Controlling the borders

It sounds as if the government is now going to take more action to clamp down on the people trafficking and smuggling that is a daily event across the Channel. Many people are writing to MPs to complain that Poland and the EU is seeking to resist large illegal movements across their border whilst the UK authorities  are daily assisting people smugglers and traffickers to make money out of endangering the lives of a mixture of refugees and illegal economic migrants from France, a safe country.

The government is taking new legislation through Parliament to strengthen the law. All too many failed asylum seekers who have lost their case and more than one appeal stay on, with a legal industry seeking to frustrate the decision of the Home Office that they so not  qualify as asylum seekers. The Home Secretary needs to check her draft Bill to make sure it will be a sufficient instruction to the courts. Those who claim to be asylum seekers should be given a fair hearing and opportunity to make their case. They should have the right to a single appeal to an independent court. There should not be a way of using delayed processes to allow them to carry on living in  the UK long after it has been determined they are not asylum seekers .


  1. Len Peel
    November 19, 2021

    We could and did send migrants back to France when we were in the EU. Now we can’t. How’s that taking control thing working out for y’all?

    1. Nottingham Lad Himself
      November 19, 2021

      That’s only part of it, Len.

      If you depend on goodwill, to ensure another party’s diligence in implementing an agreement to prevent refugees from departing their country for yours, then you need to maintain that goodwill.

      The Government has sent clowns like Frost into delicate situations like the Jersey government’s nonsense over fishing and the working of the NIP instead.

      What could possibly go wrong?

      1. Peter2
        November 19, 2021

        Very few were returned to France when we were in the EU.

        1. hefner
          November 19, 2021

          Why should they be returned to France? They are not French citizens, and Dublin III (the regulation that was relevant when the UK was still part of the EU) points out that those seeking international protection should do that in the first safe country they reached, likely to be Italy for those coming from Libya via Lampedusa, Greece for those crossing from Turkey or Spain for those transiting via Ceuta/Tangiers.
          You have already been told multiple times you are talking rubbish, P2, and I can just reiterate it.
          And now that the UK is out of the EU, even these Dublin III regulations do not apply anymore.
          But did you ever read these regulations, P2? So you are just hilariously ridiculous to keep asking how many were returned to France.

          1. Peter2
            November 20, 2021

            I presume you are asking Len and NHL that question heffy.
            They say it is solely because we are not in the EU that they cannot be returned.
            I said few were returned when we were in the EU.
            You are getting very grumpy and personal again heffy
            Do try to keep calm old chap

          2. Peter2
            November 20, 2021

            Thanks to Dixie for this post which I hope may inform heffy.

            You are “confused” full stop, and that is putting things mildly.
            gov-uk eligibility rules (search for “Claim asylum in the UK”);
            “To stay in the UK as a refugee you must be unable to live safely in any part of your own country because you fear persecution there.
            – This persecution must be because of – your race, religion, nationality, political opinion, anything else that puts you at risk because of the social, cultural, religious or political situation in your country, for example, your gender, gender identity or sexual orientation. You must have failed to get protection from authorities in your own country.
            Your claim might not be considered if you: are from an EU country, travelled to the UK through a ‘safe third country’ have a connection to a safe third country where you could claim asylum
            Generally, a safe third country is one that: you’re not a citizen of, you would not be harmed in, would not send you on to another country where you would be harmed. so France and the Netherlands count as “a safe third country”

          3. Peter2
            November 20, 2021

            Thanks to Hat Man for this post which I hope may inform heffy.

            Article 33 of the Convention Relating to the UN’s Status of Refugees: No state “shall expel or return a refugee in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his life or freedom would be threatened on account of his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.”

            France is not such a state. Refusing to accept alleged asylum seekers coming from France is not in violation of this article

          4. hefner
            November 20, 2021

            As usual P2 moves the goalposts, here from Dublin III to UNSR. Fine, I’m used to his low caliber ‘repartees’. So UK would use Art.33 UNSR to prevent people from coming from France. Good. France could use exactly the same Art. 33 wrt Spain, Italy or Greece, given that practically no migrant arrives directly in France.
            So what do you say now, clever boy?

          5. Peter2
            November 20, 2021

            I was just referring to what Len and NHL originally claimed heffy.
            They said the reason we couldn’t send anyone back to France was because we weren’t in the EU.
            Yet few were sent back whilst we were in the EU.
            Which is true.
            Do you understand?
            I suggest you try being rude to someone else.

    2. No Longer Anonymous
      November 19, 2021

      Leaving us free to remove pull factors but the Tories just won’t do it.

      BTW. How many did we send back to France ? The taxi bomber had his asylum application rejected 5 years before Brexit.

      Even then the BBC has already memory holed the incident and is banging on about cricket. According to topsy-turvy EastEnders this week it’s white skinheads attacking Asian taxi drivers and violating mosques.

      Don’t you learn ?

      The more you sneer and lie about us the more we vote the way you don’t want us to.

    3. Peter
      November 19, 2021

      Victor Orban could instantly solve the issue of illegal migrants.

      He sees the problems and acts. No excuses, no handwringing.

      Where there is a will there is a way. Our government has no desire whatsoever to address the problem.

    4. X-Tory
      November 19, 2021

      It’s not Brexit that is to blame but this government of traitors who are failing to use the new freedoms it gives us. We are now free to modify or disapply the human rights laws and send these invaders back to their home countries where they belong. Our failure to do this means that the problem is Boris, not Brexit.

      1. Jim Whitehead
        November 19, 2021

        X-Tory, +1, so glad that I didn’t cast my vote for Johnson

    5. SM
      November 19, 2021

      The most of the migrants are encouraged to cross the Middle East, Central Europe and Western Europe by criminals – gangs who want to make a great deal of money by sending very young women into slavery/prostitution and young men into what can be effectively slave labour. The fact that these terrible journeys can end in death is of course immaterial to such gangsters.

      We are repeatedly assured by Nottingham Lad, Andy and yourself amongst others that the EU is a haven of exemplary morality and good practice; perhaps you could explain why they are so nonchalant about such devastating criminal activity within their borders?

    6. matthu
      November 19, 2021

      USA supposedly have control of their own borders. They apparently give every migrant who has been separated from their family $450,000…

    7. Footprint
      November 19, 2021

      A pertinent question Len, and answer will there be none
      They’ve got PCism off to a fine art, so they can find excuse for inaction or cancellation to every problem they are faced with.
      I think we used to call it running scared , but there is a serious side to this

      Governments are required to be responsible and diligent in defence of the Realm, to not defend one’s borders and in this case seem to encourage invasion by illegals (even 1 will do, doesn’t have to be the whole 1000 plus) then there must be a case for dereliction of duty and perhaps more serious criminal charges.

      I have a solution, destroy the dinghies before they set off from the beaches, send the afresh Army in and if they won’t act send in a cutting out operation interdict and confiscate them at incoming places and I mean at all ports and airfields within the EU, I’m sure not many smugglers would be able to,prove they were for a legal purpose ( cutting out operation, I wouldn’t suggest fire ships at the moment)

    8. Roy Grainger
      November 19, 2021

      Except we CAN return them to France and have done so in a few cases this year. Odd how Remainers feel the need to make things up in support of their futile cause.

    9. Micky Taking
      November 20, 2021

      How many?

  2. Mark B
    November 19, 2021

    Good morning.

    Those who claim to be asylum seekers should be given a fair hearing and opportunity to make their case.


    And what of those who are already here, will they be sent home ?

    You must first remove the PULL FACTORS. No more spending money. They have no need of it, they have all they want already. FREE accomodation. FREE Healthcare. And FREEDOM to come and go as they please, including in some cases, back to the country that they were supposed to be fleeing in the first place.

    We are seen internationally as mugs and taken for such.

    1. Nottingham Lad Himself
      November 19, 2021

      You are confusing the UN rules with the European Union’s internal agreements on safe countries.

      The UK can no longer benefit from that latter – it has left, remember – and under the first asylum claimants are not restricted as you would want.

      You have wrongly identified the so-called pull factors too.

      One of the main ones is a pre-existing community of people who speak the same language(s) as they do, and then no requirement to conform to the constitutional requirements that e.g. France demands.

      A few examples of the last would be no state-funded religious schools, the requirement to make a solemn declaration in support of the secular constitution, and much more.

      1. No Longer Anonymous
        November 19, 2021

        The EU is having big problems too, NHL.

        It would help if all UK documentation were void of any other language than English and there were no translators provided by tax payers.

        I’m pretty sure no other country has health forms produced in multiple languages.

        1. No Longer Anonymous
          November 19, 2021

          I think it also helps France that they put refugees up in muddy fields.

          France has pretty big ethnic minority communities too, from the many times I’ve been there.

      2. Hat man
        November 19, 2021

        But if these migrants did not apply for asylum in the EU country they entered, lad, we are justified in not treating them as asylum seekers, but as economic migrants. Neither France nor Italy is a war-torn devastated country that they’re escaping from.

        If they did apply for asylum in France, and were rejected, that would suggest that they have no good case for seeking asylum here.

        If they are still waiting for their case to be decided, they should stay in France until it is.

        1. Nottingham Lad Himself
          November 19, 2021

          If the UK were still a European Union member, then it would be a party to the Dublin arrangements, and be able to enforce those in the ECJ against other member countries.

          But it isn’t.

          The UN rules do not allow what you propose on the other hand.

          1. Hat man
            November 20, 2021

            Article 33 of the Convention Relating to the UN’s Status of Refugees: No state “shall expel or return a refugee in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his life or freedom would be threatened on account of his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.”

            France is not such a state. Refusing to accept alleged asylum seekers coming from France is not in violation of this article.

          2. Nottingham Lad Himself
            November 20, 2021

            Hat Man, these people have no right to be in France and do not want to be there either.

            They want to be here.

            Why should France accept them, and what law says that they must, then?

