Written Answers from the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero – number of electric cars

I thought more EVs were tge big aim yet no forecasts offered. Need to evaluate the success of all the subsidies and EV promotion.


Department for Business and Trade provided the following answer to your written parliamentary question (187012):

To ask the Secretary of State for Business and Trade, what estimate the Government has made of the potential maximum number of electric cars the UK will be able to produce in (a) two and (b) five years time. (187012)

Tabled on: 02 June 2023

Ms Nusrat Ghani:

This information is commercially sensitive to companies and not held centrally.

The answer was submitted on 09 Jun 2023 at 12:03.


  1. Cuibono
    June 19, 2023

    I believe that one of those global bodies has just put out a demand that cars must be reduced by 75% by 2050.
    INCLUDING electric.
    And as far as I can find out ā€¦thatā€™s true.

    They donā€™t want us to travel! And thatā€™s why we canā€™t go and buy a small electric for Ā£2000. And Iā€™m sure they are very happy with the train strikes. Not a very bright future.

    1. Sharon
      June 19, 2023

      Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve also heardā€¦ ā€œprivate car ownership must come to an end.ā€

      Could that explain why so few EV charging points are being installed, here and abroad?

    2. glen cullen
      June 19, 2023

      Agree ā€“ they arenā€™t planning for world government, theyā€™re planning for world Marxism ā€¦maybe Chain did win the cold war

      1. glen cullen
        June 19, 2023


    3. Donna
      June 20, 2023

      Here’s the WEF’s plans for us. Interestingly they seem to have consulted very many stakeholders and NGOs …. but not once do they mention the words “democracy” or consulting the people they aim to control and restrict.


  2. Cuibono
    June 19, 2023

    Answer = Not sure if weā€™ll even bother making electric cars.
    The lucky 25% can get theirs from China.
    ( And I suppose that 25% includes commercial vehicles for whatever trades are allowed?)
    Isnā€™t there a theory about generational forgetting how to do/make stuff when it is superseded by newer and better stuff?
    Thereā€™ll be no superseding this time because we will have lost everything.
    Even the most basic text books I daresay.

    1. hefner
      June 19, 2023

      Fahrenheit 451, anyone?

    2. BOF
      June 19, 2023

      The books I expect will be burned and all inconvenient digital information and books will go down the memory hole.

  3. Cuibono
    June 19, 2023

    Surely with the information the govt. must already haveā€¦like how many factories, how many robots or men working, past performance etc etc some estimate of numbers could be made?
    How would that be commercially sensitive? There is no request for disclosure of new ideas or hoped-for profit margins or plans to scupper rivals.

  4. Shirley+M
    June 19, 2023

    Why are we allowing mass immigration when the government is doing its best to destroy private enterprise and business? Who will employ them? The State?
    The country continues to survive, despite the best ‘intentions’ of government.

  5. Richard II
    June 19, 2023

    Very revealing ‘non-answers’ indeed, Sir John. Once again we see, as with the Covid crisis, decisions being taken without a proper assessment of the consequences. With EVs, there is an ideologically-driven aspiration intended to keep the Green lobbyists happy, and that’s all. There is no evaluation of policy, because evaluation implies you have the option of taking a different course, depending on results so far. In the real world of commerce or technical innovation, that’s what happens when you evaluate, that’s the whole point. But in the politicians’ made-up world, the net zero agenda is imposed on us without the freedom to consider alternatives.

  6. Sea_Warrior
    June 19, 2023

    The minister appears to know nothing about either science or industry. How on earth can she interrogate her civil servants?

  7. Sakara Gold
    June 19, 2023

    As of the end of May 2023, there are ~780,000 fully electric cars on UK roads. More than 265,000 battery-electric cars were registered in 2022, a growth of 40% on 2021. In May 2023, 16.9% of all new car registrations were electric vehicles, with 24,513 new electric cars registered. Source – SMMT

    Unfortunately the number of charging points has reduced, as there is a huge backlog of malfunctioning points awaiting repair

    1. Martin in Bristol
      June 19, 2023

      Fahrenheit 451 anyone ?
      As hefner often says.

    2. Mark B
      June 20, 2023

      And what are the corresponding figures for conventionally powered cars ? ie How many fuel service stations are there and how many are inoperative ?

  8. Sea_Warrior
    June 19, 2023

    Today, Keir Starmer will be laying out a left-wing energy policy devoid of common-sense. Would you kindly assist your colleagues in responding, by presenting a policy that is to the right of Labour’s. It’s down to you, Sir John, because this execrable government needs adult supervision.

    1. ChrisS
      June 20, 2023

      This is so true, Sea Warrior !

