead and buried, morphed into some Franco-German alliance which subjugates those states around it, which themselves border on the outside world and take the world’s refugees to service the alliance.

      I don’t want to be part of that, Airbus in the UK or no Airbus in the UK.

  25. Just in time
    June 22, 2018

    Oh dear. Did you read the actual report Airbus released?

    If you had you would know that its not just about the customs union. Its equally about the single market. And the impediments to trade that being outside both creates.

    I’m not sure what point John Redwood is attempting to make either about honouring contracts to Airbus. But as someone very closely involved with a multinational manufacturer providing a similar level of jobs here in the UK, both directly and indirectly, I can assure you that we are even further down the line in terms of mitigating the risk to our UK business that the governments position creates for us. We just haven’t gone public.

    Reply So how could Airbus get wings from China who are clearly outside the EU?

    1. hefner
      June 22, 2018

      JR, Just proving that having been in some previous life the Chairman of some manufacturing entities does not guarantee that your views are today relevant for all other entities presently competing internationally.

      1. Eh?
        June 23, 2018

        Has it occurred to you why China buys what for it are extremely technologically advanced machines from abroad?

      2. libertarian
        June 23, 2018


        Having never run anything of any kind does qualify you though… laughable

        Just in Time

        Maybe you would have been better off being more closely involved with actually reading Airbus report…. Because it ACTUALLY says withdrawing further investment which is a meaningless statement , the rest is just typical click bait from the politicians and media.

        Who ever you are “closely involved “with in manufacturing needs to get rid of you and get in someone with a better understanding because you clearly are talking through your hat. ALL large scale manufacturers deal on a global basis , the EU internal market is a small part of that

        Statement on the home page of Airbus website

        “A fair and balanced trade environment and an integrated and smoothly-functioning GLOBAL supply chain is the foundation of the global aviation industry. Airbus’ position has always been: no one wins in a trade conflict and all benefit from global open markets ”

        Airbus uses a global supply chain, mostly outside the EU internal market….

    2. libertarian
      June 22, 2018


      78% of Airbus business is OUTSIDE the EU…. are they giving that up then?

    3. Just in time
      June 22, 2018

      I assume they would make the wings for the Airbus planes locally assembled in China (A320’s). Good local suppliers across ASEAN so no issues there. Cheaper labour. And in the fastest growing travel market.

      The majority will go to Germany which is their second production hub. R&D and IP will likeswise shift to the the EU.

      The point is there are plenty of compelling alternatives.

      1. libertarian
        June 23, 2018


        But but but you just told us it was being outside the EU internal market that was the “impediment to business ” . China is NOT in the EU…

        Yes there are compelling alternatives…. Boeing for example

        Boeing announced in February 2017 that it plans to open a production facility in Sheffield, United Kingdom, to manufacture high-tech components for Boeing’s Next-Generation 737, 737 MAX and 777 aircraft. These actuation system components will be used on the trailing edge of wings of these models.

    4. Simon
      June 22, 2018

      So John – now obviously an expert on aviation manufacture – where are the component parts that go into these wings made, who makes them and what certifications do they need ?

  26. Lenin on a lamppost
    June 22, 2018

    Remoaner MPs are supplying literally endless entertainment and laughs for Brexiteers. They lost the vote 23rd June 2016 and absolutely every vote by elected people since.

    We have the sight of “Left-Wing” remoaners hanging on every garbled fat-lipped slobbering word from Big Businessmen who offer someone in the country to agree to their bent victorian views “Running dogs of US Imperialism and neo -colonialism” lefties call them in their leaflets to the proletariat . Hysterically funny! 🙂

  27. Stred
    June 22, 2018

    If only we had cars with wings which would be able to fly over the permanent jam on the M23 to Gatwick now that Highways England has decided to make the only fast bit of the journey smart. The A22 takes 20 minutes longer but will also be screwed up.

  28. Donna
    June 22, 2018

    The Airbus executive should have addressed his remarks to Barnier. After all, it’s he, on behalf of the rest of the EU, who is refusing to agree a sensible deal. Not the UK.

