The asylum backlog – and the NHS waiting list

The Prime Minister has made clear Ministerial wishes. The asylum backlog of cases must be brought down. The NHS waiting lists must be reduced. Secretaries of State working within the relevant departments have reinforced these message and gone through plans with senior officials.

Large extra sums of money have been allocated to the NHS budgets, and specific additions added to cut waiting lists. There has been a surge in spending on asylum seekers, their lawyers, claim processing and their  care. Ministers have  not cut budgets or refused extra money when needed.

Staff numbers in the NHS have risen substantially in the last three years. There has been a  major recruitment of more people to process asylum claims more recently. So why are the trends still going in the wrong directions? How much of this is down to Ministers, and what should we expect of well paid senior managers in the NHS and the Home Office  now they have a clear Ministerial direction, extra money and extra staff?

Of course asylum claims need to be carefully assessed, to be fair and to avoid more legal challenges. They also need to be conducted with commonsense. Why were so any Albanian claims allowed to build up, and why were so many granted rights to stay when it is a safe country? Other Eruopean countries were firmer and quicker in saying No. Why can’t the staff prioritise the many easier  cases from safe countries and get on with making the decisions? It is not fair on the individual to keep them in a hotel for a couple of years and then to tell them No. They should be told much earlier.  It is also important not to delay unduly difficult cases where the answer is going to be Yes, as they have suffered already and would like to be put out of the uncertainty of waiting to hear how their case has been treated.

Either the management needs help from Ministers with better incentives to clear these backlogs, or it needs changing.



  1. Javelin
    August 26, 2023

    In France 25% are given asylum status in the UK the figure is 81%. This is all theatre. As a million people have been given a visa. The real action is happening in plain sight in Europe.

    Europe is heading toward right of centre right parties. At the moment those parties are playing the game. When a majority of EU Governments are of the same persuasion then I predict laws will change.

    1. Ian+wragg
      August 26, 2023

      Over a million work and study visas issued this last year. 85% of asylum claims approved. Taking control my arm.
      I suppose Fishy will issue an amnesty to clear the asylum backlog and expect us to be grateful.
      The supermarkets and sewage firms are saying the population is around 80 million according to the amount they process. More believable than the ONS.
      Welcome to tory Britain if open borders.

      1. Sharon
        August 26, 2023

        My husband heard someone talking on the radio yesterday, explaining that the Home Office civil servants had decided that if asylum claims weren’t dealt with quickly, it would put people off coming.

        Now that kind of logic equals another I heard once – as to why people weren’t allowed to drive through Birmingham, but only round it. The reason given was that people would get fed up driving the extra miles, and walk.

        With thinking like this, how widespread is it? – we don’t stand a chance in life!

        1. Lynn Atkinson
          August 26, 2023

          Birmingham is the 3rd most dangerous (crime) city in Europe in a report published yesterday – Kiev is 34!

      2. Ian+wragg
        August 26, 2023

        Al.ost a whole week with windmills 2.5gw or less. We’re doomed.

        1. glen cullen
          August 26, 2023

          …and we’re paying a high cost for those foreign owned wind-turbines that don’t produce energy

      3. glen cullen
        August 26, 2023

        We need an immediate embargo on all foreign student visa ….its just a route to immigration, overstaying and illegal working

        1. Narrow Shoulders
          August 27, 2023

          Just change the terms.

          The visa permits the student in the country from September to July each year that their course continues. They can fail one year at most and then must leave with their degree at the end of the period unless they have an immediate graduate level ÂŁ30,000+ job lined up.

          They can apply for jobs from outside the country after they return to their home country.

          Make it easier for British firms to recruit UK workers than those foreign students so they try.

    2. Peter
      August 26, 2023

      The buck stops here.

      The government is clearly failing and will continue to do so until it is eventually turfed out.

      1. Old Albion
        August 26, 2023

        Unfortunately it’s likely to be replaced by Labour which will make the issues worse.

        1. mickc
          August 26, 2023

          Yes it will but we might actually get a conservative party back as an Opposition, and it might actually have proper conservative policies which would win the next election but one.

          1. glen cullen
            August 26, 2023

            …and honour its membership, voters and manifesto

          2. Peter
            August 26, 2023


            Or as I replied, Labour will get elected and then the big schism will appear. Lib Dems will be drafted in to bolster Keith’s Blairite folk.

            Conservatives will possibly go the way of The Whigs. This will then limit a careerist chancer’s options.

            Violence will feature, with so many having little to deter them. Franco pointed out another Spanish civil war would not occur because Spain now had a middle class. The opposite can occur if a middle class, or prosperous working class, is destroyed.

            The police are now incapable of handling mass violence.

            Or perhaps a divided society could just go down without a fight?

  2. Donna
    August 26, 2023

    1. Just accept the “stories” of all the criminal migrants who have either forced, or more likely been given a free ferry ride, into the UK and grant them asylum. Job Done – the asylum backlog will be reduced.

    2. Create a pre-list for getting onto the NHS Waiting List. No-one moves from the pre-list onto the NHS Waiting List until the official list is massively reduced. Job Done.

    Both of these are already happening and in due course, Sunak will claim he has achieved his aims.

    Except in neither case, is it achieving what a majority of the British people want: the criminal migrants prevented from entering this country in the first place and those who are already here removed. And the NHS Waiting List officially reduced.

    Meanwhile, what is he intending to do to try and fool people about the 3 million+ visas issued in ONE YEAR; a 65% increase in visas for jobs and a 34% increase in visas for students in ONE YEAR? How will they be magicked away?

