My Parliamentary office staff

I have been told that a few people have been aggressive with my staff who are trying to provide answers at a time of great demand. Please  understand they are trying to do their best for you. Keep your anger for a strong email to me or the government  if you must let off steam about the current difficult situation.


  1. Polly
    March 21, 2020

    Don’t you think this short piece which I have posted before is coming true before our eyes?

    Firstly through the insane ”Net Zero” policy and now through United Nations WHO influence over Western governments.

    Globalism is a malign ideology, totalitarian in effect and execution. The globalist aim is a world without nations and one central administrative government regulating every aspect of public and private life. It is about the dismantling of everything we know to be true and real and replacing it with lies and delusions.

    The globalist world is created and run by certain billionaires who frequently use the power of money to achieve their aims whether through bribery, blackmail or otherwise.. Those who refuse to participate are to be deceived, re-educated, intimidated or silenced if they continue to resist. Such issues as national security and love of country are dismissed as quaint old-fashioned notions that no longer apply..

    Globalism has at it’s heart an evil & narcissistic desire for power and control, it is about the destruction of the individual and the submission of populations for profit to the powerful and wealthy.

    Needless to say, the EU and UN are central to the globalism dream because the influencing of global policy through supra national organizations has trillion dollar profit opportunities, resulting in a vast transfer of wealth to the controlling elite.

    1. Martin in Cardiff
      March 21, 2020

      No, it’s just the usual right wing conspiracy-theorist’s trope, Polly.

      What it describes is not any global political doctrine but simply capitalist opportunism, which knows no limits, and which will exploit every freedom that it finds.

      The European Union is its enemy, simply for imposing constraints as to its adverse effects on people.

      You have been fooled into serving its ends, it seems.

      It has absolutely no answers to the present world emergency. It does not care whether millions die from wars, from disease, from hunger, or from any other ill stemming from its destruction of social infrastructure and co-operation..

      1. Polly
        March 21, 2020

        Is that the European Union which hides behind it’s castle walls and refuses to co-operate with other countries which refuse to bow before it ?

        Or is that a different European Union which I haven’t encountered yet ?


        1. Martin in Cardiff
          March 21, 2020

          Well, it’s powerful enough not to have to be bullied by those used to getting their own way with single small countries, if that’s what you mean.

          E.g its Parliament threw out TTIP, quite rightly.

          And who would give unqualified access to a civilised market, to countries which allow virtual slave labour, or environmental degradation, for instance?

          1. Edward2
            March 22, 2020

            The EU trades with many such nations.
            China for example.

      2. Fred H
        March 21, 2020

        what a load of crap.

        1. Martin in Cardiff
          March 21, 2020

          Why’s that, Fred?

      3. Edward2
        March 21, 2020

        Yet capitalist big business and multi national companies and the rich elite love the EU.
        Yo might see a flaw in your Marxist view of the world.

        1. Martin in Cardiff
          March 21, 2020

          I’m not a marxist.

          1. Edward2
            March 21, 2020

            I just keep reading what you say.
            Perhaps a period if self reflection is in order.

        2. hefner
          March 22, 2020

          Edward2, can’t you see/understand that it is quite possible not to agree with your views and not be a ‘Marxist’. It is sometimes said that wisdom comes with age. I am afraid that in some cases there are people stuck in their worldview and with the years passing absolutely unable to think outside their preconceptions.
          Beware, throwing the marxist label onto all and sundry might be a sign of such limitations coming

          1. Edward2
            March 22, 2020

            How very eloquent you are hef.
            But I read Martin’s words and see what he wants and I am entitled to my opinion.
            You carry on hef with your pompous posts.

          2. hefner
            March 22, 2020

            “Capitalist big business and multinational companies” “love the EU”.
            Apple, Google. GazProm, Amazon, McDonald’s, Volvo … all love to bits the EU particularly Margrethe Vestager who has fined them around €20bn for not paying taxes in the countries from which they make their profits.
            That must be a case of tough love.

          3. Martin in Cardiff
            March 22, 2020

            I want a mixed economy, Edward.

            I believe in private property.

            I believe in pluralistic democracy.

            That disqualifies me from being a marxist.

          4. Edward2
            March 22, 2020

            They make billions every year from the protectionist policies of the EU
            Its just a minor tax.
            I’m amazed someone as clever as you doesn’t realise Hefner.

