Treasure Island have posted today a useful guide to the continuing huge trade surplus in goods the EU continues to run with the UK. Since the referendum vote they tell us the EU has earned itself a wonderful £250bn trade surplus, so no wonder they want to try to lock us in to their trading terms and laws  to keep it going.  It is a reminder of how good a negotiating position the UK failed to use during the talks on our exit, and is worth a look on their site.


  1. Dominic
    May 18, 2019

    It will be interesting to see the consequences on the UK economy if Marxist ideology is ruthlessly applied to every aspect of our lives both economic, social and personal

    Will the UK as an export market be so attractive for German and French exporters if Marxist Labour ever get their filthy hands on all the levers of power?

    Certainly the private sector will be brutalised, politicised and plundered in many ways to expand Marxist Labour’s client state

    I can see the UK economy imploding (both productivity, flexibility, profitability and capital investment flows). No area of activity will escape the Marxist virus

    And then we may see a contracting export market

  2. margaret howard
    May 18, 2019

    If we hadn’t shut down so much of our manufacturing industry in exchange for an economy based on finance and services, then we wouldn’t have to battle against such huge trading surpluses.

    As usual, blaming others for our own shortsightedness.

    1. Julie Dyson
      May 18, 2019

      Not entirely, Margaret. That conclusion is a bit too simplistic. No business just “shuts down” while it is both profitable and viable.

      Rather, it would be fairer to say that various economic policies over the last few decades — both at home and in the EU overall — have resulted in a steady decline of our own manufacturing base. Some of those policies were foolishly signed up to, and some of them imposed upon us against both our desire and better judgement. Such is the nature of the EU.

      Thankfully, it is not quite yet irreversible.

      P.S. Sir John, thank you for highlighting the sterling work done by, which is one of the best web sites dedicated to exposing the harsh reality that is the EU — largely using the EU’s own data and statistics. It’s well worth a regular visit.

      1. Know-Dice
        May 18, 2019

        Like Transit from Southampton to Turkey & JLR to Romania and others all with the help of preferential EU loans…

    2. Steve
      May 18, 2019


      Actually what destroyed manufacturing in this country was foreign serving politicians, idiot socialists, the unions, and Wilson.

      1. margaret howard
        May 18, 2019


        “was foreign serving politicians”

        Who were they? I do remember Margaret Thatcher’s battle with the unions being responsible for many firms closing down but she was from Grantham.

        1. Lifelogic
          May 18, 2019

          “Margaret Thatcher’s battle with the unions being responsible for many firms closing down”

          Well that is nonsense the battle with the Union meant more survived than would have done. Unions can only ever achieve higher wages (for some) at the expense of rendering others unemployed and uncompetitive. With fewer jobs in that industry. Thatcher made very many mistakes but that was not one of them.

          She was pro-remain in the Wilson referendum, failed to cut the state and taxes sufficiently, closed down many grammar schools, gave away many powers to the EU and worse of all she appointed the very foolish (and arithmetically and logically challenged) the two O level John (ERM) Major to become chancellor and later PM. He predictably buried the party. May is keen to exceed him in this!

        2. Steve
          May 18, 2019


          Take your pick….typically 600 to choose from, going back to the Wilson years.

    3. The Prangwizard
      May 18, 2019

      I would add the conspiracy between government and City spivs to sell as many of our assets as possible for foreign money. Just whose country is it when vast swathes of business and property has been sold overseas. What price sovereignty you may ask?

      1. Mark
        May 19, 2019

        The reason for the asset sales is to fund our trade deficit. The pound would otherwise collapse, which it will if we run out of things to sell.

    4. Richard1
      May 18, 2019

      The trend is the same in all developed countries. The manufacturing industries which have either disappeared or been hardest hit are those where the dead hand of the state + militant unionism have been most in evidence. Plenty of ‘manufacturing’ industry in the UK is doing fine.

    5. Dennis Zoff
      May 19, 2019

      UK industrial decline is real

      Between 1960 and 2015, of all advanced economies, the UK saw a greater drop in manufacturing employment than any country apart from Switzerland.