    1. Mike Wilson
      August 26, 2023

      Except in neither case, is it achieving what a majority of the British people want:

      How do you know what the majority of British people want? Do you read the Mail or the Express?

      1. Donna
        August 26, 2023

        I thought lefties believe the results of Polls? Or do they only believe the ones which report what they want to hear?

      2. Barbara
        August 26, 2023

        ‘How do you know what the British people want?’

        The British Attitudes Survey has been reporting for forty years on British social attitudes, and has consistently found that most people surveyed are against mass immigration.

        1. glen cullen
          August 26, 2023

          I’m against mass immigration

          1. Hope
            August 26, 2023

            It was a Tory Brexit promise and manifesto pledge to take back control of our borders and reduce immigration. They had NO intention based on record and fact of illegal and legal migration. The Austrailian point system was a con to make people think it was like Australian when in fact the salary and skill base so low it was utterly pointless.

            JR claims he is keeping to what he promised his constituents. Laudable but he knows full well what he says is utterly impossible to keep his word in his party. The respective manifesto pledges over 14 years shows they have no intention of implementing any of it. So Sunak changes to five pledges no one voted for and he even fails on these!!

            Lies lies lies. Time for this socialist outfit to go. Reform is our only hope.

    2. Original Richard
      August 26, 2023

      Donna :

      There exists a much easier way, as shown by the CAGW and Net Zero story.

      Simply say you own the data and only allow the discussion and the publishing of the data you want. Anything that doesn’t fit the narrative ignore and if necessary, falsify. Or, better still, don’t collect any data at all.

      Make any reports thousands of pages long so nobody reads them and run dozens of models full of errors and assumptions instead of publishing real data.

      Control the media using a quango led by someone who is not elected and no-one knows ensuring that this organisation has been given the power to silence/defund any organisation or media outlet or person that dares to offer a different view. The Online Harms Bill and the quango Ofcom will do this job nicely.

      1. Donna
        August 27, 2023

        Correct Richard. And the EU’s Digital Services Act is intended to silence dissent.

        The European Union’s Digital Services Act (DSA) comes into force today, obliging “very large online platforms” to swiftly take down what unelected European Commission bureaucrats decide to define as mis or disinformation. The intention is to silence opposition by members of the public to unpopular policies favoured by European elites — in this case, mass migration, transgender ideology and Net Zero by branding it “misinformation.”

  3. Mark B
    August 26, 2023

    Good morning.

    The reason why there are so many asylum claims is twofold.

    1) We, or should I say the government, are far too generous to those seeking asylum. FREE everything ! Ad you get to work and go back to your real home (the one you were supposed to be fleeing) whenever you want, no questions asked.

    2) Theresa May MP signing the Global Migration Pact.

    If our kind host allows. It is a UN Site so should be OK.

    Not until we recognise and and deal with the pull factors and those that allow lawyers to profit from the system this will never end.

    We also need to stop ALL legal migration and tighten up the rules for those wishing to come here. For example, no more EU citizens. We are FULL.

    1. Stred
      August 26, 2023

      Exactly. Civil servants are following the rules in the pact, whereby all economic migration shall be treated as though they are refugees from persecution. Theresa May pushed the signing through without debate and the media largely ignored this major change. Home Office staff don’t care what the public want. It’s UN global agendas that they work to and take as long as they like and are paid to approve the costly process.

  4. Everhopeful
    August 26, 2023

    I think we have a “strong working partnership”with Albania. Hmmm!
    Something about them taking back their criminals to put in their own jails.
    And us sending Elizabeth Fry out there to sort out their prison system.
    Probably isn’t working? = backlog?

    1. glen cullen
      August 26, 2023

      We’re paying them to return to Albania …they’ll be back next year

      1. Everhopeful
        August 26, 2023

        Kind of paid annual leave?
        4**** Accommodation thrown in.

  5. Everhopeful
    August 26, 2023

    To sort it out you need to.
    Tear up political correctness
    Untangle red tape
    Get an army of men with clipboards working 9-5 + overtime.
    Get an army of men.
    Get a navy of men.
    Get miles of barbed wire.

    But of course
.NOTHING actually will be done because all the rule books have been torn up.

    1. Cheshire+Girl
      August 26, 2023

      One day last week, 660 came over the Channel. Another day, 750 came.

      At this rate, we shall soon have 1,000 a day – 30 thousand a month.

      When on earth is something going to be done!!! The British public are getting increasingly angry. If there is trouble on the streets, the Government will wring its hands, but its their fault. Governments are elected to make hard decisions, if needs be, so just get on with it!!

      1. Donna
        August 26, 2023

        Sunak’s more concerned with following Schwab’s Orders and appeasing Macron than he is the British people. He has his long-term career to consider.

  6. Lester_Cynic
    August 26, 2023

    Everything that needs to be done but we just know that it won’t be, so many promises broken and yet we’re supposed to believe yet more promises?

    You’re stretching credulity to breaking point and
. Beyond

. Twangggg

    1. Lifelogic
      August 26, 2023

      Indeed but this is not JR. This Sunak’s government stretching credulity way beyond breaking point. Clearly no political will even for his five “promises” and he and Andrew Bailey caused all the inflation, the lack of growth, the vast increase in government debt and waste, gross incompetence over the Covid period, the net harm vaccines and lockdown did huge net harm.

      A large Gas and Electricity supplier advertises that one of their heat pumps can save you typically ÂŁ350 PA on fuel PA. This is rather debatable as electricity is far more expensive (circa 3 times the price of gas) so only a very good system might achieve this in practice. It then goes on to say a government grant of up to ÂŁ5k is available. But a good system for an average house would cost about ÂŁ50,000. Who but a fool would invest ÂŁ50k for a return of 1/3% before depreciation and extra running maintenance cost of say -10% PA.