  9. BOF
    June 19, 2023

    Cuibono is right in his comments above.

    TPTB want us off the road, out of the air and even out of the trains and buses as far as possible. Fifteen minute cities are just the start and this will be extended to the countryside in due course. Here in Wales 20mph is on the way.

    Every road a zil lane and clear skys for private jets.

  10. Chris S
    June 19, 2023

    The better question to ask would be :

    Can the government tell us what percentage of drivers have indicated that they are ready, able, and willing to invest in a new EV in the years 2025-2035 and what effect this will have on the UK industry and market from 2025 onwards?

    My take on this is that there are nowhere near enough buyers ready to switch to more expensive and impractical EVs for many diverse reasons. In particular, very few people without their own driveway will be prepared to do so.

  11. Bloke
    June 19, 2023

    Nusrat Ghani answers as if she is a ā€˜Computer says Noā€™ keyboard typist.
    It would be revealing to see what ChatGPT would provide as the written answer to SJRā€™s question in comparison to her ineptitude. AI is better than the absence of intelligence.

  12. Cuibono
    June 19, 2023

    I suppose ( because they darned well should) our MPs understand where all this is heading?
    The idea is to turn the planet into one massive business.
    Corporations are buying up vast tracts of countryside that we will be disbarred from ( but allowed to buy and watch films of foxes etc. in our 15 minute cities). SA was petri dish for ALL this.
    Banks are refusing to financeā€¦flying for exampleā€¦or non woke companies. Airlines also buying up countryside.
    NGOs ( from big business and charities and-out-of-control movements etc.) taking over local govt. using power devolved from Westminster to eventually take over local govt. ( I can observe that here).
    These people will OWN and therefore CONTROL everything and there will be no need for government because the only power will be in global hands.
    No well documented warning has been heeded by any govt. so far and there will soon be no governments and no MPs!
    And usā€¦well we will just be data.

    1. Cuibono
      June 19, 2023

      ESG ( Environmental, social and governance) is just a risk management framework according to the Ford Foundationā€™s Head of Mission Investments.

    2. Sharon
      June 19, 2023

      Governments will just be local council equivalents.

      Your comment is spot on btw.

    3. Donna
      June 20, 2023

      Well said.

      Do not endorse the totalitarianism with your (useless) vote. If you vote for any of the Establishment Parties, or the Greens, you are giving them permission to proceed with the destruction.

  13. Gabe
    June 19, 2023

    More nonsense from Carney over the weekend about inflation. Does he actually believe the drivel he comes out with on inflation, Brexit and the Climate Alarmist lunacy? Good letter on this in the Telegraph today.

    1. Mark B
      June 20, 2023

      “It is all to do with [insert here] but me !”

      That’s how I read it.

  14. MFD
    June 19, 2023

    Come on People! It time to fight this total nonsense Cuibono if not for yourself , then future generations. My generation have fought world trash so its possible to destroy the WEF scum and we start by getting rid of every politician who follows their orders.
    We have the power of mass over these bullies. Bullies are always cowards, remember that when you defy them.

  15. Mickey Taking
    June 19, 2023

    Yes lots of traditional skills required in industries are disappearing. Decades of ending of apprenticeships while encouraging acquisition of oven-ready people from abroad means a whole generation become unaware of what manual skills even the use of machines are lost.

  16. Nigl
    June 19, 2023

    Puts a lie to the statement from Hunt that he is looking for business efficiency.

  17. Roy Grainger
    June 19, 2023

    Odd the government has no estimate. Do they also then as a result have no estimate of how many more electric charging stations they will need and therefore how much extra electrical generation capacity they will need ?

    1. Mark B
      June 20, 2023

      I think Sir John has, wittingly or unwittingly revealed that, yet again, someone is not in charge of their brief.

  18. Mike Wilson
    June 19, 2023

    There are 33.2 million cars in the UK. If, in years to come, they were all electric and, in the evening, they all connected to 7kw chargers at home – the demand would be 33,200,000 x 7 kw which is 232,400,000 kw or 232.4 gw.

    230 gigawatts is about 7 times more than our grid currently, typically, provides.

    I appreciate that 33.2 million cars could never connect to the grid at the same time – but,if only 20% of them did, the grid would not be able to cope.

    Another question Mr. Redwood might ask is ā€˜When we have transitioned to electric cars, what predictions have been made for how much power the national grid will be required to produce each day to meet the demand for charging the vehicles and what presumptions have been made as the basis for those predictions?ā€™

    Whichever way you look at it, the national grid would have to at least double capacity and, even then, if enough people try to charge their electric cars at the same time, electricity will have to be rationed.