      Manufacturing employment in the UK fell by more than 0.4 percent per year over those 55 years, a rate twice as high as Italy and Spain, and higher than Germany, Norway, Sweden, France and the US, among others. This cannot be an accident. Instead, it was a matter of policy.

      A belief in the importance of services, especially financial services, convinced politicians that it was OK to allow manufacturing employment to decline. Coupled to this was the Thatcherite faith in free market economics, which led its practitioners to believe that new industries would emerge to fill the gaps. But in large swathes of our manufacturing heartlands, those new industries didn’t appear, leading to a dearth of quality jobs for working people. TUC

      1. Fred H
        May 19, 2019

        Dennis…. so job protecting union tactics, with over employment, reducing hours, improved pay unearned, discouraging any sort of investment, which is exactly the outcome from management, government and investors had nothing to do with it? I remember all too well trying to deliver just in time to Cowley, as an employee of a very necessary set of build components. All to often the lorry arrived, was turned away due to a strike, only to be unloaded back at the works, with a different shipment required a day ot two later!

        1. Dennis Zoff
          May 20, 2019

          Fred H

          Quite right, there are usually two sides to every story. Politics, Unions, Management, Employees, International competition are instruments within large business dynamics.

          When I was a young Engineer, fresh out of college, I was approached by our Union to support the Toolmakers in a one-day stoppage to help gain them a wage increase. I duly obliged and came out for one day.

          The Toolmakers subsequently gained an increase in their salary and I lost a day’s wage, reprimanded by management and put on report. Upon requesting support for my predicament from the Union, I was met with complete indifference (Engineering staff 10 vs Toolmakers circa staff 100). I learned a sound lesson. That was the last day I was a member of any union.

          My point being, one generally needs to personally experience both sides of the argument… appreciate both sides of the argument.

          For the rest of my Engineering/Business career, I have not supported Unions of any sort in the workplace (though I have always supported its history; before it became an instrument of neo-communism); rather I have placed reliance on sound management techniques, which incidentally, has been the foundation of my company’s successes over the years!

  3. P Nelissen
    May 18, 2019

    Sorry to see Sir John using this faulty argument. Trading is based on buyer and seller reaching an agreement that satisfies both parties. The national balance of trade is the net result of all cross border transactions between buyers and sellers. The reasons behind a net surplus or deficit can be seen as good or bad. Part of the reason of the trade deficit of the US and of the UK is in their currencies being reserve currencies. That the EU27 have a trade surplus with the UK has nothing to do with the WA or the PD. To use it in negotiations, like the US do, will only backfire. Under the line, the renegotiation of NAFTA has not brought real benefits. The cost of not accepting the WA is meanwhile costing the UK dearly every day.

    1. Jagman84
      May 18, 2019

      “Trading is based on buyer and seller reaching an agreement that satisfies both parties”.
      Then why on earth do we need an intermediary to facilitate trade? Especially one that is self-serving like the EU mafia. FYI, the WA would cost us more than money. it would mean the end of the UK, via the self-amending Lisbon treaty.

      1. Dennis Zoff
        May 20, 2019


        Quite right.

        “There are none so blind as those who will not see?”

    2. L Jones
      May 18, 2019

      Since you mention the ”WA” at the end of your long discourse on trade – perhaps it has never occurred to you that breaking away from EU rule was never all about markets anyway.

      Perhaps, though, for those of us who know little about this subject, you’d tell us in what way ”not accepting the WA” is daily ”costing the UK dearly”.

      The ”cost” of accepting the WA would involve far far more than trade. Didn’t you read it?

  4. agricola
    May 18, 2019

    Remember, if trade remains the same on WTO terms they will pay us around ÂŁ12 Billion in duty. We will pay them around ÂŁ5Billion in duty. Nett gain for the UK treasury ÂŁ7Billion. What are they waiting for.

    We all assume that within two years of WTO introduction the pattern of trade will change, ie our oranges may come from California not Spain.