      Yet our moronic leaders are bribing (with your taxes) and forcing you to do so. PS A couple of extra jumpers, a thermal vest and heating just one room so the cold months will save far more for a ÂŁ10 investment.

      1. Lifelogic
        August 26, 2023

        Taxing people, then using the proceeds (after large admin. costs) to bribe them into making absurd worthless investments into negative heat pumps is economic lunacy. As is taxing people then giving others giving soft “loans” (often grants) for the circa 2/3rd of degrees that are virtually worthless too.

        The Tories tax (highest for 70 years), borrow, inflate and piss down the drain or force/bribe you to piss your money down too. Economic insanity all this tax yet bin collections, pot holes and even public loos are beyond them.

      2. Hope
        August 26, 2023


        It is JR and chums fault. They have the power to oust Sunak.

        He is in a party which has an outstanding serial history over 14 years for deliberately failing its manifesto pledges and Brexit promises. He knows very well what happened to Johnson and Truss. He also knows he has no voice in his own party- even if we agree with his conservative views. If his views have no place in his party or if his party consistently act against his wishes when does he act? How can you promise your constituency anything knowing your party will never allow it?

  7. Everhopeful
    August 26, 2023

    Golly gosh!
    Just been looking at photos of EU border fences!
    1,535 k of external EU borders fenced off. To prevent irregular migration and combat terrorism apparently!!
    HUGE fences
.just HUGE!
    And to think that we have so compromised ourselves 
.or rather the Wealthy Few have
to please the likes of the EU.
    Or perhaps just to please and enrich themselves?
    And so many others go along with/positively encourage all the destruction for similar reasons.

    1. Mickey Taking
      August 26, 2023

      silly me thought the endless barbed wire fences was to keep the people IN !

      1. Everhopeful
        August 26, 2023

        Well there is that I suppose! A good idea really.
        But where could Europeans go?
        EUs could come here ( we’re there room) but we have exactly what they have erected the fences to stop.

    2. Stred
      August 26, 2023

      They forgot to put the fences across the Mediterranean Sea, where most problematic migrants come over, aided by MSF and other government backed do Golders.

      1. Everhopeful
        August 26, 2023

        Bring back Palmerston’s sea forts.
        And use them this time.
        There are still some standing I think?

  8. Bloke
    August 26, 2023

    These matters have had thorough discussions via the media for years, yet virtually nothing effective is done.

  9. BW
    August 26, 2023

    I thought the new bill made it clear that if you arrive here illegally you will not be permitted to claim asylum. Let’s face it they are all illegal economic migrants with no need to leave the French coast. It would be a reasonable request to find out what has been wasted paying unscrupulous lawyers legal aid to defend illegal entrants over the last 5 years, and whether that figure is included in the figures already quoted for the upkeep of 6 million a day or so.
    Everyone thinks ( except many in Parliament) that the draw is luxurious hotels and free everything. It would be a start to stop the media especially the BBC referring to them as asylum seekers. But we can’t even get that right.

    1. Bingle
      August 26, 2023

      By definition, if you come from a safe country, which in these cases France is, then you are not an Asylum Seeker.

      Simple – 5 mins max to reject their claim, discover where they came from originally, and send them back.

      What about the children? do we mean the 10 year old with their mother? or the 25 year old who shaves twice a day?

      Regardless, they can claim asylum in France, or Italy or Greece etc before that. Why do they not

      1. glen cullen
        August 26, 2023

        They came from France

        1. Mickey Taking
          August 26, 2023

          is that a safe country?

  10. Everhopeful
    August 26, 2023

    Re NHS waiting lists.
    What with the latest news, does anyone actually want much to do with the NHS?
    It has become a hostile country within a ( stupidly submissive) country.
    Whatever the truth, the situation does not bode well for any patient.
    What a shame that the NHS was allowed to subsume and destroy ( commie greed) all alternatives.

  11. BOF
    August 26, 2023

    Out here in the real world, those ‘asylum seekers’ are simply not recognised as such. We call them illegal migrants that should be stopped from setting foot in the UK.

    Together with the vast numbers of visas being handed out, the policy will destroy our country as we know it, culturally and economically.

    This of course is the desired outcome of the UN, WEF and EU.

    1. Donna
      August 26, 2023

      Correct. It’s deliberate. In 2012 the EU reported that “UN migration chief Peter Sutherland has said that the EU should do its best to undermine the homogeneity of its Member States by encouraging more migration and greater multiculturalism.”

      Both Blair and Merkel were awarded The Charlemagne Prize for doing just that. I guess Sunak must be terribly disappointed that having granted 3 million visas in one year despite the Manifesto pledge to reduce immigration levels, he will not qualify since we are no longer in the EU.

    2. graham1946
      August 26, 2023

      Our ‘asylum system’ is just a slow de facto amnesty system. Once here, with no documents (and they must be believed even if they tell a pack if lies such as a phobia about sea water). None of it matters anyway, even if refused they stay. And then they complain about their accommodation and of course we just jump to it whilst our own genuine homeless can just go hang, or be put into insanitary, damp buildings if they are lucky.

  12. Nigl
    August 26, 2023

    Home Office deliberately ignoring government instruction knowing it will be gone next year. In any event not for purpose but neither are your frankly pathetic ministers.

    A shameful shambles and as usual we pay.

    1. formula57
      August 26, 2023

      + 1

      We cannot change the management but we can see to a change of ministers – to equally useless Starmer appointees most probably.

