Illegal migrants

So we now know the High Court and Lord Chief Justice support the Ā Rwanda Ā policy but two Appeal Court judges do not. Meanwhile the legal bills mount up, the government is unable to stop the boats as promised and more delays loom ahead.

The government should make what changes they need to the Rwanda scheme and introduce a short one clause bill next week and take it through all Commons stages making it the Ā law in line with the original High Court judgement and ending further legal policy debates between judges .The Lords would be ill advised to stop the Prime Ministerā€™s clear intentions in this matter.


  1. Mark B
    June 30, 2023

    Good morning.

    I think it would be better to take a very serious look at those who are taking the government to court and their financiers šŸ˜‰.

    You need to tighten up the law on how various Trusts, charities and NGO’s opperate.

    Just saying.

    1. Michelle
      June 30, 2023

      I second your suggestion.
      Why are we run by NGO’s, charities, various other left wing minority causes groups and why are we constantly being made to dance to the tune of minority groups in general.

      1. Peter
        June 30, 2023

        ā€˜ The government should make what changes they need to the Rwanda scheme and introduce a short one clause bill next weekā€¦ā€™

        Meanwhile, the problem remains and the current government are either incapable of, or unwilling to solve it.

        We look in vain for an individual that will tackle it – a Viktor Orban perhaps, or even a caudillo.

        Maybe in time there will be a violent response as happens on the continent. At least that would put pressure on the powers that be.

      2. David Brown
        June 30, 2023

        Many minority tails are wagging the dog, it has to stop.

      3. paul cuthbertson
        June 30, 2023

        M – Follow the MONEY.

      4. rose
        June 30, 2023

        Because of Blair’s Human Rights Act and H Harman’s Equality Act. The pursuit of “equity” is going to get worse. Mrs May must also take her share of the responsibility for her gender pay gap etc legislation. All these pernicious bits of interference have corrupted not just the public sector but also the private sector and charities.

        1. glen cullen
          June 30, 2023

          The ‘bill of rights’ got nowhere …someone told Rab that we’d already have the ECHRs

          1. rose
            July 1, 2023

            I suspect Raab knew he’d never get leaving the ECHR and substituting it for a better Bill of Rights for the country which invented human rights would never get through Parliament. Best just to ignore it as is our right. He was defenestrated anyway, for being a Brexiteer in a senior position.

            Last night I watched a BBC woman interviewing an American Admiral – at interminable length. The Admiral was an elderly man got up as a woman wearing a man’s uniform. They talked of nothing but equity, not in the Navy which they barely mentioned, but across society. Defence and the purpose of the Navy did not once enter the conversation. Not once did the Admiral mention anything to do with defence, the Navy, intelligence, or foreign policy. Excellence and elitism in the Navy appeared never to have existed. There did not appear to be a country either which had to be defended, let alone interests in the world.

            We, as ever, don’t seem to be far behind.

    2. Lifelogic
      June 30, 2023

      Vested interests and crony industries drive so much in the UK – the legal profession, hotel and other open door migration ā€œindustriesā€™, the climate alarmist and other grant farming industries, rainbow road crossing, the over regulation everything industries, the EV car industries, the road blocking and congesting & traffic lights & remodelled junction industries, the MPs and government lobbying or consultancy/bribing industries, the very restrictive planning control industriesā€¦

      So King Charles (I promise to keep out of politics, I am not stupid – just a pathetic hypocrite) and tax motorist to death Sadiq Kahn start another idiotic climate clock. Charlesā€™s lasts (x months to save the world prediction expired years back). Supported by Graham Stuart Minister of State for ā€œEnergy Security and Net Zeroā€ a contradiction in itself. Three scientific illiterates pushing a totally misguided political religion. They clearly think CO2 is some kind of world thermostat!

      While I support the monarchy they really should keep out of politics. This especially when the King has such dim & deluded views on climate, energy, quack medicine, organics, migration…,and benefits hugely from the foolish wind subsidies through the crown estate, spends million on his personal private jet flights and exhibits huge hypocrisy on this issue .

      Much talk about the monarchy costing just Ā£1.29 PA per person. But the three recent extra royal bank holidays have cost about Ā£300 a head and the IHT exemption for the queen cost about Ā£3 a head in loss of tax revenues.

      1. Bill B.
        June 30, 2023

        Good to see they’ve just approved Ā£14.6 million worth of North Sea oil and gas supply projects. Very sensible.

        Oh wait, it’s Norway.

        1. glen cullen
          June 30, 2023


        2. hefner
          June 30, 2023

          Yes itā€™s Norway, and itā€™s billions.

          1. Bill B.
            July 1, 2023

            Even more sensible, then. Good to know we’ll be able to buy lots of oil and gas from our neighbour when in Britain we’ll be still just talking about oil and gas licenses.

        3. Donna
          July 1, 2023

          On the plus side, Zac Goldsmith has just resigned and flounced off ….. cross at not being allowed to fly all over the place attending Eco Nutter Conferences.

      2. Cuibono
        June 30, 2023

        ā€œFoolish wind subsidiesā€
        Just stop thereā€¦that is the nub of the problem!
        We are suffering to make oodles of money for others.
        Subsidies, bungs and warfare.
        And yesā€¦how very useful for them the charity industry has turned out to be!!

      3. miami.mode
        June 30, 2023

        The only people in favour of migration and net zero are those that can afford them.

        1. glen cullen
          June 30, 2023

          and/or know that someone else will be paying for them

    3. PeteB
      June 30, 2023

      Mark, Sir J,
      Agree the Government is hamstrung by the courts. Surely they should write legislation that is unambiguous and clear though?

      An aside: I can look on Google Earth and spot individual cars in my drive. I am quite sure the security services have access to real time satellite videos that would allow them to spot every single small boat launch from the French beaches. The technology is there to stop the bots – it is the desire which is missing.

      1. Mark B
        June 30, 2023

        We do not need satellites to see the boats. Hitler could see the White Cliffs of Dover with little more than a pair binoculars.

      2. Cuibono
        June 30, 2023

        Good point.
        But letā€™s face it.
        Wooden watch towers would work better than sending welcoming escorts!

        1. Cuibono
          June 30, 2023

          Is it true that the judges derive much of their power from ā€œThe Human Rights Actā€ 1998 ( Blair I suppose?) and that Raab (and others) wanted to replace it with ā€œThe Bill of Rightsā€?

          From The Independent
          ā€œOnce back in the Cabinet, Mr Raab was set to revive it *as part of the Governmentā€™s strategy to deal with the crisis of migrant small boats crossing the English Channel but it was again thrown in thrown into doubt after his resignation.ā€

          * The Bill of Rights
          I suppose all that has been totally abandoned now?

      3. IanT
        June 30, 2023

        Not the Desire – the Courage

      4. Timaction
        June 30, 2023

        Desire missing. Really? I think we’re being hood winked. It’s some secret deal to get our quota of illegals. I believe this Government as I do their manifesto commitments to reduce mass immigration to the 10’s of thousands and not raise taxes………………..etc.
        We need better and the legacies are not fit for purpose. Far too many unqualified, part time useless individuals all out for themselves NOT the Country. e.g. the Lords. Remind me when that’s being reformed and slimmed down? They can’t manage one thing at a time let alone several.