      3. dixie
        November 20, 2021

        You are “confused” full stop, and that is putting things mildly.
        gov-uk eligibility rules (search for “Claim asylum in the UK”);
        “To stay in the UK as a refugee you must be unable to live safely in any part of your own country because you fear persecution there.
        – This persecution must be because of – your race, religion, nationality, political opinion, anything else that puts you at risk because of the social, cultural, religious or political situation in your country, for example, your gender, gender identity or sexual orientation. You must have failed to get protection from authorities in your own country.
        Your claim might not be considered if you: are from an EU country, travelled to the UK through a ‘safe third country’ have a connection to a safe third country where you could claim asylum
        Generally, a safe third country is one that: you’re not a citizen of, you would not be harmed in, would not send you on to another country where you would be harmed. so France and the Netherlands count as “a safe third country”

      4. dixie
        November 20, 2021

        We were getting illegal immigrants when we were in the EU so we didn’t “benefit” as you say, what has changed since leaving is France having weaponised them as a means to try and coerce the UK, this is not a weakness of Brexit but is one of a number of unfriendly acts against a neighbour by France and the EU.
        BTW Claiming for asylum is one thing, being eligible is an entirely different matter.
        On Pull factors and language – the top 5 nationalities claiming asylum in the year to March 2021 were – Iran, Albania, Eritrea, Iraq and Sudan – no English there.
        As for proposal, if what you recommend were adopted and integration with indigenous society were enforced you would be the first to accuse the rest of us as racist bigots closely followed your fellow travellers.

    2. a-tracy
      November 19, 2021

      Mark, NLH etc are explaining why this is happening ‘European Union’s internal agreements on safe countries. The UK can no longer benefit from that latter – it has left’.
      I believe Theresa May was quick to sign us up to a new agreement in relation to migration.
      We need to improve our own constitutional requirements. Our own benefits pull factors.
      Seven years here after failing an asylum claim and allowed to work and move properties. It is an absolute joke on law abiding people in this Country. We have this Liverpool bomber to thank for identifying just how pathetic our rules and laws are.

      1. dixie
        November 20, 2021

        It is not necessarily the rules and laws that are the problem laws but those enforcing them and the legal and political industry that has developed to weaponise the issues.
        You keep a population in line by frightening, cowing and controlling the law abiding majority, not dangerous minorities and their hate driven supporters.

        1. a-tracy
          November 20, 2021

          Dixie that lawyer chap the left like to use a lot, the one who dealt with the Rotherham child prosecution, said it wasn’t the lawyers, it was the laws. They are just acting within the law and rules. He made a point of saying that those that enforce these laws shouldn’t be criticised because the fault lies firmly with the government who make the laws.

          I agree with you about the new controls, it feels very stifling. No-one dares challenge or speak. The cancel culture is vicious, acts without charge just on accusation and the ganging up is like a witch hunt. It is the new Salem. The new punishment is to lose your job, your friends, your contracts but only one way. This week I read JK Rowling hasn’t been invited the 20th anniversary of the Harry Potter Films created from the books she wrote – no one of importance or who could make a difference to stop this seems to be standing up and saying “No, this is wrong!”.

    3. Len Peel
      November 19, 2021

      We can’t send them to the first safe country, they won’t take them. Why would they? It was different when we were in the EU, but you knew you were voting to deal with more migrants when you voted for Brexit, right?

      1. a-tracy
        November 19, 2021

        Not interested in the EU Len, we are independent now, we have our sovereignty back, Boris has a majority. We are depending on the Conservatives to sort this out. If they don’t they will be out. Nothing to do with sleaze, nothing to do with Boris’ love life, it will be this issue.

      2. Peter2
        November 19, 2021

        OK then Len
        Tell us exactly how many were returned from the UK to European countries whilst we were members of the EU.

        1. dixie
          November 20, 2021

          I doubt he can or would, the hate brigade don’t do facts.
          From the record (Gov-uk immigration statistics data tables year ending March 2021), the Dublin regulation applied up to 31-Dec-20;

          total UK grants, total UK refusals, Dublin requests into UK, Dublin arrivals, Dublin requests for out of UK, Dublin “returns”
          2015 11422, 17201, 1180, 131, 3492, 510
          2016 8465, 16430, 1905, 558, 4239, 362
          2017 6779, 14490, 2137, 461, 5712, 314
          2018 6931, 14153, 1940, 1215, 5510, 209
          2019 10796, 9970, 714, 2236, 3258, 263
          2020 6569, 7796, 882, 2331, 8502, 105

          – the total UK numbers are initial decisions included to give a sense of scale.
          The “Dublin requests for out of UK” is very much larger than the formal requests from other EU countries and arrivals so likely includes those people who entered, or tried to enter, the UK illegally from an EU country. The number of returns under Dublin is at least an order or magnitude less than UK requests under Dublin.
          Note the disparity of the Dublin figures which demonstrate the supposed EU benefit wasn’t anything of the kind.

    4. Mockbeggar
      November 19, 2021

      I’m going against the trend of this thread, because it would appear that many of these refugees (and about 60% of them have been classed as genuine refugees rather than economic migrants) are middle class and well-qualified in their professions. We should be ‘fast tracking’ these – especially those in the medical profession – through a process to assess and qualify them to work for the NHS in this country and in various other (especially science, engineering and technology) professions. Others, less well qualified should be allowed to work in understaffed areas such as hospitality and agricultural, perhaps ensuring they don’t abscond by keeping a close eye on their families and/or employers who will advise whenever one fails to show up for work.

      It seems madness to me to keep them in paid limbo while their applications are being processed.

      1. Micky Taking
        November 20, 2021

        Then why not apply for lawful migration to the UK, from what you say they might be welcomed.
        Why would they risk involvment with people smugglers, and then life and limb crossing rough Channel?

    5. Timaction
      November 19, 2021

      I’m afraid our leftwing legacies do not have the desire or political will to carry out the wishes of the electorate. Tow them back or deport immediately on arrival. Why only five deported this year. This is either deliberate policy or gross incompetence. After eleven and a half years in office your Government has run out of excuses. I have written three times in the last 18months to my MP JRM and all I get back is feeble excuses and promises to the future. Westminster should hang their collective heads in shame. A billion pounds a year for these freeloaders at our expense. If you cant deal with them get out and let the Reform Party in.

  3. DOM
    November 19, 2021

    We don’t need new legislation. We need a party in government who isn’t petrified of having the race and xenophobe card ‘played’ against it. This fear of being slandered and demonised by the British left dictates most Tory party policy and has caused untold damage to our nation

    Ever since the fall of Margaret Thatcher instigated by Tory MPs the party has become a brutal political animal that places its own protection and survival above that of the nation and its own people.

    Again, the interests of the Tory and Labour parties are irrelevant compared to protecting this nation, its culture and its freedom from the extreme left who appear to have now infected all areas of public life including the deliberate importation of peoples as part of their social and political agenda

    1. JoolsB
      November 19, 2021

      + 10000000

    2. Nottingham Lad Himself
      November 19, 2021

      No, it is not the fear of the Left which dictates Tory policy at all – far from it.

      It is the realistic acceptance, that if any party did what some posters here imply that they want, then this country would be rightly invaded, by a multi-national force, to stop the crimes against humanity which they appear to want, and to bring those in government to justice in the ICC.

      At that level I think that the Tories are right to deny a minority of their voters their baleful aspirations.

      1. ChrisS
        November 19, 2021

        What utter rubbish. You should be ashamed of yourself.

      2. Peter2
        November 19, 2021

        OK then NHL
        Tell us exactly what crimes the UK would commit that would be so serious that the rest of the world would send a military invading task force.
        Come on eh.

      3. No Longer Anonymous
        November 19, 2021

        Ermm…like New Zealand, you mean, NLH ?

      4. Micky Taking
        November 20, 2021

        A great laugh, aching sides first thing in the morning, no Martin stop it, I’ll choke over breakfast.

    3. Donna
      November 19, 2021

      Basically, we need a Government which will stand up to the left-wing Civil Service, Quangocracy, Charity-Quangos and the BBC/Sky/ITV/C4 etc

      Do you think we’ve got one of those? I think the evidence is very clear that we don’t. They didn’t even dare de-criminalise the BBC Poll Tax.

      1. Jumeirah
        November 25, 2021

        Civil Servants? One can’t find Civil Servants because they are out somewhere ‘walking the dog’s whilst we pay ‘London Weighting’

    4. glen cullen
      November 19, 2021

      Wise words….and you’ve identified the nub of the issue, the protection of the nation over that of the party

    5. DavidJ
      November 19, 2021


    6. Jim Whitehead
      November 19, 2021

      DOM, +1 plus plus! And the BBC continues to be the maximum irritant that it can be to everything that our country is, can be, and values.

  4. Everhopeful
    November 19, 2021

    As the article implies it would be very difficult for the government to take less action.
    I mean, I don’t open my front door and usher strangers in from the pavement 24/7.
    Nor come to that does the government. It is Xxx and discriminatory in the help it offers.
    So basically 
.we will believe it when we see it.
    Another Pritti Spring that rapidly turns into Autumn?
    We actually do not believe you now.
    Not at all!

    1. Everhopeful
      November 19, 2021


      1. lifelogic
        November 19, 2021

        Priti (useless) needs to demand the tools to do the job seriously or resign. She has had nearly 1 & 1/2 years to stop the daily invasion, yet it is still increasing daily – how long does she need? Make it clear no one will be allowed to stay and they will be processed offshore and then they will stop coming (and risking their lives) Priti. It is not rocket science. But then the lawyers and Capita need the money I suppose.

        It seems the Liverpool bomb was packed with ball bearings so thank goodness the only death was the bomber & not 30+ mothers and babies.

    2. Micky Taking
      November 19, 2021

      Do you take no action about people camping on your front garden, and then after a year or so, open the door and invite them in with no payment for all the services inside?

    3. lifelogic
      November 19, 2021


      I too will only believe it only when/if I see it. Priti should demand the powers to do something substantive or resign. Just endlessly huffing and puffing only makes her look absurd. She has been Home Sec. for 16 month already.

      1. lifelogic
        November 19, 2021

        Fraser Nelson today – An unreformed NHS threatens to lock Britain into a new public health crisis
        The Tories know that extra money won’t fix the health service. But are they brave enough for real change?