          5. hefner
            March 23, 2020

            So multinationals still love the EU, you think? Maybe you’re right Edward2. I am just waiting to see the taxes that the UK will ask these multinationals when Brexit is actually done.

        3. hefner
          March 23, 2020

          BTW, Edward2, what is your view of the world? I am always curious to hear people defining their creeds in their own words.

      4. Narrow Shoulders
        March 21, 2020

        Surely globalism is a right wing dream.

        It is the left who see what Polly is saying or is everything bad right wing and everything good left wing?

        Stalin was a nationalist as was Lenin as is Nicola Sturgeon and her predecessor Jabba the Hut. Yet left wing nationalists are lauded while right wing nationalists are all tarred as racist.

    2. steve
      March 21, 2020


      “The globalist world is created and run by certain billionaires who frequently use the power of money to achieve their aims whether through bribery, blackmail or otherwise”

      ‘Otherwise’ to include Bilderberg.

    3. Mike Wilson
      March 21, 2020

      Perhaps take a bit more water with it.

    4. Original Chris
      March 21, 2020

      Spot on, Polly

  2. Narrow Shoulders
    March 21, 2020

    I wish I was shocked by this but I am not. Our society is becoming more polarised into those who only care about themselves and those who care too much about others.

    What is required is consideration for all others while looking after one’s own best interests. In this way the community will benefit from everyone’s rising standards but not to the detriment of others.

  3. Lifelogic
    March 21, 2020

    From what I have seen with the banks so far – they have a new catch 22. The answer for any corona virus lending request will be:-

    A. You, the owner of the business, have other assets so get a loan charged on those – so get lost mate.
    B. Your business is not viable and has not got sufficient assets, profits or cash flow and you personally have not got sufficient assets to back it up either – so get lost mate.

    The problem is that any property charge loan even if available takes a long time to put in place – too long.

    1. graham1946
      March 21, 2020

      This is ridiculous and govt must intervene. I never heard the Chancellor say any of this, it seemed businesses registered with HMRC would just be able to get the money.
      Why are the banks involved anyway? Surely if you apply to HMRC they could just reverse the taxation process and download the money to you. No-one in their right mind would take a charge on their property to get a loan in these conditions. Best of luck to all.

    2. Peter Wood
      March 21, 2020

      LL, I’ve read a number of your many posts complaining about the retails banks. I have no doubt you are correct about their lack of interest in providing small business loans. Banks simply don’t have properly trained business lending staff any more, and you know it. So, your business plan must no longer include any form of unsecured borrowing. You might try the peer to peer lenders.
      This situation will only worsen as HM Treasury issues enormous amount of Gilts that banks love to buy, and then sell on to the BoE for a profit. There will be no bank lending capacity for other risk assets. Time to move on.

  4. Lifelogic
    March 21, 2020

    Very sorry indeed to hear that. I fear it will will get far worse as people see just how unprepared the NHS and Government is for this virus.

    1. Lifelogic
      March 21, 2020

      Plus how much the government have under reacted (and are still under reacting) so as to give more time for the NHS to get up to speed. That have had two months notice after all.

      1. Mike Wilson
        March 21, 2020

        They aren’t under reacting, they are over reacting.

        That said, testing and protection of NHS staff seems lacking.

        7 cases in Dorset- yet no-one at my end of Dorset (0 cases for 40 miles) can go to a cafe or pub. A web site showing exactly where cases are – and where suspected cases are self isolating- would be useful. People nowhere near infection could carry on and provide services to the affected areas (by helping to make sure supply chains stay functioning.) it seems nuts that the whole country ones to a standstill when many areas have cases in single figures.

        1. Lifelogic
          March 21, 2020

          So just how many people do you want to die for want for lack of ventilators and decent medical care in a week to two’s time? Perhaps 50,000 or 100,000? There could easily be 40,000 plus people needing ventilators and other treatment in just two weeks time. Most are clearly not going to get it.

          Sir Simon Stevens says the NHS will have 12,000 ventilators for coronavirus patients ‘within weeks’! Not sure what he read at Balliol but I have always found the man to be very unimpressive indeed I assume not medicine or a solicitor science. What on earth does “weeks” mean and why only 12,000 of them? We have had two months notice of this disaster after all.

          1. Lifelogic
            March 21, 2020

            a “sound” science not – damn predictive text thing how do you switch it off?