    My daughter-in-law has recently taken delivery of an electric car. She tells me that many charging points only actually deliver half of the kw they are supposed to deliver. Her working days are now spent plotting how she is going to get enough charge to get home.

    It seems that at some charging points you hold your mobile phone over a QR code and off you go. At the nearest public charger to her, some selfish sod has destroyed the QR code so he can use the charger but no one else can. She rang the company operating the charger to complain and report the situation and was told ā€˜yeah, that happens a lot.ā€™

    Hmmmm. How unusual for government to make such a pigā€™s ear of things.

    1. Sharon
      June 19, 2023

      We are not intended to have carsā€¦ in a 15 mins city we will have all we need! If not, then cycle to the next city.

    2. Peter Gardner
      June 20, 2023

      It is likely that demand management will be mandated and you will be blocked from connecting your car to the grid until your allocated time-slot. And, of course, you will not be allowed a diesel generator at home.
      It is likely that property prices will be affected as much by the availability of chargers and grid capacity as they are by proximity to good schools.

    3. Mickey Taking
      June 20, 2023

      A Luddite’s manual – destroy the QR code, destroy the new technology.

    4. Donna
      June 20, 2023

      They are planning to reduce private car ownership by at least 50%. Most people will need permission to travel via the social credit system they are building.

  19. formula57
    June 19, 2023

    Or “This information is politically embarrassing to Government and is not held in disclosable form”!

    And “not held centrally” suggests it is held otherwise, it just needs to be gathered and collated so why can it not be? And “commercially sensitive” is disingenuous as the motor manufacturers will have good estimates themselves of their rivals’ capacities and plans.

    Supplementary question: – Was the Minister’s answer drafted by a WFH civil servant who did not want to trouble with more than some standard brush-off reply?

    1. Peter Gardner
      June 20, 2023

      He’s working from home because his car battery is flat and the nearest charging point is 5 miles away.

  20. Mike Wilson
    June 19, 2023

    Here in West Dorset itā€™s unusual to see a 22 or 23 plate car that isnā€™t either EV or hybrid. Iā€™m interested in cars and tend to notice them. I saw a 23 Reg Ford Focus the other day and it made me think/realise ā€˜wow, thatā€™s the first new Ford Iā€™ve seen in ages and the first new car that is not an EV or hybridā€™

    You see a lot of Volkswagen ID3s, Kia Niros and, very recently, the latest electric BMWs.

    1. Mickey Taking
      June 20, 2023

      So many people are coming round ot the view – buying new doesn’t make sense.

  21. Ian B
    June 19, 2023

    Sir John

    Given the weak lame non-responses from the Conservative Government, to your extremely valid and responsible questions, even with the inherent dangers associated with it this Conservative Government has to ā€˜goā€™

    There is a loss of understanding by those we elected then have to pay as to what they are in those positions for.

  22. Ian B
    June 19, 2023

    ā€œThis information is commercially sensitive to companiesā€ please read this Conservative Government has no idea what foreign owned and foreign taxpaying companies intend to do going forward.

    We the Conservative Government are keeping our fingers crossed that despite our best endeavours to destroy UK manufacturing capability the country may still have the money left to import to satisfy its needs.

    As you the UK citizens are aware we the Conservative Government 100% believe that the future for reducing Global Warming is to rely 100% on imports from Countries that are not in ā€˜OURā€™ the Conservative Governments unique ā€˜World Leading Raceā€™

  23. glen cullen
    June 19, 2023

    SirJ its not just the people that voted Tory that donā€™t want net-zero nor the ban on ICE vehicles, itā€™s the majority of the people in the country ā€¦.Your party just isnā€™t listening

  24. Ian B
    June 19, 2023

    Media Headline
    ā€œBritons to be prioritised for council housing ahead of migrantsā€
    The move, first reported by The Times, comes as Rishi Sunak seeks to address votersā€™ concerns

    So the PM is now saying this Conservative Government has been robbing hard earned taxpayer money to house ā€˜criminalsā€™ ahead of them!

    In another worthless ā€˜sound biteā€™ ā€œNo extra mortgage support for homeowners, says PM – latest updatesā€ Get it in to your heads we (the Conservative Government) have caused this excess rise in inflation and interests, with excessive expenditure and tax rises, in our desire at all times to punish and control those that voted for us.

    A sound-bit out of control Conservative Government ā€“ it must GO. As the Conservative Party wont step up, we the people despite the risk must get rid of the whole lot of them. Is Labour Government controlled by the Unions whose members are loosing their jobs from Conservative Government punishment such a bad idea?