        Clearly not, the foolish Javid just orders people to “respect the NHS” – no thanks mate it is dire, I will respect things the deserve and earn respect. I certainly respect some who work there but not the NHS itself. The new head of the NHS has already shown herself to be innumerate. The previous head was dire as was Hunt, Hancock and now Javid!

        The solution are obvious but clearly no political or the courage to act.

    4. Nottingham Lad Himself
      November 19, 2021

      “How dare the European Union have open borders between its member countries?” asks Home Secretary of union comprising England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland with open borders between them.

      1. Peter2
        November 19, 2021

        Ridiculous comparison NHL

  5. Everhopeful
    November 19, 2021

    Very interesting how the government can magik up laws to imprison and coerce us yet can do nothing about a coastal invasion.
    Very interesting how it can crash the economy yet can find money for four* hotels.
    Soooo strange that it can not fight off a few left wing lawyers nor shut up the lemming politicians who are cheering on all of this.
    Wring your hands Home Secretary and wring them well because that is all we expect you to do!

    1. Nottingham Lad Himself
      November 19, 2021

      It’s interesting, that you cannot conceive of anyone, e.g. a legal professional, acting impartially according to their profession’s ethics and supplying a service as demanded by the law, that is, a person’ right to representation in court.

      Most of them are fine people doing a good and very important job.

      I can see why such a position would never be entrusted to the likes of you on the other hand.

      1. Everhopeful
        November 19, 2021

        How do you know that I’m not a lawyer?
        Doing my good and very important job?
        I would never, as a professional purposely impede what the government was trying to do!
        Would you?

      2. No Longer Anonymous
        November 19, 2021

        NLH, It is perfectly correct to have used the word *fought* as in a legal battle against lawyers who ARE Left wing.

        No-one is saying they should be shot.

        Only that a robust opposition should be put up against them.

        1. No Longer Anonymous
          November 19, 2021

          And that when an asylum case is lost the migrant is repatriated at our cost.

          I doubt many Left wing lawyers will be found fighting for the removal of migrants who should not be here.

      3. Footprint
        November 19, 2021

        Could it be the law, as well as politics is an over staffed profession?
        And that far too many lawyers are qualifying and chasing far too small a pool of well paid work, so have to make do with peanuts from the immigration market.

        It would appear the pursuit of this prey is almost I would say weaponised, politically inspired and perhaps beyond the point of zealotry, which as I remember from the child physical abuse scandal is a dangerous practice..

        You may be correct they are only operating the law, so was The Merchant of Venice

    2. glen cullen
      November 19, 2021

      Agree – while the european police attempt to stop the people smugglers and traffickers, we also need zero tolerance against the illegal immigrants themselves
for the past decade this government has said we must arrest the people smugglers and traffickers, all effort must be in stopping the gang masters, the money flow, the communications and routes no no no we must stop and return every illegal immigrant
call it a nautical exercise but get the whole royal navy mid channel

    3. lifelogic
      November 19, 2021

      Yet they cannot find homes for the UK homeless.

      1. DavidJ
        November 19, 2021


    4. Jim Whitehead
      November 19, 2021

      Everhopeful, +1,

  6. Everhopeful
    November 19, 2021

    It might just be worth pointing out.
    And I know this to be true.
    That much of the support for lockdowns, jabs etc is POLITICALLY MOTIVATED.
    It is not to SUPPORT the government but to bring it down!

    Doing a good job.
    @ 6 point lead for Labour.

    1. Donna
      November 19, 2021

      Correct. The Public Sector/Quangocracy/BBC etc are trying to do to this Government what Scargill tried against Mrs Thatcher.

      Sadly, the Government has capitulated because it lacks the guts to deal with them.

  7. Everhopeful
    November 19, 2021

    I’d like to see 20 pro-lockdown, jab-pushing MPs get into a pea green boat and sail off seeking asylum.
    All papers destroyed, mobies at the ready.
    Bet they’d get a WARM WELCOME on a distant shore.

  8. Peter
    November 19, 2021

    I don’t believe there is any really commitment to doing anything about controlling UK borders.

    Sure there will be plenty of talk when the issue gets yet more bad press. There may even be some new law.

    Nothing will change as a result though. More excuses will be provided but no effective action will occur.

    1. Nig l
      November 19, 2021

      Agree totally. Frankly HMGs lack of action has been pathetic with its MPs with their heads in the sand.

      We have been ‘lied’ to constantly since the time of Mrs May as Home Sec. They regularly cut the budgets of the departments responsible and every time the problem pops up, they think we will be fooled with some meaningless words.

      We have already allegedly a million possibly more ‘illegals’ in this country, to have any credibility on this issue at all Sir JR please tell us how these people are going to be dealt with and, as with the current crop, after your fabled quick justice system kicks in, where are you going to send them?

      One thousand people a day, needing a case review, lawyers, courts, appeals et and then negotiating for a country to take them. So how’ve many can you operationally process. Finally sending them somewhere needs transport. Say 5/10 planes daily.

      This is utter rubbish.

      1. Micky Taking
        November 20, 2021

        a hopeless PM, who lost it months ago, wedded to a green obsessed wife.

    2. lifelogic
      November 19, 2021

      Seems so, just no political will it seems.

    3. formula57
      November 19, 2021

      + 1

  9. Mick
    November 19, 2021

    Controlling the borders
    What a joke this country is turning out to be , the only thing missing off the border and RNLI boats is a song and dance act and piano playing in the back ground to make these illegals more welcome, come on it’s not rocket science , tow them straight back at sea or ship them straight back once caught on our shores

    1. Fedupsoutherner
      November 19, 2021

      Love it Mick.

    2. Andy
      November 19, 2021

      Could you be more unpleasant? Doubtful.

      1. Peter2
        November 19, 2021

        We read what you write young andy.
        So yes and nearly every day.

    3. Micky Taking
      November 19, 2021

      Will the change to law include the denial of a claimant saying he/she has changed religion which now makes them threatened if sent back to homeland?

    4. glen cullen
      November 19, 2021

      And 400 so called refugees have given up their attempt to cross the Poland-Belarus border and returned to Iraq
.they’re all economic immigrants
      Thank you Poland for standing strong

    5. BOF
      November 19, 2021

      +1 MICK

    6. DavidJ
      November 19, 2021

      Indeed Mick, Australis managed it. Once they realise that they will be refused entry and turned back it will stop. Then the ones already here on benefits must be returned.

  10. turboterrier
    November 19, 2021

    The government has a majority of 80 and if the will, believe and honesty of the real impact and cost to society of all these thousands of economic migrants had been applied, a set of new rules, removing the country from ECHR controls and giving a clear indication illegal entry would result in losing the right to live here then this problem would cease to exist. Stop trying to be all things to all people and the cost of burdening the existing population. JFDI the taxpayers have had enough.

    1. Fedupsoutherner
      November 19, 2021

      Precisely Turbo.

      1. DavidJ
        November 19, 2021


    2. Andy
      November 19, 2021

      It isn’t illegal to arrive by dinghy to claim asylum. No matter how much you rant about it.

      1. a-tracy
        November 19, 2021

        If that is so Andy, then the law needs to change to make it illegal.

    3. Sharon
      November 19, 2021

      +1 Turbo!

  11. turboterrier
    November 19, 2021

    For real refugees there is a proper laid down process, they do not need to enter the country by dingy.
    For decades the incompetence of the successive govrments knows no bounds regarding this problem.

    1. Andy
      November 19, 2021

      Correction. There was a process. Which the party you vote for largely removed.

    2. Len Peel
      November 19, 2021

      What process? Show us the website for refugees to apply

      1. Bill B.
        November 19, 2021

        There you go, chum:-

        I hope we let you in .

        1. Len Peel
          November 19, 2021

          Yes, you apply on arrival in the UK. Eg by dingy

          1. Peter2
            November 19, 2021

            Which is what a majority find unacceptable Lenny.

      2. hefner
        November 21, 2021

        So P2, in that case, why do you not all ask your representatives to put pressure on the Government to change the law instead of writing sweet nothings on this blog?

        Oh they do not listen to you, and possibly will not do so before the next GE campaign. But isn’t it what representative parliamentary democracy is supposed to be?

        Having buyer’s remorse for your choice last time? Well tough, the processes were dutifully followed at every stage in 2019.

        So next, are you planning a demonstration like those in the NL, Italy or Austria? Better check the details of your health insurance before attending it, injuries occurring while demonstrating often are not covered.

        1. Peter2
          November 21, 2021

          Oh hi yet again hef.
          You hang on my every word.
          I do actually try to do what you demand by contacting my MP who tries hard like Sir John does to change laws where improvements can be made.
          No I’m not planning any demos.
          What a very odd post.

  12. Fedupsoutherner
    November 19, 2021

    Surely what you meant to say John is that they are seeking a way which will cost the tax payers an absolute mint with no guarantee thousands will still be given a way in to the UK for us to keep. Perhaps the latest craze will be throw away your papers and carry a Bible. ÂŁ100k per migrant before we’ve even started. Then if they manage to pull the wool over the eyes of the authorities (something not too difficult looking at the numbers that have unsuccessfully even been anywhere near deportation) they will be back in the UK before we know it costing us even more and not just in monetary terms either. We need to come out of the ECHR and set our own rules. After all we had our own set of human rights etc long before we kind the EU. It’s not like it’s impossible. Well done Poland for sticking it out and talking about building a wall. If only we could.

    1. BW
      November 19, 2021

      I can see it coming, can’t you. Yes another surcharge on the council tax to assist in supporting these illegal immigrants.

    2. BW
      November 19, 2021

      Get out of the ECHR
      Repeal the Human Rights Act
      Replace it with a UK Bill of Rights linked to responsibilities.
      Until you do this we are never going to be able to control our borders. Never no matter how many vows we get.
      Never mind the 23,000 this year, you can quadruple that when the lawyers demand that we allow their extended families in under the right to family life.
      So you see the problem this year alone is already 4 or 5 times larger than 23000.