    1. margaret howard
      June 22, 2018

      No doubt you’ll soon persuade yourself that it was the EU that ordered Brexit rather than the ungrateful voters of this country.

  29. Iain Moore
    June 22, 2018

    This morning we were told on the Today programme of Airbuses threat to leave the country ‘because of Brexit’, and that work would be relocated to Germany, France, Spain China….CHINA ????? I was not aware of Chine being part of the EU, or perhaps as usual the BBC has swallowed a load of anti Brexit guff!

    1. Lenin
      June 22, 2018

      Where will Airbus relocate to when say Spain comes out of the EU?

    2. Andy
      June 22, 2018

      China is outside the EU but manufacturing there is cheaper as workers cost less.

      When Britain is outside we do not benefit from the seemless trade of the single market and customs union – and we have an expensive work force.

      It will not take big manufacturers long to relocate – and, indeed, Leave economists expect this to happen.

      The just didn’t admit to the workers before the referendum.

      1. NickC
        June 23, 2018

        Andy, You just expose yourself to ridicule. You clearly have no training or understanding in technical subjects.

      2. libertarian
        June 23, 2018


        China Wage Levels Equal To Or Surpass Parts Of Europe – Forbes

        ( I can’t post the link as due to the EU’s stupidity with its clampdown on the internet, Forbes no longer serve links to Europe )

        This seamless trade you talk of, what is it ? Explain using the example of aircraft wings.

        Hold on you just told us that our expensive workers in engineering are in such demand they will be relocating to Germany and France

        You talk total twaddle

  30. Roy Grainger
    June 22, 2018

    Not sure why he’s telling us this, the obstruction to getting a deal is the EU, he should lobby them.

  31. Drachma
    June 22, 2018

    85 per cent of the rest of the world is outside of the EU..but it is not located on our doorstep

    1. mancunius
      June 22, 2018

      But doorsteps are not exactly high tech, are they. Geographical distance is increasingly irrelevant in the 21st century. We are increasingly trading outside Europe as comms speed up. The two go hand in hand. How would we have sent Dr Redwood a letter before the intro of webmail? And now, we just click a button. It’s that simple.
      We have partners all over the world who share our values, our views on the importance of free trade, our legal and practical approach. We do not need those who put protectionist hindrances in the way of trade and call them ‘rule-based systems’.

      1. Jonp
        June 22, 2018

        Yes mancunius but you’re not going to send Airbus wings by the click of a button..geographical distance is still geographical distance..another thing .. it will still take three to four weeks for a sea-going cargo ship to get here from australia..or SE Asia with any kind of shipping ..and this with all of the additional costs..refrigeration,wages, shipping the Panama Canal fees, warehoising ports etc etc and we don’t even have a merchant navy anymore that we can call our own..lastly what partners of any worth from all over the world have we got?.. none that I can see..we had one we have a Commonwealth still in name only..Oz and NZ are not going to go out of their way to facilitate us now that we did the dirty on them in 1973..incidentally neither is the EU going to help us much either since we’ve done the dirty on them in 2016..

        1. mancunius
          June 23, 2018

          The UK is already advanced in its advance discussions on future FTAs with our trading partners in Australia, NZ, Canada, the US etc.
          The EU has done literally nothing to help our trading position while we have been a member: on the contrary, because of its protectionist economic policies of we have a trade deficit with its other members. Any more unwanted ‘help’ from the Negative Gnomes of Brussels might prove fatal to our economic and political future – which is one of open-minded world-trading.

        2. libertarian
          June 23, 2018


          Airbus wings are mostly transported by plane , The Airbus Beluga

          Our economy is 80% services so we dont need to ship anything from them

          The Goods we do have to ship all have to go by sea or air as we are an island.

    2. NickC
      June 22, 2018

      Drachma, And despite the RoW not being on our doorstep we export c50% more to it than we do to the EU.

    3. libertarian
      June 22, 2018


      And 80% of our economy is services so what difference does geography make?

    4. Lenin
      June 22, 2018

      You are too late. Live with it.

  32. Narrow Shoulders
    June 22, 2018

    Airbus wishes to move out of Europe possibly to China because the UK may no longer be part of the EU customs union.