      5. British Patriot
        June 30, 2023

        The Rwanda policy is better than nothing, but it is far from the best policy, given both its outrageous cost and the fact that – despite government denials – it is clear that it can only deal with a very limited number of invaders. So what is the solution? It is this:

        1. The government makes it clear that anyone who applies for asylum after travelling through or past a safe country will automatically be deemed to be bogus (and their application will therefore not even be considered).
        2. As they are bogus, that means it is safe to deport them back to their country of origin (ie. the non-refoulment rule will not apply to them).
        3. Immediate deportation – ie. within 24 hours – back to their home country. Job done!

        The legislation will need a strong ‘notwithstanding’ clause – ie. all other legislation will not apply, including the Human Rights Act, the Modern Slavery Act and the Equalities Act. This means that the courts wil not be able to stop the deportations.

        And that’s it. That’s all the government needs to do. After the first 100 or so have been deported the message will get through and no more will come. And the problem will be over. But will the government do this? Of course not! They are useless, cowardly and far too left-wing to actually take effective action. All they do is pretend to act, to deceive the naive, the ignorant and the blind. The sooner the Conservatives are kicked out the better!

    4. BOF
      June 30, 2023

      Mark B
      Yes, and those trusts and NGO’s have the avowed intention of destroying our culture and democracy and transforming the demographics. Build back better!

      1. Fedupsoutherner
        June 30, 2023

        You only have to look at France and the civil unrest to see the future.

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          July 1, 2023

          And all the weapons being used in France straight from the Ukraine.
          Letā€™s send Zelensky more!

          1. Bill brown
            July 1, 2023

            What a totally unnecessary remark

    5. Wanderer
      June 30, 2023

      +1. Didn’t Hungary start doing that some years ago? They are well ahead of our so-called Conservatives. Incidentally I see 2.67m migrants entered Germany in 2022. No wonder the AfD is doing so well.

    6. Donna
      June 30, 2023

      It would help if the Government stopped funding those trusts, NGOs and Charity-Quangos. They transfer Ā£millions of taxpayers money to pay for them to challenge the Government.

  2. Jude
    June 30, 2023

    John, totally agree…. but what should happen. Will not be what will happen. Sadly our democracy is broken. Westminster has failed in every way but it’s biggest failure is not protecting us, from illegal undocumented migrants. Our women & children will be the sacrificial lambs in this whole sordid debacle!

    1. BOF
      June 30, 2023

      Tragically, they already are. Witness the thousands of young English girls, victims of grooming/rape gangs.

  3. Javelin
    June 30, 2023

    – France rioting out of control
    – Dingys continue apace
    – Farage bank account cancelled
    – Trump warfare
    – Biden crime forgiveness
    – Energy price inflation
    – Girls assaulted in toilet

    All the problems in the west show the current batch of politicians are the problem not the solution. Standby for the great flip.

    1. Lifelogic
      June 30, 2023

      Indeed all those plus shoplifting and other crimes totally out of control.

      Ref. Farage and others. The banks, paypal etc. closing accounts for political reasons needs to be made illegal and damages awarded. What next no electricity or water for people with sensible political views! Also how are all the banks able to collude with the FCA and nearly all charge 40% (one size for all) on personal overdraft rates mine used to be base plus 2.5% then the FCA (Andrew Bailey then in charge) & all the Banks made them 40% in effect banning ODs for sensible borrowers so why? – This is clearly not a fair or competitive market.

      1. Christine
        June 30, 2023

        I’ve had my Spanish bank account suspended twice now in the last three years due to the EU money laundering act because I transferred a few thousand pounds into it from my UK bank account. I had to jump through hoops to prove how I had earned this money. The net tightens on the state’s control over our money and it’s set to get much worse with the introduction of digital currency. We are fast becoming like China and North Korea whereby the state will suspend your accounts if they don’t like your politics. What they have done to Farage is a disgrace whereby a politician can stand up freely in parliament and slander a person and that person has no recourse to defend themselves then an institution uses these lies to inflict maximum disruption to their lives. We are seeing the same thing over and over again where political opposition is being crushed. It happened with the Reclaim Party and soon it will be happening to every one of us who doesn’t toe the line. The plan is to steal all your hard-earned savings and give it to the feckless. Be warned and read the Bank of England’s CDBC document.

        1. rose
          July 1, 2023

          It started with Mme Le Pen years ago. She couldn’t get any of the banks to serve her and ended up having to go to a Russian bank – whereupon her political rivals informed the world she was a Russian agent. Perhaps that is planned for Farage. A pity he never spoke up at the time, she being a near neighbour of his in the EU Parliament. First they came for Mme Le Pen, but I said nothing because…

      2. miami.mode
        June 30, 2023

        LL and MPs recently called in the supermarket people virtually accusing them of running a cartel. Why do they not bring the banks in on a similar basis?

        1. Lifelogic
          July 1, 2023

          Indeed they all seem to have one size 39.9% personal overdraft rates for all.

      3. Cuibono
        June 30, 2023

        Many banks were founded by religious, very family-oriented manufacturers/importers.
        Their religion controlled its members by cancellation.
        And this was in the 18th century!

        1. hefner
          June 30, 2023

          Wasnā€™t it the Lombards in the 13th c and the Bardi, Peruzzi, Medici in Genoa, Venice and Florence in the 14th c?

        2. hefner
          June 30, 2023

          ā€˜The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the Worldā€™, Niall Ferguson, 2008, Penguin (also on DVD).

      4. Peter Parsons
        June 30, 2023

        I thought you were the anti-red tape, regulation poster, yet here you are arguing that private companies be compelled by law to deal with customers they would otherwise choose not to.

        Don’t you believe that private businesses should be free to decide who they have commercial relationships with and who they don’t?

        1. JohnK
          June 30, 2023

          These days banks are akin to utilities. Try living without a bank account. Only people who have committed serious crimes should suffer losing bank accounts.

      5. Lynn Atkinson
        July 1, 2023

        Yes. There is only one Bank left in a town in which I have property. Not mine. My tenants find making payments inconvenient, so I was considering opening an account in the last bank standing, but saw the poster of the horse against a rainbow just in time. Iā€™m not the sort of customer of which they would approve.
        So all discrimination against anybody should be outlawed, not just for political reasons. Isnā€™t that what we agreed to when dark people had the same rights as the natives, when homosexuals were treated as equals? Did these minorities actually always want superiority rather than equality?

    2. Mark B
      June 30, 2023

      Not just NF but others too !

      Apparently this government has accepted into UK Law the EU’s, Politically Exposed Person (PEP) legislation. Why ? Why can someone like NF who as far as I know not committed any crime in the UK subject to such treatment ? There has to be due process as you can effectively render someone Stateless which is contrary to their basic Human Rights.

      1. hefner
        July 1, 2023

        The PEP status was introduced by the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering in 1989, an initiative of the G7 and hosted by the OECD. It is in force or has been used in banks in Australia, Canada, Chile, Egypt, EU, Singapore, South Africa, UK, USA and Hong Kong.

      2. anon
        July 2, 2023

        Why are charities supporting political legal cases against government policy allowed to have bank accounts.
        I suspect we also have 2 tier justice system operating one for the favoured and the unfavoured.

