1. formula57
    June 13, 2023

    A show of unity whilst the Party is being led in the wrong direction on economic policy by the dead hand of the Sunak-Hunt axis is not going to help the country much though.

  2. Bloke
    June 13, 2023

    Someone capable can lead without becoming an MP or PM. The current occupier of the PM role is not worthy of following. People recognise whom they regard as right and act accordingly. Nigel Farage’s views gain traction and exert strong effect on what many of our population do without being in parliament. B Johnson may have a plan and path of his own.

  3. agricola
    June 13, 2023

    Stick with the written word as it is our way of communicating with you.

    1. Bloke
      June 15, 2023

      That’s a strange imperative to express. A good communicator uses whichever method of reaching the target audience suits his intended message. The Diary is a fine medium, and choice of how to use it belongs with the owning Author, not us.

  4. Bert+Young
    June 13, 2023

    Again – I missed your interview . The Times has publicised all the rights and wrongs of Covid . It has criticised our then leadership for its mis-behaviour and identified the scale of the problem the Conservative Party now faces . I sincerely hope that something will successfully emerge from this political crisis and restore the dignity and trust we must have from our leadership .

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