      1. Mike Stallard
        August 26, 2023

        Behind Sir Keir stand the mad Greens with their new religion. Next to them stands XR and the glue people along with the vegans, animal rights and then there are all the Unions demanding extra money when they are on fantastic salaries already. On the Labour front bench are a lot of people straight out of the students’ union…

  13. Mick
    August 26, 2023

    The Prime Minister has made clear Ministerial wishes. The asylum backlog of cases must be brought down. The NHS waiting lists must be reduced.
    Is it April 1st already

    1. formula57
      August 26, 2023

      One is reminded of Sir Humphrey’s rejoinder to Jim Hacker’s objections about a sleight of hand manoeuvre that reclassified staff as “technical” to then show a reduction in administrative staff – “You wanted the figures reduced so we reduced the figures. One is not a mind-reader: if you wanted staff reductions you should have said so”.

    2. The Prangwizard
      August 26, 2023

      He and the party – the destroyer of England party – dispise our views, we are considered low life, people with disgraceful national views. Whatever is written by us here is ignored – we are fooled into thinking any are acceptable or of any worth. Some views are of course cancelled.

    3. Mickey Taking
      August 26, 2023

      if Sunak had kept a straight face and announced that on an Edinburgh Fringe stage, it would have brought the house down.

  14. Timaction
    August 26, 2023

    …………………….It is not fair on the individual to keep them in a hotel for a couple of years and then to tell them No. …………………………….
    Not with the highest acceptance rate in Europe of over 80% and in a Hotel ffs! The Government has failed and the system is broken. YOUR Government is taxing me to pay for these illegal immigrants at just under ÂŁ11 million a day (new figures) and rising. Your Government have had enough time and have refused to do what we all know needs to happen. Start turning them back to France, refuse entry and deport them. End of. No more lies, deceit and words messing about. Just action.
    Issuing over 3 million immigration visas of varying descriptions last year alone doesn’t help the 7.4 million on waiting lists in England’s NHS. They all need health services, housing, education, transport and the tax paying 46% and the non tax paying 54% of English people aren’t given priority in their own NHS!!
    The Country is full. Our quality of life is dropping like a stone and the legacies are not prepared to look after the English people. Only foreign or minority people and issues gain attention.
    Example. In a Government sponsored on line traffic survey on Thursday apart from the race bait questions I was asked if my sex was still the same as when I was born. What possible reason does this matter unless its part of the Tory equality laws that ……..makes minorities and minority issues a priority over the English. White English heterosexual people need not apply.
    We need serious REFORM and it isn’t going to happen under the Tory’s.

  15. Mickey Taking
    August 26, 2023

    Other problems not being dealt with:
    The war on workers and their vehicles in cities.
    The Foreign Aid that pays for things in China, India, Pakistan etc. But they have Space programs, nuclear weapons, while the people suffer.
    Far too numerous jobs in Parliament (MPs, Peers).
    Too numerous jobs in Local Authorities.
    Political measures taken by Unions.
    Excessive foreign student numbers in our universities and colleges.
    Sewage treatment.
    Bus transport services.
    Confusing road signage and inadequate repairs to surfaces.

    1. glen cullen
      August 26, 2023

      Yeah but this labour party of government is doing the best they can !

    2. Lester_Cynic
      August 26, 2023


      Our refuse collectors/dustmen were on strike recently, they were offered 9% but they held out for 10%.
      The only people who were affected were obviously the council tax payers, I’m fairly certain that they earn/get much more than the average CT payer

      1. Mickey Taking
        August 26, 2023

        re- Council Tax. I went online to book collection of a Fridge Freezer. Earliest date 11 Oct, cost ÂŁ58.
        What happened to the former service of 2 items per year free? I’ve never used it.
        No wonder we have a Fly-tipping problem.

        1. hefner
          August 26, 2023

          If it is still working (or at least only requires a minor repair) the British Heart Foundation will collect it for free from inside your house. Someone will want to check it is working, it might take a few weeks to be picked up, but you’ll get a big thank you email for your donation.

          1. Mickey Taking
            August 26, 2023

            We used them for various pieces of furniture, but they have to have the fire safety indication where appropriate.
            This item is battered, old design, works after a fashion, garage spare reserve only, but doubt anyone would want it.

    3. glen cullen
      August 26, 2023

      And while we’re giving foreign aid and student visas to Pakistan 
they’re making deals with Putins Russia to buy their oil (probably with our aid money)

  16. Old Albion
    August 26, 2023

    Millions of immigrants both illegal and legal. NHS waiting lists increased. Do you think there could be a link…….

    1. Dave Andrews
      August 26, 2023

      28.7% births to women born outside the UK in 2019. The NHS has about a 10% shortage of midwives. That’s the problem with trying to run an International Health Service.

  17. Mike Wilson
    August 26, 2023

    When someone lands here illegally in a boat – having arrived from a safe country – what happens to them? They are put up in a hotel, given food, shelter, medical treatment and pocket money. Are they free to come and go as they like? If so, how many simply disappear into the ‘off the books’ economy?

    Why do we treat ex soldiers with mental health problems differently from illegal arrivals?

    The whole boat thing is absurd. Presumably the whole of France could come over by boat and simply move in and live here.

    Why doesn’t anyone stop the boats?

    1. Cheshire+Girl
      August 26, 2023

      Because they haven’t got the guts to do what needs to be done, in case they should appear to be ‘unfeeling’ or ‘racist’.
      On Twitter a few days ago, someone suggested an exclusion zone in the Channel, enforced by the Royal Navy. Its about time that something like that was considered, and to hell with the Human Rights crowd!