    3. Ed M
      June 30, 2023

      It’s not just the fault of politicians but also those in the churches, education, the arts and media – which is affecting everyone (so now we’re all at fault to a degree too – but the leaders in politics, church, education, the arts and media have to firstly lead / set an example).

      We’re currently experiencing: The Decline and Fall of Western Civilisation (so how do we stop this?).

    4. Timaction
      June 30, 2023

      +1 totally useless. Not doing anything we want.

    5. Fedupsoutherner
      June 30, 2023

      Javelin. I agree. We will all suffer but itā€™s women and girls that will feel it most. Why is it always us that have to bend our culture to suit the incomers? Etc ed The writing is on the wall.

  4. Richard1
    June 30, 2023

    There is far too much politicised judicial activism. Whether Rwanda is a safe country or not is surely not a matter where legal luminaries such as judges have any greater expertise than the rest of us – rather less in fact than people who know Rwanda and have been there. From those people we hear that Rwanda is very safe and stable. So this is a political opinion by 2 judges who presumably donā€™t like the policy so they pronounce it to be ā€˜illegalā€™. Perhaps the judges should say that itā€™s illegal for the govt to look at the horror of the people-smuggling racket and do nothing about it, as the combined left seems to propose.

    As you say letā€™s change the law so the policy is ā€˜legalā€™. (Have these leftist types noticed that EU countries Inc reportedly Germany are now also considering a similar policy? The PM of Sweden eg has reportedly said that anyone entering Sweden illegally should be deported and never eligible for citizenship).

    The govt should stick to its guns. This is a good wedge issue where the majority will be with the govt.

    1. Mark B
      June 30, 2023

      Has anyone else noticed that the UK Gilts are much higher now then they were when, Liz Truss MP was ousted.

      Just saying šŸ˜‰

      If our kind host allows :

      1. rose
        July 1, 2023

        Yes, Simon Clarke pointed it out in the House.

    2. Shirley+M
      June 30, 2023

      The judicial system has been extremely disappointing for years now, starting from Gina Millers ‘illegal prorogation’, to destroyers of statues, to handslaps for rapist immigrants who are not British and ‘don’t understand our laws’, through to judges being political activists.
      Now we have Farage being victimised for his political views and PLEASE do not tell me any different. We all see what is happening. Putin style government. Dispose of your opponents.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        July 1, 2023

        The BNP beat Farage to the discrimination by 20 years. There is no such problem in Russia. Donā€™t mistake the late USSR for Russia.

    3. a-tracy
      June 30, 2023

      These same judges free people early from sentences when they are still violent, dangerous people and allow people to stay here that are scum with criminal convictions and mental problems that lead to death and destruction. They have no repercussions; they must live in gilded areas without fear.

      They worry more about undocumented law breakers than they do about us.

  5. Michelle
    June 30, 2023

    Meanwhile thousands more will arrive.
    Here we sit, completely unable to stop anyone from anywhere pitching up at their choosing.
    I believe some of the alleged asylum seekers themselves were part of the legal process to stop the Rwanda project. Now there’s insult to injury, because unless they suddenly found a couple of thousand a-piece under the mattress at their hotel, then guess which mugs paid for that.
    They know and we know, most will never leave here and everything will be done to ensure they are held up as shining examples of the need for immigration of all kinds.

    All that needed to happen was to remove ourselves from ECHR, the outdated Convention of 1951 and the UN Migration Compact that May took us into despite huge public opposition.
    Instead we’ve had endless money extracted from us on various schemes that don’t work and won’t work, because the establishment here care more about International bodies and care more about the rights of others rather than those they are duty bound, I repeat duty bound, to protect and serve first and foremost.

    1. BOF
      June 30, 2023

      +1 Michelle

    2. Shirley+M
      June 30, 2023

      It’s a standing ‘joke’ in our house, although far from being funny This government cares for the world, but not the UK and its indigenous people. We are just the cash cows for their generosity to everyone else.

    3. beresford
      June 30, 2023

      As I keep saying, it is telling that the Government will not leave the UN Migration Compact (which says that mass migration is both necessary and desirable) despite many other major countries steering clear of it. But it is not just foreign laws, our own Human Rights and Modern Slavery laws are an obstacle. And we have a slate of judges appointed under Blair’s mandate that they declare commitment to ‘diversity and equality’. All of this and the HoL could have been tackled by a ‘conservative’ government with a huge majority….

  6. Mike Wilson
    June 30, 2023

    the government is unable to stop the boats as promised

    You have a navy. You could stop the boats anytime you actually want to.

    The costs mount up. The debt mounts up. And Sunak fiddled while Rome burnt.

    1. Lifelogic
      June 30, 2023


      1. iain gill
        June 30, 2023

        +the vast majority of the country

    2. ChrisS
      June 30, 2023

      Sorry, MIke : that just is not possible. The law of the sea states very clearly that other vessels have to go to the aid of those in trouble. People smugglers are deliberately fitting far too many people in the boats than they are legally designed to take, fitting too small engines and short fuelling them so they run out of petrol on the UK side of the channel.

      Mariners have no choice other than to go to their assistance.

      The biggest problem is of course, the French. They have strict laws on small boats and a long list of equipment that they have to be equipped with and it is illegal to overcrowd them. If I were to sail in French waters in a small, ill-equipped boat, I would be arrested and fined. Yet these grossly inadequate and overcrowded boats are allowed to keep coming !

      We have all seen the videos of Gendarmes watching the boats being launched : It is a deliberate policy of the French authorities to ignoring their own laws in order to get shot of the migrants.

      1. anon
        July 2, 2023

        Things are possible. But there exists no will.

        What you see are the results of the agreement of the respective government. Pushback will work but may result in casualties. The french can then decide to take them back or interdict earlier.

        How much of the blob are controlled foreign assets?

    3. Mickey Taking
      June 30, 2023

      Until we stop them mid-Channel the invasion will not stop. A few weeks of stand-off with the French and the weather has to get worse, the message will get through. Ultimatum time.

      1. glen cullen
        June 30, 2023

        Agree ….if only we had a navy

    4. Timaction
      June 30, 2023

      All soundbite and inaction. Time for serious action and deportations. Stop taxing us the 46% because you lot can’t do your job. In the real world you all deserve the sack and a salary cut based on your performance which is derisory. We all see the left in action, unchallenged every day. Transgender labour activist now on ITV News two days ago, talking about Mums water and living costs. Like they couldn’t find anyone else! Surely a breach of political impartiality or standards. And then there’s Peston!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. Cheshire Girl
      June 30, 2023


      Put a bl***y warship in the Channel, if thats what it takes! Ignore the wails from the Charities, judges etc,

    6. a-tracy
      June 30, 2023

      We pay the British military to protect the people of the UK first.

      Patrols should deter further passage and not allow them into our water.

      The accommodation boats should rest at sea for those that get through and people taken to them to be processed. If they are genuinely fleeing for their lives then they shouldn’t mind, for goodness sake, we expect British workers to work on boats for months on end, we expect British people to live on oil rigs we don’t put our homeless up in hotels. I’ve just had enough of the enhanced treatment.

    7. JoolsB
      June 30, 2023

      +2 Where thereā€™s a will, thereā€™s a way but sadly Sunak and most of the political parties arenā€™t willing. They are fooling no-one.

    8. Lynn Atkinson
      July 1, 2023

      When did you last see the Monarch at Spithead?