    WTO may cause a hiccup for a month but after it we are in the real World. Relax we are self employed again.

    1. Sear Donaldo
      May 18, 2019

      They do not pay us one penny in duty. British consumers pay it. The EU ensures free trade, the WTO means very very costly trade

      1. agricola
        May 18, 2019

        All consumers pay the end price. If this affects the volume of EU sales to us, so be it. The World is full of sources. Your diversionary statement does not alter the fact that the UK treasury is the nett gainer. I have managed to live without Mercedes or BMWs all my life while having a very exciting driving career and owning some very demanding sets of wheels.
        As to the EU and free trade, bullshit, they are one of the more notable practicers of protectionist trade. Check out the story on sugar for example.

      2. Beecee
        May 18, 2019


      3. Alan Jutson
        May 19, 2019

        OH dear so misinformed.

        Why does the EU charge all those outside of the EU punitive tariffs.

        The Eu only allows free trade between its members, all the rest pay to trade in one way or another.

        Thus it is a protectionist area for its own producers.

  5. BillMayes
    May 18, 2019

    I am sure that most readers will have an inclination of a negotiating strategy, especially when they are the buyer in a deal.
    In the case of the UK v the EU, we are a very big buyer. If fact, we are the EU’s best customer with an average Trade DEFICIT of ÂŁ80 Billions per year. Add to that the freebies, like high quality Intelligence and the British technical expertise provided without charge and we can say we are a Super customer.
    It therefore beggars belief that our Brexit negotiators (some unelected) never used this Ace of Trumps in their “negotiations”.
    Much of the British amateurism was exposed during the BBC TV programme, “Brexit behind Closed Doors”. Cameras never lie and they showed the amazement of the EU team when their pre-conceived opinions that the British were tough negotiators were proven wrong, for the British negotiators were revealed as complete novices. Our “team” were seen as inferiors and quite rightly so.
    In 2016, the British people were asked to decide upon Remaining in the EU or Leaving. The result was to be honoured by ALL parties and I thought, guaranteed by Act of Parliament.
    The only way to satisfy our decision to Leave in accordance with the Law, is for a new Leaver voting PM with a new Brexit controlled Cabinet to start over. No deal is always better than a bad deal And the emphasis MUST be placed on Brussels and no longer on the weak and pathetic PM who currently resides in Number 10.

    1. Timaction
      May 18, 2019

      +1. No deal is infinitely better than May’s Remain Treaty.

  6. Steve
    May 18, 2019

    Exactly, JR.

    Which is why we should have left on WTO.

  7. P Nelissen
    May 18, 2019

    What I cannot understand is that MP’s like Sir John still think that there is a “better” WA that can be negotiated. The EU27 has been clear and consistent that they will not renegotiate the WA. Businesses in the EU27 may not like it, but have accepted this reality. The UK has no leverage. A hard Brexiteer succeeding mrs May as PM will only make negotiations with the EU more difficult. No deal is an unsustainable phase and will either lead to a strong humiliation of the UK and acceptation of the terms of the WA at a later date, or a shriveling of the UK economy and political power.

    Reply I am against any WA and in favour of just leaving!

    1. Andy
      May 18, 2019

      Have you read the WA ??? Large chunks of it are about the EU imposing their system and laws on another Sovereign State. They do not have such an arrangement with other nations like Canada, the USA etc, so why should we put up with it ?

      And much of their trade surplus comes about because they have a captive market which they sell over priced goods to, surrounded by a tariff wall. Just look at their tariff schedule with 13000 tariffs. They know that a UK trading on WTO terms will rapidly destroy a large piece of that captive market as cheaper goods flood in from the rest of the world.

      1. Lifelogic
        May 18, 2019

        Exactly alas we have a dire visionless Theresa May government dancing to the tune of the EU and the UK’s (let’s just surrender) bureaucrats like Oliver (yet another PPE) Robbins.

      2. Fred H
        May 19, 2019

        Andy….you foresee new airports, docks, roads, haulage companies trundling 24*365 across the border from the Republic to NI do you? In that case the EU does have something to worry about.