      1. Lester_Cynic
        August 26, 2023


        Their WEF masters wouldn’t stand for it

    2. Hat man
      August 26, 2023

      Why doesn’t anyone stop the boats, Mike? Because the legal migrants, the hundreds of thousands we’re giving work visas to, won’t condescend to pick fruit, work in food preparation and packing, or wash our cars. Nor will British people. So apparently we ‘need’ the illegals. The Conservative government is propping up the low-wage economy, never mind any pledges Sunak might make.

    3. Mickey Taking
      August 26, 2023

      But Sunak says he will, and he is!

      1. glen cullen
        August 26, 2023

        Who’s Sunak

    4. Old Albion
      August 26, 2023

      The French won’t stop them!! It’s in their interest to facilitate the small boats. And be paid by the UK to pretend their trying.

      1. glen cullen
        August 26, 2023

        Why would the French stop them ….

  18. Mike Wilson
    August 26, 2023

    Mr. Redwood – if you did stop the boats – you might just win the next election. It’s a simple message: ‘If people think it is wrong of us to protect our borders, they can choose to send money to any number of refugees around the world. But we can’t afford this any longer. The UK is full up. We don’t have the money or housing to take in millions of people. So, we have stopped it. If you don’t like it, vote Labour, Lib Dem or Green – they will let them in by the million.’

    Too might just salvage the situation. Heaven knows your Lou are bad, but the rest of them would be even worse.

    1. Lester_Cynic
      August 26, 2023


      They have no interest in winning the next election, whatever happens their future is assured

      1. Mickey Taking
        August 26, 2023

        but they might never win another one…

  19. Elli+ron
    August 26, 2023

    Sir Redwood,
    You are right but unfortunately your views are ignored by Sunak, who has reconciled himself to the annihilation of the conservative party in the next elections.

    Sunak visited California and is probably preparing for a post election desertion, (a ranch near Hary?).
    He is now busy in planting a minefield for Labour, completely ignoring the damage he is perpetrating on the country.
    Sunak is supporting ULEZ, he is not doing anything to stop the illegal immigration, he is allowing the BoE to damage the economy, his energy “policy” is a disaster for generations.

    1. glen cullen
      August 26, 2023

      Lets be clear – Sunak is promoting ULEZ, higher immigration, higher interest rates, higher taxation and net-zero ….he’s not supporting those policies, he’s initiated and implemented those polices

  20. Bryan Harris
    August 26, 2023

    It seems that no matter how much money our government throws at problems they just don’t go away…. Something is badly broken in the nationalised management lines.

    In an NHS unit I am familiar with, broken beds and chairs sit around awaiting to be fixed, while one room is stacked full of brand new electronic equipment that was pre-ordered months ago. There has been no effort to install the equipment or provide training. It just sits there gathering dust.

    Service level agreements for vital equipment don’t specify immediate action, causing problems all round.

    It seems the malady affecting the NHS chain of command is similar to that in the civil service, and others – Perhaps it’s because many of those in a position to do something useful are either working against the system or unwilling to invest any thought in making sure things get done properly.

    That’s why it is imperative to scrap national wage bargaining and revert to rewarding individuals on actual performance.

  21. Alan Paul Joyce
    August 26, 2023

    Dear Mr. Redwood,

    “Either the management needs help from Ministers with better incentives to clear these backlogs, or it needs changing.”

    What does the blind leading the blind mean? idiom. Used to describe a situation where a person who knows nothing is getting advice and help from another person who knows almost nothing.

    Except that the Government and Ministers know exactly what is happening but lack the political will to do anything about it. They are not conviction politicians; they believe in precious little. They exist merely for the power and prestige that being in government brings. They have abandoned the task as just too difficult.

  22. glen cullen
    August 26, 2023

    All the above –

    Because we don’t have a Tory government and SirJs conservative party no longer exists

  23. Lynn Atkinson
    August 26, 2023

    Our Government and our media physically how far an immigrant can go. Not a native British person in sight! Why would they not come to this island – empty and full of money?

    1. glen cullen
      August 26, 2023

      Visa and rule of law out of the window

  24. halfway
    August 26, 2023

    This is all total bullshit….. get them out of the hotels… get them out working for their keep.
    There is plenty of work in the fields in the fishing industry in forestry and in hotels restaurants the NHS etc .. we must get them out working.. it will be good for the country thd economy and everything else will follow

    1. a-tracy
      August 26, 2023

      I agree halfway, we are letting them stay anyway, we the British public are being conned.

      1. glen cullen
        August 26, 2023


    2. Lester_Cynic
      August 26, 2023

      Better still Halfway, how about not letting them come here in the first place?


      1. a-tracy
        August 26, 2023

        There are too many so called ‘British Citizens’ on the left and even a large % on the right, that we are repeatedly told disagree with you Lester-Cynic and think we should allow them all in, open yet more ‘safe’ routes (lets have more UK processing centres in France, Italy everywhere) to let everyone that applies to come to the UK in no caps on numbers, turn a blind eye to the cost to us whilst not supporting homeless Brits, donate our biggest cities to newcomers, kick out Brits – refuse to house our kids, house the illegals better than our children are accommodated at University or if they have to move to the big City living 6 to a home in converted dining rooms, loft space and basements, sharing tiny kitchens and getting on each others nerves, no en-suites for them. Why are we just putting up with their schools getting more money than our kids schools, pupil premiums because they can’t speak English.

  25. Hat man
    August 26, 2023

    Why are things going in the wrong direction? Why are so many migrants coming in? Because some people want to employ them, I’d say. The system seems to be working just fine for employers in the low-wage service sector. If people already here were better paid, the government would be able to get tougher on illegal migration. Right now, they aren’t allowed to.