      1. Nottingham Lad Himself
        November 19, 2021

        Which of your fourteen Human Rights do you want to lose?

        1. BW
          November 19, 2021

          All of them. They were written years ago to protect individuals from the Nazi’s. They are outdated and now need replacing. Similar rights but linked to personal responsibility. So as not to be abused by unscrupulous salivating lawyers milking the legal aid for as long as possible on each case.

          1. SM
            November 20, 2021


          2. Nottingham Lad Himself
            November 20, 2021

            OK, well I hope that you are happy when your council throws you and your spouse out of your home and sells it to pay for care or for treatment should you need it.

            At the moment your Right To Peaceful Enjoyment Of Possessions means that they cannot nor could not.

            You haven’t the first idea, clearly.

          3. BW
            November 20, 2021

            Reply to Nottingham. You haven’t quite grasped have you.

          4. Peter2
            November 20, 2021

            You can already be made to sell your home to pay for your care home fees.
            It happened to an elderly member of my family.
            You haven’t the first idea, clearly.

          5. Nottingham Lad Himself
            November 20, 2021

            A spouse cannot under HRA be evicted and the house sold to pay for the other’s care.

            Nor can your occupational pension fund be used to defray an employer’s creditors in bankruptcy any more.

          6. Peter2
            November 20, 2021

            In those cases the local authorities take a legal claim.on the property.
            When it eventually gets sold they take their money at that point.
            Try again.NHL
            I never mentioned pension funds.

        2. hefner
          November 21, 2021

          P2, I hope you realised that by the end you showed NHL to be right, the property will not be sold by the Council before both its occupants have died. It might be sold only when the last occupant moves to a residential care home. (, ‘Do I have to sell my home to pay for care’, 07/07/2020).

          Another brilliant own goal?

          1. Peter2
            November 21, 2021

            No it proved NHL was wrong.
            Your home can be sold to pay care home fees.
            Either whilst you are alive or after you and or your spouse has died.
            They get the money.
            There is no difference except time.

  13. turboterrier
    November 19, 2021

    Possibly the spectre of a certain Mr Farage on his weekly evening television programme is focusing government minds especially with a by election coming up where the previous politician resigned and there could be a backlash against the government.
    It never cease to amaze me that this problem was not bought up on a weekly basis or better still a daily basis by the Home Secretary. The triple nemesis of Net Zero, Immigration and Sleeze will come back a haunt the government at the next GE. But it might well be too late the damage will have already been done.

    1. Fedupsoutherner
      November 19, 2021

      Yes, three cheers for Farage and a bit of bloody common sense.

      1. Everhopeful
        November 19, 2021

        If only he’d actually DO something!
        And how silent is Tice.
        Any ideas why?

        1. Nottingham Lad Himself
          November 20, 2021

          Maybe because they know that it was they, and brexit, which have largely caused this mess.

        2. Nottingham Lad Himself
          November 20, 2021

          That is, a great big pull factor might just be that the UK is no longer party to the Dublin agreements – having left the European Union.

          That means that if they make it here, then the UK cannot force them to be sent back to Italy, or to Greece, or to wherever they entered under those any more.

      2. glen cullen
        November 19, 2021


      3. Enrico
        November 19, 2021

        Well said fed upsoutherner.

  14. Ian Wragg
    November 19, 2021

    Blah blah blah. More legislation, no action.
    Enough is enough. Liverpool should be a wake up call and all those assisting illegal immigrants should be prosecuted.
    11 years in power and still no action. This can’t be a coincidence.

    1. glen cullen
      November 19, 2021

      We can’t do anything, its not our fault, we only have a 80 seat mayority…blah blah blah

    2. Ian Wragg
      November 19, 2021

      And now we have Lord Frist back tracking on the NIP.
      What have we done to deserve this spineless bunch of no marks in charge.
      Our military helping to build a wall between Belarus and Poland whilst we open ours to all and sundry.

    3. Mitchel
      November 19, 2021

      Government of lawyers,by lawyers and for lawyers!

  15. Javelin
    November 19, 2021

 heard it all before. The Government facilitate illegal immigration. Only 5 out of tens of thousands have been sent home. There are hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in the country. All housed and paid for by the tax payer.

    Please stop John before somebody falls off their chair laughing and injures themselves.

    1. jerry
      November 19, 2021

      @Javelin; ” There are hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in the country. All housed and paid for by the tax payer. “

      True! So how about making all the physically fit and able adults get jobs, that way not only would all these (il)legal migrants pay their way they would also contribute to the GDP, after all the UK appears to have a shortage of willing manual workers, given so many EU migrants went home due to either Brexit or Pandemic…

    2. glen cullen
      November 19, 2021

      Words fail me

  16. jerry
    November 19, 2021

    Thus the legal asylum seeker becomes the illegal migrant, hiding within the criminal underworld of the people smugglers and ‘grey economy, causing even more knees to jerk on the hard right…

    1. Peter2
      November 19, 2021

      Jerry with his hard right slur again
      Ho hum.
      Are you hard left these days Jerry?

      1. jerry
        November 20, 2021

        @P2; You (and others) really should learn to control your knees, careful, people might think the cap actually fits! You ask if I’m of the “hard left these days”, well I’m sure people such as @DOM think so, when in actual fact I would call myself the true Conservative, in the mould of Macmillan (and to some extent Eden & Heath), but if that makes me “Socialist” in some peoples eyes then I’ll wear the badge with pride, not deign it…

      2. Peter2
        November 20, 2021

        You should stop trying to conflate anyone who wants an end to mass immigration and controls over those arriving in dingies as being hard right.
        I realise it is the old cliche slur to try to close down any discussion Jerry but it won’t work.

        1. jerry
          November 21, 2021

          @P2; The only person trying to conflate issues, with a bucket load of the usual whataboutery thrown in, is you P2. Are you seriously trying to suggest there is no element of hard right political opinion here in the UK?!

          I realise it is the old cliche slur, claiming to be offended by others comments, to try to close down any discussion but it won’t work Peter2, at least not on this site it would seem, there are elements of the hard right in the UK, the far right too, just as there is the hard left and far left, nor is it a crime to point out such truths.

          1. Peter2
            November 21, 2021

            Ah switching your argument now Jerry.
            You were desperately trying to label those that want the government to better control immigration as hard right not pointing out there are some elements of hard right as you now suddenly claim?
            I didn’t say there is no hard right in the UK Jerry so your argument on that is a total red herring.

          2. jerry
            November 21, 2021

            @P2; “You were desperately trying to label those that want the government to better control immigration as hard right “

            You need to re read what I actually said, once again you have failed to read any context what so ever into my comment, probably because you have not bothered to read our host article. I was commenting on the likely failure of the suggested policy, and as such are you seriously trying to suggest the hard right would be pleased that such a policy failed…

            “I didn’t say there is no hard right in the UK Jerry so your argument on that is a total red herring.”

            So what’s your problem?! Given that I did not call anyone on this site the hard right, I just said “the hard right”, and why do YOU always object to any mention of the hard right, yet you have no problem when others mention the equally unnamed hard left, is that not rather hypocritical?

          3. Peter2
            November 22, 2021

            I read what you said Jerry.
            It isn’t the first time you have tried to slurpeople you disagree with as the hard right.
            Not specifically, because that is what a slur is.
            Guilt by association.

            Now challenged you switch to another argument about the very existence of any hard right in the UK

            Your claim that the majority of people in this country are hard right just because they want curbs and controls on the current levels of immigration is completely ridiculous.

    2. No Longer Anonymous
      November 19, 2021

      What hard right ?

      The one shown on EastEnders this week ?

      How is it OK to demonise white people in BBC fiction when it is not OK to report on BAME crime in court (because it might incite violence and discrimination against races) ?

    3. glen cullen
      November 19, 2021

      There was a time when you needed a visa to enter a country
      At war/conflict a neighbouring country would accept refugees for a limited time
      Under threat of death (not due to criminal activity but their belief) by their own government a neighbouring country would provide asylum
      Today these economic immigrants are using and abusing the system
      I agree the whole system is out dated and needs re-definition and international agreement

    4. DavidJ
      November 19, 2021

      By definition, if they have come from safe country (France) then they have already broken the rules and are no longer asylum seekers.

  17. SM
    November 19, 2021

    Perhaps someone could enlighten me: I quite understand that in normal trials, last-minute evidence can come to light that could completely alter the view of the Court. But I cannot understand how so many last-minute appeals in the case of deportation of both criminals and migrants, sometimes after many years of procrastination, are successful.

    If it always hinges on one particular aspect of the Law, why aren’t the State’s prosecutors taking this into account in the first place?

    1. Fedupsoutherner
      November 19, 2021

      SM. Yes and when they are on the plane. Still, it looks good.

    2. Andy
      November 19, 2021

      Because the government you vote for believes it is above the law. It believes the rules do not apply to it.

      It is perfectly possibly to deport people lawfully. So why do you elect incompetents who can’t?

      1. Peter2
        November 19, 2021

        Can we young Andy?
        You should apply for the job of UK deportation Czar

        1. Nottingham Lad Himself
          November 20, 2021

          Yes, an InfoMigrants report from 2019 says this of Germany:

          “Germany has deported another group of rejected asylum seekers from Afghanistan back to their home country. 44 men arrived in Kabul on Wednesday – the 30th group to be deported in the past three years.

          The plane with 44 Afghan men on board landed in Kabul on Wednesday morning. It was the 30th group deportation of Afghans from Germany, bringing the number returned in the past three years to 800.”

          1. Peter2
            November 20, 2021

            800 wow!
            Only another 100,000 to go.

          2. Nottingham Lad Himself
            November 21, 2021

            Now add those from all the other countries, who are also being returned as cases are heard.

            And then add those being returned from France, from Scandinavia, and from the Netherlands etc.

          3. Peter2
            November 21, 2021

            Who also have hundreds of thousands yet return only small numbers.

  18. Fedupsoutherner
    November 19, 2021

    Meant to say long before we joined the EU.

    1. Fedupsoutherner
      November 19, 2021

      There’s no point in putting in the above post John without the original.