  8. J Bush
    May 18, 2019

    So it begs the question why are those politicians trying to overturn the largest democratic vote to date, to force us to be ruled and controlled by the EU?

    One thing is for sure, it doesn’t smell of roses…

    1. margaret howard
      May 18, 2019

      J Bush

      Because nearly half the vote was for Remain and no democracy can ignore 50% of the voters.

      1. J Bush
        May 18, 2019

        Oh dear, oh dear, but remain did not get 50% of the vote.

        Question: if the result had been the other way round, would you have considered the leave voters if they had got your interpretation of “50%”?

        1. Doug Powell
          May 18, 2019

          Well said JB!
          Let us not forget that percentages are part of ‘Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics!’ The winning margin was 1.4 million votes – the largest mandate in British Democratic History!

          Stop peddling the Lies, Remoaners! COUNT the VOTES!

      2. Fedupsoutherner
        May 19, 2019

        MH you really must go back to school to improve your math and to attend a history lesson to learn about democracy. Percentages are really rather easy.

      3. Dennis Zoff
        May 20, 2019

        margaret howard

        Are you being deliberately obtuse?….again?

  9. Brian Tomkinson
    May 18, 2019

    It begs the question: On whose behalf has Mrs May been “negotiating”?

    1. Steve
      May 18, 2019


      ……On behalf of big business, the EU, and her little Irish PM friend.

      1. Lifelogic
        May 18, 2019


    2. Timaction
      May 18, 2019

      Exactly. What benefit have we got in it? Has anyone questioned her on this?

    3. L Jones
      May 18, 2019

      Is it why Mrs May is so desperate to stay till her mission is accomplished? Perhaps ”the EU expects …….” and she is actually afraid to let go.

  10. Rien Huizer
    May 18, 2019

    Mr Redwood,

    What about the UK surplus in services? What about the 25+ bn pa the UK imorts from non-EU countries via EU (Dutch and Belgian) ports (where administrative import-re-export takes place) ? Not quite Redwood standard, I would say. But things are getting a bit tense. The percious no-deal outcome is still highly uncertain. Backers must be getting impatient. Maybe this is the time to switch parties: UKIP or Farage..

  11. Hope
    May 18, 2019

    JR, you are correct. This is not about economics. It only suits remainers to talk about economics to scare people.

    As the Brexit party point out the issue of leaving the EU is about democracy not just leaving. The Tory government has betrayed the nation, will of the people, democracy, its party, supporters all to remain governed by a foreign power!

    The cat is out of the bag regarding the amount of EU laws, regulations and directives controlling our lives and what an utter waste of spaceparliament is to ththe governing of the British people. No longer can remainers claim the small amount of interference, small amount of cost etc etc. It is out there in full view for thof public to see and realise the utter lies remainers have told us and continue to do so.

    This can no longer be a secret or kept out of the public domain.

  12. James1
    May 18, 2019

    O/t The BBC Andrew Marr show tomorrow is scheduled to have five Remainers on the programme with not a single Brexiteer allowed to enter a contrary or dissenting view. This, four days before the European Parliamentary elections. How long do before the current Conservative government gets round to dealing with the situation that we are forced to pay a licence fee to be subjected to bias from a public service broadcaster that is supposed to be impartial. Or do we have to wait for The Brexit Party to redress the situation.

    1. Timaction
      May 18, 2019

      I complained about Marrs interview of Sir Nigel last week. Still awaiting an answer. Expect white wash next week!

      1. Lifelogic
        May 18, 2019

        Indeed the BBC is appallingly biased on the EU, climate alarmism, and general left wing magic money tree lunacy. Full of second rate foolish lefty art graduates like the insufferable lefty dope Marr.

    2. Steve
      May 18, 2019


      Then clearly the BBC is acting to influence the outcome of elections, which puts them firmly in breach of their charter.

  13. Lifelogic
    May 18, 2019

    Indeed gross incompetence, negligence (or I suspect rather worse) from this appalling T May Government and most of the dire bureaucrats involved in this failed negotiation. Both May and thin gruel Cameron totally failed to play the very strong hand they held.