  26. agricola
    August 26, 2023

    You ask all these questions but you are nearer the coalface than any of us and should have an idea of what the solutions are.
    I can only surmise. In the case of the NHS at 47%, management/administration is far too high, much could be stripped out between Trusts and the Ministry of Health. The diversity and other make work non posts could be removed, along with management that thought them necessary, from the NHS at Trust level. The pot of money created could be used to employ more medical personnel. I read that India wishes to send us many. Provided they come on limited 5/10 year visas minus parents and grandparents why not. Then we should vastly increase the fee free training of our own and perhaps in ten years we would start to see the benefit. Lastly the NHS needs to be removed from party political ownership and after a long due enquiry be given a 25 year plan that includes how it should be financed and its extent.
    Our approach to immigration is arse about face. Application and assessment should be facilitated outside the UK. The answer to which is in the Foreign Office who have their offices all over the World. Border Force could assist. Illegal arrivals should be treated as criminals and sent back whence they came or be detained in work camps outside the UK. Knowing their destiny would deter their illegal crossings. In the short term, return them clandestinely to France, having removed any legal aid, and our adherence to dictats from the ECHR. The french would go ape shit, but so what, they sent them. End the charitable status of the fifth column aiding and abetting illegals in France.
    Having asked the questions of us, and in receipt of our answers, do you have any master plan to resolve these two pressing problems. If so lets have it, the election awaits.

    1. agricola
      August 26, 2023

      An out of the box solution to illegal immigration. Make it known before they set off that a new solution and regime awaits on arrival our shores.
      Immediate arrest on arrival. Secure despatch to a secure holding center and subsequent controlled day work on our farms and any other infrastructure work that is deemed necessary for a period of 2-5 years. Exactly as we did with none commissioned POWs in WW2.
      Then dependent on vetting, behaviour and work ethic an offer of citizenship at the end of it. That way we deter, get citizens with a better work ethic than many indigenous ones. Failure on the course leads to immediate repatriation. This could be win win all round.
      Dare any MP suggest it.

      1. Hat man
        August 26, 2023

        You’re talking, Agricola, as if the powers-that-be are genuinely interested in smart solutions such as yours to the migration problem. But of course, they aren’t: where would cheap labour be found if there were no more unskilled migrants? How would companies delivering meals function without their cyclists, who have no other skills and can be paid peanuts? BTW, I wonder if those denouncing the Tory government over migration get meals delivered from any of these companies.

  27. Christine
    August 26, 2023

    A five-hour wait at A&E when we went the other night. It would have been quicker to fly to Spain and use our GHIC card.

    Two elderly relatives were left lying on the floor for 12 hours, with broken hips, waiting for an ambulance, last year.

    A 58p test, available in most Western countries, that would have saved the life of my granddaughter but an NHS committee turned down due to the cost.

    Yet the NHS is planning to carry out womb transplants for men who want to have babies.

    Your priorities are so wrong. This Government and your NHS ‘envy of the world’ disgust me and I will never forgive them for what they have put my family through.

    1. Lifelogic
      August 26, 2023


    2. Lifelogic
      August 26, 2023

      What test is that? The NHS is often worse than useless as if it were not there you would make other arrangements. Often people are lied too and not told “you need x treatment/op but the NHS will not do it for years so better go privately” No they lie and pretend & many die or suffer as a result of these lies and delays.

      1. Christine
        August 26, 2023

        It was a genetic test that could have been included in the heel prick test they do on babies, which only costs 58p to do and is done routinely in most Western countries. As it only affects 12 children a year it was not deemed cost effective. We were totally unaware of this condition until it was too late. If parents had the option I’m sure they would pay for this test but they are not given the option and are left in the hands of an NHS committee. The sad thing is the condition could have been easily managed if known about.

    3. Timaction
      August 26, 2023

      +1. Awful.

    4. Iain gill
      August 27, 2023

      NHS is a national disgrace

  28. Bingle
    August 26, 2023

    NHS waiting lists.

    Junior doctors strike? Consultants handle A&E work. Result? A&E throughput brilliant as consultants can sign off their own work, but waiting lists worsen because consultants are in A&E

    Consultants strike? Waiting lists worsen as consultants are on strike, A&E throughput declines because junior doctors need a consultant to sign off their work.

    So, the situation gets worse with no solution in sight.

    1. Lifelogic
      August 26, 2023

      They do need to pay junior doctors rather more or they will leave as so many do. F1s in London on circa £34k & that is with London weighting. Gives than about £24k take home, often they have rent on just a room £12k, student loan interest 10k, commuting costs £2k so zero for council tax, food, heat, light, clothes, holidays
 meanwhile other in banking and law are paid three times this at that age and with far lower student debts and less stress.

      Perhaps Mr Barclay cannot do mental arithmetic, has not got a calculator or is too busy making sure pay off’s for our 90% dire, kicked out or resigned MPs are doubled as they have been. They, unlike most workers, can claim ULEZ and travel, parking to work on expenses too! Most workers cannot even claim it against tax. All in it together as ministers like to lie.

      All about their priorities.

      1. a-tracy
        August 26, 2023

        How are you working out that student loan interest is 10k? I did some further reading and advanced training is funded by the NHS after the initial degree for British citizens.

        How do you think anyone else rents in London, teachers, nurses, cleaners, a doctor is still in training whilst on ÂŁ34k they get weeks of study leave off, tell us at what year in their training do they start earning?

        I know a lot of bankers and lawyers in London and lots of them in their first couple of years training start on comparable wages if not lower when starting out (and they don’t get the, was it 12 or 17 weeks training off work, plus introduction bonus).