  19. Javelin
    November 19, 2021

    Left-wing strikes for pay rises in the 1970s that crippled the country have been reborn as left-wing green, woke, immigrant, covid GRIFT that is once again crippling the country.

    Just like the 1970s The Conservatives think they have out smarted Labour. The reality is the Conservatives implement Labour policies.

    1. No Longer Anonymous
      November 19, 2021


      NHS industrial wing of the socialist movement.

      BBC broadcast wing of the socialist movement.

      Covid being used to implement an effective national strike (lockdowns)

      Teaching unions causing effective secondary picketing (refusing to take schoolchildren)

  20. Bill B.
    November 19, 2021

    Some of us remember Why vote Leave? ‘In a world with so many new threats it’s safer to control our own borders and decide for ourselves who can come into this country.’ I voted for that. Nearly a year after the transition period, it is now very clear who the government decides can come into this country – more or less anyone who can get into a rubber dinghy in France and then be escorted by the British authorities into Dover harbour. I didn’t vote for that. Unless this scandal is brought to an end very soon, I shall regard the latest government ‘initiative’ as yet more empty words. I shall vote for a party that is prepared to do something serious about the problem.

  21. Old Albion
    November 19, 2021

    A Gov. of cowards, scared of what the world will say, will never end this invasion of illegals.

    1. Everhopeful
      November 19, 2021

      Oh my
did you see Johnson’s face when Starmer called him a coward? ( Retracted I think).
      Certainly seemed to wake ODL from his supercilious arrogance.
      Both as bad or disastrous as the other!

  22. Sharon
    November 19, 2021


    With the constant discussion and thus exposure being aired on both Talk Radio and GB News, the government can no longer hide from the huge issue that is the south coast invasion!

    From the government’s lack of action, many people, myself included, could be forgiven for thinking the government are happy for the daily flood of mostly single men from the Middle East breaking and entering, with what seems like a huge leg up from Border Force!

    And I agree, the action being taken in Poland proves that our government (or those working for immigration and border force) are worse than useless!

    The European human rights Act should be the first to be scrapped, then the UN migrants act.

    Maybe, maybe something will be done, but I’m not holding my breath! And we’ve still got this excess 10+ million people floating around the country
 how many are illegal? No-one knows.

    1. Magelec
      November 19, 2021

      Sharon. I’m afraid nothing will be done unless the buffoon at the top wants it done. He is the sticking point. We thought we had a Churchill but we have got Benny Hill.

    2. Mark
      November 19, 2021

      We have the right to trigger renegotiation of the UN convention and to withdraw on giving a year’s notice. These options should be actively considered, and work done towards a new acceptable version of the convention, which should seek to accommodate refugees close to their points of origin as a priority.

    3. BOF
      November 19, 2021

      @Sharon. The answer I would venture is that us legal people hardly ‘float’ around the country. We are the easily identified fixtures for the Chancellor to target.

  23. Giles Brennand
    November 19, 2021

    Soap box? Failed despite so many years of complaints about illegal immigration.

    Ballot box? Failed despite so many years of Government failing to implement manifesto promises

    Ammo box? Next in line. Hole the dinghies below the water line in safe French waters. Your failure leaves responsible citizens no other choice when all other channels fail

    1. Everhopeful
      November 19, 2021

      Suggested years ago and political heads rolled, never to be recovered.
      Leaving the stage clear for liblabconkip
      So much pain and trouble and death could have been avoided.

  24. MPC
    November 19, 2021

    The Home Secretary is the fully accountable minister yet talks as if she’s just a bystander, blaming others especially the French who have been suffering migrant crime in the Calais area for years and who have no motivation to keep the migrants in France. We all know the only way to stop most future such illegal immigration is Australia style offshoring of asylum claims. That’s unlikely from a government that caves to special interest groups all the time. We are all in danger now with the dispersion throughout the country predominantly of young men we know nothing about. To think that some of us campaigned to leave the EU in order to take back control.

    1. Mark B
      November 20, 2021

      . . . Australia style offshoring of asylum claims.

      There is a VERY LARGE Scottish Island to the far Northwest of the country. They all could be housed there. Free to roam as they please, just not where they want. Therefore, in time, the problem will sort itself out.

      1. Nottingham Lad Himself
        November 20, 2021

        So whose private property should be confiscated on which to house them?

  25. No Longer Anonymous
    November 19, 2021

    What we are witnessing on this (and many things) is the destruction of our country and the destruction of civilisation itself by the Tories who are operating out of the EU and given an 80 seat majority and who were told explicitly NOT to do this.

    Not even the BBC news blackout on the Channel crisis can hide it now. The Tories are a clear and present danger to the British people.

    For the first time in my life I will be voting Labour.

    Somehow being stabbed in the front will feel less bad than being stabbed in the back.

    If the Red Wall can turn Tory then we can turn Labour.


    1. Fedupsoutherner
      November 19, 2021

      NLA. No point voting Labour when Keir being a lawyer will be just as bad. Still maybe the lovely Yvette will stand up and actually take in a migrant this time

      1. No Longer Anonymous
        November 19, 2021

        My esteemed FUS.

        A) There is nothing less to fear from a Tory Govt than a Labour one

        B) The Tories were behind it all along – from Maastricht onwards.

        C) The annihilation of one party will beget the annihilation of the other

        D) The only realistic way to do it is to vote Labour, who carry softer policies now anyway. And that will bring about the hard conditions that will bring hard people.

        E) I’m not the lunatic, Boris is ! He took the borrowed Red Wall vote as a signal to go Left when they voted TORY !!!

        Why do Tory MPs ALWAYS have to think about people who DIDN’T vote for them ? Labour never do it.

        1. Fedupsoutherner
          November 19, 2021

          NLA. No point in voting for the same thing then eh? That’s stupid.

    2. No Longer Anonymous
      November 19, 2021

      I can understand that there may be very real reasons why the boat invasion cannot be repelled, including a pact with the EU to take a higher percentage.

      That the BBC is operating a news blackout does not render this any less a crisis and does not mean that The People don’t know about it.

      It is a breach of borders of the highest significance at a time of the highest terrorist alert from regions linked to that highest terrorist alert. It also takes place during an economy destroying pandemic and during a so called Climate Crisis.

      There at least deserves to be a proper televised address to the Nation by the PM or at least the Home Secretary as it undermines all of this Governments efforts on other things and is sapping public morale.

  26. agricola
    November 19, 2021

    Too little too late. Any solution that fails to deal adequately with people of foreign origin in our jails, the estimated 4,000,000 illegals on our streets, and those pouring across the Channel with French connivance is an inadequate sticking plaster. If our green Blairite government fail to appreciate this and gets kicked out they will have squandered the Brexit opportunity, there being no alternative on the horizon.

  27. wanderer
    November 19, 2021

    Most people are able to count. If the government thinks it can change perceptions on this issue by pulling a PR stunt of some new legislation, they are mistaken. If the illegal immigrants keep coming, people won’t be duped for long.

    Having said that, it’s fairly certain numbers will temporarily drop as winter kicks in, simply because of bad weather in the English Channel. I am cynical enough to believe the government is introducing some useless legislation now in the expectation that in Springtime it can herald it all a great success, because the figures will show a fall in numbers. Fortunately, I don’t think that will cut it with the electorate.

  28. majorfrustration
    November 19, 2021

    “It sounds as if ” that about sums it up.

  29. agricola
    November 19, 2021

    The so called Tory party , by their inaction in defence of the UK are in effect writing the manifesto of any late party that cares to put itself forward. Remember what the Brexit Party did in the last EU election in which we participated. On Immigration, Taxation, Education, the NHS, Transport, Power supply, Inflation and Fishing, our government are proving to be woefully inadequate. In all these areas there are acceptable solutions that our government , stuck in a green mire and battered by corruption totally fail to comprehend. The opposition are no better because they are stuck in a political dead end. The UK is a population in need of a political party.

  30. Dave Andrews
    November 19, 2021

    The more people come, the more public sentiment turns against it. Ultimately attitudes will harden even in Westminster.
    So determine the home countries of these migrants and return them to their place of origin. This will break the business model of the traffickers. It’s going to happen eventually, so start now, and send the cheque to the foreign aid fund.

  31. X-Tory
    November 19, 2021

    I keep trying to explain that this new legislation will have ZERO EFFECT.

    OK, so these bogus asylum seekers may not get ILR, but they cannot be deported unless the human rights laws are disapplied. France doesn’t want them and refuses to take them back, so they will need to be sent back to their homeland. But the courts will not allow us to send them to Afghanistan or Iraq, etc. So they will remain here.

    As I have said the human rights laws are the ones that need to be changed, but Boris the Traitor and Priti Useless refuse to contemplate this. So NOTHING will change.

  32. Brian Tomkinson
    November 19, 2021

    Johnson cares nothing about resolving this. He is on record as an advocate for giving an amnesty to illegal immigrants. Priti Patel has proved to be all talk and no action, other than giving more ÂŁmillions to France and encouraging more illegals to come by aiding their crossing and providing generous reception conditions and even weekly spending money. Your party is frankly a total failure unworthy of any support. How you and others tolerate it is a mystery but does nothing to enhance your reputation.

  33. Bryan Harris
    November 19, 2021

    If it was only about legislation the illegals would have been long gone — It is about intent.

    While we make the UK attractive to those seeking a life on benefits, and while nobody actually turns the illegals away, they will continue to come.

    Ask me why I suspect that theatre is being enacted in relation to all of this, for it has that appearance.

    It would seem that the authorities are deliberately inviting ever more people into our crowded isles, for their own reasons.

  34. Donna
    November 19, 2021

    It SOUNDS like the Government is going to take more action to clamp down on people trafficking/illegal migration across the channel.

    Oh good ….. it’s not like we haven’t heard from Priti Pathetic for the last 18 months that she is going to take more action. The trouble is, they never do it.

    We now have an additional 25,000 freeloaders who, on the basis of the “action” taken for the past 18 months will NEVER be removed from this country, regardless of their circumstances. And in due course, they will be allowed to ship over their entire extended families for British taxpayers to pay for as well.

