Why aren’t more MPs worried about UK reliance on imports and lack of capacity?

The UK imports too much of our food, our energy, our industrial goods. So many of the policies urged by the opposition parties and adopted by the government entail higher taxation and stricter regulations at home, losing us jobs, factories and capacity.

The UK imposes the higher carbon taxes of the advanced world, accelerating the loss of our steel works, ceramics factories and the rest. The UK is planning the earliest ban on  new petrol and diesel cars making it likely we will lose more of our car industry than the main rivals who do not do threaten that. The UK offers plenty of grant money to owners of farmland not to grow crops and rear animals, instead of spending more of the money on promoting great home grown food. The UK imposes a corporation tax twice as high as the neighbouring Republic of Ireland, only to see many large companies set up over the Irish Sea to take advantage of the lower rates. Ireland raises almost four times as much in business tax per head than the UK thanks to the lower rate.

The water regulators keep us short of water instead of allowing and encouraging more reservoirs. This country gets plenty of rain but it does need collecting when it is around and storing. Inviting in 600,000 extra people every year to settle here requires more water, more road space, more health capacity, more school places.

The NHS keeps us short of beds and the key medical staff to service them despite getting large increases in money in recent years. Too many new homes are built without the school places, by passes and other facilities we need.

High corporation tax and windfall taxes are deterring investment in producing our own oil and gas, making us ever more dependent on imports which deliver more CO2 as well as big bills for the UK to settle abroad. Investment in wind farms has proceeded well leaving the UK short of grid capacity to transmit the power, and short of ways of storing it on windy days to sue on days when there is no wind. The UK used to be self sufficient in electricity and for a period in  oil. We now depend far too much on imports for no good reason.

A growth policy would set tax rates at suitable levels, offer the necessary permits and let the private sector get on with resolving most of these capacity shortages. The extra tax revenue the growth would generate could be used for the extra NHS beds and school places we also need.


  1. Lynn Atkinson
    June 12, 2023

    We don’t want ‘extra NHS beds and school places’ – we want to get rid of the illegal immigrants, including those various Governments allowed to remain without the authority of the Sovereign British people.
    No government has been authorised to set up a ‘market in citizenship’.

    1. David Bunney
      June 12, 2023

      Here, here. We are short of housing, jobs and basic services because we let so many people in. The government says more people equates to higher GDP. I say only marginally; whilst GDP PER CAPITA, ie the Net wealth of families is plummeting. We need a border force and immigration service that catches, repels and returns illegal invaders. We need a visa scheme not set up for cheap provision of overseas labour to businesses but considers the long term impact on those living here and their descendants!

      1. XY
        June 12, 2023

        Ummm… did you mean: “Hear! Hear!” ?

      2. Diane
        June 12, 2023

        Another 616 / 12 boat arrivals yesterday to join the market for citizenship, on a beautiful sunny Sunday. ( Saturday 87 / 2boats ) I assume the H O has had plenty of time though, to get all the necessary hotel rooms in place with 11 days previously with zero arrivals (29/5 to 08/6 incl.) ( It’s been rather breezy ) Surely a large number must have been anticipated over the weekend ? Surely extra ‘measures’ could have been anticipated to mitigate and, to be fair, if that was perhaps the case, how many were actually stopped yesterday at the French side as we are told that there are thousands in the queue ? Can we be told. Would guess that tomorrow likely to be similar.

    2. MFD
      June 12, 2023

      I second that – ALL that. Why do people vote for the loonies in power. Khan and Dripford come quickly too mind. Neither are fit for any office.
      As for Westminster, well I cannot say any more, its all been said a dozen times but NOTHING changes.

    3. Ralph Corderoy
      June 12, 2023

      Aren’t illegal immigrants dwarfed by legal ones and, in time, their descendants? So it is not legal immigrants that you want to see reduced?

      1. Peter Lawrenson
        June 12, 2023

        We don’t want immigration, we want expats where all costs for the person are borne by the company. Housing, health, utilities and salary for a nominated job and nominated duration. Apply to doctors, engineers and fruit pickets. And students. No extended families unless the employer pays. Why should we allow a business model whete the state – taxpayers – subsidise the companies. At the end of the visa, thank you and goodbye.

      2. turboterrier
        June 12, 2023

        Ralph Corderoy
        Correct 100%

      3. Lynn Atkinson
        June 12, 2023

        I maintain that the ‘market in citizenship’ was never authorised by the Sovereign people – never specified in a manifesto – and therefore all aliens whether with or without government issued documents are illegal.
        We can resolve this by creating a new ‘citizenship/subject status as they did before when, overnight and without informing the genetic British people in the colonies, they removed their right to return to live in the U.K. (they were and remained ‘subjects’ – the government created the status of ‘citizen’, citizens had the rights previously held by subjects who were stripped of their rights.)

    4. a-tracy
      June 12, 2023

      28 Jan 2023 — London Councils’ new report shows there is a predicted 7.6 per cent decrease in reception pupil numbers across London from 2022-23 to 2026-27. (Schoolsweek)

      The total number of primary pupils in London schools has dropped by 23,500 since before the pandemic— from almost 610,000 in 2018/19 to 586,000 in 2021/22. The sharp drop is causing a financial crisis in London schools because they lose funding for every child that leaves. (Evening Standard)

      Pupil numbers in England set to shrink by almost 1 million …

      The Guardian
      https://www.theguardian.com â€ș education â€ș jul â€ș pupil…
      14 Jul 2022 — England’s school population is set to shrink by almost a million children over the next 10 years, according to the government’s latest data

    5. Wanderer
      June 12, 2023

      @LA. Quite so. And what has the government done? On 8th June it quietly dropped its policy of “differentiating” between legal and illegal immigrants:
      “The move would allow the British government to speed up the processing of claims for about 55,000 people who have arrived from a safe country, such as France, since last June.

      If their asylum claims are successful, instead of getting temporary permission to remain for 30 months, they would be allowed to remain in the UK for five years—under the same set of rules as immigrants who arrive the legal way—after which they will be able to apply for settlement. In addition, those who arrived illegally—usually by small boat—could also take advantage of the UK’s family reunification policies.” (source: The European Conservative).

      What can one say to that? It’s not printable, in my case!

    6. beresford
      June 12, 2023

      +1. Predictably now the weather has changed the numbers of freeloaders crossing the Channel is rising towards new record levels. Was it only last week that Sunak claimed that the policy of talking tough while doing nothing except organise clandestine amnesties was reducing the crossings? Is the man an idiot or are the globalists now so confident of the destruction of this country that they don’t have to pretend any more? It’s a good thing for a man to have a hobby but JR’s regular pieces on financial affairs are a bit like Nero’s alleged fiddling while Rome burned.

  2. Mark B
    June 12, 2023

    Good morning.

    Sounds like a post General Election obituary on the failings of this government over the past 13-14 years.

    Watched yesterday’s, Harry’s Farm (YT) and he too is thinking of letting land go to waste as the government is offering over ÂŁ500 / hectare of taxpayers money NOT to grow food. He also mentioned in an article in Farmers Weekly the following :

    In the past year alone, the number of dairy farmers in Great Britain has fallen by 4.8%, with just 7,500 left in April 2023, according to recent AHDB figures.

    As I said over a year ago when Alexander Johnson was boasting of, “Build Back Better”. For that to be possible you must first destroy that which is already there. I also said : “Who gets to decide what is better, and for whom ?”

    I guess we will not have too long to find out at the rate things are going.

    1. Mickey Taking
      June 12, 2023

      Mark, it sounds more like a rallying call to oust this disaster of a Government. Some will hope Starmer et al. will read it for ammunition.

      1. berkshire Alan
        June 12, 2023

        Think you will find JR is talking about the number of Mp’s in total, which includes the opposition, so no matter which way you vote, there will be no change on the horizon.
        Like many others on this site, as well as our host, we have to ask how on earth have we come to this stage, where so many of those who make the rules, just do not understand the consequences of their actions.
        We need to face facts, at the moment we have no choice, because there is no alternative to this madness !
        What do they really think farmers should do, grow food or weeds ?
        Yes of course they need to manage the land in a sensible manner, but being paid not to grow food is simply daft !
        Net Zero will wipe us out eventually, not today, not tomorrow, but well into the future, but the clowns do not see it, they think they can control the effects of the Sun and our weather, they actually make King Canute look intelligent,
        enough said. !

      2. ChrisS
        June 12, 2023

        Why don’t people understand that Starmer would be even worse ?
        He’s said he would stop all new exploration in the North Sea and go faster towards Net Zero than the Conservatives.

        Our Host asks Why ?
        Yet nobody can answer the question and the right solutions are so obvious !