        Many of the doctors that leave are foreign born doctor trainees who have paid for their degree and many times more per annum than British doctors pay. We really need to look at who we are choosing to take on medical degrees.

  29. JoolsB
    August 26, 2023

    Why are they even treated as asylum seekers when they are illegal immigrants? They should never be allowed to set foot on our shores in the first place. It is perfectly legal to turn them back in the Channel if your Government wanted to but they don’t and we know full well, no matter what useless Sunak says, they will be allowed to stay, criminals and potential terrorists included. They may as well be given an amnesty because they ain’t going anywhere and they know it. Sunak may as well put big welcome signs up the fat load of good he is doing in sorting the problem out and then he insultingly tries to tell us all with that big smirk on his face that he is sorting the problem. He is making mugs of us all.

    Staff numbers may be going up in the NHS John but how many of those are Managers on double and triple the salaries of those on the front line despite having no medical degrees. My Junior Doctor Son after six years at Cambridge and two years as a Junior Doctor has now quit the profession. If he wants to carry on living in London he cannot afford to do so on his salary. After tax, 9% student debt, cost of stethoscopes, phone and equipment etc., membership fees to enable him to practise and course fees, all of which they have to pay for themselves and ÂŁ1,000 a month rent, he couldn’t afford to carry on despite enjoying medicine. (Of course all these things would just be put on the expenses of our self serving mostly waste of time MPs including top of the range iPads, iPhones, iPods and even parking tickets it seems not to mention rail travel and accommodation and utility bills – one rule for them and all that) Problem for your Government is 3 of his fellow Junior Doctor friends he studied with at Cambridge have also now left the profession and another 3 are off to Australia. If this is replicated across England, no wonder the NHS is in dire straits. Morale is at rock bottom, it couldn’t be lower, and out of his depth Barclays’s response is to play hard ball and treat them like naughty children refusing to even talk to them. Apparently the 12.4% they are asking, the same as Scottish Junior Doctors have been offered and who don’t have eye watering tuition fee debts to pay back, is too much for English Junior Doctors to be given. Yet your party continues to give Scotland 12 billion of English taxes every year via the skewed Barnett Formula which could and should be used in England instead.

    How many more billions are spent on illegals and foreign aid yet your Government treats its own like dirt. Shame on you all.

  30. graham1946
    August 26, 2023

    I love the first line about clear PM ministerial wishes. Says it all. Wishes equals hot air. if only wishes and speeches achieved anything, we’d be the most successful country on the planet instead of fast becoming a third worlder.

  31. Ralph Corderoy
    August 26, 2023

    You are right that some would seem to be simple, quick, refusals but I expect most economic migrants know the claims which slow the decision.

    As a thought experiment, consider asylum seekers arriving in such a steady stream of high numbers that there insufficient case workers, lawyers, etc., in the country to keep up. Even with secondment from other work. Processing must on average become faster than the arrival rate.

    ‘Of course asylum claims need to be carefully assessed, to be fair and to avoid more legal challenges.’

    The average faster processing would be as fair as it could be, given the shortened time. A bias to refuse would be needed given the high number of seekers. The legal challenges would be prevented by a sovereign parliament.

    Today, there are some refusals wrongly made. A faster evaluation may make more but it would also benefit more by granting them asylum sooner allowing them to rebuild their life.

    How about a trial where a case worker has to make a theoretical snap decision early on and record it. Then see how well their ‘gut feel’ turned out. Do they accurately predict the result after a relatively short time?

    Is the throughput of case workers measured, along with their mix of approvals and refusals? Are there some who could be asked how they do better than their peers and help with training?

  32. Bert+Young
    August 26, 2023

    The promises and concerns made by Downing Street are full of “hot air ” . Actions speak louder than words as we all know and we are NOT getting it from the Sunak / Hunt mess . I just cannot believe that illegal migration costs what it does and the plight of the everyday family is a second string . When it rains we have the choice – we can stay indoors or put an umbrella up if we step outside ; this simple judgement is missing in our present government . I want the right people in place NOW to mend the wounds .

  33. Keith from Leeds
    August 26, 2023

    We need a PM and ministers who keep sacking people if they don’t do the job. We need a PM and Ministers who have the guts to turn back the boats in the channel and to immediately send back any illegal immigrants who land. We need a PM and Ministers who understand that Net Zero is nonsense, CO2 is a beneficial gas, and only make decisions with ruthless cost analysis. We need a PM and Ministers who actually serve the people of the UK, not treat them with contempt.
    Oh, I am an idiot! I have just realised all I am saying is we need a PM and Ministers who do what they were elected to do!

    1. Mickey Taking
      August 26, 2023

      it might be a long wait, we can hope for that from the next Labour Government, but I’m not holding my breath.

  34. a-tracy
    August 26, 2023

    Even when they’re told no they’re allowed to stay seven years and more (and cause mayhem in the case of the Merseyside maternity hospital bomber who could have wiped out the entrance to the hospital if his device had worked as he’d planned).

    I blame the home office. I blame the minister responsible for making sure the home office are meeting targets but what sanctions does the minister have because it seems if they ever dismiss anyone they end up in a pickle, but surely if senior officers aren’t managing the Minister has the right to give disciplinary hearings and ultimately dismiss if still underperforming. We pay for camps in Jordan, Turkey and elsewhere why aren’t they returned there if they have failed? It makes me wonder if we’re just going through the motions for the public and we’re allowing 75% in anyway.