  7. Bloke
    June 30, 2023

    Government isn’t governing.

    1. Lifelogic
      June 30, 2023


    2. Cuibono
      June 30, 2023

      Thereā€™s no need for it any more.
      All power has been ceded.

    3. JoolsB
      June 30, 2023


    4. glen cullen
      June 30, 2023

      Once again we have a minister who has resigned from government but has the bottle nor courage to resign as a peer in the lords ā€¦never leaving that cushy number

  8. Lifelogic
    June 30, 2023

    Sunak must be delighted as he is clearly going to do nothing real or substantive on his stop the smallish boat arrivals ā€œpromiseā€ and can now just blame this all on the courts and the Lords. Look like he is failing on his other four ā€œpromisesā€ too. Halving the Inflation (that he caused as Chancellor), reducing government debt, growing the economy (per cap in real terms is what matters) and reducing NHS waiting lists. None going well, so just hot air as usual Mr tax to death, rip off green crap energy Sunak?

    1. beresford
      June 30, 2023

      +1. So many people can’t grasp that mass immigration is the policy of the elite, and is likely subject to clandestine agreements with the EU. The EU want to fine member countries 20000 euros for every allotted migrant that they won’t admit, in Britain we have this dog and pony show instead to con the public that something is always about to be done. After the election there will be no pressure to appease public opinion and the blanket amnesty will be implemented. Eventually the voices of the remaining British will be drowned by those of the newcomers demanding more of their relatives and fellow countrymen.

      1. anon
        July 2, 2023

        I would like to see retrospective punitive penalties and taxation on individuals responsible for any such clandestine agreements.

    2. JoolsB
      June 30, 2023

      + 1

  9. Pud
    June 30, 2023

    It is ludicrous that someone who has chosen to not claim asylum in any of the safe countries they have travelled through on the way to the UK can be treated as a genuine refugee when they arrive here. Our immigration law should state that arriving illegally from a safe country means you are not an asylum seeker. If we need to amend our treaty obligations to accomplish this then we should.
    International agreements on the treatment of refugees are meant to protect genuine refugees, not criminals who fancy living in the UK.

    1. Shirley+M
      June 30, 2023

      + many, Pud.

    2. Lifelogic
      June 30, 2023


    3. formula57
      June 30, 2023

      @ Pud “It is ludicrous that someone who has chosen to not claim asylum in any of the safe countries they have travelled through on the way to the UK can be treated as a genuine refugee when they arrive here.” – Suella would disagree although she might give such someone an all expenses paid holiday in Rwanda before admitting them permanently to the U.K. because she is “absolutely determined” or something, somehow.

    4. Walt
      June 30, 2023


    5. Fedupsoutherner
      June 30, 2023

      And how strange that they are nearly all young fit men.

  10. Mick
    June 30, 2023

    Meanwhile the legal bills mount up, the government is unable to stop the boats as promised and more delays loom ahead.
    And whoā€™s money is it for all these illegals
    OURS the public and not the privilege elites who sit in there ivory towers, I for one is getting pretty pissed off seeing thousands of illegal foreigners coming to our once great country and taking us for idiots and getting treated a lot better off than our own, this needs sorted NOW before some one as the bright idea to organise people together to take this country back to when WE were in charge who WE let in and not the lefty mamby Pamby do gooders

    1. Ian B
      June 30, 2023

      @Mick – “the government is unable to stop the boats” we have empowered our MP’s to act on our behalf and keep the Country safe and secure. They could all solve the situation tomorrow, but they refuse

  11. Hat man
    June 30, 2023

    In 2018 the Confederation of British Industry called on the government to reform the UKā€™s non-EU immigration system ‘so that firms can better access people and skills from around the world’. It wanted the restrictions on a company being a licensed sponsor of a migrant relaxed or removed. It wanted the Tier 2 visa route expanded ‘so that employers can access the range of skills that they need, not only graduates earning Ā£30,000 or more’. I’d say in the 5 years since then the CBI pretty much got what it wanted – legal migration is now running at hundreds of thousands a year. No wonder there’s a housing crisis.

    1. Lifelogic
      June 30, 2023

      Indeed and no wonder pay has hugely fallen in real terms too.

    2. Ian B
      June 30, 2023

      @Hat man The CBI despite its acronym is a foreign Company Lobby Group, foreign companies paying their taxes on UK earnings to governments in foreign domains. The British element left some time back due to its(the CBIā€™s) anti-British stance.

    3. Fedupsoutherner
      June 30, 2023

      And a water crisis in the south east

  12. MPC
    June 30, 2023

    Half the worldā€™s economic migrants want to live in the USA, the other half in England. And they can and do with impunity.

  13. Geoffrey Berg
    June 30, 2023

    We are supposed to live in a democracy with policies made by politicians democratically elected and periodically accountable to the people at forthcoming elections. How is it judges who are not accountable and never were democratically elected are being allowed to have an overriding say in what people claim is a democracy rather than a kritocracy (rule by judges)?

    1. Lifelogic
      June 30, 2023

      The unelected judges are inventing new laws not merely applying them. Thing like the Human Right Act have given them huge scope to do so hugely twisting things like ā€œrights to a family lifeā€.

    2. Walt
      June 30, 2023

      The problem is the ECHR, to which the judges refer and by which we are hobbled. We could release ourselves from it and take control of our borders, but that will require our politicians to take control of our laws. Two of the three aims of Brexit and still neither implemented.

      1. Geoffrey Berg
        June 30, 2023

        The problem is not only the ECHR but also our own British judges as both in the ECHR and our own courts, Judges seem to think that by virtue of their oligarchic appointment (mainly at the behest of other Judges in practice) to judicial office they thereby can override decisions made by democratically elected politicians with their own prejudices. As Bertrand Russell so perceptively wrote (in his brilliant ‘History Of Western Philosophy’) when Kings appointed and dismissed the Judges they gave judgements in accordance with the King’s prejudices but thereafter when the King lost that power (in 1688 I think) they thereafter gave their Judgements in accordance with their own prejudices.

        1. hefner
          July 1, 2023

          What about ā€˜they gave their judgments in accordance with the laws that had been passed by Parliamentā€™?

          1. Geoffrey Berg
            July 1, 2023

            Simply not true. For instance when Parliament passed the law enabling the 2016 Referendum on E.U. membership was it really the intention of Parliament or within the letter of that law that the government could not leave the E.U. without seeking further approval (after the sovereign people had voted for withdrawal) from Parliament? In that case judges decided that their view and not those of the people are sovereign. That judicial view/prejudice is so absurd that it is akin to saying that after a general election the pre-existing Parliament has to meet to decide whether to approve or override (if they don’t like it) the election result. (Thereafter the judges invented a legal requirement founded neither in law nor tradition that Parliament had to sit in September when it had not traditionally sat in September before Tony Blair was Prime Minister, including never in the six years when John Major, a leading proponent of that view was Prime Minister!)

    3. iain gill
      June 30, 2023

      yea but politicians promise stuff at election time that they have no intention of delivering. the Conservative party immigration policy in all recent manifestos being a case study in that.

  14. BOF
    June 30, 2023

    The only way to stop the boats is to turn them around in the English Channel. Let the bleeding hearts shout, there will be chaos for a few days then they WILL stop.