    2. BOF
      June 12, 2023

      +1 Mark B
      ‘Who gets to decide what is better, and for whom’ ?
      Well, the WEF and its acolytes I would suggest, as no decisions on about anything at all are in the interests of the UK.

      1. glen cullen
        June 12, 2023

        I’d rather have an incompetent UK government inward focused and independent, than a competent outward focused UK government following every instruction from WEF & EU

        1. Mike Wilson
          June 12, 2023

          than a competent outward focused UK government following

          A competent IK government- facing in any or every direction – would be novel. We’re on a slippery slope.

          Tax take constantly increasing while public services decline and debt increases exponentially. This can’t end well.

          1. glen cullen
            June 12, 2023


        2. glen cullen
          June 12, 2023

          We have the latter ….and we’ve had the latter for 13 years but who are also incompetent

    3. Ian B
      June 12, 2023

      @Mark B +1 sounding like the extinction party, their extinction!

  3. Christine
    June 12, 2023

    None of this Government’s actions make sense unless their goal is to ruin the country. They must have been promised something in return for their treachery. I don’t know how you can remain in this party.

    1. BOF
      June 12, 2023

      +1 Christine

    2. Donna
      June 12, 2023

      The time for trying to change the party from within is long gone. It is a lost cause.

    3. Ian B
      June 12, 2023

      @Christine +1

    4. Timaction
      June 12, 2023

      I agree. This is Sir John’s own Party he describes with their stupid policies. Everyone outside the bubble knows the permanent damage you are causing our Country on the alter of net stupid, mass immigration, high taxation and welfare. The promotion of everything woke/minority just appals the rest of us who see the cries for inequality being met at the cost to the minority 46% English taxpayer. We want all the legacies gone. We can’t afford anymore of your useless Parties. Tax upon tax upon tax to pay for your Parties stupid largesse. English people have been let down for generations and we need REFORM!!!

    5. RichardP
      June 12, 2023

      +1 Christine
      It’s either incompetence or conspiracy.
      I think it’s far too organised to be incompetence.

  4. Cuibono
    June 12, 2023

    What we need is for a group of MPs to break away.
    Some who have maybe already resigned from their party?
    They need to find a well known figurehead
or two maybe

    And violĂ !
    The country would swarm behind their sensible policies.

    1. Sharon
      June 12, 2023

      Cuibono Exactly!

      What I’ve been saying for ages is that this globalism needs smashing at national level. We’ve reached a fork in the road whereby our politicians need to decide if they’re happy to let our country go, in the way JR describes – or whether they are prepared to put our country back together again. Encourage independence of jobs, food growth, industry, decision making

      If not, a new fresh party, right of centre is desperately needed to do the rebuilding of The United Kingdim.

    2. glen cullen
      June 12, 2023

      Agree – The ‘real’ Tories need to regain control of the conservative party …this week, and with some urgency make Farage a peer and leader of the lords
      If something dramatic doesn’t happen this week the election is lost, and the tories are lost

      1. a-tracy
        June 12, 2023

        Glen, what do you like about Farage? If anyone put me off leaving the EU, it was him!

        If he had anything about him, he would run in one of these by-elections (although they seem to love him in Peterborough and Essex) to try to put right all the things he thinks he could; instead, he cut and run and expects everyone else to do the actual work, then moans it’s not being done right.

        1. glen cullen
          June 12, 2023

          Farage has a great passion for UK growth and independence

      2. Timaction
        June 12, 2023

        It’s far too late and who would trust them to run a whelk stall. The only politician with any credibility is FARAGE who was ridiculed and assaulted and shouted at by all and sundry including the media and now its acknowledged he was ………………………RIGHT ALL ALONG.

      3. Cuibono
        June 12, 2023

        Exactly what I was thinking

        But I’m never sure whether to names names or not.

        1. glen cullen
          June 12, 2023

          right or wrong, always name names, we haven’t the time for nicities

    3. The Prangwizard
      June 12, 2023

      We know perfectly well who won’t. Someone who will do nothing which could be considered critical of the Tory party. The party to him is the country and must be protected for ever against everything regardless of the consequences.

      1. a-tracy
        June 12, 2023

        Do you honestly think John would achieve anything on the outside like Farage, just full of hot air blowing around on the outside? My concern is there aren’t enough Redwoods inside the Tories any more. Shapps yesterday was caught out by Femi previously claiming on video he was a Brexiteer and now saying he wasn’t. Rotten.

        1. glen cullen
          June 12, 2023

          Agree – rotten to the core

      2. Cuibono
        June 12, 2023

        Trouble is.
        That is precisely why the tories have been so successful as a political party.
        They have generally managed to stick together and work at exposing the dirty linen of others.
        Rather a large crack now though?

    4. IanT
      June 12, 2023

      I assume you mean the Boris/Farage combination. Frankly, I think Nigel has made a mistake suggesting this.
      Boris will not want to play second fiddle to anyone and frankly was never the one to come up with “sensible policies” – after all he introduced the 2030 ban on ICE vehicles and led the charge into Net Zero. Good campaigner perhaps but not a good strategist (unless we are talking of Boris’s own political ambitions). Received an 80 seat majority to “Get Brexit Done” but never seemed to really believe in it (I know Covid, May Legacy and all that but more should have been done…)
      Always liked Boris btw – charismatic, educated, amusing but also far more liberal than conservative in belief and seemingly unable to choose good advisors. No I don’t want him back in charge. Very happy for him to make his millions on the speaking circuit and look after all his many children (all eight of em). Nigel should come up with a better way to break the Labour/Conservative impasse to get more right of centre policies (e.g. real conservative ones) enacted. Boris is not that solution and certainly would not get my vote ever again.

    5. Mike Wilson
      June 12, 2023

      The country would swarm behind their sensible policies

      I think you are extrapolating your views to include many other people. With a fair voting system I think you might get 25% of the votes. With our undemocratic voting system, you wouldn’t get into double figures.

    6. turboterrier
      June 12, 2023

      But really would they?
      From what I have experienced in my life the electorate do not do supporting “sensible policies”
      That’s why maybe our host does sign up with a new “sensible” party?

  5. Cuibono
    June 12, 2023

    Presumably, if an MP is busy attending to various wokeries they can not have much of a grasp of actual problems.
    They must be grateful to the snake oil salesmen who tell them that there will be no starvation, no overcrowding, no unrest no drought.
    They do not believe in thoroughly bad outcomes.
    How much easier it is for them to believe that the Emperor is not naked!

    1. Sharon
      June 12, 2023

      I watched Mark Steyn last week (Steyn online) talking to an American Senator who had recently been to the meeting in Geneva. She said she was amazed at the lack of questioning. They all sat nodding along like obedient puppy dogs.

      And that’s the crux – so many people now will not question anything! Group think seems to rule. However, look at how anyone speaking against the narrative is treated. Think of Andrew Bridgen, plus all those pursued by the disinformation unit.

  6. Lifelogic
    June 12, 2023

    “A growth policy would set tax rates at suitable levels” indeed but this would need to be about 50% of the current levels. But to do this the hugely parasitic government has to spend (largely waste) 50%+ less money. No sign of any sensible cuts in government spending or waste – not even cutting HS2. The government is wasting vast sums while delivering very poor value indeed. Cancel all the loans for worthless degrees (at least 75% of them are). What is the point of lumbering young people with ÂŁ50K of debt plus interest and a worthless degree certificate in politics, gender studies, sociology, green crap…

    1. Ian B
      June 12, 2023

      @Lifelogic +1 This Conservative Government endorse prolific spending, that means the PM with his new style of maths gets High Taxation, and as he is quoted in the media High Taxation lowers inflation

    2. glen cullen
      June 12, 2023

      HS2 cabinet disinformation unit kicking in

    3. Mike Wilson
      June 12, 2023

      A degree in ‘green crap’ is worth its weight in gold. It will land you a very good job in the public sector and a green plated pension. It would make you an automatic choice to become a parliamentary candidate and, in due course, PM. I wish my sons had done a degree in green crap instead of Construction Management and Quantity Surveying. They ar only earning 6 figures whereas if they had chosen ‘green crap’ they would be laughing.

  7. turboterrier
    June 12, 2023

    The whole situation we find ourselves in lies directly at the feet of the vast majority of our members of Parliament.
    They are not fit for purpose, that of doing the best for their constituents and the country. They all with a very few exceptions, are in place where their own personal ambitions and their secret agenda’s are at the forefront of their every decision. The group think of Parliament is in the control of others.

    1. Ian B
      June 12, 2023

      @turboterrier +1 As we have a remain Parliament their desire is to be lead and guided by the unelected, unaccountable EU Bureaucrats. Heresy to suggest they get a grip and manage the UK as they were empowered and paid to do by the electorate

      1. Timaction
        June 12, 2023

        That’s why they have to go and take their ideology with them.