  35. a-tracy
    August 26, 2023

    Cutting waiting lists can be fudged.
    What numbers are on the waiting lists for what procedures? How many are waiting for procedures that cost less than £100 on day surgery any? Someone could cut that list totally in a week bringing in operatives from Spain who aren’t needed there outside of tourist season to operate on weekends and evenings with their own teams. Wouldn’t it look good to lose 10,000 immediately off the list, only it would be a figures fudge.

    Numbers waiting for ops costing less than ÂŁ500 next.
    The complicated stuff that would actually be life changing that requires week and month long care in hospital would be most difficult. Those requiring more than a month’s care after a procedure how do we clear that backlog?

    We are sick of your parties excuses now, we are sick of the NHS excuses now, we are sick of having our lives played with politically to remove your government, we see you and frankly Barclay needs to get a grip and bring teams in from abroad, open up surgeries at weekends, use all the resources at his finger tips, get rid of useless departments, start to dismiss people that aren’t doing their correct share of procedures they will be there hiding behind excuses.

  36. Lester_Cynic
    August 26, 2023

    What ever happened to my comment about the NHS?

    And what was untrue about it

    1. paul cuthbertson
      August 26, 2023

      LS – It did not fit the globalist agenda/narrative. Truth hurts and we canot let the people know the truth!!!!!!!

  37. Bill B.
    August 26, 2023

    +1 Nigl

  38. SJS
    August 26, 2023

    More money more money. From whom?
    At some stage it tips over so the snake is feeding from itself, and the golden goose has escaped.

  39. paul cuthbertson
    August 26, 2023

    JR – Stop pushing the globalist narrative and tell thre truth. The majority are aware that this invading army of illegals are all part of YOUR governments globalist plan and that the government “in name only” are fully complicit.

  40. Lester_Cynic
    August 26, 2023

    Once again you censor a perfectly accurate post about the NHS, it concerns my personal experience and it concerns my friend who is affected by pericarditis and is in hospital now and may well never come out so I speak from first hand experience of the NHS so you censor facts about the NHS so what was the purpose of calling for comments about the NHS if you have no intention of posting them?

    reply I do not post specific cases that would need the persons consent and a reply from those accused.

    1. Lester_Cynic
      August 26, 2023

      Reply to reply

      No names no pack drill
      Total anonymity at all times

  41. Michael Saxton
    August 26, 2023

    By any metric this is a total failure of leadership. Failure by divers politicians over many years, by civil service leaders and by those involved in planning this entire fiasco, because fiasco is what this is. Our country is being swamped by illegal and legal migrants. We don’t have the facilities or infrastructure or indeed the space, furthermore these migrants impose undesirable cultural and economic changes on our English Christian society. It’s wrong, it’s unacceptable and it’s unaffordable. The time to confront the French has long since passed. We need turns backs and we need to instruct the Border Farce and RNLI to stop acting as the de facto migrant taxi service. We need Marines and our Navy to be given clear unambiguous instructions, ‘no one will be allowed to breach our border illegally.’ We must get a grip immediately.

  42. glen cullen
    August 26, 2023

    Nadine Dorries resigns, not liking the government nor Sunak

  43. Francesca+Skinner
    August 26, 2023

    The Home Office hasn’t been fit for purpose for decades, yet no Government seems capable of reforming it. Regarding immigration this country is a laughing stock, the immigrants coming across the channel have never had it so good, do you really think they are going to want to work when they have lived well on the benefit system for a few years, I also fail to see how we are allowing these immigrants to mix and mingle amongst British Citizens when they are allowed in with no identification of who they are and what criminal activities could be lurking in their past, this is not acceptable and is sheer incompetence.

  44. Iain gill
    August 26, 2023

    I agree with everything Nadine said in her resignation letter.

    1. glen cullen
      August 26, 2023


    2. Iain gill
      August 27, 2023

      Except the net zero nonsense

  45. ukretired123
    August 26, 2023

    Nadine Dorries quits with a blistering resignation letter encapsulating the democratic deficit since Brexit by the conservatives by Rishi Sunak who was not the voter’s choice but has failed all tests to be out PM.
    I can’t wait to read her upcoming book which will pull no punches detailing this watershed monumental failure to deliver why Boris Johnson’s landslide victory has been undermined by so called conservatives themselves.
    Nadine Dorries is a brave conviction driven politician who dares challenge the nonsense that passes for our ineffective government and parliament too and not before time.

    1. glen cullen
      August 26, 2023

      How could a party with an 80 seat majority, fall so far

    2. Donna
      August 27, 2023

      ” You flashed your gleaming smile in your Prada shoes and Savile Row suit from behind a camera, but you just weren’t listening. All they received in return were platitudes and a speech illustrating how wonderful life was in California. London is now losing its appeal as more UK-based companies seek better listing opportunities in the U.S. That, Prime Minister, is entirely down to you. ”

      Ouch. She really hit the nail squarely on the head with that. Style over substance, just like Trudeau ….. and just how Schwab likes them.

  46. Lester_Cynic
    August 26, 2023

    And one of the comments in support of my post has disappeared 
. Twaaang ‘just like that’ as Tommy Cooper once said

    Reply I do not post allegations about named people where the person may dispute the matter

  47. Peter Gardner
    August 27, 2023

    Sir John’s arguments are logical and principled as far as they go but omit the most important factor in the case of the asylum backlog: will. The is simply no will to deal with it.
    On the NHS, until the money follows the decisions of individual patients there will be no significant improvement. Nobody, however good a manager they may be, could make the existing structure work better.

  48. Lester_Cynic
    August 27, 2023

    A dangerous joke

  49. keithjaggerac0b039eef
    September 2, 2023

    I heard that the Civil Service thought that if they didn’t process claims people would stop wanting to come here? Only a Civil Servant could think like this?

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