    Of course, it will never happen.

    1. Shirley+M
      June 30, 2023

      True enough, BOF. Will government ever stop lying to us???????

    2. Shirley+M
      June 30, 2023

      If I were the government, I would offer French fishermen some decent cash handouts to stop boats crossing into the English part of the channel. They would not be stopped by French or British laws. They may even set a few dinghies on fire. I am sure our own fishermen would be happy to join in. I know I would (although not a fisherman).

      1. glen cullen
        June 30, 2023

        good idea

    3. Lifelogic
      June 30, 2023

      +1 without any real deterrents the will keep coming in increasing numbers. The same applies to crime in the UK where the police and courts have largely given up trying to deter most crimes – car crime, shop lifting, burglary, muggings, sex crimes, assaultsā€¦

    4. Timaction
      June 30, 2023

      I think we’re fast approaching our yellow vests protests where action is needed or mass withdrawal from the tax system to bankrupt this so called non existent useless pc/woke Government into action, not words.

    5. glen cullen
      June 30, 2023

      International law of the sea states that anyone picked up and recued from the sea should be disembarked at a safe harbour ā€¦.it doesnā€™t mean the UK, we can legally return them back to France ā€¦that safe country from whence they came, and they should be thankful that weā€™ve rescued and returned their people

    6. Mike Wilson
      June 30, 2023

      If they put the Navy to work, they could buy a few decent pleasure boats – the sort of boats that work out of places like Dartmouth and take 50 or more tourists out to sea for a pleasure trip – they are covered in and have seating i.e. they are perfectly safe – they could then intercept the dinghies, transfer the people into a decent, safe, seaworthy vessel and tell them in no uncertain terms they must turn back to the safe country they just came from. If they did this once or twice the boats would stop coming. You could probably even ask for the provided boats back. Even if you didnā€™t get them back, it would be a hell of a lot cheaper than the current lunacy.

      Ā£2,500,000,000,000 in debt and growing at Ā£5,000 per SECOND. Thatā€™s another half million while I have been ham-fistedly typing this in a phone.

  15. George Sheard
    June 30, 2023

    Now is the time to close down the unelected house of lord they are dragging the country down ,
    they get paid hundreds pounds just for turning up more than a person working 5 days a week , we have to follow international law, but the French don’t
    They are pushing migrants boats out
    What are the British police doing in france who supposedly should be patrolling the beaches what’s happening to the hundreds of millions of pounds we are giving to the French? WE ARE A STUPID SOFT TOUCH COUNTRY,

  16. Sea_Warrior
    June 30, 2023

    Yep – emergency legislation is the way to go. But I’ll ask this: what legal obligations are there on the government to provide food, accommodation and pocket-money to ‘asylum-seekers’? Take that support away and they will stop throwing their wealth at the people-traffickers.

  17. George Sheard
    June 30, 2023

    Let the appropriate people pose as migrants wanting to cross the channel as they pay the money to the people smugglers arrested them
    just arrest a couple of people smugglers that would slow things down
    if it was drugs this would be happening
    Migrants are not illegal they are being brought here by the government in border force boats,

  18. Old Albion
    June 30, 2023

    Meanwhile all the ‘refugee’ supporting groups celebrate what they see as a victory. Are they unable to see the difference between ‘refugees’ and illegal immigrants?
    How is anyone who has travelled through several safe countries to get in a dinghy in France a ‘refugee’ ?
    How can any Albanian be a ‘refugee’

  19. formula57
    June 30, 2023

    So this government just cannot cope even when, so we are to believe, it wishes to.

    Let us trust that this latest shambles will not have the horrific consequence of denying Suella a damehood to match Pritti’s.

  20. agricola
    June 30, 2023

    No doubt good advice.I wish to see the problem resolved and quickly. It is strong evidence that parts of the judiciary are of the remain camp and have not gjven up on edging us even closer to a return to EU membership. This anti democratic clique is all pervasive.
    Another arm of this movement are the high street banks who have chosen to run a cancellation war against those they see as politically against close ties with the EU or against anything else seen as detrimental to the banks agenda. Nigell Farage has had all his accounts close with his bank of choice for 40 odd years and up to 7 other banks have refused his business. Please investigate with an opening salvo to the Business Secretary. One the face of it their action, by no means confined to Nigell and his family is the most outrageous anti democratic step undertaken by a none judicial none government entity. Not only should it be subject to vigourous investigation and penalties, but should include all the foreign entities of distasteful behaviour these banks may have dealings with. This is anarchy.

  21. Frances
    June 30, 2023

    Dump the ECHR and derogate from refugee conventions. Just do it,

    1. glen cullen
      June 30, 2023


  22. Lifelogic
    June 30, 2023

    JR why did the government and water regulators (and the privatisation) allow Thames Water to borrow so heavily and distribute the funds causing the current problems issues? Hardly rocket science.

  23. Dave Andrews
    June 30, 2023

    I doubt the Rwandan scheme will scratch the surface of the numbers of dinghy people coming to this country.
    Put them up in some camps on deserted Scottish islands until they decide their home country is safe to go back to after all.
    For the genuine asylum seeker provide safe routes – set up bureaus in France and other countries if necessary where applicants can report. If a charity decides their claim is genuine, they can put up a deposit, guarantee their housing, medical and other civic costs, and they can come to the UK pending their asylum assessment. If the government subsequently determines their claim isn’t genuine, the charity can pay the removal costs or pay bread and board on the Scottish island. No need to load the cost onto the British taxpayer.
    With a safe route in place, anyone coming by an illegal route can be dealt with via the criminal process.

  24. Donna
    June 30, 2023

    In 1972 the Not-a-Conservative-Party created the situation which made the UK subservient to the EEC/EC/EU and the ECHR …. and controlled by Institutions which are divorced from any kind of democratic accountability.

    It then meekly accepted Blair’s Constitutional “Reforms” which created the highly politicised House of Frauds, Supreme Court (which isn’t Supreme); the Human Rights Act and a Political-Activist Judiciary.

    The fiction is maintained that there is separation of powers in the UK with an impartial Judiciary, when it is blindingly obvious that that is no longer the case.

    The Activist Judges in the Appeal Court only did what the Not-a-Conservative-Party has allowed them to do.

    It could be easily solved. Sunak says he will do whatever it takes to stop the boats. So repeal the HRA, leave the ECHR and start the deportations.

    But that’s not going to happen. It’s all just a pantomime so the CONs can pretend they are trying to stop the boats.

  25. Michael Saxton
    June 30, 2023

    I completely agree Sir John, however, will the Prime Minister take this action? Iā€™m not holding my breath.

  26. Ed M
    June 30, 2023

    I agree, we need to cut down drastically on immigration.
    However, at same time, politics isn’t enough. Our country and the West is in moral / spiritual malaise. This is the real problem. We need to return our country, at least, to the values of:

    1) Family values
    2) Men being men and women women
    3) Work ethic
    4) Patriotism

    And we can only do that by getting the following to pick their socks up:

    1) The churches
    2) Educators
    3) Those in the Arts
    4) Those in the Media

    (And not just those in Parliament)

    So how do we achieve all this? Well this question along with how do we attract higher quality Tories into the Tory Party (i.e. Tories with proper business experience and ability) should be the first two questions of The Tory Conference. All other questions / areas of focus are little compared to these real questions.

