IEA event Tuesday June 11th

On Tuesday at 6pm I will be talking about the main themes from “We don’t believe you”, my latest book. I will bring the book up to date for the European elections and the Peterborough by election. I have been busy updating the text for the next printing to include this latest news.

The IEA still has a few tickets left if you wish to come. They are at 2 Lord North Street London SW1  on 0207 799 3745.


  1. Lifelogic
    June 7, 2019

    Will be abroad alas, but I have read most of your excellent book. Keep up the good work.

  2. Ian wragg
    June 7, 2019

    Would love to be there but unfortunately can’t make it.
    Good to hear the High Court judge has thrown out the vexatious charges against Boris. I hope the crowd funders are happy.

    1. Lifelogic
      June 8, 2019

      Indeed why on earth had the judge in the lower court come to such an absurd decision as to allow it? Almost every politician and indeed many bureaucrats could have been taken to court. How many have for example claimed the NHS was the envy of the world or similar? May and Hammond have both falsely claimed they have reduced government debt and are cutting taxes. Corbyn make absurd and totally undeliverable, magic money tree promises almost every day.

  3. Gouger
    June 7, 2019

    It is brilliant how you, Tory MP Oxford Don Financial adviser, portray yourself as a critic of the establishment.

    REPLY I seek to explain populism to the establishment and establishment to the populists. I don’t claim to be either

  4. Richard1
    June 7, 2019

    Sold out!

  5. Iago
    June 7, 2019

    It is alarmingly easy to vote fraudulently by post. Nothing much has been done to prevent fraudulent voting, so I believe voting by post should be entirely abolished. While I am waiting for that happy event, postal votes should be counted separately.

    1. libertarian
      June 7, 2019


      And whilst the Electoral Commission are used as “Peoples Vote” ( helpers Ed)they will never do the independent job they are supposed to. Electoral fraud is rife in this country and they just dont care .

    2. Lifelogic
      June 8, 2019

      I tend to agree. The very least that should be done is to publish the figures to see if there is any significant difference between the postal vote preferences and the ‘in person’ vote. It is highly likely there is some considerable fraud going on and is easy to discover if there is a problem or not.

  6. Sulis
    June 7, 2019

    Dear Sir John Redwood,
    Thank you for extending the invitation to all your readers here and thank you too for your amazingly profuse and valuable service to this country.
    The title of your book makes me think of Kassandra, (my mind still dwells on Greece, the ancient and the modern) but will stay on topic and just point out Tues is the 11th.

    Nb such a pleasure to address you correctly – as a loyal knight.

  7. acorn
    June 7, 2019

    Visiting fellow number crunchers in Strasbourg. The word is any trade deal with EU is years away. Most just want the UK to bugger off asap. The few deals on offer for the UK are unacceptable due to very large tariff quota demands from non EU countries. Off to meet the Brussels number crunchers tomorrow.

    1. Dennis Zoff
      June 7, 2019


      Utter nonsense…clearly international business/trade deals are not your strong point!

      That is why beancounters are rarely in charge of big business, they, like politicians, just don’t have that kind of ability?

      1. acorn
        June 8, 2019

        We number crunchers get paid hansomely to supply the numbers for those trade deals. Your comment reveals how little you understand business processes.

        1. Dennis Zoff
          June 9, 2019


          …..being in the £700k+ annual base salary paygrade category, which comes from running a highly successful Multi-Billion global business, I therefore wholly disagree with your sciolistic conclusion re. my understanding of business processes, either from my practical 30+ years of running international businesses or from a senior academic standpoint. Teaching MBA students the realities of actual international business practices have long been a personal pleasure of mine, along with writing for prominent publications on International business trading/ethics along with my Doctoral Research Colleagues.

          My country business teams are wealth creators, not bean-counters that simply sum up the hard work of others!….though in all fairness I have many very good Financial VPs on my international staff who are worth their weight when assisting our international Business leaders to close out multi-Billion global deals! My Dutch, German, Indian, and North American VPs, in particular, are extremely good at their jobs!

          You, on the other hand, display the characters of a junior level accountant that assumes they are somewhat important in the scheme of things, which is clearly debatable?

          Number crunchers have their place, agreed, but neither should they over-estimate their true value!

  8. BR
    June 7, 2019

    Hmmm maybe I’ll look at buying it when you’ve finished writing it.

  9. Gareth Warren
    June 7, 2019

    I should feel sorry for the hundreds of thousands of EU jobs that will be negatively impacted due to the slow bureaucratic mess that is the EU. I know I would be incredibly frustrated knowing my business has a significant tax overhead and leadership who did not act swiftly to allow me to compete on a level field with international rivals, I suspect French car workers in particular will be very unhappy when they see the EU playing political games with their livelihoods.

    But that would be dishonest as I believe they are responsible adults like myself that could choose to leave the EU too. Here I am thankful for both the conservative party and UKIP/TBP with Farage for giving me that democratic choice.

    I work in a firm that designs and manufactures electronic products, it is possible that exports into the EU will incur tariffs, but if we have a lower tax burden and no import tariffs on our components we will be more competitive in the EU after brexit.

    And more importantly much more competitive with the wider world where the company I work for makes most of its sales. That increased prosperity will be repeated across the country when a clean WTO brexit is delivered.

  10. Iain Gill
    June 8, 2019

    wish I could be there, good luck.

    you are one of my heroes and would love to hear you speak, maybe one day…

  11. Cortona
    June 10, 2019

    Apologies Sir John and thanks for sharing the number but I left the IEA messages last week when I was abroad and now I am back they say it is sold out with a waiting list that I have joined. As a last roll of the dice is there any way you can suggest I may be able to attend please? Many thanks

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