    Perhaps, instead of telling us Priti Pathetic’s latest soundbite, you could tell us when she actually DOES SOMETHING. It beggars believe that a Government with an 80 seat majority (which has rammed through Covid legislation in hours) couldn’t speed up the legislation to stop the exploitation of British taxpayers by these chancers.

  35. Peter Parsons
    November 19, 2021

    To quote from the House of Commons Library report published on September 13th

    “In 2020, there were around 6 asylum applications for every 10,000 people living in the UK. Across the EU27 there were 11 asylum applications for every 10,000 people. When compared with EU countries, the UK ranked 14th out of the individual countries in terms of the number of asylum applications per capita.”

    “The UK offered protection, in the form of asylum, humanitarian protection, alternative forms of leave and resettlement, to 8,640 people (including dependants) in the year ending March 2021. ”

    In comparison, in 2020 Germany granted 128,590 claims, Spain granted 124,795 and France granted 86,330. Even much smaller countries like Switzerland (11,275) and Austria (10,495) took higher absolute numbers despite much smaller populations.

    The facts show that many other countries already do far more than the UK, not that you’d think so by some of the comments posted. 14th is mid-table mediocrity. I would hope that my country would aspire to be better than that.

    1. Peter2
      November 19, 2021

      Comparing the whole population of the UK to the number of asylum applications is ridiculous Peter.
      And a complete misuse of statistics.
      Never mind othe countries, that is up to them.
      A thousand a day is a huge number of people jumping the queue to come here.
      A new city the size of Southampton needed every year.

    2. Fedupsoutherner
      November 19, 2021

      Peter Parsons. I don’t give a toss how many other countries take in. Comprendez? We are a small country and filling up too quickly for our services to cope with. You may not mind waiting months to get a case of glucoma diagnosed but I do. I don’t want to pay for an illegal immigrant. I would rather help our own homeless.

    3. Mark B
      November 20, 2021

      We are an island and they are on the Eurasian continent. Maybe that is a factor ?

      Also. How many have applied for asylum in Greenland or Iceland ? Or Burkina Faso ?

      Lies. Damned Lies. And Statistics !

  36. beresford
    November 19, 2021

    You have said previously that the UN Global Compact on Migration is not legally binding. But it is a declaration of intent. You wouldn’t sign such a pact while doing something totally different. It is indisputable that globalists are encouraging mass migration from the Third World to Europe, though there is some disagreement as to their motives. Merkel and the EU are fully onboard with this, and one of the drivers for Brexit was to decouple ourselves from this insane policy. As long as the EU has no borders and free movement there will be an unlimited supply of migrants to cross the Channel. France has no choice but to allow them in, why would they make any serious effort to prevent them from leaving? Give them an asylum hearing, no appeals, and fly the unsuccessful to a country in Africa. They will soon stop crossing, leaving the EU to stew in its own juice.

  37. Lester_Cynic
    November 19, 2021

    A couple of days ago I had a letter through the door from the RNLI appealing for funds, I wrote on it “stop providing a taxi service for illegal immigrants” and posted it back to them

    1. Lester_Cynic
      November 19, 2021

      Ha ha, comment awaiting moderation
      I’m just repeating how many people feel, whether you like it or not!

      Welcome to the real world

  38. Walt
    November 19, 2021

    We send our boats, including the RNLI, to collect illegal invaders of our country, bring them ashore here and provide them with accomodation and benefits. But the first part of the invaders’ journey across the English Channel is more hazardous for them. So why don’t we send our boats the rest of the way to the continent and collect the invaders, so providing them with safety and comfort all the way to England and sparing them the expense of engaging those who traffic them for profit?
    No? Then adopt the Australian solution, which works.

    1. hefner
      November 19, 2021

      Distance between Nauru Island and Cairns is 1827 miles, between Calais and Dover 13 miles. See a difference?

      1. Peter2
        November 20, 2021

        Australia took decisive action against illegals invading their country.
        The numbers fell greatly.
        See a difference?

      2. Walt
        November 21, 2021

        Thank you for your reply Hefner. Yes I do see. However, (a) the principle still holds and (b) the shortest distance across the English Channel is 21 miles, from South Foreland near Dover to Cap Gris Nez near Calais, not 13.

        1. hefner
          November 22, 2021

          Sorry, I mixed up km vs m vs km. One wrong additional conversion. Thanks.

  39. ChrisS
    November 19, 2021

    It is all too obvious that the French are never going to cooperate over preventing the boats from leaving their shores. Frankly, If I were Macron, I wouldn’t either. What’s in it for France ?

    Given that Brussels is never going to get to grips with arrivals on its southern shores, or to make changes to the Schengen Zone, the only workable solution is offshore processing of all migrants arriving in the UK illegally. Why has this taken so long to organise ?

    The idea of joining up with Denmark to run a joint processing centre in Rwanda was a very sound idea, after all, those denied asylum would then not even be on the European mainland to start their journey again.

    Albania would be a far worse option because, unless the system along our coast picking up arrivals by boat is watertight, they could simply find their way back to Calais to try again. When the Albanians are finally admitted into the EU, there is always the risk that Brussels will tell them that running our asylum processing is against EU Law. We must not forget that the country is already within the Schengen Zone.

    1. hefner
      November 19, 2021

      Albania is not in Schengen Zone.

  40. John Miller
    November 19, 2021

    The Home Office is dysfunctional. Legal immigrants are hounded to cough up money, illegals are showered with the stuff.

  41. Alan Joyce
    November 19, 2021

    Dear Mr. Redwood,

    It sounds as if the government is going to take more action to control our borders?

    No. It sounds as if the government is going to fall back on that time-honoured government tradition and cowardly substitute for taking proper action by passing yet more legislation that the Courts and the legal profession will seek to overturn and thwart.

    With indecent haste this government dispatches our troops to Poland’s Belarusian border in order to prevent some 4,000 migrants from the Middle East gaining access to the EU, yet allows more than that number to cross the Channel and into the UK in just several days.

    When is this most useless of useless governments going to do something? Are our craven MP’s going to disregard their voter’s wishes and allow human rights organisations and pressure groups to determine who is allowed into our country or are they going to content themselves with raging at cricket clubs for allowing a few hurty words to be exchanged between team mates ten years ago.

    Don’t hold your breath.

  42. Blazes
    November 19, 2021

    Under the UN law on safety at sea 1984, ship captains and others in charge of sea craft have a duty to rescue people in distress – it also applies to rescuing people from crafts of any sort overloaded that are perceived to be in danger – hence the RNLI.

    We should be well aware about all of this since we were at the forefront of drafting and pushing for this legislation. Going back in time there was always the understanding and acceptance by mariners that mariners would not turn a blind eye to others in distress not even in wartime.

  43. Christine
    November 19, 2021

    It’s not believable that tens of thousands of poor young men have the financial means to pay people smugglers thousands of pound to travel to the UK. Even if they borrowed the money I doubt they could ever pay it back. I believe this is being funded by global powers to destabilise our and other western countries. Our government needs to put itself on a war footing and put a stop to this invasion. The time of playing the nice guy is up.

    1. Old Salt
      November 19, 2021

      Sounds about right.

    2. Bernard
      November 20, 2021

      Christine.. over the decades and centuries we sent our armies and agents into their countries – it was an invasion of sorts to steal, to subvert, and to subdue the local native populations to get cheap raw materials and take advantage to trade etc and now that the decendents of these very same peoples are coming our way we don’t like it? we have to realize that they are coming to visit that great white queen they were once told about – most of them even speak a little english – so what’re you complaining about?

  44. Andy
    November 19, 2021

    They are mostly refugees fleeing persecution. Home Office figures prove this.

    They come by dinghy because the Conservatives – the exceptionally nasty party – have cut off all safe routes.

    They don’t come for benefits. Asylum seekers don’t get benefits.

    Genuinely. All this dog whistling from the increasingly unhinged extremists shames and embarrasses our country.

    None of you will ever meet a dinghy person. Meanwhile you mostly all sit around living off the generosity of ogres

    1. R.Grange
      November 19, 2021

      It seems asylum seekers can get jobs, Andy. Even when their asylum application has been rejected. As in the case of Emad Al Swealmeen in Liverpool. I wonder how many other rejected ‘asylum-seekers’ work for pizza shops and suchlike. They must go somewhere, after all. They mostly aren’t returned to their country of departure.

    2. Peter2
      November 19, 2021

      Any limits young andy?
      1000 a day still not enough for you?

    3. No Longer Anonymous
      November 19, 2021

      The safe routes are still open. Net migration is at record levels too, you incompetent.

    4. Micky Taking
      November 20, 2021

      I was told by you that I was living off you – calling yourself an ogre is a bit extreme, but if you say so …

  45. Donna
    November 19, 2021

    I got the annual begging letter from the RNLI yesterday.

    I returned it with a note saying they would not get another penny from me all the time they are facilitating the criminal enterprises which are importing undocumented migrants.

    The RNLI should not be turned into a criminal organisation by association because of this Government’s failure to deal with the slo-mo invasion of our country.

    1. No Longer Anonymous
      November 19, 2021


      I cancelled my monthly DD to the RNLI. Andy said he would replace it.

      I’m not sure he has.

      1. anon
        November 20, 2021

        No problem. The government will give them a direct grant from your taxes. Now you can see why the BBC licence tax will never be abolished. ÂŁ4 billion is quite a big direct grant. They can’t operate without BBC aircover. Why are the BBC governors chosen by the licence payers?

  46. alan jutson
    November 19, 2021

    Until our Politicians get some backbone and act accordingly, you will never solve this problem.

    We are sending troops to Poland to help them stop a so called illegal invasion, meanwhile our same government send our Royal Navy to help illegals arrive safely on our shores.
    The lawyers are having a field day, making a fortune by working the system to their advantage.
    We have Parliament stuffed with so called legal experts, but they are either unwilling, or totally incapable of producing a simple clear cut law that would stop all of this nonsense.
    What a bloody farce, and to add insult to injury, it has been going on for decades.