  27. a-tracy
    June 30, 2023

    Swiss referendum style, perhaps to let the people of the UK decide if we support the judges or not.
    How long does it take to actually process each person if someone concentrates on just that job, 2 weeks, 1 month? Why not send a couple of processors to Rwanda for a two-month work target to check and process the people they are with and oversee the level of care.

  28. Linda Brown
    June 30, 2023

    Good reply and suggestion. Out here in the sticks we plebs are getting very worried about all this illegal stuff and seeing faces around us living in plush hotels while our troops are living on the streets in some cases. When will the political class realise we want our own people looking after first and others if we have the time and money to do something. We cannot go on apologising for the empire which I don’t have a problem with as certain other countries were much worse than we were to the indigenous populations. Get rid of EU laws and start enacting the sovereign state we thought we were getting over 7 years ago. Was it really that long ago? Seems like I dreamt it and I think I did by the way things have gone.

  29. Lynn Atkinson
    June 30, 2023

    Change the destination of the bill to Poland which is begging for migrants. Stop this nonsense of legal challenges to any Parliamentary decision, unless it is on a Constitutional matter.
    We need a Constitutional Court. Charles and his son are overtly political and the late Queen of course, trashed the Constitution. They have no idea that they, as Constitutional Monarchs have ONE JOB! To defend the Constitution.

    Instead they are determined to make political fools of themselves. In which case, I see no reason to maintain the Monarchy – it can go with the Hous of Lords which has already gone. ā€˜baroness Lawrence, in the Lords because he son was murdered, is no substitute for Baroness Mar – the 31st Countess of Mar. Now that is what the Lords are based on and the Monarchy too, and ancient Hereditary British line.

  30. Ian B
    June 30, 2023

    Sir John
    Sorry but off topic, but in today’s Media

    The MOD 59,000 staff tell the Army that they need to be reduced to 72,500 in number.

    The Army a 24/7 World wide operation with no let up, the ever growing Civil Service a WFH operation, looking to a massive State funded pension. As the boss of the Army disagrees with how the inexperienced in battle MOD wants to run UK defence in the field, he is forced out. You disagree with the ā€˜Blobā€™ so you have to go. Please go figureā€¦ Even the Defence Minister such as he is doesnā€™t give two-hoots to the safety and security in the UK, a quiet life and a great pension. Yet watch who the Government call on when there is flooding, and they need a poncy tourist Military parades.

    This is the same MOD that ordered 2 Aircraft Carriers that cannot handle anything other than a single type short range fixed wing aircraft ā€“ the reason given to save money. Yet these Carriers a Ā£6 billion each without aircraft are left in a situation that it takes all their aircraft and a support fleet to just to defend themselves. As such they have no defence capability beyond themselves. It wasn’t money saved it was Ā£12billion wasted on the personal vanity of a few individuals.

    The MOD as with other Civil Service enterprises however just keeps growing costing the taxpayer more for no return. As with all the other situations the UK is faced with today we have a very expensive spend, spend, waste a 70 year high of taxpayer money Conservative Government that is refusing to do what was empowered to do by the electorate, simply ā€˜manageā€™

    1. glen cullen
      June 30, 2023

      Colonel Kelvin Wright a reserve army doctor ‘forced out of Army’ after stating ‘men cannot be women’ says he had to resign following warning from officer that his views could be at odds with MoD transgender policy ā€“ telegraph 29th June

  31. Denis+Cooper
    June 30, 2023

    Off topic, I am concerned about this:

    “Brexiteers uneasy as UK inches toward EU defense projects”

    I would be less concerned if I trusted Rishi Sunak, but somebody who has fed Sinn Fein with the false line that the Windsor Framework gives Northern Ireland a huge competitive advantage clearly cannot be trusted.

    1. James4
      June 30, 2023

      Denis don’t be such an ass – Britain has no choice but to inch towards the EU if we are to survive – there is nothing else there for us and we have to be concerned about war in Europe.

      Also Sunak was correct with his prediction that the Windsor Framework gives NI a huge advantage ‘ all can be seen with the big increase in the amount of trucks passing north and south of the Irish border – that’s the barometer – we don’t need to wait for the end of year figures.

      1. Denis+Cooper
        July 1, 2023


        “Britain has no choice but to inch towards the EU if we are to survive”

        If you believe that then you are the ass.

        “the big increase in the amount of trucks passing north and south of the Irish border”

        Mere diversion of trade does not enhance prosperity, except maybe for some traders.

        Why don’t you ask the government for their assessment of the economic value of the Windsor Framework?

        I did, through a Freedom of information Request, and the official answer was that they had no idea how much that “privileged” access to the EU Single Market might be worth to Northern Ireland – and nor do you, do you.

        1. Bill brown
          July 1, 2023

          Your personal insults are totally unnecessary

          1. Martin in Bristol
            July 2, 2023

            Perhaps, just for once, a response that actually shows that you are right Bill, stating some facts some statistics, and some arguments might be useful.

          2. Denis+Cooper
            July 2, 2023

            My personal insults?

            Who called whom as “ass”?

      2. Lynn Atkinson
        July 1, 2023

        We are done then, because the EU is on life support – just listen a second ā€¦.. ā€˜hear that rattle?ā€™

        1. Bill brown
          July 2, 2023

          Lynn Atkinson

          I would check my sources again if I were you

  32. Original Richard
    June 30, 2023

    The Rwanda plan should be the fall-back plan.

    Firstly any ā€œrescuedā€ boats should be returned to their embarkation point, just as is normal.

    Secondly, no-one should be allowed into the UK without ID, just as is normal.

    And genuine asylum seekers would not be throwing away their ID as they would want to prove that they are fleeing from persecution.

    1. glen cullen
      June 30, 2023

      No ID stright to secure accommodation ….they should be allowed to roam free

  33. glen cullen
    June 30, 2023

    Rwanda is a smoke screen to divert the public away from the real problem ā€“ ā€˜The Frenchā€™ and the fact that weā€™re scared to upset the EU applecart and to scared of any retaliatory action from the French ā€¦.Iā€™ve no doubt that if the shoe was on the other foot the French would be return any illegal from the UK right back to the UK that same day and they wouldnā€™t worry about international waters or treaties

    1. rose
      July 1, 2023

      Of course they would. They took our fishermen prisoner but won’t stop illegal immigrants embarking in illegal vessels, which they have a law against. They allow their fishermen to ram our boats. Their farmers used to burn our lamb while we were in the protection racket. They threatened to cut off our islands’ electricity, thus fulfilling the intimidated Oliver Letwin’s prophecy. They blockaded our lorry drivers, including lorry drivers from all over the Continent. They threatened the PM during the pandemic. And who knows what else that we haven’t been told about?

  34. Ian B
    June 30, 2023

    The whole of the taxpayer funded UK State is involved in the support of foreign criminal gangs. So they will keep coming, as with everything from this Conservative Government there is the promise of ā€˜freeā€™ money with no question asked.

    Foreign Criminality is rewarded in the UK and we are told by the Conservative Government the taxpayer is happy they are asked to keep funding it.

    Get caught by a speed camera or failing to pay parking fees, you are heading to purgatory. The continued double standards that UK MPā€™s give us. MPā€™s cannot be questioned, they condone as such encourage foreign criminality.