  8. Lifelogic
    June 12, 2023

    “The NHS keeps us short of beds and the key medical staff to service them.” Indeed the NHS is a sick joke and kills hundred of thousands.

    Junior NHS Doctors are simply not paid enough to live on – even the boat migrants have more disposable income (ÂŁ45PW spending money). Is it any wonder so many leave the profession or go to Australia etc?

    Salary starts at ÂŁ30,000 gross, net ÂŁ24,000 interest on their student debt ÂŁ10,000, commuting costs ÂŁ2,000, rent on a grotty room ÂŁ12,000 leaves exactly zero for heat, light, food, council tax, holidays… so how exactly are they expected to live on this sum? Or are they just expected to end up each year with evermore debt while working 40+ hours in a high stress job? Meanwhile other student of similar ability and age are earing over ÂŁ100K+ with say a three year law or economics degree.

    1. a-tracy
      June 12, 2023


      Annual? “Interest on their student loan debt ÂŁ10k”? Really?

      I thought there was a London weighting increasing that ÂŁ30,000 plus overtime and enhanced out-of-hours payments.

      These graduates don’t earn ÂŁ100k pa in their first three years out of university unless they’re doing over 70 hours per week. What would the trainee doctor earn if they were doing 70 hours each week if they opted out voluntarily?

    2. Cuibono
      June 12, 2023

      It is said that the single most important decision that screwed the NHS was to stop GPS working a 24 hour day.
      Increasingly that pushed people into using Casualty Departments and ambulances.
      But maybe the good old equality bilge had something to do with that not to mention lawlessness and anonymity in general.
      Oh what a mess they have made of everything!

    3. Geoffrey Berg
      June 12, 2023

      This is a great exaggeration. I am typing this from Accrington where most people in work earn less than ÂŁ30,000
      per year. Regular student debt repayments are 9% for earnings above about ÂŁ27,000. Yes, there are some systemic problems concerning junior doctors, particularly their long working hours, but please don’t exaggerate them.

  9. turboterrier
    June 12, 2023

    Unlike other nations that are taking a more realistic view on the implementation of NZ we are welded to the rails to a complete economic disaster.
    No matter how many learned professionals scientists are exposing the weaknesses of the project our politicians are still wedded to a 1914 type belief, that blowing a whistle and sending the country over the top will result in a victory.
    To even try to achieve victory it cannot be done without a proven reliable 24/7 power generation source and a distribution network to meet the total potential full demand.
    The money wasted on renewables could have been better spent on research into nuclear fusion and its implementation.
    Many of our existing turbine and solar installation are rapidly approaching their end of their expected economic and serviceable life. Still there is not in place a secure environmental plan for the safe disposal of all these units. This can only be achieved at an exorbitant cost to the energy bill payers.

    1. Sharon
      June 12, 2023

      Plus, where are all these millions of banned gas boilers and ICE cars going to be put? Landfill?

    2. Fedupsoutherner
      June 12, 2023

      It’s madness Turbo. I was reading that the goal is to get rid of gas stations by 2030 and replace them with solar and wind. Its so unbelievable but we all know its mad men that are running the country starting with the WEF and aided and abetted by the WHO and UN. Unfortunately for us, those carrying out the orders are just as mad. Seriously John, isn’t it time to resign and join a party that at least has a bit of common sense? The Reform Party.

      1. BOF
        June 12, 2023

        I notice Reform is a bit woolly on Climate so I will lend my vote to a much sounder Reclaim.

  10. Lifelogic
    June 12, 2023

    Well with the net zero lunacy and rip off energy prices, high housing & building costs, the over regulation of everything, road blocking, over taxation, poor education system, IR35, poor infastucture, vast government waste, huge government debt, high interest rates, poor banking
 the UK is simply not a competitive place to work, make or extract things.

    From a Clare Craig tweet and official figures.

    Scotland has seen a big increase in diagnoses of

    liver / bile duct cancers (37%)
    oesophageal cancers (21%) and
    prostate cancers (42%)
    with a small increase in breast cancers (7%).

    2022 vs 2019

    Why does the data stop in May 2022 @P_H_S_Official?

    Why indeed, and why are the figures for the UK hidden? NHS Scotland delays and or vaccines related? Then we have the even more serious Cardio Vascular issues too. The last few Dr John Campbell videos on the persistent and depressing World excess death rates and the appalling government censorship of (mainly) the truth in relation to vaccines, Covid and lockdowns…

    1. Cuibono
      June 12, 2023

      And don’t forget
they are ( or have already?) signing us up for more of the same.
      After all the harms they caused last time!
      Would the teetering economy survive another national imprisonment?

    2. BOF
      June 12, 2023

      +1 LL
      If the figures are hidden for 20 years or so, the culprits will all be gone from public life or dead, so will never be held accountable.

    3. a-tracy
      June 12, 2023

      There is also a rise in neurological conditions from twitches to outright nerve damage, plus shingles issues, so much more they are advertising about it now.

  11. turboterrier
    June 12, 2023

    They are not worried because they don’t care. They are converts to the New World Order religion and really believe that once taken down to the bottom of the pit, they can build us back better.

    1. Cuibono
      June 12, 2023

      From attempted discussions I get the impression that many just dismiss the batty ideas.
      “They can’t do that (15 min cities) how will people get to work/school/go on holiday?”
      I don’t like to say that the idea is we stay put and do none of those things!

      1. Fedupsoutherner
        June 12, 2023

        God, I’m sure we are all looking forward to those halcyon days. It will be marvellous for the rich and those that consider themselves special. The beaches and beautiful places will be free for them to enjoy together with their BBQ’d steak and champagne. They’ll drive off into the sunset in their big cars and then come home to their big houses that they can afford to heat , travelling in their private jet. I hope there is a big uprising before all this happens to rid us of these dictators starting with London and that odious little man Khan.

        1. Cuibono
          June 12, 2023

          I just can’t wait!
          Expect I’ll be down in the dungeon-kitchen slaving over a hot carbon-free cooker.
          Apparently the expectation is that AI won’t be able to cook!

        2. BMargaret
          June 12, 2023

          We don’t stand a chance of trying to change the system.It is up to individuals to do for themselves and celebrate a new world order.We don’t want to change,but have to.

        3. turboterrier
          June 12, 2023

          F U S
          You are perhaps missing your true vocation in life of writing children and fairy stories.
          Thank you for a post that actually made me laugh. There is such a fine line between humour and truth. As in love and hate and this lot have taken us to unchartered waters.

      2. Christine
        June 12, 2023

        People don’t realise that travel is set to be further restricted as the WHO is embarking on the introduction of a Global Digital Health Certification based on the EU Covid Certificates.

        Who would believe that such a power grab would take place on the basis of a mild pandemic with a survival rate of over 99%, mostly elderly who died ‘with it’, not ‘of it’. Compare this to a real pandemic like the medieval Black Death where mortality in Europe was around 50% and you see how ludicrous this is.

        Get ready for the next pandemic taking away your liberty shortly but Global Leaders being somehow immune to it.

    2. Peter
      June 12, 2023

      What happened to all the conviction politicians of yesteryear? Left or Right, there does not seem to be many of them around now.

      What happened to politicians who believed in the nation state and in particular our own nation state? That seems to be an unfashionable outlook, if not ‘tainted’ by association with patriotism.

      There are lots of politicians who are in it for the short term. Sometimes it is seen as a good career move and a path to other things. Others want a change and move on even if their seat is not under threat. Cameron’s selections produced many of those. Louise who was both Conservative and Labour and appeared on Question Time a lot, before packing it all in and moving to America.

      So I am not even sure these people think about imports or lack of capacity in the first place. It’s not high in the major concerns of parliament these days.

    3. Sharon
      June 12, 2023

      TT – except that China is likely to step in at that point!

    4. glen cullen
      June 12, 2023


    5. Christine
      June 12, 2023

      The Conservative Government isn’t even trying to hide its involvement with the WEF.

      We now have an Office For Artificial Intelligence. This is from their latest guidance on Gov.UK:

      “These guidelines have been developed by the Office for AI in collaboration with the World Economic Forum Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution”

  12. DOM
    June 12, 2023

    Why do THEY drive the (we know who they are) dependent inducing importation of immigrants, of energy, of food and of US woke fascist ideology? You’re not explaining this in simple language but choosing for obvious reasons to focus on the consequences of this politics?

    Politicians are intensely frustrating creatures in that they only choose to go so far in their assertions while for political reasons choose not to expose the fundamental reasons behind what we are seeing

    1. Cuibono
      June 12, 2023

and that lack of clear explanation is what fuels the “conspiracy theories” they are so scared of. If indeed that is what they are!