  47. George Brooks.
    November 19, 2021

    Initially my comment may appear to be ‘off topic’ but it is not. Yesterday’s announcement on vastly improved rail services across the midlands and the north clear shows that we have a very intelligent PM and government who are prepared to take plans and ideas from the past apart, and bring them up to date to meet the needs of today. Improved journey times and increased capacity are the key factors and that is exactly what this revised plan will deliver for half the cost and some 13 years earlier than HS2.

    I hope and pray that our immigration procedures and laws are taken apart completely and redesigned to correct this wretched problem of increasing illegal immigration that has been getting worse by the day. We have been caught out by maritime law at one end and a very lax appeal system at the other, exploited by people traffickers and some low grade lawyers who have no interest in the well being of our country.

    We have to negate the ‘pull factor’ and intern all who arrive without any papers. If asylum is granted then the right to have other members of their family allowed here should be dramatically curtailed to just a husband or a wife and legitimate children. No grandparents, aunts, uncles etc ever allowed during their stay here.

    We have waited a long while and I just hope we are going to get a complete re-think that solves this problem and yesterday’s rail announcement gives me the hope that this could happen

    1. No Longer Anonymous
      November 19, 2021

      Yes. And stop listening to Andy and NLH because those two wouldn’t vote Tory in a million years.

      1. Micky Taking
        November 20, 2021

        I doubt leftie candidates bother in Amersham.

  48. Original Richard
    November 19, 2021

    “It sounds as if the government is now going to take more action to clamp down on the people trafficking and smuggling that is a daily event across the Channel.”

    The majority of the 1000/day illegals coming across the Channel are not being trafficked or smuggled across.

    They are young men of fighting age who have willingly PAID to travel all the way from their homes to get illegally into the UK.

    They come without ID so we have no idea who they are, why they want to be in the UK and are clearly criminals.

    But instead of locking them up the Government incentivises them by giving them 4 star hotel accommodation, free healthcare, ÂŁ40/week pocket money to be able to make contact with whomever they choose and gives them the freedom to roam our streets.

    Even if asylum is not granted they are not removed but allowed to stay at taxpayers’ expense and risk or simply disappear.

    The answer to reducing the flow is to LOCK UP all those who arrive illegally and at the very least those who have no ID.

    What event will eventually occur before the Government considers this to be a danger to our country and its people and takes action?

  49. Nota#
    November 19, 2021

    It sounds as if the government is now going to take more action to clamp down on the people trafficking and smuggling that is a daily event across the Channel.

    Sir John pull the other one – what’s that now 10 years of promises? Years and years of new laws. What we actually have, is criminal stealing genuine asylum opportunities to get into the Country. We have UK Charities engaged in helping these people in France find the best way into the UK – UK Charities, means UK taxpayer funding. We have the brave volunteers who put themselves at risk in the RNLI being forced by their new management to act as taxi service. We have the UK Government rewarding Human Trafficker’s by perpetuating the trade.

    We have the UK taxpayer being put to the back of the queue, on services, housing etc which they are funding, while the UK Government plays Canute and yet again just ‘GIVES’ UK money away.

  50. Nota#
    November 19, 2021

    I am reminded how the MsM is condemning Putin for his actions in Belarus. How the UK taxpayer is funding the protection of the EU on the EU border while at the same time are keeping quiet when Macron is do the same to the UK in France.

    Putin has just taken a leaf out of Macon’s play book – do as I say or we will aid there departure. The UK has an Ultra Weak Government that wont stand up and support the UK People.

  51. alan jutson
    November 19, 2021

    I remember an ex colleague who used to work for a private Organisation, who used to carry out Home Office instructions to deport illegals back to their country of origin.
    He had many tales to tell of last minute protests/legal appeals, last minute cancellations (whilst on the plane)
    disruption on the plane (then a commercial flight), the list went on and on.
    After one successful mission he was having a relaxing coffee in the airport lounge waiting for a his return flight back to the UK, only to see his ex deportee walk past smiling, waving his own newly purchased tickets in his face, ready to catch the same flight back to the UK.
    This was 20 years ago, seems like nothing has changed.
    The system was broken then, and it is broken now, the only difference, more people now know, so we have a larger problem.
    All political parties and their politicians have failed for decades to get a grip of this problem.
    Good grief it is allegedly being reported, we even had the recent head of Border Force Security saying borders are a pain in the arse.
    After he left of course !

  52. Bob Dixon
    November 19, 2021

    How accurate are the figures for population numbers for the UK as calculated by The Office for National Statistics?

    1. alan jutson
      November 20, 2021

      Bob I think we all know the answer to that one.
      Likewise filling in a census form and expecting that to be accurate as well.

      illegals will not be sent a form, and those housing them or controlling them are hardly likely to admit to making money out of them on a simple form are they !

    2. Micky Taking
      November 20, 2021

      how accurate are any statistics from ONS?

  53. Ian Wragg
    November 19, 2021

    I’m certainly voting for the Reform Party at the next opportunity.
    Something has to be done to get these smug, smirking liblabcon chances out of Whitehall.
    It’s a re run of Brexit.
    The people will get their way eventually.

    1. Mike Wilson
      November 19, 2021

      I’m certainly voting for the Reform Party at the next opportunity.
      Something has to be done to get these smug, smirking liblabcon chances out of Whitehall.

      Voting for the Reform Party will achieve the square root of zero.

      Getting a bunch of like minded people to glue themselves to Whitehall – in your thousands – would at least get their attention. But that would require a bit more effort than ticking a box on a ballot paper to vote for someone who has no chance of winning.

    2. DavidJ
      November 19, 2021


    3. Old Salt
      November 19, 2021

      If only.

  54. a-tracy
    November 19, 2021

    I think your government needs to take a trade stand against France if they keep facilitating this dangerous movement of migrants from their coast, yesterday photographs of their police standing watching boats set sail. You can’t get a fishing boat within 6 miles of the French coast without them getting involved and now they’re taking the Michael. I see Len Peel has explained why above. If the government won’t then the British public has to take a stand on purchasing French goods until they stop.

  55. John Miller
    November 19, 2021

    Sorry to lumber you with this, Sir John, but it’s essential that some MPs look at the GWPF lecture of 2021 by Steven E Koonin about the UN crazy climate scares.(YouTube).

    Ive heard it

    1. glen cullen
      November 19, 2021

      But the parliaments ‘The Climate Change Committee (CCC)’, the BBC & Sky and Universities have all told us that the question of climate change science is ‘settled’ and anybody that denies that approach should be silenced, scratched from history, castigated. 
well it appears that a great number of educated scientific people think it’s a scam (they’re not allowed at the IPCC)

  56. BOF
    November 19, 2021

    Mood music, nothing more. Government, no, the tax payer has sent many millions to France already (is anyone keeping a tally?) and all that happens is the boats multiply. It has obviously become an industry on that side of the English Chanel.

    We were promised in election manifestos, and we voted for, a reduction in numbers to 10’s of thousands of legal migrants but every year we get hundreds of thousands PLUS the illegals!

    Sorry Sir John, enough is enough as I see no possibility that this Government will take the tough, but necessary type of action that Poland is taking.

    1. No Longer Anonymous
      November 19, 2021

      The British people might understand a bit of honest straight talking rather than the deceit that we are getting at the moment.

      We understand real politik and are masters of compromise ourselves otherwise immigration would have been stopped dead in its tracks decades ago. (Don’t believe the recent BBC drama that depicts our 1950s nation as a racist one.)

    2. Nottingham Lad Himself
      November 19, 2021

      Stakes holding razor wire are a bit wobbly, when planted in seawater mid-English Channel, BOF.

      1. Micky Taking
        November 20, 2021

        why stakes, just fix floatation measures.?

        1. Nottingham Lad Himself
          November 21, 2021

          Yeah, “just”.

  57. Iain Moore
    November 19, 2021

    It wouldn’t cost ÂŁ100,000 to amended and change the scope of UN Convention of Refugees and Human Rights Act, but it would have much greater effect on the invasion we are suffering. The problem is, just like with the EU, the British establishment would prefer to sacrifice our country to their international agreements and treaties and have to be dragged kicking and screaming into doing what is right by our country.

    Is it against the rules to put our people and country first?

  58. ukretired123
    November 19, 2021

    After the horse has bolted springs to mind.
    Cart before horse….
    Folks living in the real world are on the receiving end of declining expectations. Listening to the doom and gloom pumped out by the BBC and MSM on climate, wokeness and slavery guilt trips whilst we are paying for this via licence fees, RNLI contributions and taxation is really taking the mickey to traditional voters.
    Kindness is a weakness exploited now to the point of nonsense.
    We need Boris to become bold!

  59. Mike Wilson
    November 19, 2021

    A refugee is, I would say, someone fleeing war, famine, oppression etc. They leave their home country for those reasons. Are people who have made it half way round the world – and have paid thousands to people to move them illegally from one place to another – refugees? If they are refugees are they a mixture of old and young, men and women – all fleeing something? Or are they primarily young men looking to work here and send money home?

    1. alan jutson
      November 19, 2021

      Indeed, why if you were a true refugee would you destroy all paperwork and everything else that could substantiate and prove your story.

      Simple, you would not, unless of course you are trying to cover up a tissue of lies.

  60. Mike Wilson
    November 19, 2021

    How many years will Mr. Redwood and his government allow a thousand people a day to land on our shores and claim asylum. After 10 years we will have another 3.65 million. Will that be enough for the Tories. More? Why not? Plenty more room in the sweat box.

  61. Iain gill
    November 19, 2021

    Asylum cases who have travelled from an intermediate safe country should not be accepted.

    Asylum cases who go back to their home country where they are supposedly in danger for holiday should have their right to be in the UK revoked.

  62. Tad Davison
    November 19, 2021

    This is a simple problem to diagnose, and an eaqually simple one to solve. We expect a Conservative Government to behave like one, and not some timid pinko liberal facsimile.

    1. Nottingham Lad Himself
      November 20, 2021

      You might find the deliberate sinking of a boat of unarmed people a trivial matter, but the International Criminal Court would, I think, very much not.