    1. glen cullen
      June 30, 2023

      And their ultimate goal is to rob the taxpayer of our benefit funds

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        July 1, 2023

        ā€¦all funds.

  35. Chickpea
    June 30, 2023

    Why donā€™t they just do this?

    It must be stopped, if it isnā€™t it will cost the Conservative Party the next election.
    It must be made a priority and commitment made to stop it once and for all.

  36. a-tracy
    June 30, 2023

    The nightingale hospitals were set up at speed. The largest of which had 4,000 beds in individual little pods that were supposed to stop cross infection. This was good enough for sick British people, why not recreate that.

    Then for goodness sake process these people faster, send them back or put them into work after also finding out what skills they have. Then stop paying for their keep and expect them to pay for themselves are we have to!

  37. Bert+Young
    June 30, 2023

    We cannot continue to allow any sort of illegal immigration to continue a minute longer . Our overcrowded state , the economic condition , the impossible accomodation problem for them all emphasise that we must take the matter into our own hands and ignore all forms of protest . Rwanda and other places are able and willing to absorb illegals and we should not delay our actions to deport them .

  38. Roy Grainger
    June 30, 2023

    Good idea John but you must know there is no way at all Sunak will do that and Iā€™m guessing the majority of Conservative MPs donā€™t want him to either.

  39. Derek
    June 30, 2023

    We should be very worried at recent developments within the UK banks. It appears that all of those new but small political parties who place particular focus and emphasis in solving our illegal immigration crisis are being shut out by the banks in this country. They appear to be acting as in a cartel, therefore very undesirable.
    This is a sinister development and very unbecoming of a supposed democracy that promotes the freedoms of speech, religion and political leanings.

  40. Aden
    June 30, 2023

    Just offer zero support. No hotels. No money nothing. No work permits. No access to the NHS. Zilch. No legal aid.
    No costs to any solicitor or barrister in migration cases if they win. They pay costs when they lose.

    Then set up a website where the left can crowd fund it. I’m sure there are lots of people who will crowd fund it out of their own pockets [1] – surely

    [1] I think people will guess what happens

    1. glen cullen
      June 30, 2023


    2. Derek
      July 1, 2023

      I do wonder how many would not come if our life boats were not there to taxi them into OUR ports.

      1. Lynn Atkinson
        July 1, 2023

        Starve the RNLI

  41. iain gill
    June 30, 2023


    Surely you know none of the senior politicians of any of our main parties really wants to control and reduce immigration? Sure they say they do at election time, sure they come up with headline grabbing approaches, but at heart that is all just for show, the real behind decisions of the entire ruling class of this country, in politics, in the public sector, sitting on the boards of our biggest companies… they all want more immigration and are quite prepared to do whatever is needed to enable that while hoodwinking the voters at election time that they are doing something different.

    I am convinced that a referendum on a net zero immigration policy would get overwhelming support, now as much as in any decade since the war. The problem is not the will of the people, the problem is the ruling class who think they know better… and clearly do not.

    The whole political process needs a reset.


  42. glen cullen
    June 30, 2023

    In the military you have a grade assigned per position from cook to general, so why donā€™t we have the same in the NHS, why are all the functions like separate businesses, ambulance, administration, non-clinical, nurses, junior doctors and consultant doctors, also dentistry, care, pharmacy, inspection, then you have differing trusts in differing regions ā€¦todays presentation by the PM of his new NHS workforce plan is papering over the cracks ā€¦you have a 75 seat majority ā€“ use it
    And to keep the link, illegal immigrants love our free NHS

    1. glen cullen
      June 30, 2023

      Tell me again why a nurse requires an academic degree to take blood pressure

      1. glen cullen
        June 30, 2023

        And for that matter why does a policeman/women require an academic degree to knock down a door and put handcuffs on someone

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          July 1, 2023

          Because otherwise the business of Universities would dry up. They might have to go back to satisfying accede if excellence in the top 2 % of British people. Not many lecturers could take the pace.

      2. a-tracy
        July 1, 2023

        Glen, there are four grades of nurse below the grade 5 – (21 year old graduate nurses that have done a 3 year university degree), these are often the nurses saying theyā€™re going to food banks if theyā€™re solo parents, they used to be called ward orderlys, patient care assistants (PCAs), nursing assistants, and direct care staff but they all come under the banner of ā€˜nurseā€™.

    2. James 4
      June 30, 2023

      MJ yes but it got z lot worse after Bush and Blair invaded those Middle Eastern countries and set the whole place alight in fact upsetting countries right across Nortn Africa and further afield. It all started when Tony and Dubya in Camp David got down on their knees to pray for divine guidance.

    3. iain gill
      June 30, 2023

      I went to a GP with a vulnerable person today. Appointment was made with GP practise. At no point was the fact the person we would see would not be a GP disclosed. When we went into the appointment we were greeted by a man in civilian clothes. At no point was it disclosed that he was not actually a doctor. I looked him up afterwards, he is in fact a “paramedic prescriber”. So not even a “nurse practioner”. A paramedic to all intents and purposes fraudulently acting as a doctor, not disclosed as such to the patient. There is not a single country on the planet that would allow this. This is the ultimate in dumbing down. We have qualified docs who cannot get placements, and yet we have paramedics (presumably cos they are cheaper) doing this. I know we also have nurses doing cardiac surgery, not supporting surgeons, but actually doing the op, when at the same time we have medics who cannot get the training to do such ops. The NHS is completely and utterly out of control.

      Most people would not have looked up the person we saw. Most people would not know he was a paramedic. Most people would assume he is a GP. This is substandard care in extreme.

      Why ? Do we have too many paramedics so they are free to masquerade as docs?

      1. a-tracy
        July 1, 2023

        Iain, this isnā€™t new its been happening since the 2004 GP contract, GPs services replaced with nurse practitioners, midwives doing full ante-natal and post natal care, nurses doing all regular heart check ups, well women clinics with nurses doing all medical procedures in relation to it.

        Sometimes people donā€™t need to see a doctor, however, the downside is the less experienced medics miss signs of serious illness, they can quickly diagnose something and tell you to just rest and drink plenty of water you have gastroenteritis when you have food poisoning etc.

  43. Paul4
    June 30, 2023

    If was a stupid idea in the first place – Rwanda is not like anywhere these migrants wanted to go – besides I hear that Rwznda can accept and cope with only one hundred persons per year whereas we have thousands to send out.

    Government needs a speeding up of the whole process and also a larger selection of places to send failed migrants to to include places nearer to their home countries of origin. If they arrived in the region nearer to their home countries they might then be tempted to return home.

  44. XY
    June 30, 2023

    This judgement is not a surprise.

    I don’t know if you’ve noticed but such matters tend to be kicked upstairs to the Supreme Court these days, almost as if they’re saying “Let’s get a top-level ruling so that no-one re-tries this matter”.

    The invention of a Supreme Court simply created one more level of to-ing and fro-ing in the legal system.

    It is difficult to believe that this matter is so complex that supposedly great legal minds cannot reach consensus or unanimity – this is how they perceive the process to be.

    If you look at the “reasons” given they are so weak that they don’t stand up to scrutiny. The idea of deporting to a safe country is clear and obvious, why does an Appeal Court judge decide that it puts anyone at risk when other judges accepted that it is a safe country?