    2. glen cullen
      June 12, 2023

      We use to have a policy of ‘buy british’ in the eighties

      1. MFD
        June 12, 2023

        Your right Glen, I stick to that policy to this day. If I cannot get British I do without!

      2. turboterrier
        June 12, 2023

        glen cullen
        Exactly Glen bang on the money.
        Any organisation no what what its position and role is in life should as part of “the deal” for taxation, subsidies by any other name should purchase only British made or assembled products, transport, office furniture, British contractors and suppliers.

  13. Ashley
    June 12, 2023

    “Why aren’t more MPs worried about UK reliance on imports and lack of capacity?”

    Well MPs have a nice salary, good pensions, expenses, a pay off of up to 100% of salary on loss of office (largely tax free), often extra consultancy fees etc. so what do they care? Most mainly concerned with jockeying for their next post election jobs I suspect! Most seem to have little concern for the voters or the economy. Nor do the most understand it.

    Almost all 90%+ support the net zero disaster – so clearly they are all deluded, bonkers or corrupt.

    1. Wanderer
      June 12, 2023

      @Ashley. Completely agree. “They don’t care” is the simple answer to our host’s question. To 95% of them our country and parliament are simply vehicles for their aggrandisement. We, the inhabitants, are “deplorables” who have to accept the status quo and pay their salaries.

      1. glen cullen
        June 12, 2023


  14. Michelle
    June 12, 2023

    I don’t know, why aren’t more MP’s concerned about these issues and what’s to come as consequences of these issues?
    As you Sir John spend time amongst them surely you must have some idea.
    Could it be that they are too dim or too short sighted to see the long term effects to the nation.
    I’m not sure that covers all bases though as it’s obvious they do not believe in the nation and openly despise its heritage population.
    Many will have elsewhere to go once they no longer find it beneficial to themselves, or it becomes too unpleasant to live here. Given that, it won’t exactly concentrate the mind as to the damage they are doing.
    Is it all part of the global reset? We must have a managed decline in order for equality throughout the world. So we cannot be allowed to be the successful people we once were. Sounds outrageously insane when put like that doesn’t it, but I’m damned if I can find any other explanation at present.

    1. Fedupsoutherner
      June 12, 2023


    2. Timaction
      June 12, 2023

      Agreed. Even we have discussed leaving the UK as we’re being overwhelmed with immigration, welfare, taxation, overcrowding, no timely dentist or healthcare facilities, education places for our grandchildren then pc/wokery everywhere if you dare to challenge the left wing orthodoxy. The UK doesn’t have long to convince the 46% to stay and pay as we’re getting nothing for all the taxation other than hassle and no timely services or facilities. We could get all of this abroad and not have to worry about capital gains or inheritance robbery. Why don’t the politicos get this? They are driving the taxed golden egg class away. We are lead by out of touch, part time, unqualified useless politicos who couldn’t make a bean in the real world and a civil service who I know are lazy, incompetent left wing fools.

  15. Ian+wragg
    June 12, 2023

    MPs think it’s clever to import everything and tell the world we are leaders in carbon reduction.
    It’s all nonesense of course bur we’ve come to expect nothing better.
    WEF rules and Rishi Chicom are the WEF advance party

    1. glen cullen
      June 12, 2023

      Spot on Ian

    2. turboterrier
      June 12, 2023

      Rows of pluses

  16. Bloke
    June 12, 2023

    Worry is corrosive. If something is impossible, worrying about it serves no useful purpose, but if something effective can be done: ACT.
    The present inaction is the fault of the Conservative leadership.
    Something effective can be done: Dump it!

  17. Cuibono
    June 12, 2023

    I wonder, if like 19th Century industrialists with their workers, our MPs care more for our moral wellbeing than for our mental and physical health?
    Our belief in the new “faith” being paramount.
    Whereas they ( like the industrialists) pay lip service to said creed while not ( as yet) suffering any privations caused by it.

    Deer will frolic in wilded acres whilst chickens roost in the trees providing manure for the plentiful permaculture vegetables below.

  18. Javelin
    June 12, 2023

    Let’s go through the so called “conspiracy theories” that have been smeared by the Governments propaganda arm, called the BBC mid/disinformation unit, over the past few years.

    – Covid came from the Wuhan bio lab (Sunday times just revealed was true)

    – Covid was part of a bio weapons project (bad just revealed as true)

    – Covid vaccines stopped the spread of covid (false)

    – Covid vaccines stopped you catching covid (false)

    – The covid vaccine mRNA only lasted 24 hours in the body (research shows this as false)

    – The covid vaccine mRNA couldn’t cause spike proteins to be produced in the long term (research says false, it is being produced in arteries and causing autoimmune disease leading to inflammation)

    – The covid untruths go on and on and on, such as economic fallout, millions of appointments falling behind, bio pharma profits.

    So it’s no surprise when we see the same propaganda and mistruth being spouted about green energy

    – Global warning. Not true. The name was changed to climate change. The British weather hasn’t changed.

    – Glaciers are retreating. No they are advancing. Which is why the eco TV crews have stopped going to glaciers.

    – Electric cars are eco friendly. Not true. They simply transfer energy production back to the power station. Many are fuelled by coal.

    – Electric cars are cheaper than petrol – Not true. Only when petrol is expensive and electricity is cheap. Now that we are using green electricity which is expensive they are more expensive.

    – Electric cars are good for the environment – untrue. They are heavier, wear the roads, produce more brake dust and tyre particles, need rare earth metals from foreign mines. The list goes on.

    – Heat Pumps work. Not true. They will make heating your home much more expensive, they can’t be fitted to most houses and can’t heat the house in really cold weather.

    – Wind and solar power is cost effective – untrue. Without subsidies they are loss making. They don’t work 24×365. We have effectively created a massive, inefficient, nationalised industry which is a mill stone around the countries neck.

    1. Sharon
      June 12, 2023


      Agreed! It’s all a big con! Lies, cover ups and censorship of those speaking out! Big tech and media (Twitter etc) all working to keep the lie going!

      What makes them all think that they’ll be running the world? China is spreading its influence quietly around the world
buying up resources. China is building alliances to work with them ( eg. Iran). They’ll be calling the shots, not the western Davos bunch.

    2. Bloke
      June 12, 2023

      Javelin hits with sharp points.

    3. Fedupsoutherner
      June 12, 2023

      Javelin. Everything we hear is one big lie. Our country is being ruined before our eyes by imbeciles who lie through their clenched teeth. Something must be wrong with their brains if they can’t see the damage they are doing. If only we had a sensible party in this country could be great once more. I read yesterday that heating our homes with wind a solar could cost the average householder ÂŁ8000. What about businesses? Quite simply we will have none and join the 3rd world which I believe is their intention. Its a disgrace and I don’t know how any decent MP puts up with it. Good to see those resigning.

    4. glen cullen
      June 12, 2023

      – HS2 will cost ÂŁ30bn – Not true ….its estimated ÂŁ100+bn

    5. Lynn Atkinson
      June 12, 2023

      All of the above are facts and lie at the feet of Boris Johnson.
      Wait until you read the facts of the NATO proxy war in Ukraine. 350,000 Ukrainian soldiers dead. Half the Leopard tanks destroyed already – and the Ukrainians currently fighting to reach the first line of Russian Defence (there are 3). They are in the grey zone covered by the fire of the first line of Defence. The ‘villages they have liberated’ are abandoned in that grey zone. This is a war of attrition – when these last 45,000 Ukrainians are defeated there is nothing between the million fresh Russians and the Polish border. They will not allow a ‘freezing of the conflict’ with NATO spending the next decade arming Ukraine again or manning the ‘security guarantee’ for Ukraine with nuks on the Russian border.
      All in all I can’t see Tories running to the polls. I bet there will be no Tory volunteers either. Central Office staff to man the by-elections.
      The lack of Tory votes is BECAUSE of Boris Johnson and those who served in his cabinets.

    6. BOF
      June 12, 2023

      @Javelin. Right on the mark today.

    7. turboterrier
      June 12, 2023

      Absolutely brilliant.
      Fair play to you mate for me one of the best posts ever about all this highlighting this induced madness.

    8. hefner
      June 12, 2023

      ‘Evidence for large increases in clear air turbulence over the past four decades’, M.C.Prosser et al., 2023, Geophys.Res.Lett., 10.1029/2023GL103814.
      Nothing to see by those who do not want.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        June 13, 2023

        Nothing to do with increased flights – jet engines – then 

        1. hefner
          June 16, 2023

          Eh, no, read the paper. All calculations (vertical and horizontal derivatives (wind shear and deformation) of the wind field) are done at a scale of around 10x10km^2 over a bit less than a 20 hPa thick layer below the tropopause and are fully independent of the plane traffic.
          Funny that people considering that there is no climate change whatsoever are however ready to consider the increase plane traffic to explain a phenomenon likely linked to changed gradients in T and wind.