  33. stred
    June 22, 2018

    A.Campbell was on Politics today saying that of course we should have known about the Airbus problem when we voted the wrong way and listened to all the lies…

    Let’s just consider exactly what the problem is for Airbus and whether it is Bliar’s spinner who is lying or leavers. The wings are made and designed in the UK and the fuselage in Toulouse. A special plane leaves Toulouse and flies to the UK to pick up very valuable wings and back to have them fixed to the fuselage. But after Brexit, they will need a piece of paper which says on it that any customs duties have been paid and that the wing complies with EU approvals. There is no tariff on components on ‘no deal’ under WTO and the factory is owned or a partner of Airbus. The designers have worked with each other to produce the components and comply with EU, US and every other regulation. The piece of paper will say so. Ah, but maybe the EU will not permit the big plane to land in Toulouse…. How bloody stupid do they think we are?

    1. Peter Parsons
      June 23, 2018

      All aircraft components require an IATA safety certification. Currently those are provided under an EU entity called EASA. Once the UK is outside the EU and the EEA, it will, presumably, no longer be a member of EASA (after all, leave means leave, right?), which means EASA won’t certify any component made in the UK, which means any such component can’t be used on any aircraft.

      Reply We will still be supplying the same products to the same quality the day after we leave!

      1. Peter Parsons
        June 23, 2018

        And where will the IATA safety certificate come from? Quality is irrelevant without the required IATA certification.

        1. libertarian
          June 24, 2018

          Peter Parsons

          What is the matter with you little EU’ers . Theres a whole world out there. Why do you keep thinking everything revolves around a bunch of failed politicians in Brussels

          How the hell do you think Boeing build aircraft then?

          The International Air Transport Association is a trade association of the world’s airlines. Consisting of 290 airlines, primarily major carriers, representing 117 countries, THAT IS 117 Countries Peter not 27

          1. Peter Parsons
            June 25, 2018

            I’m aware of IATA being somewhat broader in membership than just the EU and EEA states (which comprise the EASA membership).

            What your comment completely fails to address is my question of who issues the safety certificates once the UK leaves the EU and, therefore, leaves EASA.

        2. Edward2
          June 24, 2018

          UK is a member of IATA

        3. David Price
          June 24, 2018

          Yet EASA has numerous Working Arrangements with agencies in many countries including the USA, China, Morocco.

          Are you saying that out of spite the EU:EASA will refuse to agree a working arrangement with a UK equivalent?

          If so will they immediately ground all Airbuses flying with Rolls Royce engines as these will become immediately uncertified?

          1. Peter Parsons
            June 25, 2018

            All parts and components manufactured up to 29th March 2019 are covered by the UK’s membership of EASA and have valid certificates. When the UK leaves the EU, and, therefore, by definition, leaves membership of EASA, what happens then? Who issues the certificates?

          2. libertarian
            June 27, 2018

            Peter Parsons

            The CAA, go read their website… Its on there

            Why do you think that we would leave EASA ? There are other countries in EASA that are not in the EU/EEA

      2. Reno Fardner
        June 23, 2018

        Once again Redwood proves he doesnt even understand what “Leave” means. They might be the same quality – but once we are outside the EU they cannot be certified as such. So – goodbye free trade, good bye Airbus, hello massive job losses. You must be getting twitchy, Redwood. All your claims in tatters

        1. libertarian
          June 25, 2018

          Reno F

          Oh just what we need another aggressive, rude remainer without the remotest clue about international trade …

          Your post is complete drivel

          1. hans christian ivers
            June 27, 2018

            Still very happy to help you sell successfully in Germany, just let me know?

          2. libertarian
            June 27, 2018


            Its not about selling successfully, we can do that anywhere. Its about the lie that there is a seamless, open, free internal market … There isn’t

            You are really hard of thinking. If I needed help and business advice you and your firm are the last people I would use.

      3. mancunius
        June 23, 2018

        So european industries will cut off their nose to spite their face. Hmmm. Some who curry favour with Merkel or Macron might even try, but they have shareholders who will demand their blood if they do.