    We need someone who understands economics, science, logic, game theory and similar. Not a dim, robotic, second rate, socialist, tedious, geography Graduate with zero leadership skills or vision.

    1. Steve
      May 18, 2019


      I think we need a good old fashioned patriotic leader with balls. Someone who will slap ungrateful EU leaders around the face, and in front of the cameras.

      A Montgomery, another Churchill etc.

      As it is now the establishment can’t even tell the likes of Blair and Starmer to keep their traps shut.

      1. Lifelogic
        May 18, 2019

        A bit sexist perhaps. A good leader with a working compass please. With or without balls is fine by me, not that I seem many of the latter MP’s up to the job. Truss perhaps – just about. Widdecombe perhaps who sensibly voted against the climate change lunacy if she rejoined the party but getting on a bit.

  14. Henry VIII
    May 18, 2019

    So far, one tiny leaflet from the Brexit Party and none from anyone else for the EU Elections.
    If the EU is so very important why no set election broadcasts by the parties on TV?Why no TV debates of at least their leaders?
    It’s just as if Elections and Votes do not matter in the United Kingdom.

  15. Ian wragg
    May 18, 2019

    There hasn’t been any negotiations. May had the terms of our exit dictated by Merkel and Selmayr and she dutifully obliged.
    She and her backers should be ejected from Parliament and have all their assets taken. All pension entitlement should be withdrawn.

    1. Andy
      May 18, 2019

      I would prefer they were conveyed to The Tower and hence . . .

  16. Christine
    May 18, 2019

    Facts4eu is a great site which I regularly read and donate to. The people behind it have worked tirelessly for the last few years to promote the real facts about the EU. Politicians and the media should read their pieces and report these facts to the British people rather than the fake news and soundbites they constantly bombard us with.

    1. margaret howard
      May 18, 2019


      It calls itself ProBrexitFacts! That should tell you something about its impartiality.

      1. Mark
        May 19, 2019

        Perhaps if the BBC were named anti-Brexit Facts you might question its impartiality correctly.

      2. Alison
        May 19, 2019

        It may be pro Brexit, but it posts FACTS. Not fiction. Sources: mostly the EU itself – Commission, EuroStat in particular.

  17. Philip Brandon
    May 18, 2019

    The incompetence of the negotiations makes me want to cry. Maybe when Nigel Farage is in charge we can get a better deal, I hope so.

    1. Sear Donaldo
      May 18, 2019

      Farage is very good at shouting from the sidelines. Could you name one thing he has achieved as a (highly paid) MEP over twenty years? Apart from lining his own pockets

      1. Mark
        May 19, 2019

        He pushed Cameron into running the 2016 referendum.

      2. agricola
        May 19, 2019

        He has brought to our attention at every opportunity just how apalling the EU is as an undemocratic, totallitarian, protectionist organisation. Even our Parliament with all it’s weaknesses has not yet attempted to pay it’s politicians and civil service tax free salaries and bloated expenses, as does the EU. Why do you think there are so many voices of retired ex EU politicians and civil servants here in the UK bleating to remain. They are fearful that their payola will shrink or disappear altogether.

        He has publicly in the EU parliament humiliated the EU leadership, putting it under a spotlight, an act for which the British people should be eternally grateful.

      3. Steve
        May 19, 2019


        ……but the establishment is terrified of him, which is a good thing.

  18. jerry
    May 18, 2019

    Not sure how wise it is to highlight just how under industrialised the UK has become in the last 40 or so years, when at one time we were world leaders.

    Some things are best left unsaid! A ÂŁ250bn trade deficit, for that is the flip side, with any trading block is an awful lot of goods (and services) that ‘UK Plc’ did not make a bottom-line profit on.

    A very strange couple of diary entries today from our host, first in praise of the economic might of China, and now the EU…

    Reply I am not praising* them!