  19. Old Albion
    June 12, 2023

    As usual Sir John you ‘hit the nail on the head’ The big worry though is, the Conservative party refuses to see the truth and when the next General election is over, the new Gov. (almost certainly a Labour version) will behave exactly the same.

  20. Denis+Cooper
    June 12, 2023

    If we are not self-sufficient in energy then we will always be at the mercy of potentially hostile foreign powers.

    And, yes, with “potentially” included that will include France as well as Russia and Saudi Arabia and so forth:


    “France threatens to cut UK and Jersey energy supply in fishing row”

    I don’t accept the climate change argument for “Net Zero” but it could get us back to energy independence.

    1. turboterrier
      June 12, 2023

      The second word to our so called French friends is off.
      The film Kelly Heroes sums it all in a nutshell the minute the Yanks and Germans do a deal to get the gold the French suddenly appear from nowhere.
      That’s what the WEF, WHO & UN want us to rush out and embrace them when they have destroyed our communities and our very way of life. TO BE TOTALLY UTTERLY DEPENDENT ON THEM.

  21. Iain gill
    June 12, 2023

    One of the shocks of COVID was that we could not produce our own PPE. Part of the recovery was supposed to change that. Seems we have lost sight of that.

    1. Sharon
      June 12, 2023

      Ian Gill

      Not strictly true. Several businesses approached government and offered to produce items, but they weren’t on the ‘approved’ list, so some didn’t even get a response!

      1. Timaction
        June 12, 2023

        Approved as in Hancock’s “friend” list?

  22. Philip P.
    June 12, 2023

    So you are saying, Sir John, that the country has been governed disastrously for the last 13 years? That should normally mean that those responsible get voted out of office. The problem is that the people who will get into office will carry on much the same policies. If the choice made by voters at general elections is pretty much irrelevant to what policies are followed, the outcome will be a big drop in voter participation. Politics will then need to be pursued by other means. Activism is so far the preserve of the woke Left, but it seems to me that they will have to lose their monopoly in that department if conservative views are to stand any chance of influencing future policy decisions.

    Reply I am not saying that. We rescued the economy from the banking crash and provided a referendum on the EU.

    1. Donna
      June 12, 2023

      “were scared into providing a referendum on the EU, which we never thought we’d lose or we wouldn’t have held it.”

      There, I’ve fixed it for you Sir John. You’re welcome.

    2. Sir Joe Soap
      June 12, 2023

      Reply to reply: If those are the successes, we aren’t clapping. What was the point of providing a referendum when being completely unprepared for the result? “We” attempted to scare the electorate into deciding for the status quo, then failed to capitalise on the actual result. That’s a FAIL.
      As for so called rescuing of the economy, anybody could keep issuing bonds to borrow and keep interest rates low. Until inflation hits. Risky throughout the period 2010-2019. Stupid to keep on doing it in 2020-21. Again in the end a FAIL.

    3. Lifelogic
      June 12, 2023

      Well Cameron very reluctantly was forced into granting a referendum and promised he would stay on to deliver the result and serve the Sec. 50 notice the very next day. But in an act of gross negligence, he and our dire civil service failed even to prepare for a Brexit vote outcome, he abandoned ship in a pathetic sulk & we still have no real Brexit delivered thanks largely to May and the dire Remoaners. Moronic May also kindly gave us the net zero time bomb and the modern slavery act!

    4. Fedupsoutherner
      June 12, 2023

      You were pushed into a referendum and haven’t delivered the real thing making it all too easy to go back in some form. It’s all been a waste of time just like this Tory government.

    5. fishknife
      June 12, 2023

      Reply to reply:
      With the greatest of respect Sir John, The Conservative Party did not rescue the economy, it just added several “0”s to the National Debt and was pushed into a referendum it thought it couldn’t loose, then has done all it can to frustrate it. We have “No one” to vote for because, apart from your good self and a handful of others “No one” is sufficiently “Conservative” enough to force through (or even contemplate) cutting spending.

      1. Timaction
        June 12, 2023

        Fishy and Chicom aren’t cutting spending anytime soon. They have to fund the 5 million on welfare they won’t challenge or time limit.

    6. APL
      June 12, 2023

      JR: “We rescued the economy from the banking crash and provided a referendum on the EU.”

      What rubbish. You bailed out the banks that had gone bankrupt and should have been closed down. It cost more, ( much more in lost opportunity ) than ÂŁ100billion to bail out RBS alone. Now, RBS is hiding behind the Nat West name. RBS could have been closed down and each of it’s UK employees given ÂŁ1,000,000, and it would have probably been a better deal for the UK tax payer. We might have seen a few startups that may have been viable functioning companies today.

      JR: “provided a referendum on the EU.”

      And the Tory party had to be cajoled into that, and have failed to implement the result for several years after the result was announced.

      Rubbish party. Should be brought into scope of the trading standards. Because the Tory party is the worst of the worst second hand car salesmen.

  23. John McDonald
    June 12, 2023

    With respect Sir John this is a question you need to ask your fellow MP’s not your readers. You are in a Political party, and Government, that does not support your views on how the Country should be run.
    It is running the country for someone’s benefit, it’s just not the British people/ tax payer, and indeed future generations who will be in debit as a result.

    1. Lifelogic
      June 12, 2023


    2. Bloke
      June 12, 2023

      Yes J McD. Most of us John Redwood Diary readers agree and support his fine policy stance. It is the errant Conservative MPs whose skewed attitude obstructs our country from taking sensible actions to achieve better outcomes. It is they who need to change or be eliminated from authority.

      1. turboterrier
        June 12, 2023

        That is the biggest problem of all THEY ARE NOT CONSERVATIVE MPs they maybe Members of Parliament but Conservative never in a million years.
        All employed under false pretences. None of them neither use or ornament but the talk a hell of a act. Ultimately the blame lies with the Grandees of this once great party and Central Office
        Totally rudderless living in the past.

    3. fishknife
      June 12, 2023

      And talking of debt, the largest (unmentioned) debt is gold plated pensions – which should be linked to average National Earnings, not inflation.

  24. Narrow Shoulders
    June 12, 2023

    The answer to your question Sir John is because they are listening to lobbyist and not constituents and then the civil service turbo charges the subsequent subsidies.

    Lobbyists from vested interested seeking ever more subsidies for corporate interest and benefits for the poor, vulnerable and “refugees” and suggesting legislation to increase corporate profit.

  25. Sakara Gold
    June 12, 2023

    Good to see you being interviewed by the BBC at Henley yesterday

    The fact is that the party has had 13 years to solve these problems. Indeed Conservative policies of tax, borrow and spend have doubled the national debt to ÂŁ2.4 TRILLION and rising, equating to 104% of GDP and costing us ÂŁ80 bilion a year to service.

    According to all recent polling it is apparent that the public have seen through the party’s mismanagement of the economy and is preparing to embrace a Labour government. Their Green Plan has attracted huge swathes of the electorate. The forthcoming by-elections will give an estimation of the size of their majority.

    1. Lifelogic
      June 12, 2023

      Well they certainly have made a complete mess of the economy for 13 years, with Covid they got almost everything wrong too (lockdowns, test and trace, the pandemic pre-planning, the idiotic (for the young at least) net harm vaccine programme, the PPE “fast lane” corruption
), then we had Sunaks mismanaged of Covid loans, the moronic eat out to help out and his currency debasing (hence the current huge inflation). Plus the complete insanity of Net Zero and rip off energy prices.

      More tax, borrow and piss down the drain than tax, borrow and spend. Labour have just sensible delayed their insane “green” plan. They would do better to ditch it. People, businesses and the economy need cheap, reliable on demand energy.

      1. Lifelogic
        June 12, 2023

        All this tax & yet we get generally abysmal public services too. Plus the motorist muggings on top.

    2. Berkshire Alan
      June 12, 2023

      Labours Green Plan has just been found to be unaffordable according to their shadow Chancellor.
      Milliband, the driving force behind of all of this nonsense, will soon be for the chop I suggest.
      This is the fool that thought carving promises in stone would convince the public to vote for him, trouble was he could not carry the stone around with him to show it off, so had to hire e diesel lorry to eventually take it the scrap yard !

    3. Fedupsoutherner
      June 12, 2023

      Sakara. I’m just waiting for the complete collapse of this country aided and abetted by your lot.