      4. stred
        June 24, 2018

        Parsons is saying that the EU will not accept a piece of paper upon which is says that the product is the same as before and is built to the same standards. This, in my view is Open Europe propaganda and treachery.

        1. Peter Parsons
          June 25, 2018

          It’s got nothing to do with the EU accepting anything, the EU is not responsible for global aviation safety certification, but once the UK leaves the EU and leaves the EU’s structures and stops participating in EU agencies (because that is what leave means, right?), who will be issuing the safety certificates?

      5. Simon
        June 24, 2018

        You idiot. The quality of the component is not the issue.

        1. Edward2
          June 24, 2018

          No idiot rude Simon.
          Quality certification can be provided by ISO bodies or IATA of which the UK are members.

          1. Peter Parsons
            June 25, 2018

            And which body will issue those certificates for UK manufactured components once the UK leaves the EU institution that is EASA?

        2. Stred
          June 24, 2018

          How about a certificate of sameness? This really is becoming like a Monty Python script.

  34. MPC
    June 22, 2018

    This is no more than routine risk management practice on Airbus’ part which should be reported as such and challenged. Perhaps this is one of their mitigation actions ‘Pressure Government: press releases to highlight the possible non-frictionless trade post-Brexit’.

    Someone should ask them if the option of relocation to within the EU is realistic and non-frictionless. Their shareholders would have something to say about costs. With the huge investment in infrastructure and skills that would be required, it would certainly be somewhat more costly and high risk than staying UK based!

    1. Sir Joe Soap
      June 22, 2018

      The Risk analysis avoids the major Risk which would be inherent in Airbus moving from the UK, i.e. that pre-existing plants and workers are snapped up by Boeing, and enormous tariffs popped onto any Airbus planes either being purchased by or flying over the UK. This would of course require a future UK government with “cojones”, but that would happen if this type of action is taken.

    2. Simon
      June 22, 2018

      What an idiotic reply. Those factories are owned / operated by commercial companies. The UK as a whole is not in any position to honour contracts or not. It has no contract to supply wings or anything else.

      1. Toffolo
        June 22, 2018

        Correct. “The UK” cannot make wings. Private companies in the UK can. Except, because Brexit robs them of free trade, they are not going to stay in the UK. They are taking back control. They’re off.

        1. libertarian
          June 23, 2018


          Still at least Boeing has decided to open their first manufacturing plant in Europe, making components for wings…… In Sheffield

      2. Adam
        June 23, 2018

        The UK employees of Airbus are prone to honour their contracts of employment to perform services to supply wings.

        Idiocy as a whole may be within a false assumption about the UK.

      3. libertarian
        June 24, 2018


        The UK government does have some say in it though as the UK taxpayer put ÂŁ530 million into Airbus UK , so it will depend on what the terms of that were but the money was under a repayable launch investment (RLI).

  35. Mike Wilson
    June 22, 2018

    I read about supply chains where parts cross the English Channel a number of times before assembly in either the UK or the EU. Are the manufacturers insane? Why is this allowed? It is environmental madness! Has this country got a government? Ban this madness. If a car company decides to manufacture its starter motors in France – and ship them to the UK for assembly into a car – fair enough. But the idea that they build the motor housing here, send it France to have the armature fitted, send it back to have the brushes fitted, send it back to be sprayed – or whatever nonsense they get up – is barking mad. For heavens’s sake – or, rather, for the earth’s sake, stop it!

    On the subject of Airbus – air travel is killing the environment. Ban plane manufacturing. Or, if we must do it, do it all here. What kind of a person makes a wing here and flies it on top of another plane to France to be stuck on another plane! Do these people have any grasp of basic economics?

  36. Adam
    June 22, 2018

    Is Airbus misguided, going into a flap with its wings?

  37. margaret
    June 22, 2018

    John, I don’t know why you argue with these ill informed pessimists. When all around were arguing , insinuating , implying and lying my grandmother just used to quietly say “they will see love”
    Have wings : will fly.

  38. bigneil
    June 22, 2018

    Was it on Top Gear they said that Volvos were assembled of mainly UK made parts ? If correct then what happens there?