    1. Ian B
      June 19, 2023

      ā€˜Sir Keir Starmer has said he would scrap the resignation honours list if he became prime minister as he described the tradition as ā€œhard to justifyā€.ā€™
      So is an un-elected upper revising chamber, some call it the House of Lords others know(the majority) it as jobs-for-the-boys that cant find gainful employment, a House of Disreput

      1. Mark B
        June 20, 2023

        So a man who has benefited from such a system (there is a ‘Sir’ in his name) wishes to abolish it.

        Doesn’t have much in the way of self-awareness does he ?

  25. Diane
    June 19, 2023

    Demand that cars must be reduced: So how does that go & everything else for that matter, with the Home Office’s open borders and a report now that the H O is also still accepting 56.000 applications a month from EU / EEA nationals, 2 years after the deadline for settled status applications and an overall applicant figure no longer at the estimated 6m but up to 7.2m ( to March 31 2023 ) with hundreds of thousands of those applications after the deadline being from joining family members ( Full report 19/6 by Facts4eu )

  26. Original Richard
    June 19, 2023

    The plan is not to produce any vehicles at all, not even the expensive, heavy, impractical and dangerous evs. Only to destroy our economy, which includes car manufacturing.

    A far better solution to low CO2 emissions would be to convert existing ices to using green methane. But this legislation is not about reducing CO2 emissions. It is designed to destroy ice manufacturing before a viable low CO2 alternative exists as part of destroying our economy and impoverishing us.

    There is no CAGW and Net Zero is totally pointless for a country contributing just 1% of global CO2 emissions. Our Parliament has fallen for the communist plot to save the planet by destroying our economy, living standards and freedoms with expensive and intermittent energy and the intended rationing of food, energy, heating and travel with smart meters and useless electric devices.

    1. Peter Gardner
      June 20, 2023

      The point about being a Lemming is that you can only stand out from the crowd by being the first one over the cliff. You need to understand this. It’s called leading from the front and the Government is determined that the UK will lead the world.
      When I voted for Boris I thought he was either joking about Net Zero or more hopefully, that he was playing King Canute and after convincing his courtiers that he could not alter the cycles of the universe, he would scrap Net Zero. I was wrong.
      There is always another Lemming, for they are legion.

      1. Mickey Taking
        June 20, 2023

        and there are various types of cliffs to be led towards….

  27. Michael Saxton
    June 19, 2023

    Yet another ridiculous non answer. So Government orders a huge change in manufacturing policy but have no idea how it will be achieved. Without this information how can they measure the viability of the policy they have ordered. Yet again the tax payer is kept in the dark.

  28. Derek
    June 19, 2023

    LOL. I can see you, SJ, accepting this answer as Chairman of the FTSE company you once ran.
    We, from the back streets should worry at the apathy of these Government departments.
    Even more concern is the extra weight of these Electric Vehicles. So much so, there must be a restriction of numbers in Multi-Story Car Parks as they are not designed to carry an unlimited weight load and there would be a serious danger of whole buildings collapsing. Ditto extra damage to our roads. What do H&S have to say about that? And how would these car parks administer the maximum limits?
    Lots of questions, too embarrassing to qualify a straight answer? Or were they never considered before ramming through the Act to shut down much of our car manufacturing in this country by 2030?
    40 years of EU brainwashing have turned our once commendable Civil Service into a gathering of Brussels zombies and this is an example of it. God save us, for this government will not.

    1. formula57
      June 19, 2023

      @: Derek – well said.

    2. Donna
      June 20, 2023

      They aren’t concerned about the weight in multi-storey car parks.

      The plan is to (a) ban people from driving into city/town centres where they are found and (b) force at least 50% of cars off the roads by a combination of pricing people out of owning one and making driving so inconvenient they will give up.

      At best, you will be able to hire a car when one is really needed for a long journey.

  29. glen cullen
    June 19, 2023

    The tories are no longer the party of business and labour are no longer the party of the workers; theyā€™re both the party of climate change with net-zero at its spearhead ā€¦who can the traditional tory & labour voters for ?

  30. glen cullen
    June 19, 2023

    Home Office ā€“ 18 June 2023
    Illegal Immigrants ā€“ 333
    Boats ā€“ 7
    It just isnā€™t stopping – invaded by young men the size of a british army infantry regiment needing @9 hotels everyday

    1. formula57
      June 19, 2023

      @ glen cullen – fear not, Suella is on the case and she is determined to stop the boat invasion, as was her predecessor and as will be her successor, probably.

    2. Mark B
      June 20, 2023

      Good work glen. Keep it up mate.

      Seriously !!