    4. MFD
      June 12, 2023

      I do not know where you get that Idea from! Every one knows a vote for the left is a vote for more of the same nonsense!
      The only way to save Britain from the WHO and WEF trash is to clear out the Commons and the Lords as most are now corrupt and working for foreign agents.

      1. turboterrier
        June 12, 2023

        + thousands

    5. Lynn Atkinson
      June 12, 2023

      In Germany the anti-EU party ADF is level pegging with the Schultz’ party and the Greens are not registering at all! Do you not see that Britain is ‘leading the world’ in rejection of the EU and rejection of the delusional ‘Green agenda’?
      Funny that no politician is boasting about that.

  26. acorn
    June 12, 2023

    In a world of oversupply, with low rates of world inflation, being the customer has its advantages. All the time we remain in the EU we have to impose high tariff barriers on food from the rest of the world. Out of the EU we can cut or remove tariffs, and can bargain for a better deal for our exporters at the same time. The EU would be silly to make it dearer and more difficult for us to buy their products, when there is plenty of choice elsewhere.
    Redwood Diary: Buying things from the EU
    APRIL 21, 2017. How did that work out then???

    1. Bloke
      June 12, 2023

      Consumer choice is freedom.
      The EU are stuck with what they make unwanted.

  27. Richard1
    June 12, 2023

    Boris Johnson and his supporters would probably agree with all this, as I do with most of it (not so much the hints of mercantalism). He thinks the govt should implement the 2019 manifesto. But he was PM for 3 years, for most of that time with a majority of 80 or so. Why did he not implement the 2019 manifesto while he had the chance? All of the bad policies Sir John complains about above were in place or announced while Boris Johnson was PM. OK his govt was knocked sideways by covid and the foolish lockdown policy (eventually lifted due to pressure led by Rishi Sunak). But manifestos don’t say ‘this is what we’re going to do unless stuff happens’. Enough of the antics of Boris Johnson. If Starmer gets in all these dumb policies will get even worse. Anyone who supported Brexit can say goodbye to that, Starmer will implement a Brino which will be much inferior to actual EU membership.

    1. Lynn Atkinson
      June 12, 2023

      Relax, the EU is in its death throes.

      1. Mickey Taking
        June 12, 2023

        What! it has been prescribed steroids. The USA want to do business instead of starving it to death.

      2. turboterrier
        June 12, 2023

        Lynn Atkinson
        Please God I hope you are right.
        It may help us only if the WEF and their cohorts in turn will see bigger fish to fry and leave us to sort ourselves out before the final curtain falls.

    2. a-tracy
      June 12, 2023

      One moment though Richard1. Boris was told by Sage and all the experts he had to lockdown to “protect our NHS and save many thousands of lives…”he consulted, “across the political spectrum, across all four nations of the UK. And though different parts of the country are experiencing the pandemic at different rates, and though it is right to be flexible in our response, I believe that as prime minister of the United Kingdom – Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland – there is a strong resolve to defeat this together”. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/10/boris-johnson-details-first-careful-steps-to-ease-covid-19-lockdown

      Where is your link to Rishi saying otherwise in May 2020?

      1. hefner
        June 18, 2023

        Here’s the link: Fraser Nelson, 27/08/2022, spectator.co.uk ‘The lockdown files: Rishi Sunak on what we weren’t told’.

        As for Johnson following the Sage experts, he did so repeatedly only after having procrastinated to the point where the situation was becoming untenable (‘Johnson at 10: The inside story’, A.Seldon, R. Newell, ch.5 Covid, from p.194 of the Kindle version).

        BTW I hope you keep a file with all the links you are given.

  28. James1
    June 12, 2023

    The capacity shortages we are suffering from can fairly be attributed to thirteen years of so-called Conservative government. Policies such as paying farmers not to grow food can only be described as the height of stupidity, and the reason they will rightly be given short shrift at the next election

    1. Lifelogic
      June 12, 2023

      Indeed Net zero – let’s export nearly all our manufacturing and freeze the pensioners even more moronic!

    2. Fedupsoutherner
      June 12, 2023

      They won’t be given short thrift if Labour or Libs get in. It will be much more of the same destructive garbage.

    3. Christine
      June 12, 2023

      It won’t matter who we elect.

      “UN adopts UK co-sponsored resolution on climate change: UK at the UN”, “130 countries have agreed the UN can use the world court to decide when countries breach climate change commitments.” (This is taken from Gov.UK)

      We have now ceded sovereignty for Net Zero to the UN just like we have with health to the WHO.

      MPs are delusional if they think they have the power to change anything against the WEF agenda.

      Democracy in this country is dead. Anyone who fights it will be taken down. Never has the saying “First they came for 

 . Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me.” been so true.

    4. a-tracy
      June 12, 2023

      This is interesting James1 – “The UK has a highly successful agricultural industry, but many domestic and international factors affect food production and prices for consumers in the UK. This became evident during the world food price spike of 2008.
      Food and soft drinks is the largest manufacturing sector in the UK and 4th largest in the world”. https://www.foodsecurity.ac.uk/challenge/uk-threat/

      And this published one year ago by the government.
      https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/government-food-strategy/government-food-strategy. “International food security comes from a combination of dispersed food production around the globe and open markets. In the UK, international trade has always been an important dimension of our food security, however, successful domestic production is what gives us national resilience in an uncertain world. Those countries that are entirely dependent on imports for their food supplies tend to be characterised by less choice and higher prices.

      The UK is largely self-sufficient in wheat, most meats, eggs, and some sectors of vegetable production. Sectors like soft fruit have seen a trend towards greater self-sufficiency in recent years with an extended UK season displacing imports. Overall, for the foods that we can produce in the UK, we produce around 75% of what we consume. That has been broadly stable for the past 20 years and in this food strategy we commit to keep it at broadly the same level in future.”Rt Hon George Eustice MP

    5. turboterrier
      June 12, 2023

      James 1
      Won’t change three fifths of FA
      The farmers will just keep taking the money to try and survive.
      But that is what the New World Order decree. DIVIDE AND CONQUER.

  29. Donna
    June 12, 2023

    Yes, Sir John. You’d be forgiven for thinking the destruction of our resilience, and therefore national security, was being carried out deliberately.

    It’s almost as though they want us to be dependent on other countries/organisations for the basics of survival – other countries/organisations which don’t have OUR best interests as a concern.

    Perhaps they intend to Build Back Better …… after they’ve destroyed everything. That’s certainly what it looks like to me.

  30. Ian B
    June 12, 2023

    “Why aren’t more MPs worried about UK reliance on imports and lack of capacity?”

    Reliance on others then becomes ‘dependency’. How else could our ‘Remain’ Government with complicit Parliament engineer a punishment of the People of the UK and construct a return to the unelected, unaccountable EU Bureaucrats.

    1. Timaction
      June 12, 2023

      That’s why Farage is making noises and the rest of us are alive to stupid politicos who think we don’t notice their deliberate anti English actions and policies but think we’ll vote for them next time as …………Labour are worse. NO, no no. Rees Mogg wrote to me recently regarding immigration etc agreeing with me on every point but then said in defence that ………….Labour would be worse. Sorry, can’t see it or hear any policy difference or change. Tory’s need to go and take Snake Chicom with them.

      1. glen cullen
        June 12, 2023

        The tories fooled Farage & the people once ….never again

    2. a-tracy
      June 12, 2023

      “23 Mar 2022 — Currently, the UK produces 60% of domestic food by value, part of which is exported as the UK imports 46% of the food it consumes. ”
      Source: Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board https://ahdb.org.uk â€ș news â€ș food-security-in-the-uk

      The big import item seems to be fruit; we only home grow around 16%.

      The last time Britain fed itself was probably in the early 19th century. We could be self-sufficient, but only if we change what we eat. said farmer Simon Fairlie.

      “The policy goal is food security, not self-sufficiency, meaning some import. So if there’s a terrible harvest, you have supply lines.” Rosalind Sharpe, food policy academic and sustainable food advocate, on whether Britain could ever be self-sufficient.

  31. Jude
    June 12, 2023

    Why? Because we have politicians who do not govern. They are advised a by civil service who are not in the main indeginous Brits. Who just follow strategies & dictates from organisations & big business. To create a big state. That is not what the majority want for our UK.