          2. hefner
            March 22, 2020

            In iOS, go to Settings, then General, then Keyboard, then move Predictive to Off.

        2. Lifelogic
          March 21, 2020

          Mike – 7 (tested positive) cases but perhaps 700 actually infected and each infecting more every day! Get real please.

          1. Fred H
            March 22, 2020

            advice from hefner…..however just stop at Keyboard – OFF.

          2. hefner
            March 22, 2020

            FredH, that’s cheeky.

      2. Man of Kent
        March 21, 2020

        Clearly there is over buying by some greedy people but there is also the very human and understandable urge to provide for an unknown period of isolation .
        I count myself lucky to be able to order what I want online and have home deliveries from local traders .

        Placed an order for heating oil today at a rather high price , the supplier said the price would come down next week , but delivery cannot be guaranteed till 6 April.

        So Have decided to. split the order without knowing when the next delivery might be made.

        For those living on estates with few facilities it is little wonder that many want to be sure they have enough basic supplies to see them through the next 2-4 weeks at least .

        To back you up LL , these reactions are / were entirely predictable but I am afraid Government have come late to the party .

        Our statistics are up there with Italy , Spain and Iran ,well ahead of Taiwan Korea,Singapore ,China and Germany .

        Indeed we are now being threatened with relief of self isolation from time to time to save the, sorry ‘ our’ NHS .
        In this scenario we will go on for as long as it takes to develop a safe vaccine , say a year from now ?

  5. Iain Gill
    March 21, 2020

    please accept this comment as a strong email to you about how bad the financial ombudsman service is, even at the best of times.

    as for the rest thank your staff for the hard work.

    1. Lifelogic
      March 21, 2020

      Indeed and the board of the Ombusdman service is appointed by the FCA that was headed up by the History graduate Andrew Bailey now at the BoE who seems to think banks charging 40% or 78% for overdrafts when base rates are 0.1% (for all personal customers) is just dandy.

      1. Peter
        March 21, 2020

        Yes Andrew Bailey was useless at the Fundamentally Complicit Authority as ‘Private Eye’ refers to it.

        Many opposed his appointment to the Bank of England, but he seems to be one of those with friends in the right places. The head of the Metropolitan Police is another.

  6. ChrisS
    March 21, 2020

    This kind of behaviour is completely unacceptable.

    Zero tolerance should be the policy. Anyone who is not polite and restrained should be turned away without any help.

    1. Alan Jutson
      March 21, 2020


      Agree, just cut them off politely.

  7. steve
    March 21, 2020


    Sorry to hear of this.

    I do not excuse the culprits and I hope your staff were not distressed. However a wise man would take it as general indication of public sentiment.

    Boris’s government needs to tread very carefully, particularly where greed buyers and supermarkets are concerned. There could well be a reckoning at the next election.

    It is no good ‘asking’ greedy selfish people to stop being greedy and selfish, and as we all know the supermarkets have been operating informal rationing which favours their profits and assists greed buyers in their selfish endeavours – leaving empty shelves for the rest of us who are simply trying to procure only what we need after a hard day’s graft.

    Tempers are starting to fly and patience is running out, Mr Redwood. If food supply is going to be controlled – it needs to be fair and properly policed.

    This country will not pull together, as Boris seems to think. Unfortunately greed and selfism have taken over. 40 or 50 years ago maybe, but not now.

    Note that Churchill got us through our darkest hour, but was kicked out of power some eight weeks after VE day.

    If Boris doesn’t get this right (and that includes NOT using coronavirus as an excuse to delay brexit) the electorate will be after blood, as it were.

    Reply I don’t think main supermarkets are deliberately leaving shelves empty. They have been overwhelmed by the excessive demand which exceed normal orders and deliveries. Our food supply is very flexible and responsive, but not to a massive rise in demand. You expect food volumes to grow by population growth only, with seasonal peaks around big festivals

    1. Lifelogic
      March 21, 2020

      I am not worried at all about food supplies. I am worried about the supply of ventilators and sufficient trained staff to operate them. Wait until these run out and are rationed.

    2. Fred H
      March 21, 2020

      reply to reply…..I don’t think the supermarkets (and store managers on sales commision) hesitated for a nanosecond as the rush started and the tills and card machines rang out all day. Where was (is?) the only 2 of anything notices and upheld by managers at the tills? Once a shelf is empty or a queue forms you can count on a buying panic by the greedy and me me me types and generation.