  39. gregory martin
    June 22, 2018

    I find it so sad that no one has thought that , perhaps, Great Britain might manage to manufacture fuselage again. The loss of our previously pre-eminent position of having capacity for both civil and military aircraft design and construction is one that we should be ashamed, with the financial and strategic vulnerability being a massive reason to resurrect that skillset. No doubt the Chinese would have no issue with assisting with sub -contracting and providing any necessary ‘intellectural property ‘ deficits

    1. Sir Joe Soap
      June 22, 2018

      Indeed, but we seem to have lost the ability (a la Trump) to look at coins from the other side.

    2. Rien Huizer
      June 22, 2018

      Raise the money, hire the designers, build the factory and get the plane certified. Who will pay for that?

      1. libertarian
        June 23, 2018


        You do know that Airbus UK doesn’t actually build the wings right? You do know its subcontracted to a UK company GKN

  40. margaret howard
    June 22, 2018

    Oh dear it’s desperation time.

    1. Eh?
      June 23, 2018


  41. ChrisS
    June 22, 2018

    Could someone please explain why one day aircraft parts made in the UK are safe and of good quality and the very next day they will be regarded as unsafe and uncertifiable ?

    Surely, given our long experience in aircraft design and manufacture, the UK has the expertise to test and certificate aircraft parts manufactured here ?

    Like almost everything to do with Brexit, we would be far better planning on not relying on a “good deal” from those politicians like Merkel and Macron who, despite their public statements, seem determined to punish us for leaving their precious EU.

    1. Toffolo
      June 22, 2018

      In the EU you are trusted. Outside it you are not. This is what you voted for. Deal with it

      1. libertarian
        June 23, 2018


        Oh please, the vast majority of aircraft are built by non EU countries. Aviation is a global business .

        Oh and by the way

        Although U.S. and European commercial aircraft will need ADSB-Out by January 2020, GKN Aerospace estimates that roughly 80% of the widely flown Airbus A320-family jets are still not adequately equipped.

        The aerospace firm has developed and certified its own ADSB-Out solution for the A320 family and will provide operators with instructions to install it, or have shops install it.

        GKN is a British Company.

      2. Edward2
        June 24, 2018

        You plainly know nothing about manufacturing nor quality certification nor global product compliance.
        Membership of the EU and “trust” Is irrelevant.
        Modern world supply chains are global.
        It’s not about the EU

      3. anon
        June 24, 2018

        The EU simply is not to be trusted. We are slowly dealing with it by leaving.

        We would prefer a ” WTO – no deal “.

    2. Model T Paine
      June 23, 2018

      I should imagine there will be a commercial price to pay for the efforts by big companies to attempt to thwart our democratic Will. They governing bodies of these companies in the UK had a vote each. They lost.
      Brexit is happening now. They should fall into line, for commercial reasons. Plus, our politics are none of their corporate business. They should stick to what they know, altering the gas emissions on their cars avoiding the law, losing trade to Boeing.

    3. Denis Cooper
      June 23, 2018

      Maybe that’s because “The rules are the rules, and cannot be changed”.

      So said Guy Verhofstadt on behalf of the EU Parliament, which spends most of its working time on discussing and approving changes to the rules.

  42. wab
    June 22, 2018

    The Brexit fantasies are starting to crumble. But go ahead, blame everybody but yourself and the other fantasists who run this country. (Pretty much every Tory and Labour MP seems to be in the fantasist camp.) The UK will of course honour any contracts, but as usual Redwood is using misdirection to avoid dealing with the issue in question. How many times does the EU have to tell the dim people running the UK that with rights come responsibilities.

    1. margaret howard
      June 22, 2018

      Encouraging to hear a sane voice among the many distasteful right wing diatribe one finds here.

    2. libertarian
      June 23, 2018


      How many dim people believe a company that say they are worried about losing access to the EU internal market so is thinking of switching production to China and the USA

  43. Iain Moore
    June 22, 2018

    If they won’t accept British made products post Brexit, then they are excluding Rolls Royce jet engines , as their only other supplier of engines for the A380 is General Electric and Pratt & Whitney ones, and they are in the throws of having a trade war with the USA, I think rather than holding the whip hand here, they are in fact at a big disadvantage , and all their threats are just political bluster coming straight from the EU.