  32. Ian B
    June 12, 2023

    ‘The UK imposes the higher carbon taxes of the advanced world’ – Conservative Government punishment of the People.
    ‘The UK is planning the earliest ban on  new petrol and diesel cars’ – Conservative Government punishment of UK Industry
    ‘The UK imposes a corporation tax twice as high as the neighbouring Republic of Ireland’ – Conservative Government punishment of UK enterprise
    ‘High corporation tax and windfall taxes are deterring investment in producing our own oil and gas’ – Conservative Government punishment for the UK people for voting for a proper Government and not wishing to have democracy squeezed out of the UK by a return to the unelected, unaccountable EU Bureaucrats

    Sir John – an endless list created by a Conservative Government wishing to punish,

  33. agricola
    June 12, 2023

    As I have been saying for a very long time, with no sense of satisfaction, the UK is running on empty and has been for a long time. Why don’t the majority of MPs recognise this or even if they do seem incapable of doing anything to rectify matters. The opposition are slavering over potential power and the government are lamped rabbits waiting for the lead shot of election decimation. Even those like yourself are puzzled as to where Conservatism has gone. It is still out there among the electorate who cannot understand why Sunak and his cronies have opened the sea cocks. I suspect and hope that they will soon be offered a new home from which to effect a political revolution that realises the benefits of Brexit and a future for a sovereign United Kingdom.

  34. William Long
    June 12, 2023

    Bring back Lizz Truss – all is forgiven!

    1. glen cullen
      June 12, 2023


  35. Ian B
    June 12, 2023

    Good morning Sir John

    You must now realise you have been placed in an embarrassing position. You, along with your so-called Conservative MP’s high-jacked the Conservative Party to put in place an ultra left wing Socialist Government, rather than face the Conservative Party to choose its leader.

    Can you see how the canvassing in the up and coming bye elections would go. We the Conservative Party want you the electorate to choose Ultra High Taxes, Ultra High Energy Costs, Ultra high volumes if criminals forcing their way into the UK – for you the taxpayer to fund, Ultra high volumes of imports at the expense of home grown employment and jobs. We the Conservative will give you Big State and uncontrolled spending to ensure the State can grow exponentially.

    So the next Conservative Candidates have either got to get the above message out or just lie.

    1. Ian B
      June 12, 2023

      @Ian B
      Labour then is not such a bad choice – they are not as left wing. The Unions that control them wont let their Government export jobs. All the indications are that the controlling collective of the ‘Blob’ are Socialist so with their own puppets they will make things work.
      All the scare mongering those in this Conservative Government my try will be themselves highlighting their own failures – their refusal to ‘manage’
      The ‘Conservative Party’ (that’s the party – not Government, the ones we voted in) has now itself a lot to answer for – either in the dustbin for a generation or a rushed extinction

  36. Des
    June 12, 2023

    Because most MP’s are appallingly ignorant about economics, history and real life.

    1. glen cullen
      June 12, 2023

      In all honesty you don’t have to be an expert in economics to follow the manifesto commitment to NOT increase taxation 
you just don’t impose any tax rise

  37. APL
    June 12, 2023

    In 1831 the UK parliament passed the truck act which outlawed payment of employees with company tokens, tokens that could only be redeemed in company shops. Among other reasons, it was considered too great an impost on an employees freedom to dispose of his or her income in a manner he/she saw fit.

    Today, the Bank of England is proposing to reintroduce the status quo ante. Only this time it’s worse!

    The government will determine where you can spend your token, if you’ve spent enough of your tokens, and if you haven’t spent the tokens in a timeframe the government sees fit, it possible the tokens will expire worthless in your account, it will abrogate to itself how a citizen may spend the fruits of his or her own labour.

    Reading the BoE website, as usual these totalitarian measures are dressed up as a convenience, but in fact it’s a sheep’s fleece slung over a ravenous wolf.

    1. glen cullen
      June 12, 2023

      Its certainly dangerous territory 
.1984 ….the nodding dogs in the HoCs would lov it

    2. hefner
      June 18, 2023

      Funny, on the website you quote, I read ‘CBDC: It would exist alongside cash and bank acounts, rather than replacing them’.
      What is funnier is that some of this blog not that long ago were advocating cryptocurrencies.

  38. Michael Saxton
    June 12, 2023

    You are spot on Sir John, these issues are a matter of immense concern to everyone. The question is, why has successive conservative administrations these last thirteen years failed to do something about it? The issues you raise are fundamental to serve the best interests of the people, the economy and the nation’s security. It’s clear to me Parliament and the Upper House has morphed into a type of ‘Groupthink’ dominated by the obsession for Net Zero. It’s obvious we should grow more food, it’s obvious we should use our own energy, it’s obvious we should halve corporation tax to compete with RoI and it’s obvious we should drastically limit immigration. Why Sir John is all this not obvious to your ‘Conservative’ colleagues in Parliament? After all Mr Sunak still has a good majority!

  39. Wanderer
    June 12, 2023

    Why? Well, the vast majority of your fellow MPs don’t care about this country or its inhabitants. They want money and/or power.

    A term or two as an MP and they are set up for life. The vast majority could not earn far more outside parliament without their political careers. FPTP elections means there are swings from red to blue, but that just means more lucrative time “in opposition” on the board of NGOs, PLCs, or lobbying companies.

    For voters the problem is all the main parties are globalist-authoritarian. With FPTP elections a viable opposition can’t get a foothold. I know PR has its disadvantages, but in a world where the establishment is of one mind and is destroying our country, it would give a means to push back.

    Look at Austria. The truly conservative FPÖ has been taking over state governments recently, securing an absolute majority by doing deals with the smaller (at state level) conservative ÖVP. It has momentum (30% national support, up from 19% in 2019). Despite being constantly attacked by the mainstream Media, voters like its anti-immigration stance. However, the existence of another right wing party – with seats won under PR – and willing to form a coalition has been essential to progress. I don’t think it could have happened under FPTP – the right vote would have been split and the socialists, whose leader recently admitted on camera to being a Marxist, would grab power.

  40. Original Richard
    June 12, 2023

    “Why aren’t more MPs worried about UK reliance on imports and lack of capacity?”

    Because, like the Civil Service, the quangos and institutions, the educational establishment, the judiciary and now even the police, they are all demonstrating the correctness of Robert Conquest’s 2nd and 3rd laws of politics and now wish to destroy the country.

    They’re attempting to do this by importing into the country people, energy, food and all goods to make us dependent and insecure.

    The proof of this is the Net Zero Strategy which is not only pointless because CAGW does not exist and because our CO2 emissions amount to just 1% of the global total but because they wish to transition us to expensive, intermittent and unreliable renewables supplied by coal fired China, a country described by our security services as “hostile” instead of developing our own nuclear (fission), the only low CO2 emission power which is secure, affordable, reliable and abundant.

    As I write our 27 GW of installed wind power is providing just 2.54 GW of power (08:59 12/06/2023)

    The only way out of this hole is to elect a Parliament prepared to give us referendums on big issues such as immigration, membership of the ECHR and Net Zero.

  41. Brian Tomkinson
    June 12, 2023

    Most MPs are representing the wishes (orders) of a globalist cabal and care nothing for the welfare of those whom they purport to serve. They are a disgrace. As I have written many times, this is the worst government and House of Commons in my lifetime and I have witnessed many bad ones. We need a complete clear out and parties with competent MPs who want to represent the people, have a manifesto in which they truly believe (as opposed to a focus group wish list to attract votes and then be ignored) and a determination to fulfil their election pledges.

  42. Bryan Harris
    June 12, 2023

    Why aren’t more MPs worried about UK reliance on imports and lack of capacity?

    That question should really be:

    Why aren’t more MPs worried about how the UK is pursuing every last WEF policy, which are designed to take us all back to the dark ages?

    The fact is that most of them don’t care. They have either been taken in by the mis-logic or have something to gain by going along with it all to bring in the ‘Great Reset’.

    With depopulation high on the agenda, we won’t need so much food, and we will have to get used to shortages when eventually shipping is banned.

    Let’s face it, MPs are ultimately responsible for the sorry state of the UK generally, which begs the question; ‘What are they doing if they have stopped serving the people of the UK?’

  43. Brian Spratt
    June 12, 2023

    I’d vote for a party advocating policies to tackle these issues as you describe. I’m highly unlikely to vote for the Consrvative party’s current policies. Why aren’t you Prime Minister !
    Brian Spratt
    Sutton Coldfield Constituecy ( with a limp MP !)

    1. Bryan Harris
      June 12, 2023

      Indeed BS – Why isn’t our host PM – he’d be doing a much better job than anyone since Thatcher.

      JR – one of the greatest PMs that we never had!

    2. glen cullen
      June 12, 2023


  44. Ian B
    June 12, 2023

    From the Media
    Asked what the implications would be for the party in which she served as a minister, which is often cited as the oldest in the world, Ms Widdecombe said: “Everything comes to an end.
    “And they are at the moment heading straight for the rocks.”
    Ms Widdecombe said: “I don’t know if he’s trying deliberately to accelerate the party’s demise.
    “But I think it’s a natural by-product of the decisions that he’s taken.
    “Frankly, you know, the party’s been in a very bad way for a very long time.
    “There is an insuperable fault-line running through it between those who want Britain to go it alone and those who want total alignment with Europe.