  31. Keith from Leeds
    June 19, 2023

    EVs will prove to be the next disaster for the UK. They are too expensive and too heavy, and battery life will deteriorate so that you will get less mileage, the second-hand value will be awful, & they use too many rare metals & rare earths. Self-charging hybrids & synthetic fuels are the future, powered by petrol & diesel engines. But it seems our MPs would rather destroy our car industry & the 800,000 jobs it supports, indeed any industry in the UK, rather than use their brains. Ten Labour MPs have now come out as supporting the total nonsense of net zero by 2025! No wonder people are fed up with our government & MPs.

    1. Original Richard
      June 20, 2023

      Evs are also dangerous as the batteries do not have to undergo physical abuse to cause an explosive fire. It can just happen through exposure to high humidity and Common Mode Voltage (Noise) and the vapour cloud of a runaway fire can contain hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen cyanide, all very nasty.

      An ev fire in a tunnel or a multi storey car park could cause a lot of deaths. The fact that minor damage to ev batteries leads to scrappage will make insurance very high.

      But then again, Net Zero and electrification is intended to impoverish and largely end personal transport.

  32. MPC
    June 19, 2023

    Far fewer cars than exist now is the aim of Conservative and Labour. Speaking of the latter I saw Starmer interviewed on Sky News this morning (and he was challenged rather well surprisingly) when he promised funding of more on shore wind farms by windfall taxes on oil and gas companies, and that bills would reduce with this clean energy. Having some considerable experience in the energy sector, itā€™s truly depressing to hear someone talk in this way who either doesnā€™t understand what heā€™s talking about, or who thinks this will convince people to vote Labour and heā€™ll deal with the fallout later. The two main parties are firmly set on the destruction of our prosperity by unreliable and astronomically high cost energy. If Starmer has his way there may be no way back to pragmatic policy and reliable and affordable energy.

    1. Original Richard
      June 20, 2023

      MPC :


  33. XY
    June 19, 2023

    Without estimates, how can they plan for the infrastructure needed to support the change to electricity as a fuel?

    1. Original Richard
      June 20, 2023

      XY :

      Because the plan is to reduce private car ownership to almost zero.

  34. Peter from Leeds
    June 19, 2023

    In my whole life I have never before known of such prominent advertising to BUY cars FROM consumers – says it all. Plus rising price of second hand cars is a significant contribution to overall inflation.

    1. Mickey Taking
      June 20, 2023

      about 3 or 4 years ago I mentioned on here how pleased new owners were to buy my 2 cars, thus relying on my wife’s car.
      Given where we live I manage very well on local trains and sometimes buses, and rarely ‘beg’ to borrow the car!

  35. paul cuthbertson
    June 19, 2023

    Electric cars equals CONTROL. Wake up people.

  36. Mickey Taking
    June 19, 2023

    With a H of C vote 354 for the REPORT, that would seem a GE majority of 80 for him is now roughly 80 against?
    The great majority of the Tory MPs sit on hands of course. They don’t have an opinion, quite content to take the trappings and be guided how to vote by their rulers UK and Overseas.

    1. glen cullen
      June 19, 2023

      Charlotte Owen is a 29-year-old former special adviser with 2 years experience, whom Boris has appointed as a Life Peer …..why isn’t any MP trying to block this ?

  37. Peter Gardner
    June 20, 2023

    This is Orwellian. The required information is nothing more than market research with anonymised participants. I’ve done many studies on the effects of government subsidies, incentives and regulations on competitiveness in various sectors of industry without the need to reveal any commercially sensitive information.
    It’s a cover up.
    We used to wonder who watches the watchers in Communist countries but the UK seems to be going in that direction too.The Privileges Committee may have got the right answer but its process and motivations will sink parliament’s reputation even lower than previous examples: the expenses scandals, the self voting excessive pay or pension rises (I forget which), its siege-like refusal to implement Brexit – the Rogue Parliament.

  38. Donna
    June 20, 2023

    The WEF has announced that by 2050 it wants 75% less private car ownership.

    That’s the plan folks …. take away your car. It’s why they’re not building the infrastructure to charge EVs; strengthening the road network or multi-storey car parks. It isn’t incompetence – it’s policy

    “The vast majority of climate and carbon policies appear to be aimed at the west, and this is one of the reasons why we know the claims behind them are fake. China alone accounts for around 32% of all global carbon emissions, with the US accounting for only 14% and the EU accounting for around 8%. Yet, think-tanks like the World Economic Forum and globalist havens like the UN are hyperfocused on the US and Europe while China does as it pleases.

    Why? Perhaps because the Chinese population is already well under control and there is no need to use climate fear as a weapon to subdue them? “

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