    1. Rien Huizer
      June 22, 2018

      Aircraft need wings. Airbus is committed to certain supplies from UK firms. under existing programs. Is the UK the only place where this can be built? Probably not. Once UK is outside the EU and without an FTA, Kawasaki Heavy in Japan may be competitive, especially after the EU/Japan FTA. They would love to have the business. The design and tools are specific to a certain model. The production location is not.

      Incidentally, Short’s contract for the Bombardier commuter plane was saved by Airbus stepping in. NI’s largest industrial employer. No doubt you are aware.

      1. libertarian
        June 23, 2018


        You know Boeing has just opened a manufacturing plant in Sheffield right? Making wing components

    2. Rien Huizer
      June 22, 2018

      It is not a matter of politics. It is business. If the supply chain is interrupted by some sort of government interference, you have to find an alternative source. Besides, Jet engines are not really parts in supply chain terms.

      1. stred
        June 24, 2018

        The supply chain would only be interrupted by EU deliberately obstructive bureaucracy. These people are not ‘our friends’. We need to nationalise the factories and work with the US,Canadian and Brazilian firms and put tariffs on EUonce we have quickly agreed free trade with ROW. The magnificent Dreamliner flew over my house from Perth today and Airbus needs to take note.Norwegian have ordered Deamliners for transatlantic routes and, like Ryanair, don’t use Airbus. Norwegian are excellent.

      2. Edward2
        June 24, 2018

        Your logic is that the UK will have problems outside the EU then you say Airbus may switch to getting parts made in China Japan or America.

  44. Simon Coleman
    June 23, 2018

    Well, I’m sure that’s all that Airbus and 14000 employees needed to hear. Those silly Airbus directors – getting people worried about nothing. Thanks Mr Redwood – everyone’s completely reassured now!

  45. mancunius
    June 23, 2018

    The DBI is scared stiff by the prospect of a no-deal WTO brexit. Hence all the frantic tweeting and wing-flapping, and the renewed alarm-calls. These companies have been repeating their ‘shock predictions’ at intervals since the referendum.
    Nor should we take today’s manufactured London demo seriously. If you look at the funding structure of these various anti-brexit organisations, the first thing you notice is that, rather mysteriously, they all seem to be funding each other. Behind all that, much of their money comes from wealthy Tory and New Labour europhile politicians.
    Even less visibly obvious to the youngsters wearing their T-shirts and obediently parroting their slogans, most if not all of these ‘stop Brexit’ groups are directly or indirectly funded and aided by (a few rich people ed), and by the EU itself.

  46. Jonp
    June 23, 2018

    Airbus will also be able to fly with french or spanish time to wake up and smell the coffee..the EU negotiators are not going to fold despite what Liam Fox might think..he’s starting to sound like some of those UKIP and tory MEPs sitting in the EU parliament with their union flags shouting insults and threats across at the floor at the europeans..we can be quite sure now that the Europeans are as fixed on 29th March 2019 even much more than the UK politicos..that is the very night the tippex will come out to remove all traces also as a warning to others too..what then for the Uk?.. probably years in the doldrums..wondering where did it all go wrong?

    Reply Tgere are no wings ready to replace the UK ones which are beddded into contract anyway

  47. Katy Hibbert
    June 24, 2018

    John Redwood’s blog is a pleasure to read, not just for the content but for the clarity and conciseness of his arguments:

    “Brexit is no threat to Airbus. The UK will willingly honour its contracts to supply the wings.”

    That’s all that needs to be said about the latest bit of fear-mongering.

  48. KZB
    June 25, 2018

    But the concern is not about the current wings -no doubt that contract will continue. It’s future investment that is the worry.

  49. Martin
    June 26, 2018

    The “UK” does not manufacture – private companies do. The entire weakness of your argument is to assume some communist nationalised entities control the car and aerospace industry.

    Who in their right mind wants extra taxes (tariffs) and customs paperwork and associated delays on components?

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