    3. jerry
      March 21, 2020

      @JR reply; First off might I also express my distress that your staff, or any MP or their staff, had to endure this.

      To the point of my reply though, I’m not sure I follow your argument regarding sudden excessive demand. I’m sure you remember the Falklands war, the MOD with the help of their suppliers, such as the company my father worked for (being a large supplier to NAAFI), they moved tones & tones of supplies around the country from factories and warehouses, even diverting lorries that had been due to drop at other destinations, to ports or MOD bases, My father even had to contact one factory to instruct them to pull one product from production and replace it with another for a full production run all of which went to the MOD/NAAFI, this before the task force sailed – my father was contacted directly at home before the task-force was announced to parliament/publicly.

      Perhaps you now understand why I am so frustrated at what simply looks like inaction and buck passing by Govt. The army has been mobilised we are told, some are being trained for specialist tasks, but what are the rest doing, why can’t they help with transport, heck they could even be deployed overnight stacking shelves around the country for now at least. Please ask Downing Street, the MOD and the civil service to start thinking out of the box!

    4. steve
      March 21, 2020

      Reply to JR

      “I don’t think main supermarkets are deliberately leaving shelves empty”

      Unfortunately Mr Redwood up here in the Hull area my local supermarket was caught red handed doing just that. Nearly caused a riot.

      However to be fair I can’t speak for other supermarkets around the country, but certainly mine was caught out.

  8. Anonymous
    March 21, 2020

    Thank you for everything you’re doing and keep safe. Please thank your staff too. People are tense at the moment.

    1. Lifelogic
      March 21, 2020


  9. ukretired123
    March 21, 2020

    The Age of Unreason book written some 20 years ago by a UK old-fashioned Professor has entered the Age of Intolerant and Unreasonable behaviour indeed.

    This week a patient with mild cold symptoms demanded to see a doctor and when told the policy was to go home and self-isolate and if it got worse phone 111.
    Unbelievably he had a fit and broke down the door instead!
    Appalling behaviour tantrums…

    And remember those who attack hospital staff and those who throw bricks at the 3 Emergency Services vehicles and staff entering their neighbourhood s???
    Suddenly the boot is on the other foot… Demanding instant attention and help…

    As I said yesterday many people’s emotional age can be half or less than their physical age.
    Fact not fiction.

    Sorry to hear your staff have been subjected to this unreasonable behaviour.
    Many people lack self discipline and self respect sadly.
    Kindness and compassion costs nothing.

    1. Martin in Cardiff
      March 22, 2020

      Yes, but politicians and their tame media have been telling people that they have a right, nay, that it is their patriotic duty, to get angry and aggressive about things that they don’t like.

      They then list the things that they are told not to like, and why they are the fault of either the European Union or of the Labour Party, or of both.

      1. Edward2
        March 22, 2020

        When have politicians and their tame media been telling people…to get angry and aggressive?
        Got any examples?

        1. Martin in Cardiff
          March 22, 2020

          Yes, calling learned, scrupulously fair, and diligent judiciary “enemies of the people” and conscientious MPs “traitors” are such examples.

          1. Edward2
            March 22, 2020

            So no examples of media telling everyone to get angry and aggressive when challenged.
            Other than one headline about the Supreme Court’s very controversial judgement.

          2. Edward2
            March 22, 2020

            Re read you original post Martin
            Just ridiculous propaganda of the extreme left.

          3. Martin in Cardiff
            March 22, 2020

            Look up “implication”, Edward.

            It can be just as unequivocal as express instruction.

  10. Lorna
    March 26, 2020

    Could not agree more .
    Just been listening to Radio 4 and we had the usual line up of moaners
    Then we had Care Home Management talking about massive recruitment for the sector ,not nursing but cooks ,cleaners ,Laundry security,engineering many more jobs which have thousands of vacancies
    We heard from farms needing thousands of workers
    We already know of the many jobs created in supermarkets and companies producing vital equipment for the NHS
    Why has it not been made a requirement that existing vacancies be filled before giving benefits ?
    Even HMRC now needs 4000 extra staff to deal with increase in those claiming benefits

    The LandGirls during the last war provided food for the population as men went off to war
    They came from all stratas of society and many professions.
    Saving the nation from starvation .

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