      The Government are aware of this, even if you are not.

      1. Micky Taking
        November 20, 2021

        while the French, and their police stand and watch the dinghies loading up to dangerous levels and set off on the high turbulent seas – headed for the obvious UK, but if they drown, they drown, eh?

        1. Nottingham Lad Himself
          November 21, 2021

          There are lots of pictures – in the usual rags – of groups of French police, and others of presumed migrants boarding boats.

          However, there are NONE of both at the same time, that is, of the first “standing and watching” the second.

          Even if there were, then that would hardly compare with firing live rounds at these boats at sea – as some commenters here suggest – would it?

  63. Mike Wilson
    November 19, 2021

    I have a very clear view about this issue. I’ve never shied away from talking about immigration. I called for reform and clear limits in opposition and I am determined to deliver on this agenda in government. So let me tell you how I see it.

    Yes, some immigration is a good thing. It is right that we should attract the brightest and the best to Britain. We genuinely need foreign investors and entrepreneurs to come here. In the same way that many people take advantage of opportunities to work and study and live overseas, many of our own communities here have been enriched by the contribution of generations of migrants. Our schools and universities have some of the best teachers, researchers and students from all over the world and we should be proud of that. Our hospitals are full of talented doctors and nurses caring for the sick and vulnerable. Our high streets are home to entrepreneurs who are not just adding to the local economy but playing a vital part in local life. And yes, Britain will always be open to those who are seeking asylum from persecution. That says something very important about the kind of country we are and we should be proud of that too.

    But excessive immigration brings pressures, real pressures on our communities up and down the country. Pressures on schools, housing and healthcare and social pressures too. When large numbers of people arrive in new neighbourhoods, perhaps not all able to speak the same language as those who live there, perhaps not always wanting to integrate, perhaps seeking simply to take advantage of our NHS, paid for by our taxpayers, there is a discomfort and tension in some of our communities. And crucially, while it is crude and wrong to say that immigrants come to Britain to take all our jobs, there’s no doubt that badly controlled immigration has compounded the failure of our welfare system and effectively allowed governments and employers to carry on with the waste of people stuck on welfare when they should be working. And there is also the concern that relatively uncontrolled immigration can hurt the low paid and the low skilled while the better off reap many of the benefits. So I think it’s absolutely right to address all of these concerns, because if people don’t feel that mainstream political parties understand these issues they will turn instead to those who seek to exploit these issues to create social unrest.

    And there’s an even bigger reason for addressing immigration too. It’s about fairness, real fairness – fairness for people already living here, working here, contributing here who worry about finding work, getting a good school for their children and affording a good house. For too long they’ve been overlooked in this debate and it is time to do right by them.

    So what does all this mean? Well, put simply, yes, we need immigration, but it needs to be controlled.

    What is stopping the government from controlling it? That speech was made TEN YEARS AGO.

  64. beresford
    November 19, 2021

    Farage says he has heard that dinghies of 300 person capacity are to be brought to the Channel next year. Will you oppose any attempts by the Government to increase the capacity of the taxi service to accommodate this?

    1. alan jutson
      November 19, 2021

      May as well hire a ferry and save them the bother. !

  65. forthurst
    November 19, 2021

    There is only one category and that is asylum seeker as no one is going to claim to be an illegal immigrant ie invader. There is a very simple means of determining to which category an arrival belongs which is from which country he has immediately travelled, something which cannot be disguised by destroying documents and lying like hell. If it is a safe country, then he is an invader full stop end of paragraph.

  66. Observations & Questions
    November 19, 2021

    -80 seat majority. What are they really doing? Now without the fig-leaf of the EU to hide its real actions.

    IMHO they
    -thwarted a clean brexit.
    -failed to rescind it post passage.
    -wont invoke article 16 or just plain leave compared to EU actions.
    -facilitate uncontrolled immigration compare with EU , France Poland.
    -facilitate large sums which were never due to the EU, compared with EU poison pils & threats.
    -still have a feudal, exploitative, leasehold system for England only.
    -no resolution on the proper health care funding for the old age health problems. Fund it properly via money following the patient and tax the 0.01%.

    – Parliament with an electrifying turn of speed and with a a very small majority managed to pass laws to prevent a no-deal.

    What’s the life expectancy of care home resident, from first residency till death and average cost per year.

    What’s the cost of a four star hotel? and all monetary support & funding provided, no matter what it is called, for a non-regular “dinghy type” arrivals from arrival to death or end of funding?

    How many new people are entering care homes a day ?
    How many people are arriving each day illegally by all means each day?

    Reform Party to reform a broken parliament.

    1. Nottingham Lad Himself
      November 20, 2021

      What are they doing?

      They’re winding you up groundlessly, to make you beg to be deprived of all fourteen of your human rights, that’s what, I’d say.

      The refugees are pawns in that cynical game, just as they are in Minsk’s.

      1. Micky Taking
        November 20, 2021

        Which banner are you quoting today Martin, lots to choose from in your house?

  67. Peter from Leeds
    November 19, 2021

    The London based politicians do not care because the “asylum seekers” mostly end “up North” where you can fob voters off with empty promises of levelling up. Then when voters complain about this just say they are racist and bigoted.

    I live in a marginal Tory seat in Leeds. There was not a snowball in hells chance I would vote for the Labour Muppet they put forward against a very respectable local MP in 2019. But if Labour were to put up a sensible candidate who actually promised to improve the lousy infrastructure around here I would certainly be tempted. Failing that there is the Yorkshire Party, and who knows the Reform party perhaps.

    Sir John – you may find yourself in the party of opposition again in the not too distant future.

    1. Beecee
      November 19, 2021

      As an ex Loiner, I agree with you that Boris is dismantling the support for the Tories with his bumbling, never thought through, approach to running this Country.

      I now live on the South East coast in a town with about the same population as the number of dinghy sailors who arrived via the UK maritime taxi service last week. It is not sustainable!

      Unlike the child Andy, safely insulated in Cheshunt and Amersham, I have seen the cross channel migrants arriving on the beach, some to be welcomed by the police, some to disappear into the country. We, in this part of the UK, cannot understand why they have not applied for asylum in the EU? That they do not shows that they are not fugitives!

  68. Garret
    November 19, 2021

    The trouble is we sent in our army to invade and bomb these middle eastern countries we helped depose their leadership and caused chaos with countless dead and now millions displaced, their economies wrecked, so then how can you say that we are not responsible for this mess? their mess is our mess – it was made by us

    1. Peter2
      November 19, 2021

      There was illegal immigration before that Garret.
      They are economic migrants.
      Vast majority young single men.

    2. Mark B
      November 20, 2021

      Who’s ‘we’ ? I never sent, or gave consent to invading and deposing anybody. How can I be made to be held accountable ?

      This is the same mealy mouthed nonsense we have come to see from those who hate themselves and their nation but, have not the courage to LEAVE and go and be somewhere else. Don’t make us suffer for you self induced shame and self loathing.

  69. Paul Cuthbertson
    November 19, 2021

    If the government REALLY wanted to solve the illegal immigrant problem they could. However as we are controlled by the Globalist UK Establishment, Nothing will happen as it is not part of the globalist diktat. Boris preaches globalist agenda daily, ably assisted by the fake news media.

  70. Cartimandua
    November 20, 2021

    The only way to stop it is to abandon the sacred cow of refugee conventions. It’s no longer post WW2. 750 million people want to migrate to the West now and world population keeps rising. It means the press would need to return to reporting facts rather than emoting. Reporting facts would hold poor unpleasant corrupt governments to account.
    So dump the asylum obligations and insist the press stops the handwringing sentimentality.

  71. Cartimandua
    November 20, 2021

    And since illegals will not have been vaccinated lock them up in quarantine until they have had 2 doses and a booster.

    1. Micky Taking
      November 20, 2021

      before all the ordinary population you mean?

    2. Nottingham Lad Himself
      November 20, 2021

      Well, if you do it for them, then why not for everyone who refuses a vaccine?

    3. glen cullen
      November 20, 2021

      Lock them up in a secure army barracks, with army beds and food….they’ll soon return to France

  72. hefner
    November 20, 2021

    If the 24 July 2021 Guardian item ‘Kingpins in Channel crossing operation living and working freely in the UK’ has any merit, why is the Home Secretary not after these UK-based people?

    Do they contribute to the coffers of the CUP? I put this last question as a joke, but one wonders given the sleazy tint that the party has (again) recently got.

    1. Peter2
      November 22, 2021

      Oh the Guardian hef.
      Am I surprised?

      1. hefner
        November 27, 2021

        And what do you say about trafficking organised from the UK? I am not sure I got your answer.

  73. Diane
    November 20, 2021

    What is happening day in day out on our southern coastal areas is insane. Informal reporting seen for this morning shows ships, RHIBs and RNLI all out & active Early morning arrival as early as 03.45 am recorded. Speedwell, Hunter, Hurricane, Athena, Valiant all out. Ongoing arrivals being brought into port. Pick ups from the French mid channel. RHIBs helping with dinghies. Hunter a few miles off Ramsgate looking for illegal migrants. And now another can kicking review from our government it seems. More pen pushing instead of getting people, preferably our politicians on the spot down there to observe what is really going on, preferably over several days and nights / 24hrs observation. They would have the opportunity to welcome those arriving as they raise their digits to the cameras or even offer assistance to those preferring to pass them by and do their own thing & head off to who knows where, although it’s obvious they themselves know where they’re heading. No questions asked.

  74. Cartimandua
    November 22, 2021

    The only fix is to announce that the uk will no longer consider any asylum applications. Declare a complete stop to the process. Covid has made lots of situations across the globe worse and 750 million are migrating towards the west. Our resources are collapsing. Our first duty is to those already here. Nor is it humane to let people hang around in uncertainty. Give them start up funds and send them either back to Europe or back to their nearest to home safe country.
    It’s a sacred cow asylum but someone needs to think big. Migration makes poor mental health worse. There may be many potential violent people coming in. Had the taxi bomb gone off properly 100s of Mothers and babies and hospital staff would have died.

Comments are closed.