  19. mancunius
    May 18, 2019

    I cannot understand why lists of the candidates in national and local elections are never prominently posted in advance. For the elections on 23rd May, even where the short notice time has presumably created a late date for declaration of candidacy, surely government should demand that local electoral officers must publicly post the voting list at a number of known locations – e.g. the local polling stations and libraries.
    My own LA seems to be trying to hush the whole thing up. The list of 21 candidates (quite a few of whom are backed by Extinction Rebellion, while claiming to be ‘Independent’ and ‘not a political party’) is available only via a link from a link from an obscure page on the LA’s website.
    This poor dessemination of advance info is an unacceptable democratic deficit, a throwback to the days when people ticked one or other main party box without thinking.

    1. Steve
      May 18, 2019


      That occurred to me as well. However this time I have a Brexit Party candidate.

  20. Gareth Warren
    May 18, 2019

    The idea that France or Germany would put that trade surplus at serious risk is not credible.

    If that did happen and they applied tariffs to us we simply could do a deal with the US and effectively offer the EU market share in the UK, US products would have no tariffs competing against EU products that had tariffs, up for free access to the US.

    Trading with everyone freely is often the best option, but China and the EU have such unfair internal controls (common agricultural policy) does make a stronger case f0r tariffs.

  21. Denis Cooper
    May 18, 2019

    UK government policy was long ago captured by the small minority of businesses which export to the EU. Not so much by exporters in general, nor even by business in general, but very specifically by the 6% or so of UK businesses which export about 12% of UK GDP to the rest of the EU.

    So when you hear a minister saying that it is essential for our residual steel manufacturing companies to have easy access to the EU market he will not mention the fact that in 2016 we imported twice as much steel from the rest of the EU as we exported to them*, so they are reaping far more advantage from the present “frictionless” trade than we are.

    * Figures 7 and 8 in this report to the Exiting the EU Committee:

    In 2016 steel exports to rest of EU = 2.4 mt, imports from rest of EU = 4.7 mt.

    I cannot offer any better explanation for how and why this peculiar situation has come about than I posted nearly a year ago, here:

    “Somebody – maybe the Prime Minister? – should tell the Business Secretary Greg Clark that his remit extends beyond the 6% of UK businesses which export to the EU.

    Somehow a relatively small number of large companies which do export to the EU have managed to get themselves accepted as representative of all companies in the UK when clearly that is far from the case, and it is not “anti-business” to tell those companies that they cannot necessarily have everything set up for their convenience.

    I suppose this unconscious identification of the interests of exporting companies with the overall national interest goes back to the days of “export or die”, when governments still believed in maintaining a fixed external exchange rate for sterling?”

  22. Richard1
    May 18, 2019

    Climate hysteria and leftism have taken a knock in Australia with an unexpected victory for the Liberals. Get a decent PM and we can do the same here.

    1. Lifelogic
      May 18, 2019


    2. Pominoz
      May 18, 2019

      Convicts descendants do have brains. Probably more than so many MPs in Westminster.

      An excellent result here and the Liberals now have a great leader in place who has conservative values.

  23. Ian wragg
    May 18, 2019

    So the Commanding Officer of our largest warship is sacked for using the company car on private business and we have a Prime Minister and Chancellor committing an act of supreme treachery and they will probably be elevated to the HoL.
    Funny old world.

    1. Ian wragg
      May 18, 2019

      Help me out John, May intends to bring the WAB before Parliament which in fact puts the WA into law although it’s been rejected. Am I correct.
      She really must have a death wish for your party.

      Reply It cannot pass unless Labour flips

      1. Chris
        May 18, 2019

        Sir John, can you explain how May apparently is planning to get her WA through by simply using indicative votes, with MPs simply having to list preferences. Through some calculation, if I have read this correctly, this could mean that the WA would be taken as accepted even although the original indicative votes don’t have clear winners. May and her team seem very confident. I don’t trust them at all and expect them to employ all manner of skulduggery in order to force the WA through. It may be possible if MPs are confused, and if they have not had time to read the Bill properly? Do you have any words of reassurance that she cannot cheat and betray the people of this country and get away with it?