    So this is not a “judgement” as such, this is “pass the buck upstairs”.

    1. Shirley+M
      July 1, 2023

      Also, a good delaying tactic, which makes much income for the legal professions at the expense of the taxpayer AGAIN!

  45. glen cullen
    June 30, 2023

    Civil war (teen uprising) in France ā€¦.stand-by to repel boats

  46. Barbara+Fairweather
    June 30, 2023

    Why doesnā€™t the government do a fast track course for immigration control officers so that the immigrants can be processed immediately they arrive and dealt with
    Surely not having a passport must be a reason to refuse entry to the uk
    A fast course was set up for PPP assessments for assessing disability payments so I donā€™t know why more immigration officers canā€™t be recruited,ā€¦
    I canā€™t believe the government are just letting this mount up

    1. glen cullen
      June 30, 2023

      Process documented immigrants with visa ā€¦.secure, donā€™t process and return any illegal immigrant without documents DONā€™T EVEN PROCESS THEM

  47. paul cuthbertson
    June 30, 2023

    Triator Theresa May signed up to the UN Migration pact, Rwanda is a smoke screen and the Lords and Globalist Sunak will do nothing. JR you are living in a dream world.

    1. glen cullen
      June 30, 2023

      Excellent summary

    2. Lynn Atkinson
      July 1, 2023

      The UN Migration Pact is not enforceable. We are NOT bound by it.

  48. Lester_Cynic
    June 30, 2023

    Off topic

    Nigel Farage has been effectively cancelled because his bank account has been closed

    We saw similar tactics in Canada when the truckers accounts were closed, this is a worrying development surely?

  49. Mark J
    June 30, 2023

    The illegal migration issue has been a problem for the best part of 24 years.

    Although we’ve always suffered from illegal migration, the problem was intensified when the Red Cross opened the Refugee camp at Sandgate, way back in 1999.

    Since then we’ve had countless numbers smuggle their way into the UK. Originally this was primarily through the back of lorries and luggage compartments of coaches. It has been the last couple of years when the issue has hit a pinnacle, when small boat crossings started.

    We are now in the situation of well over ONE MILLION people now residing in the UK. I would not be surprised in the slightest if the true figure was double, or even treble that.

    How on earth could successive Governments be so utterly incompetent, as to allow the numbers to get anyway near this.

    Pressure groups such as Care for Calais, et al, need legal action taken against them. They are not helping anyone. They are encouraging people to break the law to enter the UK. Plus costing the taxpayer a fortune through encouraging and supporting fraudsters to come here.

    The majority have had enough. I currently question why I should pay taxes, when all I see is everyone else helping themselves to my money. Regardless of entitlement.

    A few short years ago we used to hear ‘no recourse to public funds’. What on earth has happened to that mantra?

    Someone coming to the UK illegally is not my responsibility, nor should I be forced to pay for their upkeep in Hotels and other costs. Especially when I’m having trouble paying for my own upkeep in these economically challenging times – with no Government help.

    1. James 4
      June 30, 2023

      MJ yes but it got z lot worse after Bush and Blair invaded those Middle Eastern countries and set the whole place alight in fact upsetting countries right across Nortn Africa and further afield. It all started when Tony and Dubya in Camp David got down on their knees to pray for divine guidance.

      1. rose
        July 1, 2023

        No, it all started with Clinton, Blair, and Kosovo. Campbell lied to the media and they got away with it, because they were doing it with a Democrat President. Hubris blinded them to what might happen when lying and misadventuring with a Republican. Kosovo isn’t mentioned much these days, though it is now a failed state with NATO troops still in attendance. How many Albanians plaguing us at the moment are in fact Kosovans?

  50. druid144
    June 30, 2023

    Watch the hand not doing the trick. All this focus on a few thousand boat people is diverting attention from the elephant in the room- legal immigration. Over a million last year and rising faster that ever under Conservative governments. All our infrastructure problems – housing, health etc etc- are downstream from this steady increase in population.

  51. Narrow Shoulders
    June 30, 2023

    Might it be more productive to target the law once they have arrived.

    Holding cells, tent cities, the presumption of illegality, no funding, certainly no freedom all while being processed. If they can’t prove who they are immediate incarceration until they can prove who they are.

  52. glen cullen
    June 30, 2023

    UK Reform Party ā€“ Stopping the boats policy
    1.Declare a national security threat
    2.Leave ECHR
    3.Confirm zero illegalā€™s will be settled in UK
    4.Create a new department of immigration
    5.Pickup and tae back to France
    6.Setup offshore processing centres
    Enough said ā€“ Gets my vote

    1. Peter Gardner
      July 1, 2023

      It isn’t necessary to leave the ECHR,. Doing so would cause no end of problems. Art 5 of the ECHR plus other instruments of international and domestic law give the UK all the legal cover it needs to stop the boats.

      1. anon
        July 2, 2023

        Better to leave it , just to be clear and precise as to where the problem lies. Our own traitors parliament and HOL can then do what is required.

  53. rose
    July 1, 2023

    We are back living in a Kritarchy which I thought we got rid of in the 17th century in favour of consitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy.

    1. hefner
      July 1, 2023

      Apart from the fact that law making is the prerogative of Parliament (if the HoC/HoL actually do their job and not accept secondary legislation produced by the Government/EU) and that judges are only there to uphold these laws. Is kritarchy a new word in your vocabulary, directly imported from the Bible via the USA?

  54. James Freeman
    July 1, 2023

    There is a dichotomy here between the views of the liberal establishment concerning Rwanda.

    When Rwanda joined the Commonwealth, the eligibility criteria included the following:

    ā€œan applicant country must demonstrate commitment to: democracy and democratic processes, including free and fair elections and representative legislatures; the rule of law and independence of the judiciary; good governance, including a well-trained public service and transparent public accounts; and protection of human rights, freedom of expression, and equality of opportunity.ā€

    The previous Labour government supported and voted for their admission based on meeting these criteria. I cannot find any MPs or Lords objecting to its membership on these grounds at the time.

    Now the government wants to implement a policy they do not like, Rwanda suddenly becomes a dangerous country for human rights. It is simply blatant political opportunism and the return of colonial attitudes.

    1. rose
      July 1, 2023

      It is nothing to do with the pros and cons of Rwanda. It is because the Lib/Lab Lords and the left wing lawyers don’t want the Conservatives to win the election. If Rwanda were to work there is a chance they might. That has to be stopped.

  55. Peter Gardner
    July 1, 2023

    The solutions are so simple one can only explain the Government’s ineffectualness by concluding it does not really care about the boats but wants to win the election so it thinks the voters will be fooled a by a few headline grabbing initiatives. it is blowing smoke into our eyes.
    In conjunction with clear immigration las the Government needs to mount operations in the Channel similar to those of Australia’s successful operations and as I have described many tiimes.
    We won’t hold our breath because such action would be in the real world, not desk-to-desk, and the Sunak government won’t venture out that far. Besides it woul annoy the French and the EU who don’t want these migrants any more than the UK. Can’t have that.

    1. rose
      July 1, 2023

      I don’t think they would be able to get the woke Navy, Border Force, and RNLI to co-operate. Nor would the HO. They must have considered doing this.

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