    What does this Conservative Government do – put its fingers in its ears.
    What does the Conservative Party do – give up and find new pastures.

  45. Winston Smith
    June 12, 2023

    Dear Sir John I really believe you should be the Chairman of the Treasury Select Committee or at least a member. If you watch the interviews of Andrew Bailey or of a Civil Servant from the Treasury the members of the Treasury Select Committee do not seem to understand what’s going on and as a result do not, can not, hold such people to account. The members are content to ask if Brexit is causing the UK’s problems which is such old news when in the here and now the UK is falling further and further behind. The problem seems to be that “economists” are content for the UK’s financial services to be the mainstay of the UK economy and put all consideration of “made in Britain” as a waste of good capital when imports are only a charge on the revenue account.

    1. ChrisS
      June 12, 2023

      Good point !

      Of course Sir John should be on the Treasury Select Committee, ideally as its Chairman.
      With Andrea Leadsom, the would be the only members with cabinet experience and streets head of the other members.

      Reply Select Committee Chairs are elected by all MPs. Opposition MPs would not want me as Chair.

  46. Ralph Corderoy
    June 12, 2023

    Is the Balance of Payments figure still calculated and published? It never makes the news. It used to, typically because it showed ever more imports compared to exports. Perhaps it was pushed aside due to the ‘new paradigm’ which means it’s unimportant.

    1. hefner
      June 12, 2023

      ons.gov.uk ‘Balance of payments’, latest release 31/03/2023 for Q4 2022 -£2,843 m
      Next release 30/06/2023

    2. Enough+Already
      June 12, 2023

      It was always a stick to beat the Cons with. Quietly dropped when it showed just how much other EU countries (at that time) exported to us.

  47. The Prangwizard
    June 12, 2023

    One of our problems is that your party and its government which you support and are wholly loyal to thinks that money grows on trees.

    We are all suffering losses, except some elites, and people in your party and government because they have no idea what the real country is like. They are destroying it.

    However, they are so deluded they think they are part of it. They like you to write and say what you do. They can use it to ‘prove’ they are do understand things, but we all know you are almost completely ignored and fooled. It really is time you realised this and stopped pretending you can get change from where you are.

    1. Iago
      June 12, 2023

      Not gonna happen.

  48. Peter from Leeds
    June 12, 2023

    Sir John,
    It must seem like 1995 all over again! Tory party totally out of touch with the voters and so we ended up with Blair a couple of years later.

    As you have pointed out, and is absolutely clear to those of us who live here, traditional Labour voters did not vote for Boris because they wanted a Tory government to adopt Labour policies.

  49. Bert+Young
    June 12, 2023

    The Sunak/Hunt approach to managing our lives is madness . We must support our industry , we must not encourage imports , we must protect our living costs -ands so and so on . We are softies on our approach to immigration and we do not see the madness of medics seeking employment elsewhere . How can this out of touch approach obtain the support of voters ?. How can all those who sit back and let this state of affairs happen expect to continue in office ?. Every MP should be called to account for their ineffective performance and be kicked out . There is no point in being discrete and polite about the dilemma we face ; we must enforce change .

  50. XY
    June 12, 2023

    Why aren’t more MPs concerned?

    1. Most of them are uneducated (some have 0 GCSEs), inexperienced, some appear to be utterly dense.

    2. They are self-serving. The EU was a place to become powerful and well-paid without the inconvenience of an electorate to please. They are also interested in the speaking tour and the Facebook jobs rather than serving their country.

    3. I genuinely believe that a number of them are actively working against the interests of this country. Some seem to believe that some form of “global equality” must be achieved asap. Some seem to believe that hobbling the UK to stay in lock step with the EU is the way back, in order to achieve point 2 above.

    Overall, MPs are not what they were. Once they were older people giving back to their country at the end of their careers, now they’re a bunch of chancers, many of whom didn’t have a career worth mentioning before entering parliament.

    The Conservative Party has allowed this type to infiltrate, especially type 2 and 3 above. It seems too late to reverse this – new party needed.

  51. glen cullen
    June 12, 2023

    Home Office – 10 June 2023 REVISED UP
    Illegal Immigrants – 154
    Boats – 4
    Home Office – 11 June 2023
    Illegal Immigrants – 616
    Boats – 12
.14 hotels needed to – please let Sunak know !

    1. glen cullen
      June 12, 2023

      770 in two days

      1. Donna
        June 13, 2023

        Hey Sunak …. You’re going to need another half a dozen barges by the end of July.

  52. Christopher+hook
    June 12, 2023

    You know that, most of us know that, but for some reason those in power will not accept what is plainly obvious.

  53. Denis+Cooper
    June 12, 2023

    Off topic, the government should not be issuing this document:


    “Duty reimbursement scheme tax information and impact note”

    “This tax information and impact note is about the introduction of the duty reimbursement scheme for customs duty charged on goods moved into Northern Ireland under the Windsor Framework.”

    It should be issuing – should long ago have issued, and should issue some time in the future – a document explaining how licensed exporters should calculate and pay any duty due to the EU on the goods they have actually exported across the land border into the Irish Republic.

    What we have now is the crazy Olly Robbins scheme from five years ago, but just for Northern Ireland:


    “At present the UK collects the EU’s customs dues on imports into the UK – we are allowed to keep 20% to cover our collection costs – which makes sense while we are in the EU. But Mr Robbins wants us to carry on doing it forever, almost as though we were not leaving the EU. It truly is a crazy scheme, as the EU itself has already said.”

  54. Peter Gardner
    June 12, 2023

    Elementary, Watson. But the former bad chancellor is now PM so plus ça change, plus c’est la mĂȘme chose.

  55. forthurst
    June 12, 2023

    I can remember the bad old days when the water industry was run by engineers, water was unmetered, reservoirs were constructed when necessary, and costs were added as a small addendum to the local rates bills. As a result of privatisation, our water is 70% owned by foreigners whose sole interest is profit, so why would they be interested in capital investment when they can increase the price to increase their profits and thereby choke off demand, particularly for major water consuming businesses such as those whose disappearance from the UK is much lamented by JR?

  56. Ian B
    June 12, 2023

    Me plagiarising comments of other

    ‘Hasn’t it now got to the point where being a member or even associated with the established parties is now an embarrassment for grown-ups?’

  57. Pauline Baxter
    June 12, 2023

    Why indeed Sir john.
    Broadly I agree with today’s diary.
    Shame your party is not with you!

  58. Fedupsoutherner
    June 12, 2023

    As someone who has voted Conservative all my life i cannot wait for this shower to be kicked out. What will replace them will certainly be worse: taxes higher, surveillance state more intrusive (all for safety of course), the net zero lunacy intensified, more wasted billions into the failing NHS, rejoining the EU in all but name, all this and more, and worse: the sexualisation of our children, drag queens on the public payroll etc. etc. We’re halfway there already thanks to a Conservative Party that is more interested in power than freedom, enterprise, removing the shackles of the state. Labour and the Lib Dumbs will not waste a minute in shifting society even further leftwards. It is clear that the Conservative Party is no longer fit for purpose: it is not conservative and the true conservatives need to break away and leave what remains to rot.

    Sir John. This is a comment from a member of the public in the Telegraph today. I feel it sums up how many of us feel. Don’t your fellow MPs know what’s going on out in the real world?


  59. John de los Angeles
    June 12, 2023

    Brilliant, Sir John. Pity the Government isn’t Conservative,like you.

  60. John Hatfield
    June 12, 2023

    Will no-one rid us of this troublesome civil service?

  61. G
    June 12, 2023

    Did anybody hear Michael Heseltine this afternoon? LBC, Shelagh Fogharty. Wow!!! Would love to get a direct response to that!!

    (About Brexit, that is, not Boris Johnson)

  62. Alan Paul Joyce
    June 12, 2023

    Dear Mr. Redwood,

    With a few notable exceptions; incompetence, indolence and indifference are the hallmarks of the current Conservative Parliamentary party and surely the answer to your question.

  63. Norman
    June 12, 2023

    Today’s expose by the BBC’s misinformation sleuth, Marianna Spring is quite revealing, and shows how dissent is viewed from the inside. This spells trouble ahead, and calls for a factual riposte such as the questions you raise here, Sir John.
    When the canvassers come to my door, I shall be asking the same questions concluding with why we can’t have you as PM or Chancellor. Would that be such a naive question?

  64. glen cullen
    June 12, 2023

    ‘New buildings in Scotland will not be permitted to have gas boilers from as early as April 2024, under new rules put forward by the Scottish Government. The change will apply to businesses and homes’
    Will anybody in the Tory government/party please stop this madness

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