        Reply She coukd onky get her long and complex legislation through to impose her Treaty if Labour do a flip flop on it

        1. graham1946
          May 19, 2019

          You are right not to trust her or this govt. News this morning is reporting that she is going to offer a Customs Union to woo Labour and reassure her own Remainers that we are not really leaving, no surpise there. Also reported is that she has instructed the MoD that old soldiers from the Northern Ireland troubles are not to be offered an amnesty as was done for the IRA but must be pursued. Her wickedness knows no bounds and no doubt we will see pictures of her going to church today.

  24. Sear Donaldo
    May 18, 2019

    If only true Brexiters like David Davis and Dominic Raab had been given the job of negotiating with the EU. Then we would be top dogs, eh!

    1. Jagman84
      May 18, 2019

      They were both undermined by May, as you probably well know. If you do not then you are a bigger fool than I imagined.

  25. Dominic
    May 18, 2019

    As an aside. Labour’s lost the Australia GE. They were predicted to win by a significant margin. Those pollsters really haven’t a clue. This as made my weekend

    With a Eurosceptic as our leader and an understanding with the BP we could wipe the floor with Marxist Labour at the next GE

    1. Chris
      May 18, 2019

      Labour were promoting the Green New Deal which would have cost billions upon billions, were planning sweeping higher taxes, were promoting immigration and more open borders. There was virtual climate hysteria by the Left. Thank goodness the Conservatives saw through this and said No to the radical Left agenda.

      1. Stred
        May 19, 2019

        The UK also suffers from climate hysteria. Burning American trees, wind and solar many times the cost of gas and coal. The most expensive nuke chosen and the old ones about to conk out. UK industry has high energy costs and chemicals, building materials and automation has moved abroad. We even are importing German bricks. The PFA needed to make insulation blocks will not be available when coal is closed and these too will be made abroad. Germany has higher electricity prices because of renewable sources but subsidises industries and burns more coal.

    2. Oggy
      May 18, 2019

      You mean to tell me that the losing side in the Australian election aren’t pushing for a second confirmatory vote ? – absolutely scandalous.

      1. Chris
        May 19, 2019

        Not yet…..

  26. Bryan Harris
    May 18, 2019

    We won’t have much treasure at the rate our money is being sent abroad for every possible purpose…. Time we kept some for ourselves

  27. Ian
    May 18, 2019

    The Establishment, by its own slight of hand over the last nearly Three. Years.
    Thought that they had us bound and gaged , this from the treacherous we know better than you crowd.

    They continue to still think they can and will pull this treason off , so arrogant as ever.

    Refusing to see or evan smell the coffee.

    What they are achieving is more and More people see though there scaremongering, and simply vote for there down fall

    Vote Brexit Party, let us get out now and be rid of the mostly Ghastly inhabitants of Westminster

  28. Chris
    May 18, 2019

    Well done, Sir John, say the Brexit Party in Wokingham. Good photo!

  29. Chris
    May 18, 2019

    Opinium Research retweets Michael Savage:

    NEW: The Brexit Party overtake Tories in WESTMINSTER voting.

    Latest @OpiniumResearch poll for @ObserverUK:

    LAB 29 (+1)
    BREX 24 (+3)
    CON 22 (-)
    LD 11 (-)
    SNP 4 (-)
    CHUK 3 (-1)
    GR 3 (-3)
    UKIP 2 (-2)

    Chgs. w/ 8 May

    2,009 polled online, May 14-16


    NEW: The Brexit Party maintain big lead in Euro poll.

    Latest @OpiniumResearch Euro poll for @ObserverUK:

    BREX 34 (-)
    LAB 20 (-1)
    LD 15 (+3)
    CON 12 (+1)
    SNP 4 (-)
    CHUK 3 (-)
    GR 6 (-2)
    UKIP 2 (-2)

    Chgs. w/ 8 May

    2,009 polled online, May 14-16

  30. Adam
    May 19, 2019

    Terms influence buying decisions yet as customers it is our demand that decides where the money goes.

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